Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 30, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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    .if l Blgg?
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Myron Alexander, late of Linn
county, Oregon, deceased, has filed her
final account as such administratrix in
the county court of Linn county, Ore
gon, and that said court has fixed
Monday the 3rd day of October, 1910,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. as the
time for the hearing of objections to
said final account and the settlement
thereof. MINNIE YOUNG,
HEWITT & SOX, Admrx.
Att;.'S. for Admrx.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
County Court for Linn county, Ore
gon, administrator of the estate of
Henry Stephens, deceased, late of De
troit, Michigan. All persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present the same to the under
signed at his office in Albany, Oregon,
within six months from this date, duly
verified as by law required.
Dated this the 18th day of August,
Administrator of the estate of Henry
Stephens, deceased.
W. S. Richards, a working man, of
this city, this morning began his cam
paign for governor of Oregon, the reg
ular socialist nominee for the import
ant position. Mr. Richards will speak
today at Brownsville, Tuesday at Co
burg, the 28th at Springfield, Cottage
Grove the 29th, Yoncalla the 30th,
Grants Pass Oct. 1st, Gold Hill Oct 3rd,
Talent the 4th, Ashland the 7th, Med
ford the 8th and Rcseburg the 10th, and'
will go as far as Klamath Falls.
He will make an issue of the idea
that the whole people should own the
means of production and distribution,
Deducing for actual use. not for profit.
the surplus always belonging to the pro V
ducer, not to a tew capitalists wno iock
it. up.
Birthday Party.
A birtday party in honor of the ninth
birthday of Natheel Donaca was held at
tne residence of her aunt, Mrs. T. J.
antes, on last Saturday afternoon,
Ue" I which was attended by the following
yf.ung friends of Miss Natheel: Aileen
At the Dreamland.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Linn,
partment No. 2.
Charles H. W lllsey, plaintiff, vs. Stevens. Dorothv Lee. Marearet Coen.
Teckla Wiltsey, defendant. ; Clarabell Seeley, Alice Seeley, Marcele
To Teckla Wiltsey, the above named Austin, Beulah DeLancey and Wilma
defendant: Junkin. Io was a most pleasant gather-
In the name of the State of Oregon, ' jng of Miss Natheel's friends and will
you are hereby required to appear and long be remembered by those who were
answer the complaint of the plaintiff present. The decorations were pink
above named on file with the clerk of and white and refreshments were of the
the above entitled court if! the above dain. kind.
entitled cause, on or before the 14th j
day of October, A. D. 1910, the same
being the last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for publication
nereoi; ami you Two of the best cmeiihs ever shown
that if you fail to apnea and r answer I tndmadeby tne Bi,Krap;v company:
miu wiiii- aim ... I "Maggsy Becomes a Hero," a tale ot
plaintiff apply to the court for the . a jov who turna ut ,0 bfl 8ome fighter
renei praycu iur .,u ..1.., ... ... Tne Romance oi an E;;gi" a romance
said complaint, viz.: for a dec; ee ot ,,t f b col(
divorce dissolving the bonus ot mat- Btorage "A Roman's Wife," a tole of
rimony now existing between the the Gyp3jes telling the olJ motto "love
plaintiff and defendant, and for such flie8 ou; of the wjn(jow when starva-
othcr and further order as to the court tion enters." "Pranks o Betsy," a
may seem meet and according to rjp roating chase comedy with a "Bog as
equity. - chief comedian. "Pete has a Good
The time prescribed in the order for rime." more laughs.
publication of this summons is once a
week for six weeks, successively, and ,
tin. rl.ite of said order for service here
of by publication is August 26th, 1910, ;
and the date of the first publication .
hereof is September 2nd, 1910.
v. VA i vastly ami
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of Linn county,
Oregon, administrator of the estate of
H. Trinwith, deceased. All persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same, with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, at the
law office of Hewitt & Sox, in the
city of Albany, in Linn County, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated this 16th day of September,
1910. T. J. BUTLER,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, the duly appointed, quali
fier! nnd nrtintr' guardian of Hugh Mc
Cullough, a minor, will make sale of Oswald West, democratic nominee for
certain lands, pursuant to an order of governor, was born in untano. Mien.,
the County Court, duly made and en- May 20, 1873, and came to Oregon with
the oth dav of Seo- his folks in 1877, spending all his life
. i... loin ,!,.;,; !,,! l irertincr here but four vears. a thorough Ore-
the undersigned to make sale of thelgonian. He has made good in every-
The' Insurgents Make a Great
Altogether It was a preat Anti
Assembly victory In Oregon Saturday.
As anticipated Jay Bowerman was
nominated by the republicans for gov
ernor by a small margin over Dimmick,
due to there being three candidates in
the field, and far from a majority. With
one opponent he would have been badly
Hawlev is nominated for congress in
this district, and Latterty, an insurgent
in the second district.
For sUDreme iuHee H. J. Bean, an
insurgent beat McCammant, and T. A.
McBride was nominated fot the six
term. F. W. Benson gets the nomina
tion for secretary o state. T. B. Kay,
an insurgent beats Hoyt bad for treas
urer. Wills Dunniway completely
routed the assembly nominee for state
printer, A. M. Crawford knocked Hart,
the assembly nominee out for attorney
general, L; R. Alderman of course is
nominated for superintendent, F, J.
uiller for railroad commissioner, John
H. Lewis for engineer, J. T. Chinnook,
an insurgent for water commissioner.
The democrats have nominated Os
wald West for governor, with splendid
chances of his election, R. G. Smith for
congressman in this district and Harry
Lane in the second district, W. T.
Slater and W. R. King for judges, Jas.
Godfrey for state printer, and probably
J . B. Horner for superintendent.
In Multnomah count every assembly
candidate '.for the legislature was de
feated, including the great and only Pat
McArlhur, and Jack Latourette. The
anti-assembly candidates swept things.
From Albany s Six Early
I rams.
Following is the republican voe in
this county, with Syracuse, Jordan and
Lacomh, and pait of Tangent, to hear
Congressman. Hawlev 660. Mulkev
Governor. - Abraham 180. Bowermun
387, Dimmick 376, Hofer 100.
bee. State. Benson 796. Wmeate
Treasurer. Hoyt 334, Kay 608.
Judge 4 vears Bean 666. McBride
619, McCormick 379.
Jud?e b years. Burnett 814. Moore
Atty. General. Crawford 712. Hart
Printer Clark 514, Dunniway 472.
LaborCommissioner. Hoff 625. Orton
Water Sunt Chinook 467. Gethus
Circuit Judge. Rellev 826. Van
Winkle 671.
Joint Senator.-Bean 660. Bingham
Senator.-Park B. Beatty 765.
Representatives. S. S. Train 60. J.
W. Miller 78. M. J. SimDSon 48. N. M.
Newport 28. F. H. Porter 66, and votes
for F. M. Brown, Chas. Childs and
Sheriff -Lindley 518. Templeton 554.
ulerk.-Conn 166, Marks 896.
Recorder. Froman 690, Wood 359.
Treasurer. Francis 634, Scott 413.
The total vote for sheriff gives Temple
ton the nomination by 28, Lindley carry
ing juruaii 4 0 a, Syracuse o io & ana
Lacomb 15 to 4. These precincts also
add 9 to Bean's majority, who is un
doubtedly nominated.
The appointments of the M. K. con
ference at Hilisboro were announced
just before adjournment yesterday.
Some of them are:
J. f. Abbett. formerly of this city.
superintendent of the Eugene district.
w. a. uoroon to return to Albany,
where he has done effective worn the
past year; M. B. Parounagian Browns
ville, Harry G. McCain Buena Vista, J.
C. Rollins Corvallis, W. M. Erakine
Halsey, G. F. Round Jefferson, A. F.
Lacey Lebanon. W. P. PeDPer Mehama
and Lyons, Richard Hockihsr Shedd,
T. H. Downs Stay ton, D. H. Leach,
once at Corvallis, Grants Pass; Geo. H.
Freese Klamath Falls, Molvin T. Wire
Lakeview, L. F. Knapp Medford.
J. W. McDougall is to be suoeriD-
tendent of the Portland district and
Jas. Moore of the Salem district. D.
H. Trimble, formerlv of Emrene. is to
be at the Centenary, Portland; Ben
jamin loung will remain at First, A.
A. Heist fat. Helens, Dallas will get li.
F. Hopkins, Fall City E. C. Lockett,
Forest Grove Hiram Gould. Gresham
T, L. Jones, McMinnville A. C. Black
enbury, Oregon City L. F. Zimmerman,
First cnurcn Salem, K. N. Avison,
Lesile church D. L. Fiel 1s, Jason Lee
church W. C. Stewart, West Salem, R.
a. htone, biiverton a. ti. Uewart.
Commissioner Butler returned to
Jefferson to complete the new steel
bridge there, uniting Linn and Marion
with a band of steel, Teams will be-
?in running over it tomorrow, the
erry boat will then go out of commis
sion, ana Wednesday tne structure will
be done, a good job. .
init-w iiMiiiiiiMiiiii" " 1 ' """
lands hereinafter described belonging
.to said minor.
Now therefore, in pursuance of said
order of said court, I will c.i the 15th
-day of October, 1910, at the hour
of 1 o'clock p. m. sell at public
auction to the highest bidder at the
front door of the court house in the
city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
all the right, title and interest of the
said Hugh McCullough, a minor, in
and to the following described lands,
Commencing at a point on the south
boundary line of block No. 4 in Hack
leman's second addition to the city of
Albany, Oregon, which is 7.58 feet
easterly from the S. W. corner of "id
block, thence running easterly on the
south boundary of said block, 60 feet,
thence northerly and parallel w-ith the
eastern boundary line of said block,
111 feet more or less to the north line
of the south half of said block, thence
westerly parallel with the south boun
dary line of said block 60 feet, thence
southerly parallel with the eastern
boundary line of said block to the
place of beginning. Also,
Beginning at the S. E. corner of
block No. 4 in Hackleman's second ad
dition to the city of Albany, Oregon,
as the same "appears upon the plats of
said addition to said city of record in
the office of the county recorder for
Linn county, Oregon, and running
thence westerly on the south boundary
line of said block 60 feet, thence
northerly parallel with the eastern
boundary line of said block to the line
dividing the north half from the south
half of said block, thence easterly on
:the line dividing the south half from
the north half of said block to the J
.cast line of said block, thence south to
nhe place of beginning.
Terms of sale: Cash in hand on the
.(lav of sale.
Dated this 6th day of Sept., 1910.
(Guardian of Hugh McCullough, a
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed in the County
Court of Linn county, CVcon. her
her f.ual account as administratrix ot
the estate of N. E. Vernon, deceased,
and that said court has fixed Monday,
the 17th day of October, 1910, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon, as the time
for hearing of objections to said final
account aiid the settlement thereof.
HEWITT & SOX. Admrx.
Attorneys for Admini.-tratrix.
thiner he has been connected with,
sDlendid reDresentative of the people.
In the banking business, in the land
office, as railroad commissioner he has
shown a marked capacity for work, and
superior executive ability.
Lucille Hart went to Eugene this
Miss Zula Winn returned this noon
from Salem.
Pinafore will be given at Eugene
tonight by local talent.
J. P. Holzell has been promoted to
yardmaster of the Albany yards.
Among the new college sludetits is
Miss Edna Russell, of Halsey.
Col. Wm. H. Mctioldrich, San Anto
nio, Tex , has been in the city.
Father Lane will return to'ay froir
Montreal, where he attended the greal
ecumenical congress.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ream, of Peru.
Ind., are here on a visit at the home o'
E. C. 4nderson.
Louis Fox, now wi'.h the North Ban!
a former Albany hoy. is here on a visi
with his mother, Mrs. Maggie Tullivan
Mr. Horry Merrill left ; esterday fo'
Hhicaeo to resume his studies in th
Rush Medical Coilege, now in his jtinio
ear A. T. French arrived thi? noon frot
St. Paul on a visit with his brother, F
M. French. He once resided here f.
a year.
Mrs. Fluella Turner, of this city, i
now in charge of the A. W Mvers I
i'o's. store at Mnrchfield, a large wr
man's wear establishmei t, with a fin-business.
A. W. Lafferty, nominee for contrres
in the second district on the repuhlicr
ticket, is an old school mate of Geo V
Wright of this city. Vr. Wri.l
speaks highly ot his accomplishment
F. H. Pfeiffer and family have r
turned from Crook county, where lh'
spent several months looking after t)
Pfeiffer stock, and will now he in A1
bany during the winter, at their horn.
121 E. 4th street.
Wm. Corbett. a plumber, was finr
by Recorder Redneld today, charu
with being drunk i nd disorderly, tl
price be'mz $5, which was paid. M
Corbett is the third plumber up befoi
sjr. Redfield within a week or two.
Mr. Jos. Foister, of Kingston, was i
town today with the Kingston vot
not a very hiir job, as only a .few er
cast. Mr. Foister has the distinctir
' f having ta!;en the Democrt eince i
started, in fact the original Orcpo
Oemocrat published I v Delczm Smill
rather of Sheriff Smith, back in 1SW-1
E. H. Rhoades went to Jefferson to
look after his big prune crop, about
half ot which has been attended to.
He will have about 150.000 Dounds.
worth up to 6J cents a pound for 40's,
propamy $,ouu wortn in all, meaning a
cleanup above expenses of $5,000 to
$7,000. A booster for the fruit busi
ness of the Willamett.
District Attorney E. R. Brvson and
Lawver A. C. Woodcock, of Eugene.
came down and went to Corvallis, Mr.
wooacocK was a leader in the non
partisan judiciary movement, which
deserves consideration.
The Holly Trip.
The slogan. Know Your Own County.
Eighteen automobiles have been al
ready lined up for the big Albany-.
Calapjoia trip on Wednesday. The
people of Holley are preparing to enter
tain tne visitors witn a Una snrpan unit
reception in the large Grange hall at
the noon hour.
So far as assigned the personnel of
the party is as follows:
P. A. Young, driver: Mrs. P. : A.
Young, S. E. Young, D. C. Green, J.
S, VanWmkte.
Roy Worley, driver: J. T. Went
worth, J. P. Roberts. R. L. Tracv. F.
J. Fletcher.
J. H. Ralstcn, driver: C. H. Stewart,
E. H. McCune, J. L. Tomlinson, Chas.
Albyn Esson. driver: tors Esson,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Holbrook.
J M. Hawkins, driver: Mrs. Hawkins,
ueo. n. uroweli and wife,
The gate receipts of the Eugene fur
were 3,284.15;
Roscoe Daniel, Penewawa. Wash.. has
been in the city.
I'.oy Knox was in Eugene vesterdav
on a business trip. -
Here s to the Buccess of Manager
Struble in his new work.
Baker City will vote Oct. 3 on the
commision form of government. .,.
A safe Wds blown up at Eugene last
nigra and s.rme valurnis papers taken
A. L. Tucker and family. Drominent
Jefferson people, were in the city last
Mrs. A. M. Roop. of Hood River, ar
rived this noon on a visit with her sis
ter, Mrs. Ohn
Miss Marie .Vartin. of Salem, arrived
this noon on a visit with her sister.
Airs. lieo. Miner.
This is the last week for paying taxes
on tne second installment, without
penalty, hu-ry up.
I T. P. Hackleman, of this city,- has
a warm prohibition article in the Ore
gonian this morning, to the point.
I Miss Lena Drinkard, a prominent
The regular monthlv
meeting was held at the fnn.,,;.!
Club rooms last night. The ph ee was
packed and some had to stand, showing
the popularity of these gatherings
W. H. Marvin, chairman of the com
mittee, presided affably.
C. W. Tebault was the first sneaker.
proposing a monthlv for the Commo.
cial Club as a booster to send away.
Later the matter was discussed by Mr.
Page and Mr. Hawkins, and upon mo
tion Mr. Tebault. C. H. Stewart r. n
Page and Mr. Holbrook were ommintprt
a committee of investigation of cost,
P. D. Gilbert gave a erood xrholosala
talk. .
H. Bryant spoke on the work of the
apple growers, reporting a prospect of a
Fhipment of about thirty oatr loads
irom Aioany tnis season.
Judge Duncan exolained the' mutter
of a fruit inspector. The law provides
the way, a petition with the signatures
of 25 apple growers, and the endorse
ment of the inspector by the deputy
commissioner of the district. Mr. Park.
of Salem. Several have been men
tioned, Prof. Leatherman, D. W. Rum
baugh and W.F. Wood among the num
ber. Rov. Mut'sduii spoke pleasantly, de--claring
that the beautiful Willamette
beat the far-famed Shenandoah.
Dr. Gcselbracht told of his eastern
trip, the big standing of Oregon apples
in Chicago, and his pleasure in being
here again.
The booster of the Gooding, Idaho,
Commercial Club was present and said
he thought there was a big lack of de
velopment here, making great possi-
Manager Struble, here for sixteen
months, doing a splendid work, gave
nis iareweu taiK oetore going to fort
land to engage in the real estate busi
ness. He spoke of the decided im
provement, the effective work of the
commercial Club, with new life, a solid
foundation and a new city on the map,
a transportation center of importance,
and closed with a charge that Albany
men iorgec ineir personal aitterences
act as a whole, not as a little crowd,
and should there be a new manager
give him a hearty support. Messrs.
Hewitt, Irvine and Winn were appoint
ed a committee on resolutions com
mending the work of the manager.
The regular feed by Churchill was
enjoyed with a social session.
E. D. Cusick, driver: J. K. Weather- young lady of Halsey, returned home
orl, D..,ln r n, ,.u c i'.u:n n f. - j:. .. ... All
A. P. Blackburn and daughter, of
Lebanon, left for McMinnville.
W. J.. Monteith left on a trip north.
Harry Elkins and Walter Huston
came down from Lebadon.
Rev, Knott left on a Marion connty
Lawyer S. ' M. Garland came down
from Lebanon.
J. D. Alkire left for Arlington. .
W. S. Risley went to Salem.
Harry Shea left on a hide buying trip
down tne road.
Mrs. C. E. Fox returned from Halsey
accompanied by her mother.
M. P. Durbin, of the U. S. forestry
crvice, and wife, of Waldport, left on
a trip to Portland. Mr. Durbin re
ported building, seventeen miles of trail
this ysar, completing a trail from Ya
quina, nrar Toledo, to the Siuslaw,
52 miles in all. There was very little
fire in his district this year, the dam
age being small.
Mrs. Alice Magei, ana aaugnter a rs.
Bradford, left for Tacoma. after a
visit with Mrs. E. D. Sloan.
ford, Grant Pirtle, Geo. Taylor, Fred
J. A. Howard, driver: A. W. Bower
sox and wife, G. W. Pennebaker.
I 1 li-w ., J: M-i
I uuiicn., uriver: pucKmau, ma
chinist; A. C. Schmitt, G. E. Sanders,
G, C. Chapman.
U. VV. Merrill, driver: D. C. Burk
hart, official photographer, Dr. W. R.
smnn, w. v. Merrill.
R. C. Churchill, driver: C. L. Shaw,
Ben. Clelau, O. D. Austin.
Ralph Crawford, driver. Dr. W. 31.
Davis, W. H. Marvin, E. A. JohnBon,
T. G. Hopkins.
C. W. Tebault, with driver: Dr. J. L.
Hill an 1 lady; R. F. FitzwaUr.
Roy Crawford, driver, Dr. and Mrs.
Littler, F. M . French, A. T, French
""Other automobiles listed for attend
ance, awaiting passengers, are Owen
Beam, Dr. M. H. Ellis, Dr. R B.
Wallace, J. L. lrvin, and Chas. Cline
Reservations may be made by phone
at the Commercial club rooms. Hurry.
Albany College Lecture Course.
Capttain Jack Crawfor . the Poet
acout, appears Friday niht this week
it tne united Presbyterian Church.
This iB one week earli r than the date
on the tickets. Copt. Jack was a boy
soldier in the Union army and later for
many years wss chief of scouts on the
western plains. He won renown as a
story teller around the campfire and
"rote unique and pleasing poetry. He
las been on the lecture pfattorm for
fears with very great success. He ap
Dears in buckskin outfit and explains
.vhy a scout wears his hair long. He
.el is the thrilling story of his famous
-ides of hundreds of miles, as well as of
xperiences in London and New York,
ivciy few minutes a poem iB recited,
iample verses follow:
Miat do I know? Poor little me!
t need a microscope to see
.Vhat I do know
I understand
That towering pines and mountains
Are dear and 1 eautiful to me;
Seyond their peaks I cannet see,
jut God is ther-.
And everywhere,
nd that is good enough fur me.
A Popular Comedy
During the past season no comedy
.ttained such a degree of popularity as
'The Lottery Man" which uo f trover
ight months at the Bijou Tneaire.
sew Yoilt. Strikingly original in title,
hame md treatment, the brisk little
jlay swept over Manhattan like a re
rashing breeze on a soultry day. Ther.
ivtrybody benan talking about it ever
Man Dale confessed that it kept him
iwal-.e laughing over the situations
ind its fortune was made. The Schti
erts are the managers, and Rida John
ion Young, who wrote Brown of "Har
ard,' the author
"The Littery Man," with a comp.mj
ncluflian WillUm Rosell, Vivian Ogden.
f'iCTenrc- -'atson. May Donahue, etc
J.oiet ! Alnuny, FriSay, Sept. 30.
News From Albany's Six Early
For Sheriff,
D. S. Smith, the present efficient
sheriff, has boon renominated for the
position by the democrats of the county.
This was the only contest in the party,
hence the very light vote in the county;
Following is the yote:
Smith Stellmacher
North Scio 13 ....
South Scio
South Lebanon
Knox Butte. . .
West Albany..
Albany 19
East Albany 18
Tangent 17
Calapooia. ........ 4
Santiam ... 7
N. Harrisburg.... 13
S. Harrisburg. . . .
N. Lebanon
N. Brownsville....
j Brownsville....
Halsey 17
Sodavi'le 4
Syracuse 2
Kingston 4
Crawf.dsville gives Smith 15
jority and Jordan 20, making his
jority approximately 10J.
, 4
. 9
, 6
The Democrats.
M. A. iller is nominated for sena
Lor on the democratic ticket, W. A.
Kimsey for counly treasurer, Goo. M.
DeVaney for recorder, and probably F.
J. Denney, C. L. Shaw and A. A. Tuss
ine for representatives; but the vote is
incomplete on this and will not be
known for certain until the oltcial
count is made, which is true aleo of the
clerkship. A g'od democratic ticket
will be in the field
West carried this county over Myers
nearly three to one.
K:.n,- t f !rn:ps-atur 74-39.
'! . r-vn- .Si oi a f.;.,t.
P. L.iLiii i.: t'ti;- toi.ightand Tuesdav.
H'-m r N --.n left thin noon for the
Siletz ..a a viall with his son, ttobin
rot: r I." v.-av of Shjt:dan. Hobin will
prior, Ik- alik to prove up on his claim
He h is re i h-H stear.ily on it for four
t- ca nw.r.tb tndw.llhavo a valuall e
Di-.ix.Ttv. a line start for n young man
id worth the sac ifice, if there is onv.
of rcrtiit: g ov. r a year in the wilder
this afternoon after a visit in Albany
of a day or two.
G. M. McDowell, the light of way
man of the Oregon Electric has been in
the city tjduy in the interest of the
George and Charles Piper, of Seattle,
are in the city on an autumn visit, the
guests of Mrs. Lahgdon and Mrs. E.D.
The ladies sowing society of the First
Presbyterian church will meet onThuts
day instead of Wednesday at the home
oi Mrs. ijco. Simpson.
In the city: G. H. Waters, Jackson
ville. 111. : R E. Walker and wife. Leb
anon; Geo. .VI. McDowell, the Oregon
Electric l ight of way man.
Miss Evah Cuthman, of Acme, Lane
county, rulurr.ed to college last even-
mg accompanied Dy her Bister, Miss
Dana, whs will also attend.
Miss Coulter, of South Bend, Wash ,
arrived this noon to attend college. She
is a friend of ' Iss Smith of ton college,
and comes here through her influence,
Mrs. Cibs.n and Mrs. S. G. Irvine
left yesterday fir Pittsburg, Penn , the
former to visit relatives, the iatter her
son, Rev. Elliot Irvine. They will be
gone several weeks.
The high school bovs lastr.ioht l.poan
foot ball work, with nrosnectsof havimr
a fine team in the field thin vear. As
the college will ah) have una this will i
mean some live local
Mr. J. N. Moore, of Perry. OJahoma.
has been in the city on a visit with his
former naighbor ot Iowa, Mrs Norrls
and family. He liltea iho vallr-v. but
has not yet been persuaded to come
here to reside.
W. H. Gaston returned last nieht
from a tiip to the Sound. Mr Gasion
resided at Jacora for a good many'
years, being in the employment of the
O. R. & N. lor a long lime. i.nd ccn
tinues to be interested in railroad work
and associations.
Robert Shinn. of this citv. went to
t'orvallis yesterday to enter the O. A.
C taking a regular horticultural and
farmers course. His former work en
titles him to enter the junior year, but
nc will probably take three years, pre
piring as an expert in the lines cnosep.
Following are the Linn county mem
hers of the new U. S. grand iurv iusi
chosen at Portland for the co-ring term:
J. n Uiioraitn, bwcet Home; J. A
McCullough, Albany; B. F. McDo.iald.
Jcrdan;John Meinert, Albany; Perry
Parker, Shedd.
Eugene Guard: Sterling Foster re
ports that the prone-ty he is handling
n Albany is selling rapidly on the
alrentgh of the fact that the P. E. E.
car line is building from the central
pjrt of the city out that way and will
run through the addition.
The plant of the Albany Citizen, now
in the hands ot the American Type
r'ounders Co has been wrecked this
Wiiek and is being s'jld jff by piece ac
cording to demand. It was desired to
sell the whole property together, but
tne management was unanic to do this
The fastest growing cities in the U S
the past decade were North Yakima
Wash., Flint, Mich , Dallas, Tex ,
Jackson. Miss., Marion. Izll, Sc'ienec
trdy, N. Y., and Waterloo. low", al
showing gain1- of more thr.n DO pei
cent, North Yakima 316.8 per cent.
Rev A M Achesrn and family har
returned to Oregr.n from New Conc.rd.
Ohio, where he has been in charge of i.
church, and they will be located ai
Snedd, where knv. Acheaon will olii-.'iau
as pastor ot the U. P. church. Lin
,'i.iinty people aro glad to h ive tiie.i
Mack J. Monteith left on a two
weeks trip with his sample case, and
will go down the Columbia to Astoria,
returning before going elsewhere, cov
ering the northwest during the coming
lew moiuns.
Frank Engstrom, Leland Gilbert and
Ken Merrill wore among those going to
Portland. The young men had their
eys on somo big ball games announced,
and are nnxious to see Portland wallop
it to Oakland, These will be the games
that will practically decide tho cham
pionship. Mrs. Capt. Kuhn and son came down
from Lebanon.
L. E. Hamilton went to Portland on
a short business trip.
Frank O'Brien left for Salom to sea
his brother George and family.
Miss iteed camo down trom Lebanon,
Captain Jack Crawford
When a bit if sunshine hits ye.
After passin' of a cloud,
When a fit of laughter gits ye,
An' yer spine is feclin' proud,
Don't fergit to up an' fling it
At a soul that's feeiinY blue,
For the minit that ye sling It,
It's a boomerang to you.
The Terra Haute1 Ind., Star says that
i rju men listened enraptured tor two
hours and gave him "grnater applause
than was ever received by a star opera
singer al the Grand."
Elbert HubbarJ savs: ''Jack Craw
ford is an orator, a poet, a man; and
I'il go you a Stetson against a stogie
th-t Larvuid, Yale, Columbia and
Princeton have not a man on their roster
wh j can hold an audience of 2009 people
fur two hours and not hive a person
leuve or w-nt to leave. Captain Jack
can do it, and moreover can adapt him
self to any kind of an audience. Who
taught Captain Jack ta throw the lariat
of his imagination over us and rope us
hand and foot a .d put his brand upon
He will be at the U. P. church Frirl-y
niyht in the regular College course.
Coining Thursday at the Panta-torium.
A travelling expert for the Anderson
Tailoring Company, who will take
measurements for the very latest n
suits for men, offering a fine opportun
ity for Albany men to place their orders
for clothes. See him.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 71-41.
The river is .7 of a foot.
Prediction fair ton'ght and Wodnea-
E. E. Hoover, of Halsey, was arrest
ed by Constable Catlin, charged with
killing a Chinese pheasant out of seaBon
and -vas lined $25 and coils.
Governor Benson will return 'o Ore
gon on Thursday, when ho will dga'it
take exeetutive charge of ihesla o
giving Boworman to get busy and bo
beaten by.Ve...-t.
J j''up Win. m G:i!!t;wty has Icen in
the ci v !i.;:v St.- ha.i pride ir coir-
eli-r.i i'..i i v tv n- n'l'ai- oft ; H-,, f..0
- "f the -'i tri.:t will no oo'iLt feo
!iat he io n ok-UeJ