Blankets for Fall and Winter Use Cotton Blankets for children's beds, in white or grey at $ .50 pr 11-4 cotton blankets, good weight and size, white tan or grey at 1.00 pr 12 4 cotton blankets, extra large and heavy at 1.75 pr Flood's Store Agents for G. Corsets. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING a piece of real estate either as a home or for an investment, one of the very first things to consider is the Title. An Abstract will give yout the necessary informa tion and you may get this before closing the deal and paying for the property. We have had 18 years of successful work on titles. Consultation free. THE LINN COUNTY Both Phones Main 53 BR Complete L'.nes of Crockery, China, Glassware, Groceries, and the best line of Tea and Coffee in Albany, at Stetter's, ?nfi W. 2nd Street. ,. For 1 uilding, ornamental purposes, rip rap, filling, otc. Samp es at M. Senders & Co'sstore. W. L. CUOB, 11. L rnui"--, "'"- . J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Roofs, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, Power Transmission, Drawings made and checked. Olhcc, Albany Iron Works JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for uon-residents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phore Red 14oi. TOM YOUNG, : House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gclscmte roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, H Pl, 3?0. Pacific, Red 3092 ' COLLINS & TAYLOK, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure nronerty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, LoanB & Collections. Have money to loan in smsll and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-rcsi-dents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will S: Stark Ulnck Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Oateonalhic Physician, Albany Slate Bank Building. Ml Black A2. Home 27a H. A. LEININGER, Dentist, Clawford Block - - Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Will it Stark Block - Albany M. B. CRAFT, : 242 West Second St., Albany, First-class meats nf all knuls from M'U't'U'd siin-k. HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 'I0 West Seci'inl Slrei i. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postofiice. Four clnirv Prmnpt and etlie ient tare ll'e face and lunr. VIEKEC1VS BATHS. 217 West First Strec! First-Class Work Guaranteed. Agents for Standard Patterns ABSTRACT CO. m 5i rvesr jst. al'Aki.mi n. Why buy Groceries j ot Portland Houses j when you can get the j following prices at E.VSTBURN'S ! 14 lbs Granulated Sugar 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 11 lbs lload Rice 14 lbs Japan Rice 16 lbs Unccn Head Rice 12 los White Beans 12 lbs Lima Beans 10-16 ozpks Raisinns Get our prices before you buy. . $1,001 .. 1.00 ; .. 1.00' .. 1.00 ' . . 1.00 j ... 1.00 i ... IMS ... 1.00; W.A.EASTBURMj The Grocer. Francis Bros.! --Up-to-date-- j Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR TO W. E. FRANCIS. Prices are Right. GOTO "THE CREST" For your Ico Cream, Cold Drinks and Confectionary. None bettor in the city . L. L. POT IS. Both Phones. 816 West 2nd T. J. STITES, Attorney at Law. Notary Public. Lee;nl business of all kinds in all the courts promptly nttcned to. Bell phone 1G6-J . Mavbcrry VVood Yard. All kinds of vo-"!: lir, pric j.ile; -:id gtowth. f 1 73; Maple, St .7;".; Slab, I It. length. ti.W; Oak, $5.25; Ash. $5.'Jr). Will deliver anv amount wame:! sawed to order, to any part of town. ,-aueil 'aMV lei'L'th desired. Milk Notice. O-iv-'. pt 1st Til ' tii.l.h-n Rulo Dairy wi I ,ig ;i cents per quart. $?.40 per 'i. ii'i-.. U ..; i'1 r extras : pints $1.40 per m.i.uh ..i.d j eeiii s Mr extras, ami ecus or gallon in can. 11. M. Palmer, Prep. TOMfn.pnxc ""V I p HJ J j II S M. E. church. -Corner 3rd and Ells worth. The quarterly communion ser vice will be held at 10:30, and the ubjeet of the sermon at 7:3') will be: 'Faithfulness and lis Reward.' This will be the lust serrroi before confe ence. as I no Month v afiernn.... ami I possibly my farewell ii Alba y. fk'.y arouciuuons wnn my cnurch, witn my brother pa&tors, and the' people of Albany have been simply ueiightful, and whether I go or stay I shall always feel the keenest interest in the cit : W. S. Gordon. St. Mary's Catholic church Rev. Arthur Lane, pastor; Rev. J. A. Van Nevel, assistant. Low mass tomorrow, at 8 o'clock; high mass at 10:30. In tne evening at 7:30, vespers, sermon and benedicton. The Very Keverend Father Adelhelm, O. S. B., Prior of the Ben edictive monastery at Mt. Angel, Ore., will officiate at all the services. The puolic Is cordially invited. Tne Rev. Father Van Nevel will conduct mission ary services at Lyons on Satiday. Christian church, Rev. Esson, min ister. 10:30 a. tn. Bible school. 11:20 Morning sermon. Subject, "Saved to Serve. "6:30 p. in. Christian Endeavor. 7:30 evening sermon, subject, "The New Thought." Autumn is here. The wanderers are returning, new people are coming, the outlook is promising. Come with us and we will do thee good. Grace Presbyterian church. - The morning theme will be: "Laborer with God," and the evening subject, "The Second Coming of Christ. " A splendid Sunday school meets at 10 a. m. and Y. P. S. C. K. at 6.45 p. m. First United Presbyterian church Cor. 5th and Washington Sts.. W. f, wnite, pastor. Hours of servioe: 10:30 a. m.,' 7:30 p. m , S. S. 11:45 a. ra. Young People 6:45 p. m. Subject of sermon: "Life Lessons from the Book of Jonah." Subject of evening sermon; "A Strong and Courageous Life." First Presbyterian chhuich. Rev. F. H. Gesi-lh'-aeht, minister Morning service at 10:30. Theme, The Demands of Christian Service; or Paul's Four Readies. Evening service at 7:30. Theme, Those Whom f Dei to Ad dress Sabbath evenings. .Sai bath dchool at 11:45 classes for every one: Christian Eadfavor Society at 6:30. "Come with us and we will do thee good." HAT IS ASK YOUR The Aihon Co. I Eugene Guard: i We have seen comedies, and then; 'more comedies, hut ic remained for the I Athon Stock Co.. a popular priced org-! anization. to set mow genuine laughs out of its audience last night,, than has , been heard in the Eugene theatre, in- i many moons. The large audience was kept in one continuous laugh for nearly three hours and it was the ununimous verdict that "Ihe Truthful Liar" is one of the best comeJies ever seen, ih Eugene. The Athon ftuck Co ane equal to most of the high priced shows, and a more evenly balanced, alawer company would indeed be haid to tinJ. Every member or the cast is an artist in hi.s or her line, and Mr. Athon is to be congratulated on getting such a clever lot of people together in a popu-; lar priced organization. At Albany all next week, i ' All suits just 515 at W. F PfeifTers. FG wilffor watches DH.ViRGIMx V LF.Wt.AlX. Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Oilice Home 359, Bell black 2751. Residence 3S4 Home.hlack Sfi3 Bell ve your cL'ji'nt. CLONED N0 PRESSES; THE CLEANER, CUMMIWIS & GILBERT W 1st St. . Ueli l'hcne Wads C7S Home p!im;c li'j Subject tonight and Sunday night at the w. O. T. U. hall will be The iour Egypt to the Land of Promise and its , significance to this generation. MISFITS. ' Already some people want it to stop raining. One good thing about winter weather. It knocks the flies. ! The most incompetent officials in the world made splendid premises before j they were elected. Col. Roosevelt has now had another week's rest of everything" but his tongue. That has kept goirgv i People are waiting with wiife-open ! ears for Mr. Abraham to tell what the i Hughes-Taf t-Roosevelt policy is;- a trin ity that is not mixing very freely these ; days. Even down in Portland the anti-assembly vote is going to surprise neu i pie, and they say for a fact that Pat j Mc Arthur and the other boys will tie beaien so bad it will make tneir neaas. jw4m This wet weather reminds ns of how Congressman Hawley helped boost the rubber trust, by voting for an increased tariff that has nearly doubled the price of rubber goods, while the rich trust regularly declares big dividends on watered stock. What a nice little mess it is any way. Two republican candidates at St. Johns threw short and: ugly words at each other, and now Col. Hofer is going red hot for Dimiek, a compliment to Dim ick, and in the same breath exalting the saloon. Strange-that registrations have not been laiger, is the cry everywhere, in many places being only about half, not only in this county, but all over the state. Not so very strange either. There is quite a big disgust over mat ters eenerally and a- good many voters don't care much how things go; bnt they should. MY NAME? NEIGHBOR HarrUhnrtf Bulletin: The residence of W. W. Briggs was burned this week, with part of the con tents. The new fire department did splendid work, but the fire had too mu'ti of a start. Thi hospital of Dr. Dale has been re modeled. It has a ward of four bens and Sve private rooms. Few towns the siie of Harrisburg ean boast of a hos pital as good as this one. Another helper ha lome and gone at the depot. Agent Hearn informs us that this makes 28 different people to. give the position a trial since he ha been holding down the agent's job. an most of this time his wife has acted as, helper. A dairy inspector was in the vicinity of Halsey a week or two ago and among the herds inspected was that of Martin Cummings. Here he found tubercolosi? affecting one of his fine Jet soy cows, an animal recently acquired from the famous Ladd herd. The animal was promply killed. Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phonos-Bell Black 2651. Heme 411. Electri:a' Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. R Vv Mayberry, Drayman Heavy and "licht 'hauling. Piano moving a specialty. Piano and organs boxej fur lii is liiiir Piano boxes for sale. WivJ for sil.1, v wood or H' inch wooj. Otiiv.-e v.'i'h l.i -:i .c Betiton Ueul Es tate C.i . vv,--: I;-. Keoid-'tKij Tlj .i-,-.ntborairy it. Both Thones, THE WIFE Will appreciate read ing after her day's work is done. If she must sew, she cam do it by Electric Light without strain ing her eyes. Have our solicitor call on you. Northwestern Corporation, 128 West 35 . A - it : THIS A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,0 0 0,000.00 "SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? V Start a Savings accout with us and you will be surprised at the ease with which the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,000.0 0 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National' Bank. WM. BAIN. President, H. NVBOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small! sum opens an accoun-t in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial! tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank-im-g, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any. ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch: them grow. COPELAND AND MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Knox Butte, near Santiam River. Have you tried our WIN! FR COFFEE? If not, whv not? It is the best 25c cofiee in town. Give us a trial STAR BAKERY, C. MEYER, Proprietor OfSce with J A. H.H-;;:rc Pj.J, :,hones. RejiJvnce plwne I ack 225 tl-.'ir.e. Heavy and lij;ht hauling. Moving pianos a specialty. llljiiiiiihi I iM III"" I ft F II I First Street. DIAMONDS OUR DIAMONDS AP.E- GEMS, BUT THEY ARE REASONABLE. F. M. FRENCH & SON RESEf YOU! DIAMOND WHILE YOU WAIT. BANK IS year P. D. GILBERT. V. P Wood Yn.-d. '.'j00 a!t of city on V. i 4. V P.- 'lKre'"J 903 J. D. Ulus. t i