Albany ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY AUGUST 12. I91fr VOI, LVI 0 2 CITY PROPERTY. No. 123 New 5-room cottage and lot, West Albany. Price $1,100. No. 121 New 4-room cottage, good lot. West Albany. Price $1,000. No 119 Two lots, and 8-roora house, East Albany. Price $1,050. No. 85 7-roora house, ten lots, barn, 1 chicken house. Fine location, West Albany. Price $6,500. Large list stock, fruit and dairy farms from $15.00 per acre up. Call at my office for full information. 130 Broadalbin street. p . pQWELL. F.Q. Will ior watches THEY ARE HERE That Delayed shipment of Expres Wagons , has just arrived, all s-.zes from the smallest to the largest. We can suit all size boys. The prices are right. At Meiser & Meiser Remember Ruby Blend is the Very Bes,t 25c Coffee. We Deiy Any Store or Catalogue House m America to Beat These Mces HERE ARE. A FEW OF THE RUMMAGE sale BARGAINS W. B. CORSETS 48c PAIR For cljoice of all broken lots and discontinued numbers of corsets worth up to $1.00 pair 98c PAIR' Misses, Children's and Boys' Oxfords, Pumps and Slippers Every style, every size from 5 to 2, in Tan, Patent Leather, Vici, or Gun Metal, regular values up to $2.50. See win dows. $9.87 For Women's and Misses Tailored Suits, actual values up to $30.00. Every suit new this season, best of materials, lined with. Skinner's guaran teed satin and silk 4c YARD For regular 10c Linen Fin ished Torchon Lace. 16c YARD For 25c and 35c 18-inch Cam bric Corset Cover Embroidery- , W. B. CORSETS 78c PAIR For choice of all discontinued numbers of W.. B. Corsets worth up to $2 a pair. $1.98 PAIR For Women's Patent Kid, Patent Colt, Vici . or' Gun Metal, $3.50 and $4.00 Ox fords and Pumps. Every pah new this season. See big window display. $1.00 For Children's $2.50 white or light blue Duck or Pique Coats. 98c For choice of this season's new Parasols worth up to $3.50. ONE-PIECE DRESSES. Cheaper, in fact much cheap er than you can buy materi als for. , $1.25 for any $2.50 One-piece Dress. $1,75 for any $3.50 One-piece Dress. $2.12 for any $4.75 One-piece Dress. $2.75 for any $5.50 One-piece Dress. $3.75 for any $7.50 One-piece Dress. APPEALING TO THE PRESS. Here is another one from tho Greater Home Uule Association, written specially for editors, because, the writer says, they wield a powerful Influence, and there is no violet scented flattery about that. Several days ago the Association wrote us about Bill Jones and Sissy Parsley, whose mutterings the Democrat took pleasure in punct urine, which, this so called Home Rule Association says it wanted to grab our attention like a boa constrictor, so that we would know it is vital. You bet, you, it is vital to Portland saloon keepers, who wish to dominate the state. This whiskey is one that affects the farmer and everybody, and on November 8th there is cninc to be a big NO cast to the Question of the voting the sMoon in or out, and when you come to No. 328 and 329 the Dem. ocrat is flat-footed in advising people to put, a cross between azu and No. WILL GO UP MT. HOOD. ftReiK. W. S. Gordon of this city is pre paring to spend his vacation by climb ing Ml. Hood. Next week he will go with a party of Portland and other Oregon ministers to Mt. Hood, starting up about Wednesday. Dr. Clarence I irue Wilson is ac the head of the party. Among the others will be Dr. J. H. Cudlipp, Fletcher Human. Rev C. L. Hamilton, W. T. Euster, W. J. llouglas andff. V. Fisher. Brownsville. From the Times: Mrs. J. P. Coolev died Autr. 1 age of 52,' after an illness of 18 at the years, DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The Roseburg commercial club ans wered 531 personal letters during July. During three months in Dallas there' was not an arrest. Dallas is now Am and a better city than ever. Daniel E. Powers, of PorHnml h ueguu a Bun 10 nave ueciurea uncon stitutional the Uuv providing for a sal ary of $3000 for the assistant attorney general. H. U. Lumsdon, of Portland, yester day while fishing in Klamath Lake landed a trout weighing eighteen pounds. It took him an hour and ten minutes to do it, the fight of his life. The Princess May a steamer on the way from Skagway to Juneau yester day struck a reef and sunk. The Danger ar Newport. Oregoaan: There is grave danger that travelers visiting Newport ana Nye Creek and residents of those places will contract typhoid fever if they are not careful to drink only tho water being piped in from the mountains, according to Dr. Calvin S. White. He visited Newport a few days ago, and brought back to Portland with him samples of the water from the sp-ing above the towns. These were submit ted to the state board of health. The presence of colon baccilli does not indicate that there are typhoid germs in the water, but it does indi cate that it is being polluted by human excrement, and there is grave danger of contracting typhoid fever by drink ing it. At the Hotels N. J. Reasmer, Ashland. . Elmer E. Hyland, Eugene C. E. Morris, Madison, Wis. Herbert Button, Eugene Joe Coolev, Salem B. Morris and son, Kcio M. H. Hendricks, Tacoma Chas Childs, Brownsville E. Stewart, Corvallis Maurice Winter, Portland G. E. Bassett, Corvallis Henry Allen, Grand Island, Neb. Geo, King, Geo. Libby, Amity. Mrs. M. Clelland and .,,rfH..mht. Peneers on board all escaped. the Misses Rawlings. of Albany, were , STSMttSSJ dWn' the guests in this city Wednesday of J. much is. not known. F. Venner and family. President Lovett and party left On- lioGePoUKDh t fK t Padn(t fa-! dZXLr0Te'oTsl is trained SibSE wiZe" . WlE.eT V Wa " C0UrSe 0 traiDin ""Ser, O'Brien is wUh him. The trip is said special care. ! to be signficant of what is to follow in Nels Cochran went to Roseburg to- railroad building. nnnif C bra 'an'dianWa? V S 8 bic?c,e mAin ' ' always be handy. The mayor has re- Shuriff Bown, of Eugene, left for fu.s to sign it, and it becomes a law Los Angeles yesterday after Chas J. wlthout 3 signature. Rosen, charged with the seduction of Miss Mary Van Winkle of Philomath Ella Bowers of Irving, while his n&3 been taken to the rescue home at affianced wife is traveling in Europe. Portland, with her two ehildren. The Rosen instead of residing at Eugene Rescue Home and the State Purity has been section foreman at Irving. League have had her brother-in-law Loren Wood city marshal of ;Philomath, The editor of the Junctinn flltv Timon '"dieted. He is charged with being the hat just had his 'first "Fe'aTa i?e tw0 .. grandfather, there being born to Dr. 01 ner ruln' and Mrs. Lehrnach a son, and Grandpa' Newberg Graphic: Rev. F. C: Stan- mooreneaa says ne is blamed if he isn t nara, pastor of the Kaptist church, read proud of the kid. his resignation to his coaregation Sunday morning. The church has taken no aCiion on jt yet( Bd tno memners THE OREGONIAN. In case of bad e making a vigorous, concerted effort delivery or missing of paper tele- to pursuade him to reconsider. The phone Eagle's Cigar Store, week pressure upon Rev. Stannard, both by days before 8, Sundays before 10 members and non-members, is so strong o'clock. that we hope and believe he is waver- ing in his thought or leavinir. THE EMPIRE, L E CTRI TONIGHT. Ln ! - 4-1-1 -rf- mvm Tt f !- cltraixrA ef cl-i rn re n A f Ve orno rantpp nf" f hie j ' 1 1 -C U n-A AirAfir off JM3 Tf Jc J lit Tr C C 1 f " 1 1 C ttl A m Q 11 IT Ml f .fir 1ffC Kilt STOrC IS UctCK. Ul Cadi dllU tvw y cxk ti-i.. jh. w iuiwjshiv i.v hui. v.v 'every department will contribute just such bargains as you find in this ad. Our hats 'are selling for about 25c on the dollar, more than 75 per cent discount. WAltrl inn vv iin ljkj vv o. Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit ard Cloak House ALBANY SLPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confection iry, wrapping paper, twine and paper bogs. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid and Golden oale cement, Olympic lime, Arden plaster. Get prices bef jre buy ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street. Albany. Phones. Main 6 Bell, 3 Home. M. Senders &Co, (INCORPORATED.) THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. M. Sendsrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. Dr eam land. "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" . Direction People's Amusement Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday. Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Children 5c. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. , R B. IHayberry, Drayman Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving .a specialty, Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes foi sale. Wood for sale, v"" wood or 16 inch wood. OHice with Lion & Benton Real Es tate Co . 236 West 1st. Residence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phones. BAVb YOUK LUilHtS CLEANED AND PRESSED THE CLEANER, CU.MM1NGS & GILBERT 4L0 W 1st St. Beli Phone h.iack 273 Home Dhone 106 PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. MID THE CANON'S ROAR A military picture replete with action, interest and patriotic enthusiasm. THE WHITE CAPTIVE O FTHE SIOUX A wonderful Indian picture, based on a well authenticated historic incident. THE MESSENGER'S DAG An interesting picture of what a dog will do to serve his master, however unworthy he may be. PETE HAS NINE LIVES A humorous series of illustrations showing how hard Pete tried to find re lict from his woes in death. TRAVELOGUES With the President in Washington MISS EDYTHE NEILSON Singing "My Old M .it; is Hane Hall Mad" Palmer's Hairy THE fr-LMN RUL!;. HERE IT IS. A'.Bffl. TH 0., The Cloria Gas Lamps C.hraper than any other lurht. r"ull h'.'skK'nC'! phone Delivcrsmiik an.: cream to any part of the chain and it lights instantly. ,he city Prices reasonahle. Jersey ows with best of care. Both Phones. Home Phone. 536 E. First St., See bCHOEL UKOS.,p .11 n a Albany, Oregon. uvy and hsht hauling. specialty. rd Both black 225 Moving A- LITTLE MONEY In your pockets is a good thing, but money in real estate is better. You Are Invited to Look Into These Bargains. No Trouble to Show Property. 108. 100 acres, 50 acres in crop, 6 acres onion land, 10 acres pasture, and timber, orchard, apples, pears, berries, grapes, 9-room house, 3 barns, blacksmith outfit; water power, feed mill, farm fully equipped with ma chinery. . Price $5,250. Terms. 207. 54 acres 5 miles of Albany, all in crop except 7 acres timber and pas ture, 10 acres orchard, springs, also well at house, new barn, the finest building site in grove of trees, can see the lights in Albany and Corvallis. Price $5,400. Terms. 50. 87 acres 5 miles from Albany, all in crop and seeded, pasture, creek through place, windmill, water piped to house and barn, new buildings, family orchard. Garden, berries. $100 per acre. Terms. 61. 84 acres at R. R. station, 5 miles from Albany, all under cultiva tion, grain, garden, family orchard, windmill, good buildings. Price $9,000. Terms. I 83. 10 acres 2 miles from Albany, t new 7-room house and barn, 7 acres j crop, 3-4 acre orchard, 3-4 acre hcr- rics, 3 acres pasture and timber. A 1 fine home. $3,500. 97. 5 acres 'A mile from Albany, , fair house of 5, rooms, loganberries, gooseberries, currants, not. far from the $50,000 high school building. Price $2,500. Terms. I 44. 300 acre stock farm, 50 acres grain, 50 acres saw timber, cruises three million feet: 2 good orch ards, 40 acres; 100 acres pasture, springs on all parts of farm. Modern new 8-room house, water piped from : spring, 2 good barns 36x40 and 35x45, 1 mile to school, 6 miles to good ! town. R. I7. D., tclepttone and milk route, '100 acres bottom land. 150 acres rolling, line for orchard. Price $11, , 000. Terms. 76. 15 acres VA miles from live town, fttic river bottom land, good .house, bam and out buildings. 2'i 'acres in garden, balance pasture, eas ily cleared. Finest of soil for any thing. Price $2,600. Ternjs. , 67. 94 acres, 7-ronm house. 40 acres plow land, 5 .'iere orchard, 20 acres is lieaverd i;:i hml, V, mile to school, (1 miles inv.n live town. Price $40 per acre. 1!5. 5'. 'ii! in bearing prune, new hoi:?? a:"! ciih'Vu lio'.te. all f,..- .0 I wiM ('!!if!:c-i ; wire. 2 t."i!-. ir'im Al' nv. i!v ;1 c!;i':k.n I'rire f ". Term. Big New Program Tonight. Follow the crowd. Admission 10 cents. Entire change of program today. 1. a.arriea on norseDacit. A story owooy s courcsntn. The Shipwrecked Man. j of a cowboy's courtshii 1 of a sailor's fickle love A Btory 3 A Jealous Wife. The funnv ex- I perience of a jealous woman. Songs. Brandy Legs, sung by Miss NicKlo ' son. I Out in an Automobile, aung by Little Miss Nickleson. i This is a program no one should miss. Admission 5c. , Both Phones Main 53 COMPAQ 337 West lit. Ablany, Or WM. BAIN. President. P. D. GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier.) ALBANY STATE BANK We issue drafts available in a ly part of the United States or Europe. We also issue Travelers' Checks, which can be used in this country or abroad, and furnish the best means of carrying funds while traveling. Wc shall be glad to explain their safety and convenience to you at any time. Safety deposit boxes for rent. C0PELAND AD MARSHALL MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Knot Butte, near Santiam River. pn '-BAKY r.rAI, ESTATE CO. State i:.-.i:': I'-tiil-Jiiig, Up.uir.i. Stctter's Get the Blues. T " ( T" T 1 '': 1 ? 7.'- C 1 'J!- . t v