AT THE COURT HOUSE. Deeds recorded: , Emma Lassell to W. W. M. Hawk 2,31 acres Harrisburg $ Cbas Gallia to W. A. Mason 1-4 acre Mill Citv Asa Tindall to M. Tindall .Oacres 3000 600 Minning claim L. H. Simmon to the Revised Tariff Santiam district. D. C. Smith, witness. Martgage for $800. Satisfaction $700. Answer filed by C. C. Bryant in Ore gon Electric agt. Mrs. Moench et al. In estate of Henry Stephens. Heniy Stephens Jr. has petition for appointr ment as administrator, value of prop erty estimated at $10,000. Twiorntinn nf Grant Froman to be a candidate for recorder in the republican primaries. A Reunion at Bryant's Park- A very pleasant reunion was held at the park Aug. 14, when four sisters, some : of whom had not met for twenty , years, joined an anxiously waning crowd of about thirty-five relatives. ! A table groaning beneath a load of Oregon's best, greeted them on their arrival at the park. ' Those present were: Mrs. Margaret Thompson and daughter Miss Minnie, of Churchs Ferry, N. D., Mrs. Mary Gahley, daughter and grandson, Mrs. Minnie Andrews and Howard Andrews, of Parma, Idaho, Mrs. Kate Beem, of ir. flal.. Mrs. Lizzie Ulrich. of I The Dalles, Mr. and Mrs. Heike Ohling and family. Mrs. Bert Veal and son Percv. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoflich and family, Mrs. Lena Caldwell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Hoflinch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hoflich and son, Mr. and Mrs. Mox Hoflich and son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoflich, Mrs. Mable Ho flich and daughter, Mr. .- flich and Mr. M. Hoflich. Herman Ho- ' : " I Letter List. ' The following letters remain in the .'Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Aug. 17. 1910. Persons desiring any or wuura. these letters should call for advertised Rev. Douglas and family have re letters, giving the date: ' turned from their summer's outing at Paulo Bronon, Louis Butchek, p. C. Niagara. 1 :B.41inger,B. H. Caldwell, Thulia Fr.'ser, S. L. Mvers, of Ketchikan. Alaska. Mrs. ijeo. Gateson, Kobt. Hemmer, F. P. Keniston. Cassius Marsh. Mrs. J K Mro I . A. Merriman, W. S. Rawhauser. Mabel Ralston, G. W. Samuels, W. T. Thomp son, R. Howard White. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. dersigncd has been by the County Court of Linn Countv. Orecon. dulv appointed administrator of the estate ! Misses Myrtle Wyatt and Tillie Eck of Dana Burmester, deceased. All art and Mrs. J. W. Walsh went 'to the , persons having claims against' the , Bay to-day for an outing, estate of said deceased are hp reby j W. R. Struble left Saturday evening required to present the same with for Seaview, Wash., to join Mrs. . proper vouchers to the undersigned at Struble, who was reported ill. his residence, in the city of Albany, 1 c. A. Smith has gotten mad and is in j-inn county, wregon, witnin six months from the date of this notice. Dated this Mh day ot Augusviyju. C. H. STEWART. .HEWITT & SOX, Admr. Attorneys for Admr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Notice is hereby eiven that the un- dersigned has been by the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of Conrad Schuebel, late of said conn- tv. deceased. All oersons havinc claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the First National Bank, in the city of Albany, in Linn county, Oregon, within six months .from the date of this notice. Dated this Sth day of August, 1910. O. A. ARCHIBALD, HEWITT & SOX, Admr. Attorneys for Admr. ' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby eiven that the un dersigned executrix of the last will and testament of 1 nomas Brandon, de ceased, has filed in the County Court ot .Linn county, Uregon,- her final ac count as such executrix, and that said court has fixed Monday, the Sth day of September, 1910, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, as the time tor the hearing ot objections to said hnal account, and the settlement there of. ELIZA BRANDON, HEWITT & SOX, Executrix. Attorneys' for Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE- MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has tiled in the County Court of Linn county, Oregon, her hnal account as administratrix with the will annexed of the estate of Isaac Meeker, late of said county, deceased, and that said court has fixed Mon day, the 5th day of September, 1910, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, as the time for the hearing of objections to said final account, and the settlement thereof. MARY E. MEEKER, HEWITT & SOX, Administratrix. Attorneys for Executrix. .admin7stratrixtsn'ot7cr Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the county court of Linn county. Oregon, administratrix of the estate of Conraclcna Arnold, deceased. Ail persons having claims' aga!n.;! said estate arc hereby required to pre sent same to the undersigned at her residence. N'o. 440 East First street. Albany. Oregon, with proper voucher? as by law required, within six monlr.: from the date o: tl.if notice. Dated this 1.1th lnv r,f Tulv. 1910. MIX. VIE l'RO.MM. Ad : n rx. L. L. Swan, Atty lor Admrx. (MONDAY.") HOW IT GETS INTO ALBANY. The route of the Oregon Electric into Albany from the north is an interest ing one. Forjnearly two miles beyond Main street it will parallel the South ern Pacific, with a common right of way line between, diverging just be yond Main and striking Fifth street through the property of Mrs. Moench and children, for which about nine lots are being secured by legal process, made necessary by there being minors. The price has been agreed upon. Just beyond it crosses the Salemroad, takes in a slice of A. W. Docks tedder's property , runs through an old house at Pine street, on down through an open space to Geary and Salem road, where it will cut in two the home nf W. H. Hiatt, which he has bonded with about three lots for about $4,000. There will be a station at this place. Then it goes through the farm of W. C. Burkhart. cutting iu two an eight acre walnut and neach orchard. On this place the water street route begins, in all a little over five acres ot being required of Mr. Burkhart for the two lines. Tho Water 1 street route will make a cleanup of cow provement. pofliuico aim omaii ili.go, uew.wu .... New High School. The contract was let today in the office of Wm. Hand architect for a new two room hieh school building at Crab tree for districts 109. 110 and 114. It will cost nearly $3,000, with the heating plant, a p-ctty structure. Irwin Rolfe. of Eugene, spent Sunday in Albany. Mrs. Creed Hammond, of Engene, is visiting at S. S. Bailey's. Col. F. J. Parker, of Portland, went to the Bay this afternoon. Mr. andrMrs. B .T. Jordan, of Amity, left for home this afternoon. Miss Gay and Mrs. Helmick have re turned from their Washington trip. Three bids for a new school house at Coburg ranged from $11,500 to $15,101. Dr. H. A. Leininger has returned from a fishing and hunting trip to the y,, hEHn hera attnr reading Alhnnv ..: . nterafure. 1 Mrs. J. R. Wyatt is in the city look ing after her new apartment house on Ff th street. Mrs. II. C. Watson, of Eugene, was in the city to-day looking aftpr her Al- j, ... . d last night from Dr. Littler will C. H. Cusick returned his Bay City outing be home tonight. selling all of his Oregon timber land, about $6,000,000 worth. Poor fellow. ! u- and Mra. j. M, Keenev. of Shan- ; iko, were in the city to day in their auto on their way to the Bay for an outing. Mr. and Mrs. John M. French and j Setn Tomas French returned last night i from tbe Bay ana F M- French went . t0 the Bay. Florence Nightningale died yesterday at London, at the age of 90 years and the entire world mourns che death of a 'noble woman. Geo. L. Walker, of Alameda, Calif., passed throucrh the citv vesterdav on the Shasta for Portland to join his wife lor a iew days visit. Mrs. Alderson, mother of Mrs. R. L. Buikhart. of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Delroth, of Detroit, Mich., ar rived this noon on a visit. There are four candidates for con stable in the Eugene district, one F. T. Plank, who did some detective work in Albany several months ago. The management of the Boise, Idaho, Chautauqua, write that they will send a delegate to the Chautauqua conven tion at this city Sept. 16, if possible. J. H. Ralsto.-j, Mrs. He'nrietta;Brown and Miss Kate Stewart left Saturday afternoon for Mr. Ralston's Buick, making the trip in four hours. Mr. and tors. Elmer Ries arid Arch Ries, of Porilanj, spent yesttrdav in Albany. Elmer is with the WHrrenCo. and Arch in the U. S. ew; ineer. s office. The funeral of Harvey W. Scott at Portland yesterday wan a notable event. Rev. Elliot, of the Unitarian church :ind the Knights Templara conducted tho services. Ihe floral tributes wer elaborate. J. H. Thompson and family have' re turned from Cascadia, wture they spent several weeks. There are fifty to seventy-five tents, making a town of sever:. 1 hundred people, a delightful place ;'or an outing.. Ful'y a thousand Deonle went to tha Bay yesterday to the Clambake. The bake was a bier affair enioved it was declared by five thousand people, in cluding about four thousand already there. Jesse Galbraith residing near this city has a couple vcres of as fine corn as one can find anywhere, tall and w-ll filled out. Some stalks brought to town measured 9 feet 8 inches. Hueh Fisher has iust comnlt-terl thp sale of two lots, through the J. F. Powell agency, to J. M. Hawkins and S. C. Worrell. Mr. Hawkins cets a lot on Ninth street, opposite the college. ar.d Mr. Worrell on Eighth street in cha rear of Mrs. Turner's residence. Prineville Journal: The party con- istinir of Mrs. C. M. Elkms and child to. Si Hodses and son Otto. Grandpa J imcs Elkins and Randolph Ketehum ivl wiCe returned the last of the week ''un the Cascades. They had l-f-cr, n month and th"jir experi ?n :nu'd fill a huge book. Q.CO.IN CAMP. Camp Cosgrove, Wash. Aug. 12. The Albany Company are all in good health and enjoying camp life immense ly in spite of the fact that there is much arduous labor each day. Drilling and maneuvering consumes most of tne day, but the boys all have time for a plunge in the lake or a trip to Tacoma and no complaint is heard from them. The Y. M. C. A. have two large tents here for the use of the men, one for entertainment and one for writing and reading and it is needless to say that they are always full. On Wednesday Gov. Bowerman of Oregon, and Gov. Hav of Washine-ton. visited the camp on a tour of inspection and seemed to be well pleased with the appearance ot the troops. A sham battle full of ex citing incidents took place between the Ked Army and tne crown Army aim the honors captured by the "Reds" of j which the Albany company formed a ; part.v During parol dril on Thursday afrernopn and while the Albany boys I were advancing on tne enemy, mey were called upon to assist in fighting a forest fire which was rapidly nearing a . farm house and heavy timber. After ; several hours severe work it was final- ly extinguished. The Albany company is very fortunate in having as cook this year, H. J. Moore of Albany, and many xieguiuia iiave i,... j his cooking as well as the "Guard" ' officers. LELAND R GILBERT. i News trom Albany s MX cany Trains. Al. Reed, of the Siletz, a former Al banv barber went to Chemawa after, my barber, went to Uhemawa attei f,n fhi.i uhn hm hoon ni tend, ing school there. Another one run away last week and skipped back to the land of his birth.' Mr. and Mrs. Angus Shaw left for e Bay for an outing. Mrs. Shaw has. tne Bay for an outme. Mrs. snaw nas. just returned from a visit with her sis-, t.. in Chnnibn . rVfkawa irninrr tn TJao,. port were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irvine and Harold. ., . mission man,' who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. S. u. Irvine, left for Salem to spend the forenoon with a friend, being joined this afternoon by Mrs. Crawford, hep mother-in-law, leaving for ham.e. They were greatly pleased wnn ftioany. ... .. 1 ' . . Cal f! lef t on a PoXndvisiatV s .- Vfj iS" ".1?.,: : ' . ouu mil. fimm meioioi - wcui. vvf Portland on a few davs triu. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jones returned from a trip south. Mrs. .las. Driver arid daughter re turned from Tangent. Miss Margaret Geiseridorier went to Salem and thence to Washington county to iook up some land. Mr. Dohah went up the C & E "to w y !l ,9- y- , I . Sullivan, the famous Salem Celestial, Returned to the capital city. i.w. v. v. i uimg Loiumvu irum ueu - anon T. P. Hackleman returned from a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Capt. Kuhn and family, at Lebanon. Fred Lines went to Portland. Miss Jones and Miss Ima Curran, of tho Pacific Telephone Co. left on the early train, the former for Portland, the latter for the Sound, on their vaca tion trips. Old Glory at Dreamland une ot tne strongest dramatic pic- luios ever Been in tne city will oesnown at tne ureamiano eunday and Monday, the name of this picture is "Old Glory" our country flag from its birth to the present day. An allegeucal, historical suoject enowing famous events in American history. A picture of sensa tional national interest ' The Paleface Princess" is one of the best dramas of pioneer Indian life ever produced. Just fur tiooa Luck is one of Path s best comedies, The Faithless Lover is anoth er powerful dramatic picture, beautiful views of Forcage Des Fruit and "High land Mary" sung by Miss Edith Neilson will complete an all star program. In honor of an Albany Man. Arrangements are being made for a big barbecue at Lacomb on the 26th of August in honor of C. W. Tebault, president of the Tebault Real Estate Co. of this city, given as an expression of appreciation of the manner in which Mr. Tebault has boosted that part of the county, making a good many ad vantageous sales. The barbecue will be in tile afternoon, with speches and music by the band, and a dance at night. At the Hotels Dee. Coshow, Brownsville. C. ii. Smith, Halsey Mrs. J. R Wyatt, Portland. R R. Perkins &wf, " Z Davenport, Silverton. Fred O. Anderson. Kennorer, Wyo. H. E. Merrill, Roseburg. Ashley Forrest. Delta, Colo. M. L. Meyers & wf, Salem. H. B. Cooper. Corvallis. J. F. Hostetlcr, Aurora. Trestle on Fire. When the fir:.t train arrived from the Bar lai-tniijht it found the north trestle of the C. & E. burning, with a big Maze in pro-tress. The train with its large crowd of passengers stopped and fought the fire, putting it out after con siderdble of a eontpst. A little more and the trestle would have been weak ened enmi(h to mike it unsafe. As it was not very much damage was ' done. Didn't Get Work. Paul Miller arrived in Albany today '0L-k:ng for work. Mr. Miller and twf-i.'v.six other laborers, piid Hansen &Cn.. t .van Franci-ico S7.51 each tut a job ira '.he Natron-Klamath road. an! nhrn tlvy cot there wee not '.v.-.r.te.l. Usn.f n.g'i m-;n Hire:uty A :.!. Oi !::- ., -:e. of loin bn'.ir.i-.!. Lie av-.-rai u;y emp-nyrm.-nt agency. THE SCHMITT BLOCK. I,: j f i t i. . ! liu5 upenea lor US onsiruci'On . I The bids fo-the nev, Schmitt block frc.9.0tr,ar'hlcectl Wm- ,,and RY.r; o itX.".V- n .,-cnn. I. F. Conn, Albany. 27.550; Buley& Apple-. white,Eugene,$25.950;John McChesney, ! 1 Pass. $29,616, Pioneer Construction Co., I ' Portland, $29,950; K. D. Sn-.U, Albany, i $30,500. This does not include the cost of ex- cavation and the heating plant. timber. There was no insurance, mak- The plans show two double stores, ing the loss a heavy one, probably $100 the first, one on tha nnrrh aida nf tha 000. The Comnanv has its holdings. building to be occupied by Tomlinson & Holman's grocery store; the one on the corner, it is reported, may be taken by W.B.Stevens & Co., but that is not settled, un the second floor there will be a complete suite of lodge rooms, a hall 40 by 43, dining room and all the required ante rooms; and twenty-seven office looms, in suites of one, two and three rooms, to suit the demand, with halls and all modern conveniences, heated from the basement. xue wime prenseu uncK, jrom toe factory at Willamina, will give it a solid and beautiful appearance. The location is a good one. By the Man About Town. A cow pasture in the street inside the clcv "mlc3. mis is at Harrison ana water streets, fenced in, with water street adjoining covered with under- 5"'",; Botb an9. west ,.'Ya.teJ? street haa A frnnrl rpairfanpp Hintripr.. j Between Pine and Oak a splendid job I oi grading is Deing done Dy tne city, about the only thing the city has dohe down that way of consequence. All down that wav of conseauence. around far inside the limits among pretty l.. n4 4 ..11 -iT 1 , looking like a pasture. Country ot't- houses are in evidence, only a few sidewalks are seen and there is general I atreet neo-loof Tho nennlo Sovo n J'ght to demand attention, they pay taxes the same as others, and it is up to the council to begin a systematic mprovement of that part of the City. of that part of the City. Probably Albany's finest suburban residence is that of Wm. C. Burkhart, :j ii j. nr o t. l.l iust bevond the citv limits on the Salem vnur? n mnflorn ofFnit rinnrrnlnw in itn ! makeup with a cobblestone effect to the norch and a cobb estone fence in . . t j front. The interior js elegant and Calif., under the supposition that he ; home accompanied by Miss Bernie Bar .was annraaanatcher ton. Miss Winnie Barton is already tasty. The dahlics and astors of Mr. and IkX Ol . ... . . .J I mra. unaa. ivicier, at water ana vhk ! streets are now in their glory, tho finest collection of these lasting flowers ti -yV alwav?ther i,fl'on tho rsi l of July into winter. The Man about ouuiy into winter, ine man apout Town appreciates a fine bouquet of fifteen oVtwen'y varities of dahlias, , including one showing a white and red . moom on one stalk. Only Three in Linn County - At thnrMnt tlma . thrm,nmnft.v . ; i t " . , .ov.t-ij.o uui in Linn County, besides tne regular . tax account of the drug stores, two in Al- bany. one being on First street and one on Lyon street and one m Seio. All receipts terminate July 1st, when renewals are made if desired. T.bhi-. 5!"atLhif "me '".ere were over "swi aiiio uicaiia ujiit inert nas US en a change in the business. If thr Zl mom, hiinH ! a ii,... t" ing run without a government tax, something few are wiilinir to Ho. Moat of the liquor used here is shipped in by Mr. W. A. Ledbetter of the Albany Jul omnar, the first meal In the new express to indviduals for personal con- Nurseries, Inc., returned from Eugene home, was served to about thirty re!a sumntion, and there is considerable of yesterday, and reports n largo sale of ; tives anrf friends. Those present were it, but not a fifth of what there is with Franquette Walnuts. He states they his daughters, Mrs. H Stilson, Mrs. J. the unen sa oon. anrl it ia iispH imiW cover There may be some later, a fact that will be learned if it occurs, as tho gov- ernment book at Portland is inspection. Doug's Pleasure trip. aSon. he reported to help Tput , the grounds in shape for the county fair, He had been out 10 Albany having a Doug Hamilton left for Scio this joyful time. Moving pictures are Uouc'a atronir no d. and he irenerallv un, thom nil Ha u nnminir hni-k in see some more as soon as he can get away from the fair erounds. m The Weather. Range of temperature 79 48. The river is .8 foot. Prediction: fair tonight and Tuesday, A few drops of ruin were seen this morning. Famous Georgia A'tinstrels. Thursday will be laughing nij'ht at the opera house, for on that date th'isi forty funny fellows comnrismir Kichard & Priogie's Minstrels will cut things loose. 1 he big opfnin-r number. "The Palace of Revelry." will bo a revelation. This beautiful production is a masterpiece of the scene painter's art, anr i)ua been months in construct ion. 1 he costumea and Hetunns com prise several thouxan-l yard-i silk, sat ir, ami velvet. Twenty ot tee nest Miiger ever carried hy a min3irel organization and twelve of the funn.eit comedi inj win r.nld iii:!i revelry fer nn hour. This will ho f.H'owcd by anotiier ncur! a half of th brightiMt and sn 'ppieit f olios, compri.-iinir t.-. o I i-r Rijae::ic'jlar southern number, lntrxl'icirg songs and d-rn vs of th- siuthhinl aso-ly th i neRru c u. .".-I- iin-in .-livi-n ur-r .uj .-v.wo n;, . ..i. u -i l--'ri,r Inui'nter. ' that is on'.; I scream or The Heather. -rr;' ut tprnpet.i:u!: i2 -w. ,.- r 8. . ,;k' i ii.: fair t .tiicht '! Wcd'--yr.-ttuiv-r this uftei i.oi.n i.i:il tonixhl. E. L. JONES The First Lounty Candidate. ina uroi muu w uio uiauctrnjumuui mi c l r. i u: j.iA.t:... intention of running: for office in this county is Everett L. Jones, candidate Ue7s" slogan Z- XoeUer" goodroads amendment to sec. 10 of Art. VI of the constitution, There will D0 mote- .. Will Not be Kebuilt. It is reported that the Hoover mill has will not be rebuilt A contract been made for the sale of the logs and logging outfit and some other things left, - Mavor Gavnor keens on imnrovinir. n00a . ,. . , ... The Publl schools will reopen on Monday, Sept. 19. Al. Sternberg returned last night from a Portland trip. B. Frank Irvine, of the Portland Journal was at the depot last evening. Ex-Mavor Watters and wife, of Salem, went to the Bay this afternoon. Editor F. M. Brown, of Brownsville, returned from the Bay this afternoon. Kiss Sadie Cohen and her sister. Miss , Clam Wram left- last nin-ht nn a Port-1 land trio , d 4, .u ti -n c, 1 uiibs t eteisuu, ui uiu uuiiiuiuii ovum has returned trom Portland, where sne spent her vacation season. G. W. McDowell, the Oregon Electric ; right of way man, arrived this noon on' Albany business, John Manning, of Portland, has de- aedto run for the democratic nomina- tlon tor governor of Oregon. j. m. ttaiston ano family are now an hnmo fmm tha of tor a mrr ooooinn on the edge of the breakers. . Miss Treaaa AeheSon. of Portland, is visiting at the home of her grandfather, .,J hp, mo fionrl horo n glad to have her with thsm again. D. H. James, no relation of Jesse, - for'Alhnnv'rpal eatatn man. nasaed through the city this noon on a trip to uyuvuvtu vt C. A. Smith says it is all a falsehood i t. 1 : IJ U: 4-;mV.a hnlH. about his having sold his timber hold- ines. The Democrat beers hia pardon f nr Vintrincr Viitfpn Erne9t A. FnsieTf of Lebanon, 'was hiiph k ii.i nt Snpramento. ? r-" r, . ' Vivp nhnnxious characters in Corvallis were fined and ordered to leave town ... ni U Tkon mora lint hnhnfl witnin ut uvwi. "".t vr.rv either. ' . , it raineu puVllanA veateidav a few1 minutes in old f.ii-hioned style. Also in i.... ,, aaiem. but not so much. Just a small ominklp in Aiimnu spnnKle in Albany O. P. Coshow, of Roseburcr. will not make the race for the nomination for governor. The petition was all drawn, ' when this d rcision was reached. ; I Dr. Poulkes and Rev. W. S. Holt, of Portland, and President Crooks ot this city, left for Detroit, for a fish and.; nwumM.i trio. But the grub it will' - - - take. " " . In response to a dispatch HenW Kirsch, who has been working at Mill City left last night for Seattle, where his brother-in-law Frank Rental died in fh. a, Mm u.ln .j m i,i,h! Murry Marshall and Rollm Lobauph l . i- i i- i 1 have rented the skating rink and e Bkating rink and on reopen for the coming September Wl season, promising a good place for this PPular amusement. are sure to oe a success in tnis section. In eastern Oregon there are two candidates for congress in opposition to Ellis, A. W. Lafferty and v,has. J. open for Reed. The result will be '.he nomina tion of Ellis. Even men in the right can t work together. A neat Indian story ut tho Electric was that of the Sheriff's Daughter, who had some thrilling experiences. ""ally rescued through the faithfulness of her dog and lover. Along with it is some Pre"y s??nel7'.. .. .1 Mrs. A. u. Marshall, ot Portland, had j naraiy nrieu ner teara wnen sne airnin i married a former newsnaner man nam- ed Gibson, just fourteen days after the death ot nor nusoano, a real estate man WI1U UUII1I1III.LUU ouitiiue. ' Koa many cases of fever, border ing on typhoid, are reported at Rose- burg, one phsysician having eighteen cases. It is thought to be from tho streets being torn up for paving, some- thine reauirinsr open pious and turned over dirt. 1 Mrs. Nellie Henderson and daughter, Miss Lottie, of Oakland, Calif., went tn Rein tn.rlav for .a vis t with Mrs. TV L. Dueger, mother of Mr. Henderson, Thev have been visitine several davs at the home or the sister of the former, Mia W F Pfoiffnr A. C. Ruby, the Portland horse man, whose family were recently in Albany has just broighta train load of imported whose I , i ." l, i.. i . : .'i llB lust uniuKiii.ii 1.1 am lunu ui iiuuui ecu i . D..,j t KT...I. v.i. IUIM-.3 i,J luiimuu uvm inw xu-i-v, pi . .nlmn Hn morfo Iho i,m :-. f,,n. Jin. Ttro KB In uil representing over (300,000 capital. Miss Marcus, the evangelist, arrived Iat night from Roseburg, and went tn todav, while here beinj tho guent of L. E. Hamilton and family. Miss iwa.-cus came nere wun tne jomson baud of workers, and has become a warm friend of the c ty. Her homo is at Wataonville, Calif. Rev. S. A. Douglas and family are home after their regular summer's out - injr at Niagara, one of the moat de- ehtful places in the mountains, hiirh -f.nough up for a decided change, with Rome ,no scenaiy and pretty surround- j jTijr.s. . xnoy own tneir own coita i"-ga. there. ; Frank, the Jap, janitor at thi; Elks' Club houBe, showed thn boys some il-.i lgs in swimming at th" Bay Silo ! -v 1 While swiinndng in thu Hay hn w, :u ' rut over tha 'oar, a rare feut in ba bin;; had a o.'ineernii'.i oni. hut that is the way I hey do in Ja;uii. rbemo't fear!f.u s. itr.niers in the world. OBSERVED By the Man About Town. An immense amount of cement is be ing used in Albany, three big blocks on Water street alone calling lor a t,ood deal, besides all the walks and curbs over town. A suggestion that Hon. W. R. Bilyeu one of the vallev's ablest lawyers would (make a splendid circuit judge, his long experience eminently niung mm tor tne position. K. Brannan, of Sunrise, on his run ner he is to take to the Scio fair and sweep the field. The mare is said to be a fast one. At J. W. Barton's is a squash grow ing on the top of a cornstalk and at H. C. Harkness some beans on an apple tree and raspberries on a chetrv tree. I Corvallis is not vet in the Albany class. A new cloth sign announcing that W. H. Ridgeway recently of Eugene, will reopen the Schuebel fish market in a few days. A pamphlet at the commercial club rooms, headed $1500 a year to Live Men, with a picturo of a man with his hands full of greenbacks, "Alfalfa 9"$ Mn'aF.m' "l" "asnington Dunning, rortiano, ure. Tha lBtt8r ia K E Montaf?ue formerly of this city, and the alfalfa gardens are : q Crook COUnty, News from Albany's Six Early Traint Djs Cynthia J. Ramsey, of Portland, I arrived this morning from San Francis- wucc gg uu convention of osteonaths. and stoooed off for an Albany visit, being the guest -ra: - aanuers, wnue nere. pirn m4 - tti n J . : l - t cil formerly practiced in Aieany ana nas many friends here. a : E L. Jones left on a trip in thn country in the interest of the Linn County History.. He proposes to secure --,--.. !ll T" """'" ocvuiw iimvviim o iiw kuwb.. . I Mian Xtntf Pnnn. nf Baildon. Who TG' ' cently attended the summer school and took the teacher's examination, left for i U U Hi., a there. Monroe Ward and fahiiiy left on a trip to the Breitenbush hot springs. rete nuettner returned lrom tlalsev, i where he had been on house moving k.,: u : ... j.. u..:iTl business. He is eotting ready to build another cottage, tor which lie already has a good renter. J. W. McKnight left on a trip to Lawson to spend a few days at tho Mc Knight farm. Mr. .and Mrs. J. L. Howard left for Newport to join tho Howards for an outing. m.. A D nrf:n..' -if r -i i-ifi. .'" l n " ' 1 on a rortianu viaii., I -. Arthur Purdom, of the Pacific Tele- ' phone's gang of linemen; lett for Salem i to work there awhile, U . " ' ! '' Family Reunion. A reunion was held at tha nm home south of J. D. Rolfe. a mile and half , east or Albany, last Sunday. A bounti- i"i " " n-iuunr ana iami lies ine out of town friends were Mrs. M. E Virden and Mrs. R. Chand ler and children of Portland. Erwin aid Hszel Rolfe of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Larson, of Pleasant Lake, N. D., an old friend and comrade I. ' brown, of Sweet Home, and Roil and Eleanor Bruct of Albany. At "the Hotels. S. D. Stoddard, Portland. Mrs. L. R. Wilson. Shedd. J. D. Whiteaker and wife, Independ- ence. . John Grota, Fall City. E. D. Horiran. Corvallis Jay Wilkins, Fall City. W. E. Kohler, Central Point. J. M. Switzer, Willamina. J. H. Cove, Sundpomt. H. N. Scott, Portland. Verne Waddell, Pendleton. Returned From Salt Water. The train from tho Bay last evening was two hours, late, bring ing a crowd out, ig ing a crowo out, The 6:20 train many going north, -the waited an hour and a half for them. Among those arriving were: Misses C ""'S ana MMttUcl "lou"t- Wayr.e Stuart, fc. ITl,tkt,Fpr(T, i ?i?frJIen.J,ncsi,n' . azel PJeMe K.en- Winer n ; .,, neth Merrill, A. Maris, Eva Huston, i 0. - ! lOra himOhS, Rolla Rnlston. W. W. i ronocK ana lamny, and Mr. and Mrs. J B. McCoy- rYuit f r the Display. The Commercial Club committee con tinues to receive fruit for the Great Northern exhibit, yesterday some splen did peaches, Early Crawfurds, from F. A. Huehsnn of North Albany and some Italian and sugar prunes from J. 1 J. Cale of Orleans precinct, the Italian prunes being on a limb. More fruit ia wantcd.Jall it is possible to get Plate Class Window Mashed. The pln'e glass window at Medin & Stuart's last evening 'Was mashed to pieces, and small pieces at that. The team of Prof. Head, tho piuno man, took to backing and liaclfd tho has-: clear into t!i. i minnow at ft live Dae. Hn- ikiigo iti riiriincj is ctrried on winiiow.