Albany Democrat, i "Entered atThe post oilice,. Albany, Or, I second cIhss mail matter. i F. P. Nutting. Our Wants. WANTED. A public singer. Inquire at Democrat office. HAULING. Gravel and excavation by Hugh Perfect, R. D. 4, Home phone 204. t8 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, budding, etc., by D. B. Speer, R. I). 3. Hazel wood addition. t03 FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms, DOG Water street. 18t FOR SALE. House and two lots Hackleman's addition, $1700. B. F. Ellsworth, Phone Black 3132. tl5 FOR SALE. Farm of HO acres, one and a half miles from Albany, new 7 room house and barn, running water all year, give immediate possession with crop. Terms: half down and balance in easy payments. Also some household goods. Inqu'.re at 330 S. Main. tl2 REPAIRS THINGS. - F. R. Daily. 227 W. 2nd street. jBicycles, sewing machines, iimOrellas, everything. Try him, (jVTTLE FOR SALE.-Registered Aberdeen Angus. John Wills, Al bany, Or, WdOL-Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting Mills, Stay ton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. FOR RENT Office looms, splendid location, in the new Stark building. Sea Dr. A. Stark about it. GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater, looks after garbage. Phone Hoire 2303. 4t FOR SALE. -By the owner, one six room house and two lots, center of town, 822 East 4th St; also one good cook stove nd Beveral heating stoves. H. Barnes.; GARBAGE. If residence is west of Lyon street will pick up garbage for 60c month. S. a Penny the garbage man. Home phone 2303. FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY BOY. Call Roy Eastburn, at Eastbarn's store. Both phones 68. FOR SALE. Two 'four room cot tages, at Nye Creek. See Chas. Burggraf. 19t FOR SALE. Farm of 45 acres. In quire of E. E. Parrieh, R. D. 1. NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed on by Chas. Procnow's new machine. Saves stockings and sockB. It $100,000. To loan on Farm-lands, or on good city property, to procure a loan, or to make a loan, call upon J. O. ChriBty, Atty., at law. Rooms 12 and 13 over the First National Bank, 230 W. 1st. street, Albany Ore. 6t GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cneaper than aywhere nlse in Albany. Skill )v set, if desired. FIRE INSURANCE Boaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. Carmel, Lemon, I Vanila, Strawberry' and Ciocolate Ice Cream Orange bherbet. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP THEY WON'T MIX. About the worst twaddle is that of ! PERSONAL assembly candidates trying to prove nrimnr , i . thc dlrect Miss Cecil Locke left this morning for primary, a scheme merely to get votes. Mitchell, South Dakota, on a vis t with j 1 hey are as much opposed to it as the her aunt. north pole is to the south pole, and, u:.. c-.i.. c .u . u says he is for the direct primary. The Mr8' ?LUe"a Tar"?r and,mther hve ! fact that he is for the assembly proves fu!?led,fr?.m a" ut"B of a month - ! lilt 01 STITE Fill PUBIC STENOGRAPHER: that he is not. The nrim.r. h,w lwo al "qu'na l-"y. ' enacted to prevent the holding of party assembly. It forbids party as- semblies. The legislature refused to i pass a bill legalizing assemblies by i parties casting 25 per cent of the vote. ' Mr. McCamant knows that it so re fused and that therefore such party ssemmy as he concocted. betted, are unlawful. St I John Butterwortb. the vertera- al clerk, spent last night in A post wiih the Knights Templars. Aloanv E W. Langdon has bo ence in lrvington, Po' 4fht a resid said will sooon move tland, and it is A. H. Eilers. of ftere t0 reMe- aided and house in the No' th biggest piano the city to dav -in west, has been in -AND , looking after business NOTARY PUBLIC R. T. YATES First National Bank Building. Home Phone 379 house- As evidence of his loyalty to the up this way (direct primary, Mr. McCamant says: Miss H' "1 always voted for the candidate of best y Me Davis, one of Eugene's 1 my party nominated at a direct pri- after 'Urtg ladies returned home this mary." His party had no other than Mi' noon after a visit with her cousin, ' direct primary candidates to vote for. Jt Ve'ma Davis and friends, j In the coming primary he is not going Mrs. Joe Munkers. of Scio, returned to vote ior direct primary canciiaar .'him nonn from a v sit with her mnthor of his party; he is going toote .s Bt Summit, and stopped off to see her assembly candidates, and agar - pr sister, Mrs. I. A. Munkers. rect primary candidates He J. G. Kelley, of Portland, a promin- self an assembly candidal "- ont civil engineer, who has had charge1 prima facie evidence that ytneh is of many of the water rght iocation3 up the direct primary, fo- .ft is against the Santiam, was in the city to-day. Will be held at Salem SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17 $35,000.00 in Premiums and Purses. Grand Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits. SPLENDID RACES, BAND CONCERTS, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND FIREWORKS Reduced Rates on All Roads. For further information address FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary. WANTED. Girl to do general work, 823 Boutn. wainui. s7 a mtrii A hnv to carv Journals See Hugh Isom at the Albany Hard- for t,oth the direct d dxw a ,.. . house ', ity to each oth- Tfi deadly hostil gpTbS Montgomery and . inW" i p0Se of ' e'ad'rftiai'ters for the pur- FOR RENT. Furnished house keep ,jateSi Ja!ing direct primary candi- ing rooms, at no wasningiun nren ant? .." aenronstrating its ueaaiy WANTED. Dining room girl at Im perial Kesturant. FOR SALE. -Onions, by E. L. Keever, phone Bell Farmers danism Uo the direct primary. flfe 8x6 'Wish to AGAINST THE BOSSES. lirAXTTcn .-Married CO' . rent three or four H -jJJJ ' continuous insurgent republi orsmall cottage.' pleads for voters to get ot "Julius Silvcrstone, in the Journal. signs himself "An open, notorious and ican. tie .LUll'i Inn! l,i fll.M ''"""- VUICIA LU gtl UUL Ull Jjri- ished. Permarj Mtta. I mary day and 'dm ttheir duty and quotes factory. i scripture in his arguments against OR SA' ,fl f-nrwi t Wt. the ass telling effort. He CM n " . r enarges mat wnat trouDies u-nairman M WeaCorook. Home Dhone7001. n : .!.. ..j .u. t,i ... he secured office with remarkable case; but when he tried for the nomination . ft is against lLc i j baimui us- n n rt 11 - a mjmiv. .v.. u. it. uaii, oi tne American Type T3w ho.fVi Founders Co. Portland, has been in the:' city to-day looking after the plant of ; the .Albany Citizen, which recently i suspended. I Mr. andMrs. J. B. Gitkey and Mrs.G. ! A Krogh returned to their home in j Portland after soending Sunday at the . home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. i Wm. Meely Mrs. R. E. Michael, wife of the new ; S. P. agent, will arrive tomorrow, they ' will make their home in the residence ' of W. D. Washburn at! Washington nd . Fourth streets. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management tor Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. A High Commendation, Home phone 7001. SVC FOR SALE. Small tracts of one acre, up, at $300 an cre and upwards, fine for gardening, fruit, etc , and a home, close to school house. See E. M. Perfect. 26t PRIVATE SALE. One light spring wagon, single buggy, good clover hay, 80 chickenB, and numerous other things. 6. Messman, 4 mile West of Lebanon. 1 mile South of W. W. Crawford's. 18t WOOD. Good dry mixed and fir, E. M. Perfect, R. D. 4, Home 204. t8 FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded on whole roots, are the only kind to plant. That's the kind we sell. Call i.oth phones or address vV, i A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. FOR SALE. 1 two seated single rig, springs, 1 three seated double rig, springs, covered, both in good repair, at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh- son, 1 mile irom Aiuany, cemun ounty. 6t under the direct primary method, he was for the first time in his life de feated. . Rev. J. C. Elliott of this city, was surprised a few days ago by receiving a letter from Sir Henry Rose Shields, of Brixton Hill. London, S. W. Mr. Shields had been reading Mr. Elliott's book "Usury" and wrote his apprecia tion. Mr. Shields has himself written and published a book on the same sub ject, "The Churches and Usury, or, The Morality of Five Per Cent." He reeretted that he had not read "Usury" before he had published his book, as he i The following letters remain in the might have gotten and used "Many Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for useful hints from your larger and more ' Kept. 7. 1910. Persons desiring any of comprehensive work. Mr. fWhot is these letters should call for advertised naturally pleased at this appreciation letters, giving the date: of a reader of whom he had not the w. v. Uibson. rV. tl Hoeye, Leua slightest Knowledge, tie oeueves nis J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. Letter List. March. George Nave. M. Stillinger. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have Just received a stock of the latest in Andirons. Call and select while the assortment is full. book has a wider reading with approval than he had hoped. Vvhat is worth rcadinir unri cnmmpnriino' bv an econom ist in London is worth while to read and j study at home. COPELAND AND MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUM BER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. M ill situated two miles east of Knox Butte, near Santiam River. GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE FOR SALE. F 0. WILL, lor Watches Jelly glasses for' 30c dozen Variety Store, 813 W 1st St. Use Johnson b best. Made in Albany. 1 Read "Arizona the 47th Star" by; the Governor Richard E. Sloan, and "Fre mont nnrl Rpnr Finer Wqr" hu Vi illiflm SimDson in Sunset for SeDtember now , storage. It is the Best on sale at all news stands, Fifteen cents. We wil be prepared to take oats on I For luijding, ornamental purposes, rip rap, niung, etc. . Sampes nt M. Senders & Co's store. W. L. COBB, It D . t-hone, home 23-5. Barley, wheat end oats bought. M. SENDER & CO. An Excellent Showing of Fal 1 . Si oes Ladies' Youni Ladies Childrens The New Styles We. Can Fit the Children fell They are mighty pretty this season those new styles in shoes. Their beautiful outlines and shapeliness will appeal to you the moment that you see them. We believe we have never seen more dressy and beautiful shoes than are the ones we are now showing. Just as dainty as can be and their new materials give them a most distinctive appearance. You will find some beauties with the popular dull suede top and patent or gun metal vamp while others are shown with cloth tops of splendid quality. On some the vamps will be cut in graceful curves from the instep back and in others the straight lincfinds a stylisji place. For the short skirt styles which prevail just now we feature some medium high tops finished with a patent col lar and tied with cord and tassel. A very stylish feature. These too you will find in button styles. The heels vary in height from 1 inch to Hj and 2 inches in the Cuban and military styles. lUit to obtain the best idea of their superior beauty you need only glance in our show window where some of the choice styles are now displayed. To enjoy them and appreciate their good fitting and comfort qualities you need'only step into the shoe depart- menl and try on a few pairs. We will enjoy fitting you. May we look for you tomorrow? How you study and wonder sometimes over the prop er fitting of shoes for the children. We have paid particular attention this season to the needs of the children, both boys and girls, and we are sure that we can please you and them and give them all of the style, comfort and quality possible. There are some beautiful styles in children's shoes this season. Styles that are just as dressy and distinctive as those of the ladies and we take just as much pride in pre senting to you. , For the growing child the shoe must give plenty of room in order that the foot may grow properly. These foot form shoes arc becoming ever more popular and you will be surprised at their dressy appearance. The high quality too insures you of service and the prices are as low as possible for the quality offered. Bring the children when you come and let us fit them too. We will look for them, end them at anv time. We will give them just as careful attention as if you were with 1 l them . YOU always by to gel the best (or your boy ; have you investigated Edu cators ? That is the name of the famous nature shap ed shoe that " let's the foot grow as tt should." The broad, sensible Educator last gives room for five toes. Examine a pair of Educa tors and you will see how much better they are than the ordinary boy s ?ho. (Sizes for alt ' l ages. iii m m fL the brand ll I &oa tha ll tors wlkftrfflflk ij for all the y&m&im, M THE HAMILTON STORE The Hamilton Store