Historical SocW Or. ?jt XLVI ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30. 1910 Albany GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE FOR SALE. We wil be prepared to take oats on storage. Barley, wheat end oats bought. M. SENDER & CO. PUBIC STENOGRAPHER AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phone 379 SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT MEISER & MEISER GREATER CHAMBER & McCUNE STORE Grand Exhibition and Style Show Fall Opening and Display C?rifi ft IP FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 23 and 24 We invite you to attend the largest and most comprehensive Style Show ev er held in Albany. f- The selection, style and quality of Millinery, Gowns, Opera Coats and Suits will surpass any display ever attempted by this or any other store in Albany. Chambers & McGune Albany's Greatest Suit ard Cloak House DEMOCRATIC PROSPECTS. i St. Louis, Sept. 23. Addressing the Democratic Editorial association of I Missouri tonight, Champ Clark minority eader in the national house, said cir cumstances at the present time pres ! age democratic victory this fall. He I said that for the year past democratic : prospects have been growing brighter until at present the democratic party ! seems on the eve of a sweeping victory, i "We want to win such a victory this ' fall as will put hope into every demo eraiic heart and make the elections this fall and two years hence duplicates of ! the elections of 1890 and 1892." tie asserted in the case of democratic success, the program would certainlv be to reduce the tariff to a revenue basis, increase trade by means of reci procity agreements, abolish superfluous offices, cut annrnnrinttnna tn th' nooHa of the government economically admin-1 isiereo, ana rescore tne mercnant . ma rine to its ancient commanding position on the high seas and submit a constitu tional amendment providing for the election of U.iited States senators by popular vote. THE CALA POOIA TRIP. Fifteen automobiles have already been lined up for the excursion of the Albany Commercial Club up the Cala pooia valley next Wednesday, and DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Born to Mr. and M of Brownsville, an eleven Dound aon. 108 converaiona are reported at Leba- Hl U . . 71 others are beine enlisted The trin:non ln tne laylor meetings. promises to be the biggest thing of the Chelsea, Mas)., has gone back 1620 in kind ever pulied off in this part of the . 'en years, a decrease of 4.8 per cent. Willamette vallev. Several ladies have During Wild Rill a.. c... signified their intention of joining the 12,000 people were carried on the excursion, and a number of autoists are street cars, only six being used Bk.l"?uP PriYate Parti03 10 ac:om- A Benton countv sale. S.'h M h.. Icleek t0 Lillian R. Stevenson 635 acres The Lebanon saw mill has closed down, to remain so until the canal and waier question mere is settled. pany the junket ibe committee of arraneemenes prepared a registn list which at tne commercial Club r joms, New fates. The advantage of being on the river i3 shown in the freight rates under the new schedules. The first class from Portland to Albany is 28 cents, at Eu- f ene 46 cents, Roseburg 72, Medford 18, Ashland 123, some difference. Albany gets a .-eduction of 1 cent on third, fourth and A classes, 2 on fifth and C classes, 3 on B, D and E classes. The latter is now the, lowest 7 cents per hundred. is open Everv member of the Commercial Club in tending to go on the t-ip should call and register or phone his nume to the Oommerceal Club. The charee for the trip ia $2.50 to defray expenses of au- tumuuues. At Hollcv the "Smra .if the Cula. mrai.irnn ,k. V i." I pooia," R R. McKinney, assisted by It was the result of him uiuzeus ol mat vicinity, is mailing extensive preparations for the big noon "feed" which will be given the excur sionists at that point. Arrangements were maue yesterday for a short stop at the lumber mills of the Calapooia Lumber Company, near Craw tordsvi lie, where opportunity will be given the party to inspect the plant. All the towns on the line have been notified of the time of arrival and all say they will be ready to receive the travelers in fitting style. A Good Trip Anyway. Lebanon E. A: Glen Wallace, who received an pointment to the naval school ut ap- An- Poindexter snent $108(1 tn rai ti, tt S. senatorship of Washington, while Uurke spent $18,861.33 not to get it. Sixteen people lost their lives in a Island yesterday. 1 cloudburst enrrv. ing out some Irackago. A crowd of Monmouth, 111., fresh men were recently hazed by the sopho mores, coming out second best, among them being an Albany boy, who en joyed the real thing. EASTBURN MAVAOER. The now Bpple growers association this afterroon elected W. A. Kaathurn manager, a splendid selection. Th Primarioc I A" Rrowers are requested to report me rninaries to Mr. Eastburn at once the number of roxes of apples they ill probably ship. The primaries were in progress at ptess time, with all manner of specula- Card of Thanks We wish to extend tion as to the result. If indications our sincere thanks tn the friends who apolis and left for that city last March, 1 county Mhmwil In T.nKDi-nn Tnoadiiv m'n-lif ! I count there will be a . big insurgent showing. Bowerman will probably be nominated for governor by the repub licans, because of the split against him,, but with far from a tnajoiity, and Os wald West bv the Democrats. For congress the uncertainty is emphatic. Some close races were expected in the assisted in the burial of A. Z. Sears. Also to the singe's who assisted. Mrs. A. Z. Sears and relatives. having failed to tass the examination frlfln fuivn thprp wpro nlmiit. Kfln nnnnint. ments to take the eximination, over ! 200 of them failed, many among the latter class being college graduates. Glen had an enjoyable trip, having vis ited Washington, D. C, and many other large eastern cities. Real Estate. City Property. No. 108 New 8-room house, one lot, electric lights, hard finished,. West Albany. Price $2150.00. No. 123 New S-room cottage, one lot, West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 135 Good.. 6-room plastered house, one lot. West Albany. Price $1275.00. No. 136 Two lots, new barn, West Albany. Price $750.00. C. T. 2 fine building lots, west Al bany. Price $1500.00. Farm Lands. 70 acres 4 miles out, finest soil, at a bargain. 500 Acres 8 miles out, $24.00 per acre. No. 142 20 acres, all in cultivation, 6-room house, 5 miles out. Price $2250.00. C. P. 150 acres S'i miles out, fine orchard, 150 trees, best soil, at a bargain. I have some fine business proposi tions that will appeal to the most con servative buyers. If you are looking for farms or city property, or invest ments of any kind, come to me. Hav ing resided in Albany 40 years I know all conditions. Can save you time and money. Call at my office for full par ticulars. JAS. F. POWELL, 130 Broadalbin Street ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetable?, sugar, nuts, confection ry, wraprir.g paper, twine and paper bag9. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street. Albany. Phones, JUin 5 Jfell,3Home. X M Ctolnnc Qfn (INCORPORATED.) jl THE BEST.-Lime, plaster, c.-ment, IS roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed X brick, garden nJ field seeds, h:y, grain, flour. M. SEND3RS & i o. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. J A Family Reunion. All of the family of Mrs. A. B. Kelley, of Thomas this week, had a reunion, the first time they have been together for twenty nine years, an enjoyable event, bringing together the mother and six children lrom-their different homes in the Northwest: Mrs. M. J. Queener of Stayton, Mrs. Maud Moore of Grants Pass: J. H. and W, R. Kelley, of Post, Crook county, C. W. Kellpy of Albany, and Mrs. Anna Holt, or I'homas, at whose, house the reunion was held. . - Eleclion Rfcturns Tonight. At Home Tolenhone office 2nd Broadalbin --t.f up stair-1. and LECTRI THEATRE TONIGHT G Spikes Battle are exciting picture. Gone to Coney Island a fine Thank house comedy. Admission 6c. ny Opera House. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 'OTH The Gre.'itcst Event in Albany's Theatrical History SAM S. AND LEE SHUBERT (Inc.) Announce the Coming to Albany of the Greatest Comedy on the American Stage. ; Dreamlandl "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. f: Prices Adults 10c, Childr en Sc. r Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30) A Childish ImpulseA Biograph Captain Bragg and Day JonesComedyj A Volunteer HeroA tale of the Indians Lazy TannerComedy. Ladies Skate ! THURSDAY NIGHT there will be a LADIES SKATE "he rin c will be lit to represent moonlight and a specialty will he ma1 of couples on!y. m TUESDAY afternoon, "will bi reserved for LADIES Thursday and Saturday evenings Admisaiod luc. Skates 2oc': larsliall & Lobaugh CementfoPK: on Flustering, Side-. Won. I Complete Line's of Crockery, Chin p., Glassware, Grocerio: Estimates giv walk ar.d Cemen Flustering, and the best line of Tea and Coffee in Albany, at Stetter's, 206 W, 2nd Street. THE EMPIRE TONIGHT. , "The Purgation." A Biograph drama, with a beautiful lesson running throughout, telling of the uplifting of a young man,, trom a lite ot crime, to a life of nobleness and honor. A good sermon. "Dora Thorne." This beautiful story by Bertha M. Clay is placed on the canvas with care, and the well known story is brought before your eyes with such vividness that those who have read the story years ago, and, perhaps, forgotten the details, can see the whole book in this bca tiful picture. "An Unexpected Reward." An Edi son drama, with love, comedy and pathos combined 'hat thrill you from the beginning to the end. That the reward goes to the right fellow can not be disputed. The best Edison yet. "Bumptious As an Aviator." This worldly wise gentleman is always a little bit above the average when it comes to science, etc., and he again gets his countenance somewhat dis figured by thinking he can make a flying machincand fly it himself. He ends up by saying "never again I" meaning the airship, of course. Illustrated song "My Lucyanha Lou," by Miss Crosno. Complete change tomorrow. Admission 10 cents. I . Oar . Mam A FARCE:- IN TWO ACTS 3Y JSWA :tXlF-lN301V YOUNG ' : He Laughed at ' Her Even After, He'd Cone to Bed. As done One Year at the Bijou Thcalre, New York. PRICES 50c to $1.50. Scats Thursday at the Woodvvorth Drug Store. DOOLEY'S GROCERY THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS in the eating. And the proof of the goodness of our grocerii kitchen. Every housewife who trades here soon learns depend on everything we send to her kitchen door. Don't forget this is first a safe crroccry store. s is in tne that she can Another Big Day at Stollenburg's, SHOES SELLING LIKE HOT CAKES. . The prices quoted on high grade Shoes in newest styles are so extremely low that the values arc simply irresistible. We have engaged more experienced help and those who were on the waiting list yesterday will receive prompt attention on their next call. This sale is different from most sales inauguarlcd in this city where only old and undesirable merchandise is shown. Here you will find nothing reserved, the entire stock will be sola ana youwill Una only the newest and best in high class foot fur men, women and children. Save from 25 to 40 per cent on your next Shoe purchase. twc:tr No Shoes uii approval. No Shots charged. Shoe Store rk. 4th & Calapooia J. F. T RAVER,