Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 16, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    V- ' - J . . "..J r
' Albany Democrat, vincir ;TIin.n
nieTeTthe post oice, Aluany.Ur, JT1 U OIUUIU.
fctcond class mail mot t r.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
The people of Oregon generally will
appreciate the splendid influence Ex-
We like to have it generally known Governor Geer has just had down in
that we are now making out a new Arizona in helping to carry the new
time-table for our pupils and are pre- state for the democrats. But for him
pared to accept new ones in every it is not certain that the state would
grade for both studies, "Piano" as have given the splendid democratic
well as Violin. majority it has rolled up. Had it oc
The regular meeting of the commer
cial club wan held last night with Vice
. if you or your children nave aeeioea currea m uregon tne innuence, woum Bills amounting to $111.30 were ord-i
WANTiSD. To rent a farm, about 150 to study music in earnest and desire have been appreciated because he is ere(j psij !
acres. Call Home phone Red 263 a thorough education in this fascinat- known here, where he was put down Tne manager's report for August 121 1
HOP PICKERS. Wanted at once, one ing art, it will be advisable to call now and out through the power of the new Sunset inquiries, 225 special, 585 Union i
mile from Albany, in the McClellan & and have your time set, as we antici- order of things. It was supposed that pacific, 325 Portland Gommercial Clnb. 1
Settlemier yard. Phone Home 2105, pate a busy season. down that way, a thousand miles or Collections $473 65, thus far for Sept. ;
before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.-m. MRS. FRANCIS M. WILSON, in- more, they would not have gotten un- $263. I
WANTED A boy to work in soda structor in piano (iVenna, Austria). der the power of his magnetic pres- Mr. Struble declined absolutely re- j
works Call at City Bottling Co., PROF. E. L. WILSON, instructor ence; but it seems that the had been election as manager. ;
337 E Fit st strct. in violin (Berlin, Germany). heard of, and the people were ready Communications were read from M. ;
wAMTPn rlri i .reneral house-' Studio on First street over French for the onslaught. R Daughters on perserving fruits, W. :
WANt Ji cI.h' wlt Jewelry Store. Home 'phone 353. i But seriously, the. result in Arizona Bittle Wells on eastern exhibits, also
work, Kflf soutn J"nui,. office hours. jo-12 a. m., 2-5 p. m. speaks for the tendency of the times, Mr. McMurry. An expert will be here.
FOR RENT. Furnished house keep, a breakmg away from the administra- From C. C. Chapman asking for ex-i
ing rooms, at 116-Washington street WANTED. A woman to run a cook tion of mjsruie that has been going periences of successful women farmers. '
WANTED. Dining room girl at Im- house in logging camp from 10 to 16 on ; tle United States for several From Ben H Rice about apple displav :
perial Keeturant. j to cook for. Will pay $50 per month. years Because the country has been at Spokane. Contract ordered dropped. !
FOR BALE. -Onions, by E. L. Me Write me at Detroit, Oregon. S. V. proSperous, a fact due to industrial From J. Woods Smith about milk con-;
Keever, phone Bell Farmers 2x1 Hal1- ' tz4- conditions, the administration has im- densery here, with data. C. W. Te-
tOl WANTED. Girl to do general house- posed on tax payers through a regime bault. Dr. Ellis and L. E. Hamilton
LANDSCAPE GARDENING, budding, I work- Call at Democrat office. 12t of trust supremacy and graft. Now a were appointed a committee. From:
etc by D B Steer, R. U. S. Hazel- PUBLIC SALE -Sept. 23, at the tired feeling has come over the mass- Trade Journal about lecture here by ;
wood addition . t03 I farm of D. H. Bodine, one mile east cs and they have begun to speak out. Ben Vardaman on western tap. Ar-j
PHH RFOTHousekeeDing rooms- 506 of No. 10 Grunge. Live stock, farm The demagoguery of such men as Ex- rangmems for lecture were ordered.
Fr' P 18t I machinery and household goods. Free Governor Geer is not going to stem . C. W. TebauU urKed a county fruit j
JPttttm-. .-I t'L luncoatrLm. Terms under $10cash. the tide. In is ,5ite fikely that S!.d SL', .m. !
If i i 7Vjh "iv7nn h Ti M- a- "oscetter auctioneer, a. m. Mr. Geer really has a back-acting m-
..;.T. iu du" iii' 'l. i hs I Payne cleric. tu. fluence against his own contentions.
rr T T77 LOST.-Silk umbrella, gold and pearl The situation is an interesting one.
FOR SALE. Farm of -20 acreB, one handle Return to Democrat office I
and a half miles from Albany, new 7 "d'e' ' ' ! IfDN'T HITCH.
room house and barn, running water SCHOOL COLLEGE. Get a good
an year, give .immeumm puoeoiun nuuim twm.ii i No matter what a candidate may
with crop. Tennis: half down and , days . trial, from Rawhng s, before c,,im th, wno is on an assembiv
balance in easyaayments. Also some! starting to faohool or Lollege. H is ticket js an .enemy of the direct pri-
nousenoiu gooua. 01. ooy o. ,r ,i : ".t.- . 7 mary law. They don't hitch any more
Hawkins and Dr. Shinn a fruit associa- !
tion. The cluh was directed to ask the
county court for an inspector. C. H. !
Stewart, Dr. Shinn and C. W. lebanlt :
were appointed to stimulate apple
growers association. ;
Monday night was set for meetings j
hereafter. 1
F. R Daily, 227 W. 2nd street
Bicycles, tewing machines,
umbrellas, everything.
Try mm,
than a doe and a cat. The real object
of the assembly or convention system
is to do away with the primary law.
Of course as the primary law is in
force the -assembly candidate has to
profess friendship for .it in order to
CIDEK. Will make cider for the pub
lic every Thursday until further
notice. 3c per gallon. C R Wid
mer, R. F. U.A. Home phone 2801.
I lZt ,
CATTLE FOB iSALE.-iRegistered FOR SALE. a urnaces all in good
Aberdeen Angus, jonn wins, ai- condition, almost new, will sell t
bany. Or. bargain. At St Mary a Hospital. direct primarry as plain as the nose on
WOOL Carded and .batted at Suntiam FOR SALE. A .good second band ah ippotamus,
Carding A Knitting Mills, Stay ton. 1 piano at a bargain if taken soon.,
A. J. Caldwell, Prop. Mrs. Chas. H Gueick, 124 w 7th St. 1 DOWN 'PORTLAND WAY.
FOR RENT Office -looms, splendid FOR SALE. Good tomatoes in bulk.
Miss Cecil Boggs went to the Bay to-:
day. '
Earl Fit her and family went to the '
cro.t votes. Rut the whole assembly
condition, almost new, will sell at a business is enmity to the plan of the Bay today.
C. Meyer went to Newport today for
an outing. I
Mrs. S. C. Worrellihas returned from '
a visit with her folks at Mollalla.
location, in the new Stark building.
See Dr. A. Stark about it.
GARBAGE. Fred 'Rainwater, looks
' after garbage. PhoneiHoire 2303. 4t
FOR SALE. By the owner, one six
room house and two lots, center of
town, 322 East 4th St; also one good
cook stove and several heating Btoves.
H. Barnes.
GARBAGE. If residence is west of
Lyon street will piekup garbage for
50c month. S. B Penny " garbage
man. Home phone 2803. t4
NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed
on by Chas. Procnow'B -nw machine.
Saves stockings and socks. It
GLASS. All Buses and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere iilse in Albany. SKill
lv set, if desired.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phonos.
Mrs, Judge Palmer has returned
from a visit with her daughter in Seat-
C. M. Westbreok. Home phone 7001. for tne Ditnuing ot tree mams
HUb o-- -1 --' -- --- - J
i?rp cat p 3mn trota r,f nno nro years tne people 01 rortiana wno use
?,R fi Jn7nT. nrt ,mwrrl Rnk water paid out over three million of Judge McFadden id Senator John
r HfePtI td . dollars5 Then this racket was stopped, son arrived from Corvallis this noon,
- . a. , ... n . wno cnli ft trrrn tlnnir Hnirirpr Lllb ICiriTlHr WILn H iviHinfl HITI1 1H.
home, close to school house.
u oat- mat an attempt is 10 De maae 10 re- jonn BrucKman aaa lamiiv lett tnis
'., ., .f .., turn to it. One .estate in Portland has afternoon on a -visit to their former
P-E. SniuSS; S SC.? a tract..i. about L5HCS to which it home in Ulinois, to be gone several
h. Rn nhTAKn. .SS n ,, nlhr Wa"tS a,d Y" 1.U WOrtn Ot W3- WOeKS.
thinra ft MasBman 4 mile West of ter mains. which will be laid free as a Mrs. Sarah Pierson Adams, of Pav
Lebanon. 1 mZ Soutl " of W w! srt f Christmas present from the ton, a former Albany lady, founder of
"' mii.w 11 in. iiu- uib iviuucni xrttveicru, IB viuibiu, ai me
posed amendment to the city charter home of A. H. Martin,
passes. I
It is toe Best
Crawford's. 1 18t
Budded on whole roots, are the only
kind to plant. That's the kind we
sell. Call 1 oth phones or address vV,
A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur
series, Albany, Or.
FOR SALE. 1 two -seated single rig, '
springs, 1 three seated double rig,
springs, covered, both in good repair,
at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh
son, 1 mile from Albany, Benton I
county. 6t 1
Letter List.
I Use Johnson s best.
, Made in Albany.
F 0. WILL, lor Watches
Sept. 14. 1910. Person desir ng any of Bnen" COr?1?arAdJS,ndiBnt30n0 '
these letters should call for advertised -"Vg Ca" uPon Andrew J"n, .
letters, giving the date: K. D.u.4. l .
Mrs. Marv Boe, D. M. Carridy, F. O. PERMANENT PO SlTION-For man I
Dailv. Tnm"nondhiiB. M Jnnpa Sadin and wife on sma 11 farm near town.
Shaffer, R. E. Tanner, Vera Waddell, Man for outside work, woman for
J. M. Wright. 1 housework family of two. P. S.
J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. Ware Albany, Ore.. tl4
Dr. W. A. Cox
The most complete dental office in Linn County. Come and have
your teeth examined
Then if you wish to have your dental work done by a dentist of
20 years' experience, and also for a very moderate price, which also
includes a
you will not only be pleased but will send me your friends.
Gold Crowns $3.50 to $5.00
Forcelain Crowns . $3.50 to $5.00
Bridge work or Teeth without Plates $3.50 to $5.00
Good Red Rubber Plates $5.00
Best Red Rubber Plates $7.50
Platina Fillings $1.00
Gold Fillings ...$1.00 to $5.00
All Work Guaranteed 10 Yearg.
Albany, Ore.
Condueted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
Same Management for Eighteen
Years, Through Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
Interesting New Things in the
Silk and Dress Goods Department
A New Poplin
Here is one of the most beautiful cloths we have ever offered to our customers.
Its unusual fine texture, its beautiful finish and the exquisite colorings make it a
cloth superior to anything for tailored suits or dresses.
The shades are those splendid new colorings:
Cyclamen, a dark color that borders on the purples and yet possesses a grayish ap
pearance that makes it most beautiful.
Napoleon Blue, one of the most beautiful blue shades we have ever shown. A kind
of deep cadet blue but having the grayish tone which gives it a soft appearance.
You cannot imagine the beauty of these materials and you will delight in seeing
them. '
We have placed them in the window where you ma' view them.
They come 50 inches wide, and are only per yard, $1.65.
The New Silks
Pastel Shades.
By far the most desirable cloth for those beautiful and dainty garments: the even
ing wrap, opera cape or gown.
They come in those soft pastel shades of pink, tan, blue, apricot and white. Supe
rior in many respects to broadcloth as they will not spot and always retain their excel
lent finish.
They come 54 inches wide at per yard, $2.00.
These silks have brought forth many exclamations of delight from those women
who have seen them on display.
Their new patterns in Persian design and colorings the persian plaid combina
tions the stripe persion effects and the regular plaids all in new colorings make them
unusual in every way.
"Many of them we buy only in waist patterns which insures you of an individual
pattern, and the large assortment makes it easy for you to find some one color and de
sign particularly suited to you.
We cannot begin to describe their wonderful beauty. So many soft colorings and
tints, so many unusual and beautiful effects makes this impossible.
Anyway you will enjoy seeing them with your own eyes better ,than reading about
So come. We are proud of them and want you to see them.
The prices range from 85c per yard to $2.00.
Such striking effects have never been placed before our customers as are those
which now await your personal inspection.
The gold and steel effects, the colored, bead and embroidery effects,, the persian
bands and appliques all are very unusual. And such colors well, come and see