Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 26, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cento
week; in advance tor one year, ii.O'
riy man, in advance tor one year $3,
end o( year 4..I.5U.
The weekly Advance per year $1.25,
At end ot year $1.50. Alter 3 ve rs at
Tall Timber, Aug. 10th, 1910.
Editor Democrat:
iThe "war hoss" republicans surely
nave gotten the old lime political re
ligion; they have revived again the
political, religion of the good old days
when tne caii'lidatc s litness tor til
legislature was reckoned as nierclian
dicc value on bargain davs.
The cry of these assembly repul:
beans is the good of the partv. th
cry of a man is the good of the state
From your uncle's point of view there
is just one thing tor a republican with
blood in his veins and gray matter
under his hat to do at the pnmaric
that is to vote against each an
every one of the "assembly candi
dates.' If the trade and traffic branch
of the republican party should win out
at the primaries and nominate the
"assembly candidates," the republic.!
who stands for the primary law, for
statement No. 1, and who recognizes
the state as being greater than hi:
parly, can vote for men of other par
tics. Oswald West's announcement that
he will stand for the nomination of
governor on the democratic ticket i
a clean cut declaration of office fo
service, emphasized by his record
when clerk of the state land board and
now as railroad commissioner.
He is a man who lias filled the bill.
He will till the bill as governor. These
"assembly republicans" seem to draw
tneir inspirational breath Irom the
same source as those patriotsf?) who
would plunder the public domain in
the name of developing the resources
of the country. I wonder if those who
arc advertising the developing of the
resources of the country would "de
velop them in such a way that they
could carry the "resources" in their
vest pocket, arc not one and the same
outfit who are crying so loudly in
favor of the assembly and against
statement No. 1. We have seen what
some of those fellows look like when
they have been turned wrong side out.
They look as their record smells bad.
' The Democrat has received from
New York a statement that Wall
street estimates that approximately
$500,000,000 will be spent this year by
Americans for the purchase of auto
mobiles, 85 per cent going for ma
chines of domestic make, -about $75,
(100,000 going out of the. United Slates
for rubber f r the tires. Wall street
lias made' the discovery ,,Jhat but for
this half the amount wtruld be used
in Wall street speculation, the auto
mobile tal:ir. ii r.vt i.i Wall street.
This alarms the-money center of the
world, and : ..iipaign is in progress
to disjottr.'! . ,:io indiscriminate pur
chase oi automobiles. One statement
is that many homes are mortgaged
to secure the auto. On the other
hand the automobile manufacturers
have combined and declare that it is
a good thing for the country if the
money is diverted from Wall street,
a mere gambling concern anyway,
that the mortgage records do not sus
tain the contention made about mort
gages. Wall street has been cursed
by fictitious values and 'perhaps the
automobile will have the effect to run
some of them down.
So far as the people arc concerned
it will not give them a sour stomach
if Wall street stock gambling docs
have a backset. Nevertheless people
of moderate means will do well to not
get excited and buy all the new makes
of automobiles they sec, and they cer
tainly arc foolish to put any mortgag
es on their properly if they arc gel
ting automobiles for pleasure.
The collector of customs of New
York- found that neonlc who seek
l.o evade the payment of dues the
most strenuously arc men who have
,.nt, tl.nir fortunes off the hiorh tar
iff, a sample of tlio inconsistence Dl
the age. The families of sexeni BUI
been caught trying to rob the gov
ernment. Not content with being a
partner in the robber tarilT, which
gave them their fortune, they have
without conscience sought to get val
uable tilings past the collectors with
out detection. These things are ex
citing wide interest and calling at
teution to conditions. The result is r
crcat insurgent band protesting
against extravagance ami a taritl that
has taken the money from the pock
its of the people to enrich the trusts.
The game is up, the trick is seen
through, and the voters of the coun
try are going to speak through their
At the Hoicls
G. L. Fore, Montio-e. To o
J. 11. H mien, I'ortl
.1. M. Chamberlain, l'urtlan 1
A. L. Kraser, Salem
A. F. Oolt, Salim
H. J. f'orear mid wf, Rrseburg
Arthur P. While. Detroit.
K. J. Monroe, (Sates
Wm. Kblert, Lebanon.
Conference of Chautauquans.
It is i o'. re tain whether the confer
dice ofChai-.tiuHti a otlic als will be hel.;
inthisci'v St-pi, lf or not Sevcr.-i
hnv pwvfi',. ( r gon City wants i
in I'li'ii-nir. -l:'niHl is Hgrecntili'. Hah
w.uil.l lit. o li- hint a man heio lur
pumal'lv not. Wh-i-rnn-li I'v'icv.-.i il i.
tMx.,1 It ceriamlv I.-. Ih pr--;
thim-. !! ' it ii probtible a rtif.t will N
i-i;r.-d up"n il Sept. I" sh ill pr.ive r
MtlUiacti ry.
H. E Pinkerton and W. V. Glazier,
of the U. S department of animal it-
dufltry, of Washington. D. C. working
under Dr. S. S. McClure, of Pendleton,
have been around Albany examining
milk cows. Out of nearly 800 cows ex-
aminea only eignt nave been found in
fected at all with tubercolosiB, slightly
over 1 per cent, which is small.
This afternoon they examined the
herd of H. Bryant, in Bryant's park,
those of the Jersey dairy, which were
found in good condition, without an in
fectious case, speaking for this well
cared for dairy, which it in Drooosed to
neap up uj a ingu Btanuura,
Railroad Men Visit Sweet Home.
Sweet Home. Ann-, w rin (mainly
Mr; Fisher and Mr. Hawkins in town
last Saturday thev were interviewed in
regard to the proposed R R. to Sweet
Home. Mr. Hawkins said he wan limf
looking for a shovel to begin work, and
that there would be nn nllPHtinn bill-
what work would begin as soon as Mr.
Fisher had the survey cnmnlntnH. rhu
also gave a few hints of the bright
luiure oi aweec Home, saying we wore
located in one of the beat fruit belts in
Oregon, a section that wooid compete
witu noun xuver or rtoeue ttiver in
raising triut.
W. H. Davis is spending a week'a
vucuuon at me coast.
W. H. Davis and HarrvWntki nn hnvn
neon banking wood for the Lebanon
Mill uo.
L. Nye, a good citizen. diedSundav
morning at 7 o'clock. He was hni-ierl
here Monday at 3 p. m.
Miss Ina Wilkins of Hood River in
visiting relatives and friendshere. G.
On An Auto Tour.
0. M. Barton and son G'en are un in
vVashington on an automo'uile trip in
their new Chalmeri-Detroit. A note to
Irvine from Puyallup is a good one
tor the Lhalmers-Uetroit: "We arriv
ed here lust night all right, without a
scar of any kind, '"e came overland
the t-ascadia road is smooth com Dared
with the road trim Kalama to Toledo.
The boat wai' not in commission and we
had to get ufl the road some The
jneedometor shows 288 miles. We used
23 gallons of gasoline and thrcu quirt-;
of lubricating oil, and there is not a
scratch on the tires. We saw a machine
beside the road that could not climb the :
hills. Wo went up all O. K.
v :
: See This.
Tlie greatest of all Live Slock Shows and Harvest Home
Fairs ever held west of the Rocky Mountains. Everything
on an immense scale. - . ;
Free Entertainments-
ttankcrs' Prize of $10,000 for Trotting Horses. Hotel
Prize of $5,000 for Pair's fire only two of the features.
There will be Big Special Features Every Day. Balloon
Ascensions, Auto Races', Aeroplane Flights by Amateurs
Special Prizes. - Something doing every minute of every
day. See the- Greac'.Midway ! See everything! Enjoy
yourself! -; W
Watch' the Bucking Broncho Busting! Hear the Brass
Bands! Laugh at the clever clowns !
Ask Your Local Agent
Will be held at Salem
$35,000.00 in l'reiniums a ml Purses. Grand Live
Slock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits.
Reduced RaU-s on All Roads.
For further itiu. niaik'ti address
"y the Southern Oregon Timber
Superintendent Briggs. of the Albany
schools, left this noon for Medford.
ca.l.l.ed fH letter from his brother.
felting of the burning of their timber
( Iaim3 in the tires raging around Med
ford, Ashland and Grants Pass. Each
of them had a claim and owned another,
eft by . their father, jointly. They
cruised about 5,000,000 feet each, cov
ered with sugar pine, and were worth
approximately $10,000 a claim, indicat
ing a losb to them of about $30,000,
practically complete, as the brother
wrote that the claims were destroyed
by the conflagratin in the midstof the
blaze, about 35 miles from Medford.
The loss to Southern Oregon is great.
Ashland itself yesterday afternoon was
threatened, the stores closed and sev
eral hundred men went out to fight the
fire. Some fruit orchards as well as the
limber further back had been ruined.
The grain harvest is almost done and
although the crop was not as large as it
is some years the farmers are generally
Mr. George Millhollen and crew did
the threshing in this part of the coun
try. They enjoy fun, but they will not
be much ahead when they pay for th
repairs on Millhollen's watch which was
damaged by water when he was emerg
ed in the water tank.
John Vineyard met with a painful ac
cident last week while working at the
separator of Millhollen & Co. He made
a misstep and bruised his leg below the
Mr. and Mrs. .T. B. McCov. of Los
Angeles, were here last week visiting
At the nresent stage of mater it is
slow work crossing the river at Corval-
lis on the tree terry boat.
Fishing hoats come down the river
with troll lines and report large catches
of trout and bass.
John Miller of Shedd, made us a
pleasant call last week. He is-Funning
the roustabout wagon tor a threshing
A $lf 000 Church; , ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cougle went to
Lebanon this afternoon, where Mr.
Cougle has1 the contract for the new M .
E. church, a line structure to cost 'Jib,
000. ft is to be a cement veneeied
structure with all the modern conven
iencas. an ornanvent to the city, besides
having an equipment for work.' '-
' ' '
-the greatest ever
There is said to be eonsiderble timber
ourning in the vicinity of Cascadia.
Several Albany people have claims il
Southern Oregon close to the section
bsine burned out. and are somewhat
The lowest bid for the street Davincr
at CorvaliU was $2 15, which was re
ferred to the street committee, and it
is said the contract will not be lot at
this time, as it ia bighter than was ex
pected and wanted. Two bids for sewers
were also hied and referred.
John Johnson a farmer on Mania
oreea, in ijane coumv, iouna . s.
Prindle in his home with hie wife, upon
returning home suddenly, and shot
mm. Killing mm. a eoronor a lurv
jusLiueu me Ktiung ana aionrjson was
discharged. The unwritten law is
omewhat powerful:
Senator Chamberlain registered yes
terday, 50 years of age, a lawyer by
profession, rorn in Mississippi ana has
been in Oregon 34' years.- In 1876 he
reached Albany, and the Democrat has
been unable to find the mention of it in
the paper. He taught school awhile,
was appointed deputy olerk, and later
began the practice of law.
Kev. Geo. W. Hill, now a missionary
in Japan, who has bees- in the U. S.
for several months, visiting in' Ohio
recently, is on his way to the coast ancj
will sail for Japan on the 5th of Sep
tember. It is not known whether he
, Ln d -y or u wo pas"
"'i""' c-.urcii lur oiverui
j cm o, iiiu uaa many
Hid ba many warm friends 1
here who would appreciate a visit.. ,
Present: President E. H. McCune-!
Vice-president E. D. Cusick. Secy. J
S. Van Winkle, Tres. William -Bain, R..
C. Churchill, Wm. Lai; les, Dr. M. H.
Ellis. A. M Hammer,. L,. hi. Hamilton,
Dr. J. L. Hill, J. O. Holbrook, J. S.
Hulbert, E. A. Johnsoa, W. H. Marvin,.
Grant Pir'.le, M. Senders, C- H. Stew
art, George Taylor, Manager W. R.
Manager Struble reported $34.50 col
lected since last report.
The following communications were
From the Chapman Advertising; -Co. ,
with copy of advertisement placed im
paperB ab contracted for. The secre
tary was directed to draw- check, for
$55.60 in payment.
f rom u. K. & N. Co. asking data tor
Oregon Primer," and -on., motion, a
committee ot three, consisting of Dr.
J. L. Hill, C. H Stewart, and M
ders, was appointed to select names
asxed tor
gether" meeting,
From Great Northern Ry. Co ac
knowledging receipt of fruits- sent.
From National Apple bhow.. at 5pe-:
kane, reminding the Club of the pro
posed contract for space, deferred - one ,
week. 1
It was ordered that the committee :
having charge of the Albany Applet
Fair be asaed to change date- to Mov.
9, 10, 11.
The Manager was requested to write I
the National Apple Show and ascertain
if other matter than applers- may be
shown' for advertising purposes, in the
space reserved
The soliciting committer- reported,
additional annual subscriptions amount-.
ing to $1020, in all $5200 par. year. i
Thechairrnen of the varioui commit-!
tees reports of the success and failures
attending the soliciting, giving the
names of such business roan, as refused i
to support the Commercial Club.
A committee of three, consisting: of
J. C. Holbrook, C. H. Stewart and Wm.
Eagles, was appointed to make am ex
hibit at the Linn County Kair.
A committee consisting, ot Ii. C.
Churchill, Wm. C. Ballack. and J. C.
Howard was appointed to. arrange an
automobile excursion for Albany. Day
at the Linn County Fair,. August 31st.
TheE. A.-
The work of ballastiacr the sew rail
road between Lebanon and Crabtree
was comnleted todav. Theccmnanvhtu.
certainly done a good job oa this piece.!
ot road, spreading the gravel on thick.
Mrs. M. J . iJenay was here from.
Portland for an over Sunday visit with,
From Chas. B. Merrick,. Postmaster spe9ches will' be watched with great L The Oregoniarj. asks a loud question:
at Portland, indicating his- willingness illU,rest, aa He is sure to say something -Is w Byran a. democrat? This isas
to be Dresent at our Seoteaiber '"Get-to ko,..iu nt n,: n,., : as hard to answer as: Is the editor of
ner pareuis. one uuporut mat hif. , nri.iuiiu, was in tne cicy. over uniil,
Denney, who sustained a fracture of the ) Mr. Bean has the distinction of having
skull a few months, ago, in falling from been one of the authors of the notor
a street car, is steadily improving, but wus bill introduced in the last legisla
is still in a serious- condition. ; ture which proposed to make it a mis-
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Blackburn, who i demeanor for a legislative candidate to
have been visiting relatives in Illinois make 8 publie agreement to. vote in
and Missouri for a couple of mouths, the legislature for the senatorial can
returned home last week. They tenort 1 didate receiving the highest number of
that they enjoyed the trip, but Mr. ! votes, in effect makiag. it unfawfnl tor
Blackbriin did not have as good health ' the people elect a U. S.
h:iek thpr na he rlnpa nt. bomp. i Senator.
At Brownsville last night the city
council of that city grunted the Albany
and Interurban railroad a franchise,
good for twenty years, covering certain
streets, of the city, with a small
yearly payment. It is to be built with
in two years, and will be a big thing
for Bronsville if the road is actuallv
constructed, as the management asser.
it will undoubtedly be, as well us to the - Seattle, former auditor, acting mayor
other towns in the country reached by : 'tc, and son passed through this noon
it. Negotiations, it is said, ore rwnd- j in their Packard, on their way home
u:g for the raising of monev in the east! from Southern Oregon. Parry was
with which to push actual worn along editor of the Gazette of Corvallis.
he line. " j and with the Democrat men. Charley
(Nickel, Rev. Bell. Editor Phelps and a
I f w ethers helped organize UregonV
An eastern man hns ju.;t niscovcred ; iirst presa association at Yaquica.
ti,.u Wagneiiau mu.-ic is based on re-j
pub ic.iii lu'.rinony. ... " TT '. .
I ii euiotic hobble ssirt is to go.
i K"w the tube skirt, like the hobt-'e
ilopc thi ftirrner frets h;- w heat in. i without the hobble If M.o Fashion wvre
befi.rv rain; bec.iuso vhc.i i. iiuvts 'c-j's '. .:)y a woman she cald beta th
.ut for a long one.. ' ,.-iatr, bsfore night.
Geo. E. Waggoner to Bert Pelton.
lot Lebaaon. ... $ 200
smith B. Mott to L. L. Pearey, 2
lots Mill 6ity 10
O L. Holt t Lv L Pearcy. 2 lots.
Mill City , 10
B. J. Hecker to W. - A. Barrett
trustee, 217.89' acres 10
Lebanon Lumber Ce. to Elmer
Jones, 50 by 224 feet, Lebanon. . 10
Charlotte Tr umbel! to R. A. Bam
ford 43 by 132 feet block ii Alb
any 10
Wallace to J. O. Fleener. 40
acrea 25
Ehas Keeney to J. D. Stephens,
106 5-8acres : 1
New suit: Chas. Gehlea agt. J. H.
Griffith. to recover 62 46. Bid Qneener,
M. E. Pogue, W. M. Kiser attorneys.
In estate of Minerva Follis. A. I.
Crandall waa appointed administrator.
Bond $750.
Declarations' were filed today by C
Scott for county treasurer, and P. H.
Conn for county clerk, both republicans.
Deeds recorded
berman Knebe t Morris E.
Dowd block 6 Gbltra Park.. . ,S SOeO
Satisfaction of mortgage for $860.
Annual report of ouuTdiin of Archia-
Li. Aoamson niea.
In estate of R. C. Martin. W. P,
Elraore' W- Coolejrand W. W. Robe
were appointed appraisers.
Candidates: O.
can-, for coontv
H. Russett. republi
comraissioner; John
Gatlin for constable
Without a Kual in Albany.
The- Peerless S. W. Mqller Diano
stands to-day without a rival that can
. ' be sold- for within $100 00 ofi what this
thortmehiy good piano can-be booght
for on the new plan established and
originated in Albany by the Woodworth
Drug Coi
Delighcful and dependable- rhats tbe
way to describe-the S. W. Miller pianos.
We invite you-to call at our store and
investigate-ou-r claims for thiepeairk of
pianodosn Weodworth Drug (ta-.
Roosevelt's Trip,
Theodoge'Roosevelt's two mentHa are
up-and yesterday he began sppakm?,
emiie a talk at fjtiea. N. Y.. endors
ing the enemy oO Sherman, a direct
slap- at the- vice president. He- will
now go-weit, speaking at Cheyenne o
Omaha, Siou Palla, Pargo, St. Paul, L
Miwuukee; rresport, Chicago and
haps by the time be-h) wilt
enriina- nn ft H trsihun-- nn Spnr. If). Hin.'-
hn KnAum.nihnrhai, baia BnmGinrann nfrr"vuu'
Killed; Pheaiants,
CbrwalliaSi T.
J. N, McFadden and one of tbe- Ire-
landa-out oa the main road the other
day killed' a. couple oj I pheasants It is ;
said: that Diok- Brumfield was near and
; renresented' himseif as a deputy- game
warden. The boys- gave him. a, phea-
sancana. i.c.k wrc woy. u to
Ti?'? TUT J j c
McFaddeaandJreland and a kne, was
P81 bifo,ra"Jud?e Lane- It is said-that
Bnumfteld may be-prosecuted far impe-r-
Bied m Californiai
Tiro-remains, of C. P. Lantrford. weae
fctvMio-.hh fcn. A lhaTiu tlnia mnminor frtwa'
Pltti, California, for buriaU accom-
aaniedbw Mrs. Langford. Tke deceased
was a former -resntent or tais city a
son-in-!a.w of W. H. Hiatt, and: waa. OT
yeaits fi age.
The- funeral will take place- at the
Christian church tomorrov- aftetaooa
at 2 c'-ilock, and be conducted: by Kev.
BlsaoBt. .
Candidate Bean Mere.
ls E. Bean, of Eugene, oandi&tte for
ju-nt senator of Linn and. Lane counties.
by reas in of the asemb'.y held down at j
ulion in t-he'
may get the j
; primary for the place he
noroitatiou: hut he will find asolid mass
of farmers against him when he comes
; to run in November
A Distinguished Seattle Man.
Will H. Pairv, a Hading citizen of
Applause shouldn't always mean an
The woman who can hold her tongue
is a gymnaBt.
These timber fires frighten the tira
ber land holder.
Keeping things going in an entertain
ment always tabes.
Too much compromising' with the
devil in the world.
You can't snub Rovsevelt yet.
isn't built that way.
OVer two months witheutenoufrfrrain
to sprinkle a sun flower.
Cores Is now a nart of .fcnan imh--
bled up by the rapacious Japt
Ministers these davs have tfteir hnndK
full keeping their own flock in line.
The cigarette never adds tone or
anything else to anything, but a bad
Most of the- Eowsevelt-Taft stirff is
political rot. manufactured bv vetlow
Some candidates would run better 'if
tihey would leave their pictures out of
the book.
Jav Bowerman smoner other things is '
facing: the music of being a Southern
Pacific attorney. ,
Some jne wants to know the correct
pronoumuatinn of the word chauffeur.
Hero it is: driver.
John K. Stevens is becomwjj a rail-road-'autacrat,
or somesliing. Uke' lhat,
thece.'on; Uoth rails.
It isiabout time some ' democrat had
an intention to run for office ih" Linn
county-and put it on record;.
Th boasts made that"$)OODj.0OO.' has
been invested in automobiles izr Med
ford. There will be a day of" reckoning. ..
A ccrrespondent has mentioned.' Bar
ney Martin oi Brownsville for Bepre-sentatsve-
on the democratic ticket.
That certainly is a joke.
The biggest shortage" of wheat in
many years is reported un the U- Si,
I wnicn win, unaouDteaiy mean nigiler
If it rains there- will be no kick com-
'ing; but come te- think of it,, some of
wheat firste.
'.he Oregonian, whoever be is, a repub-
A genius Has rJiscovered that' eveuy
time a farmer takes a glass of :whi6kay
he drinks up 'a piece of land 100: feet
square, at $4Si5(f at acre. It is- worth
thinking about.
The hearts-of the Albany boys- muat
be made of stone if not brokeaiby the
w.n,l nf w. , ... O I
enough to turn the heart of an. octol
genarean topsy tnrvy.
There is adaw against smalE: officials
mixing up im politics. There s'uould be .
a more rigid. one against big officiois
mixing in politics. , They are -the fel
lows who should be stopped, beginning
with the president, then the vine-president
and on-down.
Speakingr-of the debate inJDallaa be
tween Hofar and Tooze a west side
paper says the Observer claims Tfcoze
got the better ot Hofer, "it is a sure
thing booaofhas."' As amatter of fact
Hoter is nat an intemperate man... He
has simply.aaat his lot on the salbon
Bide of the question.
Close to Natura
The Rjg-ister- -It is repoeted- on good i
authority that there is a company of
Eugene's prominent ladies- who. are
spending; the summer vacation in a
somewhat secluded plactv where they
are putting into practice their "bacK to
nature" fad for health's, sake with a
vengeance They have not wore their
shoes or stockings since- they first
struck their rendezvous and tbeir feet
have become so calloused' and scajl.v that '
they now tramp it barefooted ail
around;, camp without flinching for
sharp stones and ordinary briers. One .
of the la lies carried; barrels of sand
from a bank in a sack on her shoulders
and oompletely covered the floor of
there domicile and the? nearby ground so
as to.maKe it easy on tneir teet. They
are getting their health, however, and
are as tough and wiry, as they were in
tieir girlhood days, and their feet wilt
be free from corns and bunions for the
next year and their health better for it.
At the Hotels.
L. E. Bean, Eugene.
W. W. Kosebrouj:h, Philomath.
Geo. E. Turner, Brownsville.
Alex and K. T. Smith, Molola.
Ben Ruslandand family, PortliiKf,
W. E. Anderson, F. C. Shipp, C. A.
H. Fisher, Salem.
S. H. Dunn, Portland.
F. M. Barnett, Junction.
J. J. Heath, Ray rrond, Wn,
Peter Nelson, i-'alem.
.1. B. Davis, The Dalles.
G. E. Hamilton, J. E. Parker, R--
V". R. Crarne, McMinnville.
Mrs.. UamsJen and son. Srilo-n