See the Large Display of HAIR GOODS The Largest and Most Complete Line We Have Ever Shown Hair Switches, 22 inches long, blonde, brown and dark brown $2.50 Hair Switches, 24 inches long, wavy, blonde, brown and dark brown 3.50 Hair Switches, 22 inches long, 3 switches in one, brown, dark brown and black.... 3.50 Hair Switches, 22 inches long, wavy and straight, all colors 4.00 Hair Switches, 24 inches long, wavy and straight, all colors : 5.00 Hair Puffs, 18 curls, brown, 2.00 Another with 13 curls, brown .'. 2.50 Wavy Hair Rolls, all shades, 50c Sanitary Hair Rolls can be washed all colors 25c Silk Hair Nets, blonde, light, and medium brown and black 5c Silk Hair Nets, with elastic f 5c Human Hair Nets, invisible, with a draw thread, all colors .: 15c Fringe Nets, real hair, 3 shades of brown 15c Fringe Nets, grey .'. - 30c MEN'S FURNISHING SPECIALS. Men's Suspenders 50c value 35c pair Men's and Boy's Belts 50c value - 35c each Men's Fancy Socks 35c value .'. - - , -' 20c pair Cleanup of Men's Summer Underwear Light Balbriggan .... 20c garment Odds and Ends, boys' blouse waists - 25c each THIS MORNING IC0RPS OF News From Albany's Six Early Trains. Messrs. Pinkerton and Glazier, the U. S. cattle inspectors, of the Depart ment of Animal Inudstry, returned to Portland, after doing considerable work around Albany, including the Bryant heard of eighty-five in Bryant's Park, found in splendid condition. The only cost of inspection is the board of two men, who work for the government under a salary, and it is desired as many as possible shall have their cows looked after. Dr. Withycombe and Prof. Cordley, of the O. A. . left for Uhion, where there will be a session of farmers at the experiment station, for educational purposes, under their direction. Dr. Withycombe remarked that he was not mixing much in politics just now, being too busy with industrial matters. S. A. Lasselle, of the N. W. Fruit Association went to Salem on prune business. He reports the best crop and the highest price for years. The crop is a good one and the average Erice is about 4gc, with 5 cents for the ig ones. We Try to Please Our Custo ners. THAT is why we sell strictly high gi da unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHABP & LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. Walter Parker Grocer sad , Baker . 416 WKST FIRST arKKKT1.ALBAN Y 0KB90N. First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 Electric Toasters Make Perfect Toast Ralston Electric Supply Co., 30 West Second Street. NOTICE. Shingles. Made' in Albany my ao. 1 Edt? Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Rvorv hunch branded with my name. Look tor it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. L A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. S.C.RUNYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Makes a specialty of repairing and job work. Shop 1020 Elm street. Home phome 426. TEACHERS COMPLETE. The school board of the Albany dis trict at a recent meeting completed the selection of teachers for next year, making a corps of thirty three, a large increase, showing the growth of the schools-of the city. Prot. Loyd Marquam was transferred to the chair of mathematics in the high school and G. E. Finnerty, of Cottage Gmve, elected principal of the Madison I school. Miss Ethel A. Norman was elected to the 6th grade Madison school, Miss Marian Cowels, 7th grade Cen tral; Miss Nettie Miller, ot Oregon City, 5th grade Central; Miss Cora Turaidge, 6th grade Maple; Miss Alice Markhart. of Euirene. formerly of this city, 4th grade aple; A. E. Hudson, a tutor in ine u. a. u. tne past year, to the chair of science, in the hiirh school. Prof. Smith, who bad been secured for this place found that his health will not permit his teaching and he will devote nis time to nis property near tne tair ground. A good corps ot tf achera has been s cured and efficient work may be expect ed. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Marriage licenses: Geo. W. McKillgan .6 and Minnie F. Butler. 40. of Lebanon. F. Vt. Barrett 28, of Junction and Margaret E. Uooloy, as, of Albany. New Buit. M. Sternberg & Co. agt. Clinton Nannev. to recover 74. 65 goods sold Roy Nanney, a son. G. S, Hill at torney. Deeds recorded: Thos. Barnes to Henry Stephens iw acres $ 4UUU Loyd G. West to L. A. Har- baugh and wue acres... 1 Martha Schooling to F. P. Shel don is lots, Harrisburg 10 back from the Mts W. M. Parker returned to the Bay to complete his summer's outing, cele- i i-' L : ii.v l.: ... i. i.T .1 urauu ins uiruiuuy iuuhmi iub trip. Dan Hurley went to Salem on a Bhort trip. J. P. Martin and family and Miss Clara Eckert left for Newport. William Loru, ot saiem, leit lor Seal Rocks, called there by the serioua illness of his father, Ex-Governor Lord. William Holloway and family left for their summer's outing at Nye Creek. Miss Tressa Acheson returned to Portland after a delightful time with her many friends in Albany. Miss uisie LiocKe lett tor Portland. Miss Bessie Bovle. with the Magno lia Laundry as bookkeeper for some time left for Seattle to reside with her folks. Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. ALBANY BEAL ESTATE CO., W. M. Dresser, Proprietor. Room 14 Albany State Bank Building. Property lists wanted, property for sale. A specialty of the new. ALBANY HtlliHis. se9 the plat. JERSEY DAIRY G. W. KUTHE, Prop. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the citv twice dailv. Phones: Bell Black 2371; Home Main 144 DR. VIRGINIA V LEWEAUX Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block. Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black 2751, Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat office. See him. WOOD. Slab, east ot t erry west of rerry ?U.a5, cash on delivery, ray the driver. A. W Docksteder. Home phone black 176, or Bell black 8zl. out I' Application for the purchase of the road land in Linn County now owned by the Oregon and Western Coloniza tion Co will now be received. Appiicatirn blanks can'be obtained at this office. TVrm-.:- One fifth down, and ire bal ai.e in fi v years. AlliandBfiold in leul nuhdivisionB, from forty acrps to 320 acres i more. OWEf. BEAM Room 4 Stark Building. BARBER SHOP 236 West 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed Geo. H. Fiddiman, Prop. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have" moved and are now at 1 18 West Second street. MtiDIN & SI UAPTJg J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the NewAlVfnny State Bank Build ntf, second floo, with a coroplet equipment foi pictue taking ' of al kinds. D. B. ADAMS, "ACTJUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING A fine lot at our yard at this city.just burned. ' Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO Look Out for Fire. Chief Engineer Creel wishes to warn the people of the city to be careful about fires, particularly during the present wind; spell. Everything is dry and combustible. Mr. Creel to morrow will leave on a trip up the Cral.tree. Assistant Chief Engineer Schultz is also aw&y. During their ab Bence T. O. Hanson, of the street cleaning department will have charge of affairs. Phil and Anthony Baltimore returned last evening from a trip to Marion Lake, camping where the sulphur bubbles up from the springs. Thev conveyed their 'outfit in with theirown bicycle wheeled push carts, their own inventions, noth . ing like it in the U. S and had a great i time, hunting and fishing, particularly the latter. Not many deer are around, but they got one fine four point buck, that worked up into some very sweet jerk, as the Democrat can testify from a sample tried. Anthony did the kill ing. He admits that while he beat Phil shooting he can t beat mm eating a mountain meal.. President Roosevelt himself doesn't enjoy a mountain trip more than the Baltimore boys. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albauy, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Aug. 17, 1910. Persons desiring any of nUK. A I, Will I UIBUUB uvbieiiik luijjr Ul Lawyer N. M. Newport came down !nu,c' ca" 101 Mveresea r r- i - lenera. invinir tne aate: iruiu xjeotuiuii. ur -ft-. "i ri j ' Ray Roberts came over from Cor- .V T m 5 1 illis and went out to the Roberts or- i LnderBon. M. N. Apple, Jenny Cascadia this Year. J. H. Simp8on and family last even ing returned from their outing at cas cadia, where they have been several weekB. Caecadla has been a popular resort this year. There have been a large number of campers and the hotel Gelsendorfer has been full right along. When the Oregon Electric runs to Cas cadia it promises to become one of the best reBorts along the coast. vallis chard. Mrs. Dr. Billings and mother Barnes left on a f ortland trip. Commissioner Butler went out Lebanon on county business. Mrs. to T.nrfnin R. TJnffv Mm Rratltnv RIIIpa 1 Mrs. A. Emrick. E, D. Gilsou. L. F. Huffman. Bertha G. Hollinraworth. nooii pthwi h; kn,.n,w!m. .eegan, r . r a.enision, itosa svsteni ' Lucier James McNeil, B. F. R. Mc- Bert War'ford went to Brownsville. ! f Rse Senders. Mrs. Edyoh Shad Jack Currie, a native of Linn county wlck- Mnl- ie8e?Il w,v,, P M commercial traveler, went to Corvallis. I VAN WINKLE, r. ju. F. L. Chambers and family passed through on a trip to Yellow Stone Park. - Br. vnamoers is one oi tne augene WAN1EU. Bright active joung man, nYaiah afllmnn flnri nthF finh nt Holt. Barnes, Chas Beales, Mrs. A. B. Bon- Market. tn.n r. a n..i;. n7ii.nn n.. men who have made it richly C, E. Sox and family left for New port for a few days outing at the seashore. to act as agent for Portland paper in Albany. See Mr. Finnegan at Dem ocrat oltice, Friday morning, from 9 to 10, F G. WILL, lor Watches J. LEROY WOOD, Mechanical Engineer. Foundations, Roofs, Iron and Steel Structures, Power Plant designs and specifications, Power Transmission, Drawings made and checked. Office, Albany Iron Works. FURNISHED. Housekeeping rooms, 1.6 Washington street. FOR SALE. -Ten cords of fir wood, 12 cords of oak. Inquire at 632 'Elm street. Stewart & Sox Hardware Co have just received a stock of the latest in Andirons. Call and select while the assortment is full. Use Johnson's best. Made in Albany. - ft is the Best Jelly glasses for 30c dozen ac the Variety Store, 313 W 1st St. 329 The latest styles in eye glass mountings. HELP WANTED Good Wages. Call at MAGNOLIA LAUN inpv i E. C. MEADE, Optometrist. ! -i Second St. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Szror.d Stree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. When You See It in Our Ad vertisement You Know It Is True. It is not our policy to conduct a sale every month in the year, and quote prices that we can't deliver. The pub lic don't expect it. It is a well known fact that for 40 years this store has always sold at a modest profit, first class goods that we can guarantee, and at the smallest possible price. However, during this Semi-Annual Clearance Sale, the above guaranteed merchandise is yours, and our mod est profit thrown in. Remember the house of quality, and the store that never disappoints. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. i ' ALBANY ONI60H I