FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS We have anticipated a big demand for school shoes and we are ready with an ex ceedingly large and varied assortment for all sizes of school children. We have them in Kid, Gun Metal, Calf, Patent and Kangaroo Calf Leathers, light and heavy soles, but ton and lace styles. An exceptionally fine assortment of strong good wearing shoes for boys in the regular and high top styles. Boys and girls delight in such good wearable shoes. Parents delight in our prices. We delight in being able to give such shoes at such prices. We guarantee a satisfactory fit too. SCHOOL HATS FOR GIRLS. See the new Roosevelt shape a splendid hat for school wear. Other styles and colors in felt, beaver and silk. Very reasonable prices. RIBBONS. A splendid variety some pretty Persian effects. We Try to Please Our Custo iers. THAT is why we sell strictly high gt de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAP r & LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. alter Parker Grocer uifi Baker lH WK-tT 1HHT ctrililSTAXiK4NY UBBQOit, first class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 I I 1 P'-i.. i WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the lines i buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. Wc make a specially of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples ci our work. Wc have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. R ESS TOGS Electric Toasters Make Perfect Toast Ralston Electric Supply Co., 3'0 West Second Street. NOTICE.. Application for the purchase of the road land in Linn County now owned by the Oregon and Western Coloniza- tion Co will now be received. j Application blanks can be obtained at ; thi office. TcrmE.:- One fifth down, and the bal-! ar-ct in fivp years. All lands sold in le al subdivisions, from forty acres to : 32u acres or more. OWEls BEAM 1 Room 4 Stark Building. I A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. SCHOOL DRESSES. Fine quality serge sailor suits for winter wear. Trimmed with braids, folds, piping and covered buttons. Pleated skirts, large and small collars. These are new goods just arrived. $5.00 to $12.50. DRESS GOODS. Fine new fabrics for school dresses. See them. Shingles. Made in Albany my iNo. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from SI. 25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. S. C. RUN YAN, Carpenter and Builder. Makes a specialty of repairing and job work. Shop 1020 Elm street. Home phome 426. Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. Hitiiaa anrl nt-hni. niMnn ... promptly. Contracts made. ALBANY REAL ESTATE CO., W. M. Dresser, Proprietor. Room 14 Albany State Bank Building. Property lists wanted, property for sale. ' A specialty of the new ALBANY HUGH IS. S09 the plat. JERSEY DAIRY G. W. KUTHE, Prop. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice daily. Phones: Bell Black 2371; Home Main 144 DR. VIRGINIA V LRWEAUX Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black 2751, Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does Bret class work at reasonable prices. Next door to uemocrat omce. see htm. WOOD. Slab, east of t erry 2,; west of Kerry $2.25, cash on delivery. Pay the driver. A. W. Docksceder. Home phone black 176, or Bell black 321. aot BARBER SHOP 236 West 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed Geo. H.Fiddiman, Prop. J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the NewAlbany State Bank Build ng, second floo'', with a complete equipment fot pictue taking of all kinds. D. B. ADAMS, 'ACUUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING THIS MORNING Ntws from Albany's Six Trains. Early The Dlatfurm and deDot were crowd ed from end to end with people, nearly all going to the state fair. There were co many it was impossible to pick out those going anywhere else. Wednes day and Thursday are the drawing days and Albany always sends its Bbare. Editor Brown of Brownsville and Postmaster Brown of Lebanon, were in the crowd comintr down on the Cum- min'sflyer, of course bound for the fair. Grant Pirtle, of the St. Charles, a resident of Albanv for six vears made his first state fair trip, and will be one of the heavy weights there, 291 pounds wuu nis snoes on. The Dowd Bros, and their father, of Sunrise, recently from Connecticut, went down to see if an Oregon fair would show up with a nutmeg tair. A New England fair is certainly not like an Oregon fair, and yet a fair is a fair the world over. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Warford left tor Minburn, Iowa, on a visit with Mr. Warford's folks. His father and moth er in a few days will celebrate their golden wedding, an important event worthy of consideration in the family circle. Dr. W right Lee of Junction, came dowB on a visit with his sister, Mrs. Fred Fortmiller and family. Special .Notice. School books and school supplies are absolutely cash. Please do not ask us to charge them. Foshay & Maeon. The new California rooming house, at Second and Montgomery streets, is now reaay for business, The best rooms in town, nicely furnished, both single and lor housekeeping. tlb Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have Just received a itock of the lateBt in Andirons. Call and select while the assortment is full. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. ffer's. . Pfei- CENTRAL ADDITION TO ALBANY This Addition has just been placed on the market, and ow ing to its every natural ad vantage, is destined to become THE residence district of Al- 'bany. Only five minutes' walk from, the Post Office. See us, we can save you money. COLLINS & TAYLOR, Ag'ts. .132 W. 1st St. Albany, Or. Carmel, Lemon, Vanila, Strawberry and Ciocolate Ice Cream Orange Sherbet. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP Otandma's Spectacles Were good enough for " iyeolden times. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist. 329 2nd Street. Missouri Feed Store. For Flour and Feed, Corner 2nd and Jackson streets. BISHOP MOORR, Proprietor. Bell phone 264 J. 9 o $ o o c o o r OBSERVED By the Man About Town A good many people around hunting for Buitable presents for a bride. What's harder tnan finding something no one else thought of that is appropri ate and expressive. It takes the pa tience of a woman to do it. Some fine looking iron work on the ground for the new Schmitt Block. Watson Broa. did it, good foundry work. They have the contract for the iron for the building, which will require consid erable. Some bovs riding an old kangaroo hievcle. laid aside for fifteen or twenty years, once navigated by the author of of lower down riding and took a tumble. Some strawberries in the local mar ket. The Portland papers have been telling how all the berries now seen were from Southern Oregon, but these are from out near the strawberry city, and are good ones, the most delicious of all berries. Linn county takes no back seat when it cornea to strawber ries, and Lebanan is the dish. One man has been added to the crew of workmen on the street line exten sion; but more are wanted. It is al most impossible to secure help. A nicture in the front window of Tomlinson & Holman's store, reading underneath, Our New Home. It's the Schmitt block, and this firm will have a double floor space of 50 by 100 feet. At Dreamland. The Cheynne Brave. This name sug gests an Indian alory, and it is so It is an exciting one of love, revenge and war. What gives it an extra interest is that it is acted by real Indiana, and vou not only see the Indians' every day life, but the storo is toH in ohe most beautiful partjlof the world. The bio graph shown is an uncommon story, snowing bow a neglected child gets into mischief, a good picture, xne enmaay end is held up by a Selig entitled The Emmigrant, in very good. Parents Should Know. It is the cuty of parents to ascertain if the eye-sight of their children is per fect or defective. Immediate, timely attention may Bave your child much misery and yourceit future regret. l!i. u. Meane, uptotrmrisi. All overcoats just $15 at W. F. Pfei-ffer'a. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING Slre, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. With September Comes the new ierm of school. After three long months of vacation and fun it's time again to get back to work and study. Perhaps the boy will be in need of a new outfit, Suit, Shoes, Cap, etc. We invite your inspection of our new Fall styles in these lines. Or.r Beys' Ail Wool Knee Pants Suits can't be beaten. For the older fellows who want college cut clothes, will find just what they want at this store. THE BLAJW CLOTHING CO. Dependable Clothiers. i AT THE COURT HOUSE. New Cases: Adela Hoelzel agt. J". P. Hoelzel, for divorce. , viarried Oct. 20, 1902, in San Louis Obispo, Calif. Charge, being enamored with anotber woman, giving her a diamond ring. etc. The custody of the three children is asked and i60 a month alimony. L. L. Swan attorney. Anna Muszynski agt. Paul Muszynski, for divjree. Married 1881. Desertion since Dec. 1906 is charge. The custody of Bix minor children ia asked and 87 acies of land. Second account in estate of J. N. Rice approved. Account of trustee of Owen Kees en dowment fund Santiam Academy ap proved. Settled, J. W. Cusick & Co. agt. A. T. Humphrey et al. Marriage license; Thos. Wylie Smith, 32, and Evalyn B. Rhodes, 32. Deeds recordad: da Owen to Eastern Mo. Co. small tract $ t Jas. ! isner to F. C. M aybee lot Mill City 550 tt.W Tripp to J. F. Venner tract Browusville . 1 Mortgage for $700. , .4 National Lecturer. Mrs. J, C. Stone, a national lecturer of the W. C T. U. will be at the M. E. chnrch Friday evening: Read what has been said of her: The spea'ter haB been engaged in lecturing on temperance for many years in various parts of the country and in foreign lands, tt She was one of the original Ohio crusaders who inaugurated a viorous movement against the legal ized liquor traffic several years ago, ;,nd from that time her energies have been almost wholly devoted to lecturing on the evil nature and results of our state and national policy relative to the revenue system ofjour.government. THE HOME TELEPHONE CO. Will issue a new directory shortly;and will Appreciate the cooporation ot patrons in making this issue the best yet Subscribers who have moved or had their number changed please call Man ager Sanders or the bookkeeper. MD'' tT & STUART. Fhone Uome 431 'I wT;'-'HVjiytT.v,M!affl-a Albany brick icoi&MuMWmMm i ALBANY ORgCOH