Embroidery Specials -Good Embroideries, 3 to 6 inches wide, pretty patterns. Special at 8c yd 18 inch Bouncings and corset cover em broideries, 60c and 60c values. Special at 1 35c yd Flood's Store Agents for R. & G. Corsets. Agents for Standard Patterns AlBSTR A'G T S If; you own any real property you will need an abstract of title. Better get one now and be ready when an opportunity to sell comes. Deals often fail for want of time to examine and perfect a title. We are at your service at the old stand Alco Club corner. THE LINN COUNTY -ABSTRACT CO. RELIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE. GOTO "THE CREST" For your Ice Cream, Cold Drinks and Confection ry. None better in the city L. h. POTTS. Both Phones. 316 west 2nd Mayberry Wood Yard. All kinds of wood: Big fir, $5.00; 2nd growth, $4 75; Maple, Slab, 4 ft. length, $2.50; Oak, Ash, ib.Zo. price $4.75; $5.25; Will deliver any amount wanced sawed to order, to any part of town. Sawed'any length desired. $UOIi REPAIRING, by A. W. Baughman. at H. A. Stoltenberg's. Fine hand sowed work a specialty. All work done promptly using the bust leather, guaranteed to give satis faction. Prices reasonable. 13t Why buy Groceries of Portland B oiises when you can get the following prices at EASTBURN'S 1 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00 16 lbs Cream Rolled Oats 1.00 11 lbs Head Rice 1.00 14 lba Japan Rice 1.00 16 lbs Broken Head Rice........ 1.00 12 Ids White Beans 1.00 TOMORROW'S DOINGS. Christian church, Albyn EsBOn Minis ter. All of the usual morning & evening services will be conducted. Bible school will begin at 10:30a. fn. and be followed by communion and morning sermon. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Even ing sermon at 8. Cordial welcrme for alH St.- Peters Episcopal church. Rev. Henry H. Marsden, Minister. Morning service ans Bermon at 11 a. m. -Evening service will be omitted during Au gust. Ban' iat church. Regular services at the usual hours. Sabbath school at 10:15 a. m. Pleaching by trie FaBtor at u a. m. and 8 p. m. Young Peoples m ietiii-7 p. m. Midweek prayer ser vice Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Special music by the choir. All not at tending elsewhere are cordially invited to attend these services. St. Mary's churce, Rev. Arthur Lane Rector, Rev. John Van Verel, assistant. Sunday services at 6:30 and 9:30 a. m. Father Lane will officiate and preaeh. Mission services will be tuld at Leba non. The public is cordially invitea. United Presbyterian. W. P White, PaBtor, 6th and Washington sts. Hours of service 10:30 a. m. and 8 p.m. Morn ing subject: ".Mountain men. Even ing subject: "Religion and the con science. Christian Science meeting at 4th and Ferry at 11 a. m. Subject, "Soul". All are cordially invited. First Presbyterian church. Morning worship 10:30. Pres. Crooks will give a sketch of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church. Sabbath school at the close of service. No evening; service during the month of August. ALBANY Cement Work Estimates given on Plastering Side walk and Cement Work. J . P. TRAVER. 4th & Calapnoia ' Wood Yard. Wood deli v . .1 to nil parts of city on short notic; fl'co nt residence 90S East 4th street. Both phones. J. D. Ellis. Expert Chiropodist. Will rnmnVA Pnms. hunions. ingrow ing toe nails, and itching burning feet relieved immediately. Will go to your residence if you can't come to me, r.nil mn nnnn either nhone. borne 143b Rell Black 443 R. Best of reference givon right here in Aloany. Cull by phone before 10 or after 3. Mus. J. W. Duivek.230 tyon St. JAS. V. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-rcsidents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red 140i. Baltimore ior Bicycles. TiBk tires at Baltimore's.' Fishing tackle at Baltimore's. Bolt again at the Holt corner. A neat place. Holt's Meat Mariceft Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. Proi. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs.. F. M ; Wilson for piaiw.instrnotions. Home phone 353 10 to 12, 2 to-4 o'clock, la street over French's Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician' and sur geon. Calls answered dav and nicht. 12 lba Lima Beans 1.00 ; Office, r linn Block, Residence 119 E 7th. 10-16 ozpkaRaisinns 1.00 .street. Both phones. r or typewriting, snort nam ana no tarial work, call upon R. 1'. atea, First National Bank Building, Albany. Home Phone 379. Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Francis Bros, TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gelscmte roof- paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone. 320. Pacific, Red 3092 - Up-to-date-Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR TO W. E. FRANCIS. Prices are Right. "Collins & taylok, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure jropcrty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Property handled for non-resi dents. DOOLEY'S GKOCERY 9TH AND LYON STREETS. Rev: Knott went to Eane county thi s afternoon to preach tontnrrow. J. A. Carson, of Salem;. who is riding the assembly elephant, went to the Bay this afternoon. The QuellGrill, at-Seoond and?Broad &lbin. street, will be opea for business tomorrow or next dav. The remains of Zera Bibcock; who died at this city yesterday, were taken to McMinnville today for burial. Gilbert Bros, will have 100' boxes of vellow Crawford peaches Tuesday morning at 75e- a box. Leave orders I Monday. I F. IT. Colpitts returned'' to' Sates 'after an Albany visit. Hb has been. : examining the-Silver King lately. The present dry spell began June 23 i and it is said if it lasts four days longer;. ' as it is likely t do, it will make- a new record tor dryness m tnis vauey. v Perry Conn. announces that he will be a candidate -for-clerk on the republican ticket. W. L.. Marks is also i a condid ate, whichi will! mean an interesting-con test. CLAMBAKE. EXCURSION; Will A. STARK, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Jfc Stark Block - Albany DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 482. Home 2 H. A. LEININGER. Dentist, "I aw ford Block Albany w TJ C 0 C !T 1 3. C I. 9 - b n O 9 rs bT Q a. X 01 " CD O g B' 7 S.P To Newport and Return Sunday Aug ust I4tn, mm, via soutnern i-a-cific Company Corvallis & Eastern R. K. MISFITS. The hog just boosts for himself. ! If you want some real fun help oil a street. The automobile goes end? makes the money go. Dry for a fact. Fifty days- without enough rain to fill a sprinkler. . Linn county should have1 af fruit in spector, declares a prominent fruit man. What has become of the Gold1 Creek smelter that was going to do such won derful things. Opposed to cold storage of resoitrees says Mr. Ballinger. Wants them all thrown open for land sharks and trusts. How much Chicago made off the Kniehts Templars seems to be the prin cipal thing with the city. All commer cialism. The Oregonian nails prohibition a burden. Well, what is whiskey, the curse of the age, a burden to the drink er that bears him down to failure and destruction. i If the followine in the Scio News doesn't bring in the cash the people of the Forks must be made of granite: Harvest will soon, be over and we par ticularly desire that people who are in arrears with the News, settle the same immediately thereafter. Remember life is short and you will feel life thirty cents if the Angel Gabriel asks yon if you have paid your subscription to the Scio News. You can save this humilia tion by calling at this office and settling your account. NOTI2E TO FARMERS. DOC SAYS: I'm going to have Electric Lights in" my house. My eyes are not what they used to be, lamp light hurts them so I can't get any enjoyment but of my paper. Electric Light is a steady light. . A kerosene lamp will flicker, the chimney will ' be smoked and the room filled with soot. A gas Itght will hum and is so bright you have to , "squint" to see. Electric Light will burn any where and not :;S flicker, it makes no noise or bad odor and does not burn the air you should breathe. ;" And the Price is Reasonable. Our solicitor is at your service, Have him call. J Northwestern Corporation, 128 West First Street. The Sterling Bros, having retired from the management of our Ware-1 houses at Tanircnt and Tallman we will operate the houses ourselves, as. formerly, storing wheat, oats, etc. and! I purchasing the same when offered fori sale. In closing: up past years busi- ness we find it' has been verv satis-1 factory to us, and ; also, we think very; satisfactory to overv onr who has done business with us. I We are now nreoared to furnish grain bags for storage purposes and . we solicit your patronage, both stor- j age and exchange. We wilt continue , co- give yuu uic s..nic &4uaj.u umi m the future as we have- in the- past. ! J. E. Jenks will have charg oi the 'ansrent house and1' Lester Tettks of the Tallman house, b'oth of whom are , well and favorably known to every farmer in the valley ; Yours tralv. &E.BANY 3IILL & ELEVATOR Co. " Albany,. Ore. 1 DIAMONDS OUR DIAMONDS ARE: GEMS, BUT THEY ARE REASONABLE. F. M. FREN Crf & SON WE RESEI ' YOUR DIAMOND ' WHILE YOU WAIT; Read August Sunset' Read 'The Phillippines As S Saw fhem" by General James- F Smith, EJjtGovernor of the Phillippines). and Califbroias Black Gold;' the romase of the Oil VVeHs" by Walter V. Woehl koj.in Sunset for August, now om sale alrall the- news stands. 15 -cents- Let us.figure with you on your ne xt Lumber Bill. We are confident we cam save yon money, and it won't cost a cent to let us try. We carry a tull stock of Lumber, Shinglis, Lime, Plaster, Cement Mo21ings, Bnilding Paper, and Colum bia River Sand. We have our own saw mills and can furnish anything on shorts notice. Both Phrvni. THE C. K. SPAULDI NG LOGGING CO. . A. H! Kelsay, Manager. The Market.. Wheat?. 80, Oats 35c Beef 6c;vealdressed2o Fbrk dres6d 9c; on foot 7ir Eard 16c Efigfl.28e. . t hickens on foot 10c. . Hams 22c- to 27c, ados-20 t. 25c shoulders 15 to 18c, Buttei 30c to 35c. Klour $1.50 to $1.75c a. sack. Potatoes 50c ner bu. Hay, frw $12 for same clonor to.$18 tn oesi jiniocny. Wb Johnson' s best. Kfade in Albany. It is- tbe Best Special train service has been ar ranged for tiiis event and' will leave; from the poiirts named a.follows: Woodburn 5:15 a. m. Mt. Angcl! - 5:30 ai m. Silverton 5:40 ai. in: RignatniD Albany Abstract Company, L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in- the office of tho- Recorder of Conveyances for linn County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed by our company) In this manner, we will be able to keep our records up to the last mimrte of each previous day, thereby affordine bettar service to the public than any one has heretofore been able to give: It is our intention, to maintain the standard of excellence, gained by thorough and conscientioos work in the past The very bast and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently, and contmu ousfy carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money, in- main taining our well estabhsiied! reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracters. We assume tftat every one realizes the necessity of- havme an abstract of title prepared for the property which is about to-be our chased; we solicit your patronage .and assure yon that we can give yon tlw very best work thatus possible with little delay and at a. moderate lrmig price. It will be-to your advantage to see ns before orderinir nestsMurityOU,1, money to lom at sbl Per cent per annum ow Both telephones in the office. . Call in sad: see ns or write. ALBANY THUBFBR CO., with J. A. Howard. Both Residence phone black 225 DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, Office phones. Home. Heavy and light hauling, pianos a specialty. Moving Will & Slark Block Albany M. B. CRAFT, 242 West Second St.. Albany, First-class meats i all kinds from selected stork. HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 210 West Second Street. Palmer's Dairy 1HE GULDEN RULE. Delivers milk and cream to any part i tho citv. Prices reasonable. Jersey mm with licst of care. Both rhonea. icoiis santai-Peps'ii topsuies ,..-:. n TTvnw nunc imMlrii ort'ntur-h BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the l'ostoflice. Four chairs. Prompt and eflie- care oi tuc i.u-e .nm n.tu. lent VIEKECK'S BATHS. 217 West First Street. First-Class Work Guaranteed. rv t K I. flUviUilifurfli, vui klv mitl .'! Iillllli litlv t' I V-i oi 4omrvhav' 111) OlfM't, 110 lIlUttfT I't li 1'iitr hi, uk tin- Atromu.: lutiil.. boUl vy dniKKi.';." I'llro or iv iiw' paid, fl.Ui. S Wlf. v-- TliE SANTAL-PEPSlh Lt IlKlktonuine, Oblo umsville 6:10 a, m. West Stawtcn 6:25 a., m. Shclburn - 6:40 ai. m. lbanv 7:-W at in: Arrive Yamuna 11:3(J ai m. Arrive Newport l:l p. m. Leave Newport a:.fu'p. m. ( rrive Albany 10:30' p. m. ;rrive Woodburn 1:08-a, in. Round trip excursion rates will: Dc-follows: Woodliurn, Mt. Angsl and Sif- vertou 5-.51'' umsville West Stavton 2.80 Shelbarn and Maxwell 175 Alhanv. Corvallis and Philomnth.. till Corresponding low rtcs lroiu nomts west. Ihe people ot .Newport are making .urcat preparations tor tins event ana a plendul menu ot clams anaotner suc nlent edibles will be furnished. Bands will discourse music during the day and surf bathing, boating, etc., can he enjoyed by all. Kr mrtlier particulars, apply to any S. V. or C. & 1. agent. MACHINES. Every business bouse should have a numbering machine. 1 have six wheel machines that will duplicate consecative audi repeat for $3.50 each, while they last. We do printing. Rawlings, 1-23 Broadalbin, St. '.Albany Abstract Albany, : Company, Oregon F'JR MMEB SPM MATERIAL Sole Distributor for tie Hygeno Ar the great Disinfectant Germi cide, Insecticide. also- Gold Loin and Mandan Lice and Fly Killer MURPHY' 235 East 2nd Street. THIS BANK IS in its 40 th year ( A Bank of Unquestioned Safety and Unsur passed Service. Your account is invited FIRST NATIONAL BANK ASSETS OVER $1,000.000.00 Have you tried our WINTFR COFFEE? For sale bT Bwkhjrt i Lee If not, whv not? coftee in town. It is the best Give us atrial STAR BAKERY, C. IHEYER, Proprietor SAVING IS A HABIT SPENDING IS A HABIT WHICH HABIT DO YOU CULTIVATE? Start a Savings accoiit with us and you will be surprised at the case with which the Saving habit u amuiii-u. iiKcrcsi paia on savings Accounts. FIRST SAVINGS BANK ASSETS OVER $300,000.00 Owned and operated by the stockholders of the First National Bank. : x i GORDEN VIBRATORS Wc havj ibrators. This vibrator tooV first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call t our store and (ret a booklet. Price, l.0O. BURKHART & LEE. i If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price Si. For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONE. Salem . Oregon.