Albany Democrat A VOL XL VI iLBANT.' OREGON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23. 1910 XC 8 GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE FOR SALE. We wil be prepared to take oats on storage. Barley, wheat end oats bought. ' M. SENDER & CO. PUBIC STENOGRAPHER AND NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phone 379 No Phone Orders Taken and None Laid Aside. 10c See the Ten Cent Specials for Saturday at Meiser & Meiser No Mistake, Ruby Blend is the Best 25c Coffee. THEJFAIR Campened by Rain and Mud. i There were about 3,000 at the fair yesterday regardless of the rain. lhursday, Portland day the paid ad missions Wfr 19 leu WafnaijDU in Knn i Tuesday 4.565 and Mr-nrfav TnS. '"C ZZ"e. L 8 ral ro?? enKin.e J dlytM?roriS8i0nS ' " "Vi3SSrr aay to near from. . where his life was threatened because ine races yesterday were slow ones, ' he was suspected of being in sympathy nrh muddy condition of the track. ' with the revolution of Marshall Bonilla. ' A. i oy rror. neaia, uwnmg ana another American, F. E. SALEM MAN Had Thrilling Experience in Honduras sta'esman: New UrleanB, La., Sept. 16. H. y. Downing, a railroad engineer Brass We call your attention to lines that are most, complete for Fall, and all priced less Silk and Cotton Petti Bed Spreads, Collars, than any other store. Knit and Muslin Underwear, Hosiery, coats, Waists, Red Cross Shoes, Blankets, Comforts, Curtains, f Jabots, Belts, Bags and Sweaters. Your inspection invited. A WONDERFUL DEMONSTRATION Of the Value and Importance of our New York Office and Buyer Mr. Kragen, our New York Buyer, is on the ground floor, looking after our interests, at the same time the in terests of every woman in Albany and the Willamette Valley. You are all aware of the big strike that has been on for the past six months and only ended one week ago. You can appreciate how impossible it would be for factor ies to fill mail orders. ' The man that is on the gro ind floor will get the pick and cream of the New Suits and Coats as they are manufac tured that fact is being demonstrated by this store, for every day we are receiving twenty-five to fifty Suits and Coats, the first choice of the factories' productions, select ed by Mr. Kragen. They are different from what you will see in any other store. They are exactly like the styles you see advertised in the Ladies' Home Journal and other Fashion Magazines. There are too many different kinds to describe. Come and see for yourself. We are glad to show you. '"- Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit arc! Cloak House Real Estate. City Property. No. 108 New 8-room house, one lot, electric lights, hard finished, West Albany. Price $2150.00, No. 123 New 5-room cottage, one lot, West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 135 Good.. 6-room plastered house, one lot, West Albany. Price $1275.00. No. 136 Two lots, new barn, West Albany. Price $750.00. C. T. 2 fine building lots, west Al bany. Price $1500.00. Farm Lands. 70 acres 4 miles oift, finest soil, at a bargain, 500 Acres 8 miles out, $4.UO per acre. No. 142 20 acres, all in cultivation, 6-room house, 5 miles out. Price $2250.00. C. P. 150 acres 5'A miles out, fine orchard, 150 trees, best soil, at a bargain. I have some fine business propesi tions that will appeal to the most con- servative buyers. If you are looking for farms or city property, or invest ments of any kind, come to me. Hav ing resided in Albany 40 years I know all conditions. Can save you time and money. Call at my office for full par ticulars. JAS. F. POWELL. 130 Broadalbin Street ALB4NY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confection ry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for nil kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden vinte cement, ulympic lime, Arden piaster. Get prices bef jre buying. Cash pa;d tnreirgs. Foot Ferry Street. Albany. Phones. Mi in 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, crment, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden hntl field seeds, hay. grain, flour. M. SENDans & I'o." Both Phones 48. 435 West First Si D the best time being 2:31'. The conso lation z:u pace was won by Lord Love lace, the best time being 2:23. The 2:0o pace was won by Sherlock Holmes, the best time being 2:24. One of the entries in the 2:20 trot was Babe H. owned by R. H. Huston, . of Corvalhs, and driven by Woodcock of this city, taking third place. in norses A. C. Ruby, of Portland, took most of the premiums, leading in Percherons, Belgians, English Shires, German Coaches and Hackneys. Wil liam Snyder, of near this city, took two premiums on draft horses. It is almost a startling fact that five deaths occured at Salem indirectly the result of the fair: Those of Fred T. Saxon, by a Southern Pacific train. Harvey Massey, with some horses at the grounds; Bert Smith, a horseman, struck by the Shasta Limited; A. Z. Sears from apoplexy, and Teabo, the Chemawa Indian, by an Oregon Elec tric train. , A Warm Reception. Stayton Mail: Dr. F. H. Thompson and bride re turned to Stavton Thursday night last, having been met at Turner by W. L. Frer's auto. Although an effort had been made to keep quiet the exact time of their arrival, everybody knew when they reached the city, and it did not take long for the fun to start. Ihe phonp was disconnected and the water mains and electric lights were treated the same way. Then at a sig-1 nai irom tne leader of the troopo of Mill.. ... - . . J1 ' .-..mti, oio uvnig togetnerat Latiuna, near the government barracks. The n ght that General Marin's division was repulsed Downing and Miller both started for the marine headquirters to investigate the situation. The govern ment troops pursued them and a Hon duran cried, "Kill the blank Ameri can, reaching Miller's hut. and the American flag was raised. The flag was torn down by the Hon duras soldiers and the two men were forced to flee to the home of Mr. Van Blarcum. There a sentry was found on the front steps Miller and Downing entered through a rear passage and for 16 days was kept prisoners in ono place surrounded by troops demanding their surrender before the American vice consul at Puerto Cortez could act and procure a bond for the men. Later in their absence the two men were tried by court martial and con victed of being revolutionists. , But for the fimness of Mr. Van Blarcum in refusing to give them up the Americans would no doubt hava heen murdered. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. ia Last year morn Bibles wero sold than any one hundred other books. l n population of Dallas, Tex., iiitnaao ui iio per cent in ten years. Will Dallas, Or. reath that" If Rogue River pears can be sold for as hiirh as 5.90 u:n I:' Valley pears can he mndo n.- same thing. f.G"r.H-AScJ?ildm!ller,' tI!e new coach of w. w. . v,. arrived mis week to put oiAj . shape ,for the championship. Schildmiller was the star half-back of Darmouth. Last year he coached aJ'ieV-,a'?!,Dolan is expected to as sist Schildmiller in the work. Killed by the Oregon Electric Teabo, a Chemawa Indian, brother of the wel, known base ball player, was Killed in a horrible manner by the cars at Salem last nvht. He was on the Oregon Electric going home when he went under the cars, evidently hav ing gone out to get off after deciding to remain in Salem. THE EMPIRE Admission 10 cents. PROGRAM TONIGHT ONLY. "Wooing O't." A Vitagraph com edy, with all the usual vim and realism shown by the Vitagraph company. 1 he way the young people teach their teachers the art of love-making is the best merrymaker yet. "The Art Lover's Strnturv." A revelers, a mighty outburst of discor-: ;lril,"a fu f love and pathos that dant sound smote the evening air touchcs the hearts of each and every The doctor promply "came through" ""f-enu'ng right, and the happy pair escaped relatively i ... T.he Mexican Domain." Scenes in easy. Mr. and Mrs Thompson reciev-1 ' cxlco. showing the beach at Santa ed a large number of beautiful wedding ! Cong, and the military parade with gifts. The "newlyweds" will be at . "lc president, anda-great many other nuino io meir mends in their new , scenes oi interest bungalow after Oct. 8th. Junction the PisnKin City Junction City held a big punki'n show yesterday, something new in Oregon, an l Junction is now the Punkin City for a fact. The exhibits were divided like this: Field and garden 45, Orchard nd vine-yard 124, vegetable 116, grain and seed Hi, culinary 120. "John Graham's Gold." A vcrv in teresting drama, beautifully portrayed, showing the power of gold, and the worldly ambitious mother giving her daughter's happiness away, . through its mlluencc. A beautiful lesson well lorn. Complete change tomorrow. 0. A. C. Alumni Notice. All members of tha it a r i.,: and all short course graduates' of said uotiiutiuii. wno are residents of Linn Oo., are especially urireri tn hp nr 8me,5J,n5 whlcn wil1 be held in the Weatherford Law office Monday even ing Sept. 19, at 7:00 o'clock sharp. All suits just $15 at W. F. Pfeiffer's. LECTRI THEATRE TONIGHT c Chance of nintnrn day . i "His Imaginary Crime" -A thrilling western picture. "The Clown's Big Moment" A fine drama. Vaudeville." ' Clinsty and Lee offering a musical novelty from "Mansion to ICabin" us ing harps, mandolin and freak fiddle. Tonight only. Admission 16c. 1 reamian "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" ; Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Childr en Sc. Matinees Daily 2 :30 to 5. Night shows 7 :30 to 10 :30. The lcida. A new steel r itrirs. kri a cooking plate on top, a m:del modern . stove no blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look at it. A Albany Hd Co's. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have Vibrators. This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call at our store and get a booklet. Price, $15.00. BUR KH ART Jit LEE. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfeiffer's. MR. H, R. SCHULTZ ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS SECURED C .. . THE FAMOUS " Daughter of Dixie. Rosemary for Remembrance. The Wicked Baron and the Page. S0NG0nly a Chain of Dairies. 1 Real Estate FARM AND FRUIT LANDS. 72. 160 acres 4 miles from Albany. All under cultivation. Fine farm house, barns and outbuildings. A nice country home. $80 per acre. FOa SIX BIG NIGHTS COMMENCING Monday, Sept. 19th PRICES.--15, 25. 35 and 50o. ' r vi!."-:?1'8 Ct "?. P'ayd one solid year in Fortland at. the Lyric Theatre and is (he only repertoire company booked on the Northwest Theatrical S.ndicate by John Cort, manager. DAIRY FARM. 87. 80 acres, fine location, alfalfa soil, big bargain. $65 per acre. CITY PROPERTY. 79. 5-room mtodcrn cottage, large lot, good location, West Albany, SI81XJ. 65. Two large lots, A-l location, West Albany. $1200. ! BIG BUY in rooming house. ; ALBANY REAL ESTATE CO. . State Bank Bldg.. Main and Ellsworth. DOOLEY'S GROCERY THIS IS A SAFE GROCERY STORE. A store you can put your faith in. A store that looks for its Increasing trade and success in being able to care for its customers in a way that merits confidence. Housewives who know and appreciate quality in grocer ies arc more and more realizing that this is the safest store and that month in and month out steady trading here means economy in grocery buying. WATCH This Space Monday, The rink is now open under the new management running afteri oons and evenings. ! Admission free. f Skates ?5c, including admission. i arshai ooau leientloFt Estimates given on Pl.iaterins, Sidt wals and Cement Worn. J . F. TRAVER, 4th & Calapooia Candidate for Joint Senator. Candidate's Announcement. I hereby announce to the people of j Linn rnd Lane counties that I will be ft ennd.iia'K for Joint Senator fiom ti e ; above named irunties sbbjeet to tie" -icisi'in of the Republican rrimaiics. Paid adv. I. H. Bingham. I Tl! :id rsigr. al-.ev f i it-d resires to announce r IM nusitii n of county i ei-t:n:r .'ffor lie republican rri ; r,'"-.-n-i a fuiihiul service i tie o.nce u nominated and elected. O. SUIT, Tangent. Paid auv