Albany Democrat. " Entered at the post offlce,,Albany.Or , bccond class mail matur. F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. FOR SALE. Two workhorses, Hi'gh about 2450. Inquire at Democrat of fice. t7 LOST. On Third street a book of milk accounts. Return to H. M Palmer. FOR SALE. Two Jersey bull calves. See H. M. Palmer. 23t FOR RENT. 3C0 acre farm, 200 in cultivation. Address box 314, or call 713, W. 4th, Albany. WANTED Girl to work for board family of two, Inquire 636 West 3rd St. Bell phone 438 -Y. TUTORING. By experienced teacher. Lessons given by the hour. Special attention to those delinquent in high school or college subjects. 517 W 9th St. Bell phone 117-Y. FARM FOR RENT. Good farm of 160 acres in Linn county, nearly all in cultivation and best of gram land, FRESH CANDIES Made Daily at the ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP THREE GOOD MEN. Hot Tamalies and OYSTERS at THE CREST WANTE'i). Position by lady step- ograper. uigm years experience u general office work. Reference given IS. U. Walker, Dallas, Ur. An exchange would have the state j legislature take six or seven promi-1 nent subjects and cover tne legisla tion of the session with them. The exchange would probably like to pick them out. If some one else was to make a selection of the six most prom- inent matters tncy would De entirely different, and so it would go. Each member of the state legislature has ' his ideas of right and wrong and he ; acts accordingly. The result is four or five hundred different .bills every ., session. The great need is for state ! legislatures to meet the needs of the I people. But what are the needs of i the people? People differ as much as ! the trees in the forest over this very nnlnt mrl -I....... AlCt- t .1 pw.iiL, biiu ainojs nill Ullli;i, 1UI nicy j are built that way, and have a right to differ from other people. It would be absolutely impossible to restrict ' the number of bills to a certain line 1 of important things, and it would be j entirely improper to do so. The real I ly great thing in selecting members .of the legislature is to secure men of i good common every day horse sense, wno are Honest and can be trusted to PERSONAL j S. N . Sieelo has been up from Port ; land looking after his interests around ( here. M:bs Buera BUknell one of the col-; lege's most popular students, arrived : this noon from Turner. I Earl Reynolds, a confectioner of j Medtord was in the city today on his way home after a visit with his folks . at Brownsvilie. Uariy Hide and party returned last; nieht from the mountains, with the . taste of venison in their mouths. They hid a good time. DO YOU WANT GOOD DEjVTAL WORK AT A MODERATE PRICE? Capt. Jack All Right. Andrew Carnegie said in introducing Capt, Jack: "I sent one of Captain Jack'a books to Mr. Roosevelt and asked him to read it. and the President wrote and said that he had received a 1 Broncho Book from the Broncho him- self, and added, 'Captain Jack is all 1 and 1 say Capt. Jack is all right, I . . . - im. jiwjitai uuu uu imsrf'n rn ntrnr i,igni years experience in do th. bcst ,1,., u u. m ": l "V,rrio'rV:." minds of their own, who will not be And turning to Captain Jack, who sat condensed into any six bills suggest- in his old buckskin garb, he said, "Now eu Dy tne interests or any one else, Jack, you are a king and we are your ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS PAINLESS EXTRACTION liruiu muu. i m. Tin.. ,t ii x i r' i: , . r"..n n r luitlini. nuuse. luruuure lur Haie, Rnrkharf Alhnnv Orpirnn ' o32 tilm St. tOl but will act according to develoo- humble subjects;" and for an hour and ,l ' ,u ' FOR SS.LE. Three acres, about a mile mcnts bound to occur in any lcgis- forty five minutes the Poet Scout Store. 313 W. 1st street. 25 and 50c sponges for. only 15c. WOOD. Slab, east of Ferry $2,; west of Ferry $2 25, cash on delivery. Pay the driver. A. W Docksteder. Home pnone dibck l ib, or ueii Diacic 26t nn, on. M1" I JTOP QAT.P Smnll irartn'nl nna oprn LAND. Small tracts near town and . up at 1306 an acre and upwards, fine on Santiam bottom for sale, also a, for eardeninz. fruit, etc. and- a few town lots. fcasy terms, a. 1 homa. close to school house. See E. .110 from Albany on the Corvallis road, lature. Linn county should be well "poke, and received Mr Carnegie's Benton Co. good garden land. 300 represented, and the Democrat takes check for ?5UU tor the lecture, an acre. Call upon Andrew Jensen, nride in presenting Messrs, Tussing Captain Jack writes us: "I want to R. F. D.4. 12t , Shaw and Denny as men of absolute see m G- Al R comrades in front of FOR SALE. tiood tomatoes in bu k. integrity, backed by good iudirnient e C. M. Weslbrook. Home phone 7001. and a love of the interests of the peo- mice more irustwortliy men cannot be found in the Willamette Valley, and this is a fact worth digesting. At the U. E. church Friday evening, September 30. FOR SALB. Bryant WALTON'S ROOVHNG HOUSE. -Second floor Schultz new brick. New clean and modern. Furnished rooms. Home phone 1458. tl2 FOR SALE Onions, by E. L. Me Keever, phone cell f armers 2x1 tOl LANDSCAPE GARDENING, budding, etc., by D. B. Steer, R. D. 8. Hazel wood addition. t03 REPAIRS THINGS. - F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street. Bicycles, sewing machines, umbrellas, everything. Try him. CATTLE FOR SALE. Registered Aberdeen Angus. John wills, Al bany, Or. WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. FOR SALE. By the owner, one six room house ana two lots, center of town, 822 East 4th St; also one good cook stove and several heating stoves. H. Barnes. NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed on by Chas. Procnow's new machine, j saves stockings auu socks. it GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere nlse in Albany. Skill lv set, if desired. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. M. Perfect. 26t FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. j Budded on whole roots, are the only j kind to plant. That's the kind we , sell. Call 1.0th phones or address V. A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. I FOR SALE. 1 two seated single rig, springs, 1 three seated double rig, springs, covered, both in good repair, at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh son, 1 mile from Albany, Benton county. 6t Use Johnson s best. It is the Best Made in Albany. For Exchange for Aibany Prop-rty. A John Deere back, hearly new; and 1 set double driving harnesses. Two registered Berkshire sows, one I with ten and other with eleven pigs by . side. I One registered Berkshire boar, one innvi9 ft . o vear old. imported from California. building. Store rooms below, five Eleven gilts six months old, and one rooms above; also 1 Bungalow and 1 fat nS . , ... dwelling house. Sufficient room on lot 1 F,ftv head of Cotswold sheep, some for another house. Total rental now, ' registered, several nice yearling and $119 60 per month. $1434.00 per year, lamb rams in flock, also one 3-year-old Price $16,000. Income equal to 9 per ram, registered. cent int. Some Angora goats, eight wethers Wishes property in Albany to the and one registered Angora buck. I value of about $5000.00. There is a' Also two wagons, one nearly new; , - i ' V ..jULil.ii.-t. GOLD CROWNS 0 PORCELAIN CROWNS 0 BRIDGE W'ORK 0 PLATE WORK Dr. W. A. Cox PAINLESS DENTIST 225 W. FIRST STREET, Albany, Ore. CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al bany. Only five minutes' walk from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. mortgage of $4000 runs till 1912 at 7 per cent int, wishes difference in cash, E. T. PRICE, 617 Rothchild Bldg., Portland, Ore. one 10 H. P. Russell engine and Bird- j sell clover huller, nearly new; ana a Carley Bros, feed roll, nearly new; and household goods consisting of three heaters, two cook stoves, kitchen table, dining table, cupboard, sewing machine and numerous other articles. Call on A. F. Zimmermann, seven Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have lust received a atnclc nf tha Intent, in Andirons. Call and select while the miles north of Albany and two and assortment is full. one-half miles northwest of Millers- burg, and get some bargains as I am All overcoats just $15 at;W. F. Pfei- ffer's. going to leave. Phone Farmers 37. FO. WILL, lor Watches NOTICE. -All persons indebted to the firm nf In APuvnmlnm, na ranilaat. ed to pay up at once, as it is desired to straighten up all the partnership accounts, on account of the death of Mr. Fox. OLD CLOTHES WANTED. All hinds of men's second hand clothes, and shoes, otc. E Rogoway, 1210 E. First street. Phone Home 124. tl FOR SALE.-A farm of 20 ac:es, 1 miles from Albany, running water, etc. Term half cash, half in 80 days. 330 Main St. Wood Yard. Wood delivered to all parts of city on short notice, office at residence 905 East 4th street. B )th phones. J J. D. Ellis. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. r, In Addition to Latest in Styles 983 3ii ' iiiiii We Offer The highest class workmanship. The newest materials. The most approved shades. The highest quality and very unusual value which means Low Prices. Ill .11 1 lie assurance of tlic above named items in purchasing your suit or coat are what 'makes the buying a pleasure and after that the wearing. For you will enjoy being clothed in these beautiful garments. You will know conclusively that your suit or coat is right to the minute in style. And you will also know that it will retain its stvlish shaneliness as lone as you care to wear it. Made by the most skilled tailors in the country designed by the most knowing lesiguers who have studied the best stvles of Paris and tlu'-n Amerii-anized them for the women of America. These are things you will find in this large department of our store, our everv ncetl to insure vou as nerfect a fit n nnihl. will In- p-iven the most careful attention. We know that you will enjoy just seeing these stylis h garments and we most cor dially invite you to come in and try on any and all that you wish. You will be under no obligation whatever to buy jns t simply come and enjoy yourself. Then visit the Millinery Department where you will find the largest and most comprehensive showing of style millinery ever offered, we believe, to Albany women. IYetty new effects are being shown daily and to keep well in touch with the pre vailing styles we urge you to visit this store often during the coming months. You are always welcome and wc will try and make it always worth your while to come in. THE HAMILTON STORE