Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 26, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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BaltimbiS for b'icyclesj
Flak tires at Baltimore's.
Fishing tackle at Baltimore's.
Holt again at the Holt corner.
A neat place. Holt's Meat UarKet
Hot tamalifls at the Vienna Bakery
Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery.
For typewriting, short hand and no
tarial work, call upon R. J,'. Kates,
First National Bank Building, Albany.
Home Phone 879.
Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. F.
M.;Wilson for piano.instruction3. Home
.phone 353 10 to 12. 2 to 4 o'clock. 1st
street over French's.
Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sur
geon. Calls answered day and night.
Office, r'lion Block, Residence 119 E 7th
street. Both phones. .
The Keef sale today, near Albany,
drew a big cowd and good prices were
Barnum and Bailey are to be at f a
lem next Saturdav. Several are talk
ing about going from Albany.
These forest fire laws should be bo i
strict as to make the fire setting fiend
see stars every time he handles a match.
The subject at the W. C. T. U. hall
tonight, "Is th world growing bet
ter". "Con we discern the signals of
the times." How readest thou. ;
The Eugene Guard is unkind enough
to suggest that Col. Hofer quit hustl
ing for votes a few days and pray for
rain; but the Col. will not be caught
that easily. He knows that the farm
ers want to got in their wheat first, and
being a granger himself, will endeavor
to stand in with the farmer.
If your horse has
Stone's Heave
Drops. Price $1.
For sale by all drug
gists. Dr. S. C. STUMJS,
Salem - Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
. dcrsigned has been duly appointed by
County Court for Linn county, Ore
gon, administrator of the estate of
Henry Stephens, deceased, late of De
troit, Michigan. All persons having
claims against said estate are notified
to present the same to the under
signed at his office in Albany, Oregon,,
within six months from this date, duly
verified as by law required. '
Dated this the 18th day of August,
j. k: veatherford,
Administrator of the estate of Henry
Stephens, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
dcrsigned has been by the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
appointed administrator of the estate
of Dana -Burmestcr; deceased. All
persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased are hereby
required to present the same with
proper vouchers to the undersigned at
his residence, in the city of Albany,
: in Linn county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 5th day of August, 1910.
Attorneys for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
- dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly
appointed administrator of the estate
of Conrad Schuebel, late of said coun
' ty, deceased. All persons having
v claims against the estate of said de
ceased are hereby required to present
the same with proper vouchers to the
undersigned at the First National
P-ik in the city of Albany, in Linn
county, Oregon, within six months
-i from the date of this notice.
Dated this 5th day of August, 1910.
.HEWITT & SOX, Admr. .
Attorneys for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
. dersigned executrix of the last will and
testament of Thomas Brandon, de
ceased, has filed in the County Court
of Linn county, Oregon; her final ac
count as such executrix, and that said
court has fixed Monday, the 5th day of
September, 1910, at the hour of one
o clock in the afternoon, as the time
for the hearing of objections to said
; final account, and the settlement there
HEWITT & SOX, Executrix.
Attorneys for Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the Un
dersigned has filed in the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, her
final account as administratrix with
the will annexed of the estate of Isaac
Meeker, late of said county, deceased,
and that said court has fixed Mon
day, the 5th day of September, 1910.
at the hour of one o'clock in the
afternoon, as the time for the hearing
of objections to said final account,
and the settlement thereof.
HEWITT & SOX, Administratrix.
Attorneys for Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
by the county court of Linn county.
Orciron, administratrix of the estate
of Conratlena Arnold, deceased.
All persons having claims against
stiid estate are hereby required to pre
sent same to the undersigned at her
residence. No. 443 East First street
Albany, Oregon, with proper vouchers
as by law required, within six mon'.iu
from the date of this notice.
D.-tcd tl-is Ut'.i dav of Inlv. 1910.
L. L.' Swan, Ally for Admrx.
The first Oregon Electric deeds have
been filled: two by H. M. Beal and
Ashael Bush to the Com Dan v. convey
ing one lot in the north part of block
114. knuwu as the Cleek block and two
Suit claims from A. Bush and H. M.
eal to Sarah M. Cleek, for the other
three lots of the north part of the
block. Where do you suppose the
freight depot will be? Also 3.13 acres
from A. Bush to the Oregon Electric
block 17 Hackieman's third "addition,
being property for the right of way for
the main passenger line beyond Pine
Bitten by a Horse.
Jack Fisher, a croom at the Bailev
stables, near this city met with a thrill
ing experience Saturday afternoon.
Marvin Childs brought Tidal Wave the
pacer up to the stables, after a try-out,
when Fisher reached for his bit. The
horse suddenly grabbed his right hand
at the wrist crushing it in a frightful
manner, and as Fisher broke away at
tempted to follow him striking with his
feet. Fisher was taken to St. Mary's
Pospital and the hand was amputated.
Tidal Wave is one of the best known
pacers in the Northwest.
Biograph at Dreamland.
The program for Sunday and Monday
at the Dreamland is an all feature one
Midnight Cupid, a Biograph, is a pow
erful dramatic story showing Love's
messenger in a new guise. The Stars
and Strips is a story of Paul Jones and
. tne celebrated nent Detween tne con
i Hume Pichards and Serapis. A Fair
i Exchange is real laueh Drovoking com.
edy. A personal Matter is one of
Essanay's Ultra comic gems, T-avel-1
i t?..u KTn:innn
uguea, ouu micro uujtu j.-it;iiouii DuiguiK
the latest aong success, complete an all
feature program.
A Pine Yield
A. B. Custer, residing near this city
reports ten acres of New Abundance
wheat yielding 400 bushels, an average
of 40. bushels, a fine yield. The seed
for this was gotten three or four years
ago from John Lennox, of Knox Butte,
who secured it in the east.
J, A. Howard returned from the Bay
Mies Mabel .'eh, of Salem, returned
from Newpoct today.
Will Merrill went to Corvallis this
afternoon on a short business trip.
Miss Jean McLennan and brother and
! sister left for the Bay today.
Mrs. Nellie Coates and daughter re
turned lost night from Newport.
Mr. Louis CuDton, of the Young Store,
has returned after spending a vacation
at the Bay.
Mrs. L. M. Curl and daughter Inez,
returned from the Bay aftor enjoying
a two weeks outing. f
The revolution in Nicaraugua is a seri
ous one. The provisional government
is tottering and will fall.
Miss Ethlyn Blake of Portland, is
visiting at the home of her aunts, Mrs.
Ben Kirk and Mrs. Dr. Hodges.
Dr And Mrs. Blake, of Ashland, are
here for a week's visit with their sis
ters. Mrs Hodges and Mrs. Kirk.
- Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, a temperance
orator, in Albany Beveral years ago,
died recently in the east. She was a
Born, on Sunday morning, just after
midnight, to Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Hail,
residing in the Baltimore block, a boy.
All doing well.
Bert Warford returned yesterday
from Seattle. While there he visited
Gale Sande's, who has a good position
in a large bank.
Conductor Riley of the Springfield
road was taken ill Saturdav evening
and Clair Baker had to make the run
for him yesterday;
J. C. Hammell will beeHn nickinor
hops in his Corvallis yard September
1st. . Those who are to pick there
should be on hand.
F. M. French and daughter. Mien
Evah, and Miss Etnel Gourley returned
last evening Horn Newport, where the
latter have been for some time
The parrot of G. D. Goold last even
ing disappeared from Mr. Gould's home
on west imrd, and either got aw.iv or
was stolen. Has anyone seen a stf ay
About half of Wallace, Idaho, has
oeen numea oy lorest tires. The loss
to the city is ubolit a million dollars. A
good many have been killed there and
near there.
Populalions: Atlanta 154,839; an in
crease of 72 per cent in ten years,
Detroit 465,766, an increase of 63 per
-ent. St. Louis 637,029, an increase of
19.4 per cunt.
Services at the V. C. T. U. hall con
ducted by Elder I. G. Knight and
will continue through the week. Sub
ject tonight: "The Investigative
Riley Lebaugh will have the Ladies
Home Journals for September tomor
row morning, a fine number of thi
popular magazine. Call upon Riley at
his chair and get one.
Mr. and Mrs L. Cameron, ofter a
visit at M. F. Cameron's left this noon
for California, where they will spend
the winter before returning to their
home at Lansing, Mich.
Lakeview Herald: Attorney W. Lair
Thompson is confined to his bed from
an attack ot tvnhoid and under the
care of trained nurses. Mrs. Thomp
son, who has been in Newnort. was 1
telegraphed for.
ivirs. kj. n. Stewart returned satur
!ay tvenin from Portland, where she
.-; been with her sister, tvl issj. Elizi
i -th irvine, upon whom an opera ti n
x is preformed. She will be in fio
hospital about a month before return
mg home, and is doing well.
By the Man About Town.
A sign at the corner of Ellsworth and
Water streets reading: "Barrett Bros
$25,000 Garage. Material Furnished
by the Curtis Lumber Co., John Mc
Cnesney contractor."
One of the neatest cement walk im
provements in the city is in front of the
residence of H. K. Lugger, with two
cement steps and walks leading co the
handsome residence The property east
is to also be improved somewhat the
same. It will be a tine place regard
less of the Oregon Electric freight line.
A irallerv in the Rawhnzs orinterv.
more room being necce3sary for supplies.
Albany is the hub of the valley for job
Ralph Wheaton. the contractor of the
Schmitt block, at work with a
force of men.
News from Albany's Six Early
W. H. Ingram and son Oscar, of Leb
anon, returned from their eastern trip
and left tor Lebanon. Wnile gone
they were at Dptroit, Mich., Mr. In
gram, 8 former home, and also spent
several days at Niagara Falls and other
places, hut nothing equalled the Will
amette Valley, which looked good to
them upon their return.
County Commissioner Butier went
down to Jefferson. He reported the
first car load of steel for. . the bridge
having arrived and six other cara are
all to be there by the 25th, when work
will be pushed in getting the bridge in
before the wet season. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Port
land, returned home after' spending
Sunday at the home ot 1. m. riami:ton,
twenty years ao a room-mate of Mr.
Lamond in Portland. Mr. Lamond has
been with Lippman & Wolf j 23 years,
one of the best known salesmen in
Portland. He also has the distinction
ot being one of the crack bqwlers of
the sitv. though not bowling now. ,
Prominent Salem oeonle were Post
master Farrar and Geo. Bingham and
family on their way home from New
port and Seal Rocks.
Bill Queener, once a Linn county dep
uty clerk, returned to Stayton, after
being at Salem. '
. W. W. Allir.gham arrived from up
the Springfield road. His folks are at
Foley Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Crawford return
ee1 from a Sunday's stay at -. Donny
Brook, Lebanon.
Mrs. J. W. Cusick returned from
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williamson and
Miss Doris McClain returned from a
Sunday's stay in the country.
Mayor Reeves of Lebanon, returned
home after a Bay trip, leaving his
family at Newport.
Miss Nellie Rich, nurse, returned to
Portland. . .
Harry A. Merrill left on a Portland
trip. ... v
Rev. Jones, of Corvallis, returned
home after a southern Oregon trip,
Judg McFadden, a leading lawyer
and farmer! of Corvallis, returned
home. , . '
The Blind Pig Tax,
Following is the oath the blind pig
dealer takes upon getting his tax re
ceipt from the U. S. government, as
shown by ene shown the Democrat:
The heading: "United States Inter
nal Revenue. Return for special tax."
State ot Blank, county of blank.
The undersigned, John Doe, being duly
sworn according to law declares that
on the blank day of blank 1910 he in
tends to engage in the business or oc
cupation of liquor dealer, subject to
special tax under the internal revenue
laws of the United States; said business
or occupation to be carried on at No.
street, in , county of ,
s'tate of Oregon, and that he has done
business for which he would be e
to pay a special tax without having
paid the same, except as above, and
that the names and residences of each
are as follows: with blank for same,
and oath, with the street residence of
the official taking it, and below the rate
lor ditterent Kinds nt liquor business.
Stole a Horse and Buggy.
An attempt was made Saturday by a
stranger to steal the horse and buggy
of H. G. Nye, residing three miles this
side of Sweet Home. While the family
were in the fioli he went into the barn
took the horse and buggy and started
off with them, but was seen, and at
once followed. He had a gun and fired
keeping them away for awhile and then
jumped from the buggy and fled. A
posse was formed and followed him,
but he was not found. A rifle was
missing from the house of Wesley
Brand, evidently stolen, and some
thought the man might be Riggings,
the escaped convict who got out of the
Scio jail, now trying to get out of the
V'as in Albany. .
The Examiner tells of the coming ap
pearance in Sin Francisco of Madame
"argaret Barry, fninousasadramatist,
on Sept. 3, when sh will present the
psychological p.-icm, The Death of Eve.
which she was preparing to present be
fori' King L'dwaro at Lady Pnget's
LomJon house when his death occurred,
Madame Barry, at Itjast one of the
samn name, oice started on aidramatic
trip from lb'3 city, givin;;' her firist
perfttniince here, a talented rrader.
The Wcithcr.
r..s -i-c r.. f.-rrrar.-.!:jre 74-40.
'1 he liv.T : t.,i i: loot.
I rj(iiclion:i-'feir tonight and Tuesday, j
We get some Interesting thintrs from
correspondence in the Portland papers.
One in the Portland Journal has numer
ous discoveries:
"This year manv Reoublicana are
heartily dissusted with the assembly
tactics that have been trust upon the
party. They will oppose the slate made
i .u i ri i r
wftoi luuwi uuu nun uiiu are not airaia .
to speak out in meeting to that effect. !
With the defection of a large number
of Republicans that is plainly in evid
ence it can be readily seen that the
Democrats stand a good show to land a
number of their candidates this fall."
Nine out of ten democrats would like
to see Harry Lane of Portland run for
Govornor. He is certainly popular here.
So is Os. West, and Jeff Myers haB a
good many friends in Linn county. Lane
not run.
agioni many wnu auuuurieu nttwiey i
at the last election will not do so this ;
A . 1 t I IT 1
yiar, on account of his truckling to
Among democrats mentioned for Con-
gisss are Hon. J. K. Weatherford, an
able attorney.
For circuit iudce Wm. Galloway is
the candidate for the first judgeship,
and S. M. Garland, William Bilyeu,
evidently meaning Wid. R. Bilyeu and
W. S. Rislay have been named
for senator William t. Miner, tne
sage of Lebanon, evidently meaning
Milton A. Miller, will have a clear field.
Fred Dawson has been mentioned, but
is out of it.
J. M. Philpot is to be a candidate for
reelection, and Barney Martin and
John Denney are mentioned. John
Denney is. a prominent republican,
evidently F. J. Denny being meant. D.
C. Smith, D. S. being meant, is being
urged to stand for sheriff. Frank M.
(C ) Stellmacher is an announced can
didate and Worth Huston may get in
tne game
For county clerk Kiley Shelton seems
to be the choice and T. J. Anderson of
Harrisburg is alone for recorder and
Henry McRlmurry for treasurer.
All this is interesting and some of it
is straight goods.
The Changing of Agents a Fact.
. i ,
it. a. micnaeis, tne new agent oi me
move here with his wife, to reside: and FIZZ?
is already in charge of the office. He ' "A? fb'f G""an '"ve-feast, a gather
is a young man, agent at Mt Angel for Tf "Le lam- . .-'
sometime, a former oueralcr. and is I J-L.Osburn, of Corvallis,. an. old
hicrhlv SDoken of. Mr. Montiromerv
has been transferred to Shoridan, and
will eo there after a week'B vacation,
Though a small tity the income is larg-
er on account of the agent also being
fl. tirnlln C..' 1. IT. ....... vlnlnj
Vile T Clio l'aiW agCTlb, llv mW 91(IVCU
for Silverton. us ronorted. but Aeent
Moore ot Roseliurg, who is also being
transferred had the first call and took
.bilverton The Agent at Silverton, an
I old timer, is said to have been relieved
;ofhis commission. Mr. Montgomery
has made a host of friends in Albany
who will regret the leaving of him and
his estimable family
Captor of Wendling Here,
John Taub, the man who discovered
Joseph Wendlir.g, charged with the
muraer oi little Alma Kellner in Louis
ville, Ky., abont which so much has
been written, is in St. Mary's Hospital
in this city. While on his way from
San Fransiaco to Portland to work at
his trade, that of ice cream making.
Taub was taken Beriously ill nnd got
off the cars at this city. He recognized
Wendling from a picture as a neighbor
in his boarding house, and succeeded in
having him arrested He now claims
the $11,000 reward for the arrest of the
A Child's Experience.
F. A. Wood, wife and child of Port
land, were in the city on their way
t Newport for an outing. Several
months ago they had quito an exper
ience reported in tne fortland papers.
Mrs. Wood, while shopping left the
child in a baby buggy outside. The
child got out and disappeared. After
an all night hunt it was found the next
morning in a pool of water, with s its
face just out of the water alive. It
was resuscitated and lived a lively little
youngster. They stopped at the St
Charles over night.
A Perfectly Sate proposition.
Yon never hear the owner nf an S.
W. Miller piano say, "I wish I had paid
a little more and bought a gioj one or
more expensive piano." There is a rea
son for this and it is that a better piano
cannot be bought at any price.
It is not what you pay for a piano,
but what you get that counts Conic
in and see one at our store and it will
bo plain to you why it is safe to buy o
S. W. Miller piano.
Junction Won.
In a rather remarkable game June
tion City yesterday afternoon defeated
the Albany Colts I to 1. Junction
made the 2 in the first inning and Al
bany iis 1 in the last inning after two
were out. Bill Patterson pitched a
strong ,.-nme for Albany, splendidly
cnuiht by his brother, and Baker and
Permsn, were the Junction battery.
At the Hotels.
Chrhtc-n-c-i. I il o
, II. AJH man & wf. Wd-rburn.
(i St !' !'". Port "and.
Cncr-it nt- . I Jail s.
v H.irt & f, C i vailn.
wbe, ihar .ko.
Ralph ii. ('.ninise, Salem.
E. A. Si'.'kTasH. Portland.
C. J. Smith. lortlurd.
tho 2"ith wedding anniversary" of Dean
and Airs. Sanderson of Eugene was
ceiebiattd last iv ek.
Smith White. OnSatuaday evening,
nugusi. u, jyiu, at ins residence ot
Mrs. Kuth Hoggs, on Broadalbin
street, by Rev W. P. White, Mr.
Charles Smith and iss Carrie White,
'the groom is from Oakland, Calif., a
salesman, who has been in the city the
past month, a young man well spoken
of, and the bride is a bright young lady,
who has been been with Mrs Boggs for
some time. They went to Lebanon on
. Bhn-f r-in
" mp
Miss Lena Senders returned this noon
from the Bay.
Sea A Great Wild West picture at
the Dreamland. .
Bob FitzsimmonB is in Portland.
They are on the Pontages circuit.
An exchange says a strong woman is
..... v. t . o
one who can hold her tongue.
I Mr. Smith, nf ParMnnri to fiopA im fhA
interest of the Y, M. C. A. of Oregon.
H. K. Ohling and family are taking
their outing out on the Ohling fruit
J. D. McDaniel and family have re
turned from Waterloo, a good place for
an uuung.
J rs. Anna Strom, of the Democrat
office, returned last night from a two
weeks visit in Portland.
Doynes Turner, of Fend'eton, a form
er Albany man, brother of Cooper Tur
ner, returned this noon from the Bay
on his way home.
Mrs. D. C. Day and sister arrived
this noon from Portland on a visit at
the home of Mr. Ed. Upham. Mrs.
Day is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Upham.
Hugh McClain of Coos Bay has filed
his . candidacy announcement for rail
road commissioner on the democratic
The steamship Buckman arrived at
San Francisco yesterday reported a
case of piracy not common these mod
ern days.
il. Paulson, of Salem, now with Till
son & Co. the prune men, arrived this
noon and joined his family on ' their
way to tne nay
O. R. Ball, boss of the American
Type Founders Co.. Portland, was in
the city yesterday on his way home
from the Bay.
Wm. Ehlert, of Lebanon, returned
timer there, one of the originals, was
.in. 1 "ty t day. ens home f"m
trip to roruano.
Hurley Colver and Tom Davis, two
j boys at Newport yesterday came near
Ulnr, omanf mi f 4-.. ..o-, 'VUa Ufa
uoing dkcjj, uuv IV ay.l. iil.
ing crew got them.
Will White, son of Key. W.P. White,
will leave tomorrow morning for Mon
mouth, III,, to enter the college there,
rtetr. White s alma muter
In the tea-, hers examination nt Prine-
ville every applicant passed. Thursday
Kent of Luiir led with an average or'
98, being perfect in six studies.
Thirty-two are known to have died
from the effoct3 of the forest fires
around Wallace, Idaho, twelve on Big
Creek nnd several at other .'places.'.
W. H. Jenkins, traveling passenger
agent, of the S. P. was around last
ovenin? introducing Mr. R. E. Michael,
the new S. P. Agent, to our business
Miss Sue Breckenridge Inst evening
gave a picnic party nt her home in
honor ot her cousin, Miss Collins, of
Seattle, who is visiting her, A fine.
time was ma.
Hal Patlon, of Salem, is accused of
making a wager that Hofer will be
nominated tor governor, a violation of
tne corrupt practice law. and Patton is
running for office himself.
Senator Bourne has been doing some
live boosting onat tor tiregon, which is
appreciated. Recently he appeared "on
the streets of New York in a striking
white suit with a big turned up Pana
Mrs. John D Wilson and her ton
Chester nnd duughte1 Christine return
ed to their homo in Arlington, Wash.,
after spending two weeks nt the home
of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Neely and at the
W. C. Schultz has taken charge of
me derspy cairv. rrvanc fark. hup.
ceeumg mr. . ho is an ixper -enced
dairy man. Ic is proposed to
make the dairy a model for lovers of
:;ood milk.
Major and Mrs. C. B. Winn and
Curtis jr. are on 'heir wav home from
Ohio, the. last heard from being seen in
the YellowBtune Park looking at a big
reiser of spoutir.g hot water. They
may be home Saturday.
Chas. Duncan Monteith arrived home
from Cornell University, last cvenlncr.
coming to see his grandmother, who ii
ill. He has been 'aking a summer
course sin:e the close of the riRUlor
:erm. t.nd will return ti xt month
Instead of bointr iimmitatod as re
ported, it has not yet bet n necessary to
take off the hand of Mr. Fisher, in
jured by the crushing bite of Tidal
Wave. An effort .'s being made to
save it, with good pro.-pecis of doing
A foot race hii b" en arranged for
ihe champ onship nf the lost office
t-rew,;to be run by Dav Patterson and
Chnrles Serfling,- according tj present
reports each man being the fastest.
It is to be 100 yards, crack start with
out obstructions.
Jake Menear, of Foster, left for
home this morning accompanied by H.
F. Msllwain. They will hunt the
festive dear and the roaring cougar for
a few weeks. Last week Mr. Menear
KiSl i. "ftiS
inches, one of the biggest yet captured
up tnat way.
Mr. Orval Douglas, a former student
of Albany College, and his cousin Miss
Florence Eoslburn went to Portland
.here Miss Florence will spend two or
luce wieks visiting relatives Orval
;n been visiting his brother Ros-.-iii:bi
and other relatives here whi:i
n r.ia return to Portland from an ou
i..: at the coast. He says Portla-i
i-y be tho best place for some peori '
ml, be would rather live up the val!
An opera house full of people last
night was delighted with the offering of
topsy Turvy, by the aalem young po
pie. It was well dona for amaieura,
with all the little details earurt fi r ir
TOPSV Turw in a mnaiVnl nnm1v anfj
it was presented with a snap that was
refreshing, without much of the encore
foolishness that sometimes .becomes
tedious. ...... .
Don Clark wan thn atar nf rho .
ion, Billy Falfa, the college boy into
everything, and it was under his capa
blo direction it was given, assisted by
his bright little wife who wan nn thn
spot as Dohy Ringer
Aim nit ot tne evening was "Has
Anybody Here Seen Kelly?" by Emma
line Klein and comnanv. Mrs narltnn
Smith in her red costumes did splendid
work as Gloria Ringer, the prima donna,
capturing the audience as well as Al.
Falfa, who footed the bills, taken by
Aug. Huckstein.
Tne comedians of the Upset Michael
Finnegan and Patrick Cassidy. hod
carrier and brick layer, taken by Roy
Buckingham and Chus Rir rli d mpll
Cairo as sung by Mrs. Dorothy Reiser
and chorus was specially good.
i no cnstume8 were elaborate and it
was well staged. The Salem crowd
mada good as entertainers.
topsy lurw took the mnrnino- train
for NoWDOrt. where Slimmpr rMnrl.
people will have an opportunity for an
evening's enjoyment.
McElrov's orchustra fnrniarioH
high grade music, a fine musical insti
tution. News from Albany's Six
The Topsy Turw crowd were the
center of attraction, good lookers.
vvun mem were mrs. Margaret Wilson
Morgan, a former Albany visitor, and
Mrs. Yantis, mistresses of ' the ward
robe. Mrs. uarlton Smith, the accom
plished Gloria Ringer, was obliged to
return to aalem on account oi a lame
foot, and her place-will be taken b'v
some one else at Newport.
J. H. Kaufman, the Btacre caroenter.
and Albert Smith left for the Green
Basin country after a flock of deer, a
cougar and a bear, but programs gang
aft aglee and they may not get every
thing scheduled. For Beveral : years
they nave gone to the same place.
Prof, and Mrs. W. E. Lawrence and
baby, of the O. A . C, came over, to
visit Prof, and Mrs, Bushnell, former
fellow teachers of Mr, Lawrence at
btillwater. He ia a new man at O. A.
C. in bo tony, n id auicl to be good..
Hon. M. A. Miller arrived from Leb
anon ready for a contest.
Miss Mabel Ford, of Portland, left
for home after a visit at the home of
H. R. Shuliz -
T. J. Shea left for the Vt ilhoit Springs
to Bee if the water will knock the
rheumatism. " ' '
Judge J. Fred Yates, of Corvallis, re
turned from a Eugene trip. v .
Wayne Stuart, aftor two weeks vaca-'
tion spent at the- 'Bay, hit the road
Big Jack Hickmin. 'of Monmouth,'
left for his former homo, Lebanon.
Mrs. Mtrt Paulsen, and daughter of
Salem, and three sisters, came down
from Lebanon and left on a trip to the
Bay, r
William Beeson, son of A. W. Beeson
o me down from Lebanon, and left for
Portland, where his brother is in the
Miss Sue Breckenridge and cousin
Miss Collins left on a Lebanon visit.
Alfred Holman Passed Through.
Alfred Holman, editor of the Argo
naut, of San Francisco, passed through
the city last night for home after an
Oregon trip. Mr. Holman was formerly
a reporter on the Oregonian. He re
ported Linn county's last fair at Albany,
nearly thirty years ago, scorching
things, and upon an Albany man
attacking him in the paper, camo back
hero with blood in his eyes, causing a
retraction, an incid.nt some Albany
people win reuiemoer.
ienator M, A. Miller Should
Hon, M. A. Miller, of Lebanon, was
in the city to day. He has been ment
i. ned for governor on the democratic
ticket, but is not a candidate for that
.llico Me is, though, being generally
urueil to run again for statu senator,
.iid it is to be hoped makes the race.
In the last session of the legislature he
nade a sn'cndid record on the side of
he people, nnd is needed there again.
If i.u consents to run there will be no
j)ueaiion of hij election. . ,
Home Irom Hood.
Rev. W. S. Gordon arrived home this
noon from a hike to the top of Mt.
Hood. The trip was made with some
orominent M. E. ministers, a nlenqnnt
affair, without accident. Rev. Gordon
wrote his name on the very top, nnd
now has a rlislinr.Jon comparatively few
enjoy. 'Ihe Democrat will expect a
po.-iii on thn suojnct.
The Weather.
Ra'f temperature 74-10, summer
resort climate.
The river .7 of a foot.
Prediction: Fair tonight and Wedn
esday, and warmer.
Chief of Police Cox, of Portland, lvn
been gone ten days, and his friends are
alarmed. It isn't even known by his
family where he is, but he is suppaied
to have gone deer hunting and nnv
have been in n forest firo. It is a 8tH
of a man who will go off without noti
fying his family.