. An Advance Shipment of New Fall Styles in Separate Skirts Of course you need a separate skirt to go with your extra waists. A shipment of the latest models ready for your inspection. Voiles, panamas and serges, finished with pleats, bands and buttons. Colors, blue, brown and black. $6.50 to $12.50 TABLE LINENS. This department offers an excellent choice of patterns and qualities. We import them direct from Ireland and are in a position to give best qualities at lowest prices. Table linens, 60c to $2.50 yd. . Napkins to match, $1.00 to $7.00 per dozen. STENCIL PATTERNS. We have lately installed a complete line of stencil pat terns in the Art Dept. Splen did designs on heavy oiled paper. A very popular and easy style of decorating pil lows, curtains, screens, etc. A large assortment of pat terns at very low prices, 10c to 40c. We Try to Please Our Custo aers. THAT is why we sell strictly high gi, de unadulterated drugs. . THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAFT& LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. Shingles. XX a Ac in Ainnv mv Nn 1 Edi? drain the BEST in the market. . Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwardB. Every bunch branded with my name. Look for it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use nc dry kiln. KEEPING TOGETHER THIS MORNING j OBSERVED j News from Albany's iix Early S.C.RUNYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Makes a specialty of repairing and job worn. Shop 1020 Elm street. Home phome 426. Walter Parker Grocer and Baker . ii WEST C1K8T 8TKBBT..ALBAST URESO. First class goods in their season. Phope Main 56 Electric Toasters Make Perfect Toast Ralston Electric Supply Co., 310 West Second Street. NOTICE. Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411 Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. ALBANY EEAL ESTATE CO., W. M. Dresser, Proprietor. Room 14 Albany State Bank Building. Property lists wanted, property for sale. A Bpccisity of the new ALBANY HfclGUTS. See the plat. JERSEY DAIRY G. W. KUTHE, Prop. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice daily. Phones: Bell Black 2S71; Home Main 144 DR. VIRGINIA V LEWEAUX Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block. Albany. Phones: Office Home 359. Bell black 2751, Residence 394 Home. black 863 Bell J. W. BENTLEY. boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office, see mm. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make .1 specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. Ve have moved and are npw at 118 West Second trcc' MtD!N&STUAP. WOOD. Slab, east of t erry west of Ferry $2.25, cash on delivery. Pay Home phone black 176, or Bell black 001 on- Application for the purchase of the road land in Linn County no owned by the Oregon and Western Coloniza tion Co will now be received. Application blanks can be obtained at this office. Trms-: One fifth down, and thebal arei in five years. All lands sold in letal subdivisions, from forty acres to 320 acres 01 more. OWE;N bEAM Room 4 Stark Building. BARBER SHOP 236 West 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed Geo. H. Fiddiman, Prop. J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the NewAlbany State Bank Build n, second floov with a complete equipment foe pictue taking of all kinds. D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING SHOP. " A fine lot at our yard at this city,ju3! burned. I There was a good crowd last night at the monthly Get-to Ge'her meeting of the Albzny Commercial Club It was a good one, full of snap and fellowship. Vice President E. U. CusicK presided until Chairman Marvin of the enter tainment committee arrived. Major C. B. Winn, just home from the east, to which he has made twelve trips declared this to be the garden spot after all, and made aime suggest ions. C. W. Tebault, also just back from an eastern trip, the euest of honor at a recent barbecue, was asked to explain the shortage of beef cattle. r. A xoung, who recently returned from New York City, where he said he had a hot time, a big contrast to our cool weather, made a good talk, and told the truestory of the eastern com mercial traveller who was taken out through the country to an adjoining town by an Alb inv livery man. At a farm house they saw a pig drive up a Chinese pheasant and the farmer who was there with his nun shoot it. The pig a little further in the field drove up anotnnr, wmcn was aiso snoc. xno drummer's eyes bulged open, when the livery man remarked: "That's a reg ular Poland China Better." "I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself" said the drummer. So it is about this wonderful valley. Prof, bmith, a new Albany man from Uedford, gave a splendid talk, declar ing he had made the right move in coming to Albany, and (hat we can raise and market just as good fruit as there, if we will use their excellent methods, and in boosting the great secret Is specific facts of successful farming and fruit raising. Dr. Davis spoke to the point in refer erence to the development of our fruit interests through the big Linnhaven orchard. D. C. Green, of the water and light comDBDY. R. E. Michael. Lawver Johnson, who came here through the influence of the commercial club be cause it looked the best of any of the towns, were made to show themselves, and Johnson's Beat told of his ttedfoid experience Secretary Van Winkle read a letter from eastern people wanting to buy a general merchandise store doing a $75, 000 to SI 00.000 business. Chas. J. Stackland, just after a cor respondence with the club, coming from Cove, said there $4,000 had been made on an acre of Spitzenbergs. W. C. Stalker, another newcomer being from Colwell, Idaho, declared that a good fruit country, but the Willamette Valley has the climate and they haven't there for a home and the enjoyment of me. Dr. Shinn who recently returned from the east, said ha had burned all the bridgebehind him this time, and presented four rules of life: Do unto the other fellow what you would have him do to you and do it quick For strength of muscle, heart and pocket book cooperate. Have something for everybody to do and do it. Mix bus iness and brotherhood. M. Senders declared there were plently of specific acts in farming right around Albany,-big earnings in our diversified farming. A feed and sjcial time followed. Next month another one. Trains Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Hhelps, of Leba non, went to Portland, where Mr. Phelps will buy the machinery for a saw mill at Gist, Crook county, wnere he has been lor some time, the old mill having burned down. A former news paper man. Several left for Scio to attend the fair, among them M. McAlpin, who was ! there yesterday. He reported theraceB slow, tut a better ptugram tor to-day. Cass Scott, a prominent candidate, also went out, and A. J. Banta, one of the Homestead's hustlers. Miss Grace Brownellleft for her home at Aberdeen, Waih., after several very enjoyable weeks in Albany. Her many young friends here were delighted to nave her with them for awhile, and re gret it is not permanent. Commissioner Butler returned to I Jefferson. He reported four car loads of steel on the ground tor the bridge, with three more due, and until they ar rive very little can be done. MrB. D. Brodi went to Clackamas to join Mr. Brodi and spend a couple of weeks. Chas. J. Stackland, of Cove left for home, stopping off at Salem. He is looKing inrougn tne vauey. W. D. Washburn went to Brownsville. Elder Williams, of Tallman, left for Wasnington to preach to the heathens up there. Miss Edyth Aldereon, of the Portland schools, left for home after a visit with her sister. Mrs R. L. Burkbart. Mrs. Henrietta Brown went to Port land for a visit with Miss Elizabeth Irvine! in the hospital, and doing well. Claud Mackey. of La Grande, left for home after a viBit with the Bussards. He is auite a booster for that country, but BuBsard says he can't fish except from a basket. Arthur Purdom went to Portland to snend labor dav. His mother went . down vesterdav to meet ber daughter, i Mrs. Pearl McHale, on her way home ' from Montana, ill ! A depot rumor is that there are to be some minor changes around of an in teresting order. By the Man About Town. The new two apartment house of Mrs. Wyatt, on Fifth street, between Ellsworth and Lyon, is one of the best arranged places around, a good thing for Albany. Each apartment has seven rooms in modern arrangement. The foundation is up for a new house for rental on the property of J. B. Leatherman, at Broadalbin and Ninth streets, to be modern and convenient. The new reinforced concrete ware house of M. Senders & Co. was hardly finished before several teams were at the front door with loads of oats brought in from the country. The firm does a large business and more room was a necessity. Two other big reinforced concrete buildings are going up, the Barrett garage and the Fortmiller warehouse. The Curl block, brick, on Broadalbin streot is completed and about ready for Mr. Curl's abstract offices. The new 3chultz block is to be occupied by the vfetzgus plumbing shop.- The, three jior bricks of J. W. Cusick & Sons. Schmitt and Flinn and the armory are decidedly busy places. Bob Stewart and Seth Thomas French have built a four winged aero plane, to run from gravity, liberated from an elevation andare preparing for a sale through the air, when the Dem ocrat expects a live item. The Weather. Range of temperature 81-42. The river .7 of a foot. Prediclion: fair tonight and Thursday, fair and warmer. The Dull Scholar. Many a so-called oull scholar is so because of some defect Id the eyes. Don't neglect the eyes of your chil dren. E. C. Meade, Optometrist. The loiedo. Jelly glasses for 30c dozen at the Variety Store, 813 W 1st St. Fresh salmon and other fish at Holt's Market. A new Bteel r irxs. wi'.h a cooking -plate on top, a model modem . stove no blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look at it. A Albany Hd Go's. Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have just received a stock of the latest in Andirons. Call and select while the assortment is full. F G. WILL, lor Watches F.Q. Will for watches The' late s t styles in eye glass moon t- mgs. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist. 329 Second St. HELP WANTED Good Wages. Call at MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 S::or.u Stree, between Ferry & Broadalbin. See the New Fall Offerings in Clothing. We want to thank the public for their generous patron age during our Summer Sale. Some special bargains are left yet. But let us show you our new offerings for fall. The r greatest stock of Clothing, Over Coats, Furnishings, Shoes, Hats, ever shown in the town. The finest makes, the up-to-date styles, all at popular prices. Clothes do not make the man, but, Oh, how they help. New things in specialties, all through the line. New goods every day. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. 1 h?ne Home 4ii. ; ALBANY BRICK CO; ggg&ffiffi. , i ALBANY ORIGON g