New Fall Dress Goods Our fall showing of dress goods was never as com plete as now. Everything in the new styles. Serges, Broadcloths, Diagonals, Plaids, Shepherd's, Checks, etc. Worsted finish suitings, at 20c yd. splendid for school dresses, Flood's Store Agents for R; & G. Cor.'ets. Agents for Standard Patterns TOMORROW'S DOINGS. MISFITS. H R CI HP ID 3 A p q Ifjyou own any real property you will need an abstract' of title. Better get one now and be ready when an opportunity to sell comes. Deals often fail for want of time to examine and perfect a title. We are at your '. service at tho old otund Alco Club corner. THE Um COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. RELIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE GO TO "THE CREST" For your Ice Cream, Cold Drinks and Confectionery. None better in the city L. I,. POTTS. Both Phones. 816 West 2nd Mayberry Wood Yard. All kinds of wood: Big fir, price $5.00; 2nd growth, $4.75; Maple, $4.75; Slab, 4 ft. length. $2.60; Oak, $5.25; Ash. $5.25. Will deliver anr amount wanced sawed to order, to any part of town. Sawedlany length desired. SHOE REPAIRlNi,-by T. w7 Baughman. at H. A. SLoltenberg's. Fine hand sewed work a specialty. All work done promptly using the best leather, guarantied to give satis faction. Prices reasonable. 13t First M. E. church, 3rd & Ellsworth. -Rev. W. S. Gordon's Bubject at 10:80 will be, "Moses on 'he Muunt" and at i o'clock. "Dangers in Disguise " Class neeting 10, Sunday school 11:45, Ep orth League 7. topic: " Righteous Life and Acceptable Worship." Prayer meeting Thursday evo. at 7:30. You are welcome at all these services. First Presbyterian church. Morning worship at 10:30. Rev. Chas. W. Hays, oaBtor of the Marshall Street Presby terian church, Portland, will preach the sermon. babDath School at the close oi morning service. No evening service during the month of August. A hearty welcome to strangers. Christian Science. Service 11 a. m., Subject, Christ Jesus. Experience meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. Corner 4th & Ferry. St. Peters Episcopal church. Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Morning service at 11 a. m. A cordial welcome to all strangers. Baptist church. Regular services , morning and evening. United Presbyterian; eor. 5th and Washington. W. P. White, Pastor. Morning subject: "A Plea for the Priceless " Evening subject: "Relig ion and the Mind." Christian church, Albyn Esson, Min ister. 10:30 a. m. Bible school; followed by communion service and morning; sermon. 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 3 p. m. evening sermon. Everybody welcome. St Mary's church, Rev. Arthur Lane Rector. Rev. John Van Nevel. assistant. Sunday services at 6:30 and 9T.J0 a. m. The pastor will officiate and preach from the gospel of the day JLuke 7. Evening service at 7:30 Hold your breath. Edison fjae invent ed a talking moving picture mahine. Prize fights are held in Marshfield, regardless of the laws of Oregon. The reputation never helps. Longworth, said to be one of the worst rakes in the country, is men tioned for speaker. Give us something decent. Emperor William again asserts his divine right to tho throne of Germany. God dosn't do things that way never theless. The damage by the forest fires, when they are all over, will be found to be about a fifth of what the yellow jour nals show them now. The essence of silliness tree the Ore gonian's assembly pictures. One to- dav is headed knnckpr. Therca) knnek I er is the assembly, knocking the es tablished laws of the state' New Money Order. Why buy Groceries i T ' .11 .1 Tl Ul A. UI L1UJ1H liuusco Beginning Sept. 1 there will Be- so . , , -i ! entirely different system of orders, Wnen VOU Call ffettne new form being arranged. It wffli con- " ! oiaf rf n Irinrr ahaflh nf nAnpninnnnhrith at 'here a apparently two orders exactly suite, ana a receipt bluu. me laiwr it? detached and both of the fnrmsr Dent. The paving post office-detaches etie to 'send to Washington with his reports and Hies the other tor tutnre use. it will be necessary to retain the stub for protection. A farmers raotitute- being held at Union is developing into a hot bed of politics.. Several big men who love the farmers for their votes being there, including Bcwerman, making a farce of the-whole- business. Col. Roosevelt, of rough rider- fanw, reached Nebraska yesterday and' began talking at 6:t6 and kept it up all daj until he was husky. He whacked boss ism. crookedness in office and rascality generally; but- that's, easy on the stump. The kind that, counts i3-when one is in office-and has. the power to act. GeMitWork Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Oerm-m. Work. J . F. Tl? WIflll, 4th & Calapooia i..;d Yard. l nnrl delivered to all narts of city on short notice, ofiice at residence 90S East 4th street. Both phones. J. U. t.LI.13. following prices t EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 10 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs BroKon Head Rice 1. 00 12 los White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans 1.00 10-16 ozpks Raisinns 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. The OregoniaD'Chargevthat a petition is out for Father Kelly, of Portlaadifor congressman in the second district be because the country needs relirrious. devout, godlyy. upright), benevolent,. imerai, cnaritaoie,- wise, prudent, un selfish and Christian men. in office- and yet the petitions are signed, mainly by BHiuonKvepers. Acccorciiaj?. to me re ligion of the Oregoniau- that ougbti to exalt Father Kelly. A fair Deal to-All. Brownsville: Times: At the county W. C. T. Ul tHo week Mrs. lie-ward of ilabanoniandl Lyle Weaver of Brownsville-tied forthe gold medal. 3. B. Cooley and" faraiH, who bave- been residing neaffCody, Wyoming, for nearly a year and a half, returned to Brownsville Suncajt to agaca. take up tlwir residence bare. We believe the Pians customers-; enjoy the same freedom in buying- a Piano as t'iev do in buying other lines , ui iiicii-uoiiuiOB niLiiuui. ujioicuicuui ... rw.:.... -js. m ... ing, or over persuasion, without being ,w V" .mu""" u. or A"!""' annoyed by the ever preset comrai8. who-assisted m feh Times-office last ; sion fiend. , week: bas Bone to Newpont to accept I Our Dlan of retail ns from Maker to ! u """B""' If Your Neighbor Has Electric Light and you have not, just step into his house some evening after dark and compare its light with your own.. Study each point of conve nience, cleanliness, clearness, beauty carefully, and then figure out for yourself if it would not pay you well to have your house wired, for electric light at once. - Electric light today is cheaper and better than , ever before, since the General Electric Com pany placed its MAZDA lamp on the mar ket. We have arranged to supply our cus tomers with the CLE. MAZDA lamps on very favorable terms. These lamps give two to three times as much light as other lamps using the same current. If your house is locked on anyof our dis tributing lines ve:srrall be glad to advise you about having it wired and will give you more facts about the efficient electric lighting of your home. Have our solicitor come , and talk it over with you. NORTHWESTERN CORPORATION, Expert Chiropodist. Will remove corns, bunions, ingrow ing toe nails, and itching hurning feet relieved immediately. Will go to your IP unit eiin't i-uitie to me. reaiuum-w j - - ..... i Call me upon either phono. Home 1Mb Bell Black 443 K. best of reference ! given right hero in Altmny. i Call by phone before 10 or after 6. , Mrs J. W. Driver. 230 Lyon St. ' " IAS. if'. POWELL, I Real Estate. ' Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell nhonc Red 140i Francis Bros. Up-to-date-Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR TO W. E. FRANCIS. Prices are Right. User is just a plain common sease proposition. We would be glad to have you step into our store and hear She1 beautiful s. w. vimer flayer fiano. WOODWORTH DRUG CO. Milk Notice. K. W. Trinn. ManaeeroMae Browns ville Real Estates-Co., . wt-s. in Albany Tuesday and closed a deal for 16b aares of timber in section 24, township 14 south-, range 1 east, at $5000 to Eastern buyers. Mrs. Frank Ajtsiin, of Albany, who was in Brownsville recently, visiting Mrs. D. E. Warner, has purchased lira. Warner s residence acreage - on east On Sept. 1st Th Golden Rule Dairy will charge 8 cents per quart, $2.40 per Kirk street whrah she recently purAaa montn, lu cenis ror extras; pints jiuu-: eo os as. lUitcnen per month and 5 cents for extras and 25 cents per gallon in can. H. xi. fainter, frop. TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gclscnite roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific. Red 3092 -frOLLINS & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, and sell property. Insure property and transact Large or small limner DOOLEY'S GROCERY 9TH AND LYON STREETS. t. loans. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-resi-dents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Will Sr Stark fllnck Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physicist, Albany State Bauk Building. Bell Black H"'M- 275 H. A. LEININGER. Dentist, Block Albany 8. s n n U n "2 a iJ. . - ft) MMBt 1 1.1' Carmel, Lemon,. Vanifa, Strawberry and Ciocolate Ice Greartn Orange iherbet; ELITE CHOCOLATE SWOP Jefferson Let us figure wish you on your next Lumber Bill.- We are confident we ican save vou monev-and it won't cost a cent to let ns trv. J We carry a lull stock of Lumbej, Shingles, Lime, Plaster, Cement, P iloldings, Building Paper, and Columbia River Sand. We have our own , inp . .... .a uiiu tan iniiiioii an ohuil iivjviui.. X 11U11C3. THHC K. SPAULDING LOGGING CO. A. B. Kelsay, Manager. FUR- Mm SPRiY MATERIAL Sule Distributor forthe Hygeno A the great Disinfectant ueraii cide, Insectidde. also Gold Coin and Standar Lice and Flv KWr CRPHY'S 235 East 2nd Street. Review : Born, to the wife of Dtj W. F. lines, of Astoria, Aagost 24t!j, an 8-li son.. Mother and tabe doing jnie. W. A. Cox. of Albany. has . been-, do ing some expart tile la nag in tb&jiandV some new residence ofalr. and Mrs. H.. B. Looney this. week. Will canaet be excelled on this line oDwork. Mr. Shenixud and wife, of Albanv! have been intJetfersonra couple of time this week, looking for a house to rent for a few months. Ibis their. jHenticJ to uecome permanentrresraentMi tney find conditioos favorable. Thary-have-a, little 4-yej ok' daughter, Blaache,wlco is already quite an expert pianist. The Weather. Range 4f temperature 71- 0v. ine rrrer .1 ot a: loot. PredicSion: B'ajrtonight md Suraiam.- ALBANY THlSSFi I'B. wiih .!. A. Howard. P- Itcsidcnce phono black t DR. W. R. BILYETJ, Denti:;t, Will & Stark l!l.n-k - Albany M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany. l-'irsl class meats of all kinds from :cU'i-Tet! slock. HENRY BRODERS, lK-aler in Choice Meats cf All Kinds. ?10 WYst Slivet. BRUCE & ANDUKSON. Orinipile the Potoflii-c. l'uiir cii.iivs. I'uimiit ami vlVu--ir nl caie t'l 1 1 1 c- line anil l.:iir. viEREciva b a i a:, TIT West l'ir-l .Strev. First-Class Woik Cuaramced. Ollico phones. Home. Heavy and light pianos a specialty. hauling. Moving Palmer's Dairy 111E GULDFN RILE. Delivers milk and cream to any part o: Hi., ivtv Prices reasonable, .lerse; cows with be:.t of care. Both Phone jfiirs.saRtal-Pe? A Fi)oiTiVE CUBS. 4. .. V .. .. 'or tnatmiiiit'oii ort'otrjrrt i j,Ti-( V of ;tnrrm"v V. 'k . o mi" HT I '' I rt.iuniii':. A t iolH ti : f I i-.uusu--. you iy atsri?.. V-Y aL lew tt.'HVor 1. nli, pt- 'MTIIE SAHTAL-PEFSIS Cj ' ' ' " -Si-c"-' OtllclwUlne. Oslo For tale bT Bttrlihurt A The Idedu. A now steel rjres. with a caekingr plate on top, a mooei modern . stove. no bliicking. Keeps clean. Just take a loot at it. A Albany Hd Co o. Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn County will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed by ourcompany. In, this manner we-will be able to keep our records up to the-last minute oi each previous- day, thereby affording better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latest system cf abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main taining our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having an abstract oS- title preparedl for the property! which is about to be pur chased; we scHcit your patronage and assurer you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage to see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of -money to loan atisix per cent per annum op real estate security. Both telejiooes in the office. Call in and-see ns or write. So the new kit of granite the Variety Store. ware ak i Don't forget tho Golden Atow Hint Bar set at the Variety Store. 313 W la. Albany Abstract Albany, ; yti .,0 r t D I A MO N D Sjf 3PEE&i:.ms2sroE OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS, BUT TH5SY ARE REASONABLE. F. M. FRENCH & SON Company,. Oregon THIS BANK IS 40 th year WP. RESEl YOUR DIAMOND WHILE YOU WAIT. ' A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited. FIRST NATIONAL ASSETS OVER $1,000 BANK 000.00 Have you tried our I'FR COFFEE? If uot, wliv not ? conee m town. It is the best (rive us atrial STAR BAKERY, C. MEYEK, Proprietor SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accntit with us and you will be surprised at the ease with which the Saving habit is acquired Interest paid mi Savings Accounts. FIRST S A V INGS I) A X K ASSETS OVER $3 00,0 0 0.00 Owned nnd o-oraied hy I'irt Xatioml H.'in';. UholdtTs or the -