mm, in our " Tr2& Many New Styles in Footwear Displayed Splendid Showing THIS MORNING News from Albany's Trams. Six Early Prof. Alderman, of Eugene, the re publican nominee for school superin tendent, passed through the city for Philomath to assist in the installing of the new president of the college there, Prof. Drury, a big event. ' The fall season brings with it many new ideas and changes in footwear fashions. Some of these late thoughts are exhibited in our dis play. Never have we had so many attractive good looking shoes to show you. We giveyou excellent value and su perior quality. And still a bit further, we call your atten tion to the fact that our shoes are manufactured for us di rect. We do not buy open stock but buy of the most re liable manufacturers. This insures regularity in quality, fit and wear. That's worth something. We have all sizes and widths. You are sure of a per fect, comfortable and easy fit. We pay particular attention to shoes for school chil dren. Send them here and we will shoe them to your satis faction. Miss. Gertrude Reeves, daughter of Mayor Reeves, of Lebanon, came down on her way to Salem to resume her work in Willamette Uhiversity, this vear beintr a souhomore. Willamette, now getting a gooa endowment anu fine buildings has shown rapid growth in the past few years. Mrs. Winn and daughter Zula left for Portland on a visit with Mrs, Winn's sister Mrs. Johns, a former Albany lady. Mr. Jett isom leit on a oaiem inp. F. Howard went to Portland. W. Green left for Portland. F. E. Carr. of the American Type Founders's Co. left on a Brownsville trip. He has been hero for a week disposing of the plant of the Albany Citizen. OFF FOR HOLLEY. A live crowd of Albany people left this morning at 8 o'clock on a Know Your Own County trip to Holley, by way of Tangent, Shcdd, Halsey Brownsville and Crawfordsville. There were over one hundred thirty of them, in thirty cars, with pennants in the breeze and faces shining. The cars were filled according to pro gram, substantially, and went down Lyon street and out into the finest farming country in the world in this order: P. A. Young, J. H. Ralston, J. J. Garrett, J. A. Howard, Roy New port, E. D. Cusick. J. M. Hawkins. Roy Worloy Dr. R. B. Wallace, Z. H. Rudd, R. C. Churchill, Chas. Cline, ' Roy Crawford, Tom Watkins, C. H. I Vehrs, D. Bussard, W. G. Ballock, Mr. ALBANY Baltimoie for Bicycles. Fisk tires at Baltimore's. Fishing tackle at Baltimore's. Holt again at the Holt corner, A neat place. Holt's Meat Marxet. Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Fresh halibut only 10 cents at Hot's Again. Raincoats and cravenettcs $15, at W. F. Pfeiffer'B. Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F. M.;Wilson for piano, instructions. Home phone 353 10 to 12, 2 to i o'clock. Jst Btreet over French's. Dr. W. R. Shinn, physician and Bur geon. Calls answered day and night. Office, I' linn Block, Residence 119 E 7th street. Both phones. The new California rooming house at Second and Montgomery streets, is now doff, J. L. Irvine, C. W. Tebault, ready for business. The best rooms in Owen Beam, Porter Slate, Rev, Esson, town, nicely furnished, both single and o. iu. xvuibi.uu. w. w. ruwiuru, v. w. tor nouseKeeping. tzo men in, mi rtuiamgur, is, lui u, iv. o. ' onaw. Mr. Nisley and His Pianos. v W. O. Nisley is in the city with a Btock of pianos, which he will have on display at Stewart & Sox', second floor. He will carry the Nisley, a high grade piano which is being made in his name, a splendid instrument, already in uae ;..;n anlanrliri ant iftf APt.inn. in this city, and the Mehlin, of which there are non and are due a numDer in Amany, upeuniug iui mm .......... instrument. He will be triad to Bee AW bany people interested in a good instrument. After the autos were filled Manager Struble himself, Mr. Crissyof the Port land Club, S. N. Steele, Judge Hewitt, E. M. French, A. T. French and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hopkins were left. Corvallis was telephoned for an auto, but it would not work and these werv. all kept in Aldanv. w. Li. urissy, of the Portland Com mercial Club, publicity man and a good one, was in the crowd, and many ladieB Mrs. A. Wilkinson has bought the Band Box Millinery Store formerly owned by Miss E. B. Rhodes and is prepared to do first class millinery at very low prices. See will have a full new line of fall and winter goods. Give her a trial order Special attention and reduced prices on all order work. Beals:. Weather prediction by Mr. Showers tonight and Thursday. graced the procession. i xne lamea or tne Baptut cnurcn wm At every stopping place arrange- SSV , , . .l . """ ments were made Wshort speeches. , 281,1 from 6 to 7 at their parlora. At Holley was to be the event of the Several of Sherman & Hunters brick day. a great feast and talk galore. i layers of Eugene arrived today to work They will return by way of Sweet on the Schmitt block, in a hurry to get Home, Waterlooo, Sodaville and Leba- under cover. to reach here at 8 . At the rink tonight there will be Atiendance is Good. A Live Comedy. After one has seen "The Lottery Man" it can easily be understood why the stage ib running to comedies. The aiessrs. Shubert proJuced this comedy early last Fall, brought it to New York atter a Drier roao tour and it remained We Try to Please Our Custo iiers. THAT is why we sell strictly high gt de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAR T & LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. Walter Parker Grocer 1:1 I Baker its WKST '1P.8T 8Ttt6;i'ri.LBASY 0KE80X. First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 Why buy of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oat's 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice 1. 00 12 Ids White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans ...!... 1.00 10-16 ozpks Raisinna. . . . .... . '.'i.'. 1.00 The tntnl attendance in the schools of the city last night was 921, of which 247 are in the high school and 694 in the grade schools. Last year at the i end ! Broadway, at the Bijou Theatre for nf the first month the attendence at tne , ,v, P.a.nn Tiu, ,nm high Bchool was 135. This year it is by Rida johnaon young wybe Been ; promises to be double that at the ena ; or tne firat tim6 in tnia cit Friday J of the month. The increase in the jght. grades ia 84 per cent. j ne principal figure in the plav is a I j newspaper renorter, Jack Wright. The ,, , . I plot is entirely original and ib worked 1 At t reamiana. out in a moBt entertaining style. The . New York papers fairly raved over the n n . ' . -, f.i- nf bright situations, The fact that the irnrpripa PmFniTrL? Si hta coraedy Gained in New York for so lrOCerieS Russia, telling how a traitor to his , t, . one of its best recom cause was caugnt in nis own uei, w in mendation8. The cast includes: Wlllmm the-famoua Russian actress, moie. mar R y. . Q . pinrenca Rnhni-t. son. May Donahue, and others. I novelty in a greased pig chase, some thing worth seeing, and more fun than in seven counties. . I. O. O. F. Notice. -A full attend ance is desired this evening, important business will come before the lodge. By oreer of the N. G. A canary bird of Mrs. H. A. Wilkins died yesterday evening at the age of 19 years, just the age of her sister, Miss Grace Swank, who have grown up to gether. Ib there another one as c'd as that in Albany, Seats for Captain Jack Crawford's lecture at the U.-ited Presbyterian church Friday night can be reserved at Woodworth'B Drug Store after 9 o'clock Thursday morning. Season and single tickets can De purcnased mere also. Mnrin tnkinor the nrinciule Dart. The Count ihat Counted, a Btory of mistaken identity with many funny ' bituations. Rival Seienaders, another good laugh. I Seeing Patis, an educational picture showing the beauties of Paris. Parents Should Know. It is the duty of parentsto ascertain if the eye-sight of their children is per fector defective. Immediate, timely attention may save your child much .misery and yourself future regret. ' " B. C, Meade, Optometrist. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Sept. 28, 1910. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Alice Dawson, L. M, frail, K. V, Smith, Dr. W. H. Schrock. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. FOR SALE. Some Collie shepherd pups. See W. N. Price, R. D. 4. Home phone 4082. tE FOR RENT. 46 acres, 1 1-4 miles from Alrany, near H. J. Moores place in Benton Co., four acreB in strawberries, good many other ber ries and small fruits, email, good barn, good water,will rent to respons ible party at $300 rent for year, and take in payment work on place and wood cutting, healthful location, good Bchool near. C.B.Winn, , - Albany, Oregon. 28t WANTED. Apple packers.1 mile east Albany. Uulled apples on place a box. 26c. C. G. Talia. Both 25c phones. All Buits just $16 at W. F. Pfeiffer's For school supplies see The Variety Get our prices before you buy. ,t.. n. nf r - 1 . QUKDUH Vioiununa vc " . SIS W Int St Vibrators. This . vibrator took first Store' SU W" lat bt prize. over all viDrators at tne aeainc ' Fair. Uuaranteep ior one year. W. A. EASTBURN i5Z.storeittiIr- PUBLIC SALE. At the farm of Henry Phillippi, i'i miles north east of Al bany, beginning at 10 a. m., Oct. 4, horses, cattle, farm implements and. machinery, etc. Free lunch at noon. All sums under $20 cash. tl The Grocer. FUR HUB SPRAY MATERIAL $15.00. Bou . ht at a bargain and will sell at a bargain Saturday, 100 Dover egg beaters at 6c each. The Variety Store, 313 W 1st St. r Saturday at the Variety Store 100 Dover egg beaters 6c each. QAla niatmhnhn. fiK thn . , . 10.) Dover egg beaters at 6c each, nygCnO A, tile great Saturday at the Variety Store, Disinfectant Germi cide, Insecticide. Electric Toasters Make Perfect Toast Ralston Electric Supply Co., 30 West Second Street. also Cold Coin and Standard Lice and Flv Killer MURPHY'S 236 East 2nd street. Grandma's. Spertacli Were good enough for vye .olden times. iModern' time sysa'awa.' All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei ffer's. All suits just $lb at w. P. Pfeiffer'B F.Q. Will ior watches CIDER. Will make cider every Thurs day for 3c per galon for making. Cider and barrels for Bale. O. R. Widmer, R. D. 4. Home phone 2801. 12t E. C. MEADE. Optometrist 329 2nd Street. Missouri Feed Store-j Shingles. For Flour and Feed, Corner 2nd and Jackson streets. BISHOP MOORR, Proprietor. Bell phone 264 J. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be irlad to have you examine samples of our work. Ve h.ive moved and arc nflw at 118 West Second street. MtDlN&S'lO.VPT. ICK. Made in Albany my So 1 Edir Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every t uiich branded with my name. Look lir it. Examine these shingles before luying elsewhere. t. a. Thompson. We use no dry kiln. nr A r Those wishing coal will do lAlJ well to see A. W. Dock s eider. 1198 Santiam Road, for prices. Phone BlacK 176 Home. A fine lot at our yard at this city.just burned. Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO Milk Notice. On Sept. 1st Tin Gnldfn Rule Dairy will charge 8 cents per quart, $2 40 per mn(h, 10 cens for extras; p;nts $1.40 per month and 5 cent tor extras aw 26 cents per gallon in can. H. M. Palmer, Prop. W. F. JONES, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stables. Phones--200-R, Bell; Home 1285. T. J. -TITEP, Attorney at Law. Notary Public. I.pcmI business of all k inns in all ll courta promptly attuned to. Bell phcr 166 J. STO If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price $1. For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONE, Salem - Oregon. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Siror.d Stree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. When You Buy Clothes Our Way Forluilling. ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, etc. Sbmp'.fS at M. Senders & Co's store W. L. COBB, R D i. Phone, Home 23.5. HVP YOU CL T;iSS ' C'J AM. j A.N!) PRESSED Tne Pantatorium, tiiLUEKT & VINTON rjl W it St. Ueli Phone i lack 271 Home ulioiie t.;t! I)R.V iJiihh V IV" i: UX Ci'.copatt.ic hician 1-3,r,rr f.iock. Alb r y Phones: Home 3j9, Bell b'crk N751,Re5idvnce394Home.black8C3 Bel! You cut out the elements of doubt. We've a hab it of using the word "satisfaction" as something more than a mere "talking point." It's an existing reality, and it proves out in the clothes. That means a lot of care and knowledge on our part. We handle only clothes on which we know you can not fail to get the greatest measure of ser vice. Don't let the season halfslip by before you get your new suit and overcoat. Be one of the first with the new styles. In buying here and buying early insures you double satisfaction. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Dependable Clothiers.