- J k " ' VOL LVI ALBANY. OREGOX FRIDAY OCTOEliR T. 1910 NO 10 Albany Democrat' Hot Tamalies ar.d OYSTERS THE CREST PUBIC STENOGRAPHER AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phone 379 ALBANY AGENTS FOR GAGE HATS AND MILLINERY W.B, C0RSETS,PERR1NS GLOVES. S.K. GLO VES, SIEGEL SUITS,' KJNG WAISTS, Sorocis Petticoats, Red Cross Shoes Albany's INVESTMENTS. No. 164 New 5-room house, lot West Albany. Price $950.00. C. H. New 6-room house, 2 lots, West Albany, Price $1000.00.. No. 119. Good 8-room house, 2 lots, East Albany. Price $1050.00. No. 136. Two corner lots, East front, new barn. West Albany. Price $750. No. 135. Good 6-room house, lot 66x 110, West Albany. Price $1275.00. No. 1194. Good 8-room house, cor ner lot, east front, West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 130. Fine lot, close in, sewer, water, best location, at a bargain. No. 143. 2 lots good house, East Al bany. Price $1600.00. t ....Own your own house. You cannot afford to pay rent at above prices. Ket located winter will soon be here. FRUIT, DAIRY AND STOCK RANCHES. No. 162. 10 acres 1J4 miles out; ap ples, peaches, grapes, cherries, ber ries, all kinds. 7-room house, barn, chicken house; at snap price. No. 163. 160 acres all in cultivation, fine 9-room house, barn, windmill. $80.00 per acre. No. 161. 3 acres Vi miles out, at a bargain. ! C. 350. 283 acres, 8-room house, 3 ; acres orchard, barn. $25.00 per acre. Stock ranches, 800 to 1200 acres, j houses, barns, and fenced. Prices ' range from $15.00 to $25.00 per acre. Call at my office, for safe, sound, con servative buy. 40 years residence in j Albany, I know all conditions. Best ' automobile service. Bell Phone 240-R. Home Phone 434. V POWELL I 130 Broadalbin Street 4LB4NY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetable?, sugar, nuts. confection ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kind3 of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid, and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street. Albany. . Phones. Min 5 Bell, 3 Home. Si. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, c:menr, rnofing. paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden end field seeds, hsy, train, flour. M. SEND3RS & ( o. Both Fhvnes 435 VVet Flirt St. w. F.YoriEs! Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stables. I'honcs 200-R,' Bell; Home 1233. WOOD TO BURN We have just received a full line of Pyrography Wood Burning SetK, Needles, Stain Stones, etc. Glass, O O -AT- MEISER & Greatest Suit and Cloak House ream "THE SHOW Direction People's Amuseme Program changes Tuesday Prices Adults 10c, Childr Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Legend of Sea Face Cogilastra Two Highland Laddies Ladies THTTRSDAY NIGHT thpr The rin': will be lit to will he made of couples only TUESDAY afternoon, ONLY. Thursday and Saturday evenings Admissiud 10c. i Complete Lines of Crocker', and the best line of Tea and C 205 W. 2nd Street. O Tinsel, Mosaic c 3 MEISER WOMEN WITH TENDER FEET CAN WEAR THE RED CROSS SHOE. It bends with your foot, follows every movement just as a glove moves with your hand. You wouldn't believe' a shoe' could be so comfortable. Come, and try them on ; see how. different they feel from any others. All the new short vamp " models for Fall, in every kind of leather, either , lace or button styles and any width from AA to EE, all priced less than other stores. McCune land OF QUALITY"- , nt Company, Portland, Ore. , Friday and Sunday. en 5c. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. , Skate will be a LADIES SKATE. repr-isent moonlight and a specialty ill bo reserved for LADIES Skates 25c Chins, Glassware, Groceries, offee in Albany, at Stetter's. Lobaughj N. ALBANY. The Oak Grove school opened Mon day with 22 ntlniln nroqpnt Mina MaiiH Collins a teacher of several years ex ! perience has charge of the school. Two new houses are going up on Front street in North Albany. Cal Stewart returned Wodoesday from Kugene where he had been in the interest of the Albany Nursery Comp any. Frank Brown, of Tampico, Wash., was a visitor Thursday. Oscar Williamson, of Wells! is visit ing h:s brother Alfred at thn Metropolis. t if teen pupils of North Benton are ; attending the high school at Albany. j Mrs. John Williamson rbturneJ home ' Thursday from Woodburn. where she had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Ben Stanton. Justice Johnston was called to Cor vallis Tuesday as one of the official board to mane final count on election returns. The insurgents of Oregon are going to knock everv man who has had any thing to do with an assembly, from con gressman down to constable. Fred SimDson. the Dath-finder of Pal estine, has just bought one of the finest driving teams in the country. From the vote cast at the Drimarv Sept. 24, Fairmount precinct seems to be among the insurgents on the repub lican ticket. For governor Bowerman received 5, Dimick 12, Hofer 1: for congressman Hawley 7, Mulkey 15; for supreme court 6 years Burnett 8, Moore JS, tor 4 year term Bean 13, McBride 12, McCamant 8: for repre sentative Bonebrake 12, Lafferty 18; state treasurer Kay 20, Hoyt 2. Brownsville. Times: There may not be any blind pigs in Brownsville, but intoxicating liquors are being bootlegged in defiance of the law, city authorities, morals and de- cency. Atty. Geo. Wright was in the city . . ... j " legal matters, one of which is the Main street improvements. I Rev and Mrs. T. L. Jones will move to North Yamhill next week, where Mr. Jones has been appointed pastor hv the M. R. nnnferenr.fi. Mr. .Tones was pastor at North Yamhill thirty-two I years ago, so it will be something like' going back home. I RiLLW5"! v-et ,liena.i fmnt.J&B Mtv mr- at,r.i,,t .ii-:)n iv,;. mnii f Avorill wn rohnrnino. w,m ' jMln with the mail when ceath suddenly over took him. At a meeting of the Commercial Club Monday night, C. C. Cate, the well known orcnardist, was selected to have charge of the work of gathering a com munity apple and a plate exhibit for the Albany Apple Show iiy November. Bought at a bargain and will sell at a bargain Saturday, 100 Dover egg beaters at 5c each. The Variety Store, 313 W 1st St. Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have Just received a stock of the latest in Andirons. Call and select while the assortment is full. All overcoats just $15 at.W. F. Pfei ffer's. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei ffer's. 4LBANV OPErU HOUSE Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1910 The Magestic Amusement Company Preseuts RANGERS l Romance of the Western Plain?, with 18 People and a Band and Orchestra. Street Parade at Noon. PRICES 26c, 60c, 75c. Would you give 60c or 75c for good U. S. Gold Dolhrs ??? It amounts to practically the same thing when you buy good clean itp-to-datc dependable footwear at a saving of from 25 to 40 per cent. And that's exactly what you can do if you take advantage of Stoltenberg's Closing Out Sale All shoes are selling at wholesale prices and you can buy the newest styles in high class footwear for less moncv than vou would n rv for shoes of the commonest so:"t elsewhere. ; , Stostenburg SSioe Store 5545 WORDS ON A CARD. The prizo for writing the words bald win Pianos Are the Best on a postal card today was awarded to Mrs. Ralph Knott by the Woodworth Drug Co , among two or three hundred contest ants. Mrs. Knott, nee Miss Bessie Bry. ant, wrote the sentence 1109 times eight columns the long way, 138 and more to the column, 5545 words on the card, speaking for Mrs. Knott's bright eyes. Louis Jacks was second with 1080 times, getiing a $100 credit check and Mrs. Haskell of Corvallis third. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Deeds recorded: Martha Smith to J. N. McFadden, et ai, acres L. R. Tucker to Bert Rogers i 10 & wire, lot n s zno. ad Earl L. Fisher to L. R. Tucker, lotH's2ndad Edgar Lowden to E W. Howard & wife, 4 lots N. Brownsville.. 10 10 Notice of H. M. Fellenz and 50 others of apprporicion of S. P. lands with $400 deposit. Taxes are now delinquent with a very small delinquent list. Inventory filel in estate ot C, E. Foxi realty $iauu, personal iiiO 80. Application J. J. Tamman to register title. Christy attorney. Marriage license W. W. Dabsen of Cirinnelle and Lottie E. Hondricson, of ijeoanon. , i . , Linnmart Addition to Albany filed bV """Biv -ti.munieunanarar. ana Mrs. A. C. Schmitt. Just nmitn f w.,-.ht. ad. Consisting of about 180 lots The streets are Klamath. Multnomah. j Modoc, Wasco, Tillamook. Elm, Takena, j Umpqna and Clackamus. 1 The TfXai ganger, -The' company presenting- The Texas "anger wl?,,:n wili.be the attraction at I tne opera Mouse Wednesaay Oct. 5, for 008 S1?1" " hOTO Wtlh the best possible press notices from the different cities her they huve pluy. The prices of admission are 25c, 50c and 75c. For school supplies see. The Variety Store, 313 W 1st St. . THE EMPIRE TONIGHT. "Her Mother's Wedding Gown." n. vitagrapli drama, a Scotch story, full of pathos, and showing the devo uon qi a aog to its master. A won derful picture. "The Step-Daughter." The story of uie usurping 01 uic uaugliter s Home and rights, by a designing woman with her daughter. A lesson that im presses all who sec this beautiful pic lure Dy tne uuDin people. I "On the Etliopian Frontier." Scen ic, showing the iithopiiins having a barbecue, lishing, etc. Very interest ing. "Detective's Dream." A Pathc com-, i edy, full of fun from start to finish. I Illustrated Song "Follow the car I Track," Miss Crosuo. . . I Complete 'change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. huh fv'; A 4 THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING in the eating. And the proof of the goodness of kitchen. Every housewife who trades here soon learns that she can depend on everything we send to her kitchen door. Don't foritet this is first a safe grocery store. WOULD YOU 33 F;-st St. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Good for George Brownell, of Clacka mas. He will not support Bowerman. Rev. F. E. Billmgton, 'of Eugene, passed through the city this noon on his way home from the Sound. The union meetings at Lebanon will close Sunday night. There have been 100 proiessions ot conversion. Ex Mayor Rose, ot Milwaukee, is out here under the Home Rule Association hustling for the saloon against the home. Reports from Cisco. Calif., are that Gus Barker is having the time of his lite. His ion Jesse is In charge of tie construction of a big dam seven miles irom uisco, yuu teei long and 40 high. He is at home at Llngerlonger. W. E. Biker, representing Ellen Beach Yaw, the famous singer, was in the C't- today on his way to Corvallis to arrange for the appearance of Miss Kaw there Oct. 21, selecting Corvallis on account of the O. A. C. Miss Yaw is a wonderful singer and a good many Albany people will no doubt hear her. Dr. Withycombe, of the O. A. C,, puts the value of Oregon crops this year like this in million dollars: dairy 14, wheat 13, hay 10, oaie 6, potatoes 5, fruit 6, poultry 5, wool 1, hops 3, live stock 25, miscellaneous23. Total $115, (100, 00J. The figures are good ones, full of interest, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vehrs, of Leba non, this week returned from a trip to Germany, and declure Oregon is the best country in the world, but it has some needs: Better roads, more im proved methods of farming and fruit raising ana more manufacturing estab lishments. The Squaro Deal Dairy Association has been organized at Shedd with V. W. Robinelt as president, L. N. Allen vice president, G. L. Porter secretary and E. Dow treasurer. It has a mem bership of about 35 and the object is . the pooling the interests of the milk produce: s of that section. The !c?!Jvi . A new steel riS"! with a cooking' plate on top, a m:rtel modern, stove no blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look at it. A Albany Hd Co's. Eat 'em once you will want 'em again, Sealship OysterB at Tomlinson ot nQiman Br All suits just $16 at W. F. Ptoiffer'g FOR SALE. -Jersey cow 5 years old. Goo. E. Tobie, R. D. 4. . Home phone 2335. The Electric. TONIGHT Thursday, Friday and Saturday the people of Albiny will have an oppor tunity of seeing something unique, new and novel in the entertainment line, viz: The Gullivers Midgets, the smallest people: in the world. The little people are Princo Lcuis 29 yrs. of age 36 in. in height and weighing 63 pounds, Major Charles 27 yrs. 37 in. and 45 pounds, Princess Isabella 23 yrs., 86 in. 51 lbs. They present one of the greatest com edy acts in vaudeville, composed of singing, dancing, juggling, hold up and closing with a Rip Rearing Burlosquo Comedy Boxing Match between the two smallest pugilists in the woild. Pictures: 1. The Ordeal A drama. ' 2. Sir Percy Bonehead A rip roaa. lie mcdy.' , 3 Fronteer Sweetheart One of those fa us Western pictures, one of the timt yet. 4. Keuo- A c medy. No one should miss this remarkable fnram Your last and unly chance to see their rimirKable program. Admi 'Sinn l.i and 20 rents. r;pnrnDv VJIWVL,r I IS our groceries is in ' the iPL 1