The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a eek; in auvance for one year, '1.0'. By mail, in advance for one year ?'. il eud of year $u. oO. , The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 ye-8 nt 12. THE COLLEGE LIBRARY. Albany College has been put on a working basis the past year, and it is intended that it shall develop rapidly henceforth until it becomes adequate to the college need and in large meas ure serviceable to the community. It merits the sympathetic interest of every person in Albany. Claiming all the good will that is due it, it invites everyone to help it to become more serviceable to Albany on to Oregon. During this vacation about 350 feet ,of new shelving have been added, which barely meet the present need. Much more work' has been done in classifying and arranging books and periodicals. With the opening of the new school year all the resources of the library will be in 'shape to be used easily and quickly. This is a library age. The intelli gent man must be trained in the use of many books and know how to use a li brary to answer his questions. The student in school must be taught to educate himself in the library. The student and the citizen must depend very largely upon magazines and pamphlets for down-to-datc informa tion. Ihcy must have large collodions of these at hand in orderly arrange ment, and must know how to find out what is in them and then how to find it in them. It is the business of li braries to save and classify everything in print and to educate the public to use its treasures. Albany College Li brary wishes to be of service as much the people of Albany. It will co-oper- j ate 111 every icasinie way Willi U1C Al bany Public Library. In the homes of Albany are large quantities of periodical, pamphlet, and book material much of which has be come burdensome or of little use to its owners. New value is at once giv en to this material when it is collected and assorted on the shelves of a li brary. Albany College Library wants all of this material that it can get. If wc get duplicates that we do not need we can dispose of them where they will be used. Some things you can! bring to the library. Wc want every-; body in Albany to conic and see it. ,' We will gladly send for what you have. Please notify us by phone or card, wc arc planning lor a day very soon when wc shall send drays to jrather up your surplus magazines, etc. Of this wc shall give further notice. We count upon the reader's co-opcrat- I1011 111 all ol tins work. Every letter or diary or scrap1 of print from pionoor days should be saved in the library for ll:c hisl irlau , . of the future. Sincerely yours, F. G. FRANKLIN, Librarian. 1 , - - THE WAY IT IS WORKED. The foil Timed, is from the Ukiiih, Calif, y, and will be read with great interest by the voters of this congressional district: "It is managed this way: Mr. Can non and the 'leaders' make up a list of the congressmen that have been es pecially serviceable to them. This means the men in congress who do just as they arc told, vote exactly directed, and can be depended on at all times in any emergency. Of course, these arc the men the trusts and oth ers of the privileged class want back, so they go to them and say: "'Mr. So-and-So, how do you stand in your district? What arc your chances of being elected again?' "Now Mr. So-and-So is from an in land district where the insurgent feel ing is strong, and he knows his people don't approve his voting constantly with, by, and for Cannon and those he represents. So he expresses his doubts and fears, and is asked if he doesn't want a postoflicc building for one of tlie largest cities in his district, or if there isn't a river somewhere that could be dredged out so the turtles and cathVh would have better navigation, or if he couldn't use an appropriation for a park or reserve of sonic kind, or a few thousand dollars to drain an old swamp. "If he is from a coast district he ca'i have a lighthouse or I wo and .-.oiue life-saving stations, with pu.-aoimcs, harbor dredgings, river improvements, Indian schools, and perhaps a fort or two thrown in as they seem to be needed. So these items are included in the appropriations and go through like greased lightning. "Then the candidate for re-election is all right, no matter how he voted on the tarilT, rules committee, postal sav ings banks, or anything else. He has the Mope 'to bunco the people with and he proceeds to bunco thein. He sends out 'press reports' to the news papers that he knows he can use, be cause they arc as easily buncoed as any one. telling what he has done for the district, how much money he has secured for the district, what great improvements lie has won for the district, and how deserted and ruined tlie district would be without him. This the puny editor enlarges upon, drawing heavily on his hand-book of superlatives, and closes by pleading with 'our readers' to v, or their toe nails olT for Mr. So-aud :'o, that he nuy be sent back to empress to con tinue the good work." GOOD JSE FOR CALOMEL. Most anything may I from Lincoln, Neb. Hen expected is a gooil one : That a good dose of calomel is yood for a tree as ir a man who is ill is the curious dm-trine worl.ed out lv William Morrison, station atjeiit here, u 1k s:ys ri'Mil:.-, pro, sort ion. Morrison has a larve plun front of his lmu s?. whirlt i -t,i be about vc.i.' old I the tree I--. I'- ::; few .h-. :::o:e t'.::ir. - 1 r :-v 1 .; . hi ful believer in calomel for the ills of : men, Morrison determined to try his : remedy on the tree and last fall bored j a hole in the tree and in this hole in- j scrtcd a spoonful of the medicine and j then plugged the hole up tight. : The result has been wonderful, for i li e tree, mat naraiy oore enougi plums to give it a name, has several hundred quarts ripening on its limbs. So pleased is Morrison with the ef fect of his treatment that he will now begin a regular course of medicine to revive the aged tree. HAWLEY IN THE CITY Congressman Hawley has been in the city today looking after his fences, which just now are in a somewhat crit ical condition. While it is probable that he will be nominated again, It is a fact that Mulkey ia making it warm for him, and is at least makiig people open their eyes. In a challenge for a joint debate, either under new dates or those already arranged by the Congressman at the cities of Ashland, Medford, Grants Pass, Cottage Grove, Eugene, Albany, Marshfield, Tillamook, Cor vallis, Dallas, McMinnville, Hillsboro and forest Grove, Mr. Mulkey says: unquestionably tne people have a right to know how each of us utand on 1 the questions of direct election of United States senators, the direct pri mary nomination of officers, and the position that we would respectively take in the organization of the next national house of representatives, in case of election. I am opposed to Speaker Cannon, and am strongly op posed to the election of another man, who holds Mr. Cannon's idea of par liamentary organization. If I am elected I should vote for Victor Mur- wjti,' the some other man who holds nropressive Kennhliianft nf this country; and I am as anxious to secure the duvebpmpnt of the rivers and harbors of Oiegon, as you are. "The public have a right to know whether you are to continue your old ' alignment in the organization or whether you are to stand for the higher impulses of the Republican party und the awakened conscience of the Amer ' ican people, as represented by Cummins, Dolliver Murdock. Norris. Bristnw and other leaders repreenting progressive ideas." Shelburn. I Mr. Frank Vaura and family left Fri- ( day morning for Iowa, where they will 1 make their future home. Earl Gooch and wife visited friends in Shelburn last week. Picking was comDleted in John Binn'a 1 "OP ya Saturday, and many are now leaving lor tne yards at Independence. : - Thd lirat Bervices were hold in the' now Catholic church Sunday. Quite a' large crowd attended. A. M, Temploton, W. N. Francis, F. M. Woods and C. P.cott visited Shel-' burn lest week. . ' Mr. John Trollingor, Jay Oglesbee j and James xrollingor letc Monday tor tho coast on a two weeks vacation trip, j Abboy j9 t0 make extensive hotel im Servioe were held in the Presbyter-1 provements is correct Ho will move lan cnu c!i tiunday morning and even- nig. Lev. W. W, Uondry preached, j A p'-jti'iur incident occurred at the homo .lr. Chai. Oglescee near Shel-1 burn 1.1. -.veel: U pon hearing a noise 1 anion,; ,10 chickens, Mrs. Oglesbee ! went into the yard and found one i hen wit 1 a huge snake coiled around hor body. She succeeded in killing the snake, winch was tound to be one of I rare variety in this neighborhood. About a R R. Rate. H. S. Gile, of Salem, complained to the R R. Com., that the rate of 27 cents on fruit between Salem and Al bany was too much, where it is only 28 cents between Albany and Portland, and has asked that the rate be made lower. Tho answer of the Southern Pacific is that the 28 cent rate between Albany and Portland is too low, that it was mado on account of river competi tion when that amounted to something and hns remained. The R. R. Com. hus not yot acted in tho matter. verybody See This. PORTLAND RACE MEET, LIVE STOCK SHOW AND HARVEST HOME FAIR SEPTEMBER 5TH TO 10TH J lie greatest of all Live Stock Fairs ever held west of the Rocky Mountains, on an immense scale. Free Entertainments- ank ers Prize of $10,000 Prize of $5,000 for Pacers are only two of the features. There will he Big Special Features Every Day. Palloon Ascensions, Auto Races, Aeroplane Flights by Amateurs Special Prizes. Something doing- every minute of every day. See yourself! the tlreat Midway! See everything! F.njov Watch Mauds! the Bucking Mroncho I.augli at the clever REDUCED RATES Ask Your HOW LANE WAS KILLED j In vlew of tne fuct that in LebanoD i ;t haB be(!n caimed tnat Erneat Frazier killed at Sacramento, fnd brought to Lebanon for burial, was not shot while committing a crime, but was mistaken for some one else, a letter received by superintendent James of the peniten tiary from the chief of police at Sacra mento, is to the point. According to it Frazier went to a store to sell a bicycle, at a very low price, which excited sus picion and the pol'ce office was notified. A policeman went to the place, and was shown Frazier walking down the street. He overtook Frazier and told him he was under arrest, when Frazier jumped jpon a bicycle he saw naar and escaped, the officer firing once. He was followed by a messenger boy on a bicycle and een to go into a store, the head office notified, and Policeman Maley in an auto sent out. Frazier saw him coming and ran, Maley following, and as Frazier al tempted to climb a fence made the fatal shut. Three hold-ups previously, in Sacra mento, are declared to have undoubt edly been by Frazier, or Lane, the pink Domino of PortUnd experience. Continues to Take. The attraction of "Tho Mikado" Is as potent today a ever, for at the present time it is being revived in New York City, at the Casino Theatre, with an all-star ca-t, where it has run for nine weeks to enormous crowds, and the universal verdict is that tne modern tunsical comedies are noC to be com pared with it. The brilliancy of the dialogue and tho swing of its music, renders it a delight to the audi tor. Who has not listened entranced to the ryth 1 r.-i- wiii.n tj Howdy uo," "Flowers That Bloom in the Spring," and the "Moon Soug"? The plot laid in Japan . gives scope for novelty and quaintness in scenes end characterization. Eva Pollard will be the Yum Yum, Alfred Pollard appears as Ko-Ko, and Jack Pollard the Mikado. At the Hotels. John Warner, HarrisLtrg. . Lucian Austin Ward, Vancouver. O. H. Russell, Sweet Hosae. B. M. Huyallup, Wash. E. D. Starr,, Brownsville. C O. Crawford & wf, Portland. C. N. Clifford, Lyons. J. B. Cornett. Shedd. R. Gi Scott, Corvallis. Thoa. Blaylock, Newberg. J. A. Cole,. St. Johns. O. L. Holt,. Mill City. L. J. Barber & wf, Portland:. L. E. Chace, Ceduridge, Colot . ' U. J. Rowland, Lebanon. G. F. Hardin, Eugene. W. H. Whitten & wf, Newbeux'.' The Abbey Hotel, Parties from Newport report that the- part ot the old building across the way and part of it move to the rear of his 'ot. excavatinp. for the purpose, and then erect a $20,000 structure in front, a modern place, two stories high, with enlarged accommodations, i Won Second Aor&ey. Florodora Z., the fine horse of Maurice Winter, an Oregon bred mare, won second money in the 230 trot at the fair at Portland,, yesterday,, win ning the first two heats in the remark able time of 2:10 and-2:13, the fastest ever made on the coast in a 2:30 trot. The horse was very popular with the crowd and deserved to win the deciding heats. Rob these county division schemes of the ambition of some little town which' wants to be a countv Beat, and the de- sire of a few men to increase the value- ot their pronertv. or to brarhten un their political chances- and- what have- you lett.', ksks the Madras Pioneer, in, the midst ui one of the fights. Shows and Harvest Home Evei'yth ill O"! -the greatest ever ! for Trotting Horses. Hotel Mustiu: ' ! I tear the Mrac 5f clowns: 1 ON ALL RAILROADS Local Agent BEND MAN IN TOWN. O. C. Cardwell, formrly of this county, now of Bend, Crook county, has been in the city to day, and will leave for Bend tomorrow, where he owns property near that city. He is quite, enthusiastic over the prospects of Bend. Now a place ot four or five hundred it is growing raDidlv. It pnwt hnth the Harriman and the Hill roads by the i enu 01 next year, and tbat will mean a good deal for it. The big Irrigation project though is proving one of the greatest factors in building up that part ui me country. Bend has some good business houses, with large trades, two churches, Catho lic and M. E., three lawyers, two physicians, otc. Among the business men is S. C. Caldwell, who is doing a fine business in hardware and plumbing. The climate is good, even in winter. Last winter the most snow was about seven incnesBnd tne temperature rarely goes below zero. wedn; i3DAY. PRIMARY CANDIDATES The state ticket for the primaries has been made up and will be a long one. The republicans: two tor congress W. C. Hawlev and B. F. Mulkey in the first district, and four in the second, W. K. Ellis. A. W. L,alterU, u. J. Reed and G. S. Sbewierd. Four for ; governor, A. Abraham, Jay Bowerman. Grant Dimmick and . Hofer. Two j for secretary of state- F. W. Renson and G. Wingate. Two for state treas urer, Ralf,h W. Hoyt andThos. B. Kay, Five for supreme judge, H. J. Bean, . T. A. McBride, Wallace McCamant, , G. H. Burnett and F. A. Moore. Two ! for attorney general, A. a. . Crawford 1 and J.N. Hart. One for superintend-1 ent L. R. Aldermann. Two for state 1 printer, W. J. Clark and W. S. Dunni I way. One for R. R. Com.. F. J. i n ; u t ....... AninflA. 1 XT Lewis. Two for water superintendent, I02,j. j J. T. Chinnook and F. K. Gettina. Two j Predictioui.fair tonight and Thursday, for judge second district, J. S. Cokej 1. 1!" GUARDIANS NOTICE OF SALE. Two for joint senator. Linn and Lane, ! . Notice 1 hereby given that the un L. E. Bean, I. A, Bingham. In the , designed, the duly appointed, quali 21st district W. L. ThomDson assembly fied and acting guardian of Hugh Mc- n.t mill l.o nnnnapri ho H P rseiiKnap. The Democrats: For congressman none. The democrats will be expected to place name of R. H. Smith in. For governor Jefferson Meyers and Oswald West, tf'or secretary of state Turner Oliver. None for state treasurer. For justices of the supreme court agamst Burnett and McCammant, Judges Slater i and King. None for attorney general and superintendent. For state printer Jas. E Godfrey. For R. R. Com. Hugh McUlain and Co as. P. Strain. None for state engineer and water ?uperinwndent or tins division. rpru tile right;. title and interest of the r1" v.. .w- v, j Hamilton. For circuit judge- m this. uraiuck, vv 111. uuiiuwuv uuu juijh Dnyitv, j .none tor senator ljinr ana uaae. The State Fair. .Soleao, Or., Sept. 6, IfllO; On. Mon day,. September 12, the: greatest State Fair in the history of the West opens, in this city. New features, new- build ings, new landscape effects on the grounds- and a general atmosphere of newness and bigness that wiil- please every visitor. Such are some of to things- which are in sight and it is a safe guess- that Salem- will entertain greater crowds than ever in her historj. Former State f airs ot. uregoo.- have become famous througkout the country as among the leaders of annual state exhibitions of stock and agricultural products, but this year promises to eclipse all former successes iu this state and pass into history as one ot tne Dest. if not the best. State Fairs in Amei icu. The endeavors of the board of direct ors and secretary to- embody in the grounds everything possible for the ed ification of the stock raiser, agricul turalist and department fir the women. not alone tne carnival- leatures and horse races, are bearing fruit inasmuch as entry lists In every department are rapidly filling up and future prospects are that the 191C show will contain more than ever before. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Probate: Inventory filed in estate of Stephens. Henry In estate of Jno.s Wanas, real estate was ordered sold-. Final accounts approved in estate of Thos. Brandon, Isaac Meeker, W. W. Parrish and S. Z. Taylor. Marriage licenses: J. F. Goodo, 63. nf Snlnm and Mrs. H M. Trnnv. iR nf Albany; EarlO. Newport, 24, and Rosa Shirley 24, and Lula E. Duncan 21,. of Shedd. Candidates announcements: ,lohn N. Bilyeu, Orabtree, fDr justice on the democratic ticket. Park 13. Beatty, Halsey, for state senator: Chas. A. Olson fur constable of dist. 12. Ti.o county court Is in session, so far simply allowing bills. The clerks office will oe ooon from 1 ";00 to 0:00 tonight for regisirjtio.i j 7:0 County Clerk Jli;L'ris home from his summer s outing al t':e eio fair. About forty inches- of ruin in a :-ywr.y. If not ine ;;it'.t! aiM'..T.r, C H NEWS A. G. Anderson to D. Taylor & H. Cumin ngs, slots Halsey $ 100 Sarah Cooper to Alice P. Richards, 140 acres . . 1 Wm. Ogden toT. S. Dean, in terest in Eclipse mining claim . . I Amy Watson to Nca Dyer, 1-4 interest in 13.20 acres Laura Hill to Alice Streitel, 1-4 interest in 13.20 acres Sawyer Bios, to Clara McCoy, 10 ni-xuu acres 859 W. R. Ray to John Pietrock, acres 243 9720 ueo A. bcott to Wm. I. Waddle, , Uncle-Sam has ben mighty generous. 10 acres ... Knn ts ... , .... 1: rrooate; in estate 01 Fox & Cummmgs, C, R. Fox deceased. G. B. Cumminors wan appointed administrator. Estimated ; value of property $4000. 1 In estate of C. E: Fox. Anna Fox was appointed administrator. Value of estate, personal $3000, realty $2000. '"'a' accounts approved in estate 01 O. M. Lawrence. O. L. Busey- C. R. Butler, J. P. Ciabtree anj Benjamin Cleaver. . vi. murKusun meu notice ox can didacy for justice of district 8. The clerks office will be open for reg istration tonight from 7 to 9 o'clocic Deeds recorded: MARRIED. Gcode Truax. At the court house in tllis-citv. bv Judce Duncan. Jas. A. Goode, of Sal-m, and Mrs. Belle Truax: of near this city. The groom is a r- tired furniture dealer of Salem, form- er city councilman, and the bride is an estimable woman, an old resident of this county. After a trip they will be at their borne at Salem after Sept. 15. The Weather. Range of temperature 68-36. The river is down to almost .6 of a Cllllollgh, a. UlinOr, Wl; make sale of certain lands, pursuant to an order of the County, tourt, duly made and en tered of record on the oth day of Sep tember 1910, authorizing and directing the undersigned to make sale ot the :.ueu lu juaiM- ait Jt lands hereinafter described belonging to said minor:: Now therefore, in pursuance of said order of said court. I will on the 15th day of October; 1910,. at the hour of 1 o clock p. iru sell at pumic auction to the' highest bidder at the front door of the court house in the city of Albany,. Linn county- Oregon, said riUKM mcuiioKiHU,. a iiaiuui, in all( t0 tlc following described lands, to-wit : Commencing-at a point on the south boundary line of T)locl: No. 4 in Hack- leman's second addition to the city of Albany, Oregon, which is 7.58 feet few little strips-are conserved for the : easterly from the S. W. corner of said , future these Ballinger puppets howl.'. block, thence running easterly on the j south boundary of said block, 60 feet, I ln a; adverthi(imeBt the pcrtland ; thence northerly and parallel with the;jDurnalE Ho(er hag the toowing. eastern boundary line of said block, m E. Hofer, the rainmaker who mada 1 11 fect more- or less to the north line i Qregon, g0 wet in 1909 and 9aved 000. . of the south half of said block, thence 1 000 in 9 See Oregonian." There's wtrlv nni-al pi Wltil the sonth bOUIl- ..... 1. .. c :,L re westerly oarallel with the south boun dary line of "said block 60 feet, thence southerly parallel with the eastern boundary line of said block to the place of beginning.. Alscn. Beginning at the- S. E. corner of block No. 4 in Hackleman's second ad dition to the- city of Albany, Oregon, 11 h ,pi uTtfe P of the office of the- county- recorder foe Linn county; Oregon, and running thence westerly on the south boundary- lmc of said bloek 6U feet, thence northerly parallel wfth the eastern boundary line of saicLWock to the line: dividing tlie north half from the south half of said' block, thence easterly on the line dividing the south half from: the north halt 01 said diock to tne cast line-of said block, thence south to the place of beginning.. Terms of sale: Cash in hand on the day of sale. DdScd this. 6th dav of Sept., 1910! NELLIE McCULLOUGH,. Guardian of Hugh McCullough,. a minor: SUMMONS. In. the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Linn County. John Shaffer, Plaintiff, vs Bilycu, Defendant. To William Bilycu, the aboe-named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and 'answer the complaint, of the above inamed plaintiff iu the above entitled court now on tile with the clerk of said court within six weeks from the cUce of the first publication of this summons, and. you arc hereby notilied that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby required the plaintiff will take a degree as prayed tor in the complaint herein, to-wit; For sale in the manner prescribed by law where partition thereof cannot be :;:adc of the following real properly: The north one-half of the northwest oiic-fourih of tlie northeast one-fourth of sectic 1 , Tp. 12, S. R. 1 W. of the Will. Mer. in Linn county. Oregon, and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of the costs of said sale anil tbis suit and the remainder disbursed to tlie parlies in accordance with their interests in said real property. This siinmions is published in Tlu Albany Democrat once a week for six v.c-ks by order of the Hon. J. X. Duu- .!!!, countv imlLre 01 l.inn countv. Or - .-on. made this Sen- 7:h. 1910. a-'-.d the ' .te "i r:c iir-t i nbh.-ation hereof i- :.-,t " tiil c. c. nrtv.wr. At'.,-; p::.:ntlli. MISFITS. Many a flirtation is on at the hop fields. Two weeks from today school again, hooray. A New York naDer savs it considers . I it an honor to be called a liar by Roose 10!vek. I . . . tne assemoiy eanaiaatos are crying to nominate themselves just as much a any others. ion 1 growl wnen rw saves vc a 10.- 1 tie for the future. According to Col. Hofer Cot- Hofer is sweeping things for governor down in Southern Oregon. Col. Hofer may fool She people of southern Oregon but not those ot tne i Willamette Valley. , I Well, have you registered- of are you one of the half who don't- cane a whoop for anything. 1 The autum days- are here;, and- the leaves are falling and the meadows get--ting brown and seer. The liquor traffic is She most degrad ing and ruinous of all. businesses and; should be outlawed on principles. I They say you can't fool the people all the time, but you can come pretty ; near it by having something new;. As usual the Chinese pueasant is be ing slaughtered before tha open season, and v.'hat is being done tcstop it.' Col. Roosevelt had a strenuous Sun--day, worshipping, talking. "Youcan't de much with a natural bom fool," he -said. An idiotic Pennsylvania rrfnister re- fuses to marry a man who cannot show ' a $2,000 income. Where would the ministers, with an average?- salary of ' about $300, be. TJhe savings banks of prohibition ; Maine have $92.22 per capital 'deposits, those of whiskey Illinois $13.43. Who -believes all the lies about Maine not having real prohibition; With- three men in the field for gov- -ernor against one the anti-assembly, men are making fools of themselves: On a. straight assembly or anti-assmbly -- h "... i.- u i u,c """"'" '' J" " A young man ir Pendleton whs-asked that his marriage license be kept out 01 ine papers got a special writaup-Dy one-or the papers there for his pre sumption in attempting to have the news suppressed., 'No- settlers allowed. Back to the Town"'is a fool cartoon in the Ore gonian. Uncle Sam has covered- the Americaiv people up with land and they nave given it to- tine snasts. They have . had opportunities galore, and because a this kind of campaigning keeps up the; ioi. nimsen win neceme a joxe. That Oregonian with its usual narrow ness says vote no on all the initiative -questions, a sample of the advice- one W9tW that paper, governed yon- think that is the- right way and yes-if that seems the proper way, but don.'t be a chump, like -the Oregonian. Tne Democrat's prediction: Bower man will be nominated by the republi cans, becasse of the vote against-, him being divided among three men, and ; " Os. West by the Democrats; that- them Mr. west and Mr. cowerman will have . a straight away contest with not only the issue of assembly in it. but that of record and- service, with West, due tot win by a good margin. The Democrat is always gladjto oort-v rect mistakes. It recently stated that Elder Williams had gone up into Wash ington to preach to the heathen. A, friend gives the information, that Mr. a member of the Old School; Baptist church, known as hard-shells, and that they preach only .to'-.the sheep, letting the sinners take care of. them selves; undei the doctrine that it is- all: predistined. 1. H. Bingham, the anti-asse-mbly re- ?ubkan candidate fos joint, senator rom Linn and Lane - aouhtieo- will re ceive a sweeping vote in Linn countv for the place. It ia said Bean wiil hardly know he is ip. the race in the country districts. While the nomina tion ot Bingham will mean the eleetion of Bingham instead of a democrat he certainly should bu nominated in tlie interest of respectable politics, and as a protest against tne infamous bi'l of Bean on the election of U. S. senator. - Congressrusn Hawlay sees the hard vritting on the wall as demonstrate by the elections in the east, and is said to be doing everything possible to hedge against tbe sentiment that is sweeping insurgency to the front; but his reccrd shows him to he a regular among regu lars, and the favors he was hired to iva should not save him from the bxo. the Oregonian hns m;do its custom cry discovery tha'. 5 tx,i dims-rnti i'i Multnomah coun;y hava r-i iB-.ercd u republicans. A-' a m:iner of fact then re thousands ot rei-.unticans in Oro-cn . ho vote with the democrats, b-t'dc. ..ot l:ke to be c ailed cU-rr-,oera:s V"