Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 12, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    Albany Democrat.
Eh'teretfltThe post ollice, Aluany.Or,
second cIbbb mail matter.
F. P. Nutting.
Our Wants.
K. R. Daily, 227 VV. 2nd street.
Bicycles, sewing machines.
I umbrellas, everytning.
lry nun.
WANTED. Men to eut chair bolts in a
wood camp. R. Veal & Son. 1 12
FOR SALE. -Good Jersey cow. In
quire A. Beard, 608 F. 5th street.
Both phonc-B t21
FOR RENT. Nicely furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Call at 440
E 1st, Jackson. t!3
WANTED. - Dining room girl, good ;
wages, Albany Home Restaurant 202 j
OTDTv,n p m, n, v. WOOD. Good dry mixed and fir, E,
bTRAYED, From Elks Club, gray M Perfect B. D. 4, Home 204. t8
b?b-.t,IeLc1 V..JFerS?j5- HAULING. Gravel and excavation
and receive rewaid. I ng r". ""
UJ'Ulltt OJ1. to
please return and receive
""'u """'""'"r joimui. ACTi M..L K.,11 l,. of,!,,,,,,
FOR RENT. Two suits of housekeep- ReporttoMrs. Swe'iter, near Cala-
ing rooms. Call at 225 W . 3rd at. UO pooia e. 0,3.
liOP PICKERS. Anyone wishing to LOST. A Women of Woodcraft pin
pick in the Leeper and Hodges hop between 2nd Lafayette and depot.
yards please register at Gilbert Bros. Return to Democrat office. Reward.
store. M. A. Winn, Manager. tl9 SHINGLING.-Will take contracts for
DILL for dill pickles for sale by -E. all kinds of shingling. W. J. Vanaken,
B. Davidson, 729 E First St. residence Young-Goodwin block.
FOR RENT. -30 acre form near Alb- Home phone 444. tl3
any. Call at Democrat office. tlO LOST. A little necklace, with locket,
CATTLE FOR SALE.-Registered picture of little girl and dog inside.
Aberdeen Angus. John Wills, Al- Reward. Return to Mrs. J. C. Keats,
bany.Or. I 540 W. 9th.
WASHING. Done at 128 W. Water FOR SALE. Two good cows. Inquire
street. Home phone 432. Work I of Mrs. C. A. Curran.
called for and deiive-ed. I WOOD TO SAtf. Wanted by Andrew Save them all from destruction.
WuOL-Carded and batted at Suntiam ! Fuller, 223 3rd & Calapooia. Bell
pnone ZU4. to
FOR SALE. Dried fruit and raisins,
best qualitv. Peaches 6c, raisins 4c.
Ready now. W. A. IRobb, Fowler,
WANTED. To hire a .horse, to be paid
for in keeping, also wish to hire light
wagon that will 'hold a thousand
pounds. Call at Democrat office.
etc.. by u. V. steer, . u. a. 'liazel-
(The following is by E. A. Barnes,
a well known commercial traveler, ,
with Jionflriii;irtpr nt Pnrtlrmrl. whn " I
docs the valley:) Miss Orah Harkness last night re-1
! The Whiskey man will take from you turned from her summer's outing at
I most every tiling you earn Newport.
' And you'll have naught to show for it, Mrs. E. H. McCune went to Portland
j while he has coin to burn; this afternoon on a visit with her
With wives and children starving, mother.
I which ever way you turn, 4 Mrs. Omer Hendricson. of Heppner,
If you march on to destruction. J arrived last night on a visit at the home
I j of her mother, Mrs. Rideout.
Chorus. I Mrs. S. S. Smith, of Portland, ar-
, Hurrah! Hurrah I the devil take the rived this noon on a visit with her sis
I rum; . ter, Mrs. S. S. Gilbert.
Hurrah! Hurrah! I'll never be a bum; j Ura j N. chambers left this after-
i in gums ra iHu a ucccm mil-, n00n for Bellknap Springs for an out-
From now till kingdom come,
I've switched from the road to de
struction. Awake my friends, bestir yourselves,
don!t pass your time away,
In idleness, where congregate, a thirs
ty crowd each day.
Go back to wife and children, or moth
er, old and gray;
Ere you march on to destruction.
Can't you sec you're needed, where
your -wife and children are?
Don't stand there a 'spending all your
earnings o'er the bar;
Think about your little ones, make
them your guiding star,
Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton
A. J. Caldwell, Prop.
FOR SALE. -Gasoline woodsawing out
fit, at a bargain if taken now. Guar
anteed to do the work, Geo. t
Brown. Home phone 862
FOR RENT. Office looms, splendid
location, in the new Stark building.
See Dr. A. Stark about it.
6ARBAGE. Fred Rainwater, looks 1
after garbage. Phone Horre 2303. 4t
' ing of a week or two.
I Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Marshall and
Mrs. Dr. Foley have returned from an
outing at Collins Springs.
Miss Hazel Rolre, of Eugene, arrived
I this afternoon on a visit with Albany
, relatives and lriends, after an absence
of four years.
I Mrs. Geo. tVyatt and daughter of
Centralia, Wash., arrived yesterday on
' a visit at the home of B. C. Wyatt, of
North Albany.
Dr. M. M. Davis, of Eugene, returned
this noon from Newport, where he owns
about as much property as any one, be
sides a big oyster bed.
N. J. Damon, of North Yakima, a
former Salem man, went to the Bay
today. He owns considerable property
there, and is always on hand summers.
Dr. Virgiuia Leweaux. her sister and
daughter left this morning to spend a
week or ten days at tne Deacn. Iheo
FOR SALE. By the owner, one s!x
room house ana two lots, center of ;
town, 822 East 4th St; also one good
cook stove and several heating stoves.
H. Barnes.;
FREE WOOD. At the Albany saw
mill. Get some.
GARBAGE. If residence Is west of
Lyon street will pick up garbage for
50c month. S. B Penny the garbage
man. Home phone 2303. t4 I
Call Roy Eastburn, at Eastburn's
store. Both phones 58.
FOR SALE. Two four room cot
tages, at Nye Creek. See Chas.
Burggraf. ' 19t
FOR SALE. Fifty acres, bottom land,
8 miles from Albany. E. Yagelski,
R. D. 8. 3325 Home phone. tl7
FOR SALE. Farm of 45 acres, in
quire of E. E. Parrish, R. D. 1.
NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed
on by Chas. Procnow's new machine.
Saves stockings and Bocks. It
FOR SALE- Farm ot IbU acres, also
city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc
Ilwain. FIRE INSURANCE Beaver State
Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera
House Bldg.
McMinnvillo. Oregon's greatest mu
tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany,
Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones.
wood addition. t03
Vvestbrook, Home phone 7001. New
5 H. P. saw. t3 ,
FOR RENT. Four nice furnished ;
rooms, only $15. Inquire at Daven- j
port's Music Store. 2t 1
I now for yard on A. F. Luther place,
I 1 mile from bridge. Home phone
j 2105. McClellan&Settlemier. t28
Budded on whole roots, are the only
kind to plant. That's hc kind we 1
! sell. Call Loth phones or address vV. I
A. Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur-
series, Albany, Or. u
(OB SAL.K.1 two seated single rig,
springs, 1 three seated double rig,
springs, covered, both in good repair,
at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh
son, 1 mile from Albany, Benton
county. 6t a new steel rim with a cooking
$100,000. To loan on Farm-lands, or plate on top, a model modern . stove
on good city property, to procure a no blacking. Keeps clean. Just take
The whiskey man lives like a king, up
on the avenue;
Eats a porterhouse for lunch, while
chuck will do for vou:
He buys sealskins for his wife, and her son will joiu them and they will go
yours gets nothing new, , up " ascuuia.
Yet you march on to destruction. i W. B Stevens returned last evening
(from Newport, accompanied by his
Can t you hear the warning that comes brother, Dr. Stevens of Chilicothe,
from near and far; 1 Mo., who will leave for home tomorrow
Can't you get a ride upon the good old , morning. Mr. Stevens this summer
l water car? , had erected one of the finest summer
' If .1 .. Ml l . . ,. : 1 : MaiJanMB at Uonnrnt nnotinn CO Ann
; ii you uun i yuu 11 iinibn in a jew . ..u.t-w ."6 v.,wv.
three baTl Bazaar, I
On the road to destruction
Free Demonstration
of the
The most wonderful railroad invention
since the Westinghouse Air Brake.
Now on Exhibition over the Post Office.
1 n ( ,.j m.. u.,.kt.n ;n Aik.-..
Then you'll nave the time to think, of , r,u" "", ".ua.ij,
what it might have been;
While you're workin' overtime, servin' i Prof, and Mrs. Chas: J. Bushnell ar-
m the pen. ! rived last mgbt for a month s visit at !
Your life dream's just a bubble, that's j the home of the latter's father Judge I
bursted once again, H. H. Hewitt. During the past year
When you've arrived at destruction. Prof. Bushnell has been teaching the .
j state agricultural college at Stillwater,
Th Wahr I Ok., and has been reelected, but has '
I nc n earner. j nQt yet decided whether he will return, :
f rot. Bushnell nas made a special study
Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital
and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank
' Invites Your Business
Range of temperature 87 48.
rne river is . loot.
' Prediction: fair tonight and Thurs
day. ! Theloiedu.
loan, or to make a loan, call upon J
O. Christy, Atty., at law. Rooms 12
and 13 over the First National Bank,
230 W. 1st. street, Albany Ore. 6t
GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale
at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper
than ay whore else in Albany. Skill
Iv set, if desired.
a look at it. A Albany Hd Co's.
See the new lot of granite
the Variety Store.-
of sociological questions, among other
things conducting model city govern
meotB for boys, one year at Cleveland,
another at Washington, D C, linilding
up a splendid reputation in this import
ant work.
Letter List.
Same Management for Eighteen
Years, Through Two Panics.
J. W.' Cusick & Co., Bankers.
and shakes at the SAW
The following letters remain in the
Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for
Aug. 10. 1910. Persons desiring any of
at these letters should call for advertised
: letters, giving the date:
L'n J Eva Armstrong. J. R. Allen, H. J.
It is the Best Beard, Fred Furguson, Iowa Reality
!Co., Katie Kirsch, Dorine Lewis, Mary
Lardon, Prunk & Prunk, S. H. Steph-
W ANTED. Woman to do housework ! fns- p- T- Wan- E R W. Mrs. A. Wil
and milk 3 cows. Small ranch near , lar T , .
town. Address Citizen, Albany, Ore. 1 J. S. VAN Winkle, P. M.
Use Johnson s best
Made in Albany.
We will be prepared to take oats c
Barley, wheat and oats bought.
For ruilding, ornamental purposes, rip
rap, filling, etc.
Sampies at M. Senders & Co's store.
W. L. COBB, R. D 4. Phone, Home
Your Opportunity
Summer Goods Must Go To
Make Room For Fall Merchandise
The Ladles' Home Journal
PatUra V
let The little fel
low PLAY
Here's a dandy little suit
for the little fellow to wear at
the seaside. A suit, he can
play in, and be comfortable,
and yet he will look as neat
and nice as you please.
It is easy to make, too ; just
call for
'Ladies' Home Journal Pat
tern No. 5257
Then we have a nice line of
good serviceable wash mate
rials that will serve admir
ably for the making.
Everything necessary to
make the best suit complete.
The Style Book also illus
trates a great host of other
ideas in children's clothes.
You should own a copy of
this wonderful book. Only
20c, and this includes any 15c
pattern you may select.
Only a few .wash suits of splendid styles and materials
remain at the low prices which have moved the others and
will move these. The sizes are still well represented as
well as the colors, all of which are most desirable.
They are all nobby stylish suits, well made, neatly fin
ished and worth many times the price we now ask to clear
them. You will get a great deal of service from them this
year, enough to pay you many times the money invested.
One lot we offer at your choice each, $2.95.
One lot at, $5.75.
Then there is a splendid assortment of light colored tail
ored suits that we now offer while thev last at just
Half Price.
It will be many weeks yet
until it will be necessary for
you to throw aside the Ox
fords and wear high shoes.
Probably just now a stylish
pair of tan Oxfords would be
most gratefully received and
to make this possible to you
we offer the remainder of our
splendid stock at just HALF
There are all sizes and
styles in the best leathers.
Many people are rejoicing
over their savings in this one
thing and you too will be un
usually well pleased we are
Nothing more comfortable
or as serviceable as a good
pair of tanx Oxfords and
we are truly almost giving
them to you at this very low
price. All are placed on a
large counter cenvenient for
you to make a selection. But,
better come early while the
selection is large.
All at
L. E.&H. J. Hamilton
317 First St.