Muslin Underwear Reduced Flood's Atfents for R. & G. Cor-ets. ABSTRACTS Ifjyou own any real property you will need an abstract of title. Better get one now and be ready when an opportunity to sell comes. Deals often fail for want of time to examine and perfect a title. We are at your service at the old stand Alco Club corner. THE LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. RELIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE. . GO TO "THE CREST" For your Ice Cream, Cold Drinks . ami Confectionary. None better in the city . -, .... . L. L. POT1S. Both Phones 816 est 2nd Mayberry Wood Yard. All kinds of wood: Big fir, price $5.00; 2nd growlh.-$4 76; Maple, $4.75; Slab, 4 ft. length. $2.60; Oak, $5.25; Ash. $5.25. Will delivor any amount wanted sawed to order, to any part of town. Pawed 'any length desired. . SHOE REPAIRING, by A. W. Baughman. at H. A. Stoltenberg's. Fine hand sewed work a specialty. All work done promptly using the best leather, guarantned to (jive satis faction. Prices reasonable. 13t Estimates given on Plastering, Side walk and Cement Work. J . F. TR AVER, 4th & Calapooia Export Chiropodist. Williemi...- tarns, bunions, ingrow ing too nail.', Mid itching hurning feet relieved immediately. Will go to your residence if you can't come to me. Call me upon either phono. Home 1436 Bell Bluck 443 R. Beat of reference given right here in Albany. Call by phone before 10 or after 3. Mrs. J. W. DuiVEK.230 Lyon St. JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-rcsidents. ' 130 Broadalbiu street, Albany. Bell phone Red 140i. TOM YOUNG, House and Sign Painter, Agent for the Cleveland Gclscntte roof paint. 122 Ferry Street, Home Phone, 320. Pacific, Red 3092 "fiOI LINS & TAYLOR, Real Estate and Insurance, Buy and sell property. Insure property and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. J. M. RALSTON, Insurance, Loans & Collections. Have money to loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mort gages bought. I will bond you. Properly handled for non-res. dents. A. STARK, M. D, Physician and Surgeon, Will & Stark Block Albany I DR. MARY MARSHALL, Osteopathic Physician, Albany State Bank Building. Bell Black 482. Home 275 H. A. LEININGER. Dentist, Cbwford Blnck Albany . DR. W. R. BILYEU, Dentist, vV Stark Block - Albany Will M. B. CRAFT. 242 West Second St.. Albany. l'"irsi-ilass meals oi all kinds from srlrt trcl slork HENRY BRODERS, Dealer in Choice Meats of All Kinds. 2111 West Sei-iuid Street. BRUCE & ANDERSON, Opposite the Postofiice. Four eliair- I'rompt and ellic hair. lent care of the iace anil VIF.RECK.'S BATHS. 217 West First Street Fir"! Cla- Wi'rk Goarinti l'ol. Ki.l'.M eiuclv w and r.'.t.'h n !o move. II elite i- tliott-'li.-itte-Woo.l: i CementWoM Me no No ii' worth .ilu-ini 1)1 V.;: at Prices Store Agents for Standard Patterns Why buy Groceries of Portland Houses when you can getthe following prices at EASTBURN'S 14 lbs Granulated Sugar.. ... $1.0 1G lbs Cream Rolled Oats.; 1.00' 11 lbs Head Rice...'..; 1.00- 14 lbs Japan Rice 1.00 1G lbs Broen Head Rice 1.00 I 12 los White Beans 1.00 12 lbs Lima Beans .... 1.00 10-16 ozpka Raisinns .. . 1.00 Get our prices before you buy. W. A. EASTBURN The Grocer. Francis Bros, --Up-to-date Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR TO W. E. FRANCIS. Prices are Right. DOOLEY'S GROCERY 9TH AND LYON STREETS. M n: rj o sis;! 1' ?Q (t rj- Si, r . P to The Riverside hum Kll. SCIIOFL. Proprietor Breeder nnd Importer of O. I. C. Hogs S. C. White and Bull Leghorns, w. P. Recks, Lijht Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, M. B. Turkeys, Wtm. n:i den Geese, I'.i it Ducks, I'd i Guinea" Winner ct 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry at tne i.ewis o: vmr ruir. Eggs in Season Stock for Sale Phone, Farmers 95 - - - R D no' iiirs Saiiial-Pepsn Capsules FOSiTIVE CURL for Itifltmtnutlnn drrtur-r-o: III.' lit na.if t Rtul IM-i',i.a hi.l i. nOt'VKE "o tax . ' v.t kly mi iH-im.-uH-ntly ifi Jlt'l, no m nor ot tio' ' 'iti,ii,' A t.iiolMtol lutmlt.'ii. Solil by ariK-fii((. I'rt.n fl.iv, or lijr mail, po lain, a iwim, TIIF 5AIITAI .PFPSlli fit i'i!v',' Ocllclontalne, Oht For sale bT'fiarktisrt & l.oe : f 'o - tiii" TOMORROW'S DOINGS. St. Mary's church:-Rev. Arthur LAlb.tny c?.'?no6- affor-d to be bebind Lane Rector. Rev. John Van Verel. as-1 the other cltles m Pav"S .istant. Sunday services at 6.3U and 1 i:m a. m. bvemng service at 7:30.1 ine sermon win De preacnea irom the gospel of the Sunday St. Mark 7. Miss ion services will be held at Scio, The public is cordially invited. lhnstian church: Bible school at .nnauan endeavor at 7 p. m, jermon at 8. Subject, ' Slated for the Ax." Everybody welcome. jiveninK United Presbyterian:-W. P. White, Pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 8 Morning subject: "The Pierced Jesus.'' pates that there will be something do Evenina subiect: "The Tfiara nf lnK ln Southern .Oregon. It reads; Jesus." Those desirine to un loon. Thn. t ,,; :n, the church will find the pastor at his residence, first house west of church, ... one half hour before service First frebbvtetian church Rev. F. I H. Geselbracht, Minister. Morning service 10:30. Theme: The Hidden Sackcljth. A special message to the bereaved. Prof. E. L. Wilson will render a sacred violin solo. Evening service 8:00. Theme: Crowning the Chr st. Sabbath school at 11:45. classes for.all. Union Youpg Poeple's meeting mine .uecnouisc cnurcn at Y:uu. "Dome thou with us and we will do thee e;ood.' M. E. church.-3rd & Ellsworth St W. S. GorJon. Pastor. The suhiect Ht iv.av win De: - ine uomposite Man, based on Col. 3:10-11. Rev. W, C. Reuter of Nbwberc will nccunv thn puipic at Eight o'clock. He has the reputation of being a scholarly man, and a thinker. Class-meeting 10; Sun day school 11:45; Epworth League 7; i-raver meet n? . rnursnav nr. t-x i Board meeting Monday at 7:30 Christian Science services Sunday 11 a.m. .Subject. Love. Baptist church. Regular services at tne usual nours. breaching bv the pas tor. Brownsville. Times:: Ed Hoiloway came-up from Borland the latteirpart of last week and has been engaged this week in arranging to move his family to the metropolis to reside. The members of the Hpworth League gave a farewell banquet on the lawn at tne M. parsonage Tuesday evening, in honor of Ed Holloway and family, Dr. J. B. Kellev and family, Mrs. , Tinnie Wyatt and George Lacey, all of I whom go elsewhere to reside; 3. D. Tower, one of the proprieturs or the lirownsville Creamery and a prominent business man, met ;,eath Saturday evening as the result of a peculiar accident. Whilo assisting i unloading ice a large cake slipped and striking the end of a board caused it to fly up and strike'the unfortunate mar a terrific blow on the side of his head,; causing a fracture of the skull which' resulted in his death abouc four hours afterward. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will he received at the office of the architect until 5 p. m. Friday, the 10th day of August, 1910. for the construction of a brick and re inforced concrete business building, to be erected at Albany, Oregon, for A. C. Schmitt and A. W. Flinn. Proposal? shall be accompanied by a ; certified dhecK to the amount ot 10 pat cent of proposal. The contractors to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to furnish a surety bond for not less than 50 per cent of contract. The owner reserves the' right to accept or reject anv or all Drorjosals Plans and specifications may be- seen at the office of the Architect), W. R. Hand, fliun Block, Albany; Uregom. At the Hotels S. Curtis, Harrisburg Jas. juanels, Mill City Judge Geo, H. Burnett, Sttlem- F. F. Conway, Mt. Vernoni. Win. Dr. J. B; Kelly. Brownsville B. L. Tamplin & wf, Denver B. Love and tarn, LeMars, Itu. C. E. Brainard, Payette, Ida,.. J. D. Otovell & wf, Medford. E. F. Carlton, Salem The Weather. Range of temperature 80-41:. a. cool morning for a fact. I ho river is .9 of a foot. Prediction: fair tonight and Sunday. GORDEN VIBKATOkSWe have ust received a shipment of Gordon Vibrators. This vibrator took first rize over all vibrators a.t the Seattle 'air. Guaranteed for one year. Call it our store and get a booklet. Price, 15.W. dUK KHART (fe LKE. D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPS?? SWEEPER Agent for the ONWARD SUDING HOE. FI11ST NATIONAL Albany, Oregon. OLD AND RELIABLE. !ror thirty-nine years this Bank has been con lucting a conservative business. It has had a icalthy. steady growth during these years and in the basis of this record invites your account onlident of its ability to serve you advantage iiisly. Assets Over One Million Dollars. SAVING I u ST SAYINGS BANK MISFITS. Outing weather every night. Some one 9ay Albany might as well pave the entire district, Washington to : Lyon, First to Ninth at once and have 1 it done, as it is bound to come. 1 Thlrrv.tuin Ma n,1iun, i - ' sented them, regardless of their merit. Next year turn over a new leaf and turn down objectionable measures. A heading in an Ashland paper Indi- "Normal Killer. Jay Bowerman. Inacea.Ior OTel "?rmal schools, him ttrnnvnnF inated for Governor, is slayer of state normal schools." The Record calls ...... r, J The fight is on him ignorant, malicions and a liar, i : President Taft has directed Senator Crane of Massachusetts to come west to inquire into the political conditions, There would be more sense in having nlm come to inquire into the industrial conditions. A f resident should be more than a politician after he is elected. HARRISBURG. Bulletin: J W- A. Murtfock reports having the finest stand of corn he has ever seeiv in this country, a 12 acre patch, which in this country amounts to quite a field. The stock shipments from here tft9'' past week have amounted to 19 car' loads. C. Lifer of Eugene his shipped three cars of sheep: Burt Norwood one j of cattle, an Albany man three cars, i Norwood Bros, fow cars, Swihgler seven cars, and-Russell Coleman of Co- burg one car. Mrs. Ennis. wife of Raw. Ennin nf Peoriu. passed awav hare last ThnrH. . day noon at the age of about 35 years. j A few hours previous she bad given : birth to a baby girl and to all appear- j ances had come from under the anes- i ihetic in a most favorable condition. ! Chief Morris has issued a eiM for a ! meeting of all the citizens who wish to I Hslnn f A i Fishermen's Excursion Oa' Sunday, July 31st. the Newport! excursion train will be operated from Hoover The tram will leave Albany Saturday at 2: o'clock, and return Sun day morning to Albany,;thenco to New. port, and lrrdarn Sunday evening te nooveni anu oacK to Aloarjp early Monday morning, arriving at AlJbany about 5a. m. This- will enable nimrods to enjoy one day and. two' nights along the bauke- of.' the b;uitiam. Round trip tickets will be sold' for this tram as follows: To Detroit ?2i20;. To Hoover $2:lii ' NOTICE TO FARMERS j The Sterling" Bros, having ratired, ( from the- nianacinent of our War- ,' houses aC Tangsut and Tallman we ' will: opecatfi the houses ourselves;, as ' formerly,, storing: wheat, oats, etc. and: ; purchasing;: the same when offcrcdifor: sale: In closing, up past years busi"- j ness- we find it has been very satis-; factory ta us,, amd also, we think very satisfactory tO' every one who. Has-1 dbne- business v&Ai us. i We- are now prepared to furnish grain bags- for storage purposes andi we'- solicit your patronage, both storage- and exchange: We will continue to give- you the same square deali int the- future- as we have in the past. J.. E. Jenks will have charge of .the-1 Tangent house and Lester Jenks- of the-TalliHxm house, both of whom. are well! and favorably known to every, fajtmcr int the- vafflEy. Yours tnulv, AILBANY MI1X & ELEVATOR Go,,. Albany, Ore-.-. The luedu. A new steel rirrs. with a ctoking plate on- top, a model modern . stove no blacking. Keeps dean. Just take a, look Bit it. A Albany Hd Go's. F G. WILL, lor Watches Ncv 11 lath at the SAW Mills. crrr property. Ko. I23New S-room cottage-and: levi West Albany. Price $1,103." No. 121 New 4-room cottage, goad' ii 1st. West Albany. Price $11000. t No.. tlH Two lots, and 8-rcmi honse. East AJbany. Price $1,059; Mo. 85" 7-room house, ten lots, barn, t chicken house. Fine location, West Albany. Price $6,500. Large list stock, fruit and dairy farms from $15.00 per acr-up. Call at my office for full information. 1311 Eroadatbin street. JAS. R POWELL. BANK A REGULAR AMOUNT ncrsistentlv will determine your future sue will determine your iiiture cess and comforts. You will never regret tht money you save. After you have syirted you will rei;ret thai you did not open an accouni sootier. Ir.tewst Paid on Savings Accounts. Taint No Use LookiIl, for Fiah, Honeys under a 'lectrical cooker. I turns on de switch and de 'lectricitjr cooks de oatmeal ! Cooked evenly all over without no bother and no fuss. De cutest lil cooker you ebah see..'. Why should any housewife drudge over a kitchen fire when General Electric cooking utensils as simple and inexpensive as this, cereal cooker can do the work for them. Wc will be glad to show visitors how to cook with electricity FOR SALE BY DEALERS AND ' f . Northwestern Corporation, 128 West First Street. LUMBER. Let us figure with you on your next Lumber Bill. We are confident we can save yon- money, and it won't cost' a cent to let us try. We carry a tull stock of Lumber, Shingles, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Moldings, Building Paper, and Columbia River Sand. We have our own. saw mills sad can furnish anything on short notice. Both Phones THE C. K. SPAULDING LOGGING CO. A. B. Kelsay; Manager. (Albany Abstract Company, j L. M. Curl, Manager. Hereafter the records in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances for Linn. County, will be abstracted daily, by an expert title examiner employed' by our company. In this manner we will be able to keep our records up, to the last minute of each previous day, thereby affording better service to the public thaa any one has heretofore been able to give. It is our intention to maintain the standard of excellence gained by thtcough and conscientious work in the past. The very best and latest system of abstracting of titles will be permanently and continu ously carried forward regardless of the expenditure of money in main- ' taming our well established reputation as progressive and reliable ab stracts. We assume that every one realizes the necessity of having an abstract of title prepared for Jhe property which is about to be pur chased'; we solicit your patronage and assure you that we can give you the very best work that is possible with little delay and at a, moderate living price. It will be to your advantage to. see us before ordering. An unlimited amount of money to loan absix per cent per annum o real estate security. Both telephones in the o&ce. Call in and. see us or write. rllbairy Abstract Albany, Have you Knot, whv not? 25'.?, coftee in town STAR BAKERY, C. H 13 YE K, Proprietor DIAMONDS OUR DIAMONDS ARE GEMS, BUT' THEY ARE REASONABLE. R M. FRENCH & SON WE RESET YOUR DIAMOND WHiLE YOU WAIT. Company, Oregon ' tried our It is the best Give us a trial