V- yum First arrivals in Suits and Hats on view at this store. In twos and threes and groups of half a dozen the new wear-things for fall have been arriving during the past few weeks. Now there is ready an impressive showing. Come and see. You will like the cut of the suits. Jackets are short and natty, what narrow. The slender effect has been carried out in practically which have been developed in both rough and smooth textures. coming garments are bound to be popular favorites for fall. Hats are deserving of special mention. Shapes are smart and varied both large and small effects being included. Trimmings are novel and fetching. New fabric hats are particularly attractive for early autumn wear. There is much to please every woman in this advance showing of autumn styles. If she be practically ipclined We Try to Please Our Custo eiers. THAT is why we sell strictly high gi de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. - BURKHAPr& LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. iter Parker cs. Grocer Baker Its WKST H'lKST tjl'KKKT,. ALBANY OREHON. First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 Si" r ' is-r. i WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the linest buildiugs in town arc equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MifDIN & STUART. she will be interested in the Electric Toasters Make Perfect Toast Ralston Electric Supply Co., 30 West Second Street. Missouri Feed Store. For F our and Feed, Corner 2nd and Jackson streets, I BISHOP MOORF, Proprietor. Bell phone 264 J. A fine lot at our yard at this city,ju3t burned. Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO! , W. F. JONES, Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Farmers Feed Stables. Phones 200-R, Bell; Home 1235. Skirts are some all the models The practical, be- prices, Come. CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined, to become THE residence district of Al bany. - Only five minutes' walk from the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. 132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. fur- ZOmi. SPRAY MATERIAL Sole Distributor for the Hygeno A, the great Disinfectant Germi cide, Insecticide. alBo Gold Loin and Mandan Lice and Flv Killer MURPHY'S 35 East 2nd Street. FOR SALE. One grey team, weight about 3200 One bay team, weight about 2800 pounds. Une black team, weight about 2500 pounds. And one boy's pony. Three milk cows, one comincr fri-ch about Oct. 1, other two givine milk. Two registered Berkshire sows, one with ten and other with eleven pigs by 1 side. One registered Berkshire boar, one year old, imported from California. Eleven gilts six months old, and one lat nog. Fifty head of Cotswold sheep, some registered, several nice yearling and lamb rams in flock, also one 3-year-old ram, registered. Some Angora goats, eight wethers and one registered Angora buck. Also two wagons, one nearly new; one 10 H. P. Russell engine and Bird- sell clover miller, nearly new; and a Carlcy Bros, feed roll, nearly new; and household goods consisting of three I heaters, two cook stoves, kitchen table, dining table, cupboard, sewing t machine and numerous other articles. Call on A. r. Zimmermann, seven miles north of. Albany and two and one-half miles northwest of Millers burg, and get some bargains as I am going to leave. Phone Farmers 37. s i Made in Albany my Mo 1 Ed Grain the BEST in the market. Various erades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Evpry Mipch branded with my name. Lunkf'rit. Examine these shinarles : before tuyinpr - Isewhtrc. I t. A. THOMPSi N. v JERSEY DAIRY G. W. KUTHE, Prop. Freh milk and crwim. Our wagons cover t no citv twice dailv. Phones: Bell black 2371; Home Mam ' Hi APPLE A1EN IN SESSION. Forty or fifty prominent apple grow ers and those interested in this greatest of all things before our people at this time, met at the Commercial Club rooms this afternoon, with Secretary Van Winkle of the Commercial Club in the chair. The object of the meeting, organization to promote the sale of apples and pears to the best advaltage, was stated, and at press time the meet ing was getting well started. P. D Gilbert eave some correspond ence in reference to the best buyers, and others were heard. Amonff those rjresent were Mr. Mc Kenn a, owner of the Wright orchard, a nrnminent Hood River aoDle man. The result of the meeting will be given tomorrow. THIS MORNING News from Albany's Six Trains. Early A nnmher nf Alhanv neonle went to Salem to see the great and only Buffa lo Bill's Wild West show, rain or shine. Among them were Jack Warner, Geo, W. Cline. Miss Zulu Winn. Mrs. Guy Thompson and Misses McKnight. J. R Wyatt, W. H. Hogan, Ed. Zeyss and Mr. Scott left on the delayed No. 13 for Riddles, from which point they will go into the mountains on a deer hunt. Experts they always get a good showing of venison. Col. J.' B. Eddy, right of way man on the S. P., after spending the night at Albany, continued northward. A form er newspaper man by the way, hence ne always has a sympathetic word for the scribe. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Shaw left for Portland and Astoria. -W. B. Chance left for Cottage Grove on mill inspecting business. He recent ly returned from Southern Oregon . K. J. Price, the t'mber land dealer, of Portland, formerly of Albany, after spending the night in Albany left for home." Mrs. J. M. Kitchen, of Stayton, re turned home after a visit with her sis frpr Mrs. Morean. I. B. Rhodes, held secretary lor me Y. M. C. A., after a visit with A. C. Schmitt returned to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Turner grandson left on a Lebanon visit. nj . s, o. rjHiiey went ui ruiLiunu. E. L. Wilson, the violin artist, to Salem. .nt wen Liked at Home, The Corvallis G. T.- E. A. Hudson, of the O. A. C. faculty last year, has accepted a position in the hin-h iKhnnl At Albanv. Mr. Hudson is a graduate of 0. A. C. and his position r-nme to him unsolicited, The latter fact is also true of the Albany position. Mr. Hudson is a capable young man or high standing in this community and I will prove a worthy addition to Al bany's educational circles. - I ' Chrysanthemum Fair. The ladies of the Modern Travellers club are making arrangements tor holding their annual Chrysanthemum exhibit in November. It is hoped that a large number in town and through the county will be prepared to bring flowers for exhibition. The list of prem iumns will be published soon as well as the exact date and place of holding the fair. The Next Journal. The Ladies Home Journal, now c semi-monthly, will be out Friday morn- ing, and Riley Lobaugh will have a sup dIv for Albar.v people at his chair, Thla will be narticularlv fine It is a . marriage number, something everyb ody ; is interested in. Parents Should Know. It is the cuty of parentsto ascertain if the eye sight of their children is per fect or defective. Immediate, timely attention may save your child much misery and yourself future regret. E. C. Meade, Optometrist. Fresh salmon and other lish at Holt's Market. Hurry and get one of those sponges for 15c at The Variety Store, 313 W. lBt St. Go to The Variety Store for sta tionary and school supplies. 313 W. 1st St. Carmel, Lemon, Vanila, Strawberry and Ciocolate lec Oram Orange iherbet. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP Ornndma's Spestacles were good enough for ye olden times. Modern time jrfqutt-a fpoderft eyeg!o, E. C. 11EADE, Op'nmctrist 329 2nd Street. Li A BIG SALE Of Stock and. Parm Implements for Cash. One of the bio treat sales of stock and farm implements reported was that of George McCart, of Plainvicw, on his tarm which he recently sold tor JU, 000. The total sales amounted to $4945 much more than was estimated. In cluded in it were twelve head of horses that sold from as high as $302. f.0, with a good average, 70 head of short horns. brimrine as hieh as S82.50. and all kinds of farm machinery and implements. A striking feature of the sale was i that cash was paid in nearly every . case, hardlv anv credit beine asked. W. A. Westfall of this city, one of the best auctioneers in the valley, did the calling, and he is a good one. R. C. and F, K. Churchill, of this city, had charge of the noon-day feast, feeding about four hundred people in approved style. It was a great4 day at the McCart farm, almost equal to a celebration. LIARS GALORE. lor housekeeping. tzz A Truthful Liar presented by the Athon Stock Company at the opera I . . . house last night was simply a continua-1 R"01 Neighbors tonight. Business tion of laughs. Everybody in the play importance. bad a lying part; but it was transpar- Fall opening and display Friday and ent and humorous, and showed how one Saturday, The Greater Chambers & lie calls for another until there is a nit McCune Store. work of them, and everybody became I. 8. Stevens and family have moved involved. The Company is a remarkably from Shedd to Albany to reside, and . good one, without a sticK in it, far are at 713 Montgomery street, ahead of most of the high priced per , Porest Smithi of tn expreBB and fU,SU?".mi.Hi. m. ah,, hn 1 height department of the depot for In some specialties Mr ; Athon who Bome timeha8 been promoted & trBln has one of the beat voices heard here director and Miss Effle Johnson, as chick as a . .,. . ... 1L . .. . , summer's breeze, made hits, and were 1 Gilbert & Minthorn, two reliable called back repeatedly. vounf men "nd hustlers, are now pro- & i .k..t- on.! . m; nlnf. ! nrietors of the Pantatorium. dome a ure specialty between acts keeps things ' going entertainingly. Tonight the Lone Trail, never pre- sented here, equal to the Squaw Han, .... . ' ... .... ' will oe given, some novelties win De a ?rize for the best local amateur per - ormer Thursday night and a greased pig will be given away Saturday night. Chambers & McCune announce their rand opening and display Friday and Saturday. At Dreamland, It is not often that you see a picture combining love, drama, comedy and nurse racing, mi in una. jine uiuburo all these. It is a Mexican story, shows the hot blood, sport loving Mexican at ! his best and is exciting from start to 1 finish. Over the Cliff is a drama of the sea and is particularly interesting owing to the supurb acting of the child- ren. Floral Tvdbs is a beautiful hand colored picture and last but not least is fifteen minutes of real laugh entitled Wanted a Wife. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. flejf's. Pfei- For school supplies see The Variety Store, 813 W. 1st St. All overcoats just $15 at (Y. F. Pfei ffer's. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Se:o.-.d Stree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. Young who want that extra smart ness and unusual snap about their clothes, that make them stand out as neat, well dress ed leaders of fashion, will find what they want at this store. We feature L system, Fashion Clothes Society Brand positively the best younfr men's clothes made on the market. Made by houses that make nothing else and put all their efforts toward illing the demands of tlv: younger fellows. At this time mr store is brim full of new- l:iess and up-to-date latencs . :lothes that you will enjoy to look at, and we are alvvay hid to show them. THE BLAiN CLOTHING CO. ALBANY Baltimote for Bicycfcs. ' Fisk tires at Baltimore's, . Fishing tackle at Baltimore's, Holt again at the Holt corner. A neat place. Holt's Meat Maricet Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Fresh halibut only 10 cents at Hot's ! Again. Fancy feathers 25c, retrimmed hats ; 25c and 50c, at Mrs. Rookhdge's, 123 '; Ferry street. GET one of those sponges at the Variety Ssiore, old W. 1st street. 2o and bOc 8p:nge8 for 15c. f or typewriting, short hand and no tarial work, call upon R. 1'. Yates, First National Bank Building, Albany. Home Phone 879. Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F. M.JWilson for piano.instructions. Home phone 353 10 to 12. 2 to 4 o'clock. 1st street over French's. Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sur geon. Calls answered day and night. Office, Klinn block, Residence 119 E 7th street. Both phoues. The new California rooming house at Second and Montgomery streetB, is now i eady for business. The best rooms in 'own, nicely furnished, both single and- . fine business. Mr. CummingB, who was ..., ... ChM-D- Montague of the U. S.. custom office, Portland, went to Leba- ' nnn fhto mack- fn. tx utntf - - ,- j Dr. H. A. Leininger has bought a lot of J, G. Gibson at Ferry and Ninth' i streets, the north half of the quarter - block, which it is Baid cost about $2100, I including the pavement juBt put down there. It is a fine location, in a plen- did residence district. The Dr. expects - eventually to build a home there. Death of Henry Karstens. Henry Karstens, a prominent Linn-' county farmer and prosperous citizen.. died at 11 o'clock touay at his home - I vr tn,B c,l3 ac V?. Bge 01 00 yea" I f 8 J8?,8, """v? ot Germany, coming f the United States when young. He . !eaveiJ "wife and the following children:- "?" arBtens. Mrs. Kuehl, Mrs. Dlttmer' Ul8 .Lena a,r,Bten; tb, ??u.ntv.. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Miller, of Nebraska, where he formerly resided. ana Mrs, nosmoiski, ot sociavuie. Hot Tamalies and OYSTERS at - 1 THE CREST Dependable Clothiers. Men 7