Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 16, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Physician an ' u geon
ilri ny Oregon
Calls made in f'rv and country. Phone
Vet6r: nary bin geon.
Jefferson, (Jr.
Bell phone farmer!
13 TKE T
joar teeth out and
Plato Dbd bridua
work done. For out.
of.towu satroiu we
niBa plate
orldita wo
day if Boci
MolirCiowni $5.00
Gold Filllittra 1.00
Eniml Filling! 1.00
Sllnr Fllllnn .50
ttood Hubbar
But Rubber
W.K.WlSt. Fumm in Miaun hintaii Extr'tlon .50
"ralnlOBu iSxtrartiou Five when plmte or bride work
3i ordered. Conmltitla Froo. Yon cniiBotetbtWt
pinJcta work an where, oj mart or how mucn 70a pay.
Wise Dental Co.
Painless Dentists
railing Bulldlnr. Third I Washington, PORTUND, OREGON
OUlce Heatai IX M. to S f. at. lanqaTa. IU1
'For kidney nd J bladder troubles
-sciatica, rheumatic ' pains, ' neuralgia,
headache, weariness and sleeplessness,
''that dragged 'down feeling;"
Acting directly on the kidneys these
mild pills give almost inrtant relief
because they not only act as a tonic
but clean the kidney tissue of impuri
ties and expel the poison from the
So marvelous and universal are the
results obtained that these pills are
fully guaranteed. Every druggist has
them. In 50-cent boxes only. If not
satisfactory your money back. Don't
delay don't run the risk of Bright's
Disease. Get Swain's Kidney and
Back Ache Fills today.
Kansas City, Mo.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
county judge of Linn county, Oregon,
as administratrix of the estate of C.
E. Fox, deceased, and ali persons hav
ing claims against said estate are
hereby required to present the same
with th'e proper vouchers to the un
dersigned administratrix at the omce
of Percy R. Kelly, in Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Albany, Oregon, September 9, 1910.
ANNA FOX, Admr.x.
PERCY R. KELLY, Atty for Admrx.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of John Barton, deceased, has this day
filed in the County Court of Linn
county, Oregon, his final account in
the matter of said estate, and said
court has fixed Monday, the 3rd day
of October, 1910. at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. for hearing objections to
?i.',d account, if any there be, and ffor
the settlement of said estate.
J. V. BARTON, Ad-nr.
HEWITT & SOX, Attys. for Admr.
drawing 01 pliuto. for expert search and free report
Free advice, how to obtain patent, trado mark,
coprrlgau. etc, aj ALL COUNTRI E8.
Business direct Kith Washington saves time,
money and of ten the patent.
Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively.
Write or come to as at
6aS Hints. Strait, opp. United State! Patent Oflce,
CTjxrt M-'in'h und free nM,Tt on jwtentnUlity.
rojrtL li.t.-tj elrt-'UncJ iimi:Tti .-, nuvtK
1 SION6 and COPYRIGHTS quKlily ol.l4JU.-0.
Opposite u. s. i-atern umu-i
toS&Jaii.. .
The comity court this morning
granted a franchise to the Tri-State
Railway and Power Co. for an electric
power line trom bugene to Albany,
far as this county is concerned, begin
ning at sec. 6, tp, 16-3 West, on the
line between Linn ana Lane, running
'i milea east of tiarrisourg, with
branch line into that city, and thence
through Shedd and Tangent to Albany.
The name is the new one for the H.
M. Byllesby & Co. owning the water
and light plants, of Albany, Eugene,
and many other cities in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho. The franchise is
secured for the new power line that is
to come from the McKenzie through
Eugene to Albany to furnish power for
the ditterent plants, a move mat event
ually will transform the operations of
the different plants.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 76-44.
The River 7 of a foot.'.
Prediction; showers tonight and Fei
Lawyer A. C. Condit came up from
Salem this noon.
R. R. McKinney, of Holley, returned
today from Portland.
Frank Burn, a one handed bop-picker
at Eugene picks seven boxes a dsjy.
Mrs. W. B. Struble returned last
night from Seaview, much improved.
Dr. and Mrs. Blake, of Ashland re
turned this noon from a Newport out
Lafallett, the insurgeant .is now
about fifty thousand ahead in Wiscon
H. A. Lake and family left this after
noon tor Paxton, Neb. on a four week's
visit with relatives.
J. M. Williams, of Eugene left this
weeK tor Atlanta, ua,, to attend tne
supreme lodge of Odd Fellows.
Superintendent Briggs left-this after
noon for Cottage Grove after his fam
ily. They will reside at Calapooia and
4th streets.
, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. C. Brasfield, of
bhedd, left this afternoon on an east'
ern trip.
John D. Roseclair was hanged to-day
at Salem at 12:30 o clock, as a just
punishment for killing his wife several
months ago.
Tne Portland, Eugene and Eastern R.
R. has asked a franchise in Corvallis.
and promises to begin vork there with
in six months.
i J. H. Mears, of Shedd, was in the
city to-day. To-morrow he and Mrs.
Mears will leave for the east on a visit
at their old .home.
Mrs. Tweedale and brother J. J
Little, of Sacramento, returned last
night from a Portland trip. Mr. Little
; will leave for home tonight.
Wilson Peery, a, prominent high school
; student for several years, left today
wicn nis motner lor uorvaius, wnere he
will enter tne u. A. L.
E. E. Parrish has sold 45 acres of his
; farm near this city to F. R. Cottage.
i recently here from the east, the con
. sideration being $2800.
J. C. Hammell, of the Hotel Revere,
has returned from his hop field, near
! Corvallis, where he has been looking
alter picxing lor a couple weens.
One woman threw some acid on an
other woman at Eugene yesterday. It
was parity warded off and only a little
went into the face of the victim.
The Charles Gray farm, seven miles
from Snrinp-field. was sold this week to
two California men at $200 an acre.
Too-much for land just for farming.
George Colton, a member of the cele
brated hoy's city council, of Portland,
is in the city on a few days visit, the
guest of his grandmother, Mrs. George.
Miss Anna Farrell, after spending
the summer at the home of her folks
in this city, left today for Harrison,
Idaho, where she will teach the coming
At the stock show at Portland this
week Ed. Schoel and W. B. Davis have
swept the field on Chester Whites,
winning all the prizes, about neck and
The Warren Construction Co. has be
gun paving seven blocks at Cottage
Grove, the city using its own roller and
furnishing the rock for the pavement,
a good start.
The members of the Epworth League
last evening at the parsonage held a
Looking Backward social, and a fine
time was had in games, etc , with some
choice refreshments.
A Portland physician accuses other
Portland physicians of many criminal
operations. He is probably on the
right track. There are physicians who
make a business of it, about the lowest
of all trades,
Eugene Register: W. L. Gilham !
lineman for the S. P. Co., has been or
Wed to transfer his headquarter from
Eugene to Albany, as it is more cen
trally located for his division extends
from Woodburn to Cottage Grove.
Rev. Arthur A. Hauderich, of gt
Louis has just been sentenced to the
penitentiary for stealing $18.10 in
money and seventeen watches from his
fellow theological students. Of all peo
ple the minister needs to be the most
careful about his personal conduct.
Thre is something doing over at tne !
Independence hop yards. J. vv.reter
son, a sr-m :in r gh'lery man. whipped
his 18 ye::r oiJ daughter. This made
the hon pickers mad. and they went
to Petersen's house, took him out, tied
nim to a tree, ana a woman in the
crowd him thirty very live laphes,
One of the new teachers in the Rose
jurg schools the coming year will be
Miss Vera Horner, daughter of Prof.
I. B. Horner, of the O. A . C. She was
orn in Roseburg r r.d is a graduate of
-.he Corvallis high schoel, the O. A. C.
ind the U of O., a young lady of
Undid character and attainments.
A pamphlet of 17 pages containing
the address of James J. Hill at the
National Conservation Congress at St.
Paul, Minn., yesterday, Bent out from
that city. Quick work. The address is
an able one. Among other things he
says: "There are dangers inseparable
trom national control anil conduce oi
affairs The machine is too big and
too distant: its operation is slow,
cumbrous and costly." Again "The
battle of the ages is the continued in
crease of public expenditure and public
debt, making capital and credit suffer.
insisting on a return to nonesc ana
practical econ omy."
A post card from New Orleans, which
ueg'ua. oy euiiauiuiiunui auicuuitioiib
the state of Louisiana two years ago
perpetually freed from all taxation all
monies invested or which may be in
vested in paper secured by real estate.
As a result many large tracts of virgin
and immense fertile low lands around
New Or pnnn nrp now heme reclaimed.
settled and cultivated." Therefore sea j
roiea ana cultivates.. i wrerore bbb ,
the Louisiana exhibit at the Chicago ,
Land Exposition Nov. 4 to the 28th.
A magazine section containing the j
address of Henry M. Byllesby, the head ,
of the Northwestern Corporation that
owns the Albany water and light plant,
on eneineerinir and commercial skill
applied to the operation and manage-
ment of niihlie. servien ei.rnnrationa.
The Democrat recently DUblished most 1
) of this address.
News From Albany's Six
fir .1 I. Rill Mino C.aaaia Thnmnann
and Mrs. Georgia) Hobbs left for Sher-
wood. Mr. ana Mrs. Kutus Thompson
went yesterday. The cause of the trio
is a vending to taKe place tonight De-
twe u Dr. Fred Thompson, of Stayton,
formerly of Sherwood, son of Mr. Rufus
Thompson, ana Miss jNora tflnmlll, an
accomplished youmr lady ot Sherwood.
After a wedding trip they will be at
home at Stayton.
A number of people left for Portland '
to attend the stock show and races, ;
among them P. C. Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Hogan and M. McAlpin.
The fair is proving a great success,
iuii vve.mi.utic
Fifteen or twenty Albany Elks left
for Toledo to attend the Lincoln county
fair and pay the bunch of Elks there a
fraternal visit.
Qanotnii MllToi rtama Anmrt tmm 1 .oK.
anon and went to Salem. H will make
an issue of the coming election. . with
splendid prospects of again -being elect -
cd to the omce he has hlled so well.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pfeiffer left on
their eastern trip, . They will go di-
rectly to Chicago, where Mr. Pfeiffer
will stop, going to Milwaukee, while
Mrs. Pieitter goes further east for a
visit with relatives.
Hon. S. M. Pennington and daughter
Mrs. Alice P. Richards left on a visit
with relatives at Industry, 111., not a
son as s'tated by the Democrat, but an
other Pennington of the same name.
They expect to be gone two months.
table will go into ettect on the Corvallis
Dr. Star came down from Browns-' & Eastern, when trains will run as fol
ville. lows: Will arrive at 6:55, 10:10, ex-
Miss Belle Chance of the Portland eept. Sunday, 11:55 a. m. on Sunday
schools, returned home accompanied by .only, and 6:10 p. m. all from Corvallis
her father. i only. The Corvallis trains will return
Mrs. W. B. Chance and children went at 7.40 a. m., 11:55 a. m., except Sun
to Crawfordsville for a visit. day, 12:35 p. m. on Sunday only, and
John Giblin left on a Bay trip. 1 7:50 p. m.
Dr. Cathey, of Corvallis, went to The Yaquina train will arrive at 11:55
Portland. and leave at 12:35 p. m. on week days
Rev. Knott went to Marion counly.
MrB. Tom Riley came over from Cor
vallis. '
Senator A. J. Johnson, of Corvallis,
passed through for Portland.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, of Salem, returned
home after an Albany visit.
Henry Sprenger came down from
Miss Cecil Knox left for Mitchell
South Dakota on a visit with her' aunt.
New Bell Directory
The Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co. will
issue a new directory October 1st, be
ing the third this year. In addition to
the regular Linn and Benton county list
it will contain the names of the 125
subscribers at Jefferson, which has
heretofore appeared in the Marion
county list but have been added to the
Albany lisc on account of the large
number of calls between the two places.
The names of 130 subscribers of the
Airlie Independent Telephone Co. will
also appear in this list. That Company
havinp contracted for he connection
with the lines of the Pacific Tel. and
Tel. Co.
Daath or 13. C. Flagg.
B. O. Flagg died at 2:30 o'clock this
morning at his home in this city at the
age of 78 years. He was born in Wis
consin and came to Albany nine years
ago, a worthy citizen and Christian
man. He was a member of the M E.
He leave? a wife and three children,
Mrs. Jesse Davenport of McMinnville,
Harvey Flagg, of Bridal Veil, and Etna
Flagg ol Albany.
The funeral will be held at the M. E.
Church tomorrow a. 2 p. m.
At the Hotels
W. W. Chesman, Eugena.
O. M. Washliurn. Coburg.
A Stant, Wendlin.
C. E. Pueh, Gresham.
Mrs. J. R. Wyatt, Portland.
G. E. Crewell, Eudnne.
W. H. Sherman, Jefferson.
C. W. Henry, Roieborg.
13. M. Endicott, Joseph.
L. M Keeder, Salem.
Bud Kribs, Portland.
The Oregon System is Capturing
the Country
Manager Struble recently wrote Sen
ator Bourne complimenting him upon
the work he had done for Oregon, ne
has just received an answe", in which
he says:
The most effective "boosting" I have
ever done for Oregon was the delivery
of my address in the Senate on May
5th, last, when I declared thnt Oregon
has evolved, an i demonstrated the best
system ot popular government in the
world, in which aduress 1 gave an ex
tended explanation and discussion of
the Oregon system. Since that speech
was delivered I have had requests for
1,600,000 copies and I have responded
by distributing 1,350,000 copies. I pre
sume ultimately I shall respond to all
requests although 1 hnd it difficult and
jte j - to k with tne
3emana As a result thKe Oregon 8V8.
tem is being verbay discusae'd in 'b!.
most every city, village and hamlet in
the United States. The progressive
elements in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa,
California. Colorado, Washington, Ari
zona and New Mexico have gono on
record in favor of the Orecron svstem
and I have very strong assurance that j
Minnesota and Wisconsin will nursue
the same course. The Oregon system!
will be held up as a mcdel of good gov-
i eminent until that system has been
i adopted in practically every state in
Farlu tnu Union. I believu that popular gov
tariy erament, as demonstrated .in Oregon.
has done more than any other one thing
to advertise this State throughout the
. Union, and in making this assertion I
do not in anv WSV disDarap-B the effortB
of commercial organizations or take
uuuuo ereuii , Hiyseu. n wb
oot mv speech that did the work, but
uo uleiuu oyateui uuu we ureguu peu-
P'e whose intelligence, independence,
pupuiur government, i wan
meosenger.conveying meinior-
nation to the world and I feel it an
, honor to have had the opportunity to
Would Not Be Missed.
(With aDoloeies to Mikado.)
The news has transpired that a
i pigs is around,
Ana we've got him on the list,
A sneaking offender who might well be
under ground,
There's the fellow who wants just one
I city hall site,
' Tha vool oat a to rlaalafahn lrnnolrn tUa
other fellow out,
The man with manv lota who will not
, suhscribe a mite
To Keep the town a going with a
I . Doost ana a snout.
There's the scorching auto driver who
- never sees a thing,
The little yellow doe that howls all
And those old worn out business street
Everylasting eye-sores to one's sens
itive Bight, '
They none of 'em would be missed.
C. & C. Trains
Beginning next Sunday (a new time
1 "my- un sunaays an extra will leave
for Yaquina at 7:30 a. m. and return at
10.30 p. m.
The Hoover train will continue to
leave at 8 a. m. and return at 4 p. m.
Shirley Duncan. On Wednesday
evening, Sept. 7, at the home of the
bride's parents, atShedd, by Rev. W. P.
white, of Aibany, Mr. B, S. Shiriey,
jr., and Miss Lula E. Duncan. The
wedding was a nice affair, attended by
relatives and intimate friends, followed
by ccngratulatians and a sumptuous
lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley are
worthy young peodle with many friends
whose best wishes they will have.
The Mikado Was Good.
The presentation nf the Mikado by
the National-Pollard Company last
night was greatly appreciated, well
presented by the experienced young
people of the company, with s me at
tractive stage settings. The music was
gnod. The Lord High Executioner was
quite immense, well backed at every
point. But the Mikado ia old and is not
the di awing card of the late.1 product
ion with shorter dresses.
Fatal Accident.
The remains of Mrs. Mary Jane Beard
Wilson were brought from Jus nh last
evening to Albany for burial. Two or
three weeks ago she was riding horae
back, wh?n she was thrown, rectiving
injuries thnt terminated fatally. She
was 20 i para of ap;p a daughter of Am
brose Beard of this city, and had been
mHrtictl oiilv a phort time.
The fiir.c- al wiM take place at th'-'
fan.i'v ie.-.idrnee, 508 E. 5th tomorrow
at 10 a. m
A Fine Picture.
The pieture entitled "The Usurer"
will be shown totiuht for tire last tinu
at Dreamland. Thi3 picture is a bio
graph and shouM not be mitred, li i
i dramatic and exciting story from the
tart to the finish. Tomorrow, Fri lay.
there will be a new rxogrtm with a
fcreat Biograp!i as a teatue.
The time for filing anouncements of
candidates for county otlices closes to
night. The following have been filed:
State Senator. Park B. Beatty,
Representative Everett L, Jones,
Sheriff. Sol Lindley, Lebanon; A. M.
Templeion, Brownsville.
Clerk.-W. L. Marks, Albany; P. R.
Conn, Albany.
Recorder. Grant Froman, Albany ;
Maiiun F. Wood, Tangent.
Treasurer. W. W. Francis, Albany;
C. Scott Tangent.
Commissioner. O. H. Russell. Sweet
Coroner. W, P. Fortmiller, Albany.
Justice. O T. Porter, dist. 1. Milton
J. Knerr, dist. li4; E. G. Margason,
dist, 8.
Constable. John Catlin, dist. 2; Chas.
A. Osburn, dist. 12.
Committeemen. -F. H. Weber, N.
Brownsville; R. K. Ohling, West, Al
bany; L. M. Curl, East Albany; J. H.
Turpin, Waterloo; J. C. Hardin, La
comb; Chas. A. Warner, Nortb Scio.
State Senator. M. A. Miller, Leba
non. Treasurer. iv. A. Kimsoy, Albany.
Commissioner. C. H. Ellswick,
Justices. J. N. Bilyeu dist. 12.
Committeeman. G. W. Cruson, S,
Some F.ugene Men.
Three or four Eugene men came down !
nn th train thin mnrnino nhnrrlv of tor.
wnrdp huoino- an flroimnioti onil von rl
ing the morning news. One item struck
them torcioiv, ana tney declares tney
muBt get back to Eugene before the
uregonian was seen tnere, ana tney
hired Chas. Cline's automobile, with Mr.
Cline hold of the wheel and started
tacK at an uianeia rate. Now, wnat
was it all about. Like
a woman, we '
would like to know.
Miss Emma B. Croano. of the Empire,
: returned this noon from a Portland trip.
! Mrs. H. A. Loveall and baby, of
Lebanon are visiting at the home of W.
A. Cox.
, Adrian Moore Becured $200 bail yes-
lerday and was released from the coun-
ty jail.
W . D. Washburn has begun the erec-
tion of a new residence at Third and
Main streets.
i Miou Mnrnnn tho Bvontrollalip wnrtr.
T,'khas Be" i the 'ty 0n " V'Slt W'th
i Albany friends.
Dr. R. E. Watkins, (of Butte,
is in the city on a visit with his mother
Mrs. Dr. Shinn and family.
r. and Mrs. K W. Williams, and
rlnnorVifnr rptilrnprl Innf. nifrhh mm Now-
port, where they had been for a week.
Mrs. M. M Newton and daughter re
cent arrivals from Dakota, have rooms
at the Congregational parsonage,
The Lebanon Criterion endorseB all
of the assembly nominees but Hart',
declaring for Crawford for attorney
Girl wanted at the Crest Conf ection-
j ary for housework and to assist in the
store, uooa wages ana steaay worn,
for right party.
Miss Myrtle Pease, of the boys and
boy's home of Portland, is in the cily
this afternoon. Tonight she will go to
Medford on a trip for the home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Stoddard, residents
of Albany for several months, left this
afternoon on a Roseburg visit after
which they will go to Sandiego, to spend
the winter and reside.
The Corvallis and Eastern went
through the form of its annual eleclion
-in this city, elected J. P. O'Brien
president, J. K. Weatherford vicepresi
dent and H. E. Wilson secretary.
F. J. Devine twelve days ago went
to Astoria ana niB irienas or tne uiks
are getting concerned about him. One
grapevine is that he has been shang
haied and taken to the Fiji Islands.
The fire bell rang last evening at 5:40
caused by some rags at the home of E.
J. Seeley catching fire and blazing up
in a live manner. The fire was quickly
extinguished and caused little damage.
.The Democrat mentiond a young man
being arreBted recently for being drunk
and disorderly and fined, named Seeck,
from Lebanon. It should have been
from near Halsey. It was not one of
the Lebanon Seecks at all.
Chas. Coopey, the tailor, and H. M.
Grant, of Portland arrived this noon on
a short Albany business trip. Grant and
Coopey had charge of the Albany woo
en mills, which burned March 29, 1905,
and were frequent visitors to Albany,
Mr. Grant being here for some time
personally in charge of the mill.
The new school building at Lebanon
was dedicated this week. The speakers
were S. fv . Garland of Lebanon, At
torney General Crawford. President
Campbell and Superintendent Jackson.
Mayor Reeves presided and Mrc Day
and Prof. Wegner were heard in songs.
The California legislature has appro,
priated $10,000,000 for the Panama ex
position San Francisco and her citizens
will furnish another $7,500,00!). making
a total of $17,500,000, with which San
Francisco will go before congress ask
ing for lit least $5,000,000, making thif
the most expensive exposition cvei
Who is the faste.-.t runner in Albany.
Last evening on the college grounds
Charles Anderson beat Hi Torbet at Gil,
75 and 100 vards. Anderson it is said
will be in the high school this year, n
valuable addition to the athletes of the
eh ol. Ho is said to have beaten
Bergman, the O. A. C. crack sprinter,
in practice runs.
Rev. A. V . Moses, of Corvallis, wap'
in the city to day to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Mary Beard Wilson, going this
afternoon t Tangent, his former home
for manv ytars. for a visit with his son
ind family. Mr. Moses is one of Linn
ounty's formT school superintendents
and was also at one time principal of
he Albonv school-", iow nearly an octo
i-enarian, hut r'.'- ing the mental vig
i.r of his younir days.
J. L. Howard died at his home in this
city this morning of paralysis.
He was born in Haywood Co., Tenn.,
May 12th, 1838. residing there until
1852. when with his father's family he
moved to Iowa City, Iowa, later mov
ing to Marshaltown, Iowa, where he
was married to Miss Rachel Gillespie
i 1 1862. In 1864 he crossed the plain
by ox team, arriving in Yamhill Co.near
McMinnville in November, where he
resided for several years. He moved
to Albany seven years ago, where he
resided until his death.
He was a kind father and devoted
husband, giving his entire life for the
comfort of his family and a devoted
christian; being a member of the M.
E. church.
He leaves a wife and seven children,
with one deceased. Those that sur
vive him viith his wife, Mrs R. A.
Howard, six sons and one daughter,
W. K., C. N.. J. A., S E , E. G. and
Ella Howard, all of whom reside in
Albany but O. N. Howard, who is a
resident of Chic3, Cal., and were all
Mr. Howard has one sister who re
sides in Ralston, Or., who in the only
mo left of his brothers and sisters or
of his generation.
All of the Beven children are church
News From Albany's Six Early
F. H. Hughson, of North Albany,
went to Baiem to assist in placing anu
looking after the Benton county exhibit
at the fair. It will be in Charge Of
Prof. PeaVCV. of the O. A. C. assisted
by others of the college, and will be a
nummer. mr. nutsunuuiaiuut) aurumuos
two wagon loads of vetegables and
nuivu uum junb Berooe me nvci-. .uo
exhibit will be artistically placed and
will bo hard to beat.
Dr. Sievera of this city, went to Sa
lem to make arrangements for taking
down his string of fowls for competi
tion in the poultry department. Last
vAnr he won numerous nrst nrizes and
is looking- for some blue ribbons this
w. L. Gilham. head lineman of the
g pi( between Eugene and Woodhurn,
went to Salem to look after the wires
at the crossing of the new line of the
Portland, Eugene & Eastern R. R,
Mr. Gilham will hereafter make' his
headquarters at this city instead of
Eugene, bringing his family here the
first of next month.
Among those going to the fair at
Portland were Mrs. Tony Austin and
Misa Maud Blount.
Mrs. Claud Swan came over from
. F. C. Eietcher came down from Plain-
Misses Lenore Powell and Hazel Wel
ler came down from Brownsville and
went to Portland, where they will teach
the coming year. Miss Powell has been
there two or three years and Miss
Weller, formerly of the Albany schools,
will have her first experience in Port
land. For two or three years Bhe has
been in the Pendleton schools.
Mr. Loring, the S. P. depot Bupsrin
tendent, went up to Jordan, where he
has a farm.
Here From Sisters.
C, Allingham, of Sisters, formerly of
Hulsey, was in the city to-day. Mrs.
Allingham is visiting Corvallis relatives.
They reside about eighteen miles west
of Madras, one of the best towns in
Crook county, growing rapidly. It is
on the line of the new road building
down from Shaniko and expectB to have
the cars in about ninety days. Big
things are expected from the arrival of
the railroad.
A Wife Murderer's Advice,
John D. Roseclair, the wife murderer
hanged at Salem yesterday, talked 15
minutes before the drop. He advised
that wives should never attack their
husbands, stating that his wife did this,
throwing a pan of milk on him, and
that he struck the pan with his knife
accidently hitting his wife instead of
the pan.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 73-42.
The river .7 of a foot.
Prediction: fair tonightand Saturday.'
An explosion of oil yesterday in the
fireroom of the battleship North Dakota
resulted in a good many being killed
and a hundred or more injured.
George Maxwell, of this city, is lying
ill in the hospital at Tacoma, with
ineumonia. He is a member of the
Foresters of thin citv. who will see
hat he is well cared for.
Over 17,000 attended the live stock
(how and races at Portland yesterday,
aid to be the largest ever at a fair in
Oregon, except the Lewis and Clark
J. W. Foster is building a $10,000
residence at Corvallis ( hat promises to
oe tho best there, having tho fine
homes of R A. Huston and others in
the flhade.
Benton county aalos: Christ M. Kuch
o J. M. Hyatt 20 acres near Albany
$10; J. M. Hyatt to L, W. Delancy, 20
icres $10; h. Wcntz to L. W. Delancy
iO acres, $10.
E. C. Roberts, of this county, has
been elected as one of the judges at tho
hig fruit fair at New Westminster, B.
J. Oet 4. E. C. Armstrong of Marion
jonnty will also be a judge.'
Claud "latch has been transferred as
ianK examiner to Southern California
ind Arizona while the exhumer there
lai been transferred to O e?on and
"l.tho. Numerous other cbimftM have
em made, under a new policy.