1 The Democrat. The Daily -Delivered, 10 cents -.; week; in advance for one year, 4.u'. By mail, in advance for one year $!!, at tn J of year ;i.o0. The Weekly Advance per year $1.20. At end of year $1.50, Alter 3 yeara at .$2. CANDIDATE MULKEY CHAL LENGES HAWLEY. In announcing his candidacy for congressman, B. F. Miilkey of Jack sonville throws down the gauntlet to ' Congressman Hawlcy in the follow ing live manner: "1 hereby announce myself a can didate for congress, subject to the will ot the Republican voters of the rirst Congressional District of Oregon at the coining primary election. A num ber of letters from the Willamette Valley and the Umpqua and the Coos Bay sections, urging me to run, as well as many personal solicitations by friends in Jackson and Josephine counties since the state assembly of July 21, this year, together with the evident general demand for some can didate to represent the principles I hereinafter announce, impel me to this. ii nominated and elected to con gress, I will not vote for Joseph Can non for Speaker of the House and, to tue end mat legislative power may not be concentrated in the bands of a few men, I will vote to take away from the speaker the appointment of the rules committee and all other com mittees and return it to the hausc, whence it originated. 1 shall vote to give the Interstate Commerce Commission power to reg ulate railroad rates upon the basis of the value of the physical property of the railroads and to give Hie comniis- ' sion power and authority to limit the issuance of stocks and bonds of rail ways to actual investments made. 1 will vote for a revision of the tariff with the interests of the mass of consumers constantly in the fore ground and shall insist that, on all trust manufactured articles the vision be downward until the tariff schedule shall cover the difference in 1he actual cost of production in the United States and foreign countries only; as was promised by the last Na tional Republican platform. I will vote for a . constitutional amendment providing for direct elec tion of United States senators and shall give my moral support to the Oregon plan known as "Statement Number One" until such time as an amendment to the federal constitu tion shall render it no longer neces sary. That the issues raised in the fore going statement may be developed and tested before the people, I re spectfully and cordially invite the as sembly nominee, Congressman W. C. Hawley, to a joint discussion of the same, to be held in every county of the First Congressional District. Re-1 spcctfully submitted." , DON'T BITE AT EVERYTHING, j ' llillman, a lr,v::E'.t over in F.aslern 1 Oregon, in Crook county, the Journal, of Princvil' 'ys, has returned to the coyotes. . . w months ago it was held up in sonic pictures and lectures in Albany as a marvel of prospects; but it transpires it was simply a mod em game for. dividing up the money of the people." This is mentioned as a warning to people to look out when schemes arc presented them, whether little or big. The fanner will not buy a horse without seeing it and learning about it, and why should men jump into all kinds of real estate, .mining, wireless, wire, stock and other schemes without knowing anything about what they arc doing. Thousands of dollars are thrown away on worth less stock and coyote lots by a credu lous people, which includes some mighty good business men. Where one winning is made there arc liHy failures, showing the chances too big the wrong way, even in gambling af . fairs. HOBSON'S JINGLE. Lieutenant llobson during the Chautauqua season kept telling people that a war with Japan was inevitable. He did that when in Albany a year or two ago. He seems a good deal like the old fellow that had just one tunc, "The Arkansas Traveler," which he played over and over again. That is about all Jlooson piays, war ami prospects of war. There would he a good deal more sense playing the tunc of Peace, and keeping at it. It at least has a sweeter sound, hits the nerves tenderly and leaves a good taste in the mouth, while the war tune has a harsh, fierce sound, full of dis cords nicKiug 1 i.c w " " ol sulphur. 1 he jingle is . 1 poor one 10 have at large and is bad 111 its 111 flnciicc. Besides there is nothing I.in.in :iiul the U. arc on good terms and will undoubtedly remain that way regardless of jingles. NO VOTING CONTESTS FOR THE DEMOCRAT. ,. . , ...,i, Ti..n,n.-r-f Timo for me, and benutiful slides en-l-.very day or two the Democra re cotl,uute an ,U i-.ivic n tirrmnsition IIOUI some Kiiiii of a contest company or individual, wanting to put on a voting contest or sonic kind of a scheme, all of which arc turned promptly down. The Dem ocrat is just straight newspaper, and is anxious to get subverihers who want it for what it is wmlh to them as such, in the local life of the city. It appreciates a splendid patronage in that light, and is not looking for peo ple who take a paper a week or two siinplv to heli some one in a voting i-uutc'st over something that amounts o nothing. Fire Near C; sc idia. -I Ut Fiel War.! aid fv ni-'bt from tlisi-ii': quite n I'r" on tl' re;. chim? towaii't iuKi g'-c.i! i' . lighting it i'i-d r;.ir 1 iv riu n a.' Hi r Hi rri-Mfe v;" IS, ii'Hl w t.i y ttu : 1 1 olie i TUESDAY. IN THE MAIL An open letter from the Oregon tax commissioners J. B. Eaton and C. V Galloway, in which they answer num erous charges in reference to a letter they had writtan to county assessors o the subject of taxing intangible pur sonal property. It was taken to mean the taxation of mortgages, whereas simply mortgage notes was meant. Under this the outsider investor is not touched at all, for he has his notes in his notes m his safe back in New York, somewhere else; but the commiBBion means business in reference to the notes held by home people. A circular notice of the fifth annual dry farming congress to be held at Spokane Oct. 8 6, an event that de serves wide consideration, this dry farming proposition being something cnat deserves cultivation. An account of a sermon by Rev. Clarence True Wilson, of Portland. Sunday night, on the second attempt to fniat r..,l . . . Mi , luiov viio ncuu; uiii uii tiio jeuiJitr, emanating from that class that nro. poses to exploit the vices of the city for itself aud cares nothing for the welfare of the state. The whole object of the out is to encrencn tne saloon so it cannot be prohibited anywhere, to throw all the towns. an'J cities wide open, with a deceiving clause subject co the provision of the local option law, the real object being to nullify the law. Vote No X319 and also Yes X 342 and 344. After the Blind Pigs. At Tillamook: Ed. Hadley, fined $500 and given 30 days in jail on one count, fined $150 and given 30 days in jail on second count, fined $150 and given 30 days in jail on third count. Clyde Clements was fined $500 and given 30 days in jai. Dan Gilbert was fined $500 dollars and 30 days in jail. W. J. Stevens was fined $300 and given 20 days in jail.. Tom Buliin was fined $200 and eriven 15 days in jail. Tom Johnson was fined itZ60 and given 20 days in jail on one count, and fined $250 and given 20 days in jail on second count. The jail sen tences were all susDended on condi tional good behavior. In Douglas County: Fines aggregating a total of $925 were paid in the iustice's court at Gar dener this week by three "b otlsg gers, " Fred Assenheimer, Jerry Reu ben and Alfred Varrellmann. An Oregon Invention, Emmett Howard, the inventor, and 1 F. C. Palmer, of Eugene, are in the city demonstrating the Howard Auto matic railway switch, with rooms over the Post uincc. Being an .Oregon in- , vpnlinn it in i-.f Rnppitil int-.or',r. rn rVflirnnians. With this invention a switch may be opera'.ed on the train, a - that the stories reported m the Port saver of life, time and money being j land papers to be exaggerations, claimed for it. It is ingenius and I A young man at Irvington, N. J. saw worth seeing, fie object is to sell stock to secure money with which to make a prattcal test ot the value ot tne inventi' 'i. , A W' ilir' shaped shoe under the en- gino (1 .p ..he business. Properly set tberoi -n. possibility of an accident from rushiiij 1 to an open switch. The 11 .rporators of the Company aro prui .none Kugene men, Dr. o. l,. willouui :v. Hon. Louis Hi. Bean, urn mett Howard, the inventor, R. E. turn, Dr. T. W. Harris and John tog. Vel-Har- At Halsey. An ice cream p..rtv was given in honor of Miss Laura Hmrich's of Hood Klver, at the home of Mr H. Koch Saturday evening. MissHinrichs being a visitor at Mr. Koch's for a few days, The evening was well spe-.t with music an . songs. Miss Margaret and Freda Koch rendered some very pretty in strumental music. Those present wore: Miss Laura Hin rich8, Mr. and Mrs. Koch, Misses Mar garet, Anna and .Freda Koch, Mr. A. Smith and family. Mrs. M. Smith and children, Mr, P. Freerksen and family, Mr. H. Abraham and family Mr. Koy and Solomon Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. H . School, Mr. Frank Clingman, Mrs. Clingman, Mr. Maddock and family, Mr. W. Wahl and family. Miss Ida Abraham, Mr. Willie Abraham, ir. Ted Porter. and The Flag of Company H. at Dreamland. The program for Tuesday, Wednes- I day and Thursday at the Dreamland is 1 J firo nim. "Ci.it tho best ever. The feature film, "Out of the Past" is a dramatic love story of a ditTorent sort "Tho Flag of Com pany H " is a high clnss war drama that will thrill vou through and through. "A mad Dog Scare" is intended for laughing purposes only, "A Sleep Walking Curo.' is absolutely new and entirely outof the ordinary. Miss Edith I Noilson singing Summer Times the : : .,, star-bill. Death of Mrs. Quinn. Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor Quinn died on August 5, at her home in Portland, and the funeral was held yesterday at the church of tho Ascension, with burial in the Riverview cemetery. Mrs. Quinn was 71 years of ago. She resided in Linn county a number of years, going from here to l'ortliind, She loaves two sons, Ed. Quinn, ofl.os An.'eles, form erly of Albany, Til'i-Mi Quinn of Port land, and Mrs. J J. Collins of this city. hre ai V. rabtrce- Tho resident-' ("rab ree, is n Uii t".iruin'.r. Tl.- '. by ha"-'' Uor.-i. Clew 111 'I !'...; I ilerw-e of .K hn call. -.i.C W. poricd Turnidce. of have burned watt save I i liy 11 ' H t: .-nh ; is;c , 1 pa.. WEDNESDAY. TEACHERS EXAMINATION The teachers examination began to ay with the following in line: Albany. Bessie Parson, Elsie Lillard, Ada L'owles, Anna Engel, Endora VanAKen, Anatta Burch, VidaNanney. Verona Tracey, Elmer Williamson, Maud Collins, Elizabeth Bell, Sadie Bell, Olive Adams, J. C.Banks, Dorothy Engel. Margaret Evans. Harrisburg,- Esther Gilbertson, Le ona Anderson, Lovd Shishler. Halsey. Ella Evans, Vera Higbee, Clysta Condra, Nannie Dougherty, Marie Jones, Florence Hals tun. Scio.-Mury Hannah. Edith West. Julia Kopecky, Jos. Dart, Beatrice DeVaney, Anna DeVaney, Emilia Dart, Lebanon. Kate Henderson, Jos. Benner. Nellie Goodrich, Stella Haw kens, Rachel Kacltlen, Elizabeth Glaser, Clara Lassell, Perry Gintber, Edna Richard. Craotree. Nellie Young, Rosa Meyer, Ida Stiers, Hazel Easton. Shelburn. Ethel Oglesbee. Shedd. Olga Post,-Edith 01sen,Adda Dannen, Lela Scott. Brownsville. Hazel Weller, Anna Booker, Nelle Marsters, Amy Lerwell, Bertha F. Golden, Lillian Warmoth, Merle Foley. Butler. Wesley Bagman: Thomas. Leland Green. Woodburn. Annie Dinwoodie-. Bandon. L. Kate Rosa. Sodavillo. Rosella Jones;. Harry Sturm. Lacomb. Ivy furnidge. Lyons. A. C. Vernon, Zeta Prichard Holley--Charlie Malone. Waterloo. Elmer Henderson. Stayton. Kate Shelley. State:-Marv E. Thacker. Shedd:Ora L Nott, Woodburn; Ada Vollstedfc,. Lebanon;. Linnie Epley, Jefferson Lena Holcomb, Brownsville. DOINGS OF THE WORLD. Congressman Hawley, assembly nom inee for congress, supporter of Speaker Cannon, will soon make a trip over the district. Corvallis has a crenius. Will Moore. who makes beans grow on sun newer stalks, which is either a newspaper joke or a fact. Mrs. Bessie Nehrbis, of Oregon City, died at Eugene yesterday and will be buried at North Palestine cemetery' to morrow afternoon. Consul General H. B. Miller, of Bel fast writes that Europe is clamoring for American pears and are willing to pay any price to get tnem. Newport people insist that the water ! tliere is pure and all right, and declare a suicide depicted in a moving picture, went to his room and employed the same metnod. remaps these pictures will help weed out weak minded people Secretary Rnllincer will nn-ivB in Portland tomorrow and will leave Fri- day evening for Klamath Falls to in- apect the irrigation project, Indian reservation and Crater Lake. I Jos. W, Folk, recently in Albany, was injured in an automobile accident at ivluscatine, Iowa a few days ago. His right leg was sprained and he re ceived numerous bruises, but addressed a crowd of five thousand directly after wards. In the great Knights Templars pa- rade at Chicago yesterday there were thirty thousand Templars, and it took three hours fifteen minutes to pass the reviewing stand. Three hundred acci-. dents occurred! with one death. Mayor Graynor, of New York last, night was shot by an assassin, a man - romovert from nflW hwnnsi nf inpom- petency. The mayor was just starting on a trip to Europe. He is in a critical condition. The bullet struck behind the right ear and ranged down. The remains of Harvey W. Scott will arrive from the east Friday night and will be placed in state during Saturday. The funeral will be private at the Scott home Sunday afternoon. At 2:30 the Masons of Portland will have charge of the burial service at the cemetery. Tne uemocrat appreciates a mess or corn from the gardens of B. C (Wyatt. of Benton county, some from some seed brought by Mr. Wvatt from Kans- as last winter, it is an rignc. I Will be held! at Salem SEPTEMBER 12 TO 17 $35,000.00 in Premiums and Purses. Grand Live Stock, Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits. SPLENDID RACES, BAND CONCERTS, FREE ATTRACTIONS AND FIREWORKS Reduced Rates on All Roads. For further information address 1 MISFITS. i August is quiet, but keep a boosting just the same. ! Water Street is a decidly busy thoro- tare tnese aays. Lots of Albany people are having a good time right at home. Here is to a good time by the O. N. G. boys at American Lake. Albany's apple show this year wil?be the greatest yet, for the apples are en the trees. . There is riot a cabinet officer in Wasbingten, but the country is getting along just as well if not better. The-city of Portland owns an auto. In six; months it has cost: $2699.93 to run it,, including, repairs, a sample of the way eities waist money. An eastern Oregon paper arouses the editor of an exchange of lying with the accomplished fluency of a brass-lunged Dancer at a nanynoo. .... , . . , Literature galore telling people how to vote is crowding the mails, and the ... .,. ..u.uf m ucu ruafal rannvla kalnwl Linn county with its own apple fair, should head the list of counties offering prizes for the best county display at the big Portland apple show. thing all the time, kisses. - .... . . . One can't live on For the benefit of a few knockers it may be remarked that the democrats haven't any ticket in- the field, nor will have until the regular- primaries. -The so-called ticket hatcied ud in Portland fs simply a republican' production cre ated to offset the stomro against the re- pumtcan assembly aggregation. T 1 1. f''- P"81"16'- the a.sembly , aondidate for joint senator for Linn and Lane counties, is the man who intro duced a bill in Che last, legislature ma king it a misdemeanor to vote in the legislature for the senatorial candidate receiving the highest the people's votesi unlawful! for the people to- elect a Ui Si senator: Think of putting a man of that calibre in office. Kiev won der, he-is an assembly oaadidate. Shedds.. Mrs-. .V, A.. McBride left Friday noon for Salem to attend her daughter Mrs. Iva Goodwin,, who is ill. Born to Mr. and. Mrs. Ilia- Soule of La Combe,, a girl. Jack Dannen and. family returned from- the coast Friday. Mrs-; Childa and daughter, of Browns ville, visited at J. B. Mear luat week. Miss Lena Thrift, of Albanv.. is visit- ! ing Mrs. Jesse Ligget. Mrs. Elva Nichols is. visiting in Cor- vallis. 1 Mr;. E. E.. Coon has-bought the Jack- i son residence. I Charlie Pugh and family west to Albany- Saturday. Bora-July 26, to Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Powers,, a girl. JUDY The LovettTrip, President Lovett, J. P. O'Brien and party yesterday reached Klamath Falls on their eastern Oregon trip, going there from Lake-view,, and are now riding: northward. Where they will crosai,)ae mouotaine-into thisvalley and thence to- the coast. Is not known, per. haps not at all Some think this trip is for business and means something. A 1 good many former trips have been made that never culminated in any thing. If the party stwud come by way of A'bany there should be a special reception for the distinguished men. E. M. Perfect received a telephone message today from Wren, on the C. & E. that Len Hover, an old friend had been kicked by a horse, dying frotw tne-effects 01 m. iney will leave in, the mornino: for Wren to attend th?4 tuneral. Hurry up the fool killer. A rich Sain! Francisco lumber man has just paitl as;, uoo ior a private car lor msdog. FRANK HERE MTU, Secretary, C H NEWS Deeds recorded: J. B. Dickovcr a Co. to H. R. Leveen, 50 acres Ideal Fruit Colony $1275 C. A. Heath to P. M. Scroggin, 2 lots Lebanon 250 C. A. Smith Co. to Linn & Lane Co., 160 acres 100 Sadie-E. Ferrell to P. H. Stroub & wife block, Brownsville 1850 O. W Frum to P. H. Straub, 6 lots, Brownsville..., 1500 P. H. Stroub to Jesse Fisher, 174.50 acres .. 4500 Ida M. Mitchell to E. E. Warner, block Brownsville 2000 E E. Warner to Ida M. Mitchell. 240 acres D. H. Bodme to C. M. Kendall & wife, 2 lots Bryants ad Albany.. 5000 10 New cases: C. H. Weltuey agt Teckla Wilt&ey, for divorce. Married Sept. 1908. Deser tion charged sinee July 1909. W. F. Gill et al agt. Verona F. Daniel et al, for partition. C C. Bryant at tomey. Christy & Van Tassel attor neys. I Deeds recorded: ! Jabob Dietel to Frei Tatman and ! wjfe g2 16 acres ! MinKrv'a Smjth tj p.' Logan',' '2 w! i j5.i : j ' lots, Halsey I " Mortgages $800 am:J?!.0. Satisfaction of mortgage for $1000, signed by the U. S. Cvnaui General a! Copenhagen, Denmark. In oofs-! rl .1 II TnnM- YtprRnnnl property entered sold. Marriage license Edward- W. Bryant 53y and Martha A. Gray OT. Vacancies 'rilled. Hire County Court has (tiled; vacanies on' the various- election boards- in Linn i (Jounty for the coming primaries and election by appointing the following judges and derks in tne place ot men who refused ts accept appointment: Albanv C. C Cameron. 2nd clerk. Bast Albany R. A. B. Veal, chair ki am NopKs Browaavilie Loulc-fi. Walker, 3k1. judge. Calapooia .1. D. Isom. 1st! clerk. Grawfordsville W. G. , ffbs, 3rd clerk. Fox-Valley-T. E. Wall, Sstoierk. Bbrthi Hkirriote-g J. E.' ifennett. chairman-. KnoEutte Rl I). Snell, ohairman; J. W. Chambers. 2nd judfje;; H. D. Haight,.3sd clerk. iiaoomb T'ra Q. Soule, 1st clerk. Erice 3& L. Borxhart, 2id clerk Rock Creek J!aimes Dawes, chairman. Worth SeibF. W. Gill, d jiiage; J. F. Wesely, 2nd clerk Shedd- &. 3; Aeheson 2rwlolerk. Sodaville A B. Horning, chaircftan; A. J'. Lightlcs.ocd judge; E. C Stewart, 3rdi 2ierk.. Sweet Heme J. P. Orchard,. 1st clejk, S'i-acuse Fred Jones, 2nd. clerk. . Tallman J- B. Anderson, 3rd eierk. (i)m the Oregon Eteetric. j Si. 3-i. Myessj residing fojsr miles from Shodd. reports- the Oregon UHeobrie sur veyors passing through hjs farm with thckrline from Albany to Eugene-. The roai will gcahout a mile sast of Oak : villa- about direct to Harrisburg. which will be- the only place- in. Linn county, f avered with it, outside- f Al bany. Mr. Myets has been, to Portland twkieioa tlta- Stolen-Portland rood and he appreciates the value of an electric line iis a. community buildnr albog the asa Those near the roadiare congrat ulating tlsemeelves. It will! mean u good-deal to their property. le Kiyersite Farm ED. SCHOKL. Proprietor Breeder and Importer of OtX C. Hogs 3;. C. White and Bufflieghmras, W. P- Rocks, Light Brahmas,,R. C. RJwde Island Rda,, White Cochin Bantams,. M. ti. Turkeys, Whiti ir t,- . den Geese L':im Ducks, He r. Guineas Winner jf 17 prizes and' 22 on Poultry at tne Lewis t-Hilars fair. Eears in Season - Stock for Sale Phone, Farmers 95 - - - R KD no-8' SHEJRIF3S SAI:. Notice is hereby, given that the an.i dersigned, as Sheriff of Linn couaty. Oregon, pursuant, to aw execution audi order of sale ls.suad. out of the Circuit, Court of the St.ife.of Oregon for Mult iiomah county, on the 18th day. of June, 1910, upon; a, judgment rendered land entered bv said court on tl'B10th 1 day of June, 1910, in an action then pending in said conrt whereby L. H Vehrs was plaintiff and Cascade. Pe troleum Lo.,. a corporation, was at tendant, wherein said plaintiff recov ered judgment against the. said de fendant fun the sum of $33L30 apd, in terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum trom the Kth 'fay ot Sept., 19119, aivt the further sum of li75 crtsts anu disbursements, will on the 20th day of August, 19U), at the hour ot 1 o clock p. m. at the front door of the Canity Court House in the City of A many. 111 1.11111 county, Uregon, sell at public auction, to the highest bid ilcr, for cash in hand, the following uescnncu real property. Iierctotore t.'i.Qhcd by said sheriff as the property 0-t. the (leteiulatit m the above men rioncd action, to-wit: All the right, title and interest of the said Cascade Petroleum Co. in and to that certain oil aud gas Lease and Agreement, bearing date April !;19. executed by John V. Young and .Mary M. 1 oung to C. W. lay lor, and rccorucci in tne oti-.cc ot tlie county -ccnriUr ot I. inn county. Oregon, or the 2, ih day of May, 1909. in B. ..1; at Linn Loutuy Deed Recor.rs pajte - and ny saw e . w . l avlor as vigneil ti) Ui': said, inscad.c Vct.l''.'.C'.tV- Co. by deed of assignment bearing date May 27, 1909, and recorded in the office of the county recorder of Linn countv, Oregon, on the 15th day of July, 1909, in Book 88 of Linn County Deed Records, on page 606, and in the real property therein de scribed. All the right, title and interest of the said Cascade Petroleum Co. in and to that certain oil and gas Lease and Agreement, bearing date May 1, 1909, executed by Gttss M. Nelsin to C. W. Taylor, and, recorded in tlm office of the county recorder of Linn county, Oregon, on the 27th day of May, 1909, in Book 88 of Linn County Deed Records, on pag 492, and by said C. V'.- Taylor assigned to said Cascade Petroleum Co. by deed of assignment bearing date May 27, 1909, ani re corded in the office of the county re corder of Linn counttr, Oregon, on the 15th day of July, 1909, in Book 8 of Linn Connty Deed Rffcords, on page 606, ami in the real property therein describeil. All the- right, title and interest of the said Cascade Petroleirsn Co. in and to that certain oil and g."M Lease and! Agreement' bearing date April 30, 1909, executed by Moses M. Meyers and; Alice E. Mayers to C. W. Taylor, andf recorded in tlta office of tlie'rounty recorder- of Li'nn county, Orttgon, on-- the 27th day o( May, 1909, in Book 88: of Linn Coumiy Deed Records, on page 490, and' by said C. W. Taylor' assigned to saiif Cascade Petroleum Co. by deed ot assignment, lcaring ifhtc May 27lh. I&OV, and recc.tled in the office of th? county recorder of Li'im county. Orcfsorr, on the 15lh day if July, 1909, im Book 88 of Linn County Deed -Records, on pagce 607, and' 111 the real property therein--', de-scribetf- All the right, title- and interest! of tlle'saui Cascade Pcttoieuni Co. in and (6'- t'hatr certain oil and' gas Lease and A'greeiTrcnt, bearing date May 26, 19D9, CTHicuS4jli3'y Clans 1L' -Vehrs and Ucrtha Vehrs to C. VV. Tayfor, and recorded fn the office of the county recorder of Limvc'otfliCv, Oregon, 011 the 27th day of May, 1909, in Book 88 of Linn; CiDiuiry D"ei Records;, on page 491,'. an.iJhy solid' C. W. Taytlbr assigned to said Caseaide Petroleum: Co. by deed'? of assignment bearingrd'ate- May 27,'. 1909, and oaeorded in the-office of thee cominty recorder of Linn' county, Ore- gon, on- th-e I5th day oitjuly, 1909, in 1 Boali 88 of Linn . County Deed Rec ordsf. om page- 608, and! in the real ' property therein described'.. Alii the- night, title and interest of the said Cascade Petroleum. Co. in and to that' certain oil and gas Lease and Agreement,. Bearing date;May 1, 1909, executed by Fred Freese-andl Augusta Freese to C W. Taylor and. recorded in thoeoffioe of the county-recorder of Linn county-, Oregon, on idle 27th day of Slay,-. 1.909;. in Book 88- of Linn Couaty Deed Records, on page 4S6, and by, said C: W. Tayloivaseigiied to said Cascade petroleum Co, by deed of assignment bearing date- May 27, 1909, and' recorded in the jfhee of the county rccoaribr of Linn county, Ore gon, 011: tlie 15th day of July, 1909, in Book 88 of Linn County Dead Rec ords,, on prage- 609, and ihi- the real prop?rty therein described. Ail the righA, title and in-cuKsd of the said Cascade Petroleum Co.. in and to that certain- ml and gas- Lease and Argsement; bearing date:- April . 30, 1909; executvi by Herman: F.. Linde man, Charles H. Lindeman and Marie Lindeman, to. C. W. Taj-tor,, and re corded! ill-- tiSe office of theceDunty re corder of Linn county, Oregon, on the 27th day of May, 1909;. in; Book S8 of Liiin County Deed accords on pagst .-4S7' auidl by said C. . W. Taylor assigned feS said Cascade; Petroleum Co- tjy deed of assignment bearing dati- May 27ir 1909, and recorded in the othce of the county recorder of Linn county, Oregon, on the- J5th dav of Jhly;. 1909-, in Book 88 of Li nil . County Deed! Records, oil' page 610, audi in t&m- read property,- therein de scaib'e.d.' Alii tte m's&t. title and! .-interest of tlte. saidi Cascade Petrolevtmi Co. in and to-, that- certain oil and a-ss Lease and Agxcenjttiit) bearing date? , execute Dy. 1 nomas Lwang- to C. W. Tsaylbr and recorded irk. the office of tiietooairty recorder of Linn county, Oregon, on the 14th day.' of- May, 1909, m iimk oa 01 Linn tiounty Deed Re-conf on, Daee 483. md hu salH C. W. Taylor assigned to. said Cascade Rttro&umi Co. bv deed-,of aKuirnment bearing date May 27, 1909, and re corded; hi the office ofi: tile- county re corder of Linn county. Oregon, on the loth dav of Tulv. 1909: in Book 8S . of Linn County Dead' Records, on pagsr 611, and in the- real property -therein described. All the rijrht. titlo- and interest of ' thi:sait Cascade Petroleum Co. in and) to that certain oil and gas Lease audi AgTceinent, bearing!. date June 3, 1909,' executed by P. M. Scroggin and Sey mour Washburn to.C. W. Taylor, audi e:ordd 111 the ofSce of the countv re corder of Linn couuty, Oregon, oiii sue win nay ot Jturc, lyuy, m Boot -88. of Linn Count- Deed Records,, on. page 541 and by said C. W. Taylor assigned tp said; Cascade Petroleum Lo. by deed of ' asskmment. hrrtrifio. date July 10, l02t and recorded imthc office of the couuty recorder of Linn county. Ureeon. on the Lit 1 of July. 1909, in' Hook 8S of Linn Coiintw Deed Records on natre 61 1, and-in-the ' real property- oherein described;. Ail the right, title and lnterest of thei said Cascade- Petroleum Co. in and to that ccrtsiu. oil and sas Lease and Agreement, bearing date Mjv- 1. 1909. executed by-Louis Zoph and Fi ances E. iopn to-1,. W. i aylor and recorded m the office o the 'countv recorder of Linn county. Oregon, on the 27th dav of May-, 1909. in Book 88' of Linn , Comity : Deed Records, on page 486' and by said C. W. Taytor assigned to saiit Cascade Petroleum Co- by deed of assignment bearing date May 27th, 1909. and recorded in, the office of the county recorder of Linn countv. Ore gin, on the 13th day of July. iV19. in Book 88 ot Linn County Deed Rec ords on page 012, and in the real nroncrty therein described. To satisfy Mid judgment, costs ar.X accruing cost.s. S. SMITH, county, 0-son, '.-rif( oi t,i.!ia hers a.so had a clos'