..-A Albany ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 9. till!) 1.0 G voi, vfcvi The MarKct. Wheat $.85, OatB 40c. Beef 6c;vealdressea9c pork dressed 9c; on foot 7c Lard 16c. Eggs 30c. rkiAona t,n ffnnt 10c. Hams22e to 27c, Bides 20 to 25c shoulders 16 to 18c. Butter 30c to 35c. Klour $1.60 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 50c per bu. Hay, from $10 for some clover to $15 thu best timothy. GORDEN VIBRATORS-We have Vibrators. This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle n.ranteed for one year. Cill at our store and get a dookici. $15.00. ESS Price, BURKHART & LEE. Lightning May Not Strike twice the same place,but we did get auother lot of Mrs. Pott's Cold Handled Sad Irons to sell for 99c per set at Meiser & Meiser While They Last DR. FOULKES HEARD TEDDY. S BLACK COATSJFOR FaU Dame fashion has said that fiiack Coats will be 6ii6 of the" leading styles this Fall. How sensible, for they are meat, plain and strictly tailored garments that can be worn on all occasions. . . . . We are just in receipt of one hundred Black Coats in :semi and tight fitting styles, all 56 inches long and beauti fully tailored gortnents. Priced at from $7.50 to $30.00 Come and look around new Fall styles. We're glad to sh'aw you the Chambers & McGune Albany's Greatest Suit and Cloak House Dr. W. H. Foulkes, of the First Pres byterian church, Portland, has returned from the middle east on the way back be- , ing in Cheyenne on the day Roosevelt ; was there, and also at Denver as he iwas leaving. Mr. Foulkes is well known, in Albany, and his impressions will have weight in reference io the ) sweeping effect of insurgency. I "The people believe in him implicity. ' Such a welcome was never before ac corded a man in public life. People crowded to hear Roosevelt wherever he spoke, and in each town there was un precedented and genuine insurgent en I thusiasm that points out more clearly than anything else could how this 'country will go when anocher election is new. "My brother, who lives in Kansas, told me how it was when "Uncle Joe" Cannon spoke there. They gave Cannon a perfectly respectful audience, as due a man of his attainments. Sometip- - fU annlri,trlol him T3..l-thu. . -C3 as cold a gathering as t- ;"an which it was held w- dayr n nnn wrb elea-' -ollld permit. lan- Sever - 5! . WASt flUtk-tttfc. While traveling m u tan, liovernor Spry sat just across the aisle from me. 1 heard him call Kooseveic a seinsn seu seeker and say other things calculated to be detrimental to the great man's character. But evidently the people of Utah did not share their governors opinions", i . ' , Group of $600 Beautiw on Lis play at Woodworlh Drug Co. New customer fira constantly being added to the large family of g. W. Miller Piano Owners in the Willamette Valley, at the store of Woodworth Drug C. (Factory Distributors can ba seen a fine group of these thoroughly rename instruments. Thev look like 46000 00 Pianos, hut right h re is where the advanced sell ing uethoda (adopted and originated in Albany by the Woodworth Drug Co.) come in. You don't have to pay $600.00 because you save the Jobbers-Dealers and agents Big commission. The tone, touch and material says $600.00', the magnificent wearing qualities says S600.00, the beautiful design and su perb workmenship says $600.00 but Mr. Wuodworth says LESS. WHY? Because he haa a. simple straightfor ward factory proposition to make you on the from MAKER to USER plan and you get the real factory prices with a small sum added for freight, drayage and cose of handling. The S. W. Miller Piano has long since been in the balance and found not wanting. Look around before you call, see the others first and your search will end when you have seen and heard the S. W. Miller Piano Gem at Woodworh Drug Co. Open evenings. LAST DAY. This is the last day for filing notices of candidacy for the cifferent state and district offices. So far there are 104 names on the list. For Governor the republicans have Jay Bowerman, the assembly candidate, E. Hofer and Judge Dimick anti-assembly, with pro spects of a live race in the primaries. The anti-assemblv vote will tie divided probably about evenly between Dimick i ana rioter. Hater will carry soutnern Oregon undoubtedly, while Dimick will run ahead in eastern Oregon and Port land aooording to the outlook. Bower man will probably squeeze into the nom ination between them. There are two nominations by the democrats for governor, Os. West and Jefferson Myers, with prospects of the nomination of West. Whose record in the state land oflieo and as commission er have given him a splendid reputation DOINGS OF THE WORLD, W. A. Watters has been postmaster at Stayton for thirteen years. The population of Oyster Bay is 21, 802, including Roosevelt. What would it be without him. The McClellan house at Koseburg haa been sold again, this time to C. K. Hooten, of Seattle. Among the candidates for the legis lature in Multnomah county is Peter Hume, formerly of BrownBvflle. The Scio fair closed last night, the best yet held. The attendance was good and the raceb interesting, with some pretty good horses up. Portland beat Los Angeles yesterday to 0. Gretrir. of the Portlands, made r . i -J t-ii,;,, in the state: Dut Mvers also nas a gooai uwi"""i ; -v.-., 2 to 0. Gregg, of the Portlands, made reputation as the head of the Lewis and Clark fair and a m.embor of the state Sena.'.o, - r t AUa1.man far tuiDerintendent. F.J. Miller for commissioner, J. H, Lewis for state engineer, Geo. 1. Coch ran for superintendent of water divis ion number one, all assembly candid, atea have no opposition in the prima-, rlo, AT THE COURTHOUSE. 4LBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, .confectionary, wrapring paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid nd Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices before buy- Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, M&in 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendbrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. R; B. Mayberry, Drayman Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving :a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, i"v wood or 16 inch wood. , Office with Li.-.n & Benton Real Es tate Co.. 236 West 1st. Residence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phon es. . ttAVb Y0UK CLEANED AND PRESSED Dreamland. "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore, Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. -Prices Adults 10c, Children Sc. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5.' Night shows 7:30 to 10:30 A record: . ., , 1 . r-1 irt .v. ,i ... eight men in succession, in all fourteen. The population of Rochester, N. Y., the Democrat man's former home is given ps 218,149, a gain of 34 per cent in ten years, and over 100 per cent since the y an about Town left there. Dan Robinson, a Grande Ronde in d'kn while somewhat ..intoxicated showed the boys how ho could handle. a gun, The bullet wont through the back 6f his own head Into M shgipeja. . He was plive at last wprts, but m snti- cal condition. ' ' A man was in Albany awhle jgo looking for a tract upon which to build thirty or forty cottages for sale;, but the price or lana was prumuiuvo mm he went to Eugene, getting . what he wanted at a. less price. Albany - has plenty of good suburban land lying Idle for such purposes. ..' Inf. LehMoti Paterii tfetef W, 1 1, in, i, Beelef,' .f 29? J The receipts of Ithf rtfe'o'rdW for' Alig; ugUBt were $405.05. At the Hotels. and Mara-a: Ulster ana Nicholas? Three seoarate suits by the $eiW'ifp norsa importing Uo. against G. A. jonn a.maner, u. un ieynor, or Kingston, fbOU each on a note made Aug. 1. 1910, for the stallion Gerbert, bought in ten shares of $500 each. W. R. Bilyeu attorney. . C. H. Ellswich, dem., Brownsville is candidate for county commissioner. ; E. McCrowj.MbCoy: Mem Price, Salem. ,. , W. ... Hoover arid wif&.Portland: 2 nn M,'"or Booth and wife, Ada and ipimtn, urants rnnfn Pnan ,,!-. runce, flarrisnurg. Fred W. Durban, Thomas Wyman, Artttflope. , ... E. K Kingley and' wife; Portland': Maggie Carter, Oakland, Ore. FH. Zierolf and family, Cb'rVallis.' Tim Wandel, Portland. M. S. Shock, Hubbard. A Timber Fire Lebanon E. A.: About 3:30 o'clock j yesterday afternoon a fire was discov ered in the timber on M, Lemmer's j land, on the west side of the Butte, auruea uiu riycr irum iiura.' ine nre spread very fast and Mr. Lemmer tel ephoned to Lenanon for help to fight the flames. A fire alarm was sounded. - and about 25 men went from here and : succeeded in subduing the flames. By ( back firing the fir j fighters succeeded , in bringing it under control in about three hours. THE EMPIRE PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. "Daisies." Vitagraph college ro mance. Enoiign said. "The Vow; or, Jepthah's Daughter." A Biblical story, setting forth the life of Jcpthah, the ninth judge of the Israelites, and the offering up of his (laughter, as she was the "first to come forth from his house." A beautiful story, well portrayed. "In the Pyrenees." A combination of scenic and spectactrfor subjects, ro matic scenes on the banks of moun tain streams, revealing- fresh beauties ' 0(' ui niajccuc naiurc at every turn. "Up-to-Date Servants," or "Cinder ella up-to-date." A comedy, full of life and animation, with many distinct ly humorous incidents. Laugh! "Feeding Seals." An educational picture, very interesting. - Isslstratcd song, "In Oklahome." Miss Crosno and Mr. Rolfe. Admission 10 cents. Don't forget the Golden Arrow din ner set at the Variety Store. 313 W 1st. F.G. WU1 for watches LECTRI THEATRE TONIGHT G . The Wolves of the Sea. A story two. lovers captivity amongst the pirates. 2. A Jealous Wife. A drama that ij thrilling and exciting. 3. The Tattler. A swell comedie irt keeninc with the season. Song: Where the Red Carnations Grow. Admission C cents. THE CLEANER, CUMMINGS & GILBERT 4U0 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 District Attorney's Triumph. Duck Hunt. The Escape of Royalists. Ship Building. Miners' Sacrifice. Song Comical Eyes. The Weather. Range of temperature 84-47. The river ii below .7 of a foot. Prediction: fair tonight and Sunday, cooler Sunday. The total rainfall for August was .03 of an inch. , The Dull Scholar. Many a so-called aull scholar is so because of sosie defect in the eje.. Don't neglect the eyes of yoor chil dren. E. C. Meade, Optometrist. Tho risk is now open under the new management running afternoons and evenings. Evening admission 10c. Skates ?oc, including admission. Marshall & Lobaugh The Riverside Farm 1 KD. S'"!!nL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of 0. 1. C. Hogs S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W. P. Rcks, Light Brahmas. U. C. Rhode Island Reds, White j Cochin Eantai.is, M. I : Turkeys, Win i -den Geese, 1' . i j Ducks, re i , Guinea" . Winner ct Si prizes anil 22 on Pouliry at the Lewis & Ciark Fair. Egjrs in Season - Stock for Sale Phone. Farmers 93 - - - R P. D no- Have you tried our WlrYIPR COFFEE? If not, whv not ? It is the best 25c corlee in town. Give us a trial STAR BAKERY, C. MEYER, Proprietor Complete Lines of Crockery, China, Glassware, Groceries, ALBANY TM8FE& CO., andtheb25tIinecf Tea and C ogee in Albany, at Stetter's, with J. A. Ho.;rd. p-h Residence plune b!ck S-b Office phr-nes. Home. Heavy and licht pianos a specialty. 206 W. 2nd Street. hauling. Moving ;Real JEstate. City Property. No. 108 Xew 8-room huuse, one lot, ; electric lights, hard finished, West Albany. Price $2150.00. No. 123 New 5-room cotftitfc, one lot, West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 135 Good.. 6-room plastered i house, one lot, West Albanv. Price ' $1275.00. No. 136 Two lots, new barn, West Albany. Price $750.M. C. T. 2 fine building lots, west Al bany. Price $1500.00. Farm Lands. . 70 acres 4 miles out, finest soil, at a. bargain. 500 Acre3 8 miles out, $24.00 per acre. No. 142 20 acres, all in cultivation, 6-room hou?c, 5 miles out. Price ' -$2250.00. C. P. 150 acres miles out, fine o.-chard, 150 trees, best soil, at a barfrnin. I have -': line business proposi tions thai will appeal to the mst con servative buyer;;. If you are P.o-.iirfj for farms or city property, or inve-t-ir.'jni- of n:iy ?' M1' ': m?. JJav- jrifr resided i:i Alnnny 4 ' year; I !:iuw condition-. Can s'-.v. y u li:n.? r.nd ir.Micv, C.'.ll ''t inv nlVice iur full par licitlars. ' jas. r. r-own;.;.. 130 Kruadalbin Street both Phones Mam 53 COMPAQ VM. BAIN. President. P. D. GIL3EUT, V. P H. N. tiOULEY, Caahicr.J ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from very small acorns a small sum opens an account in our Lank but, to have a big, lioaltliy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rookd in the habit o in-jf, then vou will branch out iir.o better 1 1 : iti tr safe ngaim.t any ill wind that blows. Dollars are financial acorns plant them in our bank and watch them grow. iaiik- 1 be an