TOMORROW'S DOINGS. if t New Fall Dress Goods Our fall showing of dress goods was never as com plete as now. Everything in the new t styles. Serges, Broadcloths, Diagonals, Plaids, Shepherd's, Checks, etc. Worsted finish suitings, splendid for school dresses, at 20c yd. Flood's Store A cents for K. & G. Gor-ets. Agents for Standard Patterns ABSTRACTS Ifjyou own any real property you will need an abstract of title. Better get one now and be ready when an opportunity to sell comes. Deals often fail for want of time to examine and perfect a title. We are at your service at the old stand Alco Club corner. THE LINN COUNTY .ABSTRACT CO. RELIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE. 00 TO I "THE CREST" I For your Ice Cream, Cold Drinks ; and Confectionery.; None butter in the city. . . ,. . . L. L. P0T1S. . ' Both Phones 816 West 2nd Mayberry Wood, Yard. All kinds of wood: Big fir, price $5.00: 2nd growth, $4 75; Maple, $4.75; Slab,- 4 ft. length, $2.50; Oak, $5.25; Ash, $5.25. , Will deliver any amount wanted sawed to order, to any part of town. Sawed 'nnv length desired. Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can getthe following prices at EASTBURN'S First Presbyterian church. Morning vorship at 10:30. Rev J. Elliott will ncupy the pulpit. Sabbath School at :lose of service. No evening service luring August. A hearty welcome to .strangers. Christian Science. Sunday service 11 a. m. subject Mind. Wednesday experience meeting 8 p. nr. corner 4ih and Feny. United Presbyterian. 5th and Wash ington Kte., W. P. White, paster Sub ject of morning sermon: "The Suprem acy of Humanity.' Subject of even ing sermon: "Religion and the Heart, Christian Church. AILyn Ksson, minister.. 10:30 a. m. Bible School, followed by communion service and morning sermon. 7 p, m. Christian Endeavor. 8 p. m. Evening sermon Come and bring your friends. Baptist Church. Regular services at the usual hou's. Sabbath school at 10.15 a. m. Preaching Ly the pastor Rev. S. A. Douglas at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. Midweek prayer service at 8 o clock Thursday evening All cordially in vited to attend these services St. Mary's Church. Rev, Arthur Lane, Rector, Rev. John Van Nevil, assistant. Sunday service at 6:30 and and 9:30 a. m. Evening services at 7.30. Rev. Wm. O'Brien of the Church Extension Society of Chicago will of ficiaie and preach. Mission serviced will be held at Jefferson and Lebanon. The public is cordially invited. M. E. Church. Preaching morning and evening by Rev. 1. W. Craig 4 V ' I 1 'rt-'i V1 Ml Some of the Topsy Tury crowd of performers, of Salem, to he at the t-'oera House Monday , night, August 22, under the auspices of the Albany iilks. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. MISFITS. Those thfity-two questions will be handled all right regardless of the rand thrown at the- proposition. A Myrtle 'Greeks man Tecently killed a doe with horitas said to be a rare thing;, the same as a. woman with whiskers. 14 lbs Granulated Sugar. $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 ' Kelley steamer. Te-Jtait is big enough for five goo I states, and it is said will eventually be cut urn Ev;- Shelton, of Dallas has a hunting knife-bought in San Francisco- in 1849 a- Ren(i m4ff,BHs an trerention for au for $12,50s a Telle worth keeping. , plying powert all four wheels of are The Illinois Central has a $5,000,000 automobile instead of to nly two. Tojo graft scandal in the limelight. ABat much power already- ought to make the crowd respectable. F. M. Wilfcms and party this- week Two Gifts of Tongue people at Los drove from. Newport to Eagene be- Angeles are trying to- reaeh heaven bv tween 8:30 su-ra. ana b:su p. mi in me starving to death-. Suicui will take a SHOE REPAIRING, by A. W. Baughman. at H. A. Stoltenberg b. Fine hand sewed work a specialty. All work done promptly using the best leather, guaranteed to give satis- ' faction. Prices reasonable. 13t CementWor Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Ci'iii -nL fturi. j . F. TP "BR. 4th & Calapooia II lbs Head Rice '.. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l.UO 1.00 person to hell every time. 14 lbs Japan Rice . 16 lb3 BroKen H ead Rice. 12 los White Beans...... . 12 lbs Lima Beans 10-16 ozpksRaisinns ... Got our prices before you buy. I A a tnrpmtL firft near M&ifnrd charged to angry squatters'v Sevea wfaen it camo.ta, the test the Eu rangersaie reported lost and tlhere is- business maa-who-hadgrowledthe excitment over the affair. Hvost at the train service on the S. P. Tex RickarcV the famous fiirlit pre- failed to appear -before the; commission meter, is said to have invested in Coos an(j tell what thayknew It is gene- Bay coai iana, win give up ui Kiitni) Tajy thus. DIAMONDS OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS, BUT THEY ARE'-REASONABLE. F. M. FRENCH & SON WE RESEi YOUK DIAMOND WHILE :i WAIT. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. The renort of tlis- state Sealth board shows 56 cases cf .typhoid, fever and 29 1 deaths in three- months vs. the entire , cl-nt-,. nn annulling mnrtalitir but the . board says this is due to the fact that physicians dor not report the cases, 1 there undoubtedly, being ssveral times 56 for 29 deaths Vvod Yard. W ood delivered to all parts of city on short notice, ofiice at residence 80S East 4th strcot. Both phones. J. D. Ellis. Expert Chiropodist. n-m .nmnuo ..nrna hunions. incrow- ing too nails, and itching burning feet relieved immediately. Will go to your residence if you cji 't come to me Call me upon cither phone. Home I4.iu Bell Black 443 R. .Best of reference given right here in Altrnny. Call by phono hofore 10 or after 6. MRS J. W. DMVKR.230 Lyon St. Francis Bros, JAS. K. POVV'liLL, I Real Estate. -Forty years residence in Albany, Or. j Financial agent. Collections made for , non-rcsidents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red 140i. TOM YOUNU, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gclsemtc roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 Up-to-date-Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR TO W. E. FRANCIS, Prices are Right. business and go there nnd develope his motion- has again ben dis covered. Carl Grosnman. of Proctor,. Vt., says ha has done it and will have his patent out in two weeks. Be has been fourteen years- coing it. Great results will be possible be says. I ScioNews: Ira Richardson haa' just threshed his grain and reports a yieldi of 38 bushels of wheat per acra He a report is abroadi that Senator M. I sold the wheat in tlte held at ipu per A. Miller of .Lebanon, will ua- a candid bushel. The Willamett valley cast', yet te f0r governor on the! democratic raise wheat in paying; quantities. ticket. It is not ijrobablo; Mr. Miller Rev. Albert C Reed, recently died! will further complicate matters by en- j at his home in Manchester, Vt., ore tering the field against West, Myers j Aug. 8, at the age of almost 78 years, and banning, though, thes fact would i He leaves three Rev. Hi. I. suggest an interesting contest. Reed, for fout years-- pastor of the j Presbyterian church-of this city, now; gx: Think of a grocery dealer skulk-I of the theological seminary at Auburn jng ;n back alleya-iwth a. can of coffee , N. Y. Mn one boot leg, a pound ofi cheese in i H. B. Miller, U.' Si consul at Dublin, the other, and a herring; down the back j Ireland, has just soJd- the Josephine of his neck; or a shoe dealer with his Hntnl nrnnertv at tyrants- rass. owneo ooor iasieneu wun.irun. ubi, iu let us ffgase -n-ith you on your n xt Lumber Bill. W ace confident we cm-save yc-a: money, and it won't cost a cent to let us try. We carry a lull stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Bfoldings,. Building Paper, and Columbia River Sand. We have our own taw. mills and: can furnish anything on short notice. Botii Phones. THE C. K. SPAULD'iNU lAJliUlNli A. B. Kelsayr,- Manager. bv him. for some time, to r. Hi. Blake, of Ashland. 75 bv 180 feet, for I25-.000-. The hotel is to be remodeled and- a modern structure. fcOLLINS & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. DOOLEY'S GROCERY 9TH AND LYON STREETS. Ernest Ian" funeral. dows grated, and a- half dcHen men on t the street corners watching for the t officers Rod at least alarm destroying I every sign of his business: What man ' would say the grocery Business was 1 : flourishing; .or that there- were more i boots and shoesssokJithaai ewer before f : in the history ofitbe city. That Transmission Line. The Lebanon E.. A says Eineali Frax ier and E:ncst Lane were one and the same ncrson. Lane was the voune ! mans real name, but. he took the name , ef his step-father. . He was born near I Eutrene. the son oi Isaac luane. ai ... e.., j, .nnin. the funeral the remw were shown for the, transmission Hoe which it is") an who uvnicu "V, ! proposed to run. from, the big power- Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. HereaJtar the records in the office of the Recorder cf Conveyances for Linn County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert' title examiner employed' by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep our records up to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording better service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give. It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained By thorough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanenSly and continu ously caaried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main- ta-ming oue wen estaonsiieu reputation as progressive aim rnwure ab stracters. We assume that every one realizes the necssity of having an abstsact of title prepared for the property which is about to be pur ahased; :re solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you Idie very- best work that is possible with little delay ad at a moderate living price. It will be to your advantage to see us before ordering. An BrtlSmited amount of money to loan at six percent per annum o seat estate security. Bo& telephones in the office. Call in and see us c write. nurd' The North western CorDora- 1' lion has a crew of surveyors at worn J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in smill and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. 1 will bond you. Property handled for non-residents. A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Will it Stark Block Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albanv State llauk Uuilding. Bell lilac k 4S2. llome- 275 I inir no secrecy about it as reported. It is claimed at Lehanu his killing was a plan now being:constUEted at Martin's! w S- s n n -c 13 e s-'O e 1 3 n - o 3J "q v. E" J5'S nV. n 'S pi C9. .llling was a b:J. , W lUIfono BLrar tn ! case of mistak.n identity, efiraera d th Eueene,-. I was n large one, with ' Bora I olteungs. many beautiful Base Ball. The ball game at Rambler Park to- i morrow attornoon ac a p. m. win oe the last arae of the se.isoo, and, judg '. ing from the lineup of the two teams ' and their past reputation an exciting ; exhibition is looked for. Southpaw Patterson of the Colts has oeen pitcn Springfield, J.Bnctionj (City, Harrisburgj. Albany, Corvmllis, Independence, Moin mouth and Dallas are- among the places, to be suppjied with, eteetricity from. this, plant. The surveyors are njw. cunped at Coberg. the little sawmdlli iy, six milts north of Eugene. Albany Abstract Albany, : Company, , Oregon i THIS. BANK IS iom- Russians- in Albany. in its 40 th year One o the greatest values eff the ' moving picture , the presentation, o , inn ioB ,-; distant Quntri6, maxing very rsansuc row will show him at his best. Bakee . tions o the wocid we nevejt visit, (of Junction City will heave them ovf striking one at Dreamland is tiiat oi iur mo ua.i.i,."-" - scenes. in the Caucasus mountains,, rvua H. ("lawfnrd ltlock A. LEININGER, Dentist, Albany DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, ALBANY T1U I'O., no doubt take place. with J. A. Howard. p-h Residence phono black 25 Will & Stark ltlm-k Albany M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St., Albany, first-class meats of all kinds from tu-lcclcd sUx'k. HENRY BRODERS, Healer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 'ln Wrl Si-C'ii'l Street. Ollico phones. Home. Heavy nnd light hauling pianos a specialty ' Moving Palmer's THE GULDCN J)airy RULE. Delivers milk and cream to any part ot the citv. Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care, lloth Phones icuiis Mi-Pepsin uapsuies v'?:H A rOSJTIVE CUUE. i V. ,,vl Kit UE KO TAT, FUR- SOMMEB SPRAY MATERIAL Sole Distributor for the Hygeno A, the great Disinfectant Germi cide, Insecticide. also Gold Loin and Marxian Lice, and Flv Kill- MJRPHY'8 BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the l'ostoflice. Vour chair v l'i'-mt and cflir- .1 the t.icc an, i n.i-.r. lent eaie VIERF.Cfc.-S BA 217 West l'ii ; us. t Stre t 4 ) r V;,, t UoiiorrlMioi . V,; L'!i,l iU--l, iui iL.ftl'-r ( ti, l I i .t" T MnJ'. Atlt I X It-.- l-iiii:!,-. -M t-y ilritKgi.l : 31. l 1'r'r"- f rt. ,r t n,a11- r1 t 'V - h Ptti.1. II.WJ, 3 l-OIi-s. 1 1 235 East 2nd Streot. THE SANTAL-PEPSIhCf.! Bellcl-mlalne, Oblo Foi ale bv Barklisrt A Lee If vour horse has vVV'-i HEAVES use '"V Stone's Heave '1 Droos. Price Si. irijtiiiSfe' For sale by all drug- gists. S. C. bl UNli, sin. ewiiic the- real thing in tihafc bat- i baric Rart of the world, an educatioo. J I A wireless romance gives the: workings nf tu wirfirss. with a storv and some fine Cuban scenery, and a Cowbey'sli strntiurern some great riding; and fee : i westacn scenery. I ! At the Hotels. ! Mrs. M. N. Newton aad dau.. Port: I iind. , , ; Walter H. Groves &wf , Portland, f 1' Cooper & wf., Roeeburg R Sanders -4 wf., Salem. A. S. Bliton & family. Modford. ' E. E. Or.on, Junction. ' G. M. Frost, Salem ! lic:V G. Gillespie. Mill City. I C. O Hargrove, Portland. ' K McMullan, Snlverton. ' H P. Woodburv, Seattle. E. 1 Howes & wf., KoseDurg. A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service; Your account is invited. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,000,00 0,00 SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accout with us and yon will be surprised at the case with which the Saving habit is acquired. Interest paid on Savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,000.00 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. Have yon tried our fefcaft?' I'ors A new s'.ec p ule c.n t-p. n.i h'a-:'Kin.; The 1 .iedj. eel r - ' v.i'.:i a a m net mo ,--. K-'ei's elesn. J A Albany Ud If not, whv not? 25c coffee in town. It is the best Give us a trial cooking t . stove ft tnKe STAR BAKERY, C. J1EYEU, Proprietor First-Class Work Cuaramccd. Salem - Oregon,