Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 19, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    OIL m.U. MLLIS,
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
M i.:n 38.
Veterinary Sui geon.
Jefferson, Or. Bell phone farmers
Notice is hereby given tnat the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
W. Q. Stewart, deceased. All per
sons having claims against the estate
of the said deceased are hereby re
quired to present the same with proper
vouchers to the undersigned at his
residence in the city of Albany, Linn
county, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 29th -day of July, 1910.
C. H. STEWART, Admr.
HEWITT & SOX, Attys. for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
appointed executrix of the last will
and testament of Mart Miller, late of
said County, deceased. All persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required to
present the same, with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, at her
residence, in said Linn County, Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of this notice. Dated this 3rd day of
June, 1910.
TIEWITT & SOX, Executrix.
Attorneysfor Executrix.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon in and for the County of Linn.
In the matter of the estate of J. W.
Cnsick, deceased.
The undersigned, having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the. County of
Linn, executor of "the last will and
testament of J. W. Cusick, deceased,
notice is hereby given to the creditors
of and all persons having claims
against said estate to present them,
with the proper vouchers, within six
months from the date of this notice to
the undersigned at the bank of J. W.
Cusick & Co. in Albany, Linn County,
Oregon. c.
Dated June 18, 1910.
GALE S. HILL, Atty. for Executor.
Notice of Sale of Realty by Adminis
trator With Will Annex'd.
Notice is hereby given, that pursu
ant to the provisions of the last will
and testament of Martha C. Oden, de
ceased, heretofore duly admitted to pro
bate by the County Court of Linn
County, Oregon, and pursuant to the
provisions of the statutes of the State
of Oregon in such cases provided, the
undersigned as the Administrator
with the will annexed of the estate of
said decedent will on Monday, the
22nd day of Aug., 1910, at the hour of
1 p. m. of said day, at the court house
door in the city of Albany, Linn coun
ty, Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand,
subject to the approval and confirma
tion of said court, the following prop
erty, to-wit: The S. E. H of Sec. 30,
in Tp. 13 S. of R. 1 W. of the Wil
lamette Meridian in Linn county, Ore
gon, containing 160 acres more or
Dated this 19th day of July, 1910.
Admr.' with Will annexed of said
Amor A. Tussing, .Atty. for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Mary Junkin, deceased, has filed
his final account in said estate with
the county clerk of Linn County,
Oregon and the county judge has set
Monday, the 15th day of August at
9 o'clock in the forenoon and the
county court house as the place for
county court room as the place for
hearing objections to said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
L. L. SWAN, Atty.
PROCURED AND DEFEN DEO. mdmodJ-arawloa-orphoto.forexpert
search and Tree report.
Free adVice, bow to obtain patents, trade marks,
copyrights. etc aj ALL COUNTRIES. .
Biulnert direct vitn Washington tavei time,
money and often the patent.
Patent and Infringement practice taciiwvaij.
Writ., nr mum to lis at
JJ Mints strait, opp. United itatss ttat Offlce,
I'romptlT ol.:Uiifd. or FEE RETURNED.
THE LOWEST, bond model, photo or Aketch for
INFRINCCMENT Mils conducted before all
court. I-atents obtained mroujrn n-. nu.n.-
Tisao ana ULD, IW. I -
SiOH snd COPYRICKTS quickly obtained.
upposlto u. a. ratent winw.
The monthly report of Dr. W. H.
Davis, county health officer was tiled
There were the most deaths in Linn
Linn county in July yet reported for a
single month, 25, but 9 of them were
accidenal, so that the record was not
bad. Seven were :over 60, two over
During the month the birth record
was also big, 44. Dr. F. J. Laird, of
Lebanon, led in attendance 9, with
Wallace & Son next with 8, Dr. J. C.
Booth third with 6, Drs. Davis and Ellis
each 4.
Med ford exDects to have a pear crop
of 250 cars. '
W. t'. Fortmiller joined his family at
the Bay this afternoon.
Mrs. L. E. Hamilton returned last
night from Portland.
A. J. Chambers, of Brawley, 'Calif,
has been in the city.
A. F. Sterrett, of Willamette, III.,
has been in the city.
The democats of Texas have endors
ed Bailey for president.
Joe Gans, the pugilist, died yesterday
of consumption, a complete knock out.
Benjamin I. Cohn, a prominent Port
land merchant, died at Victoria, B. C.
last night.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Jordan, of Amity,
formerly of this city, were Albany vis
itors today.
S. G. Simons left this morning on a
trip to Southern Oregon and Northern
W. W. Pollock went to the Bay this
afternoon to join Mrs. Pollock and
Cant. Merrill Phillips and family ar
rived this noon on a visit at Mrs.
H. L. Day and family, of Portland,
former Albany people, went to the Bay
this afternoon.
M. S. .'Spencer, manager of the
Northwest Corporation at Eugene, has
been in the .city.
Mrs. H. F. Merrill went to the Bav
I this afternoou. Miss Bessie and Johnny
are aireaqy tnere.
George Anderson has returned from
Seaside, where he atttnded the big
Elk s clambake.
An immense apple show is to be held
at Victoria B C. Oct. 31 Nov. 6, with
$25,000 in prizes offered.
A drummer out at Lebanon yesterday
in the city to-day, reported seeing some
fish picking berries.
Burke's Uncle Tom's Cabin showed
on the depot grounds last night to a
large audience, unouga said.
Redmond brothers, former fellow
students of Eugene Dooley at Columbia,
went to the Bay this afternoon.
Mr. an J Mrs. W. H. Warner are home
from their trip to the big Elk's doings
at Astoria and Seaside.
Dennis Merrill and Tom Watkins re
turned this morning from a timber
cruise in Northern California.
Mrs. C. V. Littler has returned from
Newport and Dr Littler is expected
home from Bay City in a day or two.
Jerome Lasselle has returned from
looking after, business for the Fruit
Association, ;in eastern (Jregon and
Hon. Jefferson Myers, of Portland,
prominent as a democratic candidate
lor governor, went to the Bay this
Horace B. Fenton, son of W. D.
Kenton, in a class of 115 examined by
the stnte medical board in July, stood
the highest.
Billv Clark, hustling for the big office
of state printer, went to Corvallis this
afternoon to see if be can't tie up the
assemmy eiepnant.
Dr. W. F. Jones has bought the
residence of Mrs. Wilbur; Francis and
will return to Albany to reside, with
his office at the farmer's feed shed.
Dr. D. T. Bancroft will speak tonight
at the Presbyterian church on How to
Do Things, Go and learn how, for he
has had the experience. Admission
At American Lake yesterday two
regiments whipped the regulars in a
sham battle that covered Oregon with
glory, and the Albany boys were in the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fortmiller and son
Teddy arrived last night from a visit to
Mr. r ortmiller s boyhood home, New
ark, N. Y., where they spent several
weeKs pleasantly.
Misses Bernice Powell and Florence
Asb, two charming young ladies of
Salem, returned home this morning
after a several weeks visit with Albany
Harry Trinwith. a former Albany
man. died several weeks atro in Eureka.
Calif., and his estate is now being ad
ministered here, he having consider
able property in this county.
Get this week's Saturday Evening
Post of Riley Lobaugh. It is a good
jne. There is a new story The Line of
(.east Resistance, by Eugene Manlove
Rhodes, and Pete the Policeman is a
Wn. Rees, of Corvallis. got mad at
his wife, struck her over the head wilh
a cane, and is now under S800baii. II.
tnd Airs. Rees have been married Zl
years and he is paralyzed, except his
temper, which is terrific, and one side
it r. s body.
Luwver t'. I. Levengood is preparing
to e. ect in Lebanan a two elorv con-cn-ie
otri.ciure, with two stores, urn
to be occupiH hy Bl ckburn & Under
wood, drui'uists, tnc other by the Let
anon CaFh Produce Co. There is to be
j lodge room above.
Miss Graci Brownell. of Aberdeen,
Wash , arrived last night on a visit with
Albany friends, and is the guest of thr
Misses Shultz. Mrs. E. L. Power, ol
Pendleton, after a three week's visit
it the home of her folks in Aberdeen
accompanied her to Portland, when
ihe will remain a week before return
ng home.
Present The myor, recorder, mar
shal and Councilimn Marshall, Miller,
Chambers and Snell.
The following bills were ordered paid:
J A Warner $185.00, Raymond Tom
linson Sili 00, Albany Transfer Co.
$2 75, Watson Bros. $1.00, A. G. Long
$8 00, Medin & Stuart $4.16. O. 6.
Rowell $2.00, T. O. Hanson $6 00, C
M Burkhart $2.00, H. F. Merrill $16.00,
M Ludwig $1.00, Foshay & Mason
$4.10, C. G. Rawlings $2 50, F. K.
Churchill $1.25, Aloany Lumber Co.,
$57.02, H. Bryant $12.10, E. F. Sox
$7.00.0. Beam $3..0,R. A. Murphy $6.05,
H. .Neeley $6.35, Peter Riley $205.00,
F. Wolz $21.95, J. Kruse $1.15, M.
Senders & Co. $4.85, Hulbert & Ohling
Co. $25.95. N. W. Co. $202.58, Mayor
and council $42.00, Riley Hulbert $10.20,
H. Bryant $16.20, Bow Yoen Co. $38.40,
F. Tharp $133.65, Warren Construction
Co. $19,918.81, E. L Umphrey $100.15.
Continued: Willamette Cement Co.
$900, N. W. Corporation for water and
sprinkling '$100, P. E & E. R. R.
$58.50, J. D. McDaniel $46.30.
The following wete recommended by
the streetsjperintendent: Cement side
walk Lvon street block 60. alUy cross
walk between Second and Third, block
14. and were ordered. Also improve
ments recommended a month ago.
The alliey in block 9 was ordered
paved, with 2 foot cement walks on
side, 10 inches deep.
Washington street was ordered payed
1st to 9th.
M. Senders & Co. were granted per
mission to erect a reinforced concrete
building 67 by 70, also Fortmiller & Co.
,34 by 94 leet, two stories.
Petition of A. D, Barker et al asked
I for proper drainage of property at Elis-
' worth and 10th streets. Referred,
I Petition of John Umphrey et al aBked
for a sewer. Referred.
Petition of Felix Dodele et al asked
the city to reject all requests for pave
ment and objected to taxation until
proper sewerage, bridges, sidewalks,
: gran .-a, etc. are provided the east end
'of tne city. Referred,
I The Northwestern Corporation pre
sented a proposition to install a trunk
: water main, if 83 additional hydrants
are used, making 42 in all, at $2 per
, month each, and 50 additional arc lights,
77 at $5 each, a total of $84 for water
and $385 for lights $469 per month
in all. The present price f jr lights is
$6.75. Referred to committee on ways
and means.
I The acceptance of the franchise of
the Albany Interurban was read.
An ordinance was passed providing
for an established graoe on 4th street
between Jackson and jetterson sts.
Pavement In frontof Mrs. Schlossers
was reported investigated and will be
attended to.
Councilman Miller complained of the
failure of several in the western part of
the city to connect with sewers and
they were ordered to do so at once.
I The matter of fiirno nirrhts for tha
I fire engine, there being objection to
jonn uauin was reierreu to tne com
mittee on fire and water with power to
Mr. Bryant announced that his gift
of a five acre park would be withdrawn
if not attended to at an early date, and
tne stnngs will ail Do on it.
The committee on Streets and public
property was directed to investigate
paving heretoiore done.
News From
Albany's Six Early
The remains of Mrs. Bessie Morrison,
wifeof Dr. Nehbris, were brought
irom rjugene and taken to JNorth Pales
tine for burial. E. L. Jones conducting
the services. Mrs. Nehbris was a
daughter of J. K. Morrison, of Oregon
city, a lormer resident ot Albany,
Several old friends attended the funer
al from here.
Prof. Parks, of the O. A. C. left on a
trip up the C. & E to make a special
examination of rock, and later will go
with Judge Duncan on a . trip to the
county's quarries to make a test on
Linn county rocx.
F. P. DeVaney arrived from Lebanon
and bis son Ex-Councilman A. J. De
Vaney and wife, of near Jefferson left
for home.
Dr. Stevens left for his home at
Chas. McCullough, of Portland, re
turned from a trip to the Philpot farm,
for a visit with his parents and sisters
of this city.
Mrs. Blanche Cox Sharp and daughter
of Portland, formerly of this city, after
a trip to tne creitennusn springs, lett
for home.
Father Lane left for Sodaville to con
duct a wedding this forenoon.
Uus Neeley left for tbe bay lor an
Bishop Christy, after spending the
night at Father Lane's, left for Mill
City, to inspect the work of the temple
Stanley Stewart and family left lor
tneir nome at Lieuanun. I esieruay
they attended a Stewart picnic in Bry
ant's ParK.
Miss Etta Wren, of the Dalles schools
left for home after a visit at the home
of her sister, Mrs. A. R. McCoy. Miss
Wren has taught the fourth grade of
The Dalles schoo's for twelve consevcu-
tive years, a splendid record. She has
i secured for next year.
Georgia Minstrels.
There are two days that the amusement-loving
populace always look for
ward to with pleasure circus day and
mi"'trel clav.
C ireu3 day hai passed and min:;tr?l
day is almost here, and this time
it is the very best of all Richard &
Pr nile's Minst:els.
Tnty will appear at Albany on Aug.
Prof, and Mrs. Fulkerson, formerl) Ranpe of temperature 82-41, the cool
of the Corvallis schools, last year re est morning for some time,
sided near Salem, will teach in the The river continues at .8 foot,
newerg high school tbe coming year. Ptedictim: fair tonight and Saturday.
President Lovett and party of the
Harriman lines, after coming up
through Bend to Prineville. left that
city yesterday morning for the Vulley
Dy way or the old Lebanon wagon road,
They arrived in Lebanon at 10:30 last
night, remaining there over night for a
rest, and this morning took their spec
ial train for Portland. It consisted of
Superintendent Field's private car,
California, Manager O'Brien's car
Orerron and President Lovett'a car.
just plain 99, with two box cars for the
autos. The distineushed party arrived
at Albany at 9:30 and remained fifteen
minutes, coming out on the platform,
directed by Manager O'Brien. Judge
Liovect, in ms plain, ngnt summer suit,
was according to his pictures, a fine
looking man of few words.
lie seemed Bomewhat stunned at a sug
gestion that valley people would appre
ciate the extension of the Corvallis and
Eastern from Detroit into Eastern Ore-
gon, and didn't seem to know anything
nhnilt if . Ua oaiH 1.A kail oan nna man
who didn't want a railroad. He was !
amongst sage brush in eastern Oregon,
working to get his car started, waiving
his hand without a remark.
Upon a short notice Hon. J. ;K.
Weatherford of the C. & E.. President
McCnne of the Commercial Club. Secre
tary Van Winkle, W H. Goltra, J. C.
Holbruok. D. O. Woodworth. W. A.
and John Barrett, D. C. Green, J. C.
Hammel, the Democrat man and others
were on hand to extend greetings and 1
solicit a ride over Albany, courteously ,
declined because in a hurry to reach
Chapel Car.
After a weeks successful mission at
Lyons, tbe Chapel Car is now at Mill
City, engaged in its noble work. The
car will arrive in Albany on Friday
morning and will remain in the yardB of
the local depot until Saturday vwhen it 1
win proceed to Harrisnurg. where an-
Whnr db spent m m.B.onBry
Ho"ivmass:will be celebrated in the 1
chapel car by Rev. Father O'Brien, on
Saturday morning at 8:15. Vis-tors
win ue welcome.
Shot at Newport.
it ... . . , .
Kenneth Abbott, a sixteen year old
clerk in the store of Wilcox & Hammer
? "lFtee wf 8 goin.? h?5e..mth
Mr. Wilcox Tuesday night, with the re-
3Jt! VJ'ZZZlfSJfj;?; w
land. Young Abbott was frightened
and thinking they were ro libera, fired,'
rt;:'i;rSi. tl-'aL-.tV--: a.-V'.
uiuiug i.uiiui m me mign. alio uoy
will be prosecuted.
The Ideal Citizen.
D. G. Crow, author of System and
Science Applied to Human Development
has located in Lebanon and soon will
begin a series of lectures on the same
subject, organizing for the develop
ment of the ideal citizen, a big under
taking, with such a vast difference of
opinion on what the ideal citizen is.
Prof. Crow was a resident of Albany
several months.
One of the Webber Boys.
Mr. Al Webber, Portland, teyoung-
ant- i-tt t-ha fan 'ithilrlran itf fnvmaf fMiinf
Engineer Joe vvebber. is in the city,
now specialist in automobile insurance,
This is his first visit here since leaving
twenty years ago. All of the Webber
family, Mrs. Webber and her nine
children are in Portland but one,
The Quell Grill.
R. A. Peterson, a forme' Albany
Restaurant man, has returned to Al
bany, and will again be found in charge
of the restaurant at Second and Broad
albin streets, under the above name.
He is a competent caterer, and de
servrs a liberal patronage.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 83-45.
The river .8 foot.
Prediction: fair tonight and Friday.
?owerfua Tramatic P'cture at the
The program for Friday and Satur
day at the Dreamland is an unusually
fine one the feature "Convict No. 790''
is a powerful dramatic picture because
it depicts the transition of human pas
sion. "The Little Preacher" is a very
pleasing Western tale the story is full
J,f actjon and nold3
Ot action and noios tne interest jrurn
beginning to end. "Faith Lost and
Won" teaches the lesson that even
though love may be lost, yet lov is all
powerful and '.he most beautiful and
deservable thing in life; the Travel
ogues "Sidney South Wales- iss
Edyth Neilson will sing "I love My
Steady, But I'm Ciazy for .Viy "(jn'-e-in-a-while."
At the Hotels.
J. E. STwart, SpringfieM.
H E. V-lnti'ie & family, Salon.
M. It filler Hronvill.
V. H. i n rjitts. Gates
K riwvorr', c; iniiy.
',. K. Fuller, Portland.
J.J. Hcnlerson. Coburg.
Perry T'lither, Lebanon.
H. W. Kries. Portland.
Mrs. Fred Melrose, Mrs. C. H. Dag
gett. The Weather.
Dr. D. T. Brancroft, the man who
saw Lincoln assassinated, last night at
the Presbyterian church spoke on How
to Do Things. He was formerly a
commercial traveller, but gave it up tor
Christian work. He built the big
Bancro't tabernacle in Kanses City and
told of his experience in doing things
himself. The secret of success in
church and Sunday school work is get
ting out and doing things oneself, not
leaving" it for others. The Christian
needs to look himself over and see if he
is cinsisent. Too manv iuat denend
upDu their faith. There must be more
work. While the work is different in a
place like Albany from Kansas City,
the spirit needed the same. Go out and
bring ' them in, using the gospel of
kindness and goodness is the prescript
ion for doing things.
Tonight Dr. Bancroft will deliver his
lecture on theAssasination of Abraham
Lincoln, showing several souvenirs, one
a wooden button from the log house in
..I l. i : i , a j i :
UtUIl a.iiit:uiti uticu 11VUU. AUIIllOOlOIl
free with a collection
A Talk for the Children.
Some interesting stories to inculate
reverenee for the Deity, and to nurture
good citizenship by the cnildren's friend
at W. C. T. U. Hall on Sunday, Aug.
14, at 3:30 p. m, All children under
ninety years. cordially invited to attend.
A free will offering for mission work
will be received.
The Knights Templars will meet in
Tlonvor novr .
Denver next year.
M iss Frances McCourt went to Port-' Eggloston, a former newspaper man,
land this afternoon. i naB been city recorder of Ashland for
Arthur Purdom returned this noon four years, Mrs. Eggloston, nee Miss
from a telephone cruise, : Schmeer, is formerly of this city, where
Miss Belle Chance went to the Bay Bne waa born
this afternoon for a few days outing. I
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevenson, of
North Yakima left this afternoon for
Rev John Acheson of portlandi ar.
rived. this noon on avisitwithhis father
" lf,r- Tlv!, .
- . - -""an... uu
moved to Alhanv to reside with Conrad
, Mever.
Mrs. Davis went to junction this
! afternoon for a visit with her brother
c c- Barber.
jf r. and Mrs. Chas. McDonah, of
Vancouver, Wash., arrived this noon
on a short visit.
Th H hnmB nf Mnvnr n p Hnlwt of
Junction, was burned last night, start-
mg about 10 o clock,
G. Co. of this city was among thOBe
nllrl m.f tn hair. flrht A
can Lake yesterday.
According to the Journal the fiscial
, census will show 223,000 for Portland
! and 203,000 population for Seattle.
I Miss Mary Vandran returned this
noon from a Portland trip in the inter-
est of the new hotel.
Miss Ruth Allen, of Marshfield, is in
the citv on a visit with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dumond.
Mrs. Babe Cohen Graham, of San
m : ; ;.. .u :... ' ..!!t t
the home of her mother. Mrs. Phil
, ,k '
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Millard this1
weeK returned irom a trip to i.rooK tio"n soiitaire, dandelion, omission, lub
county by way of the Lebanon wagon oratory acidj beginning, arctic, fascin-road-
' ate, hyphen, surpass, annihilate, melon,
Lee and Hubert Fortmiller returned typhoid, privilege, parliament, gram-
tnisnoon irom junction, wnere cney
' nnve Deen curing ine uusence oi ineir
parents in the east.
MrB. Day and grandson Louis Sears
went to Portland today for a visit.
Miss Florence Sears, of Seattle, will
will make tilings lively in place of Louis.
W. F. Hammer and family are . at
their Haystack farm, Crook county,
looking after harvest matters. Their
post office is Culver.
Miss Inp Smith returned this noon
from the Bay, and will be followed to.
night by the rest of Sheriff Smith's
Tnmiin wnn nnoai noan rnofta
family, who have been there,
Mr. Hal Jackson has sold his drug
store at Coburg, and went to Portland
this afternoon. Mrs. Jackson willviBit
at the home of her father A. R. Mc
Coy, for a week longer.
Miss Bessie Covell. of Whitehall,
Mich., arrived this noon on a visit with
her former Whitehall schoolmate, Mrs.
Allan Stellmacher, , after a seperation
of seven years.
The democratic state central commit
tee met in Portland last night to talk
over mutters. The papers have been
full of lies about the committee hereto
fore having met and selected a ticket.
Albany is the ice center,
works here are running da:
Tha Ww Ira
or- ln? Jce
ri nil
but cannot meet the demand, and hence
has to uhip in irom other places.
Yesterday a car load arrived from Eu
Oliver M. Hickey of Portland, candi
date for representative, is the first to
file his cut for the pamphlet with the
secretary of state. He waB in the cily
yesterday. Statesman. Hickey is a
graduate ot Albany college.
Richard A. Ballinger, secretary of
. . . f ' J. .
the interior, whom the government is
having a hard time getting rid of, was
shown Portland yesterday. He will go
to Klamaih Falls, accompanied by Con
gressman Hawley and others.
A chorus of male voices last night
around 11:45 on First street presented
a serenade concert, with songs and
monologues. The favorite seemed to
be: "My Wife's Gone to the Country,
and That's the Best Thing in the
Dr. N. E. Winnard, of Heppner, is in
the city, coming over from the Bay
last evening, where he has been a couple
weeks, leaving his family for a longer
stay. Ho recently invested in a power
site at the new town of Crescent fifty
miles south of Bend, with good pro
Eugene Register: George Frazer, Jr.,
of the Frazer Iron Works, reports the
sand conveyor for the Albany Sanrl and
Gravel company will be shipped Hit
latter part of the week. The mana tor
of that company was in the city s inn
time ago and was taker, with the cm
veyor.whicli wasdeiigned hy the Frizei
Iron Works, and placed an order ft
By the Man About Town.
The gravel wagons have made a
rough house of the navement on Hrnnrl.
albin between Second and Third streets.
A picture of the now Schmitt block-
shows one of the prettiest buildings in
tne vauey. it win ue ot wnite pressed
brick on Broadalbin and Third streets,
with four openings for four stores on
Broadalbin and a stairwav to the sec
ond story,
The pavers on Broadalbin street have
reached Sixth etreet, with three mora
blocks to do there.
J. R. Flvnn has moved into the resi
dence recently vacated by Ed. Wiles,
now in his own home, and W. H. Mar
vin into the new Bamford residence
Some Scio fair cards, with divers
pictures, a neat little affair for boosting
the fair.
No. 20, due at 1:45 north bound, II
about the only train on time, on the
main line.
News from Albanys Six
The second section of No. 16 arrived
at 7 o'clock, a solid mass of steel cars.
I . Sfll fW'Z. .3
1 asuiauu, arrtvoa uu mo .io tram tutu
, ft t th B , outlnir. Mr.
I President Crooks left for Portland on
college business.
in a lew wee's he
I will leave for the east.
I F. P. DaVunav. Orecnn'n nlrloot Kile
on his wav to Newnort for more
summer outing i
jummer outingandto ,6ok after hil
Mw. fl Unnn la f a 1.
vioit with Portland friends.
, m- and Mrs. John R. Beard came
fown from Lebanon. Mr. Beard has
had a wide experience in travelling the
past few years, all the way from Daw-
son to Southern California.
M. Winter left again.
Harold Weider left on a trip to New-
port for his summer's outing.
Bert Stevens went to Portland.
. o. lates ana vi. w. .uine went
to Brownsville on the motor.
N. M. Newport and family inft for
, , , ,
r V V II
j3n T0U Pe"'
How many of the following words
can you spell. They are the oneB given
the- teachers in their examination this
week, just plain everyday words:
Chorus, pallid, solemn, crocus.
ngnast. ugntning, irritate, encore.
scientific, magnetize, malign, utilize,
. balance, rehovo, courtesy, isthmus,
vvuuiieBuuv, ui'Liuuuuiu, cnum, buutu-
quy. intelligence, piteous, accommoda-
mar, excusable, Bketch, misspell, sun-
oeam, enicient, vauey, prize, surprise,
burial, waltz, perseverance, exhilarate,
consistent, accomplish, weird, allegory,
oxygen, chronic, instrument, pavilion,
souvenir, precaution, aspargus, scoun
drel, smuggle, sculpture, emission,
malaria, acquainted, cemetery, insep
arable, suspicious, dilapidate, surfeit,
precipice, militia, league, mucilage,
, catarrh, chloroform, vicissitude, plain
phonograph, reminiscence,' Mediter
ness, ruupuerry, iNupuiouii, uemgn,
coincidence, aquiriu'm. insensible, robin.
i . .- . . .
poultry, pnysics, luxury, iceberg, pallet.
Springfield Will Celebrate. .
Springfield will hold a three day's
celebration on August 18, 19 and 20,
to celebrate the completion of the big
bridge of the Portland Eugene and
Eastern railway across the Willamette
river and the entrance into the city of
the trolley line from Eugene
On the first day there will be a base
ball game, a 60-yard foot race, fat
man's race and rope-climbing contest.
On the second day there will be an
uwii"ic . cc, ivv-jraiu iuul ruts,
, hose race, log sawing contest and ring
pny rac?- 0n the th'rd dfly by'B Pony
race, lames pomes race, DaDy show,
automobile race, egg race, tug of war
and log driving contest.
Ducked in a Trough.
The threshing crew of George
nonen, 01 near uaKvine, made
la8t Saturday that the first man who
(tram a rn r.ha throahino mflnhinn Mnnrlmi
came to the threshing machine Monday
morning with his beard Bhavcd, wbb to
be ducked in the water tank. Mr. Mil- '
hollen himself was the only one to ap
pear shaved, making the boast that
there would be do ducking, or he would
look for a new sack sewer and water
hauler; but the ducking occurred just
the same and the entire crew remains
intact. The performance was immense
ly enjoyed and is appreciated by Mr.
Milhollen also.
J. A. Perry, a former Linn county
man. and another Medford man are
building one of the finest blocks in Med
ford. The annual conference of tho M. E.
Church will be at Hillsboro beginning
Sept. 21, with BiBhip Charles W. Smith
in charge.
A Medford man, who has a sister in
Albany, has been offered $1,000 an acre
for 040 acres close to thut city, and has
refused it.
The Harriman p'an ns announced by
Judge Lovett is to extend the Des
chutes road south from Redmond to a
connection with the Natron-Klamath
line, but he would not say wl e e.