Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 19, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered. 10 nenu
week: In advance for one year, i
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at I
ti.i of yeur sxi.tJ-J.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.60. After 3 ye-s at
Because the Democrat said B. F.
Mulkcy should receive the republican
nomination for congress over W. C.
Hawlcy, because Hawlcy is an assem
bly man and a follower of Cannon and
Aldrich, the Independence paper ac
cuses the Democrat of trying to widen
the breech in the republican party,
sneaking into a clean house to foul it,
all of which of course is simply talk.
Opposition to Cannonism and the as
sembly boss system is more than op
position to the men themselves. As a
matter of fact Mulkcy will come closer
to beating a democrat at this time
than Hawlcy, who will receive a strong
opposition in his own party because
of his casting his lot with Cannon.
The following is from the Ashland
It is generally conceded that B. F.
Mulkey's prospects for winning the
republican primary nomination for
congressman from this district are
highly promising. His opponent has
been a dyed-in-the-wool Cannon man
and the methods of Cannonism and
the interests that were served through
him have been so thorouirhlv stanmcd 'F
upon the minds of the nconle thati1D'
there is no mistaking their sentiments.
The landslide in the Kansas republi
can primaries and the recent Iowa
state convention arc unmistakable evi
dences of forthcoming events. The
usual excuse made is that a congress
man must instinctively locate the pow
ers that organize legislative bodies and
Stand in with them in order to secure
pork out of the barrel for his congres
sional district. In this respect the
present incumbent has been reason
ably successful. In serving Cannon,
however, he has offended everybody
else and it is plain to be seen that
Cannon and his machine arc on the
toboggan slide to retirement. The
park barrel statesmanship point of
view is plain. The congressman from
the first district should be an anti
Cannon man, because Cannon will be
down nnd nut.
-,.. I Bionary irom f anama, ot the s. u. A.
CONDENSED MILK FACTORIES, church, on tomorrow night, nt the W.
C. T. U. hall, beginning at 8:1? o'clock.
The following is from the News I will begin a series of meetings, speak
Letter of San Francisco, of a few ; ing on Strife Between Capital and; La
months ago, and in view of Albany's I bor. Thursday night his subject will
numerous efforts to have a Condensed be: Whure did Satan como from?
Milk factory, is interesting: . Who made him? What Will become of
Since the News Letter published him. Friday night. The Three Worlds,
the account of the manner in which I Saturday night Tha Hirp-ise of Ct.'.-ist's
condensed milk plants were estab-!
lishrd through ihe Northwest foitii-1
.'try, and sounded the alarm in regard
to the promotion of just such schemes
in California, there have been many
icucrs ri-ceivcu, ami me cunor lias
hnn w! I, if,,r,niinn n this .
...... ' ,7 . . . ....
I. K ?,luJ.1'
II . i . ..' r. . . . i
there is li
..... .. in.,..- lumwi .ill. ii.i. .iv.., ...iv.
jci ui ui:u a gun lancer can
mlctiscd milk plant
.. any tmvn . I;i,;c -where the farmer
is tilled with Hie consuming desire of
. a -steady market for his milk. It is
. said that the linn of C. F. Rogers &
'Sons, of Detroit, who arc reported to
tie makers of machinery for condens
ing the lacteal fluid, and who also
design the houses and attachments
that go with such factories, are very
active in these promotions. It seems
they have literally iv.I'.kcd the North
west' dry, and the crop of indulgent
and gullible larme s -no . , y
cinrt- iii a condensed milk plant is not '
: :.. ..;..U; .iMllnrc :i it
as pruuuv ) i.ut, - -- i
The operations of the promoters 111 j
the East have been as disastrous as in
the West, and we shall give a list of
the plants East and West that have
not paid oil the iii.caiiiicnl, or that
have gone out of business, in future
issues of the News Letter. Mean
while, all information that the farm
ers of Washington wish to give us
on the subject is welcome. It is en
tirely too bad that out of a desire to
better not only themselves but the
communities in which they live there
should come such losses to the people
who listen to the siren song of the
promoter, but it is supposed that suck
ers are born every day, and that the
climate of Oregon and Washington is
conducive to a heavy birth-rate of the
aforc-incntioiicd victims of the hook
baited by the promotion anglers.
The News Letter gives a list of ten
or twelve failures in the Northwest.
Medford Sun:
There is a slight question as to the
aptness of the subject matter contained
in the teleyrain of condolence sent by
President Taft to the widow of Harvey
W. Scott. He refers to the great ser
vice of Mr. Scott a dozen years ago in
behalf of sound money. In view of
1 he fait that the same people who at
that time demanded the gold standard
in the name of sound money a coupl
of years ago demanded and got asset
rnrreiu-v. wliirh is iii circulation at thi
moment and which is notoriously un-J
sound money, it may be ?. matter well
to ponder over as to whether or not
the m-xt decade may have to question
the sincerity of the action oi ten years
ago if not to do the sound money ai-t
all over again. Indeed, there are sonic
persons who never will be convinced
that the panic of 1907 was not made
possible by the demands of the money
. changers.
Oats Stolen,
The threshing crew (if A. Au'tinyc
le'dav threshed the fn-M of oaLi t!i"
other" Bid.' of the di p it. It yield.-1
abwt !V l-ihelii p.-r aero. Tie IWM
were rented A. '- Car ;S'-.-s am'
L'-gsJiMi & Hilven Vi't niir-it s i
one sin'.' ''"" ';' '''"' ''" "' 'V.'1
l..i!.sdeii mid iii .-..'.i iid ih;.-.- uom ...r
Cn'rothcr. T r r "-' i ; ' uiu nf
i-ulbcr-lirrd bugey reir '.!' -
A great many fires have been report
ed around about Sweet Home, but have
done no great damage.
Thrashing is the order of the dav with
our farmers and good results ate report , icy of the toad in cutting off Eugene' i
ed. trade in the interest of that city. Thh
Mayor M. Story and wifeare spending never came into the head of the Dem
a few weeks at the springs. , oerat. It is simply a matter of obser-
A few of the improvements ma-Je vn that th! raj,lr?!la2 " rula d,?r
here in the last six months aref Three "ot discriminate, that it has a certain
new houses just completed an-i five P0' Cy ?d' V'0Ugh " may Bometlm8
more under construction Those who ' look 88 ''actions were neing favored
are building are; W. H. Davis. Mrs. S. a9 8 maf er fact ,h,ere are ra,Lr,oad
M. Thompson, Auther Sportsman, Jack rf'?M for. the takea.regardless
Davis, Mrs. Cora Weddle. W. M of U,'9 ."iy afffted. The Democrat
Malone, P. W. Story and Mr. Bowser s"n(P'-y W18lJl8 t0 the railroad ,U8t
There are others whY expect to build aBnlrr?8 !t doe,a ih?,r8- au.
as soon as the lumber canbe obtained ' 1,h,e Demcrat iata Albany has a
n , j, , r pretty good train service, but it IB
R.C. Wadkins is hauling lumber to simply because we have the goods,
erect a new hall for a moving picture . .
"Tb'iiiard and pool room is being put! Municipal Ownership Carried,
The Grangers expect to put in a ' Salem yesterday had an election on
new hall to be built this fall. , the municipal ownership of the water
We find that a great ma.iy of the workR at that city and the expenditure
travellers are surprised to see such a ' $76,000 for the extension of the
prosperous little town up in the mount- water mains. It carried by a vote of
ains 682 to 499, 83 majority. While the
w p II.,... j ...; second ward went 133 to 73 for, the
relative tS A fourth went 104 to 11 against and the
relatives and friends here at this writ- fifth rA oa to in Th nth
The sheriff at the Dreamland.
The program at the Dreamland for
j lueaaay, Wednesday and" Thursday is
I an all star one. The feature film "By!
the Faith of a Child" is a pathetic and
thrilling drama. "The Sheriff" is one I
of Selig's best and is a story of the
plains. "A Hunting Story" is a very
pleasing comedy. "Hercules and the
Big Stick" is a comeHv rpnre.Rntinir !
riercuies with the Dig stick. Princes
and Pigeon. SDar chnffComeclv. Beau
tiful slides showing thB diamond mines
at iumoerly and Miss Edyth Neilson
singing tne latest eas.ern success "I'll
Build a Fence Around You."
A Series of Meetings.
bluer I. U. H.mcrht. a returned mis-
r,m nR l9? r,rB, lmB-. un?ay nignc,
onau we iinow cacn utnor more.
For A Non-Political Judiciary.
i:,: i jj; -
. The.n" "-political judiciary orgamza-
tion ot uregon navo organized with A.
C. Woodcock, of Eugene as general
icnairman, m. L, Pipes, ot Portland,
nnni.mnn 1 H
executive committee,
to light for the supreme court ticket
no msd by the organization, which in
clud! .-i , I uiigas Slater and King, demo
crats, i intend of the two republicans
the us 1 1 , : ; y elephant is trying to force
into t- j .:iii!o because of their politics.
The .i,mj should back the organiza
tion. A Pill Did.
Today will end the maneuvers of the
soldiers nt. America Lake. The two
Oregon regiments were to live today on
-of (vl.lpn3cd foods na a with S
, ... . . . .. ... .
liles with sV-rm-
of tryme ordeals.
,8n03 anti an manner
Tonieht thev will rack un and tomorow
leave for home, probably arriving at
Yesterday there was another mimic
battle with the Albany boys in the line.
Lieutenant 'v. F. Stewart, probably
Dr. W. E. Slow'irt rol into a wire
fence Sundiy ni,hL and was thrown
twenty feet. Ho was placed in the
hospital, but not seriously hurt.
The Auto Won,
... .. l.Jlt
An interesting race was had last
IU l,o-,nnn Io T.tW t r-uollla
in niB auto and the trnin coming out
from JNOwport. inoy iejL torvains
, . . . j j ii
one placo the contest being a decidedly
ii , U. First- an?!
Lyon streets and was waiting next tne
W. F. building when the train backed
Will be held at Salem
$35,000.00 in Premiums and Tiii'scs. Grand Live
Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits.
Reduced Rates on All Roads.
For further information address
The Euirene Guard says that the
Democrat came to the defense of the
southern Pee tic in its train service be
cause the train service is so arranged
that Eugene's best territory is made
tributary to Albany, and it is expected
' an Albanv nanar would enrinraA trtA nnl
wards were an lor it Dy emphatic
A water board will be
Gravelling the Track.
Grover Birtchet, a prominent college
student passed through the city last
evening on. a gravel train. During the
vacation season he is helping to ballast
the road with gravel. It is gotten near
Junction and is being spread along the
track, making- a decided inrorovement.
I 118111111
The body of Ernest A. Frazier, shot
H. oauiaiupjlbu, it. waa DtiHj wiilit, uuma
anatchin?. was brought to Albanv on
rh. Anrtv train this mummer nnn TAleen
to Liebanon 'or burial, it was con
signed tonismocnerMrs.a.K. "azier.
His wife also resides there. She was!
formerly Miss Mona Hart, daughter of
Dan Hart. When Frazierleft Lebanon
no one knew where he had gone but
in wite, il la repviteu b ucuauw.
He was about 25 years of age, and !
settled in Lebanon two years ago with
his mother, frequently being away
from home. Accoiding ts- Fred T.
Merrill, of Portland, he was-undoubted-
tho famous Pink Domino, of Portland,
who held up numerourPeo"pler but had
dBcided to retorm, and wrote Mr
Merrill onlv a dav or two before his-1
death that he was oimu to rive .differ-
entlv. The outcome mulces. this look
different. One-claim is that his death
was accidental.
Mrs. Frazier, mother of Ernest, de
clares, says the Express-Advance, that,
the charges about her son are- false and
that she will prove his innocence of be
ing the Pink Domino man.
The Greatest Yet
Salem. Ore. August 16; 19-lft The
: 'e r cii.fc I
welling 01 iiie uregau ouita ran , i
September 12. mo, will usher in what
promises to Dethe greatest, trom every
...lilL.. " ' L.u .l. a.
exmuiiion ever neiu w cue nuiitr.
entries for the different exhibits
are r
well under way Secretary Frank Mere- I" Tre;, ?T!
dith is now toinina-his attention to his:8te.r- 8 a fine penman can run a,.-type-
a v,; tr,c. the I
exhibit halls, stock earns, race-horse
stables and grounds put in holiday at-1
tire lor the reception ot tne visitors
September 12 to 17 inclusive.
New decorations are being placed in
the exihbit halls, painters are spread
ing fresh naint and the entire grounds
! are being cleaned up bo the visitor can
Ciller CY.l, iiuuiv nuu (,IUC nuu
.: i, o..i tnr
enter every nook and corner ana nna
"" " F...
After boasting that better men are
secured by the &ssenMy the .assembly
lino cvoi ucuii uniiivti ii uisfiuu, aiiu
the voters in the republican party will
aa, so on primary A, where the op-
portumty is otterea.
If they get Teddy U. mad be will saj
something hot.
Most people give tte devil his due'.
This business might ttt well all (top
until Teddy speaks. .
One good turn decerv8r another is
the foundation of politics.
Ballinger says he won't- resign.
What's the odds. Perhaps he' will.
Mrs. Dr. McKinn at Reno is so Bappy,
so happy, she has gotten a di vor ce:f rora
the Dr.
There is a good saying that two heads
are better than one, but it just depends
upon the heads.
Taft agrees to make one speech.-Heavy-weight
men don't always make
heavy-weight speeches.
If Eugene gets the Oregon Electric
in eighteen months Albany ought to have
it in at least nine months.
Billy Sunday at Orcgm City yester
day slashed the- liquor traffic and the
saloon g
Several thousand dollars were lost by
the soldiers at American Lake in craDS.
One darkey did it. Another colored
Instead' of bv machine in- the modern
way the people are being counted back
in Washington bv hand,. and it will take
a long- time;
From Portland to Eugene not once
will the Oregon Electric' raosa the
Southern-Pacific, the 'entire distance
remaining west of the road;
Two occult students, just married,,
committed' suicide yestrday at San
Francisco- to make a test' o? their
studies. What fools some- mortals- be.
,, , j
The Oregonlan is makinra-desperate
effort to prove that the contest is really
Bohrne and Boumeism; but' the prople
don't pay so very much atti
Oregoniars lamentations.
attention lO-the.
i r .
Back imOklahoma thev think it is all
right to rob -the Indians because they
.1 , . . . .u:
"'"'"""'' H
Then that mav ha aDDlied
".to a good many white people.
'. 77 . : ' , .
A Colored mrnreter in' Portland is
said to have wonoooced Portland one
of the pureui eities-.he had seen. Aed
it is whiskey- soaked with a corrupt city
guvenunefiL, HcuKmn mail reports.
A Spokane man weighed 210 pounce
iiDon marriage- three years ago.- His
wife began whipping him and making
tinners interesting generally, and how he
""y 138 Pounds, just a skelton.
ainii, . . i. ..
Eastern Oregun. has seventeen saloonw
and tne reputation ot being tne- tough-
est place in the U. Si. Now who -will':
select it for home for their baya- and
girls. Raise your hands.
The Oregonian's effort to eliminate
Os. West and Jeff Myers from tne gov
i ernorship contest on t'oe democratic
i ticket and put in Manning ali1 alone
' isn't wnl;ing seriously. If it is in the
. Oregoninni pcJiticallp i is easy to guess
it isn t so.
Hi. IVllCTirn . rare- &Sn in ISUZene.
. ... iu tx 1 1 ,,Xu
k"Fr b; SJ? fe"
,"' --- ,"L.t s .h,.tiZ.
'and reeonnaissanee. is a ciirari- store-iiip
ana reeonnaissanee, is a cigar- score-,
- ..'
writerr UDes snormaofl ana is
a. book-
ffat McArtbur has gone to Salt La)ta-
taa coneference of western governors,.
representing tne iregon executive,
Yesterday at Newport three,. Albany
joung men were fined $24 in- all,, &r
oa-using a aisiurDance on tne -streeps, ot
me city.
A. N. Richardson, a Portland barber.
killed Jack Hale, whom he accused) of
interfo'in-s with his 'amily affairs. The
unwritten law will be his defence.
The government is haviser a sorvoy
made at Oregon City to decide whether
the old locks shall be purchased or new !
locks built on the opposite. side the
The R. R. Com. is in saesion. at Eu
gene today to consider the matter of
passenger service betven Portland
and Eugene. One kick is at the late
ness of the trains.
Dr. H. I. Keeney, a successful Linn
county product, will erect an $8,000
residence m the new Laurelhurst ad
dition to Portland. Ij. will be a low
rambling suburban residence on the
California style.
Amos HolT, of Eugene, paiii the ex
penses of Miss Anna .-2 .crson from.
Norway to Eugene,, under promise of
marriage. Upon urrival she refused fa
marry him. He has brought suit for
$21!13.20, including $1000 lor exemplary
Portland Telegram: Harry E. Craw,
one of the most popular conductors on
tin.- Southern Paciiic lines, and son of
one of tne oldest engineers oi, the road.
is lying at the hood Samaritan Hospital,
alilicted with typhoid-pnunwnin, and
ii reported in a most seriotib condition,
He is a member of Portland L-iage,
1-l'J. ti. P. O. Elks.
Put it down that every man who runs
will be in favor of gord road?. Thi
si?n wno is not migm as wen nine in
tne cbieunty ot an Bf-sembvy tnicUet.
South Lebanon leads in registration
with 165. North Brownsville next with
126. Albany and West Albany each
has 106 and East Albany 105. '
Deputy Clerk W. L.
froav the Bay.
Marks is h a me
Deeds recorded;
M. E. Watson to Chas Mauaolf,
192 by 134 feet Ferry St $
C. Meyer to M. E. Watson, quit
claim to above; also sheriff
Deeds recorded:
A corrective and substitute deed in
place of a deed made in 1893 to
perfect title: David Oahn et al
ti Chas. Altschul over $00,000
acres, the Willamette Valley &
Cascade Monntain Wagon road
land, date 1904 f
. v. oorenson et al to lie B.
Baldwin et a), several tracts in
keeping with recent decree of
T. A. Paul to W. J. Thornby, 65
C. H. Mcfarland to J
H. Ferrell
;J. F. Venner to Loyd
G. West,
iob ao acres
MininK claim. On. OalrW. Chart.
ville district,
646 hunters licenses and 1253 anglers
licenses have been filed.
Following ib -the list of teachers who
passed the lecent examination, vith
their grade;
First grade J. C' Banks. Mane
Jones, Amy JjorwilL Hazel Wellar,.
Anatta Burchi Adda Dannen, Vida
.Kay Eln)sr B. Williamson. Ada
eowle8f Nannie L,- Dougherty, Bertha
golden. Olea Post. Dorothv Enpel.
Esther Gilbertsnn.. Mauri (jillinB. Maiw
iraret vans. Elizabeth Brli. Jc.
Beoner. The highest are-Misses Cowlas-i
nu Sgel, 95. and Miss Po-it and
Bonner, 94.
oecona graae. narrisu unyer. im-
D. Wlitte, Chas Lv iVsatone. E.-.dora.
Vanaken. Clara Tasselk. Nellie Marsv
Anna Booker, Sadie Bell, Veronica
Traeey Kosa Meyer Edith We3t Amia
Devariey Elizabeth Glaser, Roehal
ices, lunula, xia oncia9l
Kackley, Jas. A. Dart, EJsie Lillard.
yiire Aisama, tiarry E,. warm, tieatrica-.
6 , y'j oT 1 nt lMBw and by said C. W: Taylor aligned to
8 ThirfH; iSntpSta lsaiJ Cascade Petroleum Cor by deed
Mary A. Harinah. Leland Green. VwiJ 190?- and '"orttcd in- the offiw of the
Higbee. Nellie Yeung, Leona P. An-! comLy TC?or( 0 Lm" Tc0,l,nt?0r?
derson. Jolia Kopeeky,. Haae! Eastcn,. I Son.- " the lata- day of July, 1909, in
Edna R. Richard. Nellie F. Goodrich: BooIc 8S of Lum County Deed Rec-
Zetn A. Riehaid;. Kate- Henderson. !
enii. ivt.i ,i.. t .-.'i
Dougterty. Perry Dougherty, Fearyi
tiinther, Belle Slate, i-'lie highest is-i
Nelhe F. GoodncfiuSZ; Flouence Ralsian.-
next 90-.8.
Tbeie were eight failuzes.
Want King- and Slater.
There will be only one- objection iin
the corrupt practice pamphlet. The-1
time for miner these objections to can-
'didates closed vesterdav and during the-i
J u; t..j n r tt.
i wjetuui, m iiuugtf ueurge xi.
Burnett and Wallace MeCamant was
ttlea y tne non-pamsani judiciary peo-
i m -pi..
'Woodson T. Slater.
Cbncrressman. ftnnc-wmtfk was hatem
iii the Ohio primaries showing thatithe
people have more sense- than the as.
isemblies. He ia a goedi example aiitha-i
j eld convention, nomination, the kind, ofl
i men who should bar eliminated from, j
eur politics.
- - Uregon, on the 14th day of May, 1909,
Kyoudon'i.wan(iso,naany thiaga wi jl' Bo.ok 88 of Lin" County Deed
the ticket to votcromdont sign, every Records om page- 483,. ami by said C.
thii preseiited. jou; Refuse every- i w- Taylor assigned to said Cascade
thing except.what you. are in favor. 0&.1 Petroleum Co. by deed of assignment
I bearing date May 27, 1909, and re-
" It is a rare .dav that does not see a cor(!ed in tite office of the county re
.. rare-day. cnac uoes not see a corder 0t L nn oountv. Orec-on. on
a aivorce r.u-couot wicd a millionaire asi
- . ru . . 1 ... , -
Beth money and poverty bnae
- - ! ibcrein described.
SHERIFF'S SALS.. j All the right, title and interest of
Notice is hescby given that, th ua- ,l,e f aii' Cascade Petroleum Co. in and
dcrsignedi as Sheriff of Linn, county, . that cata' od and gas Lease arid
Oregon, pursuant to an execution, and Agreement, bearing date June 3, 1909,
order of. sale issued out of the Circuit ! executed by P. M. Scroggin and Sey
Court of.tiic State ot Oregpu for Mult-, mour Washburn to, C. W. Taylor, and
nomah county, on the 18th, day of recoricd in the ofnee of the county re
jtine, IS1.0,. upon a judgraejit rendered f.0" of. UnP,coxlnXxn.rel0' S
and entered bv said court, on the 10th "le '1th d? of Jan- 19-m B?ok 88
day of. Juue, 1910, in an action then,"' , lr J i,, ' ,
ncmuntz m said court wherebv C rl.
VVUre ,,tii.itiff nn.l rnHB Pp. ! assigned tO Said
lrlnm Cr H mmnrn fir,,, ,vnt,Hf. Co. by deed Of a
...inut wW iimiff r,,-.-! dtjte July 10, 1909,
ered. judgment against the said de.
fendiuit for the sum 01.5331.30 and in-
tvest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent
per ammm from the 8th day ot Sept.,
LW, and the turther sum o: U.tb
costs and disbursements, will on the
0th day of August, 1910, at the hour
of I o'clock p. m,.at the front door 0f
the County Court House in the City of
Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, sell,
at public auctwn, to the highest bid
der, for cash in hand, the following
described real, property heretofore at
tached by said sheriff as the property
ot the defendant in the abovi inen
;ioued action, to-wit:
All the right, title and interest of the
said Cascade Petroleum Co. in and to
that certain oil and gas Lease and
Agreement, bearing date April 40.
109. executed by John V, Young and
Mary M. l oung to C. W. Taylor, and I
recorded in the olVice of the county ,
:vcirilcr of Linn countv, Oregon, on i
.i:e J7th day of May. IW. in l'.ok SS I
of I. inn County lvd Rc-.-onis on
-,-.-.l.i- 4o4 and by said C. V. Tayicir a
iar.rd '- the said Cascade Petroleum
Co. by deed of assignment bearing
date May 27, 1909, and recorded in
the office of the county recorder of
Linn countv, Oregon, on the 15th day
of July, 1909, in Book 88 of Linn
County Deed Records, on page 606,
and in the real property therein de
scribed. All the right, title and interest of
the said Cascade Petroleum Co. in and
to that certain oil and gas Lease and
Agreement, bearing date May 1, 1909,
executed by Guss M. Nelson to C. V.
Taylor, and recorded in the office of
the county recorder of Linn county,
Oregon, on the 27th day of May, 1909,
in Book 88 of Linn County Deed
Records, on page 492, and by said C.
W. Taylor assigned to said Cascade
Petroleum Co. by deed of assignment
bearing date iVlay 27, 1909, and re
corded in the office of the county re
corder of Linn county, Oregon, on the
15th day of July, 1909, in Book 88 of
Linn County Deeil Records, on page
606, and in the real property therein
I All the right, titfe and interest of
the said Cascade Petroleum Co. in and
to that certain oil and gas Lease and
Agreement bearing date April 3D, 1909,
executed by Moses M. Meyers and:
Alite E. Meyers to C. W. Taylor, and
recorded in the office of the county re
corder of Linn county; Oregon, on
the 27th day of May, 1900, in Book 88
of Linn County Deed Records, on
page 490, and by said C. W. Taylor
assigned to said Cascade Petroleum
Co. h'jr deed of assignment, bearing
date May 27th, 1909, and i-ecorded in
the orJce of the county recorder of
Linn ctAintc, Oregon, on the 15th day
of Jul;; 1909, in Book 88 of Linn
County Deed Records, on page 607,,
and in the- real property therein de
scribed. All tire.' right, title; and interest of
the said Cascade PetiOlcum Co. in and
to that certain oil and gas Lease and
Agreement, herring data Miiy 26. 1909,
executed Sfy Cli'ius H. Vebrs and Bertha
Vchrs to C. VV.. Taylon, and recorded '
in the office of tihe connty recorder of
Linn countv. Oregon, on the 27th day
of May, RX)9i ifa Boofe 88 of Linn
Connty Dved Records, on page 491,
and by said' C W. Taytor assigned to
said Cascadis- Petroleum' Co. by deed
of assignment bearing dot May 27,
1909, and recorded1 in the' office of the '
eoanty recorder of Linn ocronty, Ore
gon, on the l5tli diiy of July, 1909, in
I Book 88 of Linn County Deed Rec-
t&rds, on
paaa.' 6U8,. and in- the real :
orooertv therein dccribedi.
AH the right; tititt and" iiiterest of
die said Cascade Petroleum: Co. in and
to that certain oil and gas Lease and
Agreement, bearing date BBay 1, 1909,
executed by Fred: Freese and. Augusta
Freese to C. TVS Taylor and recorded
in the office of the-county recorder of
Linn count y, Oregon. .on the 27th day
of May, 1909 in B'uok 88' of Linn
Cnmrt " np(,(l Hocr(!(i. on 486.
ords, on page 609, and in the real
nmtv therpthtrieu-rtheH:
All the right, title and'interest of the
sam iascaae petroleum, uo. in ana to.-
that certain oil. and gas Lease ana
Argeement, bearing date- April 30,
1909;. executed by He-nman F.. Lmde
maiii Charles IT, Lindeman. and Marie
Lindeman to C. W. Taylor,, and re
corded in the office of the-county re
corder of Linn, county; Oregon, on
the 27th day of May,. 1909, in Book. 88
I of Linn County Deed: Records on
Rag 487 and by said" C. W. Taylor
assigned to said' Cascade Petroleum
1 Co. by deed of assignment bearing
date May 27, 1909, and recorded in
-a: " -c j.- x.. j . c
sue- unite UI aic- cuuniy rcajrucr ut
Linn county, Oregon, on the 15th day
E July, 190 in Book 88 of Linn
County Deed Record's, on page 610,
aaid in the real- property therein de
scribed. AH the rig-jit, titl and interest of
j tlic aid Cascade Petroleum. Co. in and
to that certain oil and' gas Lease and
Agreement bearing date ,
executed by Thomas Ewihg- to C. W.
Taylor and recorded! in the office of
the county recorder- of Linn county,
k,i, ,,. f T..i.. i6nn ti . oq
IIIC lOLII .IV -1,1 J uiv, xj-j. in DUUK
f Linn cun ,'eed jlccordSi
page 01 1, and. in 01 real property
Cascade Petroleum.
ssignment, bearing.
1 1 ...i :.. ,i.n
' omce oi rue county recorder ot Linn
t", 1 b d , , , ' "
! ,1', 'I0- Book 88 of Linn County
I ecd Rccords on P?Se.611'nd ln e
j"'. UL?..uEu.
:, r V"u r'- ,
l",s"uc xetroicuin o. in anon
that certain oil and gas Lease and
. "Sreemem, oearing aaie auay i isuy,
Zoph to C. V. Taylor and recorded in
tne olhce of the county recorder of
Linn county, Oregon, on the 27th day
of May, 1909. in Book 88 of Liivi
County Deed Records, on page "ieS
and by said C. W. Taylor assigned to
said Cascade Petroleum Co. by deed
of assignment bearing date May 27th.
1909, and recorded in the office of the
county recorder of Linn county, Ore
gon, on the 15th day of July. 1909, in
Hook S8 of Linn County Deed Rec
ords on patre 612, and' in the real
property therein described.
To satisfy said judgment, costs anJ
ai-crji:ia costs.
Linn county, O-'on.