Owing to a few small lines of good still remaining from our Clearing Sale we will dispose of them at the special clearing prices. AXMINSTER RUGS. . See the splendid patterns shown in our east window. 27 x 54 inches $2.00 Each. 25 Per Cent Reduction on White Waists. Summer wash goods great ly reduced in price. Ladies' Sleeveless Vests Splendid values, elastic weave bleached 10c each. The Drawnwork Center pieces on display have at tracted attention from admir ers of the beautiful. These are excellent values. The prices are exceedingly low. White Canvas Oxfords 25c Pair. Short lengths and summer silks 25c Yard. THIS MORNING MEETING OF News from Albany's Trains. Six Early j COM. CLUB. Children's Black Hose 10c Pair. F air Dealing a Fixed Purpose. Present: -E. H. McCuno. pre E. D. Cusick. vice president. J. S. Van W inkle, secretary; William Bain, treas urer; Wm. Eagles. M. H. Ellis. L. E. Hamilton. J. L. Hill, J. C. Holbrook, J. R. Hulbert. E. A. Johnson, Grant Pirtle, M. Senders, C. H. Stewart, W. R. Struble, manager. , Current bills to the amount of $105 were ordered paid. The manager reported receipts since last report of $206.35. The report of the manager for the momll of July was read as follows: total inauiries received 240, letters written 407, invitations to luncheon ?30, couec- Editor Fisher of the Eugene Guard and wife, arrived on their way to New port for an outing. Mr. Fisher is one of the successful newspaper makers of the valley, an aggressive and live pro ducer of current literature. Mrs. Chas. O. Rideout and daughter. Miss Mvrtle. who had the honor of be ing born in Albany, arrived on the early train for an Albany visit. Mr. Kideout is now postmaster at oan andro. For many years he was with rianiol Pnaf tho ttir0ahfr mttnilfftC- turer, now a' millionaire. Yrs. Rideout , pieces of literature mailed 205, f : T ..1., Cf TnUn tinna for mnnth 341.89. IVUIIbrUUI. WOO BUUIUM.GU TT.n. - " . . w Co. for a coov of the Oregon & Wash- Mr. Clark of Reeves & UlarK, LeDa-, ,, fi.,.V. fr lain 11. for 7 non merchants, left on a trip to the proposed contract with the Pacific Bay. lhe Democrat man at nrst tooK (aonth, f0r advertising waa laid on the mill iui a laiiiuau iiia(j(iaw. ia nvn i (able, put UP for one. T.pffpr w rend from R. R. McKin- I ney, of Holley, inviting the club to visit mo r.nmn tuoxf frt Pnrflnnrl ! the unncr CataDOoia valley. On motion nn a visit uifh hai nnn Will T .inHnn I a committee of live was authorized to tinri Mm rcraonimiro ifft: fnr arrange triD. set aaie uuu reuurt w uw their farm out between Halsey and club, same to be made witnout expense Plainview on the motor. Miss Minnie Scott arrived from lan- gent. tienry winKiey, 01 mm -.n.y, re turned from a Eugene trip. Miss Ethel Miller, of Sodaville. re turned from a trip to Corvallis. . Mrs. iiev. Hoyies, wno is spending the summer at Sodaville, now a resi dent of Monument, E. O. arrived on an Albany visit. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Deeds recorded: Bradley Troxel to Minnie Banks, 2 lots Abbey's ad $ 10 D. Townea to C. E. Mills, 160 acres 11,975 G. W. Soule to Cordelia M. Bo- gart. K acres low John Wennekamp to Donali Rav. 120 acres 6050 David Walker to William J. Sturges, 80.05 acres 8000 Mortgage for S300U. Releases for $6000, $1200 and $4800. Regular session of the county court. Chas. Barxman was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of the Browns ville Creamery. Appraisers H. L. Robe, N. P. Crume and H. E. Hilleary Notarial commission of Dan Johnston. We Try to Please Our Custo iers. THAT is why we sell strictly high gt ds unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why 'we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAFT& jLEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand painted goods. Walter Parker Grocer a ad Baker . 416 WKST r'IBST 8TKEETAIiBANY OREGON, Rrst class goods in their season. Phone Main 66 WE DON'T WANT TO SHOUT but some "of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MEDIN & STUAPT. NOTICE. Application for thp purchase of the road land in Linn County now owned by the Oregon and Western Coloniza tion Co. will now be received. Appiicaticn blanks can be obtained at this omce. TermB: One fifth down, and the bal ance in five years. All lands sold in legal subdivisions, from forty acres to 320 acres or more. OWEN BEAM Room 4 Stark Building. "IS LIFE WORTH SAVING?" Mrs. Mollie McRaney, Prentiss, Miss., writes that she had a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley's Kid ney Remedy cured her sound and well. She closes' her letter by saying: "I heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney dis ease. It saved my life." Woodworth Drug Co. HAY FEVER AND ASTHMA Bring discomfort and misery to many people but Foley's Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the suf fering ones. It relieves the congestion in the her.d and throat and is soothing r.r.d healinir. None genuine hut Foley' Honey and T r in the yellow package Woodwortb- .-ug Cr- BRICK, A fine lot at our yard at this city Just burned. Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO J. LIRVIN DEALER IN Automobiles and Automobile Supplies 324 South Broadalbin, Albany. Ore. Bu'cks, Chalmers and liudsons. Bell Phone Red 2631. On motion the matter ot securing ad ditional subscriptions was placed in the bands or the manager to act iu con junction with the committees already appointed. C. H. Stewart, for the committee for collection of Great Northern exhibit, i-AnnrtAtl irood rtroffress. v The manager reported that the county nntii! hnfi AOTMerl tn atand the ex penses of Prof. Parks for testing road. material in Linn county. The . B. A. A. The ladies of the B. B. A. A. Club met with Mrs. Dumi nd as hostess in their ramilar meeting of last week. The afternoon was enjoyabiy spent to buy land, but the failure of trains to I in needlework, music, and a guessing connect left him in Albany some little . cotatist in which Mrs. Glen Junnin car Albany Got Him. Corvallis Gazette-Times: Lack of close connections with north bound trains a day or two ago resulted in the Corvallis vicinity losing a settler. This man was enroute fixm Roseburg to Corvallis and was coming prepan Congregational Parsonage on Fire The fire bell rang' at 4:30 o'clock last night. A fire discovered in the roof of the kitchen of the Congregational parsonage, occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Urea uouia, cauea ior me aiarm. i roof had caught from the flue from the kitchen stove and was spreading fast under the roof, when help arrived. A bucket brigade was formed and effective work done from outside and up under the roof, and the flames were soon exting uished, not requiring the aid of the fire ' engine, it was a close can ior w house and neighborhood. Burk's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin. time. He wandered into a real estate i ried otf the honors, a Beauiuui oiu njory office, was taken out to see some land piece, furnished by Mrs. A. J. Hodges. A delicious lunuu wua BciTuu uu.iMft and bought there Corvallis is Btrictly in favor of closer connections. F 0. WILL," ior'watches S.C.RUNYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Makes a specialty of repairing and job work. Shop 1020 Elm street. Home phome 426. WANTED. To hire a horse, to be paid for in keeping, also wish to buy light wagon that will hold a thousand pounds. Call at Democrat office. Watermellons on ice served at our tables or delivered to any part of the city. Any Time. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP the afternoon, and adjourned to meet with Mrs. Guy h.napp in two weeks. A Recital. One of the many events ot the sea son will be the coming of Burk's Big 'Uncle Tom's Cabin Co." which will' exhibit near the depot Aug. 10 after noon ai.d night. A modern feature of this organisation, iB a monster street parade like a circus, consisting of more men, women, children, horses, ponies, donkeys and dogs, chariots, tab-aleaux-wafrons. floats. bandB of music. etc., man uny otner similar vauiuiwuu oi th load, Miss Nellie Hart, instructor on the i piano, yesterday evening gave her first recirni. maKinfr nn excellent, hiiuwiiik for the good work being done oy Mibb Hart and the pupils. Those taking part mora Anna Hoflich. Blanch Ragan. Evelvn Gordon. Lizzie King, Marguerite ! Wint, Maggie King, Iva Curtis, Esther McChesnev. Flossie McGilvrey and j Miss Hart. The best fence posts in Albany at thi SAW MILL. Electric Appliance Co.! 422 W. First Phones-Bell Black 2651, Home 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts made. ALBANY Ml ESTATE CO., . W. M. Dresser, Proprietor. Room 14 Albany State Bank Building. Property lists wanted, property for sale. A specialty of lie new. ALBANY HfcltiHlS. See the plat. JERSEY DAIRY G. W. KUTHE, Prop. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice daily. Phones: Bell Black 2371; Home Main JL44 DR. VIRGINIA V LEWEAUX- Osteopathic Physician 1-3 Brenner Block, Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black 2751, Residence 394 Home, black 863 Bell THE BROADALBIN Boarding House First Clnss Board. Meals 25c Family dinners a specialty. 229 Curl iilock. . J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is in the NewAlbany State Bank Build-1 og, second floor, with a complete I nuicment for pictue taking of all. kinds, I Shingles. Made in Albany my no. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in .the market. . Various grades and prices from $1.25 upwards. Every bunch branded with my name. Look tor it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. fc. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. J. W. BENTLEY, toot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to Democrat, nffirp. Rpehim. WOOD. Slab, east oi tetty west of if rry $2 25, cash on delivery. Pay the driver. A. W Dockstcder Home phone black 176, or Bell black 321. SOt SINGER SEWING MACHINES for ren? Allkinds of machines repaired nl turns' Shoe Store. 9t BARBER SHOP 236 Wct 2nd St. First Class Work Guaranteed Geo. H. Fiddiman, Prop. SHOES REPAIRED while you wait ai Burns' Shoe Store. Next the Post P"5"- 9t The latest styles in eye glass mountings. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist. 329 Second St. FOR SALE. Dried fruit and raisins, . beBt quality, reacnes oc, raiaina c. Ready now. W. A. Robb, Fowler, Calif, LOST. A little necklace, with locket. picture oi little gin anu uog iname. Reward. Return to Mrs. J . C. Keats, 640 W. 9th. NOTICE is hereby given that policy holders in the Occidental Life can pay monthly premiums at the Albany State Bank. E. J. Gilstrap, district manager. HELP .WAN TED Good Wages. Call at ; 4 MAGNOLIA LAUNDRY. "WAIT MEADE, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 S::o.-.u Stree, Between Ferry & Broadalbin. When You See It in Our Ad vertisement You Know . It Is True. It is not our policy to conduct a sale every month in the year, and quote prices that we can't deliver. The pub lic don't expect it. It is' a well known fact that for 40 years this store has always sold at a ihodest profit, first class goods that we can guarantee, and at the smallest possible price. However, during this Semi-Annual Clearance Sale, the above guaranteed merchandise is yours, and otir mod est profit thrown in. ' . Remember the house of quality, and the store that never disappoints. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO.