N Democrat Albany 1 ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1C. 1M 1.0 VOL XLVI The Market. Wheat $.85, Oota 40c. Beef 6c;vealdresBed9c Pork dressed 9c; on foot 7c ; Lard 16c. Eggs 30c. I Chickens on foot 10c. Hams 22c to 27c, sides 20 to 25c shoulders 15 to 18c. Buttei 30c to 35c. -Flour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 60c oer bu. Hay, from $10 lor some clover to Sid thf best timothy. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have Vibrators. This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call of nnr otnre and eet a booklet. Price, 15.00. BURKHART LEE. 1000 TABLE MATTS We have just received a large shipment olTable Matts Special this week at 20c per set of six matts at Meiser & Meiser aa EX-GOV. GEER DOWN IN ARIZONA. Exclusive Albany Agents For The FAMOUS GAGE HATS Gages exclusive Shapes and Millinery 1 IT c in The name of "GAGE BROS." on a Hat is like Sterl stamped on silver. The Gage Hats are the recog nized styles and standard of Fashion in America. They are found only at this store and the showing today is most, complete. Our millinery this season will certainly please the mn5t fashionable women, for we have the largest variety of styles in Hats ready made, shapes, trimmings and feath- ers ever shown m the Willamette vaiiey, Look them over. If you don't find what you want all fA-r mnHp 1mvf rlip crnnds to make any stvle you may desire. Don't fail to see the new "Suitcase Hat" and; "Jungle Turbans." The Democrat has received from a friend at Phoenix, Ariz., a copy of the Arizona Republican of Sept. 6, contain ing an account of a speech by Ex-Governor Geer, of Oregon, in which he at tacks the Oregon system, a mass of slander from beginning to end. He savs: "Bv reason of ha vine loaded I itself up during the past few years with a choice assortment oi political luosyn- j cracies, impractical vagaries, impossi ble governmental stunts, haphazard populistic nightmares and a complete job lot of other crazy quilt half-baked isms Oregon has frequently been termed the fool of the family of states." Instead Oregon's initiative and referendum, which is referred to, has given Oregon a standing as the most progressive state in the Union, and everywhere other states are copy- ng the Oregon system. He says: "The time was when Ore :on was a perfectly sane stite." Sure, like, and never more so than when the voters dropped T. T. Geer from its list of office holders. A democratic paper at Phoenix pun lished a dispatch from Senator Cham--berlain denouncing Geer as a machine politician, the server of corporations, defeated himself by the Oregon plan, and the tall Ex-Governor made a sorry mess trying to explain matters. He charged the initiative to be a di rect attack on representative govern ment, etc. the same old stuff, and gave his audience numerous advices of now to proceed along common sense lines. All of which jars anOregonian, where T. T. li. is known. 6 MEN FROM PRINEVILLE. Two Chalmers-Detroit cars, with six dust covered young men, arrived this forenoon from Prineville, their home, after a trip of a day and a half. The tires were worn and the cars brown with dust, but were in good condition. Shorty Foster was hold of the reins in one car and Sammy Newsnme in the other. Elmer Clark, a former Linn county young man, was in the Foster car. They reported a good trip all along the way even down sand hill. . Atter a nve minutes stop they lett tor Corvallis, and will go from there next week to the state fair, then down to Portland, and noma by way of the Col- umma ana btianiKo. 'iheir Bection of country is now at tracting wide interest by reason of its railroad building and the fact that Jim Hill has begun a campaign for building it up. The voung men belong to prom inent familes and expect a great time before returning home. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Col. Roosevelt spent yesterday with his daughter in Cincinnati. Wonder if she set up the cigarettes. The state ballot will be over tout f e t long. These other states will have to hustle to get into Oregon's clasB. Rev. C. C. Poling of this state is a candidate for bishop of the United Evangelical church, and is said may be elected to the position. Thirty people were drowned yester day by a ferry sinking between Lud dington and Milwaukee. It was a car ferry, of steel, costing $400,000 Colorado has adopted the initiative and referendum system, the senate passing It 30 to 2, and. that state will soon be a fool state as Ex-Gov. T. T, Geer sarcastically calls it. Lied at Vancouver. Death of Former Albany Minister. Mra. Phillips, formerly Mrs. Spalin ger, died at Vancouver, Wash., yester dav. She was a former resident of Al- uauy, a member of the Lady Maccabees m r ox tnis city, a woman nigmy esieemeu Many friends of rrev. 0. G. Harmon will be grieved to learn of his death which occurred at Denver, Colo., Sept. 8,1910. He underwent a serious operation and only lived four days after it. Ha leaves a wife and one son who reside at Denver. His wife is a daughter of and Mra. E. L. Bryan of WalU Walla, Wash., formerly of Tangent. Mrs. Chas. McDonah and Mrs. Harry pBV. Harmon wan nastnr of the urawiora, Dotn now residents oi van- Southern Methodist Church in this city couver, are uaugmera. seventeen years ago. w- CLOAK AND SUIT NEWS. Our New York Buyer, Mr. .Kragen, has wired us that the garment makers' strike Sis over and most all the factories will be running: this week. Mr. Krarren assures us that in a few days he will have Suits, Coats, blarts and sWaists on the wav that will surpass any styles shown early in the season. With the strike settled and a New York Buyer we will again demonstrate our superiority in tne ICloak and Suit Business. We are already showing about 1UU buits and ZUU Coats. RED CROSS SHOES for fall, are here. Watch our windows for new arrivals. Base Ball Another red hot eame is booked for tomorrow when the crack O. R. & N. team of Portland will jouri'y to the Hub to vanquish the strong Albany Colts team. The game will oe played at Rambler Park at 3 p. m Salisbury will do the twirling siunt for the locals, with the balance of the team lined 'up nhmit ns usual. A larce crowd is ex pected for all he girls will surely be there for "O yju Portland kid." The ldsdu. TWELVE INCHES A ew steel r .r witr, a cooking i i.,' ' T HOLDING BOOK a look at it. A Albany Hd Co'a. ) l Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit arc! Cloak House At the Hotels. Humphry and wife, Stockton. . Bailey, Brownsville. E. Foster, Portland. K.J. Marking, Stayton. -Geo. Steele, Portland. W. T. Johnson and wife Corvallis. Jas. Evans, and wife. Philomath. W. H. W. W, Chas. Attention Pi; no Owners. 4LB4NY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapring paper, twine and paper bags. . Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid .and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy- Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, Mmd 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendhrs & Co. Rnth Phones 48. 435 West First St. R. B. Nlavberry, Drayman TTeavv and light hanling. Piano mnv-na- n snecialtv. Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for aip. Wood for sale, wood or 16 inch wood. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es fcfa r.n 9SB West 1st. Residence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phones. HVh VIIIIK l.I (I! tits CLEANED AND PRESSED THE CLEANER, CUMMINGS & GILBERT 4L0 VV 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 Home phone 196 D ream land "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Childr en Sc. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. I have a first class piano .tuner and repair man with me from N. Y. City, he will not only do you a first class job of tuning and regulating, but will re move scratches etc., french polishing or refinishing Leave orders with Prof. Head at the hiiler music house 120 2nd st. C. M. HENDERSON, Tuner. Albany. Candidate's Announcement, THE EMPIRE! PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. "An Arcadian Maid." A Biograph drama, showing how an innocent young girl is induced to commit crime fnr a villain whose mmishnicnt fol lows, as is always the case. Dramati cally the film is good, and photograph ically it is up to tnc uiograpn stand ard. I "The Hero Engineer." A Kalcm drama, that makes one want to ap plaud the engineer, who dares the strikers; the wife, who fights the an gry mob, ami inc soldiers wno nut the mob to. flight. The Kalcm films arc fast forging to the front, both photographically and dramatically., v . "Mistaken Identity." A mixup in the offices of a married woman, that terminates in a duel between the hus band and the wrong man, in which the husband falls. A more complicat ed plot cannot be imagined, i "Awful Symphony." A comedy which introduces some novel scenes. The alleged music by the band and its effect are cleverly portrayed, and the dissolution, and reappearance of the 1 musicians are cleverly managed. Illustrated Song "It's Always Moonlight on Ilroadway." Miss Cros no. Admission 10 cents. or paper differently means eye strain means harm. E. C. Meade, Optometrist, LECTRI THEATRE TONIGHT c Change of program to-day. The Call of the West. A thrilling western picture. Linda.of Chamouny. A drama worth seeing. Set 'urn up in the Other Alley. , Admission 5 cents. THE HOME TELEPHONE CO. The Riverside Farm KH S' ll'iiL. Proprlu'oi Breeder an I Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. RcKs, U?ht Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantai.i.-:, M. H Turkeys, V.i- i den Geese, I ' , Ducks, re i Guinea Winner cr .'7 pri7C3 and 22 en Poultry at tne Lewis & Clark Fair. Egps in Season - Stock for Sale Phon. Farmers 95 - - R D s;o- BIOGRAPH HOME OF CLOSED SHUTTERS HUMAN HEARTS GETTING EVEN WITH THE LAW ICE BREAKING Have you tried our WINTFR COFFEE? If not, whv not ? It is the best 25c coffee in town. Give us a trial STAR BAKERY, C. MEYER, Proprietor The undersigned desires to announce bis candidacy for the position of county treasurer before the republican pri maries, and promises a faithful service in the office if nominated and elected. C. SOTT, Tangent. DEMONSTRATION PRICES. Special. Reg'lr. Electric Irons 4.50 $5.00 Electric Irons 4.00 4.50 4 Electric Disc Stoves.... 3.50 4.50 6 Electric Disc Stoves.... 4.50 5.25 8 Electric Disc Stoves.... 10.00 11.25 Chafing Dishes 11.25 13.50 Coffee Percolators, iy, Pints 12.50 14.50 Coffee Percolators, 3 Pints 13.50 15.50 Toasters 4.00 4.50 See the new lot of granite waie at the Variety Store. Will issue a new directory shortlyland will appreciate the cooporation ot patrons in making this isBue the best Subscribers who have moved or had their number changed please call Man ager Sanders or the bookkeeper. Tho rink is now open under the new management running afternoons and evenings. Evening admission 10c. ' Skates ?5c, including admission. Marshall & Lobaugh Real hstate Both Phones I Main 53 ALBANY TilkKiiil i'H Office w":-h J. i phnne. Ke3!l;:ue 11. -m: H-avy ar.d linht pianos a specialty. Hnaarr'. iih.no b!ack hau'.'ng. Movir Complete Lines of Crockery, China, Glassware, Groceries, and the best line of Tea and C offee in Albany, at Stetter's, 205 W. 2nd Street. City Property. , No, 108 New 8-room house, one lot, I electric lights, hard finished, West Albany. Price $2150.00. i I No. 123 Xcw 5-room cottage, one lot, ! West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 135 Good.. 6-room plastered i house, one lot, West Albany. Price $1275.00. : No. 136 Two lots, new barn, West j Albanv. Price' $750.00. C. T. 2 fine building lots, west Al i bany. Price $1500.01). . i Farm Lands. 70 acres 4 miles out, finest soil, at a ;500 Acres R miles out. $24.00 per acre. ! No. 14220 acres, all in cultivation, 6-room house, 5 miles out. Price 'I $2250.110. C. P. 150 r.rrcs S'j r.u'.r.s out, fine ! orchard, 1.-0 trees, ie?l so:!, at a b.-ir.'itl. I have 5nie line kn-incss proposition.- r Ii.it uill appeal to the most con servative buyers. If you arc iwiriiig for sarir. or city property, or inve-t- f any hind, c-i.ic Ki me. !I:iv i'le'i in A":'ir.y 4't yer-r- I know liti'-iT-. Can .-..v. o y'm time :t:: Call at my ofnee for fnil par- COMPAQ 337 Vest 1st. AbUny, Of TVM. BAIN. President. H. , P. D. CILBKKT. V. P N. BOULEY, Cashier.) ti-.-t i c, p powr.i.;.. 130 Eroadalbin Street ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be sale against any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in ov.r bank and watch them grow.