The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents week; in advance for one year, H.iy. By mail, in advance for one year $3, al end of year Xil.iO. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 ye-s at $2. FOR STATE PRINTER. The man who really deserves to be elected state printer is James E. Godfrey, of Salem, the most com petent man in Oregon for the place, and competency is what counts. Mr. Godfrey, who was at one time an Al bany man, has been in the state print er's office for thirty-two years, fore man for twenty years, regardless of politics. He is a man of integrity. If elected Mr. Godfrey proposes to sub mit a detailed statement of the re ceipts and expenditures of the office, whether on Hat salary or the ice svs tern. The state printing office should not be a political one and voters will do well to remember this on election day. DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN BOOK The Democratic National- Congres sional Committee has issued its Cam paign Hook and is now distributing it. The committee has no funds save as it obtains them through contributions and is selling the book at $1 per cony. or for 50 cents a copy in lots of ten or more. The book is replete with valuable matter aim is said to he the best cam paign book ever issued. Every demo crat should have it and in this year of democratic effort for supremacy snouid gladly contribute to the com mittec by purchasing the book. The committee did valiant service in Maine with notable results, and if democrats everywhere will rise to the occasion by their dollar contributions, the dem ocratic sun will rise triumphantly, not to set lor liny years to come. Send 'your orders or contributions to F. F. Garrett, Treasurer, Democratic Campaign Committee, 821 15th Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. OS. WEST FOR GOVERNOR. The nomination of Oswald Wc for governor, by the democrats of Oregon, is a strong one. Mr. West has made a splendid record. Start nig as a bank messenger he built his way up, through splendid business c;i pacity and integrity. As secretary of mc stale land Hoard he showed marked ability, and did a great work for the state of Oregon, putting the business of the board on a stable footing. As railroad commissioner he has shown that he is eminently on the side of the people, lie. has proven to be a man of striking executive ability, an organ izer, and an indefatigable worker. He is well fitted for the important office of governor. Against him is the assembly candi date, who just .squeezed into the nom ination because of the vole against him being divided. It will make a straight cle with a represen tative of tin 'id-pat element, a pro duct tif the a.scuibly in a stale that provides a dilferent method, on one side, and a product ot the people on the other. It ought to be an easy matter to vole. SENATOR MILLER SHOULD BE ELECTED. The nomination of Hon. M. A. Mil ler, of Lebanon, for the state senator ship from Linn comity, is a just recog nition of an able and conscientious representative of the people. Sending Mr. Miller to Salem is not an experi ment at all. lie has been tried and found faithful to the trusts imposed in him. Several times he has repre sented the people of the county in the state legislature and every time he has made good, with a record for efficiency that is remarkable. Most men in a legislature tor a series of terms are bound to make serious mistakes and be led off after false gods; but Sen ator Miller has universally hewed to the mark and ended each session with a good record. That is the kind of a man Linn county wants at Salem. Senator Miller stands for the best there is in political life, prominent in the promotion of the educational in terests ol the state, earnest in lvs art vocacy of every measure that will ml vancc the interests of Oregon, pro- grcssivc and yet careful, not wreck- less of the money of the people, but against graft, and for those tilings that work for the upbuilding of Ore gon, a man particularly in touch with the interests of the people of Linn counlv. I. inn counlv needs to reelect him for its own good, regardless of politics. TUESDAY. Charged With Wile Ijt&ting. Sta:ov the pkmbcr was arrested yes terday by Conslnblo Ctulin, charged with whipping his wile, nnd taken be fore Justice Swan who Ihicdhitn $10 and cwsitf. Abuiit two weeks ago Staccy was a retted on the chargo of being drunk and disorderly, but the disorderly fiart wus nut satisfactorily proven nnd io was d.sehiirKed by the recorder. Tho poli o olliccrs who made the form er arrest with to ask this question: "would you put it fast a man bein drunk nni disorderly that would beat his wife." M. E. Scith. fUv K H. Junes, of Corva lis. re tinned this tnwi.inir from MeJfird. where h1 hud been lo an end the annual conference o' liii church. Kev. .lone; was ri'app-'iiilo-l presiding el 'or of this district w a. (: wn relumed t O.ivallis. It v h 11. V.v .ih.,tiM. vr. iivimilv imivi- i fom I:-, .,. llllMMIlll t ; I C r en :t of ill, ek wa Linn C' n ' ' n u:r; id to hai ri I u OBSERVED By the Man About Town. One of the old horse street cars down at the corner of fine street and the S P. railroad, where it will serve as a residence for Mr Johnson and family, recently of Lebanon, while they erect a new bungalow on the lot recently bought by Mr. Johnson. Johnson paid $a tor the car, and $10 to have it transported to the place, making a decidedly cheap home, rain proof, with plenty of room tor a temporary home. Cars of prunes already leaving the packer. This is a prune year for cer tain. The crorj was not immense, but it was good, and the price prevailing is gilt-edged. Every car will mean ap proximately X2400 sent here for distri' button. A hundred cars $240,000, and there promises to be nearly that much, The new gravel aod sand plant at the foot of Broadalbin street is nearly ready to start up and this week will see it. uuiiik uuaiuusu in a muuerii wuy, a big scow will be filled with gravel from the river bottom with the dredge. This will be transported to the top of the bunkers by an endless chain, and all run through graders, dropping in a bunker according to size, wagons win Deioaa ed from beneath at a single pull of t lever. This promises to cause ciiiite i transformation here in the sand and gravel business. An immense trunk attracted attention at the depot this noon. -When asked what it was for the drayman said it was noiaing one or tne new uptoaa;e women's hats, an exaggeration of the immensity of the new head gear. A great many car loads of slab wood come lo Albany from the Curtis saw mill up the C. & E , helping to meet the wood question. From the deoot mav be seen a new Iiouho going up on the lots of Mrs. E. E. Davis, a modern residence, making inree houses on the property. Linn is Anti-Assembly. Pome one has claimed the recent vote in this county showed an assembly sen timent, but it did not. The assembly winnings on the state and district tick ets were Hawlcy for congress, tfenson for secretary of state, really because of Benson's popularity, Holf for lubor commisMonor and bean fur joint sena tor, while the anti assembly victories wore Dimmick for governor, K v for treasurer. Bean for supreme iudire. Crawford for attorney general, Dunni way tor state printer, Chinnook for water commissioner, for otlices with a contest, making four assembly and six anti-assembly, u decisive anti assembly victory in tho county, showing a senti ment that way. It would be more emphutic on a straight vote on the sub ject. Tho returns from the Btato confirm the first reports. Huwley, though, leads Mulkey by only about 1700, a verv smiill mari.'in, showing tho splendid fight made by Kulkcy, Boworman is ahead of DimiiiicU a nmt 3,000, but lucks a goad many tl: iu; ind of a majority, showing an anti mbly -entimont in the state. Kay hi i j nomination for treasurer sure, i ; laurifiOrton for commission er by i.b it 1,01)0, In the second dis trict Lai; rty is nominated over Ellis by aboui 2 000. The re urns are very incomplete on the democratic ticket, but West is nominafod. How many of the other olliees will iiu ii.led is to be seen by the acceptance filed after the official vote is announced. According to the Ofticial Count. The primary vote in ihis county was canvasH. d today hyt'Mii.ty Clerk Miller and C. J. Siiudu and L. L. Swan. The republican vote was sub stantially as given, and will not change things any. The democratic vote is as follows: For govornor. Myers 140, West 4:4 Fur secretary of state. Oliver 559. For supreme judae. W. T. Slater, 4 years 533; W. R. King, 6 years. 562. For attorney general. A. E. Ring 91. For state printer. Jas. E. Godfrey 412, J. Scott Taylor 83. For R. R. Com. Hugh McClain 306, 0. P. Strain 180 For circuit judge. John Bain 431, Wm. Gallaway 498. For State Senator.-M. A. Miller 588, tho biggest voto received. For sheriff. Stellmachcr 256, Smith 331. Smith's majority 72. For treasurer. W. A. Kimsey 501. For commissioner. Edawick 602, For congressman. R. G. Smith 101 For representatives. C. L. Shaw 197, A. A. Tussing 209, F. J. Denney 164, being tho nominocs, W. W. Poland 39, others scattering. For recorder. G M. DoVaney 114. Cirant Froinan 9. Fo' county clerk. W. L. Marks re ceived the nomination with 53 votes Li. M. Pay no is next with 37, C. F. B ig uoe 3. li. W. Van Fleot 11 Iho republicans in this county norm nated S. S. Train, J. W. Miller and M J. Simpson, for representatives. O. T. Porter nnd L. L. Swan received both tho republican nnd democratic nomi nations tor justice of the peace in the Albany Districts, nnd John Cntlin for eons t .i l-' on ti'dli tickets, beating bred llock. iii.'t on the d 'inocratic ticket 3 to 2. I. 11. Binlm n received tho iro, votes votes, for joint sun'or, receiving 1" i.a I e m- n 1 tnnee. Wil ho ue Co!. Hofer gives the cauie of his de- that the polls who open nly half 1 nay. As a in .mer ol tact it they Dad : oui opei.ed all day the Col. would ;..vo 1 o.-ii snowed under wor.-e yei. tie . n't v iiv i .i. t n.ii'u i:'! Ti e ass tli.r gre. e.tnUida1. '.v. k.lior. in- WEDNESDAY. AT THE COURTHOUSE. Deeds recorded: W . K Shoemaker to Layton Wis- lom, 10 acres $ 10 .Mortgage for $1000, $200, and $269. In the case Maud Lambert agt. Frank Lambert, Judge Galloway granted a divorce with $400 back alimony for two children and $100 a year tor each In the futurs. Marriage licenses Harry M. Mc Guire, aged 25, street car conductor of Portland, and Lela E. McPherson, 25, of Albany; Virgil A. Downing, Lacomb, 25, ahd Ada Godley. 18, Lebanon; Wm. Porter, 25, and Hazel Dob3on, 16, of Waterloo. Judge Duncan performed the cere mony for the Downing-Godley marriage. Articles of incorporation of the Lin coln Mines Co., filed by W. H. Looney, B. M. Huston and John McChesney. Capita 1 stock $250,000. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The enrollment in the schools of Eu gene is 1,705, including 406 in the high. It cost Jeff Myers $753.03 to run for to 12 by the assembly was the great the nomination for governor, the first anti assembly victory Saturday in Ore man to file his expense account. gon. Insurgency is sweeping oil. The annual county fair began at Rose- burg today, with some races in nroirrecu t, n,t j 1 , , rt and a great display of products. C. Wilder while cranking a machlna at Prosser was killed this week. The car got mad and jumped all over him. The New York republicans organized yes.erday with T. R. Roosevelt as temporary chairman, a great victory over Shirman. All assistant postmasters have been ordered placed under the civil service and there is talk of including second ana third class postmasters The Mate Election, So far as reoorted West now Ipada Myers for the nomination for governor by about 2.000. In the second riistrii-t JohnJ Manning is ahead of Dr. Harry uane ior cungre3sman oy aDuut 70 n. u. amun is tne nominee in the first district without Hawley han beaten Mulkey 2.000. Bean, insurgent, be mant for jbdge by over 9.CO0, Kay 2o00 ahead ;of Hoyt for treasurer, Dunniway over 10,000 ahead of Clark for printer and Holf leads for labor commissioner by 13'JC. " TANGENT. The hop pickers around Tangent hav all returned. R. J. Moses has sold his store to a eouple of young men from Corvallis. The regular fall move has commenced and many ill change locations soon. The Tangent schools ill commence the fall term Oct. 3, with three teach ers. R. J. Moscj has moved with his fam ily to their farm two miles from Tan gent. . The potato crop is likely to be short. The hot summer days wore too dry for a luxuriant growth. Since the rain farmers are preparing to put in their fall crops, some already have commenced plowing. Thomas Skellev, the S. P. section foreman, has been transferred to Rose burg and has moved his family there. Apples are plentiful but are falling from the trees very fast, probably caused by the ravages of the codlin moth. Shedd Mr. and Mrs. Stevens Rice visited Mr. Chas. Gregorys. Mrs. Burr Powers was taken to Har risburg for an operation last week. Mr. J Wilbanks has brought the Shedd livery stable and the Austin res idence. Mr. Frank Duncan of Hlainview has purchased the blacksmith shop and the Dawson property. Mr. John Sutherland returned home Sunday evening. Mr. anJ Mrs. Nichols came homj from fndependance last week. Mrs. Randal Davis and Mrs. Henry Frierkson visited Mrs, Lawson Wed nesday. JUDY. The Pacific coast cities are under sus picion, and their census returns are being exptrted. Equalization Notice. The County Board of Equalization of taxes will meet at the office of the county clerk, Monday. October 17, 1910, and remain in session for six days, lor tne purpose 01 publicly ex amining the assessment roll and to correct errors in valuation, description 1:.:... 1 1 ... . . I ni.Hiii.- ii i.iiiu, uus ur oilier piopeny. .-n persons interesteit are hereby notified to appear at the ap- ointed time and place and. it" it shall appear lo -aid Hoard, that lands, lots : other property be assessed twice, - t- ac--ed in the name of any per-;t-n or per-,.;;- not t lie owner tticicoi, : a--c-cil under or bevoud its value, r anv 1 ind. lots or other property not tlic will make the proper M. n. Mcknight. Coimsv .Wo-os MISFITS. Oregon is insurgent all right. The assembly got it in the neck just the same. Some new rules, game of football. but the same old Billy Clarke got on the wrong horse, or rather elephant. Lou Wagner will lose his $15,000 job down at Portland. The know your county move is a good one. Keep it going. Even his fellow grangers did not vote for Col. Hofer in this county. Wonder if Linn county voters knew there was a primary Saturday. k. u. bmitn win make a warm run tor congress against the Cannon nomi nee. Congressman Ellis did a erf at many favors too, and Eastern Oregon fared wen, out ne got lett anij the insurgents U1U lb. Corvallis Gazett-Times, Rep. Pat McArihur got beaten for the leei3la- ture. That's enough to heal many wuunus. The republicans of Oregon are not liable to ever have much harmony with sucn a aucuioing element as the Dra goman dictating terms. I nominations for the anti assembly un .nab l-uc uillliailCB tug UVCr UO not stop being cordial with your fellow men. Be & candiriafa for fnunr in an far as a warm handshake and a smile are concerned, and in this respeet all PeoP'e shoulk be candidates. Don t be a Grouch. It waa a great anti-assembly victory altogether. Hawlev crat in on tho fa. vors he had done the people of this district, Benson because of his personal Donularitv. and Bowerman hecauae nf the divided opposition, lacking eight or ten thousand of a majority. The anti-assembly voters will continue to go against him. The anti-assembly ."-ji t" oncotmiB. There ain't no use o'kickin' and swear in' at your Iuck, Yer can't correct the trouble mor'n you can arown a aucK A Human Lottery. Imagine yourself unloved and with no desire to be loved. Add to this pre- dieampnt a denlf-prl nnplrpf. hnnle nnrl you have the condition of Jack Wright, 1 reporter in the play of "Tne Lottery Jack needs money badly, so he ar ranges a human lottery with himself as prize. Thousands of old maids buy chances of one dollar the coupon. No sooner has the scheme gotten under way man vvngni. laus in love wun Eelene Heyer, and a spinster gets the lucky coupon. This, in brief, furnishes the foundation for the refreshing and amusing plot of the latest comedy "The Lottery Man, which after its eight , months' run at the Bijou Theatre, Now l orK is coming Albany Jjriday, bept. 30. Know Linn County Trip. The Know Your Own County Trip to morrow will be a record breaker for Albany. 123 people have registered, with 24 autnmnhilea for them. and thara ' will be several more, making a crowd ; of about 130. 1 All going are requested to assemble promptly at 7 o'clock at the commer cial club, so they may take the auto mobiles assigned and the start be made according to schedule at 7:30 o'clock. The route: Albany, Tangent, Shedd, Halsey, Brownsville, Crawfordsvilte. Lebanon, Albany, substantially the route of the Albany interurban. Each car should have an Albany pennant, plenty of enthusiasm, with a gtoi appel.te for the Holley feast. ""SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn County. John Shaffer, Plaintiff, vs William Bilycu, Defendant. To William Bilycu, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff in the above entitled court now on tile with the clerk of said court within six weeks from the d..te of the first publication of this summons, and you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required the plaintiff will take a decree as prayed for in the complaint herein, to-wit: Kor sale in the manner prescribed by law where partition thereof cannot be of the following real property: 1 he north one-halt" of the northwest oi'e-fiunth of lite northeast oi:c-iolirtll .0 section 2. Tp. "12. S. K. 1 W. of the Will. Mer. in Linn county. Oregon, a-.u! the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of the costs oi said ;tc and ihis suit and the remainder disbursed m the-partics in accordance with their :Mte:e--ts in said real property. ''':i summons is published in The - en- i Vmocra: once a week I'or six w. ' . order of ihe Hon. 1. . Pun . ... .- i.n'.v -"'adoA- '. ! c -aniv. Or-, : .p. ; u!.- (hi Sep- ; tli. !!'. aiid the '. , '" ihe :'r; publication iicreot is - . - o M(,i C. C. BRYANT. Attorney for plaintiff. T 1 ...1 1 j.L j.l . i I irprrrill inr I inn l nnntv suffe'rin' head is bowed, l,lllihc m,?ttcr of '1,e Application of bv less than That Uod'll sprinkle sunshine in the i 1 "e central Land company, Dy t. a. at McCam. lral1 of ever cloud' Weatherford, its Secretary, to Register UaDt. Jack Urawford. title to tne loiiowing uescrioca real C H NEWS Deeds recorded: W. H. Howard to Henry Hanna- gan 50 acres $ 10 H. M. Moore to W. M. Moore 100 acres . 1 Lewis Zinbrick 100 acres ' 10 A. F. Bahrke to Hearald Hubbs part of lot Lebanon 125 M. J. Nye to Cora J. Weddle 40 acres W. H. Bogart to Mary J. Keilly 40 by 1591eet 400 New Suit: Ingram Hoagland agt. Carrie Hoagland. For divorce. Mar riage Jan. 18, 1909. Cause desertion. Wright & Johnston attorneys. Deer hide tags granted Prof, quam, who killed four. Mar' Judge Galloway is holding an ad- journed term of court and hearing the said Hackleman's Second Addition to evidence in the divorce case of Maud H . the City of Albany, Oregon; thence Lambert agt. Frank Lambert, which is northerly along said southerly exten being warmly contested. ; sion of the west side of Thurston ., Street to a point distant 466 feet from New suits! i the south boundary line of said Hack- S. F. Reynolds afffc. Mills A ntf,wt ' Ionian's Second Addition, said dis- suit to recover money. I. K. Weath erford attorney. Henry D. Scott agt S. M. Garland, suit to register title. Marriage license issued to J. A Fox, aged 49, born in New York, and Elva O'Dell. 49. born in Ohio, bo'h of Alb any; O P. Wigle. aged 25, of Harris buig, and Elsie Fay Dougherty, aged 23, of Brownsville. Deeds recorded: School District 10 to W. J. Turn- iriire 1 ecre s 253 J. F Keiley to Fisher Lumber Co., 16 L 10 100 10 10 10,000 L. L. & C. E Brown to 44 94 acres O. A. Ritan to Wentworth Bros.. tract 15-2 W Edward Perrin to Wentworth Bros 2 tracts I Wm McHardy to V. A, Ritan. 160 acres W. M. Phillips to Mary Cady, 2 450 lots, rnmipps Land, West Scio Victor Mose3 was nominated hv tht democrats of Benton county for judge . and Bob Johnson for clerk iney also ! wanted Bob for everything else. W. E. Coman, one of the best R. R. ; men in the N. W. ha hn un'nj ! general freight and passenger agent of me uimeu Runways anu uregon rjieec- ric. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE In the Circuit Court of the State of property to-wit Beginning at the S. E. corner of block 96 in Montcith's Southern Addi tion to the City of Albany, Linn Coun ty, Oregon, and running thence S. '1 degree 30 minutes east on the east boundary line- of the Donation Land Claim of Thomas Montcith, Not. No. 69, Clai No. 647 in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer. Oregon, 1772.7 feet to the S. E. corner of the afore said claim; thence south 87 degrees 15 minutes W. 1425J4 feet to a point in the eastern limit of the right-of-way of the O. & C. R. R. Company; thence running in a northeasterly direction on a one degree curve, along said ngnt- of-way, deflecting to the right, with a radius of 5700 feet to a point which is south 9 degrees 6 minutes east 957.5 feet from the S. E. corner of Block No. 100 in Monteith's Southern-Ad-. dilion to the City of Albany, Oregon; thence north 9 degrees 6 minutes west 9S7'i feet to the S. E. corner of the aforesaid Block No. 100; thence north 80 degrees 54 minutes east on the south boundary of Montcith's South ern Addition to the City of Albany, Oregon, 1299 feet, to the place of be ginning, containing 44.17 acres, except ing all that part formerly conveyed by deed to the O. & C. R nr ....... K. Lompany, Also beginning at a point on the south boundary line and 925 feet east of the southwest corner of the Dona tion Land Claim of A. Hackleman and wife, Not. No. 699, and Claim No. 62, in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of the Will. Mer., Oregon, and running thence north 9 degrees 13 minutes east 1289 feet to a point; thence north 54 degrees 43 min utes east 1752.5 feet, to an intersec tion with the western boundary of the right-of-way of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad, near Station No. 649 of the located line: thence along said boundary of said right-of-way in a northwesterly direction 716.2 feet, to an intersection with the south bound ary line of Hackleman's Second Ad dition to the City of Albany, Oregon; thence along said boundary line south oJ degrees 29 minutes west 1386 feet, to a point: thence south 40 degrees 49 minutes west 974.5 feet, to a point; thence south 1 degree 30 minutes cast 906 feet, to a point: thence south 47 degrees 37 minutes east 1190. 2 feet: thence north 88 degrees 30 minutes east 67 feet, to the place of beginning, containing 75.11 acres, more or less, saving and excepting from the two tracts above described the following: Commencing at a stone monument at the intersection of the south boun dary line of the D. L. C. of Thomas Montcith with the easterly boundary line of the right-of-way of the O. & C. ft. R. Company, running thence in a northeasterly direction with the south ern boundary line ot" Montcith's South ern Addition to the City of Albany. Oregon, thence easterly along said south boundary line to a stone mon ument at the southeast corner of block N'o. 96 in said Monteith's Southern ddition to said city: thence northerly .lone; the boundary line of said Hook No. 9o ami its prolongation a .' of 2'.3 feet, more or less, to a tor.c iiiomiineni: thence in a direct 'pc i designated as course "D" for d'-v'iucut reference"! to a stone ptop . . -v::X on the s ftnerri bonndarv iJp.e : i No. f- in !i:ic':!.man"s' 5.y. j ond Addition to the City of Albany, . Oregon, 24 feet easterly from the S. ! W. corner of said block 18. measured along said south boundary line; thence ( easterly along the south boundary line of Hackleman's Second Addition to ) the City of Albany, Oregon, to its in i tersection with the westerly side of L the right-of-w.ay of the Willamette ) Valley and Coast Railroad Company. ' as evidenced by that certain deed from Abram Hackleman and Eleanor B. Hackleman, his wife, to the Willam ette Valley and Coast Railroad Com- ! nanv. rlarprl Sent. 21. IRRfi. and rpenrd- 10 . ed Sept. 23, 1886. in Book "31," page I iy oi tne uceu Kecorus lor i-inn County, Oregon, a distance of 1380 feet, more or less, thence in a curved line along the westerly line of said i right-of-way of the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad Company, a dis ' tance of 716.2 feet, more or less, to a stone monument; thence on a line , bearing south 54 degrees 34 minutes I west to an intersection with the south erly extension of. Thurston Street in tance of '466 feet being measured at right angles to said Southern boun dary line of said Hackleman's Second Addition; thence in a line parallel to said south boundary line of Hackle man's Second Addition to Albany, Oregon, and 466 feet distant there from (at right angles) to a point 200 feet distant (at right angles) from Course "D" hereinbefore, mentioned; thence in a direct line to the place of beginning'. ' Beginning" at the southwest corner of block No. 100 in Monteith's South ern Addition to the City of Albany, in the County of Linn and State of Ore gon, at the intersection of the west line of Ferry Street ci said City of Al bany', with the southern boundary fine of said addition; running thence in westerly direction along the south line of said addition to the east line of a tract of land sold by Thomas Mon teith and wile to Margaret A. Mon teith et al by deed recorded on page 123, Volume "U" of the Deed Rec ords of Linn County, Oregon; thence southerly along the east line of said tract to the southern boundary line of said Thomas Monteith's D. L. C; thence easterly alon said so-athern boundary line to the western boundary line of the right-of-way of the Oregon and California Railroad Company; thence in a northeasterly direction fol lowing the said western boundary line of said right-of-way to the intersec tion of said western boundary line with the west line of Ferry Street in the City of Albany, as the same is now located and occupied, at said point of intersection as a county road; thence in a northcly direction along the western line of said Ferry Street (or county roa'd) to the place of begin ning, and containing 66.71 acres, more or less, all in Linn County, State of Oregon. Excepting from the tracts of land first and third herein described, a strip of land one hundred and seventy (170) feet in width adjoining the right-of-way of the O. & C. R. R. Company (now the Southern Pacific Railroad Company), on the westerly side there of, and bounded on the north by the south boundary line of Monteith's Southern Addition to the City of Al bany, on the cast by the westerly line of the right-of-way of the O. & C. R. R. Company; on the south by southern boundary line of the D. L. C. of Thomas Montcith, Not. No. 690 and Claim No. 64, in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. and on the west line by a line parallel with the westerly boundary line of said right-of-way of the-O. & C. R. R. Com pany and one hundred and seventy (170) feet distant therefrom. Also beginning 2lA chains distant "and N. 1 degree 30 minutes west from the S. W. comer of the D. L. C. of A. Hackleman and wife and running thence S. 1 degree 30 minutes east 12.50 chains; thence north 88 degrees 30 minutes east 13 chains; thence in a northerly direction to the place of beginning and containing 8.12 acres more or less, in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of the Willamette Meridian, in Oregon, -and being a portion of the property conveyed by A. Hackleman and wite t0 ,,lc Willamette Valley & Coast Rail road Company, by deed dated March 22nd, 1885, and recorded October 20, 1887, at page 113, Book 32 of the Deed Records for Linn County, Oregon, save and except from the four tracts above described the county roads now located across the same, also except ing the canal located along the exten sion southerly of Vine Street in the City of Albany. Oregon. Also a small tract of land bounded on the north by 8th Street: on the west by Baker street; on the south by 9th Street; on the cast by the east line of the Donation Land Claim of Thomas Montcith, Not. No. 690, and Claim No. 64 in Tp. 11 S. R. 3 W. of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, all in the City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon. Also blocks No. 79. 80, 87. 8S and 89, lot 1 in block 90, lots 1, 2, 5. 6, 7 and 8 in block No. 101 and all of blocks No. 102. 103, 104 and 105 in Montcith's Southern Addition to the City of Albanv, Linn County, Oregon. To All Whom It May Concern: Take Notice, that on this 21st day of September. 1910, an Application was filed by The Central Land Com pany, by A. B. Weatherford. its Sec retary, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for initial registration to the land above tlescrtbed. Now, unless you appear on or before the 31st day of October. 1910, and show cause why such application shall not be granted, the same will be taken as confessed and a decree will be en tered according to the prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Witness my hand and seal of said Circuit Court this 21st dav of Septem ber. 1910. .1. W. MII.LFR. Con, 'y Clerk and I:.x-ofilcio Cler!; of ihe ?ircuit Court for Linn Cotin tv Oregon. '. ". WF. ATI! FR FORD, and ' 1 V. WEATHERFORD. Attorneys for Applicant. A