The Democrat. Tho Daily Delivered, 10 cents r. week; in advance lor one year, 4.U' By mail, in advance for one year $3, ai end ui your t-, The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.60. After 3 ye-s at $2. OUR GOVERNMENT. From Harper's Weekly: Taft is up at Beverly studying the putt; . - Knox is off vacationing office door is shut; Wickcrsham is wandering, quieting Ins nerves; Ballingcr is telling how people miss his curves; ' Dickinson is dallying in the summer breeze; Hitchcock lias gone hurrying off and over seas: Nagcl takes his case somewhere, so uocs sec. M,ac Veagh But! The government goes on in its pleas ant way. Oh, but this is wonderful! Can it ever be That we do not need a staff in Wash ington, D. C. ? Not a soul upon the job, and still the country lives! No committees pouring lovely whitc- , wash through their sieves; No one pointing now with pride or viewing with alarm Just the hustle-bustle in the city, town and farm. 'Let's keep still about it while the country runs itself, . Crops a-crowding fences, while the folks pile up the pelf. Capitol deserted by the men of name and fame Em! The gentle government is going on inc samci Oh, but this is wonderful! Can it ever be That we do not need a staff in Wash ington, D. C.? Smith for congress. J G. Smith, of Grants Pass, an nounces that he will run for Congress on the democratic ticket. There will probably be no opposition to him in I the primaries. He is a prominent citi zen of Southern Oregon and has made good in public atlairs, As a member of the state legislature he represented the people in an able manner, and I further state to the people of Oregon as well as to the people of my could certainly be depended upon in legislative district, that during my term of office, 1 wiff aPway vote for that ' Congress. candidate for United States Senator in Congress who has received the high Just now it is not an easy thing to est number of the people's voles for that position at the general election predict who will be the man against next preceding the election of a Senator in Congress without regard to my him. The race is an Uncertain one. individual preference. M. A. MILLER. On account of his position on the m speakership, giving Cannon a hearty : r support, there is a strong opposition to Jtawley, anil also hecause ol his support of the assembly. At the same time as a member of congress he has done the people of his district a good many favors, which always counts and will bring him some votes regardless of the asseiMy and C::nnoni:;ni. Mul key, the man against him, is an able man and lr -any friends in the dis trict in did'.. . ways, and many think will beat lluwley; but there is a good deal of uncertainty about it. Which ever man is nominated the contest will be a good one with a good show for Smith during this year of great inde pendence. IRRIGATION IN THE WILLAM ETTE VALLEY. j Irrigation in the Willamette Valley is considered almost a joke, and yet, as a matter of fact it is a serious mat ter. A. P. Stover, under the U. S. government, during the past three years has been making an investiga tion, one of the stations being at Al bany, and makes a report showing the much greater possibilities under irrigation. Under it il is said crops can practically be doubled. Ill this valley the annual rainfall is only about fortv inches, most of this coming in the 'winter, very little along in the season when it would be of untold value to crops, making a full crop sure. It is a matter of great import ance and one deserving promotion. KEEP TOGETHER. Another Get-to -Gcthcr ki.-c:-...,- . in bc held tonight at the cu:r..:io: j...l c... rooms. As a matter of fact for a couple of years Albany business men have been working together well, with more harmony than generally prevails in a cily. And yet nowhere is there alwavs iiarmony, and it is a good idea to keep getting together anyway in good will and fellowship. Perhaps more than any others do our real estate men need to do this, not forni ii g any trust, but letting others do business wlnjrc it is impossible to land it oneself, never knocking a proposi tion because in some other olliee. These monthly meetings are good things and deserve being made a reg ular program in the interest of greater things in Albany. Shtdd. I Mr. and Mrs. Large wrnt. to Scio Saturday for a few weeks visit. ! Powell Ackerman, Veimn and Vivian Stono went to Salem Saturday to see liarnum and Bailey's circus. Mra George Maxwell has been on the sick list, but is belter now. ' Mrs. John A. MeUrido was quite il vns qt called last week Dr. Llhs was to at- lend her. MBJ llni.lni. Mrs Allrn. Slra Ml Oormieu and daughter I.en'a. Mrs. Will Porter, Hanoi Saxton and Mrs. Halver son were Albany callers Saturday. Mrs. Hunter and daughter Gladys re turned from Albany Friday evening. Mrs. t'has Arnold and family drove to Albany Saturday. Krnest Pugli ar.d family returned Sniurday from laseadit where ihey wue camping. Jl'!Y si 1 y 1 Hi Senator AI. A. Miller, one of Linn -IV . 71 M representatives in the state legislature, a man of the people and for them, to-day iiled his announcement of candidacy, as follows: To J. W. Miller. County Clerk of Linn County, in the state of Oregon. and to members of the Democratic party and the electors of Linn County, in the state of Oregon. I, M. A. Miller, reside at Lebanon, stale of Oregon, and my no.t t office address is Lebanon. Orceron. I am a dulv registered member of the Democratic party. ;.Jf I am nominated for the office of State Senator at the primary nominating election to be held in Linn County, state of Oregon, on the 24lh day of. September, 1910, I will accept the nomination and will not withdraw, and tf I am elected 1 will qualify as such officer. If 1 am nominated and .elected I will always, during my term of office, keep in mind the principles of popular government. 1 believe in the direct primary law, statement No. 1, initiative and ref erendum, the recall and the corrupt practice act. I believe in good laws, good government and good schools. 1 believe in economy and efficiency in mi b lie affairs. I believe that bills should be passed merits. I wjsh to have printed after my name lowing words: I believe in a government of the nconlc and the petarde's laws. Everybody See This. PORTLAND RACE MEET, AND HARVEST HOME FAIR SEPTEMBER 5TH TO 10TH The greatest of all Live Stock Shows and Harvest Home Fairs ever held west of the Rocky Mountains. Everythiag on an immense scale. Free Entertainments the greatest ever ! Bankers' Prize of $10,000 for Trotting Horses. Hotel Prize of $5,0C0 for Pacers are only two of the features.. There will be Big Special Features Every Day. Balloon Ascensions, Auto Races, Aeroplane Flights by Amateurs Special Prizes. Something doing every minute of every day. See the Great Midway! See everything! Enjoy yourself! Watch the Bucking Broncho Busting! Hear the Brass Bands! Laugh at the clever clowns ! REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Ask Your Local Agent , mm i b, & y i am: Will be held at Salem SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17 $35,000.00 in Premiums and Purses. Grand Live Stock. Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits. SPLENDID RACES, BAND CONCERTS, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND FIREWORKS Reduced Rates on All Roads. For further information address FRANK MF.RF.DIT11. Secretary. - - 4" "n't County's ablest and most faithful by the legislature- strictly om: their . on the no urinating? ballot th" fol- . LIVE STOCK SHOW TUESDAY. ANERVEY RIDER. Some people give up when they lose a finger, or a hand or leg. There was a different kind of a fellow here to-day, a young man without any arms at all. His business was trick bicycle riding and collecting pay for the same. He was an expert at both, a crack rider, and he could beat seven women talking. "Don't forget the hat," he kept re marking and "Just starting the wheel." After doing some great tricks for a man with or without arms he announced the nerviest trick yet, the picking up the last of ten coins, finally placed at five, while on his wheel. When done he simply lay the wheel down, stood on the rim and with his two toes put it on one and tossed ii up with it, certainly an exhibition of nerve; but a man with out any arms is entitled to have nerve. A brother of the rider acted as cash icr. A week or two ago there was a fel low here without any legs doing bicycle tricks. They excite one's admiration in not giving up. but doing something. MARRIED. Galbraith-Payne. In Bellingham. Wash., recently, Hon. J. P. Galbraith and Mrs. E. E. Payne. They are now at home in Blaine, Wish., where Mr. Galbraith is in the U. S. seavice, inspector of foreign immigra tion. He is a former county clerk of this county, and Mrs. Payne was a res ident of Albany for many years, both people of solendid character and attain ments, who will have the best wishes of their man) Albany friends. . : Tangent, Mrs. Ettie Campbell of Spokane, and Mrs. Bessie Sco'.t. of Aberdeen. Wash. are visiting their .mother Mrs. Emma Jordan. Miss Francis Bartcres. of Ashland. stopped at Tangent to visit .with rela tives a tew days. J. F. Scott and family, who have been at Silver Lake on a visit, passed through Tangent on their way home to Corvallis Tuesday. W. A. Sharp and family of Albanv. passed through Tangent Sunday with bis auto, but they only went a few miles when the machine balked and hey had to send for an expert before hey could proceed any further. R. J. Moso3 and family expect to move to their new country residence in a few days. The threshing season will soon be over. . Farmers are generally cmite well satisfied with their crops, while the yield is not so large as expected the quality is good. Some miscreants raided the melon patch of Roy Driver and destroyed all of his melons, and not bein? content with that also ruined the vines. .Back Prom Holley. The members of G. Co. returned last night from Holley, leaving the fire there under control. The rain helped materially. Mr. Gilbert, ot the Drew Co., also did a great work with about one hundred experienced men, the kind needed in this work. The boys helped some, but experienced woodmen are tne kind needed in the work ol making trails and ditches. The real damage in this particular section is not very great but it is some and people were well frightened, and had occasion to be. The boys had a valuable experience, but were glad to be home and some of them were needed in various ways around town. KnlerJ a Cougar. Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hoskins, of Mc- vtinnville. returned last niaht from an outing of sometime at Detroit, leaving for home. Mr. Williams was greatly improved. wnue nsning across tne river trom Detroit, Mr. Williams and Postmaster Hoskins had an interesting visitor, a young cougar,' which endeavored to catch a fish they were also after. In stead or getting the nsn it got some lead from Mr. Hoskin's gun. A paw was brought to this city and the bounty of $1 collected. Anti Assembly Here. L. Elbert Warford. of the Albanv Herald, was in the city yesterday. He states a personal canvas of linn county shows that the assembly sentiment is strong there and that ever thing is t looking good for Bowerman. Salem i Statesman. ' Instead of being good for Bowerman the manner in wnieh the farmers of Linn county will put a quietus to Bow crman's ambition would make a hen I swim. The assembly sentiment is I probably the weakest in Linn County of i any in the state. SECOND Will Be held at September 6, A grand dis play of the stoc Lincoln County Fair md other Products ot Lincoln county. j lialloon ascension every da liore races, fool races, motor I Cheap excursions on railroat' You will be Glad-u-Yent. C H NEWS Judge Galloway will hold an ad journed session of department number two beginning at 9 o'clock, Wednesday going to the Scio fair. Probate: In estate of Otis Maxwell inventory filed: real property, $1000; personal 1836.66. Total $2,838 66. Personal property ordered sold. In estate ot Lester A. Darby, a minor inventory filed; personal prop erty $698.55. In estate of Amanda McClintock.C.L. McCtintock was appointed administra tor. New suits: Turner J. Miller agt. Lewis Zimbroek and wife. Foreclosure mortgage for $,000 and interest. The will contest in t'.'.e estate of Samuel J. Iivin. was fettled bv the establishment, of the will, under a com promise. Deeds r. corded: M. A. Miller at al. to A. B. Mill sap and wife 1 acre Lebanon . $ 1 I. S. Smith by Sheriff to Eastern Investment Co. 40 acres 3?10 E. I. Co. to Stephen Powtll 10 a 1 Walter E. Groves t- W. O. Mc I Cain and wife 54 by 153 feet Lebanon ...... 255 New Circuit Court ease of G. W. . Simpson to register title. Wrieht & I Johnson attorneys for applicant. 1 Worth Huston, announced last night privately that he will be candidate for sheriff nn thn rlomoerntw Helro i i :tv It is said there mav not be any other democratic candidate. Deeds recorded: i rank f lemming to W.. F.. Wet- gand, 120 acres $ v. J tsnyen to John Johnson & wf, 32 acres 1700; Mr. Greedy of New York wants -tO' Calapooia Lumber Co. twDiew , change his name. One (Joesn't have-to Cc, 160 acres 10 igo outside of Albany to find people who U. S to James Morgan, patent dated might go by ti&name. Aug., 1882. . Success- say the passing of the Probate: Inventory filec? in estate of j peanut is occuring. Perhaps, John P. Smith. but the Oregonian is- doing its best. In- estate of 1. F. Peebler.. final set- j to brisgirhim back into Oregon. tlemsrnt set for Oct. 3. ! I John Gnnis, over 70 ysars of age, . CIRCUIT COURT Judge Galloway held an adjourned I 98 percent of the diamond output of ' session of department number two this !tne world is controlled by five London afternoon, with a few matters up. ; firms, who have aombined',. fixing any In Chas B. Montague agt. Lebanon a Price they, please; It beai3;the oil trust, motion to strike out parts of the com- j plaint was denied and the dsfendent The monner in which Aldrieh manip- , given iu aays no answer, ine same:ulated tha rubber tarlff- for hl3 uWn. ruhn2 in Hattie A. Cruson age. Leba- fianciEi g00d ought to make an insur- ""t"' a -ii l. i ,. gent out of every man who- believes in j IraMary A. Wright agt. Donald C. Tustiec , ; Byland to quiet title a demurrer was overruled.- j Arrangements are'being made for the I Ju3t crie thing- has rsached here trial of II, W. Kaupisch agt. Madie a?ainst She public-drinking-cup, some Kaupisch, for divorce, with J. K. thing that deserves consideration. An Weatherfora and Judge W. S. McFad- exchange, though makes light of it, and acn present lor cne piaintitt ana r. k. Keliey and U. a. Hill for the doittndant. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Seeds recorded: S..T. Mcb'eeley to Hiram Skinner and wife, 1 acre $ 500 Jerome Darlin to Deliaette Ken dig. 50 by 100.6 feet Brownsville 100 C. F Maxson to Andrew S. Polly, 5 acres 1 Herbert Babb to Albert A . Shears it wf 2 lots Woodle's ad, Albany. 250 Marriage license: Lee Morris aged 3 of Granger, and Maggie Schieking, 18, of Albany. The court house is in the hands of deputies to-day, except Superintendent Jackson's effice. This is Albany day at Scio. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albanv. Ore., postoffics uncalled for Aug. 31. 1910. Persons desiring any of these letters should call tor advertised letters, giving the date: Anna Booker, Mrs. Iiizbet B. Collins, Mrs. D. M. Cassidy, Wm. E. Edwards. Mrs. Ethel Ferguson, L. M. Fleming, B. A. Hower, Sterling- May, Helen Mc Kinnev, Mrs. J. M. Murphy, S. G Jone.. Miss R. E. Jones. Frank Martin, Otis Miller, virs. R. 3. Price, Constance Randolph, H. G. Ramsey, Mrs. Clara. Revnold. Annie Riler. Joseph Rittner. J- C. Rhodes. James St John. Louise Steahr, Rolla Sharp, Don Shaw; Vinceat Shaw, R. I. Sharp,. Ira P. Smith, Mrs. M. J. Smith. Ed. Smith, Mrs. M. A. PTracev. T. R. Wilson. j. s. Van Winklr, P. M ANNUAL Toledo, Oregon, 7, 8 and 9 1910 k Fruits. Grains. Grasses, y Case ball tournament. oat races and other sports. and steamboats. MISFITS, If you will knock whack the bad. That rain brought many a good na tured smile. There is one ex-president who doesn't retire densely. Bet no aviator ever commits suicide He doesn' have to-. The answer of the telephone girl" in France is: I listen'. That Gold Creek smelter hasn't beeiv built for several weeks. The standpatters don't have to hunt very long now to find where Roosevelt stands. Roosevelt is pretty near the whole show these days. Is is time Bill Cody retired. The average forest fire damage should as a rule be divided by five, per hajra ten. The principal thing gained by a summer's outing is where not to go next year. Some of these modern switdies would match better if there were more gray hairs- fa' Shem. Some-men take twelve month's vaca tion in the year. Loafer is a name sometimes aDplied to them. . , , - ,, . . wnat become of all the- richi strikes so nuinerausiv reported. Per- haps-there js no more stock to selt.: Mr; Bryan may have passed poiitic ' ally as a leader of his- party but he has not passed as a leader of high standard 2 ! of manhood. walked! from New York to Chicago in' 1 23 day3,.skiddooing some;and acrosB the 'continent in 80 days, beating Weston. its urais is nooaeu. A woman out of work oo:at SDokar.e v has solved another problem. She has. opened a shoe shining stand and is do ing a rustling business, besides having With its-usual dishonesty the Ore- gonian is seeking- to make capital for - tne stand pat assembly crowd bv mak ing Jonathan Bourne the whole thing in the anti-assembly movement; but the' game won't work. The whiskey organ' no longer-iojis very many people. The editor of the Avms-ville Advance. has jumped into poetry mentioning- many ot tne newspapers of the state.. it begins:: "Oregon newspapers now are readi by every one except the deadly wit ana' wisdom ana numor rare, news and viewsmake statesman-stare. Tne- Albany-part is. like this: "Three papersi put Atoany on tne map,. (Jitizen, Herald. ana uemoarac If your horse; has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price $1 For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONE. Salem - Oaegon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of ;tegou. for the County of Linu. De partment :o. i. iChaxles H. Wiltsey, plaintiff, vs. Teckla Wiltsey, defendant. To Teckla Wiltsey, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of tfi-e. plaintiff above named on tile with the clerk of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, on or before the 14th day of October, A. D. 19f0, the same being the hist day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication hereof: and you arc hereby notified, that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as herein required, said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for and demanded in his :ml complaint, viz.: for a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other further order as to the court may seem meet and according to equity. ri:e time prescribed in the order for "r.nlicatiou of this summons is once a yeek for six weeks, successively, ami tin- date of said ordvr for service lu-rc-n by publication is August Jbth, 19H .mil the date of the i'.rst publication '-er-cof is September 2nd. 1910. 1. F.. VAX TASSEL and J. C. CHRISTY, .'.ttorncys ior Plaintiff,