Albany Democrat VUJ, XL VI ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2 mo SO The Market. Wheat$. 85, Oats 40c. Beef 6c;vealdressed9c Pork dressed'9c; on foot 7c Lard 16c. Eggs 30c. Chickens on foot 10c. Hams 22c to 27c, sides 20 to 26c shoulders 15 to 18c. Butter 80c to 85c. Flour $1.50 to $1.75c a sack. Potatoes 5Uc per nu. Hay, from $10 for some clover to $13 th best timothy. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have Vibrators. This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call at our store and get a booklet. Price, $15.00. BURKHART & LEE. Only LAST Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit and Cloak House ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. 1 Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, M&in 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden und field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendhrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. R B. Mayberry, Drayman Heavy and light hunting. Piano moving la specialty. Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, i-' wood or 16 inch wood. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es tate Co.. 235 West 1st. Residence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phones. HAVt YOU LL'lt1t CitAINED 4N!) PRESSED THE CLEANER, CUMV.ING3 & GILBERT j 40 V 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 j Homo nhone !96 1 T.HE OREGOXlAN. in ca.c of i;t.s delivery or- !".;-: .: of taper t l-i I bone Eagle's Ci-'ur Store, -a-eek days lie:re S, Sundays before Ill-o'clock. THEY ARE HERE That Delayed shipment of Expres Wagons has just arrived, all sizes from the smallest to the largest. We can suit all size boys. The prices are right. At Meiser & Meiser Remember Ruby Blend is the Very Best 25c Coffee. CALL One More It's only a short time until this great RUMMAGE SALE will end, and at the close, which is Wednesday, Aug. , 31st, we mean to have cleared this stock of all odds and ends. The prices being made for the last week will surely clean them up, so take advantage of the last opportunity to buy any article you may need at Rummage Sale Prices. LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF ARTICLES. THEY'RE ALL INCLUDED IN THIS SALE: Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Muslin and Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps. Collars, Belts, Jabots, Notions and Fancy Goods. HOWS THIS. FOR A CLEANUP Every Spring and Summer Hat we have left, is in the show window at 89c each. There are only about 10 left. We mean to have a clean stock at the opening of each season and positively will not carry one Hat over. VISIT THIS STORE OFTEN during the last week of the greatest sale we ever held. Dreamland. "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday Prices Adults 10c, Children 5c. Matinees Daily 2 :30 to 5. Night shows 7 :30 to 10 :30. PROGRAM FOR FRI Big Biograph Feature. The Child 3- THE BROADALBiN Doaix'iiig House irat Cass Board. Meals 2Cc Family dinners a specialty. 22 9 Curl Mode. Week ate I DAY AND SATURDAY. of Ghetto. res-3 Mr ' " ' J ' 1 , n nr I;..!.. U..II t ' .hi am! it I'uhU'K J:!-""s se school Bros, 530 E. First St., Albany, Oregon THE FIRES. A report from Brownsville this after- i noon is that the Holley fire is well un- der control, and if the wind keeps down the prospect is good for no further spreading of it. The Albany hoys had had not yet returned to Brownsville at 1 2:30 o'clock. I . i The Booth-Kelly Co. lost about $50,000 by the burning of Wendling. Twenty six good cottages and 25 small cabins I and shacks were destroyed, besides a 65 room lodging house, butcher shop. .u... BllVf, OlltOll VI lUtV, DVU., there was hardly a building or pile of lumber but what got scorched a little. Darner shop, small bridge, etc., and In Western Lane about a million feet of logs in one logging camp, and a number of dwelling houses were burned. The Brownsville Times, whose editors was on the scene says: Representa tives of the large timber holders are on the ground trying to organize a Bystem of fighting the fire that will check it, but up to to-day have failed. The force of men available has been in adequate to cope with the situation, but men from Brownsville, Albany, Lebanon, Portland, Eugene and other places are being rushed to the scene as fast as possible and some ordanization is being effected which it is hoped will check the fire and soon stamp it out. In the foothills no less than a. dozen farm homes have only escaped destru tion by the heroic work of the fire fighters. Several narrow escapes from death from the flames and smoke have already taken place, but no causallics have occurred. A Good One. A remarkable biograph picture i3 the Child of the Ghetto, presetted at Dreamland last night, and will be again tonight. The scene is laid in New 1 York, and the story is as neat nnd in teresting as one ever sees portrayed, ending the right way. Thu Hebrew section of the city is shown with great realism. . The girl who is acting the principal part in this story has won applause from many celebrated men. The story tells how a poor city girl wrongfully accused of theft flees to the country and the great kindness she receives at the simple farming peoples hands eventual ly restores her faith in the world. There is a strange throb of pathos all the way through this picture. The others are all good and the son; is wall rendered by Miss Neilson. uit Threatened, A letter addressed to the Porter of the City Committy, was put in the box of the caretaker of the city cemetery; but it seens was intended for the city government. Complaint is made of a nuisance down near the Salem road and Cialr Stroat On hoA nna kna L..I.I w... u . u uv UMG 1IHO IU 11UIU U1J B i nose. The plnoee 'Thia mimf be looked after at onc or I will bring suited agins the city." The same has been turned over to the city authorities who will no doubt get a hustle on and save trouble. At the rhtels. H. L. Russell, Coos Bay. Glen Maddix, Roy Roadman, burg. ; A. G. Hesse, Oakland, Calf. J B. Abbott, Scio . C. O. Hargrave, Portland. B. W. Gregory, Mebford. E. J. Ryan & wf, Ashland. O. A. A. ann, Portland. A. H. Hind, Seattle. John J. Conway, Portland. Rose- FOR BALE -Onions, by E. L. - Mc 2x1. t016 ft.eever, pnone Bell farmers J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Roofs, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant desiens and I specifications, Power Transmission, ' Drawings made and checked. Office, I Albany Jron Works. I eal Estate, 1 City Property. No. 108 New 8-rooin house, one lot, electric lights, hard finished, West : Albany. Price $2150.00. No. 123 Xcw S-room cottage, one lot, ! West Albany. Price $1150.00. No. 135 Good.. 6-room plastered house, one lot, West Albany. Price ; .$1275.00. No. 136 Two lots, new barn, West . Albany. Price $750.00. C. T. 2 line building lots, west Al bany.' Price $1500.00. Farm Lands. 70 acres l miles out, finest soil, at a bnrr'.'iin. 500 Acres R miles out, $24.00 per acre. No. 142 20 acres, all in cultivation, 6-rnoni house, 5 miles out. Price $2250.00. C. P. 130 acres 5', miles out, fine orchard. 150 tree-, ben soil, at a barcaip. 1 --i:"e tine business propositi"!:'- '..:a 'xV.l appeal to ihij mo-.', con-f-r-.Mhc buyer". If you are looking for farm' or city property, or invc;t of ,-tnv kipi1. c ::.e to me. i!av : - re -i-I. I in A!l.:.n- ) years I fcnrm-.-:.'! c -ii'l: , i Can r.-c yon time atnl ".(: C;:i: fit :::y "l ice for full par- IAS. !- I'OV.'F.f.;.. 130 Broadalbin Street ATE AN OX The barbecue at Lacomb yesterday in honor of C. W, Tebault, of this city, was a great success. A big crowd was present from the surrounding country. A fine ox was baked by tia Kellenber ger, of Lebanon, and every bne wbb licked clean, besides several hundred loaves of bread and other good things. The exercises were of an entertaining order, oratory galore prevailing. The Baptist minister presided, and among the other speakers were Mr. Tebault in whose honor the barbecue was held, due to bis splendid development work for I , UU1TUI, u. UUUCB, Lawyer P. E. Van Tas9ell and Deputy I ounty Clerk W. L. Marks.of this city, Lawyer Garland and Senator Miller of L,acomD, judge Hewitt, E. L. Jones, ! i,eoanoii, and others, short and pointed, guiiciui uuuHiers. From Albany there were three auto mobiles filled and another rig, and two automobiles from Lebanon Lacomb is a rich section, and the town a thriving center, with three stores, two churches, blacksmith shop, etc. : AT THE COURTHOUSE. Filed: Articles of incorporation of the Willamette Valley and Coast Wagon Road Co. dated May lfl, 1864, signed by Luther Elkins, D. W. Bal'ard, John Settle, Morgan Kees, John Powell, Jacob Kees, J. Ralston and Jas. A. Richardson, and supplementary articles by J. H. Foscer. W. F. Alexander, Jason Wheeler, John Powell, L. Elkins, John Isom and M. Luper. Also decrees m U . S. agt. Chas. Altschul agt the M. V, & C. M. W. E. Co. perfecting title to the property. Deeds recorded: Sylvia Hufburt to Vesta Hatfield, JO acres 10 D. S. McWill-! Notarial commission lams. THE EMPIRE Friday and Saturday ; The Law of The West. A n Kroner dramatic story in the period of the ! ioriy miners. A Victim of Hale Dramatic love story with many startling situations. Two Fine ''ome-Jies! A Political Dis cusion and Bk-iise Take One. Song I'll Build a Castle in Love Land, by Miss Crosno and Mr. Rolfo, i'BUine: cyery day, Admisslo: 10 cents. The Rink will be opened Friday evening, Sept 2, thereafter under the management of MURRAY MARSHALL and ROLLIN LOBAUGH. The patronage of all is solicited. The rink has been well cleaned and order will be kept. cents 'mission free, Skates 25c including admission. Both Phones Main 53 COMPAQ WM, BAIN. President. H. Great Oaks of Financial Success grow from verv small acorns a small sum opens an account in our' bank but, to have a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any ill wind that, blows. dollars arc financial lani and watch them grow. Complete Lines of Crockery, r.nd the best line of Tea and Coffee in Albany," at Stetter's, 206 W. 2nd Street. DOINGS OF THE WORLD: Wells Fargo rates in Oregon have been cut 16 per cent as a compromise Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Booth, of Lebanon have gone to San Francisco to attend the state medical association's annual convention. The new high school of Lebanon will be aedicated Sept. 7. Prominent men have been invited to ba some may be there. M. M. Peery, of Springfield, aformar tcio man, has sold his drug store to W. A. Kuykendall. Mr. Peery will remain in Springfield. Mayor Rodgers of Salem and H. L. Pittock.of Portland, attended the Inter- ' national Association of good road makers at Paris, in a country where they know how to make good roads. Dr. W. S. With combe, of the Mas sachusetts health board, and son Paul, of Harvard University, who was in the publicity department of the Seattle fair, passed through this noon. The postmasters of Oregon will hold their fourth annual convention. In Port land October 13 and 14. Postmaster Johnson of Corvallis is president and Postmaster .Van Winkle of Albany sec retary. An All Star Program. Mr. Rolfs is presenting an all feature program at the Empire tonight. 1 The Western drama, The law ot the West, is a thrilinp- picture of mining life, with some of the most beautiful scenery, ever shown in the city. The Essanay, A Victim of Hate, is a thriling drama, with a neat love story. The . double comedy Pathe; is full of laughs from beginning to end. Mr. Rolfe and Miss Crosno, are heard in song entitled I'll Build a Castle in Loveland. Don't miss this program. Tonight only., , LECTRI c IE TONIGHT 1. The Call of the Circus. A drama with amoral produced by that famous Imp company (Imp.) i 2. The Jump to Death. A story of a thrilling loan of a circu performer. 3. The.Carnjuri's Preara. A com edy, r: issues: Song: 1 Summer Time," sung by Mies Nickleson. Change o program tomorrow, and I Admission 0 cents, thereafter unless announced 10 M 337 West M. ! AUt.... rv. rtuiaiiy, J l P. D. GILBERT. V. P tint. LEY, Cashier. ' STATE BANK acorns plant them m our China Glassware. Groceries.