FREE ELECTRIC SHOW ONE WEEK t BEGINNING SEPT. 5 fit AT RALSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY INTERESTING--INSTRUCTIVE--BENEFICI4L We have secured the services of Mrs. Mary A. Crawford of Portland and every afternoon during the week of September 5th she will demonstrate the Modern way of COOKING WITH ELECTRICITY. Come and see the Complete Electric Kitchen and Dining Room. .. , ; j 310 West Second.!. Street. '."-'; No 3' REPORT OFTHEGONDITION OF THL" FIR1 SAViNGS BANK at Albany, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business Sept. 1, 1910. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $248,606.95 Bonds, securities, etc 16,172.06 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 1,918.75 Due from approved reserve banks . 3447.50 1,020.39 11,628.69 Checks and other cash items. Cash on hand Total LIABILITIES fPnnitnl stock naid in 1310,794.24 30,000.00 Surplus fund 2,600.00 Undivided profit, less ex penses and taxes paid ...... 1,221.32 Individual deposits subject to check 20,849.40 Demand certificates of do posit 301.70 ' Time certificates of deposit. . 127,191.38 Savings deposits 128,730 44 Total $ 310,794.21 . State ok OiiF.anv.l County ov Unn (' I, S. E. V "ing, President of Ihe : above nam I nk, do solemnly swear that the nbuvo .statement is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. S. E. Youno, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of Sept., 1910. H. F. MERRILL Notary Public. CoitRECT Attest: AUtED C.SCHMITT ) M. Sendehs Directors. J. P. Wallace ) Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar J1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 1 1 11m Head Rice LOO 14 lbs Japan Rice 100 1R lh Rrnken Head Rice 1.00 12 Ids Whito Beans 1M 12 lbs Lima Beans 1-S0 10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Got our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. DOOLEY'S GROCERY 9TI1 AND LYON STREETS. GO TO "THE CREST" For your Ico Cream, and Confectionery, in tho city Both Phones. Cold Drinks bt-tter L. pons'." 316 West 2nd See tho new lot of gnmito waie lit tho Variety Store FOK KKNT Furnished and unfurn'.sh t;d housekeeping rooms and bedrooms, i-orm-i 'I'liir.i ami Kerry. Would ex chinije rent lor board. Wilson Blain. -l villi SAI.K. -Hoik-!-, mi d .-noli etc. at Hcckcr place. Main ; Koad. t.a db ntiam A FIRE The Result ora School building Site Contest The Jones school house, near Millers was burned last night, together with its library and furniture. Everything went. It was an old building, in fair condition. It was undoubtedly incen diary, the fire started near the front door and worked back, not being dis covered until too late to do anything. This is reDorted to be the result of a contest over the location of the build ing, and tho demand for a new one by some of the residents of the district. At a recent meeting a majority voted to keep the school building ac the pres ent site. There is said to bo considera ble feeling over the matter, which will now have to be settled by the county superintencent's ollice. One thing is certain a new building will have to go up- . 2928 HKI'WKTOF THE CONDITION OF T1XK FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Albany, in the State of Oregon AT THE Close of business Sept. I 1910. RESOURCES. Loans I Discounts S Ovornr.. cs, secured and un secui' 1 U. S. h nds to secure cir culation U. S. Bonds on hand 551,522.50 14,593.53 100,000.00 25,000.00 Premiums on U. &. Bonds. Bonds, securities, etc 131,01! baniiirik' house lurniture, and fixtures Other real estate owned. . Due from National Banks (not reserved agents) . . . Due from Stato and Priv ate Banks and Bunkers, Trust Companies and Savings Banks Hin from unproved rosorvo 11,000.00 22,594.44 7,140.59 52,62ii 82 agents unecKs ana otner casn items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 12,799.11 3,500,00 181.66 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $104,930.35 Legal-tender notes .00 104,930.35 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (,b per cent oi circulation) 5,000.00 1 1.757,767.76 TiAuiiTTTi.'5 , ! 7 , nnn Capita' stock paid in 12?,xSx-R2 Surplus fund 20,000.00 Undivided protits, less ex penses and tuxes paid .... Nutinnnt Bank notes out' 76,104.89 standing 25,000.00 Due to otner wauonai Banks 4,048.37 6.9SS.94 31,447.50 Duo to State and Private Hanks nnd Bankers Duo to Trust Companies and Snvinir Uiinlis Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check 819,806.56 Domand certificates of de posit 63.072.10 Cerlitied checks Total $1,151,463.36 Statk ok Okbhon, County of Linn, ss: I, S. E, Young, President of tho above named bank, do solcmn'y swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. I S. E. Young, President. Subscribed and sworn to before iiil this Srd uay ol Sept.. 1910 II. K. M K.lth ILL. Notary Public. CoKHKrT -Attest: Al.FllKn C.SCHMITT) M. Sknokks. Directors J. P. Wallace. ) Wood ard. ood iloliverr.l in :dl parts of ri!y on sh ri. notice. lt i-e -.t residence SPUa : Ea-.t 4th street. Both plvtic-i. I J. D. LLMS. WILL BE GOOD 2SSi25S.SS?S have been joined by the adult bollard i, Opera Company, tltat is several grown ' up members of that famous Lilliputian Opera Company, anal the announcement that they will present "The Mlka&o" at Albany on Wednesday, Sept. 7, ought to be sufficient to test the cap acity of the opera house. In tbe history of musical organizations, none evar achieved a greater success than, the Pollard Lilliputian Opera Company, and "The Mikako" was theie bill. No 101' REPORT OF i HE CONDITION of the .T. W. CDSICK & GO. Bashers at Albany, in the State of Oregon) at the close of business Sept.- 1st, 1930.'. Irksources. . Loans and discounts 8226,807,2411 Overdrafts secured andunsa- cured 2,598,0s i bonds securities, etc n.baoius banking house, furniture.. and fixtures 7,083.55. Other real estate owned 85. 00' Due from Banks (not reserve banks) 4,329:34. Due from approved reserve banks 128,499.52 Checks and other cash items- 4,230.25 Cash on haad , 47,595.54 Total &&J8.914.25. liabilities, ! Capital stock $ 50,000,001 Surplus tuna w,uuu.uui Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid. . . . 6.424.40' Due to banks. and bankers.. 18,545.41 Individual deposits subject to check.... 364,402.13. Demand certificates of de posit . 12;992.25 Certified checks 6,050.00' Liabilities other than those- above stated! 6,500.00-j Total $498914.25., State of Oregon, County of Linnr-ss. I I I, a. B. Cusrck,. Cashier ot the auove named bank.da solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tile best oi my knowledge and belief. H. B. CUSICtt. Cashier. Subscribed and. sworn to before ma tins 3rd dav ofSipt., 1910; GA.Lt), S. HILL. Notary Public. Correct, attest. (Signed by) E. Dv CUSICK, C. H. OUSICK, dir ectors. ; no. 35 REPORT Of THE CONDITION of ALBANY STATE B ANK at Albai.v,. Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at ihe close of business, Sept 1 1910. RESOUKCES. Loans ami discounts $ 88,364,7.7 Overdrafts, secured and un secured Bonds, se.urities, etc........ Banking house, furniiure,and fixtures Due from banks (ns4 reserve banks Due from approved reserve bunks . . 1,012.85 i 4,422.77 , 24.9i9.oS 32 435 19 Exchange for clearing house- qoi e:. Cash on hanu 13,051.51 Expenses Total ..$154,648.19 L1ABIL1TIKS. Capital stock paid in 30,000.00 Undivided prolits 307.03 Individual deposit subject... to check Demand certificate of deposit Time certificates of deposit. Cerlitied checks Savings deposit z.osu.ti!" 36,860 I 4,274 91) . Total $15-1.648.19 Statk of Okbuos county of linn J-ss I, H. N. Bouley, Cashier of the above min.od bunk. do solemnly swear that the above Ptutomont is true to the best of in v knowledge nnd belief. U. N. BOULEY, Cashier. Subsefibrti r.nd sworn to before in, this 3id dav of Sept. 1910. J. J. COLLINS, Notary Public. Conee Att.Mt: Wm. Bain, P. P. Gilbert, C. U. Kawlintis Directors.. MISFITS. Albany is about big building permit record. enough) for a The grumbler always is vinegar to' himself and everybody else. The young man w3o eultivivtes bad; habits reaps misery in' the end. The wages of sin always remKtB- about the same around Albany. Chicago- has to have some kind t scandai all the time. New it is $200 000 stolen; from some widow. .There were only 131 4th o.I'JuIv f atali--ft a; a. tt a i; lira hi tnc' u, tSv hub year.- Look at Dayton, Wash., out of 656 qualified -voter in town 620'have regis- tercetL That's- sra example for Linn county voters. The- Portland, papers havs; not yet learned that a successful fail has been held at Scio. this week. Ffcrhaps by Christmas Miey vrilj get it. The riding. o motor cycles riicjkl un doubtedly be stopped on 'he sidewalks. Several complaints have been made to the Democrat office: about them.. Because the- Democrat reformed to the mention by a republican cojnesjposd ent of a. Portland paper, of Barney Martin, as a candidate for a rej resenta tive en-the democrat ic ticket, aaai joke, severali republican papers have: had a serious, oase fcfi measles. ALBANY Bultimoie fan Bicycles. Fisk tires- at Baltimore's. . FiBhing tackle at Baltimore's. Holt again at tee Holt cornel A neat place; Bolt's Meat Manxet Cheiae lunches at the Vienna-Bakery. Fresh, halibuit only 10 cents ab. Hot's I Again; j For typewriting, short hand and do I tariali work, call upon R. 1L Yates, i First, National Bank Building. Albany. Home Phone S79. j Prof. E. L. Wilson for violinv.Mrs. F. I M.;Wilson for piano. instructiaas. Home I phone 353 10 to 12, 2 to 4 o'clock. 1st ' street over French's. Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician, and sur geon. Calls answered day aad night. 0ce, H Bm Block, Residents-119 E 7th sU?ec. Both phones. The Royal Neighbors vsvV. meet on Ihe third Wednesday of this month, Sept. 21st . j vertifting some lost teeth in.the Browns I viile Times,. of no use to. anyone but J Mr. Wade. Help him nc&them. 1 "cn Mayborry's Irish setter died this niorniiig irum uoibon. was me famous Tom Cummings-dog, in many a live hunt, one of the beet dogs around. A remarkable good picture is tne District Attorne-'s Triumph at Dream land, a neat story and pretty scenery. Some ship building scones at Toulon aie the genuine article. The sample car of the American Syn- - dicate passed through Albany yester 80,626.12 day not stopping, but remaining in balem during the atternoon. Ihe car I travelled 50,008 miles. Ihe meetings at the W. C.T. U. hall will be held only on Saturday and Sun day nights. Tne subject for tonight The Eastern Question or the Political Aspects of Europe in the light of imiphesy. Sunday night Signs ol Our Times.; The Y. P. S. C. E. of the U. P. ehnreh vns reorganized Inst nicht with Mablv Sehtiltz. as president, Elmer U.iriler viee presiient. 11. Y. Nutting s.e.. ii t:;!nr.'i r i r.-as.. Curry sisters t v:ii::t. About tv.t'n:y were present etiiiir i'l : v. n:te s, with ht 6il t ir.ts (i r the .New Fall .Dress Goods Our fall showing of dres s goods was never as com plete as now. . Everything in the new styles. Serges, Broadclotlia;. Diagonals,. Plaids, Shepherd's, Checks, etc. Worsted finish suitings-, splendid for school dresses, at 20c yd. Flood's Store AgCtlft for R. & G.- CorfetSi KJyou own any real property you. will need an abstract of title. Better get one now and be ready when an opportunity to sell comes.- Deals-often fail for want of time to examine and perfect a title. We are at your service at the old stand Alco Club corner. THE Lim COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. RELIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE. r. s THIS 40th A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur- i passed Service. Your account is invited. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,000,000.00 SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accout with us and you will be surprised at the case with which the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST 8AV 1NGS B A N K ASSETS OVER $300,000.00 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. t t Milk Notice. On Spt. IstThi Golden Rule DMry will chirge 8 cents pr quart. ?2 4'1 nr r month. 10 ecu's for extras; pints ?1. !0 per month and 5 onus tor txtras and :1 cents ner guliun in c:n. VH. . Palmer, Prop. V Agents for Standard Patterns AC T S DIAMONDS OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS, BUT THEY ARE REASONABLE. F. M. FRENCH & SON WE RESET YOUR DIAMOND WHILE YOU WAIT. BANK IS year SHOE REPAIRING, -by A. W. biu;-hntan. at II. A. Sioltenberg's. Kir.f hand sewed werk a specialty. All work done promptly using the bet lealber. guaranteed to give satis faction. Prices rsasonablc. 13t