AjbanyJPgmocrat MljSr CTiTnm FOR THE LEGISLATURE. itcond tlBss mail matUr. F. P. Nutting. JCo petitions were filed fo scutatives on the democr; and it will be necessary f to seek the men. Three splendid men fc!(Ve mcn retired ,c Ticket. ,r ihtv office Our Wants. , We like lo have it generally known that we are now making out a new time-table for our pupils and are prc- oared to accept new ones in every ""'"-u. .wwtant positions, .grade for both studies, "Piano' as Jnu is bb , ,),eir mmiei be 'well as "Violin." . 'written on the t,,ftoXf ,. the dunlo. ! If you or your children have decided cratic party rr ia(.e a stron(f 't0 study music in earnest ami desire '" ""; "". Others miglft be named, OT?m ihnn.. AKAVtiVAB hf thfc VflrlfltV .1 : L. I. .-...Inn in t h I fjlSC.inat- "Ut till-!" . tvrlilllnt-lv nnitll :ir u n ,1 Store 813 W. 1st street. 25 and 60c , j, , art ;t WM be advisable to call now they nlcirt wlth Kencrai iavor by sponges for only 15c. and have your time set, as we antici- deir,:raiic voters. They are: FOR SALE. Large kitchen range pate a busy season. P. J, Denney, a prominent pioneer 1M1-...L m Slnm. . MRS FRANCIS M. WILSON, in- , (Vrmc-, with a clean record; Chas. L. r,.a,i.l, 11R 7th St. 1 tru-trif In oiano (iVenna, Austria). Shaw, of near this city, a representa UUI I. I. w ..lull. ma., nciur lVC 11114-111. win un'ftja iv 1 in violin (Berlin, Germany). pended upon in the interest of better y5a"NTED. Stenographer. Call at 114 Ferry street WOOD.-Slab. east of Ferry $2,; west of Ferry $2.25, cash on delivery. Pay the driver. A. W Docksteder. Home phone black 176, or Bell black 321. 80t LAND. Small tracts near town and on Santiam bottom for sale, also a few town lots. Easy terms. H. Bryant. tl6 WALTON'S ROOMN'G HOUSE. -Second floor Schultz new brick. New clean and modern. Furnished rooms. Home phone 1458. tl2 Studio on First street over French conditions, and Jewelry Store. Home 'j'nbne 353. well known Br. Office hours: nd A. A. Tussing, the rownsvillc lawyer, an 10-12 a, m. .2-5 p. m. oble man, of exemplary character, who stands for the nest there is in i politics andorals. rvecp tnem ill your minus on pn All suits just $15 at W. F. ffeiffer 's mary day FARM FOR RENT. Good farm of 160 acres in Linn county, nearly all in cultivation and best of grain land. Good improvements. Call on C. G. Burkhart, Albany, Oregon. I WANTED. Young man for delivery REGULAR REPUBLICAN, FLAT SALARY CANDIDATE FOR STATE PRINTER. Opposed to Present Graft System. WANTED. A woman to run a cook I wagon. See W. A. Eastburn house in logging camp from 10 to 16 to cook for. Will pay $50 per month. Write me at Detroit, Oregon. S. V. Hall. - t24. FOR SALE -Onions, by E. L. Mc Keever, phone Bell Farmers 2x1 tOl LANDSCAPE GARDENING, budding, etc., hy D. B. Sr.eer, R. 1). 3. Hazel wood addition. t03 REPAIRS THINGS. - F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street. Bicycles, Bewing machines, umbrellas, everything. Try him. CATTLE FOR SALE.-Registered Aberdeen Angus. John Wills, Al bany, Or. WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton. A. 1. Caldwell, Prop. FOR RENT. Office looms, splendid location, in the new Stark building. See Dr, A. Stark about it. FOR SALE. By the owner, one six room house and two lots, center of town, 322 East 4th St; also one good cook stove and several heating stoves. 1 H. Barnes.; . NO NAILS. Have your souls Bewed on by Chas. Frocnow's new machine. Saves stockings and socks. It GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere else in .Albany, Skill- Iv set, if desired. FIRE INSURANCE Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. FIRE INSURANUE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon s greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, CuBick Bank Bldg. Both phones. TO RENT. Houre, furniture for sale, 532 St. tOl WANTED. Apple pickers. 30 by the 26th of September. Highest wages . paid according to capability S. G. I Talia. 1 mile east of Albany. Both : Dhones. 16t FOR RENT. A house of four rooms with bath and pantry, on 11th and Caiapooia. 'uyuhe 525 W. 11th St. FOR SALE. Three acres, about a mile from Albany on the Corvallis road, Benton Co. good garden land. $300 an acre. Call upon Andrew Jensen, R. F. D.4. 12t I WANTED. Girl to do general house-! work, tall at Democrat omcu. list CIDER. Will make cider for the pub lic every Thursday until further ; notice. 3c per gallon. C R Wid- j mer, R. F. D. 4. Home phone 2801. ( 12t ! FOR SALE. 3 turnaces all in good PERSONAL J. E, Berwick, of Portland, has been in the city a few dayB. J Walter Stuart went to Portland yes terday on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. .Kelly left this i noon on a McMinnville trip. ' j Mrs. Anna Blumberg, of Harrisburg, i was in the city on a short Albany visit. Miss Pearl Cameron went to Eugene ! this afternoon for a visit with her; sister, Mrs. Simpson. I H. L. Sumption, formerly of Hast- j ings, Neb., has been in the city looking i for an ideal place to spend the remainder j of his life. Hon. B F. Mulkey, the anti-assem-j bly, anti Cannon, anti-Aldrich candid- j ate for congressman, is in the city. He will ken a big vote in Linn county, where the sentiment is strong and growing against Cannonism and its a'lies. DO YOU WANT GOOD DENTAL WORE AT A MODERATE PRICE ? AT THE I COURT HOUSE. Deeds recorded: Chas.' A. Smith to Linn & Lane Co.. 40 acres t 10 Fred King to Fred Olson & wf, 6.53 acres Wm. F. SDurlin to Delbert Brown. 800 acres 9000 New suit: Application by A. B. Weatherford secretary to register title of Central Land Co., at Albany. Marriage license: W. K. Smith, aged ' m uiicivnce, TV nuu ill. lilUV Barton 20, of Orleans nrecinct. ALL WORK .GUARANTEED FOR 10 YEARS o PAINLESS EXTRACTION inwum"."'.' w 1 r ft, - A H WR 'CP7 WL --si GOLD CROWNS o PORCELAIN CROWNS o BRIDGE WORK o PLATE WORK J. WORI o Dr. W. A. Cox PAINLESS DENTIST A Remarkable Apple Tree. Mr. David E. Junkin, of Oakville, condition, almost new, will sell at a Republican Flat Salary Candidate for bai a remarkable apple tree. It is a k.M.iH At Gf Mava'a Hnanital r. . T-. . oaullini. .n anAk.nH.H tT WILLIAM J. CLARKE, 225 W. FIRST STREET, Albany, Ore. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have Vibrators. This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call at our store and get a booklet. Price, $15.00. BURKHART & LEE. bargain. At St Mary's Hospital. FOR SALE. Oood tomatoes in bulk. C. M. Westbroofc. Home phone 7001. 26t FOR SALE. Small tracts of one acre, up, at $300 an acre and upwards, fine for gardening, fruit, etc . and a home, close to school house. See E. M. Perfect. 2St FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded on whole roots, are the only kind to plant. That's the kind we sell. Call Loth phones or address V. A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. FOR SALE. 1 two seated single rig, springs, 1 three seated double rig, Bpnngs, covered, both in good repair, at a reasonable price, f . a. Hugh son, 1 mile from Albany, Benton county. 6t . Use Johnson s best. It is the Best Made in Albany. State Printer. seedling and ever-bearine. He informs Annual income of State Printer un- the Democrat that there is not another . der present fee system, $30,000, would treB, ''ke it in the U. S. It produces ' pay expenses of any two departments apples every month in the year from : of state. Julle ' November straight, new ones Printer's income much greater under eYy mon.tn- Mr. Junkin left, a couple new law which goes into effect in Jan- f "? PP' ? Democrat omce, uary 1911 showing their splendid qualttv. At Greater 'than combined salaries of ri"- Trie other was secretary of state, state ""-"'""'VrJ . suoerintendent of nublic in- ,nvB aurao UI tnB lrees Ior lnelr Pa governor, treasurer, struction, bank examiner and attorney general. j William J. Clarke, only Republican,' flat salary candidate for State Printer, would save $25,000 to the state an-, nttally which now goes into the pocket of the State Printer. I Has had over 30 years successful tons, ! Foot Injured. with a Albany D. Brodi this forenoon met small accident while watching experience in the printing and publish- mer business and a life onir Reoubli- rfi,JV"": .. , P" i , of his feet. He walked home but was I P 0. WILL, lor Watches Mj:it . .1. . " win mc Ldxp,iyerb vuie to rue uic state to enrich the individual? Mate printing omce the last relic of the old fee system. (Paid advertisement.) I All.overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei ' ffer'i. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 tondueted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, Jhis Bank Invites Your Business Same Management for Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. wmum mi? wmm fef laiiOTiiiara toi "Ml ,. Mi SI' m m WW m r-.''.'.'-:,i : ?' Our Annual Fall Opening and showing of Paris and American Millinery Silk Gowns and Tailored Suits will be held 'on Thursday, September Twenty-second Nineteen Ten We believe it will be the most comprehensive and representative Style Show iovi-r held in Albany and we most earnestly request the honor of your presence The Hamilton Store L. E. & II. I. Hamilton M m (111? 1 vv. CCA mm km KM i..y