MISFTS. ilk Petticoats The complainer always hits himself. I TOM OR ROW'S ! DOINGS. at $4.50 A special value in a big lot of now SILK PETTICATS.at this small price. Come in black, navy, brown, gre) and green. Flood's Store I Don't glass. be a grouch. Laok in the It is a fad these days to thank people very mucn; dux you can t always tell. "It is not necessary to wear a coat and plus hat to be a man' Bishop Smith. frock said Agents for & G. Corsets. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING a piece of real estate either as a home or for an investment, one of the very first things to consider is the Title. An Abstract will give yout the necessary informa tion and you may get this before closing the deal and paying for the property. We have had 18 years of successful work on titles. Consultation free. THE LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Both Phones .Main 53 First M. E. Sunday Schoo1. A spec i ai program nas Deen prepared tor to- ; imorrow. Announcements will also be ; , made concerning our Sunday School : The auto may knock the horse out, Rally Day. j but the cow is here to stay. First Society of Christian Scientist. - : First Congregational Churen corner 4th and Ferry Sts. Sunday service 11 a. ; m. Subject of lesson sermon Matter. I Wednesday evening meeting 8 p. m. j A cordial invitation is extended to the ; public. j St. Mary's Rev. Arthur Lane pas l tor, Her. J. A. Van Nevel assistant. . Only one Mass. at 9 o'c ock, will be; An umpire at Portland yesterday was iceieoratea in me tjicnoiic unurcn to- tola tnat ne was as Diina as a bat and morrow. The Rev Father Van Nevel crooned as a snake, will also officiate at Lebanon at 11:25! Atfents for Standard Patterns ! Slvtted P-cord,ally A Medford man is so short he can.t Agents ror aianaara rauerns invited. I reach high enough to comb his hail. . , I Gfae Presbyterian. -The pastor will That's nothing. An Albany man is so ' ' &re,ac2 Bt.il. a-m on the subject "The short he can't walk on a sidewalk with i urn wiu in ni, ivuiauun to tne ue- the nails sticking up. liever in Christ," and at 7:30 p. m. on j the text, "Who then can be Saved."! ... An earnest invitation is given to all ! A Lebanon man in town today sug-non-going children and young people to Bested that there be signs put up for i attend Sunday School at 10 a. m. C. . strangers to get their bearings. AI E society meets at 6:45 p m , bany is changing so fast, he declartd I Christian. -Albyn Esson. Minium-. ,he knew whe.re ha waa- 10:30 a. m. Bible school. This is the; xl , . ' day for the temperance lesson. The 1 "C Lottery Man. adult department of theschool will study ; . this theme in its relation to the coming 1 A ... . . m, ctate election. Voters and interested trAl"lB rRu1 at, the B,J" Thea bystanders are invited to be preset. trB' i ,lki iHda ""ly180'?, Yo.u,ng'a Classes to suit all. 11:20 a. m. morning 1' !?, 5Un' W1" be sermon. Subject: Things which Ac i 8eS,n "Albany next Friday, i company Salvation. 6:30 p. m. Chris-1. The New York press was unaninuus I tian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. evening ser- "Wl"?? c""y one of the ;mon. Subject: The Leader of Men. A "ort deljghtful entertainmants of the ' cordial welcome for all. Beason-. Though termed a comedy, it ev . n . . . , 's more in the nature of a farce, con i First Presbyterian. -Rev. F. h.Ges- fain, n f fk r.T f , Jn hl mlnl8ier-D u.r-n"J? serv,lcS and amuaing incidents characteristic of 1 10.30, theme: The Prophetic Evangel of tarces which prove their worth by their Divine Love. Miss Smith is back and popularity. And the popularity of "The ! will sing a solo. Evening service 7:30, Lottery Man"is unquestioned. "LizziB ; theme: My Gospel, the Larger Christ, who contributes so much to the humor Sabbath School Ui5aTlh, classes for o the P'ay. haa been one of the most jail L. E. society 6:30. A most cor- talked of characters extant among dial invitation and hearty welcome is Broadway attractions. 337 West 1st Ablany, Or' p. m. B. Y f. U. at 6:30 It is pected that State Missionary Rev, cTnWkh i rip ForVuilding, ornamental purposes, "lampVs'at M. Senders & Go's store W. L. COBB, R D 4. Phono, home 235. Parents Should Know. It is the uty of parentsto ascertain f the eye-bight of their children is per fect or defective Immediate, timely atten'.ion may save ........ -.V.T1.1 munti miuai'ir nm untirsnlf JTUUI tllliu mum i.it.j , juiuru regiei.. E. (J. Meade, uptometnst. All suits just $15 at W. F. Pieiffer's , Baptist. Regular services at the , usual hours. Sabbath school at 10:15 m. rreacnmg at 11 a. m and van ex-1 F. C. W. Parker will be with us at the morning service and present the work of the Oregon Baptist State Convention. All not attending elsewhere are cordial-, ly invited to attend these seryices. United Presbyterian. 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning text: "He healeth the broken in heart He telleth the number of the stars." Evening text: "We did not follow cunningly devised fables." Bible School at ll:4i a. "m. C. E at 6:45 p. m The Thursday evening hour for some weeks will be given to the study of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." Everybody welcome to all these service. , FOR SALE,'. and A Child's Toy and A Woman's Utensil Any little girl of school a;e can iron her own apron with a General Electric Hat iron. It is as easy as dressing her doll. There is no need of lifting or carry ing the iron. It necdno changing. It is always' hot and clean, at your elbow. Think of its Convenience in the household, and the relief from havin3 hot fires in the summer. For pressing seams in the sewing loom it is indispensable. The G.E. iron costs but little and may be used in any household wired for electric light. The cost of electricity is a mere trifle. NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION, Have our solicitor come and talk it nvpr with iron tea r b as mmsz ; itnsr r HWE Y0US CLOTHES CLEANi.0 Nl PRESSED The ; Jiitatorium, GILBERT & MINTON 4'.;0 W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 Home pnuiiu iau J. LEROY WOOD, J Mechanical Engineer. 1 Foundations, Roois, Iron and Steel Structures, Tower riant designs and specifications, Tower Transmission, Drawings made and checked. (Jlhce, Albany Iron Works. " TaS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence ill Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. , 1.10 Broadalbin street, Albany. i Bell phone Red 140i- TOM YOUNO, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gelsemte . roof paint. I 122 Ferry Street, ITomc Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 COLLINS & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RAL.STON. Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in sioill and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-rcsi-dents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, ' Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 482. Home 275 DR.V!RGINI V LFWEAUX- Osteopathic Physician 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phonos: Office Home 359, Bell blacK 2751, l'.csidonce 391 Home, black 863 Bell All overcoats just j ffer's. 15 at W". F. Pfei For school supplies see St ire, 313 W. 1st St. The Variety All suits just $15 at 1. F. Pfjiffar's A John Deere back, hearty new sec aouDie driving harnesses. two registered Berkshire sows, one j with ten and other with eleven pigs by : side. One registered Berkshire boar, one year old, imported from California. Eleven gilts six months old, and one fat hog. Fifty head of Cotswold sheep, some registered, several nice yearling and lamb rams in flock, also one 3-year-old ram, registered. Some Angora goats, eight wethers and one registered Angora buck. Also two wagons, one nearly new; one 10 H. P. Russell engine and Bird sell clover huller, nearly new; and a Carlcy Bros, feed roll, nearly new; and household goods consisting of three heaters, two cook stoves, kitchen table, dining table, cupboard, sewing machine and numerous other .articles. Call on A. F. Zimmcrmann, seven t miles north of Albany and two and ' one-half miles northwest of Millers burg, and get some bargains as I am going to leave. Phone Farmers 37. DIAMONDS OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS, BUT THEY ARE REASONABLE. F. M. FRENCH & SON WE RESEi YOUR DIAMOND WH LE YOU WAIT. & Bit is enough THIS BANK IS in its 40th year There is no other place to put your money where it will be so safe and l?rov sn ;-loadily as in Albany sub urban Real Estate. Property in Albany during the next year or so will double, treble and may imadruplc and will continue for the next generation. During the next few years no other investment will come anywhere near earning the bi;j profits that wisely chosen Albany suburban real estate will earn. RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST. You will never be able to buv cheaper than you can buy today. Albany is not going backward, it is going forward at a rate that is simply astonishing. Do you realize what the Oregon Electric will mean toward the progress of Albany? Do you realize that the prices of Albany real estate are ridic ulously low compared to what they will be two years from today? The millionaires of today started their fortunes yesterday by making wise real estate investments. The Astors of Now York, Marshall Fields of Chicago. Crocker of San Francisco, and Mr. l.add of Portland, did not hesitate to invest when property was cheap. Now they are reaping their rewards by receiving rents from of-j lice buildings, stores, hotels and apart-' mcnt houses. These men made them selves. They started with small amounts of money and by using good judgment became rich. m ill jr H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, Clawford Block . DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will & Stark Block - Albany M. B. CRAFT, .242 West Second St., Albany, First-class meats of all kinds from selected slock. HENRY BRODEKS, ' Dealer in- Choice Meats of All Kinds. 2111 West Second Slreet. BRUCE & ANDERSON. Opposite the Postoflicc. Four chairs. Prompt and cilu--ienf care of lite i.tce anil !u.i:. VIERECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street 1 First-Class Work Cuaiamccd. IX BUYING REAL ESTATE Do nni buy in localities where it is al ready developed and improved, for the ' return on your investment will be too small, ;ind the expense of keeping it Albany too great: Buy "outside" property and hold until it becomes "inside." . BUY THE FR1XGE. Bnv where the j people are going, but buy before they Is in $:et there. No other investment is so growth. 1 lil -t4 i nw'." v.-r: f ; :f"t' I '4 .fft2 V safe, so sure, and so certain to enrich its owner. It is the best insurance policy a man can leave his family better than any stock or bond and will yield greater returns than banks or trust companies can afford to pay. It cannot be stolen and costs nothing to maintain. IIAZLEWOOD ADDITION TO A Eli ANY, WHERE VALUES Y1EE RISE the path of Albany's rapid POLLOW THE ARROW Is only 20 minutes' walk from post- 4 office. Sidewalk built to property. Oregon Electric Railway survey 4 through property. Every lot is high and dry, winter and summer. i Magnificent view. J Perfect drainage. Refined neighbors and artistic homes. 3 Accessible to your employment. Good water, large lots, 50x100. J Wide streets. , Twelve-foot alley at rear of every lot. Prices are low now. 1 Terms, $10 down, $10 a month. . No interest, no taxes, no mortgages. . Perfect warranty deed and title de posited with J. W. Cusick & Co., ' Bankers, with the understanding that the bank will deliver the deed when you complete the contract. " ' If you are sick or out of work, I 1 suspend your payments. Albany street railway to be built to , property. j Your lot will make good while you ; are paying your installments. j This property I ain proud to show, ' and 1 cordially invite you to call at niv office and ride in my automobile ' to SEE THE BEST BANK iu which j to put your money where yon can sow a few dollars and reap hundreds. ' Don't wait until prices advance. Call at my office NOW. Toinorrow the lots you want might be sold to someone who bought today. It will be my pleasure to show you the prop erty, whether you buy or not, and you will be under no obligation whatsoever if you do not buy. If you buy, you will thank nic afterwards. I WANT YOU TO SEE HAZELWOOD AT MY EXPENSE Phones: BELL 399 HOME 399 to hazelw;od lb any, Ore. A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited. FIRST NATIONAL BANK A SSE T S O V KR $1,000, 000. 00 SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savirrgs accottt with us and you will be surprised at the ease with which the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,000.00 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. WM. BAIN. President. P. D. GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. COPEUND AND MARSHALL LIMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. ROUGH AND DRESSED Mouse and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Knox Butte, near Santiam River. HOME MADE SAUER KRAUT AT CONRAD MEYERS