Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 19, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Albany Democrat.
Entered at the post ollice, Albany, Or,
becond clasB mail matter.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
FOR SALE. Twj lots.twogo-jd houses,
and a burn, For $2500, if taken at
once, bringing $20 a month rent. B.
Guldbegr, S39 E. 8th street. t20
FOR SALE. Farm of 20 acres, one
and a half miles from Albany, new 7
room house and barn, running water
all year, give immediate possession
with crop. Terms: half down and
balance in eaBy payments. Also some
household goods. Inquire at 330 S.
Main. U2
FOB BALK.-- A piano, wood as new,
half price, all kinds of household
furniture, and residence and two lots.
640 Sixth and Jefferson streets.
Home 528. 15t
WANTED Buyer or cash renter for WANTED. Millinery apprentices at
an 735 acre farm. Also will sell , the Hamilton Store,
house and three lots on main business poR RENT. Second story over Dav
street of Corvallis, and house and j enport's Music Store, 5 rooms, for
S. J. Starr, 610 S. Second St. Cor-1
vallis, Ore. t!8
HOP.PICKERS. Anyone wishing to
F. R. Daily, 227 W. 2nd street.
Bicycles, sewing machines,
umbrellas, everything.
Try him.
Every man running for congress, ac
cording to a suggestion in Every
body's, should be personally requested
to answer the following, the people
have a right to an answer to: .
If elected to congress, will you vote
I. For Cannon for speaker?
2. To take away from the speaker
the power of appointing committees an auto.
Hon. A. M. Holt and family went to
the Bay today.
Prof. Leonard, the singing evangelist,
arrived this noon.
Hon. F. J. Miller left this afternoon
for Tillamook by way of Sheridan and
, pick in the Leeper and Hodges hop
yards please register at uiiDeri uros.
store. M. A. Winn, Manager. tl9
DILL for dill pickles for Bale by E.
B. Davidson, 729 E First St.
Aberdeen Angus. John WilIB, Al
bany, Or. ;
WASHING.-Done at 128 W. Water
street. Home phone 432. Work
called for and delive-ed.
WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam
Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton.
A. J. Caldwell, Prop.
FOR RENT. Office looms, splendid
location, in the new Stark building.
Sea Dr. A. Stark about it.
GARBAGE. Fred Rainwater, look.
after garbage. Phone ttorre 2303. 4t
FOR SALE. By the owner, one tlx
room hoUBe and two lots, center of
town, 822 East 4th St; also one good
cook stove and several heating stoves.
H. Barnes.;
GARBAGE. If residence is west of
Lyon street will pick np garbage for
50c month. S. U Penny the garbage
man. Home phone 2303. t4
Call Roy Eastburn. at Eastbarn'f
store. Both phones 68.
FOR SALE. Two four room cot
tages, at Nye Creek. See Chaa.
Burggraf. 19t
FOR SALE. Farm of 45 acres, in
quire of E. E. Parrisb, R. D. 1.
NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed
' on by Chas. Procnow b new machine.
Saves stockings and socks. It
FOR SALE-Farm ot lbO acres, also
city property. Inquire of 11. t . Mc-
1100,000. To loan on f arm-land), or
on good city property, to procure a
loan, or to make a loan, call upon J.
O. Christy, Atty., at law Rooms 12
and 13 over the First National Bank,
230 W. 1st. street, Albany Ore. 6t
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than aywhere else in .Albany. Skill
Iv set, if desired.
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
McMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
$.0 per Mo. 151
FOR RENT. Nine room houss on Pine
I street. See E. E. Rex, 2nd and
i Madison. 15t
and to give it to the House?
3. To revise the tariff again, so
that it will represent only the dif
ference in wage cost of production
between the United States and for
eign countries?
4. To authorize the Interstate Com
merce Commission to regulate rates
on the basis of a physical valuation
of railroad properties?
5. To authorize the Interstate Com
merce Commission to limit the issu
ance of stocks and bonds to the actual
' investment?
William Ehlert, the founder of the
Mexican mines, of Lebanon, returned
home this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin returned
this afternoon from a trip to the south
ern part of the state.
Mrs. Jack Simpson, of Portland, wife
of a former C. & E. engineer, arrived
this noon on a visit with her folks.
Mrs. i. C. Smith, wife of the mayor
of Grants Pass, returned home this
afternoon from a trip to Newport.
J. N. Hart, of Baker City, who is
Hires 434 acres.
Maxwell farm by
three miles west of
ft pr thr AWert MpMinn r.( TinltH riding the assembly elephant for at
Stntix. Si-nntnrs? torney general, was in the city last
a i? - .,.,:,,: t .i. evening.
Halsey on Muddy week, iw acres m:office department, and the appointment Miss Margaret Geisendorfer, sister
thtlVStf, fiKE! m" 3 a permanent director of posts ? in law of Congressman Hawley.returned
aCcr unryoonfroma tt,p to washiDBton
6 & . n ' , 'mpti from Kfl mo- .niv inrtrp nf it mm- County.
eral deposits, the same to be leased H. J. Rhines, the M. E. singing
room one 8 room. 2 barns. Can nicely i
be made into two good farms. Un
Electric R R survev Direct cor-: at adequate rentals and for moderate evangelist, passed through the city for
V . . ,. . ' nA.-:nrlK? T.ohannn mhorA tnmnrpnui nicrhr. ha mill
respondence to F. M. Maxwell, AdJ
ministrator, Hubbarn, uregon.
FOR RENT. House. Inquire of Mrs.
Brenner. 327 W. 3rd. 15t
FOR TRADE. A 2 3 4 wagon for a
heavier wagon. See O. S. Emery,
126 South Pine. Home phone 404.
WANTED. Men to cut chair bolts in a
wood camp. R. Veal & Son. tl2
I FOR SALE. Good Jersey cow. In
quire A. Beard, 508 R 5th street.
Both phones t21
WOOD. Good dry mixed and fir, E.
M. Perfect, R. D. 4, Home 204. t8
HAULING. Gravel and excavation
by Hugh Perfect, R. D. 4, Home
phone 204. t8
SHINGLING. Will take contracts for
all kinds of shingling. W. J. Vanaken,
residence Young-Goodwin block.
Home phone 444. tl3
WOOD TO SAtf.-Wanted by Andrew
Fuller, 223 3rd & Calapooia. Bell
phone 294. t6
periods ? Lebanon, where tomorrow night he will
9. For a bill to prevent the govern- deliver his lecture on "In His Steps,"
ment from selling any more of its ex- with illustrations,
isting water sites, the same to be leas- Judge Geo. Barton, of Portland, a
ed as above? , former head of the Linn county court,
rOHWriPRAR! F OP'A'PITRIIWS '.he d,! when the PPuliat bad a
CONSIDERABLE OF A. REFUSER majority, arrived this noon on a short
business trip.
A. W. McGilvrev went to Shedd this
afternoon to look after three residence
A hairbrained editor down in Cali
fornia says: "Imagine Bryan refus-
: . i. : ,, r, i i 1
SJiSVl ""SI rl!!fi WHe7 Suesens also went to paint the
political. He has always stood for ; i R rrnn,t rMitleM.
i rrMrncnmonf' nnri eniiflrv 1
Father Lane left this afternoon for
his native town Roaeburg. Father
Power is now m charge of the work of
the Catholic church there, while Father
McGhee has work in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Irvine and Mrs.
Wallace, a sister of Mr. "Irvine, of
Salem, returned from an outing at
beside which the thirty
forma editor is a gnat.
the best in government and society,
morals and religion. An exchange
aptly says he has refused to drink and
guzzle. He has also declined the bad
in the things of life and stood for
righteousness. Saloon bums may be
depended upon to whack men of the
character of Bryan. Also their sym-
. i. : u. . l A : ..
takes politically, but altogether he rep- Newport, Mr. Irvine is a brother of
resentVa splendid type of manhood, LJmea,!ld "j8"""8. W8B a
Cali- j tiiu-nj -
Right of way man G. W. McDowell,
of the Oregon Electric. LawverGale S.
LANDSCAPE GARDENING, budding, MAY MAYOR GAYNOR RECOVER Hill and Surveyor A. L. Geides went
A universal sentiment has gone up j street depot site has been selected but
in favor of the recovery of Mayor will not be announced for several days.
Uaynor of New York. It is said that , A mono- those returning from New.
in every church of the city on Sunday port last night were Mr. and Mrs. L.E.
there were prayers for him. He has Blain. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Sanders,
established a character in New York 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chace, Mrs. Weather
that calls for confidence and the de-lford, Miss Belle Chance, Mr. and
sire that he shall be spared to con- Mrs. Wayne Stanard and J. W. Hobbs.
tinue his administration of the af- Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berry, of Lin-
lairs of the city along righteous lines.! Coln, Neb., are here on a visit with
The country has none too many men their former neicrhhor C. D. Jewitt.
like Judge Gaynor, clean and clear for Mr. Berry has the distinction of hav
ing ueen county treasurer ui Liuucuoier
county, ot which Lincoln is tne county
To Reduce Stock
Regardless of Cost
In Show Window
Granite Stew-?ans, values 50c to $1 00 going at 24c for choice,
etc., by D. B. Steer, R. D. 3. Hazel-
wood addition. t03
WOOD SAWING.-Call up C. M.
vvestbrook.Home phone 7001. New
5 H. P. saw. t3
FOR RENT. Four nice furnished
rooms, only $16. Inquire at Daven
Sort's Music Store. 2t
now for yard en A. F. Luther place,
1 mile from bridge. Home phone
2105. McClellan&Settlemier. t28
Budded on whole roots, are the only
kind to plant, Ttut's the kind we
sell. Call i otb phones or address vV.
A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur
series, Albany, Or.
FOR SALE. 1 two seated single rig.
springs, 1 three seated double rig,
springs, covered, both in good repair,
at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh
son, 1 mile from Albany, Benton
county. 6t
the best in civic government.
F G. WILL, lor Watches
See the new lot of granite ware at
he Variety Store.
WANTED. Apprentice girls at the
Hamilton Stoie. I
FOR SALE. Cheap, 1 two year old I
colt, 1 brown mare, J. W. Hornbach,
Albany, R. D 2. Home 131 farmers, i
I The Weather.
Range of temperature 83 60.
The river is down another notch, be
ing .7 of a foot.
Prediction: fair tonight and Thurs
day, cooler Thursday.
Conducted Upon' Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
Invites Your Business
Same Management for Eighteen
Years, Through Two Panics.
J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers.
House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Knox
Butte, near Santiam River.
We will be prepared to take oats
Barley, wheat and oats Bought.
For building, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Samp'es at M. Senders &. Co's store.
W. L. COBB, R. D 4. Phone, Home
First Shipment ot
Some Striking Styles that are Unusually Pretty and Desirable
We Invite You in to See Them
The New Garmets
One shipment and a large one of skirts and suits has
been received and we are enthusiastic in the praise of the
new styles.
They are different, largely in the trimming and some
what in the cut of the garment. This is particularly true
of the skirts, the better ones being beautifully trimmed in
brading of silk soutache put on in new and pleasing de
signs on voile, panama and serges of good fast black col
ors and all wool materials. Many of the skirts are made
with this trimmed band set above a pleated kilt giving a
good full skirt at the bottom and a neat smooth fit over
the hips. Other styles have an overskirt effect fitting
smoothly over the hips and trimmed with silk soutache.
We illustrate two styles. The trimmed skirt is made of
voile and is very high class in every particular, selling from
$15 to $18.50.
The plainer skirt is of serge or panama and sells from
$7.50 and up in different styles. The suits are very attrac
tive this season. Coats come medium lentgh and plain
tailored effects, which bring out beautifully the graceful
lines of the garments.
Come in and see them.
In the Dress Goods Dep't
Quite a number of pretty n ew things have arrived in this
department and it is taking on the appearance of Fall.
Among the most attractive materials received is a line of
These excellent materials are all wool come 36 inches
wide and in all the good dark shades of red, blue, and
brown besides black.
We think they are very special at the low price we have
placed on them. They are selling at per yard, 60 and 75c.
Then there is a very choice line of plaids in new com
binations that are also very reasonable and popular.
These come in several grades from cotton to wool and sell
at per yard, 25c to $1.25. '
Several different materials are shown in these and the
patterns are very unique.
One of the choicest materials is the kimona flannel al
ways popular and very durable.
Patterns this year are new and attractive. Price per
yard, 15c and 20c.
;irnntinf Trpup That beautiful crene material that is
, .... ... .
I woiulertully suited to tlie making oi Kimonas. iew pat-
1 (ot-na riiirl rr1rr! in tlit'stv Alo ner vard. 20c.
And a nice assortment of new fast color ginghams in
stripes and checks at per yard 15c
L. E.&11.J. Hamilton
3 17 First St.