Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 26, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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f I
Albany Democrat.
Entered at tile post ollice, Aluany.Or,
becond cIhbs mail matter.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
FOR RENT. Housekeeping rooms, 606
Water street. 18'
FOR SALE. -House and two lots
Hackleman's addition, $1700. B. F.
Ellsworth, Phone Black 3132. tl5
WANTED. Millinery apprentices at
the Hamilton Store.
FOR RAT.R... A nino. orood as new.
half nrice. all kinds of household
' furniture, and residence and two lots.
540 Sixth and Jefferson streets.
Home 628. 15t
FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one
and a half miles from" Albany, new 7
room house and barn, running water
all year, give immediate possession
with pron. Terms: half down and
balance in easy payments. Also some
household goods. Inquire at 330 b.
Main. ' '12
p. K Daily. 227 W. 2nd street.
Bicycles, sewing machines,
umbrellas, everything.
Try him.
Aberdeen Angus. John Wills, Al
bany, Or.
WOOL-Carded and btted at Sairtiam
Carding & Knitting Mills, Steyton.
A. J. Caldwell, Prop.
IFOR RENT Office looms, splendid
location, in the new Stark building.
See Dr. A. Stark about It.
ARB AGE. Fred Rainwater, looks
after garbage. Phone 'Hoire J303. 4t
IFOR SALE. Bv the owner, one six
room house and two lots, center of
town, 822 East 4th St; also one good
cook stove and several heating stoves.
H. Barnes.;
'GARBAGE. If residence is west of
Lyon street will pick .up garbage for.
6k! month. S. B Penny tne garbage j
man. Home phone zero. u
Call Roy Eastburn, at astburn'i
store. Both phones 8.
FOR SALE. Two four room cot
tages, at Nye Creek. See Chas.
Burggraf. 19t
FOR SALE. Farm of 4E acres, in
quire of E. E. Parrieh, . D. 1.
NO NAILS. Have your eouls sewed
on by ChaB. Procnow s tww macnine.
Saves stockings and socks. It
$100.000. To loan on iFarm-lands, or
on good city property, to procure a
loan, or to make a loan, call upon J.
O. Christy, Atty., at law. Rooms 12
and 13 over the First National Bank,
230 W. 1st. street, Albany Ore. 6t
LASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere else in .Albany. Skill
lv set, if desired.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
vL E.& H. J. Hamilton
3 17 First St.
FOR RENT. -Suit of furnished house-1 WHAT GOOD ROADS MEAN.
keeping rooms. Call at 225 W. 3rd
street t29 prof. H. M. Parkcs, of the O. A. C,
FOR KENT. Housekeeping rooms.218 who has been out in Linn county ex-,
W Third St " 129 amining our rock for roads, speaks
unvip rnriKPn MEALS -At MrB".'Sme wonderful truths in reference to
HOME COOKfcD MbALb. -At Mrs , . h(J armcr.
Demoss , Mi rerry aireei. dcii .
phone 204.
WANTED. To rent a six to eight
room house, with bath room, etc. tie
port to store of Tomlinson & Holman.
FOR SALE. 6 acres 3 8 mile from
Albany, new 10 room house, running
water all year, will give immediate
possession. Price $2600. Terms. 1 4
cash, balance in 4 equal annual pay
ments at 7 per cent. Address W. O.
W. Shepherd, R. D. 1 Albany. 22t
WANTED. -Prune pickers. See E.
H. 11 nodes 238 E. 6th street.
FOR SALE. Good seasoned oak grub
weod. A. W. DockBtedder, Home
Dhone black 176. tl
FOUND. A childs ring. At J, W. Bar-,
ton's, 234 S. Calapooia.
FOR SALE. Two lots with four room
cottage, barn and buggy shed.corner
9th and Hill S'.s. ; alBo two lots in
. rairdale addition. t;all at Mrs.
Fromms' 440 E. 1st & Jacksoa Sts.,
AlDany, Ore. I9t
PRIVATE SALE. One 'light spring
wagon, a single buggy, good clover
80 chickens, and numerous other
things. G. Messman, 4 mHe West of
Lebanon, 1 1 mile aoutn or w. w. ers iiaDimy 0111 ana tne cuiimuuuuii.u
Crawford's. 18t convention bill. Those who voted
WANTED. Girl to 'do general house-. against the first and for the second
work. Mrs. Cleek. 615 E. First at, i arc classified as no friends of the peo
t25 I pic. Those who voted for the fool
FOR RENT. Nine room houss on Pine I "hatpin" bill are classified as lacking
street. See E. E. Rex, 2nd and! good sense.
Hires 434 acres, three miles west ot
Halsey on Muddy Creek, 260 acres in
grain, remainder paeture. running
water through all fields, some wood
along creek, 2 good houses, one 6
room oneS room, 2 barns. Can nicely
be made into two good farms. On
Electric ft. R survey. Direct cor
respondence to F. M. Maxwell, Ad;
wZrZZT(ir V
W20O'3Gl?0,1IJry and fir, E.
mimstrator, Hubbard, Oregon.
HAULING. Gravel and excavation
by Hugh Perfect, R. D. 4, Home
phone 204. t8
WOOD TO SAW. Wanted by Andrew
Fuller, 223 3rd & Calapooia. Bell
"phone 294. t6
etc.. by D. B. Speer, R. D. 8. Hazel-
wood addition. t03
ftnnn ? wiNn rnii un a. m
estbrook.Home phone 7001. New
5 H. P. saw. t3
now for yard on A. F. Luther place,
1 mile from bridge. Home phone
2106. McClellan&Settlemier. t28
Budded on whole roots, are the only
kind to plant. That's the kind we
sell. Call oth phones or address W,
A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur
series, Albany, Or.
IFOR SALE. 1 two seated single rig.
springs, 1 three seated double rig,
springs, covered, both in good repair,
at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh
son, 1 mile from Albany, Benton
county. 6t
The separate skirt is coming into great favor again this
fall and we are excellently prepared to meet the 'demand
for good stylish dressy skirts. Skirts that possess that su
perior touch of high class workmanship showing their
distinction and character.
Skirts that you will enjoy and delight in wearing, be
cause you may rest assured that you are properly and
stylishly dressed. Every garment is made and finished in
a very high class manner, making them exclusive and un
usually desirable.
We want you to see these beautiful skirts. We want
you to try them on and let us show you their superior
qualities though many of them are strikingly apparent.
Some come in plain tailored effects with nothing but
the pleats, stitching and buttons as trimming.
Others are more elaborately trimmed with silk sou
tache and are beautiful garments.
The prices range from $6.50 to $18.00.
The new suits, too, are styles not largely different from
spring styles, though possessing a distinctive appearance
which makes them just a little different.
Dark colors, of course, are shown especially and navy
blue is particularly good.
We invite you to come and try on any and all that you
wish. We will be delighted to show you.
- - ? . r.,i ,i forms
llv uys; i iicyu ,m e.-
unless gooa roaus nave mat ut..
i built, and I always find the people
I much like the country. You can pro
I vide the richest kind of soil and the
finest kind of opportunities, yet if the
rr..-i,l are not irood the country Will
; not goou tnc couiury win
appear run Gown ana me people ui,
less." . '
There is something in this Mm
i should make the farmers of the. ewm -
i trv think until the grey matter, rattles,
and as well tne oeonie oi cne cities,
' who are also benefited by good roads.
Moral : L-verybody
good roads, whether
should be for
.... -
canamates tor
ollice, or just plain evcryaay citizens.
and so emphatically something will be
1 done all along the line.
j -
lLast time the legislature met the
State Federation of Labor kept two
men in attendance all the while, and
they kept tab on every member. Now
the tabs are being published, and some
good politicians are greatly worried.
The test measures were the employ-
The ballots next November will be
about 30 by 36 inches in size. Con
siderable criticism . is made because
the 32 initiative and referendum peti
tions take tip so much of the space,
but nothing is said about so many of
ficials. Fact is we elect too many at
once. The short ballot is advocated
as a return to real rule of the people.
There should not be more than eight
or ten different offices to nil
at any
F.G. Will for watches
LOST. - A lar'y's gold watch, with chat
elaine pin. Keturn to tnis omce.
WATE?l?e.n. h!'D' -?
'ANTED. Kitchen help, at the Al
bany Home Restaurant. Good wages.
202 2nd st. t27
" kbhi. our rooms ana pantry
tin a month, over Davenport's music
store. See IS H . Khoades. zm
FOR SALE. -Onions, by E. L. Mc-
Keever, phone Bell f armers 2x1,
nriMTnn A : l t . 1
work: Call at 219 W. 6th street. t25
LOST. Withiu 8 miles of Albany, a
purse containing two checks and some ! The present p'ogram is an exception
money. Leave at this office. aiiy strong one. The feature film
LOST OR T.TOLEN.-A parrot from Trailed to Hills, making quite a hit.
residence of G. D. Gould, West The rest of the program is good and is
Third. Please report to Albany as follows. The .Sculptors Ideal, a beau
Livery Stables. . tl tiful hand colored picture, The Broken
FOR SALE. My bunch of well bred Symphony, a tale of a musician's love
young horses at a barg in, come and affair,- and The Forbidden World, a rip
see them. W. H. Hogan, Albany, rearing eomedy. Miss Neilson makes
Oregon. quite a hit with her song.
New and
Unusually Pretty and Very Desirable
ueeas Weniijied today by the Oregon j
Electric attorney G. S. Hill I
"'V fettles the freight depot locat:on
b,1?0- terminal. One is from Sarah M.
V.k for lots 1, 2 and 3, and from Ivy
.. Oraanwr, for lot 4, all of block 114
, tiackleman's addi
Kackleman's adddiiion, one from J. M,
. Bilyeu tor lots 1 ana z ana another
from Jos Fierstein for lots 3 and 4 of
i block 109. next west of block 114 on
1 Water street, and 26 by 132 feet from
M- B. Reeves, block 117, next east on
wumr oireev. xuu uw; h tu ue
the Cleek block. 114.
I A strong reason for having the depot '
f tUta i.lnnn la ika 4unt fhafliinli more
; --'b "
never reacnes it, wnne iuriner up mis
way it it has frequently been inundated,
a material point. i
Another deed is from Bertha Gotlieb
to George Taylor to the Oregon Electric i
for lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 block 1 Allen &
Hawkins Addition. I
Mr. Stevens himself will be here after 1
awhile to f elect the passenger depct, '
which will be as near Lyon street', it is '
said, as can be secured. In the mean-)
time the deeds for several rights of ,
way for the passenger lino, have bean ;
niea, one today.
Scott Ward left today for Ballknaps
after his family and sister. Mrs. AllinpS,
ham. ;
Mrs. Coe. of Shaniko. left for home
this afternoon after a viBit with her
sister, Mrs. Elmer Conn, of several
Dr. Grace Wycoff. of Lob Angeles, a
former Albany osteopathic physician,
is in Corvallis on a visit with her aunt, I
Mrs. B. A. Cathey
Mrs. Keith arrived thiB noon from ,
Portland cn another visit with urs.J.C. '
Hockensmith. her sister-in-law. before
returning to her home in Arizona. i
Mrs. Leonard and children arrived
this noon for an Albany visit with Mrs :
J. C. Way and others, while Mr Leon
ard ia at Saginaw, M ich , in some spec
I ial evangelistic meetings.
0. A, Archibald and two sons, Clinton
I and Raymond, left this morning br
(Jascadia, and tht. trout will now have
to look out. Sanford and Viva will go
later in tne weex.
F M. Barnect, a prosperous farmer
residing near Monroe, and Miss Margaret-
Dooley, a popular teacher in the
Albany schools last year, are to be
married tonight by father Lane at the
home of the bride's father.
SBC i H- 1 Sfe.
Mixed Cloths for School
A new and very pretty material in wool effects is shown
in our windows. This excellent, serviceable material is
splendid for school clothes and the low price puts it easily
in the reach of all.
The material is specially prepared and is made imperv
ious to water, making it a most durable and desirable ma
terial. The colors are in dark brown, blue and green effects.
Comes 30 inches wide. Per yard only 20c.
It is a splendid time now to make comforts for winter.
Our line os Batts comprises about everything that you
would need or want in comfort filling.
Besides several grades of small batts we have a number
of fine comfort size batts in 3 and 4 lb. weights.
We show the famous Reddisode Batt. A fine quality
cotton and quited to hold it firmly together and makes it
easy to handle.
Then we have that finest of all cotton
The Maish Laminated Cotton.
A fluffy clean white cotton that will never mat nor
gather in lumps. Rolls out just the size you want and is
very warm.
We also show a beautiful line of Maish Comforts.
To Reduce Stock'
Regardless of Cost
In Show Window
r..-:. c... ...I...- en-
vimiiuc jicw. am, valuta jut
Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
Same Management for Eighteen
Years, Through Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Knox
Butte, near Santiam River.
We will be prepared to take oats on
Barley, wheat and oats bought.
. tinn ...-., .i oj. I., .t.:..
iu .pi vu iguniig at iui iuuiie
For building, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samples at M. Senders & Co's store.
W. L. COBB, R. D 4. Phone, home