Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 02, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Albany Democrat
""Entered at thepost "ofnce7"AIbany,Or,
tecond ilass mail matter.
T. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
NOTICE. Hop picking will begin in
the yard of McLellan & Settlemire, on
the A. F. Luther place, North Albany
on Sept. 1. 11
WANTED. Girl to do general house
work, 823 S. Walnut street. tl
FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms, 606
Water street. '
FOR SALE. House an two lots
Hackleman's addition, $1.00. B. t.
Ellsworth, Phone Black 31S2. tl5
FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one
and a half miles from Albany, new 7
room house and barn, running water
all Tear, give immediate possession
wTOp Terms: half down and
balance in easy payments. Also some
household goods. Inquire at 830 S.
BEMpTSl7-W. 2nd street.
Bicycles, sewing machines,
umbrellas, everything.
Try him.
Aberdeen Angus. John Wills, Al
bany, Or.
WUOL-Carded and batted at Santiam
Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton.
A. J, Caldwell, Prop.
FOR RENT Office looms, splendid
location, In the new Stark building.
See Dr. A. Stark about it.
asnaif.v SVpH Rainwater, looks
after garbage. Phone Horre 2303. 4t
FOR SALE. Br the owner, one six
i..,. anif ton Iota, center of
town, 822 East 4th St; also one good
cook stove and several heating stoves.
H. Barnes.J
Lyon street will pick up garbage for
DOC montn. o. rennj uio
man. Home phone 2303.
Call Roy Eastburn. at Eastburn s
Btore. Both phones 68.
FOR SALE. Two four room cot
tages, at Nye Creek. See Chas.
Burggraf. 19t
FOR SALE. Farm of 45 acres, in
quire of E. E. Parrish, R. D. 1.
NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed
on by Chas. Y rocnow s new macnine.
Saves stockings and socks. It
$100,000. To loan on Farm-land, or
on good city property, to procure a
loan, or to make a loan, call upon J.
O. Christy, Atty., at law Rooms 12
and 13 over the First National Bank,
230 W. 1st. street, Albany Ore. 6t
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere nlse in Albany. Skill
Iv set, if desired.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
Such a large shipment came in yesterday that we have hardly had time to get them
all marked and ready to show you but they will be ready when you come. We want
you to come and see them.
We believe our dress goods department has never been so beautifully or completely
stocked as it is at the present time.
There are cloths of all kinds, panams, serge, novelties, broadcloth, in fact every
kind you might desire.
Particularly pretty and desirable are the new pastels in French Serge. This makes
a cloth that is in many ways superior to broadcloth for eveninS wraps, gowns or cos
tumes. '
Our line of trimming is also new and up-to-date.
May we show them to you?
L. E.& H. J. Hamilton
' 317 First St.
FOR SALE. Half horse power, single
hose, 110 volt, 110 cycle, alternating
electric motor. L. H, Jacks. Both
phones. 13
WANTED. A second hand wheeling
chair, tricycle Kind preferred. See
Riley Lobaugh.
FOR SALE. Ten cor 's of fir wood, 12
cords ol oak. Inquire at 532 Elm
FOR SALE, Dressers, iron beds,
mattresses, pillows, chairs, wash
stands. Call at Mrs. Nichols, Mil
liner. FOR SALE. Good tomatoes in balk.
.CM. Westbrook. Home phone 7001.
LOST. Within 8 miles ef Albany, a
purse containing two checks and some
money. Leave at this office.
FOR SALE. 5 acres 8 8 mile from
Albany, new 10 room house, running
water all year, will give immediate
possession. Price $2500. TermB. 1 4
cash, balance in 4 equal annual pay
ments at 7 per cent. Address W. 0.
W. Shepherd, R. D. 1 Albany. 22t
FOR SALE. Good seasoned oak grub
wood. A. W. Dockstedder, Home,
phone black 176. tl
FOR SALE. Small tracts of one acre,
up, at $300 an acre and upwards, fine
for gardening, fruit, etc , and a
home, close to school houBe. See E.
M. Perfect. 2St
FOR SALE. Two lotB with four room
cottage, barn and buggy shed, corner
9th and Hill Sts. ; also two lots in
Fairdale addition. Call at Mrs. ,
Fromms' 440 E. 1st & Jackson Sts., I
AlDany, Ore. I9t
PRIVATE SALE. -One light spring
wagon, a Bingle buggy, good clover
hay, 80 chickens, and numerous other
things. G. Messman, 4 mile West of
Lebanon, 1 mile South of W. W.
Crawford's. 18t I
FOR SALE -The Maxwell farm by
Hires 434 acres, three miles west of
Halsey on Muddy Creek, 260 acres in
grain, remainder pasture, running
water through all fields, some wood
along creek, 2 good houses, one 6
room one 8 room. 2 barns. Can nicely
be made into two good farms. On
Electric R. R. survey. Direct cor
respondence to F. M. Maxwell, AdJ
ministrator, Hubbard, Oregon. ,
WOOD. Good dry mixed and fir, E.
M. Perfect, R. D. 4, Home 204. t8 ;
HAULING. Gravel and excavation
by Hugh Perfect, R. D. 4, Home
WDhone 204. t8 j
OOD TO SAtV. Wanted by Andrew
Fuller, 223 3rd Caiapoola. Bell
phone 294. t6 j
etc., by D. B. Sf.eer, R. D. 8. Hazel
wood addition. t03
WOOD SAWING. Call up C. M.
westbrook, Home phone 7001. New
E H. P. saw. t3
Budded on whole roots, are the only
kind to plant. Tint's the kind we
sell. Call i.oth phones or address vV.
A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur
series, Albany, Or.
FOR SALE. 1 two seated single rig,
Bprings, 1 three seated double rig,
springs, covered, both in good repair,
at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh
Bon, 1 mile from Albany, Benton
county. 6t
Day from now on you will find this
of particular interest to you
Why does Mr. Taft advise another
revision of the tariff? Simply because
he sees the handwriting on the wall
announced from every part of the
country. There is nothing sincere
about it; but it is good so far as it
goes. The same advice has been given
before and flagrantly disregarded. So
long as such men as Aldrich are al
lowed to dominate the schedule in the
interest of the rubber and other trusts,
in which their friends arc concerned,
there will be no genuine revision
downward in the interest of the peo
ple. It will all be in the interest of
the trusts as it has been in the past,
and Mr. Taft knows it; but he is afraid
of the people politically and hence his
present finesse movement. As in the
past some people will be fooled be
cause they want to be; but there is a
spirit of independence in the country
that is striking, and it is quite pos
sible there will be a manifestation of
its power. That is what is troubling
the politicians with jobs. They are
afraid some one else will get their job.
Just before an important election
the president and those under him al
ways make a grand stand play at re
vising the tariff or something else in
the interest of their party. What the
people want is the goods. They are
tired of paying double price for rub
ber and cotton and woolen goods in
the interest of the trusts.
I The member of the legislature of
Oregon, an average kind of a fellow,
during a forty days session of the leg
islature passes on at least five run
dred different measures, and he gen
erally doesn't get the headache either.
And yet some people are claiming the
average voter, who is just about as
smart as Oregon's average legislator,
isn't capable of passing on thirty-two
measures. But he is, just the same.
While there may be some people, who
will be short on some of the measures,
as a rule the voter will know just
about as near what he is doing as the
legislator does, uninfluenced by the
modern lobby. It is the modern meth
od of the people ruling, and, although
there are some measures that might
well be off the list as a whole it of
fers a good chance for the people to
speak out on important affairs. j
Rooms to rent to married couole who
will board me. 304 Ferry street, Wil
son Blain.
TO RKNT. House, fu'niture for Bale
532 Elm street. tOl.
FURNISHED. Housekeeping rooms,
. 1:6 Washington street.
FOR RENT. -Two rooms for light
housekeeping, everything complete.
Apply at 324 E. 1st St. t27
FOR SALE. A mare very gentle, and
buggy, at a bargain. Call at 938.
Calapooia and 10th street. 13 !
FOR SALE. A new 6 room house. 2
lots, Bryant's Addition. J. R. Ed
wards, Bryant's Ad. tl
LOST. A lady's gold watch, with chat
elaine pin. Return to this office.
FOR RENT. - Four rooms and pantry,
$10 a month, over Davenport's music
store. See E. U. Rhoades. 20t
Fa I I
Edmund Parker returned from the
Bay last night.
Mrs. Linebach, of Roseburg, returned
home this afternoon.
W. O. W. Shepard and daughter went
to Jefferson today.
Mrs, C. E. Sharp is expecting her
father to visit her from the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trites, of Gold
endale, Wash., are visiting here.
Mrs. Phil Swank, of Tallman, and
sister, of Nebraska, returned this noon
from a visit at Summit.
Miss Watson, of Portland, returned
home this afternoon after a visit with
MrB P. A. Yaung.
Mr. and Mrs. Prawl, of Oklahoma,
are visiting at the home of their cousins
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Cux, in this city.
Hon. R. A. Miller, of Portland, re
turned today from his new place, on
the map seven miles north of Newport,
Seal Crest.
F. & A. Kerkheeker, now of Port
land, recently of Germany, have been
in the city looking after desirable land.
S. N. Steele and family, of Portland,
returned last night from Newport, all
going home but Miss Medora, who was
kidnapped by several of her Albany
Iriends and held for a visit.
Fred Schultz and son have returned
from a trip to the bills beyond Forest
Grove, where they spent several days
in the mountains hunting, but the
forest fires have been too much for
such things.
Administrator's Sale.
We will sell at public auction on the
Clay Marshal farm, 6 miles east of Al
bany, near Knox' Butte, Tuesday Sept.
6, commencing at 10 a. m. 7 head of
horses, 2 cows and calf, sow and pigs,
shoats, wagons and farming utensils.
Terms: $1. cash, all over 12 moa time
at 6 per cent.
Free lunch at 12 o'clock. R. C. Burk
hart, R. W. Johnson, administrators,
F. M. Shores, auctioneer.
WANTED. Cosmopolitan Magazine
requires the services of a represent-
- ative in Albany to look after sub
scription renewals and to extend
circulation by special methods which
have proved unusually successful.
Salary and commission. Previous
experience desirable but not essential.
Whole time or spare time. Address,
with references, H C. Campbell,
Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1789 Broad
way, New York City.
PUBLIC SALE. At the farm of John
and R. J. Fisher, 4 miles south of
Albany on Thursday, Seotember 8
beginning at 1 p. m., farm imple
ments and live stock.
WANTED. Competentgirl for general
housework. $4. 321 W. 6th St. t
WANTED. A public singer. Inquire
at Democrat office.
WANTED. Man with team to haul
Shingle bolts, half mile haul, good
roads, good price. Call at Albany
shingle Mill. t6 I
If you have not seen the excellent showing of rugs now on display in the Drapery
and Rug Department you still have a rare treat in store for you.
Such a large line of new distinctive colors and patterns has never before been as
sembled in this town.
There are rugs of every grade, every size and color.
Rugs for every room from bedroom to library, and best of all the prices on all are
very low and the qualities the highest. We believe you have never had an opportunity
to buy such high class rugs as the ones we are now showing at the prices we ask.
It's easy to show them to you. Any time you can spare ten minutes come up and
we will show you 120 or 130 rugs of new and pleasing design.
To Reduce Stock
Regardless of Cost
In Show Window
Granite Stew-?an, values 50c to $1 00 going at 24c for choice.
Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
Same Management for Eighteen
Years, Through Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
House and Barn Bills a Specialty. M ill situated two miles east of Knox
Butte, near Santiam River.
We will be prepared to take oats on
Barley, wheat and oats bought.
For building, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc. at M. Senders & Co's store.
W. L. COBB, R. D 4. Phone, home