Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 26, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Physician and Surgeon
Albiy, Oregon
Calls made in c-tv and country. Phone
Kill 38.
Veterinary Sui geon.
Jaffurson. Or. Bell phone farmers
Notice is hereby iriven tnat the un
'Jersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn countv, Oregon, an
pointed administrator of the estate of
W. U. btewart, deceased. All per
sons having claims against the estate
of the said deceased are hereby re
quired to present the same with proper
vouchers to the undersigned at his
residence m the city of Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 29th day of July, 1910.
C. H. STEWART, Admr.
HEWITT & SOX, Attys. for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
appointed executrix of the last will
and testament of Mart Miller, late of
said Countv. deceased. All persons
having claims against 'the estate of
-said deceased are hereby required to
present the same, with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, at her
residence, in said Linn County, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of this notice. Dated this 3rd day of
June, 1910.
TIEWITT & SOX, Executrix.
Attorneys for Executrix.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon in and for the County ot Lmn.
In the matter of the estate of J. W.
Cusick, deceased.
The undersigned, having been ap
pointed by the County Court of ithe
State of Oregon for the County of
Linn, executor of the last will and
testament of J. W. Cusick, deceased,
notice is hereby given to the creditors
of and all persons having claims
against said estate to present them,
with the proper vouchers, within six
months from the date of this notice to
the undersigned at the bank of J. W.
Cusick & Co. in Albany, Linn County,
Dated June H8, 1910.
GALE S. HILL, Atty. for Executor.
Notice of Sale of Realty by Adminis
trator With Will Annexed.
Notice is hereby given, that pursu
ant to the provisions of the last will
and testament of Martha C. Oden, de
ceased, heretofore duly admitted to pro
bate by the County Court of Linn
County, Oregon, and pursuant to the
provisions of the statutes of the State
of Oregon in such cases provided, the
undersigned as the Administrator
with the bill annexed of the estate of
said decedent will on Monday, the
22nd day of Aug., 1910, at the hour of
1 p. m. of said day, at the court house
door in the city of Albany, Linn coun
ty, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand,
subject to the approval and confirma
tion of said court, the following prop
erty, to-wit: The S. E. J4 of Sec. 30,
in Tp. 13 S. of R. 1 W. of the Wil
lamette Meridian in Linn county, Ore
gon, . containing 160 acres more or
Dated this 19th day of July, 1910.
Admr. with Will annexed of said
i Estate.
Amor A. Tussing, Atty. for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Mary Junkin, deceased, has filed
his final account in said estate with
the county clerk of Linn County,
Oregon and the county judge has set
Monday, the 15th day of August at
9 o'clock in the forenoon and the
county court house as the place for
county court room as the placo. for
hearing objections to said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
L. L. SWAN, Atty.
dmwing orphoto, lurexpurt March and free report
Free adVlce, how to obtain patent, trade marka,
copyright, etc, )N ALL COUNTRIES.
Business direct with Washington save time,
money and often the patent.
Pitent ind Infringement Pnctlce ExcluilvBly.
Write or come to ut
Btt Xtstfc Btnat, opp. TTnlUd Statrt Fatttt Offle,
n.itilv obiai'W, or FEE RETUHNED.
TMI LOWEST. Send liM-xkl, hoto or Hkctcb for !
OM"Tt iunrdi mid frve rtport on patentability.
INFRINGEMENT milts conducted before all
court. I'ntontn obtained throirh n ADVER
SIONS uul COPYRIGHTS quickly obtained.
Opposite U. 8, Patent Office
A Piece of Glass Lauses i rouble
for Oscar Marshall.
Oscar Marshall met with a serious
accident this week while working with
the Miller threshing crew. He had
charge of the engine, when the water
glass in some way burst, the glass fly
ing into his face, some of it being im
bedded in one of his eyes An exami
nation showed the eye sight destroyed
in it,. and it was thought Dest to have
r im go to Portland tor special care un
der Dr. Brown, and he went last even
ing, Mrs. Marshall and his sister, Mrs.
F. M, Powell going tnis morning to be
with him. An operation was to be per
formed to-day, for the removal of the
eye, the indications being impossible to
save it, and also necessary for the pro
tection of the other eye.
In New Homes.
J. S. Rankin and family have just
movpd into cheir new residence at 940
E. 4th, a fine place, in a rapidly grow
ing section of the city.
Mrs. J. H. Upham, who recently sold
her Water street property, in which
she resided for about forty years, iB
now in her pew cottage at Second and
Geary street, a pretty place, well fin
ished and conveniently located. Her
son Ed. resides in the same neighbor
hood. Big Insurgent Victory.
At the primaries in California yester
day the regulars were defeated by such
emphatic majorities as to leave no
doubt of the sentiment of the peo
ple. The insurgents swept things, a
result that means a good deal for the
future of politics There will be an
awakening in Oregon soon.
Hiram Johnson was nominated for
Fred Ficklin is now manager of the
street railway.
H. T. Wentworth left for Ashland
this afternoon.
Mr. Plunkett, a JSlodgett merchant,
has been in the city today.
Mrs A. W. Bowersox returned this
noon from Wheatland.
Nine goats were recently killed by
the cars on the way to the Bay.
Among those gotag to the Bay this
afternoon were Maurice Bigbee and
Roy Nutting.
D. Bussard and family have returned
from their long summer's outing at
Mrs. E L. Jones left this afternoon
for a month's visit with her folks at
Hon. E. A. Miller, of Portland, a
democratic war horse, went to the Bay
this afternoon.
Miss Kate Stewart last evening enter
tained a number of her girl friends in
an enjoyable social session.
The gain in population so far in the
U. S. , is 29.7 percent, which if kept up
wi I mean a total .population of 93,600,
000. Bicycle riders should always be care
ful. One yesterday knocked an old
gentleman down. As he couldn't be
identified nothing could be done. ,
Born on August 16 to Mr. and Mrs.
Will Christy, a boy. which gives Mr.
Frank Hackleman bis . first experience
as a grandfather, All doing well.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner, of Portland,
are in the city the guests of Mrs.
Turner's mother, tars. Chris Howland.
They will go to the Bay tomorrow.
Mrs. Judge Blackburn is now in 5ier
own home on Calapooia street among
the Alleyites again, all of whom will
Scott Hart and Lyle Bigbee this
morning returned to Detroit to join the
government surveying crew and work
for somfc time jn ifche hills.
Among those returning from the Bay
last night were Claire Baker, N. M.
Newport and family, Wm. Peacock and
family, Mrs. Neeley, Miss Evah Simp.
Census reports are beginning to ap
pear. Indianapolis has 233,650, Albany
100,253. The latter is also the goal of
Albany, Or. Some day we will have it.
Why not.
Born at Corvallis on Tuesday Aug. 16
to Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, a girl. All
doing well. The mother is a former
accomplished teacher in the Albany
.schools, then Miss Etta Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reed, of Port
land, arrived this noon on their way to
the mountains beyond Roseburg for an
outing. They stopped off for a visit at
the home of the father of the latter,
Mr Henry Stewart.
Billy Toner, the veteran express
messenger on the C. & E. tells an in
teresting story about how a band of
goats ate everything up in camp but
some soap. They drew the line at soap
and refuted to eat it after taking one
A splendid historical moving picture
i that of the Martyrdom of Thomas
Becket, under Henry II, shown at the
Empire. The scenes are presented on
'rounds famous in English history by
some very competent actors, a story of
thri ling interest.
C. C. Chapman, the popular msnager
of the Portland booster cluh, is on his
bridal t ip up through the state as far
3'rUth as Ashland and Medford. Incid
entally ne m giving some talks before
ecrrmercial c'ubs; but it is a genuine
ho . y n oon affair just the same.
.V ..oe Powell, of London Springs,
Li' e o untv. was in the city to day on
his way to Yamhill county. He in a
relative ol the 1-owells, of near this
city, ar.d formerly resided in this
county. This was his first trip here for
twelve j ears and he hardly recognize
the city.
See R 1 ;y Lobaugh and get a Satur
day Lvening Post this week. The
jtoiies are good ones. Three Pitatts of
Penzance. The Line of Least Resis
tance, etc. There ere fine articles
on The Home Life of Grant and The Wo
mm Shi pner, and Who's Who as ever
is fuU of snap.
G. Co. arrived homo from Ame.ican
Lake last night at 9:15 o'clock on a
second section of No. 17. They all ro
ported a splendid experience, probably
the best given any body ot soldiers n
a Northmtst encampment. The sham
battles were immensely enjoyed, the
long hikes offering an experience to be
remembered Capt. Hammell speaks
well of the showing of the Albany boys,
some of them entirely inexperienced in
military tactics. Not a man was sent
to the guard house and not one ws in
during the encampment. The company
was particularly fortunate in having H.
J. Moore as head cook, a fact that
materially helped them in keeping in
The bovs didn't know anything about
that condensed food experiment. It
was like a eood many other things,
simply a newspaper affair, being given
no practical tst at all. The Albany
boys did not taKe any ot tne bcuii .
While at American Lake most of the
members of the Company got off for a
Tacoma and Seattle trip and went up
and saw what was going on along the
It is said this will be the last encamp
ment at American Lake on account of
News From Albany's Six Early
O. C. McFarland, of San Francisco,
and nephew Ohas. McGhee, of Hanford,
Calif, left after a short Albany visit.
The former is now Pacific coast agent
for the Mitchell automobile, and after
a visit to Portland and the Sound will
go east directly to ' the factory. The
latter to Prineville on visit with his
folks. Both were born here, and last
evening took an auto ride out to the
McFarland farm on the Tangent road,
where Mr. McFarland made his ap
pearance in life. The McFarlands sold
the place for $32.60 an acre. A few
weeks ago it Bold for $125 an acre.
Mr. McGhee once had the distinction
of being a devil in the Democrat office,
now a Hanford merchant.
Mrs. J. R. Stuart went to Portland
for a visit with her daughter Miss Vira.
Architect Hand went to Portland.
Dr. Cynthie' Ramsey, returned from
Corvallis, and left for her home near
Spokane, not Portland, as the Demo
crat recently stated,
Mr. Phil Swank came
down from
A.M. Blackburn, of Lebanon, went
to Salem after his daughter. He also
has a young son, about two weeks old.
doing well.
Rev. Lacy came down from Lebanon.
Mrs. F. M. Powell and Mrs. Oscar
Marshall, her sister-in-law, went to
Portland. r
Capt. Merrill Phillips and family re
turned to Oregon City. ,
Mrs Fisher went to Portland for a
visit at the home of her son Ralph.
W. B. Chance left on a Salem trip.
Miss Vera Taylor went to Portland
for a visit with relatives.
,J, W. Groshong and S. V. Hall went
down to Jefferson.
Miss Evelyn Marshall left for Detroit
for and outing.
New Foot ball Rules
The new foot ball rules present some
startling changes. There will be four
periods of fifteen minutes, with only
three minutes intermission between
the first and second and third and
fourth periods, the flying, tackle has
been stopped, the player must have at
least one foot on the ground when
tackling. A man to make a forward
pass must be at least five yards back
of the line, also to make a kick. The
forward pass cannot cross the line over
20 yards in advance of the spot where
put in play.
The l.acomb Barbecue.
The big barbecue and picnic in honor
of O. W. Tebault, of;thia city, to be
given at Lacomb, has been changed to
Friday, Aug. 26, when there will be
something doing. Ed. Kellenberger, of
Lebanon, will have charge of the bar
becue. Tbe speakers will be S. M
Garland and M. A. Miller of Lebanon,
E. C. Peery of Scio, W. R. Shinn. F.
E. Van Tassell ana E. L. Jones, of
Albany. The big evert is in charge of
the following committee, B. F. (Raines,
H. C. Pyle, Frank Arrall, J.H. Uassler,
C. Crume and J. D. Turnidge. Every
body is invited.
The iarne Person.
Mrs. Frazier is reported to have re
fused permission to see the body of her
son Ernest Frazier, said to be Ernest
Lane, the Pink Domino man of Port
land. One story is that when Ernest
Lane was in the reform school bis
mother on visiting him registered as
Mra. Frazier. The opinion is almost
universal that Ernest Lane and Ernest
Frazier are the same person.
At the Hotels.
H. Johnson & wf, Woodburn.
R. C. Crow, The Dalles.
K. L. Crawfill, Medford.
G. O. Ba-sett, Corvallis.
Eugene Goss, Salt Lake.
Jos Sweareneer, Toledo.
G. F. NicKerson. Portland.
G. Wingate.
King and Prince. On August 18 b"
Justic L. L. Swan, Mr. Jacob King, a
machinist nrd Mis LynrJell A. Prince,
both of this city. May their lives be
r yal ones in happiness and prosperity.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 92-48.
The river .7 of a foot.
Prediction: fair tonight and Frilay,
cooler Friday.
A new enterprise which deals with
the musical upbuilding of Albany and
the surrounding country was launched
to-day, when tne well known and popu
lar merchants, Woodworth Drug Co ,
were appointed factory distributers for
the Willamette Valley by the S. W.
Miller Piano Co of Sheboygan, Wiscon
It has been expected for some time
that the S. W. Miller Factory, which
manufactures a high grade piano, that
ranks with the very best, was about to
establish a distributing agency to take
care of their fast growing business in
Western Oregon and the fact that Al
bany was chosen, the city affording the
best advantages situated as it is in the
heart of one ot the most noted educK
tional and agricnltural districts in the
entire West, is a compliment to this
The Woodworth Drug Co has con
ducted a department drug store for a
number of years and needs no introduc
tion to the readers of this paper, the
same high standard of fair and square
dealing that has alwavs been a feature
of this store will, of course, be applied
to tneir new piano department. Mr.
Woodworth is to be Congratulated on
securing this valuable agency, as the
i. W. MHIai in A nmnn trinph nri7.pri hv
accomplished musicians, consisting I
as it does of an exceptionally sweet I
tone, fine scale and pleasant durable I
Ihe first large shipment of pianos
and piano players arrived today and
III 1 L !i. : . . i. . 117 I . I.
win ue uu eAiuuiiiuii ui. uie nuuuwunu
Drug Co., 122-124 W. 1st St. where all
interested are kindly invited to call and
Topsy Tervy.
Topsy Turvy a fine big musical com
edy will be presented next Monday
night August 22d at the Albany Grand
Opera Housb by the B. P O. Elks of
Salem, under the auspices of tbe Al
bany Elks' Club.
This popular musical melange iB pro
duced by Salem's best amateur talent
under direction of Mr. Don Clark the
well known actor and musical director.
In every feature the show eclipses any
local taUnt performance ever put on
the boards.
Tha nnnniTirru nnd onnnrtililoa am
classy and up to date. Intricate and
novel effects introduced throughout the
show puts this amateur production on a
Par wlt? some ot tne pest protessionai
companies, ihe action of tbe play
takes place on tne college grounds and
the production deals principally with
the career of a college student, his fast
and furious time and tne poor old Dad
who foots the bills.
One of the features of this catchy
musical coctail is the pony ballet, com
posed of fifteen or sixteen of Salem's
nimble and comely dancers with which
everybody will be delighted. Salem's
popular songster Mrs. W. Carlton
Smith will sing several delightful songs.
among them will be "My New Motor
Boat, ' in which some spectacular fea
tures in the way of scenic effects will
be introduced, that makes the song
especially pleasing.
Salem Lodge of Elks have attained
an enviable reputation in tne past row
years for the high class shows produced
by its amateur talent, Topsy 1 urvy win
be produced in an open air show at
Salem lor two nignis.
Reserved seats at Woodworths Drug
Store. Sale commences Saturday
A Prisoner Broke Out of the
Scio Jail.
Scio had an experience last night.
During the day Deputy Sheriff Jack A.
Bilyeu captured near that city Frank
Riggens wanted in Yamhill county
for burglary, and placed him in the city
jail to keep over night, intending to
bring him to Albany this morning and
place h'.m in the county jail until the
Yamhill authorities called for him.
During the night he succeeded in prying
the door off and escaping. No clue has
been secured to him yet.
A Wireless Romance at Dream
The program at Dreamland for Fri
day and Saturday, is another all feature
one. A Wireless Romance is a strong
dramatic subject Bhowing a complete
wireless apparatus in actual operation
A charming love story with a happy
ending. Tne Cowboy's Stratagem is
a powerful drama of the West. Down
With Women is an excellent comeuy,
full of laughs. Russia-The Caucasus
Mountains is a colored scenu film giv
ing a good idea of this barbaric country.
When We Were Kids, beautiful slides
of childhood days. Miss Edith Neilson
will sing tho latest song succes xou u
Never Find Another Love Li&t. Mine.
A Peculiar Case.
A nnrnliar ease happened before Rn
corder Redfield this morning. Upon
:omplaint of Mike Johnson Dan Ken
neriv was arrested by Marshal .Hunkers
;hirged with assault with a beer bottln.
Ahnn the cise waa called thucomplain
itit; wi'n -. sniil Kennedv did not strike
ni'n a-jii i e e vvs uianiHsed where
ip'.n ti e in-iivhal threatened to have
.jut.t! n. wnn swore to the complaint,
arrested ior perjjry; but nothing has
Deen doti" yei.
The Weather.
flnnun r.f ti-miierat' re 88-48. the
t'otmer yesterday aftern on, the 1 liter
early una luviii'm.
Tne river .7 of a foot,
prediction: fair tonight ndSatu day.
cooler Saturday.
A picture and write-up of Miss Olga
Steeb, the California girl, who hits
made a hit as uianist in Eurouo. It is
claimed she was hailed in Berlin as the
greatest living piani t. All say she is
a musical genius. She is said to
possess the rare gift of presenting the
composer without making herself the
whole show as many pianist s attempt to
do. Upon her return from Europe she
will make a Pacific coast tour, which
will probably mean that Portland, Eu
gene and Medford will have her. Why
not Albany.
Some copy from the Oakland Com
mercial Club boosting the highway
from ocean to ocean just completed in
the Western Pacific railway just built
from Salt Lake to Oakland, an exten
sion of the Gould system. Oakland is
meeting the situation by putting sev
eral million dollars in terminals.
Nearly every day there is something
on the Panama Pacific International ex
position at San Francisco, in the great
tight between that city and Now Or
leans for a hearing. it is to be in i?i5
and the contest now is to secure an lm- ,
mense government appropriation, a i
difficult thing with two cities working
for one for the same object.
Base Ball.
Baseball fans will have a chance to
witness a hotly contested game in this
city Sunday at Rambler Park, when
the undefeated Junction City team
meets the Albany uoltB. Junction
City, with Baker in the box has been
t - rut- 1 A II . t : 1 1
inviuciuitf, uuu muttujr luim will uhio
some hard rooting to do in order to
win. Following is the line up of the
Colts; Battery, Patterson Bros, and
Saulisbury, basemen, E. Dooley, G.
Dooley and W. Birchett, as, Carson
Bigbee, fielders, CoateB. Rowell, Sauis
bury and W. Patterson.
Knox Haight went south thiB noon to
sell automobiles and buggieB.
Chas. Duncan Monteith will arrive
home from the east tomorrow.
H. N. Cockerline was a Eugene visitor
yesterday, a busy insurance man.
Superintendent Briggs returned this
morning from a Cottage Grove trip.
Gus Neeley, of the Fletcher atore re
turned last evening from Newport.
W. R. Struble will return from Sea
side tonight. Mrs. Struble is better.
The commercial club will meet to
night to push the subscription business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irvine and son
returned last evening from their New
port outing.
Mrs. Andrew Johnson and Anna and
Neal, went to Corvallis thiB afternoon
for a short trip.
Judge and Mrs. Duncan are home
from the Foley Springs, a popular
mountain resort.
Mrs. G. F. SimpBon, sister, brother
and wife, left this noon on a trip up the
Lebanon road.
J. A. Jeffries, a prominent Portland
lawyer, has begun suit tor divorce,
desertion being charged.
The old white horse of Wait Mead, a
standby for many years took sick yes
terday and nad to ne snot.
Mi. and Mrs. W. S. Alexander left
this morning or the Breitenbush hot
springs for a few days outing.
Mrs. Thomas, of Mollalla, is in the
city on a visit with her sister, Mrs. K.
A. Parker, at N. H. Wheeler's.
Mrs. C. B. Chandler has sold her
store at Waterloo to L. W. Holgate, of
Peora, who will hereafter run it...
Canada is growing. The census just
announced shows 7,489,781 population,
an increase of 39 per cent in ten years.
Elder Starbuck of Dallas speaks to
night in the W. C. T. U. hall on the
subject ot tne rnree worms, ue sure
to hear him.
Nelson Mackey, of Ohicago, is here
on a visit with his sister, Mrs. D. Bus
sard, on the wav visiting his brother
Claud at La Grande.
Among those at Cascadia for an out
ing were Deputy District Attorney
Skipworth and family of Eugene, who
went up in their automobile.
The Oregon Electric surveyors have
reached Eugene, and will now return
to Albany on the pernament survey,
probably substantially the same as the
preliminary survey.
. O. Watts, in the lewelry business
in Eugene for twenty six years, has
sold out to an eastern man, but will
continue the optical business, . with
his son as a partner.
Upon the death of his wife M. D.
Moore left Eugene before the funeral
and left the county to take charge of
affairs and pay expenses. She is said
to have died ol a broken heart.
The papulation of Des Moines, Iowa,
is announced at 86,368, an increase of
:i9 per cent. Davenport 43,09, an in
crease of 22 per cent, of Milwaukee at
72 8f7, an increase of 31 per cent.
Senator Jonathan Bourne arrived in
Portland yesterday morning enthusias
tic for the Oregon system, which he
has helped place on iU feet, and which
a crowd of knockera are now endeavor
ing to obliterate.
L. H. Rice, of Portlmd, formerly of
this city, was in Albany last evening
on his wav home from a visit with his
folks at Scio. He is now with the
Beaver Engraving Co. of Portland,
making good as an artist.
Corvallis received only one bid for its
4cwer and equipment bonds, that of
John isureen & to. ot Chicago, or
f 173, 000 at par, with $5,000 for. attor
neys fees, cost of engraving and other
expenses. It was continued.
Mr. and Mrs. C F. RecJ. of Portland.
Irft this noon for the Cascades bevonn
Itoseburg. Last year they killed lour
deer. Ihis year they anticipate gettint'
is many and Mrs. Reed, who is a goni
thoi expects also to get a bear or two
Dr. R. P. Chandler and E. N. Shaver,
liter a correspondence, with Severn
Oregon commercial clubs arrived Inil
;vening from Reno, looking after fruit
lands. Dr. t, handler declared Ma.iagti
struble the iivebl wire ol all ot thvm
.Richards & Pringles's Minstrels per
formed at the opera house last night
for the steenth time in Albany,
having been coming here for thirty years
or less. The house was packed from
cellar to garret. ClarencePowell was on
tne end again and a nne looking youog
man with gold teeth in the middle.
One fellow told of a new kind of pie,
electric, because there werecurrents in
it. Several features were sort of new.
The Company gives a laughable per
formance, and there are some good
singers, as there always are among
darkies. The female makeups were
extra, one particularly striking. The
average monologuist should take
electric pie before performing. Clar
ence Powell gave a prohibition song
and talk, and must have been confer
ring with Col. Hofer before leaving
Salem. The Richards and Pringle
darkies act as if they enjoyed it, and
most of their audience also do.
news from Albany's Six Early
. J J
I rains
A distinguished party were Judges
McUride and Slater and Lawyer W. M.
Kiser, of Salem, who left on tho De
troit flyer for Marion Lake, under the
special charge of Judge McBride, who
has been there numerous times before
and knows the ropes. They will pass
judgment on the fiBh of that section
ann secure a non-partizan ngnt against
tne near oi tne country.
Mrs. E. E. Warner left on a trip to
Brownsville. The mother of fourteen
children, ten living, all married but
two bobb, she is kept busy looking alter
her family, grandchildren and other
Louis R. Stinson. the popular keeper
of records and seals of the Knights of
Pythias, of Oregon, left for the Bay to
join his mother for an outing. For
over fifteen years record keeper for the
ftvs ot f . ne is tne best Known rytnian
in Oregon.
Judge Hewitt went to Portland on
leeal business.
W. S. Rislev left on a Portland trip.
Later he has an engagement with some
boar up in the Cascades.
Superintendent Jackson and family
left for the Bay. He will return Mon-
Dibtrlct Attorney Brvson. of the
second district, came over from Cor
vallis ana went to fortland.
Lawyer G. W. Wright returned from
a Corvallis trip.
Dean Sanderson ot the theological
seminary, Eugene, arrived on No. 14.
Mrs. Maggie Cameron went to Mil
lersburg for a day's outing,
Roadmaster Wait was waiting for
the train.
W. R. .Chance, mill inspector, left for
Mr. and Mrs, Taylor Hill, of Wash
ington county, returned from an outing
at Bellknaps and left for their home in
Washington county by the West Side.
Mr. Hill, a brother of Dr. Hill, resided
in Crook county for many years, but a
tew years ago changed lor the valley,
and is now a Washington booster.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bressler, of Leb
anon, went to the Bay. Mr. Bressler
has been in the drug business at Leba
non for a good many years.
Honesty the best Policy.
An S. W. Miller piano means a good
piano, as good as skill in assembling
together tne different high grade parts
such as Mountain Spruce for the sound
board. Rock Maple for the Pin Block
German Imported Wire for the Strings,
German Imported Felt for the Hammer
and what is moBt important is the wish
of the manufacture to make the best
Piano for the Price asked, and to be
obtained in this country.
A can at tne store or woodworth
Drug Co. will convince vou of the
straightforward honesty that has been
used in the construction of this Pearl of
Pianodom. We are open evenings at
Woodworth Drug Co.
An Age of Cranks.
Salem Statesman:
Salem people returning from Cascadia
tell of a chapter of accidents which oc
curred to Salemites who were in that
section the pa?t few days. Miss Maud
Uurbin. daughter ol b. M. Durbin.
suffered torp ligaments in her arm
while attempting to crank an automo
bile. Later T. B, Jones was with a nartv
on his way to tho Upper Soda Bprings
wnen ne suitercd a similar accident
while ntteinptini.' tn crank his machine,
Jones succeeded in gutting out of the
mountains only when Judge Lovett
president of the Mammon system, up-
? eared and offered him some gaBoline.
n the meantime members of the Jones
party had disappeared walking one by
ono back to Cascadia.
At the Hotels.
Otto Hansen, Salem.
W.T, McBride. Aberdeen.
B. A. Brains, Portland.
E. A. Rhoten. The Homestead.
J. P. Wells, JacKsnnville.
S. E. Moore, Myrtle Creek.
J. M. Allen, Bortland.
L T. Fuller, Portland.
Dr. R. P. Chandler. E. N.Shaver,
A Big Cougar Rug.
.'nnr.".d Mover jr. this morning re
ceived from Walter Patterson, of Leb
anon, one of the finest cougar rugB in
the valley. It is 7 feet 4 inches tip to
tip and the eyea glare like thereat
thing. Patterson doea B. Undid work,
complete in all the little details that
count e'j much in su'.-h worK.