DR. HI. II II go On I ...-Y. Calls mi l j in c'v and country Phone V U2m?a.suui risked work tajwlicrv. no miuter lion much you pay. m mi iww )ni jTwfrjMHfM1 g flniFij puts and Y V1 v. 1 oitraetion ,' V ? . i.'r-afri'o whon tttntM or ? v a brldgo woVk U order. J&SV? llMolirCrowni $5.00 Z?'"!? 3-88 muni, i.uv I Prates 5.00 UJ P'" 7.50 DR-W-A- WISE. Pmiidhi ma Mium Pamlen Extr'tion .OU II lim nuiiiwie u ranuu JKBT HITHODi All work fully iruarnnteed for fifteen yean. Wise Dental Co.,mc. Painless Dentists Falling Building. Third 2nd Wastllniton PORTLAND. ORE. Ollfc. Hour.: 8 i. M. to 8 P. M. Bond.?., S to 1 SWAIN'S BACK ACHE AND KIDNEY PILLS For kidney and bladder troubles, adatica, rheumatic pains, neuralgia, headache, weariness and sleeplessness, "that dragged down feeling." EXPEL THE" POISON MAKE LIFE A JOY Acting directly on the kidneys these mild pills give almost instant relief because they nnt only act as a tonic but clean the kidney tissue of impuri ties and expel the poison from the system. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR SWAIN'S PILLS So marvelous and universal are the results obtained that these pill; Everv druerist has nvery aruggisi nas boxesonly. If not fully guaranteed, them. In 50-cent satisfactory your money back. Don't delay don't run the risk of Bright's Disease. Get Swain's Kidney and Back Ache Fills today. 6 WAIN MEDICINE CO., Inc. Kansas City, Mo, FOR SALE BY NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the county judge of Linn county, Oregon, as administratrix of the estate of C. E. Fox, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouchers to the un dersigned administratrix at the office of Percy R. Kelly, in Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Albany, Oregon, September 9, 1910. . ANNA FOX, Admrx. PERCY R. KELLY, Atty for Admrx. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of John Barton, deceased, has this day tiled in the County Court ot Linn county, Oregon, his final account in the matter of said estate, and said court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day of October, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. for hearing objections to said account, if any there be, and for the settlement of said estate. J. W. BARTON, Admr, HEWITT & SOX, Attys. for Admr. ATTENTION LAND OWNERS. Having many calls for large and small fa-ins, also sure buyers if suited, if yrv. desire quick sales, call at my off1, cr v.-ritc a description of your p! :ce, r.mil same to my address, list vur places with me. Experienced ian th. rot:1.:!-.!',- acquainted with try to show land. Best of autom bile service. Home phone BIk. 276; Hell phone 240-R. Yours for business. IAS. F. POWELL. 130 Broadathin Stiver. ROCURED AND DEFENDED. n(1 Free .Trice, how to obtain patent, trade marka, copjrlghta, etc, in iii COUNTRIES. Butineti direct wM Washington savtl timt, money and often the patent. Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively.. Write or come to ua at BU Klntk Strut, opp. TslUd State! Patent WASHINGTON, D. C. rromptly l'taini'0, or FEE RETURNED. n yfars:' rsprnh'CE. our CHARG13 ARC THE LOWEST Sen'l rawlel, photo or nkctch for tjiFfrt ncart h and fn?o report on patenUtillity, INFRINGEMENT n:its conducted before nil court. 1'n.tcntn obtjiinmi throuirh Uft ADVtR- TISEDand SOLD, frw. TRADE-MARKS. Pf.M &IOMC And CGKYRICHTS quickly ouuuncti. Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. I model, H OfBel WlmMMm. THURSDAY. THE COMING APPLE FAIR. O.ie of the features of the tipple fair w II be om.nunity exhibits, something kjl ucciiied importance lu me develop ment of the apple business of thecoun tv. When the fair convenes in Novem ber the display of apples in ten or : more box exhibits promises to be markeJ, due to the campaign that will be made tor displays from the different sections of tho county. The general committee at n session appointed the following to look after the different places in the county: . Scio and Lacomb J. M. Hawkins. Lebanon C. W. Tebault. Sweet Home, Corvallis and Benton county D W. Rumhaugh. Holley and Oakville C. H. Stewart. Brownsville Geo. H. Crowell. Halsey J. C. Holbrook. Shedd and Tangent J A. Howard. Crab tree W. A. Eastburn. Jefferson F. J. Fletcher. C. H. Stewart and W. A. EaBtburn were appointed to look after the adver tising, and W. A. Eastburn was ap pointed secretary in the absence of Mr. Struble. Roy Wood has returned from Eugene. ! The Palmer milk wagon horse took a j spin today. Fred Anderson went to Eugene to see tne wiia;tsii!s. It is a fight to bring the government back to the people - The great modern game ... something out oi somebody else, Born to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Goins, I bany were Senator F. J. Miller, who Tonight the Amateurs will he pre Sept. 21, a girl, their seventh child. ! has just returned from an extensive aented, and there will be a local offer Some very pretty show windows at tr!Pkth;ough.E?teS?, "W0"' "Jf1! in in Albany's leading department Btores. . tl theKmB2'8' wuf B5k?r' Gior?,e The Athon Company is growing in Miss Hatlie Reynolds, of Portland, jStt, Wl'''0'' k"a ttlne. arrived this noon on a visit with Mi ss Grant Pir'tle f. C- Mar'shaU judge 1 (,- Orah Harkness. Djncan. and their wives, P. D. Gilbert, The Bills in Town. Wilson McBride, of Colorado, who F. M. Redfield, W. R. Bilyeu, Geo. H. left Linn county in 1868, is here for the first time sinec. Just over a dog Julian Mock of Med- fo;J killed Jesse Smith, a friend, stab - Din . mm rour nmes, once in tne neart. . r. Joe Webber jr., arrived this noun iroro roruana on insurance nusi- nes. An old Albany boy always wel - come. .J. P. Oralbraith does at Blaine, Wash., the Corvallis line. The wagons of re- 42 people were killed yesterday in a Sn I .1 n.Itn' i' beinl?,,an interesting served seat iron chairs were tipped haad-on collision on the Fort Wayne fact that two former Albany men are over, out upon the ground, which was and Wabash Valley R. R., the result Buajdipg the U. S., on the north and scattered with reserved seats. The of mistaken orders. , south from invasion by foreigners. Democrat man held one down, but De Jownston, Pa., once famouB for its 1 , . , .. . tective Reilley was around and was un- ,! .Bj o, u i Conductor and Mrs. Tom Riley went able to keep it. The car was soon population of 65,482, an'increase of 54 rr . t.'. ' i P" "i.J h h. .n,d sr vT- '. . ! vr ing the summer surveying in Linn nminlii mill Kaon aaaiaont nionhnf 4hi TT. O. nnt hall Ijinm thin RAaunn. I . E. F. Sox last night entertained his S. S. class in a pleasant manner at his home on Ferry street. About twenty were present, bright ycung ladies. A logger 7 feet 6 inches tall waa ar- rescea by one policeman, in rortiana, fn- hoini rf.i,1, H rllar,rrlo,lv Th i i. i.aVr i h ' giant went meekly to lail and naid his giant went meeKiy to jan anu paia nis Manager W. R. Struble returned irom rortiana tnis noon, alter a siege of lumbago. He will be here until the first of October, when he will close his work here. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bruckman, of Portland, have been visiting at J. S Rankins. Today they went to H. Rick ard'sat Granger for a visit. M. J. Flanning at the Baptist church tonight. He hits the mark. Mr. Flann ing has talked temperance for years and knows what he is talking about. Mrs. Leo Egan, of this citv, took two first prizes at Scio on drawn work, and one at tne state fair al Salem, a good record for this neat accomplishment. J. A. Harper, a plumber, was fined ?10 yesterday by Recorder Redfield for oeing urunti anu uisoraeny. ne went down to the opera house and had to be Puc ouc' Mrs. John Egan was c.lled to Rose- burg today by an accidtnt to her daugh ter, Mrs. Lulu Halkyer. While skating last night she fell, breaking one of her arms. D. H. Pierce, a former Harrisburg man, recently of Eugene, has bought a 320 acre farm near Coburg. The farm is in Linn county, so Mr. Pierce again becomes a resident of old Linn. Prof. Taliander and wife, recently ot Corvallis, were in the city last night on their way to Medford, where the Pro fessor will ooe.n a music school. He has resigned his position at the O.A.C. Mr. ana wra. a inert, nicoieiian, oi Marvsville, Kan., left for home this afternoon, by way of California, after a visit with their cousins Denver and T. P. Hackleman, and their families. Earl Fortmiller went to Eugene yes terday to enter the University for a two years course preparatory to study ing medicine, with a Dr. before his name in view. According to the Salem Journal Col Hofer is quite ubiquitous. Tomorrow ni?ht he i3 to spaal. at two places at the sim-j time, at 8:30, besides at three other places the sane evening at dif ferent times. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jones returned last ncht from tilendale, where -Mrs. Jones fisited with her folks severs; weeks and Mr. Jones a few days. Mr. Jones is now making an issue of tin history of Linn county, but later will pay some attention to his candidacy for the legislature. A live moving picture film at Dream-lat-d is the Ruling Passion, presenting a M'xicon slory, with the hot blood of thi S:iani i ril dominant. Ahorse race is shown and tho scenery is interesting These moving pictures though onl telling a s'ory give one some scenery, Ihe real thing, worth seeing. A resideni ot the third ward says tht -street crossing at Jackson and the S P. railroad is in a horrible shape, Bn bad the women have to actually carry iheir baby buggies over it. Complainl has been made, but the council, tnousjh it will make property owners put in ment walks far out, will not do a tVing with the raiiruad to make it put the place in a passable condition. KNIGTHS A SALEM. The 24th annual conclave of the Knights l'empiars of Oreu .mi, began at Salem this morning, with the following welcome: Sir Knights, if wo shou.J try to tell How very glad we are to meet vou, The time would come to say goodbye Before we'd have a chance to greet you The Cherry City's wholly yours Along witn every "Cherry" in it, From center to cirenmference, And every single blessed minute. Tin-can our dog, or tease our cat, Or cumb the shade trees, if yon want to And if there's anything you need Just whisper and you'll get it "pronto." At 10 o'clock there was to be a drill on Court street. 11 o'clock meeting of the grand com mandery. Luncheon at Masonic Hall for the ladies and men, with this grace: "Now grace is said, no longer waite, with eyes downcast on emtio plate, carve goodman, carve, with speed and sky II. Ye guests spare not, but ete your fill." Grand commandery meeting in the afternoon with a special session tonight. NeWS c,.i ' from Albany $ Six Trains. v . l , I A car load of Knight Templars went .to Salem to meet with the grand com- manner of the fltnte in a conclave, with - ; - -- a special reception for the ladies in the arrangement. Those going from Al- Crowell, D. P Mason, W. E. Pears and Wm. Fortiniller. , Mr. Fred Jacks returned from a visit Wun ms tolks at Brownsville, rle is now U. S. inspector at Demming, New jucausu, un uie uuruer aiie ul uie u, o., . occupying me same position tnere inai to E"?,fne J s.ee B"ffal B'!' and Paw" nee Bill in their wild cavortings. Roberts left on a Portland trip, i uetective rtemey was lonowing tne show nr the roaJ Miss crosno went to Jetterson tor a visit with her folds. 1 President Crooks left on Portland . trip. I Among those leaving were the two , insurgents, B. F. Mulkey, candidate tor congress and 1. H. Bingham, can- J ?J77 u. rouaiou, t- . resentine- the nrntrresflive element in resenting the progressive element in I- repuuiican party mat promises better things in politics, a consumma- j u uuyn ui ami, Iu" The Apple Men. The apple growers and their sup porters last evening, at the commercial club rooms before adjournment elected the following board of directors: John Macneal, K. C. Jenks, J, C. Holbrook, W. A. Barrett, J. J. Cale, H. Bryant and D. W.lRumbaugh. H. Bryant was elected president of the board and D. W. Rumbaugh secretary and treasurer. It is proposed to push the organiza tion ot the farmers of this section into the organization, so that big shipments of our best apples may be made, ac cording to the demand in car load lots. Albany's Gain. Cottage Grove Leader: The W. C. T. U. meeting this week adjourned to go to the depot to see Mrs. Baker the beloved president, depart for Albany, her future home. As the train depart ed the Oregon Dry yell was given and a verse of "God be with you till we meet again," was sung. What is our loss will be Albany's gain. Mrs. Baker has bten the faithful president for 10 years, and to know her is to lave her. Senator Bingham Here Senator I. H. Bingham, of Eugene, was in the city last evening. He is the anti assembly candidate for joint senator of Linn and Lane with pros pects of receiving the nomination. Bean, running against him, is the man who attempted tn knock out the election of U S. senator by the people, making Statement number one a crime. Bing ham has made a good record anJ will undiubtedly receive a big vote in this county. The Hackleman Park. Whatever other park propositions may come up Haeklernan's grove should be made a city park. It ia the old one and should ue the new one. The time will come when Albany will need and will want it worse ihan a circus wanls a crowd. Mr. Williams, who. left for home this afternoon, stated that unless taken soon the sroperty will be platted and sold in small tracts. Joe Duttruille. Cottage Grove L?iiilr: D. J. Dii Bruiile, former';.' of the Leader, now of Portland, spent (Vionday in this city. He does not enjoy life in the inotropic, in fact his health has be?n por evei since he located in Portland. H contemplates associating hinujlf win he Eugene Guaid as soon as he is abi ,c r active newspaper work. BACK TO FARM MOVEMENT. Portland, Or., Sept. 22. As a practi cal move in the back-to the-farm cam paign, the Portlaml Y. M. C. A. will try the experiment of establishing farm homes for its members. Plans have been made for the purchase of a big tract of land of almost 1000 acres within ten miles of Portland by tho association. This lun.i will be cut up into small tractsof ten and fifteen acres, and arrangements made whereby mem bers of the Y. M. C. A. can obtain titles to the property. "These mnds will be placed in charge of a secretary who knows something about the raising of livestock and farm products," said H. W, Stone, general secretary of the Portland association. "The tracts will be sold at a reasonable price to young men ol the Young Men's' Christian Association. This will help them to start a home. That's what the Y. M. C. A. is tor, to get young I men to got married, tied up to a ctiurcn and get a homo started." Cowboy Drama, Another pleased audience was at the opera house last night and witnessed tne presentation ot the stirring VYyom- ing play. A- Lone Trail, one full of cuiucuj uuu Liageuy, unliving uuv liio excellent talent of the different mem- bei s of the Company. It was bets ot tne Company. It was a cow- bey story, for sure, one that is always enjoyed, lull ot changing situations and man Mi Athnn annnnnul aa Tr.tin Darnels, the prairie king, and little Miss Johnson, as the kid . Mr. Ross as the n-iA miefU. : nn.t-...inHi.. u..t vaviiio a uotici is uat wuioi i y owuuki uuii tnere is not a week place in the cast, mail hnlnncoH Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill, with their wild west and wild east shows had to BtoD at Albanv. the Hub any way, to get their bearings. Early this m0rhing one of the trains of was switching at the railroad tne snow center of the valley, when a car of chairs jumped te trt.av iUst ODDOsite the oil tank on gotten on the track, the seats replaced in the lumbering wagons and the cars were taken to Eugene by a special engine, in time lor tne snow tnis alter oon The ahow that oftemots to nass the Hub without stopping will hear from it. At the Dreamland. Tonight is the last time the present proKraiu will UB BHUWU. il piClUIB entitled A Kuling Passion is one worth : Tt n m ji seeing, it tells a tale of love and horse racing ln Mexjc0. ..yver the Cliff' j8 a good drama "Floral Types" : educational, and the- big screaming comedy is entitled "Wanted a Wife, IThe management have secured for I Fridav and Saturday an extra attract ive program. "Childish Impulse," a biograph. "Baby and Captain," bio I graph. "Volunteer Hero,"and A Lazy Tanner." fcutterworth on Deck. Telegram: John Butterworth, rail way imil clerk, has been fined for refusing to carry an empty and useless man poucn on tne sou mem racinc run. It was made useless by putting tho Shasta Limited on the run, but throjeh some oversight the custom ot sending the sack has been forgotten. When But terworth Drotested.he was fined, but an order at same time was issued stopping tne useless handling ot tne shck. Alaskan Dogs. Eli Smith appeared at the Electric last nignt with his Alaskan dogs, and the sled, upon which Smith travelled through the icy north, with them being some steroptican slides showing the route travelled, as rugged, striking scenery as there is in the world, making an exhibition instructive as well as entertaining. Tonight Smith will again make his trip up the Yukon and again on Saturday night. Besure to see him. Mill City Lights. Mr. Alfred Bradley was in the city on his way to Mill City to improve the electric light plant there He is a former O. A. C. man in the electricm enginee-ing department and is doinp good work. The ill City plant will n increased to a 75 ki;lowat and used to help light the residences of the town ab well as the plant of the Curtis Lumber Co. Mill City will shino The Weather. Range of temperature 70 45. Ths river has been rising and is now 1 foot. The l.iw water re ord o th year was .6 of a foot, about as low a? it ever (;ets.. It is said it has nev i ben d i'.'.'m tn z' ro since 18B1. Prcdici-M: f-sir tonight and "ri'Jy. I Th- l .xii Rangers' passed through l the ci'y mdav cin. They were it ; Corvailij . o niifhi. and th? s corn! nighl I was cancelled The G. T. says thn belong on the range. The M. E. conference is now on Hillsboro. Rev. W. S. Gordon, who has done a splendid wo:k for thechun-h .her'', a clean man and a worker, i i present. Many will r.gret to know : that he will probably not be returned '. to Albany. HE COLLEGE. Following will be the faculty this year: Harry Means Crooks, president and professor of English Literature; Miss Laura E. Anderson, Latin and German; Miss Mary Louise Blackwell, oratory and physical culture; O. R, Clutter, science; Hans Flo, principal of com mercial department; F. G. Franklin, history and political science; Franklin H. Geselbracht, philosophy and morals; Miss Grace Lemar Houck, piano and musical kindergarten; Miss. Elizabeth Irvine, English. Miss Adna Alicia Smith, director of the conservatory, voice, theory and history of music: MUa Emma Rebecca Sox, piano and harmony: David Tnrbet. mathematics and registrar; E. Ludwig Wilson, in structor in violin. Notice will s .on be given of the date when the College Library will send wagons around in gather up magazines, pamphlets and books that the people of a many may wisn to contribute to it. This effort is designed especially to se cure valuable magazines and pamphlets. Duplicates secured can be sont where they will be useful. Every room in Tremont Hall is oc cupied for the year, with all the stu dents but three living two in a room. By Friday all the faculty are expect ed to be in Albany. Miss Laura E. Anderson comes from Rochester, Pa. ; Prof. Clutter from Salem, where he has been occupied through the summer; Prof. Flo will return from Washington; Miss Grace L. Houck will bIbo arrive on that day from McMmnville. Opening date Sept. 26. FRIDAY. TWO B'S. A circular received in Albany today, at the eleventh hour, signed by L, E. Bonn, assembly candidate for joint sen ator, created a good deal of interest, with signs of its acting as a booomer ang. Mr. Bingham, attacked in it, made this statement: "Mr. Bean haa in his employ as press correspondent J. M. Shellev. whom I ! defeated four years ago in the primaries j for state senator. What makes his 'oppoiition at this time disgusting is the tact tnac wnue advocating great triena ship for local option he was defeated by temperance people who found out how he really stood on tne question. The statement made by Mr. Bean that I was defeated in the assembly is false and malicious. Mr. Bean served one term in the leg islature and did less and made more enemies for the time than any membe ever in the legislature. One of his meas ures, which made him notorious would make it misdemeanor and subject a man Bigning statement number one to a term in jail. My record shows me to be a better friend to the temperaance cause than either Bean or those he has hired to do his work " The real issue is whether the primary law is to be safeguarded, and Linn county people appreciate tne fact. Mr. Kay, in the city today tells how that resolution of Mr. Bingham, re ferred to by Bean, about moving tho state capital, w,is simply a joke, and everybody knew it. Apple Fair Matters. The apple fair board last night met to revise the premium list, heretofhre Eublished. The matter oi a gazette or ooklet being gotten nut, was discussed and a Btrong resolution passed against the apple fair having anything to do witn it. J. H. Ralston nnd family left for Portland tnis atternoon by auto. Grover Birtchett college student, re turned this noon from Mt. Jefferson. J. H. Simpson and Cecil Cathey this afternoon returned from a Yaquina nsn. Mrs. Mochel and daughter returned this forenoon from Woodburn. Miss Rhoda Stalnaket. who haB been visiting friends at Halsey, v, ill be home tomorrow evening. A new suit at Portland i'b W . W. Crowder agt. Mary E. Crowder. For merly oi Albany. Melissa Martin, one of Albany's brightest students, went to Eugene this afternoon to enter the U. O. The opening show windows of Cham bers & McCune have attracted a good deal of attention, among the finest seen in the valley. W. C. Tweedale and S. S. Train, ef this city have articles in the Orcgonian this morning on corrupt practice act and non-judicial matters. Hon. T. B. Kay, the watch doe of the treasury, and candidate for the 'reasuryship, was in the city this after loon. He is anti-assembly. Mis. J. O. Hasfurther, Socialist nom !r,ec for Supt. of public instruction, will penk at the corner of lBt and Ells vortli Sts. tonigh'. She was a former Linn county girl. T. C. Turner, formerly of this city, lis opened his new general merchandis' itorc in his own building at Lebanon, vith a large stock und flattering pros iccta Yesterday was political day at th" 'air at McMinnville. Among the speak ers wen. Judge Galloway, I. H. Van Vinkln. P. It Kelloy, B. F. Mulkey. Irant Dimrnick and Os'Vest. Gene Simpson, of Corvallis, thcgrrni !Ht Chinese pheasant dealer in lb world, has an order for five thou3in' pheasants, which is a little too tt - fo ;ven Gene. He recently sold 2,000 eg to th state of Missouri at 25 cents p" tnd met an order from Louisiana fo tixty Celestials. Notwithstanding all the blow Galvo 'on, Tex., has gone backwards, losin ! per cent in ten years. It now hn 6,981. Fort Worth has 73.312, a l : er cent gain, San Antonio 36,614, ain of 81 per cent. Even Mn' chestet J H., has C'ltnori 22 percent In- te , ears and has 7U,IG3. PUgHEEi Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder mado from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar Ho Alum, No lime Phosphate COLLEGE DOINGS. The new piano teacher for the pri mary and intermediate grades in Albany College Conservatory is Miss Grace Lemar Houck, of McMinnville. Miss Houck is a graduate of the McMinnville conservatory and has had other training. She has taught successfully in Wash ington and Oregon and is recommended at once as a very capable performer, an excellent accompanist, and a teacher who gets results. Miss Houck is pos sessed of a very charming nersonality and will be a very distinct addition ta mo college community. The portion of the college building' containing the chapel and the commerc ial department is being reshingled this week. Rapid progress is being made on the' work of the new steam heating plant. An additional piano has been placed in Tremont Hall for the conservatory five in all. Though changes have been made in the commercial courses at the college, the one year commercial will be offered for this year. The Buccessof thiB course has been demonstrated. Inquiries have come concerning t he present standing of Albany College at the state university. All college work done in Albany College is credited to ward the appropriate degree at the university: for example, a Btudent comDleting to rears in Albanv College , entera the university as a junior. (He . would be a iunior. should he return in j Albany.) Neither the college nor the state university credit as college or university studies branches pursued in a high school. The entrance require ments of Albany College are on a level with the university entrance require ments. The college plans a football team, but is unable yet to announce the coach or coaches. Registration begins Monday after noon 2 to 4 and continues on Tuesday' 10:30 to 12:00 and 2 to 5. Monday afternoon is registration day, partic ularly for Albany students. The open ing chapel service will be held m Wed nesday at 2 00 and class work will begin immediately thereafter. The indications are for an increased enroll ment and students are urged to register early that there may be no delay in beginning work. News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Dr. C. W. Lowe arrived from Leba non on his Bteenth trip to Albany, where he has been coming numerous times a year for nearly twentv vcars. doing a fine business here, a very com petent man in his business. I. H. Bingham, who is making it tronical for the assembly named can didate for joint senator of Linn and Lane, returned irom Lebanon, ihe Linn county republicans according to indications will give him a big ma jority over Bean. Tn. urnl.t.a. t-u tna.,Hnnnn ur. for Brownsville, and thence across lots to Lebanon and back to Albany this evening. Joe is a red hot assembly man, and wants to be in Portland to morrow to vote the straight assembly ticket from top to bottom and through the middle and back again. Mr. Arthur Schmitt returned to Portland. Eh Smith left for Corvallis with his Alaskan dogs and sledge. Clniro Baiter returned earlv this morn ing from Eugene, with the switch en gine, having taken the Wild Buffalo Bill wrecked car witn its seats there in time for tho show, After that Eugene liked metropolican ways so much the engine wan kept at work all tho after noon and evening. The Best Ever. Invitations are bcimr sent out for the monthly booster meeting and Get-To-etlior buncheon of the All uny com meicial club, to bo h 'l I on. itionday night next, Sept. 26, a' i he club rooms, i'ne guest of honor on this occasion will be the Hon. t.'has. B. Merrick, Post master of Portland, who will deliver a (hort addresri. Other specehoB will be nudo by members of the Albany club; tpecial music will be provide.!, 'ogether with n 'u'cM.-n -nd cinis. This is . ) the 'best ever" of th.' series. (