The Democrat The Daily Delivered, 19 cents week: in advance for one year, $4.0? Bv mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $.1.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.60. After 3 ye-s at 12. ODE TO MOUNT HOOD. By William Steward Gordon Author of music, majesty and might, Lift mc to nobler heights than I have known, Expand my soul, breathe bigness in my words, For mighty Wood demands a song high-pitched Above mere Kipling rhymes and com mon things. No puny pipes o' Pan play heic on reeds, But Boreas, whose smile the rainbow is, Sounds forth its deep voiced organ on the north. Majestic monarch of the proud Cas cades, I drink thy beauty as the gates of dawn Arc lifting o'er thy gilded glacier fields. Was heaven stripped of all her gor geous dyes To paint this rainbow on the skies, that Alls The vast horizon's arch, and crowns in light Thy solemn silhouette against the sky? What cataclysm reared thy .mighty form And strewed thy fragments for a hun dred1 miles? Does old Aeolus, fabled King of Winds, Dwell here, "Steel's Cliff" his brazen sounding board, His acolytes tiie harpies of the storm? From whence this curling smoke and sulphur fumes, And why this heat around thy ancient throat? Will stygian fury some day spew its rage Anew on lurid skies and leaping hills? On Cloud Cap Inn, and new Pompeii's Camps? No "Alps on Alps" beyond thy crest arise, v With ermine robe and Hermes' fleecy veil Thou has the morn's first kiss and last good night. Just now the dove of peace hangs o'er thy head And hovers gently in the sleepy clouds, Which pendant hang as o'er a new born heaven But while I speak, 1 hear the rumbling j slnrm Likc hariots o er these hollow liclus nf Ire. And heaven's dome is etched with zig zag light, And frescoed with the foam that breaks around Thy head t'-.c l-ir-cl ot the thunder bolt. Thy lakes es arc reservoirs of power, Thy cliffs and canyons, autographs of (Joil, These pinnacles arc heaven-pointing hands. These jutting ledges, arabesques di vine. 2'o Tharoah bleaches 'ncath thy pyra- mid. Nor was it built by blood of goaded serfs The Lord alone reigns here He was, and is, And is to be thine only potentate. Written at Mt. Hood, Aug. 14, 1910. THE LINCOLN FAIR,. Toledo, Sept. 9. I had the pleasure 1 37 timtior claim owned by Chas. A. of taking in the last day of the Lin- i Smith in Linn an'' L-i'ie counties The coin County Fair and inecliii!? a mini- court hold thutSnl.t.i , cliaiged with ber of fanners and former members I knowlooge of tho frauds perpetuated nf the Granuc and received much en-by Stephen A. D. Puter, Horace Mc cm iiagemcnt looking to the organizing Kinley and Dun W. T.irpley, so tamihar of several granges in this county in j to Albany people, the seat of some of ",' ,," future tl,em. in ob''n'nB entrymen and mak The fa r here has been a decided ing tho filings. The burning of corres- -Ll .in,, U exceedinulv well pondonco in the office of Smith was success, and stands 1M.1.1. M Je" I Jjnr,,rPH corroboration of the fact, in iin l'"" ?.:r: ' Th vnluo of this timber is said to be 1-a.r that 1 a teiulc.i las ycciw. , u. 111 llIC "l.uie. , ...,.w - . l.ninwillhavctolnoKtoiieri.uirc,,, Mr. J. O. Deii.y. tne i.niu.i..-. iviv. grower, occupied Ic-l o. sacc length with farm products. Hie fruit exhibit was sinpiiMiiK i-.iih .- 1 ( lie nail ui 11 n nn.K : was a triple snleil py rumiii 01 appn-s, u-n ieei inyu and ten feet each side at the base. In the renter of each side was a star made from red apples. Among the miscellaneous exhibits was a lir board furnished by the Ya quina Bay Lumbering Company, 67 feet long and 14 inches wide, without a knot. A section of a spruce tree was S feet 2 inches ill diameter. A large block of coal mined four miles north of Toledo was on exhi bition. Also a 5fi pound salmon, donated by the Klniore Canning Company of Si htz Bay. A lloa Constructor's skin 1J feet long from the Panama canal was among the curios. Considerable In dian bead work was si-en. Among the exhibits of the work .;' il.c schools was one from the l.acomh --ehool. Linn couutv. placed on exhibit by Miss Marv'A. Kwing who taught that school sn successfully last winter. Among the latter exhibit was a quilt made bv the young ladies of l.acomh. valued at Sll'! There was leaf work; map drawing, and specimens of ex amination papers, etc. Coming from another colinlv. no awards were given. The iloral exhibit was In-autim!. The permanent exhibition hitildm:; is -IiKIHO feet. It was well lilh'd and more space 1- conieillldalion lor next veal In ll.o matter cr:-.! veavs befor lt what I -inn 111 Strange a- ii ,,; as dr, li-.i ail-'.'. ii--- ,1 st. ill b, lint ill ' : appea :- in llu dollars deficit, which the county court will by petition be asked to assume, and will no doubt gladly do so. In a voting contest for Festival Queen ending today with 10 candidates Miss Esther Copeland of Toledo won with 585 votes; Miss Edith Casteel was second with 526 votes. It has been a great task to collect the material on exhibition, owing to scattered condition of the settlements, nestled among the hills, and along the streams of Lincoln county. This second fair shows what can be done and it would seem no more than fair for the state to appropriate $1000 to pay premiums, the same as Linn county receives annually. Lincoln will yet be one of our best grange counties. In all my organizing work I have never met a more cordial reception, and a greater desire to belong to the grange. Lincoln county will surely more and more honor the memory of our immortal martyr president, whose name she bears, and be renowned for her civic righteousness. CYRUS H. WALKER. Chaplain Oregon State Grange and a Mate JJcputy. TUESDAY. A GREAT VICTORY. Mayor Frederick M. Phisted. of Augusta. Maine, was elected governor of that state yesterday by a big ma jority, the first democrat to be elected governor in over forty years, the last domocrntic governor being the father of the man elected. Besides this three democratic congressmen out of four were elected. Tho victory is one of the great pro tests going up over the country against tne corruDtion and orrait tnat nave been prevailing in the United States against Cannonism and trust rule. And it will spread. In Arizona, too. the democrats ear ned a majority of the delegates to the constitutional convention. Shedd. Shirley Duncan Wednesday eve, at the home of the bride's parents near Shedd, Miss Lulu Duncan and Mr. Ben Shirley wore united in murriage by Rev. White of Albany. The wedding march was played by Hazel Ackerman. The bride wa3 ta:.tefully dressed in a dress of cream serge. There- were about 25 relatives and friends present. A dainty lunch was serve,!., Tho ywung people nave the good wishes ot- tneir many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brasfield left Wednesday noon for a trip cast. Hillard Ackerman and wife came Wednesday noon from a trip to New port. Miss Ida Espeland started for Iowa after a fow weeks visit at C. Lawsons. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sprenger- left Thursday morning for a trip east. The Millholland threshing machine is at Jo in Millers now. This will wird up tl-,3 thrashing season around Sheddi J. H. M .irs and family will leave Mondny i. ou for a trip to Ohio and New,, :y ana oilier pomis iii-lik-east. Mr. a 1 Mrs. Bon Sherley left Sun- day for .ugene, from there they will cro to F, jrenco their new home. JUDY. 37 Fins Lmn and Lane Claim TaKcn from Him. .Indue Bonn, in the U. S, court at Portland yesterday mude a decision of a sinking character, ordering cancelled In the case of ci(?ht claims thBlttW the law limitatation was declared to. Kre(iBrick A. Kribs. well- ... nwn hor. wa8 lho Bent. and hi j nowiod, the court held, was that of Smith, and the now Linn and Lano Co. fosnonsible for their knowledge ol , ,.:' affairs I This conspiracy against ths govorn 'ment was begun by McKinlev and 1 Putnr in 19u0 and the first patents I obtained in 1002. Many Albany people will rnmnmhor the visits of tho men to ! tliis city.and were aware of the fact tbut i local men wero being made tools fur I getting timber land for somo big con I poration Sam Dolan of the 0. A.. C. The O A. C. has sent a news bulletin over the state, that transforms big Sam Dohin, guard and tackle, down into a lialc quarter-back. Hero it is: Tho announcement of the appoint ment of Sam Dolan, Notre Dame's star quarterback, as instructor in civil en gineering for the coming year, will be of especial interest to football enthus iasts, since tie will aouuueas give some j assistance to the athletic ireetor in 1 coaching the O. A. C. team for the , games scheduled for this fall. Mr. ; Dolan is a son of S M Dolan of Albany. ' and attended the i.n- uuu'al college, before going to iMotio Dam where ho , received tha ri-Tr.:- el b-ichclor of; science in civil "":'. :r. ; last Juno. ; II., Kiieeeeds V. . 1 l.ndncr, 1io is . retiring from the inslrueiionul field. i j Jrck Johnson says that since the .'glit lie has receiv e! letters from six iiini rod minister! who want linnncial . ,p i'o- some -rojiTt. and yet before In- l i'it '.i'.e ministors nil over the , iy ili-t th.'ir be t to stop the fight. a i ii::j ti-;:. ir can aofiiciateeo,-.-' ' I A GOOD START.! Thi Stite Pair Has Prospects. Splenic! The state fair opened yesterday with a good attendance. People were pleased "ith the fine showing made in the iifferent departments, though on the T3t day there was something doing everywhere getting things in shape to e seen. Special attention has been -iven tc fruit this year. As always in Oregon there is a great display of BtocK, and Ed. Schoel has gotten together the biggest flock of poultry ever seen on the coast. There was some good races. Fran cona won the 2:12 pace in straight heats, the best time being 2'10. King brook took the 2:25 trot in straight heats, the best event of the day. The time was 2:13 8-4 and 2.14 both of the other heats. Babe H. a Corvallis horse owned by B. H. Hmton and duven by Woodcock, was third. There is a fast program on for today, which is German day. with a crowd of Germans present from all over the state. At trie Hotels. E. W. Scotf, Salem. W. E. Burdett, McMh.-ville. B. S. Martin. Brownsville. T. Walton, Salem. Carl Knutson, Niagara. Lura Flett, Corvallis. F. E. Taylor, Hubard. Lee Reagan, Shearville, Kan. W. R. Sampson, Portland. G. K. Berry, Ashland. W. B. Holmes, C. W. Holmes, land. J A. Donaghue, Pendleton. T. W. Miles, Medford. Ash- WEDNLiSDAY. Yesterday was German day at the fair, and the dutch were there from all over the stuie. Special exercises were held, with a long parade. mere are not many county exhibits, but those presented byiarion, Douglas, Benton and Columbia act spiendiaones. Benton county particularly, under the O. A, C. professors, has a display tbat will be hard to surpass,. In the races Albanv mode a showine. iit Crawford, driven by Fred Wood cock winning the 2:25 pace, after a game struggle with Os West's Bender second, it taking five beats'. Kit Craw ford's best time was 2:15: Bender won the second heat in 2:13 3 . The 2:15- trot was wan by Alfreds, a Spokane norae, tne nest time Deing :14$ The i 1 2:25-trot for three year olds was won.; piaiform. It will be by far the best by Mamie A I win of i-an Francisco. Uourse ever offered in-. Albany. There - Ihis is balera day and the races art-1 the 2:0 race for the three year olds. the Ureater Uregon race. 2108 clas for $5,000 and a 2:30 trot. Insurgency is sweeping the country Yester.fey it struck the state of Wash ington. Under Washington's nnw law Miles Poindexter of Spokane,, is the choice for U. S. senator and: will be elected. He is an insurgent. Will E. Humphrey, a regular, placed the same game Hawley is viking, aind declared if elected! he would notsupport Cannon, but he had. supported Cannon before and the voters did not support hinw He is defeated for nomination ior congress. W. A. Laf-allctt, as cousin of. Senator Lafallett !urs been chosen to-rum for congress. Stanton Warbuton, another insurgent, it is thought is- nominated for congress, all -three representatives .undoubted being insargenls. ; President Taft tridri to he!pthe' reg ulars, but just now the people' are sun ning tmngs The now Central Addition to Albany iVas bueii-laiii- out andi is a goad one, will iituated at- the soucb. end - of Fen-y streeti S-bxeets have: been, graded, aeatly set, uod tilt whole will show an addition that will make a. residence dis trict that will b a credit to the city. It '- cjnvenieskt to business- and wall located for homes. In fact Albany is fortunate in having Una addition put on tbe market, just-the thing needed th-eao-l gfrowing da.?. 1 he owners propose to protect people desiriag good homes, by placing a li.nit on the price oS the hoane nuitt, $ii'. ;o or 5ixuii,3unitiiiurtiiat vail prevent 1 he erection- of one and. two 00m nouae.. always. a oraweacK t.a section Collins As Taylor have the 'the exclusive-agency for ths- addition and will pasb-lhe miis- of lots- in- the additio ,. It is ald the price-will range trom $2dU to about $tu a lot of 50 by 126 feet. Go. out and see what has been done. FOR grey, learn. SALE. weight about 3200 One pounds. One Im pounds. One lilac pounds. team, weight about 2S00 k teaitii. weighs about 250O And one boy's pony. Throe milk cows, one Homing: fres-l about Oct. I. other-two civing milk. Two registered' Berkshire' sows, one with ten and other with eleven pigs hv side. One registered Berkshire hoar, one year old, imported troini California. KU-'veu gilts. six mouths old, and one fat hog. Kitty head of Cotsvrold shVep. some rciristereil. several nice vcarhng am l-ini'i rams in flock, also one ,1-ycar-old ram. registered. Some Angora gix'its, eight wethers and one registered Angora buck, Alo two wagons, one nearly new: one 111 11. I'. Russell engine and l'.ird- - ell clover linller. nearly new: and a CarK-y I'ros. feed roll, nearly new: am! i-ousehoM goods consisting of thrcc ceatcrs. two cook stoves. kitclier, : ible, dinin-i table, cuidioard. scv:nc ' l.icliine and mimcrous other! on A. 1-'. 'iniineruiann, .-ciei-lilcs la-rlli of Alhanv and two ami -half :'.;!' a. ,4 yet .a: to leav northwest ot Millers- omc bargains as 1 am rimne l-'arrncrs c-7. -fit v.'rtmin -in,! Al-rn iv h ;-!.l;e. Vm' : ho picti .111 are :u:r.:.te rv n , t I- C H NEWS Department 2, circuit court: -Judge Galloway neld an adjourned term of court and granted two divorces: rJva Pearl from Ray Pearl, Ella Peacock from Albert Peacock. New suit: Williams Bros. agt. Mills Wood, to recover $314.87, on account of work and material on a new barn. J. K and M. V Weatherford attor neys. Deeds recorded: J. C. Caudle to S. Gus Collins 49.98 acres $ Sarah J. Welle' to Mary J. Har ris 80 acres Mary J. Harris to Anna and Laura WcBride 160 acres J. W. Thompson to Mary T. Thompson 58 acres D.E. Cornell et al. to G. L. Alexander lot Ralston's 3rd ad Lebanon '. W. H. Ross to F. C. Alexander 66X acres Jos Hume to Mary B. Taylor land near Brownsville 3000 1 1 2500 1000 850 100 Marriage license: Ernest Hornback, aged 20, and Lulu Fay McDowell 16, both of Albany. Answer filed in Travis agt Cinder ella Mining Co. Deeds recorded: Lqyd J. Bailey to Mrs. A, A. Hiatt 4 lots B's ad t 100 W. K. Shoemaker et al. to Oli ver Anderson 10 acres 750 Layton Wisdom to Ralph King 10 acres 10 A. A. Hiatt to Or. Elec. R. R. . Co. 4 lots Woodles ad 10 Robert Robe to E. S. Robe 2 small tracts 1 Bond for deed: Arthur Trask to L. Roy Aplet and wife 80 ao-es at 1600 Circuit Court: In Ella Peacock agt. Albert Peacoek the plaintiff was given custody of the child and $750 alimony. In Annie Turpin agt Geo. Turpin di vorce was granted. Marriage licenses: Arthur Waggener;. 23. Halsey, and Blanche N. Bierly 1 Harrisburg; E. L. Bogart 29, Water loo, and Kuth Lee, 19, Lebanon. The enlarged and improved Albany-' aoln .1Dey are speasmg eat in college Lecture Course for 1910 11 ofl60"63 &lee fers eiebt hiirh class entBrtinmenta hv-l atars of tha flhaiitanma mil lwrr; wilt be a concert company better than a,iy in Albany for two years at least, i and nrnbahlv another firaf: mnsipnl I attraction, three verv attractive lec-1 t-uress, a cartoonist of world-wide fame, a reader of the highest-marit, and an. impersonator who is unrivaled. A re- served seat for these oieht splendid at. tractions will cost only-$2.50. or 3ic (each. Single DUmbere -will cost 50c or - more; ! The-course-ODens 0t-. 7. with a wond - ( erfullji attraciiive lectaro bv . Captain ! Jack Crawford, the Post-Scout, soldier, orator, Inuian fighter and most thrilling entertainer and uohfter. 1 iner ana upuiter. Haroll Morton Kramer,, from Indiana, mvoliat laeh.tror ...fW nt "TVw nrL movelist lecturer, author of "The Cry- Shhs and other popular novels, a; Spanish, war officer, "a- leader in the movement for civic honesty, is highly enmmeaded for the literary charm, on thnist philosophy, wit, humor and earn-r-j est purpose ta nis lectures, V, r 1 t ixt. Leadicc Chaatauoua. raana?ers j next. Leadice Cha'jtauqua managers- say that she is the best reader thev-. hae.ewnr. employed, one whom they enr ?ai7B vean aner VHay- Kev. William Hiram, Fbulkes-, D. D.i. of Portland, will deliwer his wonderf itj letture tt the Oberammer"a) PassioaJ Paw. oev Dec 6. HImb Portland T!a-! gram said of his newspaper article oa '. 4-K;a nU. tk.t n.n n n C , . ! this play that it was.ons-. of the best , pieaes of joumalism-iit bad fiver their pleasure to print. ThaPttmry Uarter:Co. aonsists of famous carioonis3,. Pasry Carter, . of tb Mianeapolis Tribune and Marie Carter, soprano, fife draws and talks most entertaniniagjy. Marie Carter's finely cultivated soprano varies the-pro- gram, pleasingly, "bee. 20 the date, jio.muaic Albany the great attraction of tho ytar will be the Urand Opera, Sextette, .on Feb. 3. They. sing. ; in full costume,, wita scenery, famous' portions of famous oneras, Faust. ' Chimes of Normaadv. 11 Troratora. I iiucia etc. Mr. Gilbert A. BldcecVe. Imnersona- tar. has filled more than 1200 engage monts in sevesv years. The Dross ra - jcrts are wonderfully enthusiastic. Be comes reu. 11. The eigth auariber to bo announced later will probably bea high elassmasi- cal attraction-. The valuo-both to the hearers. ard to the community of ssch a coarse of first class entertainments is exceedinelv great. Tim- purchase of season tickets for the ffkJu family, if possible, would seem to be equally the rich privilege and sacred duty of all who. either look out for 300.1 things for themselves or are public spirited in their expendi tures. not be Unriisr a system that would perritted in any kind of a business circle rrank W. Benson is receiving two salaries, those of secretary ot state and governor of Oregon, not Benson's fault us much as that of the system. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- MENT. Xotice is Hereby given that the un-a-r.iuetl tiled in the County .'tuirt of Linn county. Oregon, her u-r final account as administratrix of t'e esiati: ui X. P.. Yernor. deceased, -nt! llait .-aid court has lixed Monday, he 1Mb day of October. 0ll. at "l -' in the afternoon, as the time -r !;.-. n-iiii- ,-.f ui'iecri-.ns to s;,ij !u-a! ..a: ". ami the sctlli'iiH'.M there-. f. M. V. YKUXOX. iV'.W ri'T v- SOX, Adm-x, .V:: ": ' .or .'':il-.-;i-;r.:: :, MISFITi.J Cannonism is getting it in the neck. Everywhere the people are speaking against trust rule. Some mighty good insurgent sermons are heard these days. There's a smile on the face of the in surgent when he reads the news from Maine. As Maine went there will be others. High tariff, double priced rule will have to quit. The grand jury at Chicago yesterday indicted ten big packers. A good be ginning. Some people in the world are' so full of visions they can't see evsry day facts in plain clothes. New towns are springing up over the hills, with immense possibilites- and numerous probabilities. Roosevelt's trip has caused many a sting. There are some things in this country that need stinging. Wait until the Oregon insurgents get a whack at the machine. It will make; the Oregoman tower shake. The truth is both' Seattle and Port land are padded to beat the band. It was a figtit for population supremacy. The men who have helped to make Cannonism should be put oat. The vo ters of this district have a chance to show their colors. President Taft it about to make a srrandstand play iust before on import ant election, to find about the enormous 1 leaks of the government. j ., , , . . , . . Fl-om the surf-beat siore-of.Maine to the golden gate of California or the sparkling mouth of the Columbia there is something stirring politically. A suit, eesa of gunpowder-was found near the- stand where Roosevelt wss to speak;, but a little thing like that will not disturb the great lion hunter. flnnnon will nrtt hp Krenkpr aav-tin. Even the- vellow stand Dat iournuJa nrt- mii it; but it is the people who are Tkumosi i,.;,i. . ilariu was-referred to by an A4bamr man ias a Bard of Philistines. When, von come to No's.32Sand329 heJo knock 'the Philistines out bv votinw a heavv No. . . . I A bpekanernan horsewhipped-a; man of October, 1910, at the hour r.vho -insulted his wife a fmer lover, of j O'dock p.. m. sell a public i an. thejS?g? nn?t?lm ?1 nd .th,e' mn!5 i auction to the highest bidder at the wnlPP laand, 30, days m jail,. and.front door Qf the-court house in the-' was sorry, he-couldn t send him to. jailj -, f Aj,.,!lv Linn county, Oregon, IDr . About the only argument the . stand- patter has is that the country is pros-1 iperous, is regardless- ofi the! jdrawmck ot misrule, because the mar- venous inuussries ano resources op tne venous industries and resources o the 'country - have made it sow. But they don't niant to, see tha noiiitt r 1 easterly trom tne 3. v. corncr-oi saiu. (block, thence-running easterly-on the- A. I?.. Hofnr, of the Salem- board of south boundary of said block, 60 feet,, trader has just returned home after a thence northerly and parallel with the trip to. the California lines. He was.! eastern boundary line of saidi block,, struck with the progress- of Eugene, ! m feet more or less to the north line- iwBcuuiE, ui-ouio h oaa, mcuiwui ouu v... a 11! 4.1 ' Roseburg, Grants Pass, Medfordi and but Albany, is-getting there just the- same. A picture-at the Empiaeutoldi an, odd story:. Avyoiuig womaru's. sweat heart lett tor the-wucta ot Uanada- to, maKe his fortunei While gone though- re- tainiig heo-lbve for him, because- ber mnlhar waa 111 oT,o rtoaAoA M. crwt mother was-ill and she needed, to send In five yeocs both the aged banker and her mother died, and she then left for thes tall timber of Canada after her sweet heart, whom she. foond living with. a pretty Indian girl, his wife-. She sought to. get him away; but very prop- edy. he stood by his Indian, wife, and the story closes with her returning in a canoe,, mm ner guiaes, 10 ner goio. Lebanon. 1 tie c A : i , L. T. Berry's new.residonce, situated j ; east of S. M. Garland's home, is near- j 1 ing completion, and. he will occupy it, this week. Mm. A. M. Wi eon and Mrs. A ex P(Wer went to Salem last evening to visit Mrs. W. B. Gilson, who is quite skk. Miss Esther Johnson., who has been principal of the Lebanon high school for the past two. years and has been re- elected for this year, has resigned tho - position. At the meeting of the fourth quarter- ly conference of the M. E church last rnday evening it wf.s unanimously vec - ed to request the return of the pastor,, nev. A. r. iBcy ior anotner year. Roy E. Cornet, Frank Ellsworth, and "Newton Lewis returned today from a successful hunting trip on the Umpqua river, m uougias county, rney report having killed five deer as the result of the hunt. All Oregon Fruit bhow. The list of prizes is out for tho Ore con State Horticultural Society, to be held at the Meier & Frank store. P - jrt land, Nov. 30-Dec. 2 It is elobora irate. the general prizes ara big ones. Seven have county prizes, Benton putting up .5100. Clackamas $30, Hood River S50, Lanu Slo, Linn $50, Marion $2o and Cuos not jet given. There is SI for the burr est apple, and $100 for the best 25 ..'XfS. It is an all-Oregon aiTair and deserves the support of tha entire atato. T.i ; republican party needs splitting v DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Samuel E. Young, a native of Scot land, yesterday at Eugene, filed his declaration papers. The little town of Thornton, near Coifax, Wash., was burned yesterday, nearly a complete loss To him that bath is given, Cornell has j':st been given $689,000 more, and its present endowment is immense. A new divorce suit at Eugene is Thomas Thomas, the well known S. P. engineer against his wife, formerly of this city. Extravagance is charged. Mrs. Alice Stebbins Wells, of Los Angeles, has been appointed policeman at that city and will wear a star. She will have special wozk among women. Welch Bros, of Salem, have secured the contract for the new Christian church at Eugene, at about $50,000. The total cost,, with heating plant and everything will be about $75,000, one of the most costly churches- in Oregon out side of Portland: Lakeview Herald: Rev: G. W. Gibe ney, Sunday school misssionary of the Presbyterian church, was in' town this week and delivered a pleasing address Wednesday evening at the Methodist church. Rev. Giboney is amicus to see a Presbyterian church established! in Lakeview. J. P. Howe, a Eugene roal! estate man, died yesterday. He was once associated with JornvCort, th- famous theatrical svnaicate man. He was the j promoter of the College Crest addition to Eugene and a hustler; But the Great Reaper cuts down the slow and the fast, the hustler and the drona. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby givn that the un- dersigncd has been duly' appointed by ,the: County Court of Linn coilnty, j Oregon, administrator of -the estate-of ti. lnmvith, deceased. All persons having' claims against the estate.- of said deceased are hereby, required to present, the same, with the proper vouchers- to- the undersigned, at.-the aw officc of Htewitt & Sox in, the j citv o Albanv. in Linn County. Ore gon, within six months trotn the date of this notice: 1 Dated! this I6tli day of September, . : 1910. T. J. BUTLER, HEWITT & SOX, Admr.. Attiorjieys- foir Administrator." GUARDIAN'S NOTICE OF SALE. Notice-is hereby given that the un-- I dersicnedl the duly aDDointed, quati-- Red and acting guardian of Hugh Mc- Cuiiougs.. a minor, .win maw: saie ot ! certain lauds, pursuant to are order of: the County Court, duly made and- en- , tered of record on the oth day of bep- i tember 1910, authorizing and directing: ! ,he undersigned to make sale of the- : lands hereinafter described belonging 1 to said n inor.. Now therefore, in pursuancs of said I order of said court. I will on the 15th j all the rinlitt title and interest of the : I said Huch m cCixIlough, a minor, in ,,i n,. fnllnwincr lie-rilird l.-mrls. Commencinc at a noint on the -south' f boun(iarv Hue of block No. 4 in Hack- i iernan's scc, 1, ".i -,rj;f: t , nf iAb Orceon which is 7 38 feet AiDany, Oregon, wmcn is .jo icci of the south half of said block, thence t nr ine SCrlull nan OI s,aiu uiuth, iiieuec 1 esterly parallel with the south bou dary line: of said block 60 feet,, thence southerly parallel with the eastern boundary line of said block to the place of Bogi'mriag. Also, Beginning at the S. E. corner- off block -No:. 4 in Hackleman's second ad dition U the city of Albany, Oregoni. as the same appears upon the plats- off ciH iirljIHii, to QaiH ritv nf record ,n- I said addition to said city of record in j Linn county, Oregon, and running j thence westerly on the south boundary i line of said Mock 60 feet., thence j northerly parallel with the eastern boundary line- of said block to. the line I dividing the north half from the south j ilatf Qf saij block, thence easterly on tne lma-aivMing the south Half from the north half of said block to the cast tine of said block, thence soutli to the place of beginning. Terms of sale: Cash in Hand ort the ' dav of s.ile. i Dated this 6th day of Sept.. I9T0. j NELLIE McCUELOUGH, Ctaardian of Hugh McCullongh, a minor. ctiiMMnm ., T. i c-.... -c ' 0" C,0nc,?,ffJ ! PihSSff ' . vs ' ; William Bilycu, Defendant. j To William Bilycu, the above named 1 jcfendrmf j hl th'c xame of tUe State of Oregon,, ( you are hereby required to appear and! 1 answer the comoilrint of the above; named plaintiff in the above entitled , court now on (;ie with the clerk of I sa,-(i c011rt within- six weeks from the , di.te of tile lirsiJ publication of this : summons, and vou are hereby notined 1 that if you fail: to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required the plaintiff will take a decree as prayed ior in the complaint herein, to-wit: For sale in the manner prescribed by law where partition thereof cannot be made of th-.- following real property: The north, one-half of the northwest one-fourth of the northeast one-tour-.h of section 2. Tp. 12. S. R. 1 V. of the Will. Mer. in Linn couutv. Oregon, - and the proceeds thereof applied ths- I payment of the costs of said sale ar.d ilns suit and the remainder disbursed to the parties in accordance with their interests in said real property. This summons is published in The Ait, any Democrat once a week for six weeks by order of the Hon. I. X. D1111 t.:t::. county jii'l;.-e ot Linn comity. Or-'.--'..;i. made this Sen'. 7th. H'KI. and the -i'-.v.- of (he first, publication hereof is S.:pt. 'K F'lil. C. C. BRYANT. Attorney for plaintiff,