It Pays to Buy Gloves of Dependable Quality Our glove stock is com posed entirely of the best makes. The initial investment is not the most important thing to consider when buying gloves. The return you re ceive in satisfactory service is what makes a pair of glaves a good or a poor investment. The gloves which comprise our stock are of absolutely trustworthy character the products of reliable manufac turers. They will fit well look well and wear well. The prices are no higher than what you would pay for poor er quality. Fowne's gloves, $1.00 and $1.50. SILK PETTICOATS THAT WILL WEAR They are garments of exceptionally excellent quality. Every possible means have "been taken to insure their giving satisfactory service. Carefully put together an well shaped models, closely fitted tops flounces of generaus width. Colors to match or har monize with almost any garment. s These grades, $4,00, $6.00, $8.00. THIS MORNINQIMEETINd OF COM. CLUB News from Albany's Six Early Trains. President VV. J. Kerr and Hon. J. K. Weatherford, president of the board of regents of the O. A. C. returned from Medford, where they made arrange ments to put in a branch experiment station, looking over the field with that in view. The development around Med ford has been wonderful, particularly , along fruit lines, and the city has bounded forward in keeping with it. W. J. Clarke, uf Gervais, bet ter known as Billy Clarke, left down i the road after a night in Albany. He j is the assembly candidate for state , printer, which will be quite an elephant : to carry in his fight for the nomination i against W. S. Dunniway. Mr. Clarke : has been at the head of the A. O. U. W., and postmaster at Gervais, in the newspaper business for about thirty years. Mr. Will Reiner, of Portland, left j for home after a visit with his mother, j Mrs. Wagner, who has not been well. . He is building a residence up in the ; popular new Ladd addition, which is j considerable of a comeuD for a former devil in the Democrat office; but he de- j serves nis prosperity. Mrs. J. B. Cougle returned from Lebanon accompanied by her daughter Mrs. N. M. Newport. Mrs. Cougle has fully recovered from her recent illness. Mrs. J. F. Venner and daughter and Miss Gerty Star, of Brownsville, went to the Bay. Miss Emma B. Urosno, the popular singer at the Empire, went to Portland andf perhaps will take a trip to Hood River before returning. Bert Warford went to Salem. Ed. C. Roberts, fruit expert, left on a Corvallis trip. Wallace R. Strubje left on a trip to Oregon City. Together meeting, and address it. Mr Hulbei t suggested that some thing be done to stimulate a milk con densery. Dr. Ellis moved that the Manager correspond with Mr. Smith in nlmbn to securing sufficient support fcr a condensery here. It was ordered that Albany get into communication with Judge Lovett, with ii view to securing him for a visit tj Albany on his return from Eastern Oregon. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Marriage license: W. Nellie Bryant 20. H. Reeves 30, License Scio Milling Co. Present. President E. H. McCune. Secretary, J. S. Van Winkle: Treasurer William Uain; W. H. Davis. Dr. M. H. Ellis, A. M. Hammer, L E Hamilton, J. C. Holbrook, J. K. Hulbert, E. A. Johnson, W. H. Marvin, M Senders, C. H. Stewart. Manager W. R.Struble. The following communications were read: From Hon. Theodore Roosevelt ex pressing regret at not being able to accept our invitation to visit Oregon; and from his secretary, Stuart Hill, tlurking the Albany Commercial Club for its invitation. From A. G. Prill, President of the Scio Fair Association, asking the Club to make an exhibit at their fair. On motion it was ordered that display be made, if possible. From X. R. McKinney, indicating in warmest terms his enthusiasm for the proposed "Know-our-own-county" trip into the Upper Calapooia Valley, and assuring Albany that it shall be ex pected to "feed" at Holley. Letter from the American Mining Congress of Denver, asking that the Club appoint two delegates for the 13th Annual Convention to be held Sept. 26-30th next, at Los Angeles, Ca'. Letter from National Irrigation Con gres3,asking Albany to appoint a del egate to attend the 18th annual session lo be held in Pueblo, Sept 26 30th next. oin nc ll - i i . t C. H. Stewart reported a fine exhibit 8 i?"1?" S,' fLtJ5"" of erring. flrrofiBGH and fmits Bent in. ItvK"1" Applicition title. J ' F. Conn to register Deeds recorded: Emily E. Pavne to Will Acreage Co. 478.64 acres $22000 Sinta Fee to C. A. Smith 36,23 acres 126 ;os. F. Judge to Eastern Mv. Co. 160 acres 1 Our City Fathers. After a months vacation there is liable We Try to Please Our Custo tiers. THAT is why we sell strictly high g. de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAP F & LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. Parker Grocer Baker m WEST WRHT UTkBT,.ALBANY OREGON,' . First class goads in their season. Phone Main 56 Electric Toasters Make Perfect Toast Ralston Electric Supply Co., 30 West Second Street. WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We ma!re a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to nave you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MEMN&STinPr. NOTICE. Shingles. Made in Albany my-ilo. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various trades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Ivery bunch branded with my name. Look tor. it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. To Candidates. Candidates for County officers must me tneir petitions to .nave their names placed on the primary ballot with the County clerk-on or before September 9th. Those desiring blank petitions can Becure the same by calling upon T. J. Stites, the Secretary of the Count Central Committee. - Mayor Wallace came over from and filed bill of expenses for collecting1 "'iu'ii f. fllk Great Northern exhibit in sum of $3 2S , PH i?"fIS?IHrtS5 8nMrs?e?a for the Annual Apple Mr: Alse that i Clma Sne anf fami y have re- mze exniDita irom the Albany Apple . "y" r " r " .1" Fair will betaken to Portland. Ratined WJi0 "jj It was ordered that a committee be , ucjlmttM'ller Ca,mh?,?i "e nntort . ,;,, mn th. r-innn tba ground, ready for business. i,Vt .vhihi.- tS ai, ai Councilman Curl is in the east attend. n. J .. . . inc. thft RiinrflmA ornnri snow, me same to aa to unicacro. .j. p " . r ' : o- . - FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY S. CRUNYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Makes a specialty of repairing and job work. Shop 1020 Elm street. Home phome 426. Carrnel, Lemon, Vanila, Strawberry and Ciocolate Ice Cream . Orange Sherbet. Send in Your Orders Early ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP v. lud oaii M. Hawkins. C. W. Tebault. J. J Collins were appointed. It was ordered that the Club offer a prize of $50 for a Linn county exhibit to be shown at the Portland Apple Show. Manager Struble reported Beverul monthy subscription contracts signed with considerable further new business in sight. Mr. Coates. representing Rand-Mc-Cally Co., appeared before the board. solicitiag a contract for a map adver-J using at vo xor iuu page on ou.uuv copies in 'our equal payments of $18. B0, each Bix months for two years, reject ed for the reason that the life of the board is but for only about nine months more. i The Manager was directed to corres i pond with the Chapman Advertising ! Agency, with view to getting prices on I newspaper advertising in Middle West papers. Mr. Marvin moved mat postmaster Merrick, of Portland, be invited to be present at our next monthly Get- lodge Knights Pythias at Detroit, and Councilman Taylor la at the Foley hot springs ing a lew torrid Dutns. tak- Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. ALB4NY SEAL ESTATE CO., W. M. Dresser, Proprietor. Room 14 Albany State Bank Building. Property lists wanted, property for sale. A specialty of the new ALBANY Ht IGll 1 S. Ses the plat. JERSEY DAIRY G. W. KUTHE, Prop. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice daily. Phones: Bell Black 2371; Home Main 144 OR. VIRGINIA V LEWEAUX. Osteopathic Physician. 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black Ziol, Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell The latest styles in eye glass mountings. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist. 329 Second St. Don't forget the Golden Arrow din ner Bet at the Variety Store, 313 W 1st. Fresh salmon and other fish at Holt' Market. The best fence posts in Albany at the SAW MILL. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have Vibrators. This vibrator took first prize over all vibrators at the Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call at our store and get a booklet Price, $15.00. BURKHART fit LEE. If your horse has HEAVES use Stone's Heave Drops. Price $1. For sale by all drug gists. Dr. S. C. STONE, WS&ffSZZZii Salem - Oregon. HELP WANTED Good Wages. Call at MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Si:o,-.u Mree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. J. W. BENTLEY, boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. next door to Democrat omce. aep him. WOOD. Slab, east oi ferry went or ferry, casn on delivery, fay the driver. A. W Docksteder. Home phone black 176, or Bell black Application for the purchase of the road land in Linn County now owned by the Oregon and Western Coloniza tion Co will now be received. Application blanks can be obtained at this, office. Ttms.: Or.e fifth down, and the bal- ane in fivi' years. All lands sold in 1 Iff 1 1 subdivisions, from forty acres to 320 acres or more. OWE; BEAM Room 4 Stark Building. I BARBER SHOP . 236 West 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed Geo.H. Fiddiman,Prop. SHOES REPAIRED while you wait at Burns' Shoe Store. Next the Post Office. 9t J G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the New Albany State Bank Build, ng, second floor, with a complete equipment for pictue taking of all kinds. SINGER SEWING MACHINESfor rent Allkinds of n-achines repaired at Burns' Shoe Store. 9t A fine lot at our yard at this city,ju3t . burned. ! I Phone Home 431. ! ALBANY BRICK CO D. B. ADAA1S, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING Stl'JE. When You See It in Our Ad vertisement You Know It Is True. It is not our policy to conduct a sale every month f.n the year, and quote prices that we can't deliver. The pub lic don't expect it. It is a well known fact that for 40 years this store hasalways sold at a modest profit, first class goods that we can guarantee, and at the smallest possible price. However, during this Semi-Annual Clearance Sale, the above guaranteed merchandise is yours, and our mod est profit thrown in. Remember the house of quality, and the store that never disappoints. THE BLAIN .CLOTHING CO.