Albany Democrat 4 ' s ALBANY. OREGOK FRIDAY AUGUST Hi. 1910 VjJ, XLVI 'NO a CITY PROPERTY. Ko. 123 New 5-room cottage and lot, West Albany. Price $1,100. Ko. 121 New 4-room cottage, good lot. West Albany. Price $1,000. No. 119 Two lots, and 8-roora house, East Albany. Price $1,050. No. 85 7-room house, ten lots, barn, 1 chicken house. Fine location, West Albany. Price $6,500. Large list stock, fruit and dairy arms from $15.00 per acre up. Call at my office for full information. 130 Broadalbin street. T JAS. F. POWELL. F.G. Will for watches At the See ... - "-"jr.:,,. i iT"!sriiiiiiwii'iiii . iwiTT-T"-T"''wMm $3.50 and $4'00 Oxfords and Pumps 98 i Pair Over 200 pairs of Oxfords and Pumps have been added urday selling... Not one pair IN ' For When we started in the never be any old hats made over in this Dep't, and we mean to keep our word if we have to burn them. We have just 65' hats left, values up to $10, and we have placed them on the Rummage tables Come Chambers & McCune Albany's. Greatest Suit and Cloak House ALBANY SLPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetable?, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden Gate cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, Miin 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, erain. flour. M. Sendsrs & Co. Both Phones 48. - 435 West First St. R 8. iVlayberry, Drayman Heavy and light rmnling. Piano moving a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale Wood for sale, v wood or 16 inch wood. Office wit'i Linn & Benton Real Es- tate Co . 2S6 West 1st. Residence 713 Montgomery St. Phones. w nll- ., , rUVh V0U lLi tilts Both CLEANED aN!) PRESSED THE CLEANER, CUMMING3& GILBERT 4 ft W lat St. Beli Phone black 273 Horns ti:e !'J6 THE OREGONIAN'.: delivery or mis-iiig u pl'.OP.C H:i,-:le 5 Cl'.!.-" days before 8 Sur.da o'clock. i crr;c of i.;i! ; paper tclc Storc. week ,'S before 10 THEY ARE HERE That Delayed shipment of Expres Wagons has just arrived, all sizes fromjthe smallest to the largest. We can suit all size boys. The prices are right. At t Meiser & Remember Ruby Blend is the Chambers & McCune Big Big Window Display Values up to $2.50 in Misses, Childrens andjBoys Oxfords and Pumps of old ones in the lot... Lvery THE THE MILLINERY DEPT. 98c ' Choice of Any Hat in the Store. ' Millinery business we advertised the fact that there would at one price, 89c. and Rummage with the Crowds. Dreamland. "THE SHOW OF (QUALITY" Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Children 5c. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to' 10:30. PROGRAM FOR FRI CONVICT NO. 796" A powerful drama, showing that the most hardened heart may be reached for rcgormation. Thrilling in the intensify of it's interest. THE LITTLE One of the best cowboy FATH LOST AND WON A love story set among Western scenes. It teaches the lesson that even though love may be lost, yet love is all powerful. TRAVELOGUES Sidney South Wales' MISS EDYTHE NEILSON Singing "I Love My Steady But O You Ot.rc in a While" THE BROADALBIN Boarding House First Class Board. Meals 25c Family riirners a specialty. 22) Cur 1 Block. Meiser Very Best 25c Coffee. Pair to these two lots for Sat pair new this season. , . DAY AND SATURDAY. PREACHER comedies ever produced. liEHE ST SS. fceCloriaGas L rrnf r than a iv n'her Ihrht Pull ti.t rl iin and it n.-itits instanil. Hntiie I hone. See Schokl BR03., 536 E. First St., Albany, Oregon. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Medford's first car load of pears brought $2.66 a box. The Warren Construction Co. sub scribed $600 to the Ashland publicity fund. Billy Sunday is in Oregon and will speak at Oregon City tomorrow on Booze or Get on the Water Wagon. Drexel, an American, yesterday at Lanark, England, flew 6750 feet high in his frail craft. That's nerve colos sal. The big tent meetings under George Taylor, assisted by Prof. Wegner, the singer, and others, will begin at Leba non September 1st. Secretary Ballinger is on his way tp Klamath Falls, where he will arrive to night. He was on the Shasta limited, by special dispensation. ''The eloquence and brains and abil ity of the republican party are back of the primary law," says the balem Journal, whose editor is back of it, and the people are also. Watch and see. The claim is made that there is $30.- 000 worth of gold in the pavement of Medford. The rock was taken from the tailings of the Opp mines, which is claimed had at least $1 worth of gold to the ton. Rosoburg Review: -Alias Marcus, a field worker of United Protestant churche', formerly a co-worker with EvanuulistU. Fenwick Reed, left here this afternoon for (Jottaere Grove, after several days' stay in this city. The Statesman reports the river at zero at Salem. At Albany it is .8 of a foot above zero. This indicates a dis crepancy in the gages of the two places. me ennesent cities ougnt to agree in the matter of water heights. The new Christian church at Hugeno is to have a capacity of 2, 201 p eople. the plans have been draw n. It is to be oblong 96 by 150 feet, with an 80 foot dome. It is to be of concrete, with a roof of tile and galvanized iron. Things aviated at Dallas thb after noon when Col. Hofer and Walter L. Tooze debated the assembly question. The debate that counts is the one the voters are l aving, which will be given an emphatic expression on primary day. S. P. Bach has been elected president, J. C. Mayer vice Dresdent, Alex Power cashier, S. M. Garland, J. C. Mayor, Alex Power, J. W. Burlthart and John Wither directors, of the Fir3t National Bank of Lebanon. Lawyer W. F. Herrin passed through the city yesterday for Portland to con sult with President Lovett, who didn't have time to go to San Francisco to see him. Last evening Manage O'Brien gave a banquet in honor of the presi dent of the Harriman roads, with big R. R. men present. v ' ,, Married in an Auto, Archbishop Chambers, of the Epis copal church, recently had an interest ing experience in the marrying line. J. ! W. Keyes and Miss Eva Patterson of Medford asked if he didn't want to take a joy ride, which of course was agree able. The automobile flew to Jackson I ville, stopping at the court house, and i then to Ashland, where it stopped in a pretty corner or tne Asniana parte, where Rev.. Chambers tied a matrimon ial knot, and the happy couple were taken to the cars and left for Cali fornia. Cental Committee Met. The state democratic committee met yesterday in Portland to talk over mat ters, as it properly should. It took no hand at all in the candidates, a matter entirely for the primaries. But the Oregonian with its customery colossal smallness refers to every thing it did as assembly, in order to create a senti ment in favor of. the republican assem bly. But it will not fool any- one. S. M. Garland was present from this county. Coming Those who attend the performsnce eiven bv Richards and Pringle's Famous Georgia Minstrels at Albany August 18, I will be given a treat. 1 Retaining all the old-time atmosphere , that made minstrelsy so popular in the i davs when the Mississippi was the com- . mercial highway of the country an J the care-iree aarKey sporteo amiu uie cm ton and the cane of the Southland, to gether with all the latest and brightest ideas of the present cay. Richards & Pringle's Minstrels stand supreme. Lodge Meetings. ' The K. O. M. every Saturday even ng H. C. Jordan, Commander. The Yioodmcn of the World every Friday evening. L. L. Swan clerk. Manzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, Doo.i r. M ' Modern Woodmen meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in Bussards' Hall. Grant Fkohan, Clerk. I i Royal Neiehiiors mee.. every 1st and 1 3rd Wednesdays in Uussard's Hall I AMCB Kirk. Recordsr Ladies of the G. A. K. meet first Tuesday each month at G. A R. hall. ! Hattie Stiison secretary. WANTED Young men to learn ail touinliilu business by mail and pre pare for positions as. chafTetirs a'nd repair men. We m:il:e you expert hi ten wcc!r; a -i-t ynii to f.ciiird position. V'iy b': work pleasant: !cni:;i:d fur men ureal: reasonable; .vrite for p-irtimbrs and cample lc. on. Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester, X. Y. MADE IN ALBANY. The Democrat copied an item from a ugene paper stating tnat the machin y for the dredge of the Albany Gra er; vel and band Co. was being made in that city; but instead, it is being made in Albany, by the Albany Iron Works. The Company simply sent there for a washer. Practically all of the machin ery will be made in this city for the dredge, bunkers and elevator. It has been designed by Roy Wood, a U. O. graduate, and speaks for his knowledge along this line, practical as well as theoretical, for he has assisted in'run ning a big mining dredge under his father for several years. This plant promises to be one of the best new industries of Albany for some time, an important one, whose business will be greatly developed. Pour Generations Present. Mrs. A. Rideout and daughters yes terday afternoon enjoyed a picnic outing at Bryants Park, at which time four generations were present. Ii the evening a fine dinner was spread, en joyed by the twenty relatives present, Those present were Mrs. A. Rideout, of this city, Mrs. C. Q. Rideout and daughter, Mertie, of San . Leandro, Calif., Mrs. Omer Heudricson, of Heponer, Mrs. A. O. Rankin, Mr and Mrs. Grant f roman children, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dumond and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brundeborry, sons Kermitt and Cedrick. Miss Lillie R'de- ouc ana miss Bessie ParBons. Worth Seeing, Something extra at the Electric is the Funeral of King Edward VII, genuine pictures of the recent funeral of Eng land's p pular sovereign. Such pict ures are an educatio.i the people of AiDany snmild show their appreciation fnr. At. T.hP nmn Mutpmnno n,i.iia n.An " j " , paid for good seats in London. It will cost only 10 cents at the Electric, with some good vaudeville thrown in. . THE EMPIRE TONIGHT. Friday and Saturday. Caesar i.- Fgypt. (Pathe Drama). Save Us from Our Friends (Pathe Comedy). His Childs Captive (Lubin Drama). Between Love and Hopor. (Vita graph). Matiinee exery'day. Admission 10 cents. ' . Both Phones Main 53 COMPAQ WM. BAIN. President. ' H, N. BOULEY,' Cashier.) ALBANY STATE BANK Great Oaks 'of Financial Success grow from very small acorns- a small, sum opens an account in our bank but, to have' a big, healthy financial tree, you must be persistent in your depositing. Systematic depositing is the root of financial in dependence. Get deeply rooted in the habit of bank ing, then you will branch out into better things and be safe against any, ill wind that blows. Dollars arc financial acorns plant them"1 in our bank and watch them grow. C0PELAND AND MARSHALL LIMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF , LUMBER. i House and Barn Bills a Specialty, Butte, near L b h v OTCff din PAPER MILL STOPS WORK The Lebat.on Pntier Mill Co. todav closed its plant down and will remain closed until the trouble with the people of Lebanon and vicinity is settled. As the Company pays out $6,000 a month for labor it will mean a severe blow to the city. The mill company offers to pay half the expense of a sewer from the mill to the river in order to adjust the wat r dispute. Lebanon business men are alarmed and are endeavoring to eet the oitv council to act Dromntlv. The mill has practically made Lebanon. BROWNSVILLE. The Interurban Asks chise. for a Fran- Times:'; Surveyor Hugh Fisher, of this city, has furnished the plans for a seweruge system at Brownsville, and will furnish ' estimates of the ptobable cost. James Fitzpatrick came up from Albany Monday and Tuesday continued his journey to his homestead in the upper Calapooia Valley. J. M. Hawkins, manager, and C. E., for the Albany Interurban Railway Company, were present at the city council and asked thecityfora fran chise their company to pass through the municipality with the proposed road, They submitted a franchise the terms oi wnicn seem to Do very fair and met with the approval of the council to the extent that they immediately attempted to pass the bill, but when it came to the third reading it was discovered that the city charter provides that all such measures must my over after being in- of the council before they can be enact- 1 mL... j; eu nun uiscovery caused a temporary halt in the proceedings. The franchise will come up for final passaae at the next regular meeting, when it will doubtless pass. LECTRI THEATRE Edwards Flexible Herculean Wonder. Extra, Extra. , i At the Electric tonight. 1. The Funeral of King Edward VII, England's most noted ruler. 2, The Mpsterious Cont. A swell comedy.--- - - " - 8. An Engineer's' Sweetheart. ,. story of an engineers brnye rescue, In the Spriiu tithe With the Roses, sung by Mies Nickleson. Admission 10 cents. , 337 West 1st. Ablany, Of P. D. GILBERT. V. P ROUGH AND DRESSED Mill situated two miles east of Knox Santiam River.