Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 05, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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An important conference was had at
Lebanon yesterday over the matter of
water from the paper mill, about
which Bome of the people of Lebanon
have been doing soma vociferous kick
ing and numerous law suits have been
pending, causing an immense sight of
trouble to the papermill, which has
been the making of Lebanon more than
all other things combined. It looks as
if the people there had been trying to
kill the hen that laid the golden egg.
B. T. McBain general manager of the
paper mill. Lawyer Leiter. the comp
any's attorney, U. B. Niccolls, general
manager of H. M. Byllsoy & Co., C. D.
Green the Albany manager. H. J.
Lugger the'.engineer and Don Meldrum
the paper mill company's engineer, met
with the people of Lebanon and talked
things over. The Comany has a monthly
-nil f s nnn fur labor and $7,000
for material andsupplies.about $165,000
annually and it is a pretty mg ining "r
Lebanon to oe on gooa imuu
Comoany. Byllesby & U. are inter
ested on account of their canal running
from the Santiam in the disputed ter
ritory. The Companies are getting tired
of so much quibbling.
Firemen's Trip.
Chief Engineer Jeff Creel and four
other Albany firemen lost night by
soecial invitation went to unvaiiis i
where tney rnjoyeu u jeaai, wim,
firemen of thrt cty. It was
men's rallev and a good one,
A live
V. hU. and the Albany boys ap-,
The ah.
the 4th of July in the hose race Too
fast a crowd for Albanv. Roy Worrell
-took the boys over and back in ms auto
jour teeth out n3
bridie work in out
IAi It DC0GUU7. $5.00
Gold Filling . 1.00
Eoim.IFNIii.Bi 1.00
piitu S.00
ySiia 7.60
M. W. A. WIS!, Ptftairr ut Muiw Palnleti Extr'llon .OU
Falnlesa Extraction Free when plates or bridge work
' ! ordered. ConenltKtloaFroe. you cannot get better
. painless work anywhoro, n 3 matter how much yon par.
All work fully yimrautced for fifteen Tears.
'Wis Dental Co.
Painless Dentists
. Fllllni Bulldlne, Third & Wastllneton, PORTLAND, OREGON
oia Soon: 8 A. u. to g P . 1. ftnodftra. itol
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn County, Oregon, duly
appointed administrator of the estate
of Dana Burmestcr, deceased. All
persons 'having claims against the
estate of said deceased are hereby
required to present the same with
proper vouchers to the undersigned at
his residence, in the city of Albany,
in Linn county, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
, Dated this 5th day of August, 1910.
Attorneys for Admr.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been by the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly
appointed administrator of the estate
of Conrad achuebel, late ot said coun
ty, deceased. AH persons having
.claims against the estate of said de
ceased arc hereby required to present
the same with proper vouchers to the
undersigned at tne rirst iatiunai
Bank, in the city of Albany, in Linn
county, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 5th day of August, 1910.
Attorneys for Admr.
MENT. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the last will and
testameat of Thomas
Brandon, de
ceased, has filed in the County Court
of Linn county, Oregon, her final ac-
count as such executrix, and that said
court has fixed Monday, the Sth day of
September, 1910, at the hour of one
o'clock in the afternoon, as the time
tor the hearing ot oDjections to said
'final account, and the settlement thcre
HEWITT & SOX, Executrix.
Attorneys for Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed in the County
Court of Linn county, Oregon, her
final account as administratrix with
the will annexed of the estate of Isaac
Meeker, late of said county, deceased,
and that said court has fixed Mon
day, the 5th day of September, 1910,
at the hour of one o'clock in the
afternoon, as the time for the hearing
of objections to said final account,
and the settlement thereof.
HEWITT & SOX, Administratrix.
Attorneys for Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
by the county' court of Linn county.
Oregon, administratrix of the estate
of Conradcr.a Arnold, deceased.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to pre
sent same to tlic undersigned at her
residence. No. 440 East First street.
Albanv, Oregon, with proper vouchers
as by law required, within six month?
froni the date of this notice.
Dated tliis 13th dav of July. 1910.
L. L. Swan, Atty for Admrx.
About 1 o'clock early this morning,
the east approach to the bridge at
Stayton, owned jointly by Linn and
Marion counties were discovered on fire,
burning rapidly. An alarm was given
and the people of Stayton did their best
to stop the spreading of the flames.
The approach was burned and consider
able material being stored for the new
bridge, work on which is progressing.
The material and some other things
were underneath and near the approach.
Some cement, a pump, donkey engine
and other things were badly damaged.
How the fire started was not known.
Editor Tip Humphrey of the Jefferson
Keview, arrived this noon. .
Miss.Erma Livingtone has returned
from a weal side outing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Doulas of Ar
leta, went to the Bay today.
George Clark the sage of Lacomb,
returned home this afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. G.W. Hill, of fort-
land, were in the city.
T)r. W. R. Bilyeu has gone to New
port for a two week's outing.
i Martin Ludwig went to Halsey this
; afternoon on plumbing Business
L. J. Houser and wife of Roseburg
were Albany visitors yesterday.
Everv day there is a report of a
drowning, Better De careiui, uoys
O.W.Hurd. a leading business man, of
" '
Florence, on the racinc, was in tne city.
Dr. Davis nas returnea irom nis
Marion Lake trip, with plenty of fish
Harrv Halkver left this noon for
Roseburg, where he will work out on
an Ashland train.
W. A. Cox, one of the several of that
name in Oregon, of Portland, .. was in
the city yesterday. . ..
More samples are wanted for the
Great Northenniisplay. anything worth
seeing, fruit and cereals.
The commercial club appreciates a
fine D0X of Late Duke cherries from a
. r, . M..nU...
tree ub iiuueri. lumpiiy o.
Carey F. Martin, former private sec
retary OI state oecreiary n.uicui",
spent last night in Albany.
Grimes and Merrill, Portland real es
tate deales, were in the city today,
while on a trip up the valley. ,
The crowd to the Bay yesterday is
said to have been well-behaved, not
needing a police forcoon board.
A special police has been put on the
Sunday trains to the Bay to look after
drunks made over at jNewporc.
The Albany N, G. boys will leave in
lust a week for American kake, witn a
biecrowd in the company; Ihoy are
alt .going. .i
Dr. iLeininger and son Arthur, of this
citv. and Mr. Moody ana son, or ure
gon City, are up in the mountains on a
vacation trip.
Miss Agnes Thompson of the Hani'
ikon Store left this morning for Seattle,
where she will spend her vacation
Mrs. . Marie Loomis, head fitter fat
Hamilton s, has returned from an ex
tended eastern trip to her formar home,
Dr. W. H. Schock, an old-time school
mate of E. F. Sox, has been in the city.
He now resides in Utah, an Illinois boy
while in school.
Art Guiss, of Woodburn, arrived this
noon and will go to Moose Lake, be
yond Cascadia with Cecil Cathy for an
Salem Journal: -Miss Bernice Gard
ner ha3 returned to her home in Al
bany, after a two weeks visit with
friends. She was accompanied by Miss
Ruth Boggs.
Eight hundred people went to New
port yesterday on the two trains.
About three hundred went todaj, one
hundred fifty arriving this noon from
parts north.
The brick work has been completed
the new Cusick block Ltet it w,
be cemented, so as to give a uniform
appearance to the whole block, having
solid and ciean enect.
Attorney General Crawford is talking
of having Hillman, Crook county in
vestigated. 300 lots are reported
sold in the paper town. Some promot
ers were in Albany at one time.
George Nicholls left this afternoon
I for Riddles to join bis daughter, Con
stance for an outing, his first fur nine
veais. He will be gone until he gets
fat again and then return to the bake-
Miss Josephine Hall returned last
I Saturday from her eastern trip, and is
. again at her place in the Hamilton
Store. Sh : had a fine time while gone;
but Oregon continues to be the garder.
Mrs. L. L. Swan and son, Prof, and
Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Geo. Sanders
and children are at Newport in a cot
tage for an outing. Mr. Sanders and
Mr. Swan went over to see them lo
cated. Mrs. Baldwin and family arrived to
day from Dakota to make their home
here. Mr. Baldwin is in Washington
and v ill be here the last of the week.
V! rs. lialdwin is a daughter of Henry
Mr. Carl Thunneman, ot the Ham
ilton Store returned Saturday evening
from Detroit, where he spent his vaca
tion with Rev. and Mrs. A. M. ill
iams, of Mc "innvilie, a fine p ace fui
rest and recuperation.
Tbe Albany Supply Co. this mornin.
received its fourth car load of water
melons for the season, meeting th
demand fo. this succulent summc;
fruit in this part of the valley, when
the company has a wide patronage.
Mrs. Elva C6p and children and Mr.
and Mrs. John Redmond and children
desire to express their thanks to thf
friends and neighbors who so ltindh
assisted them hefureandafterthedeati
of their father and grandfather, tht
late Nimrod Ashbaugh.
Fred Armstrong was arrested yester
day for being drunk, disorderly anu
using abusive language. He put ui
$15 cash bail but fuilint; to appear thh
morning at the lime set his bail -a;
declared forfeited. He is said to havi
left the city.
A union meetinor of the young peo
ple's societies of tht city was held at
the vi. 12. church last evening, Clyde
Williamson presided.
Across tne piatiorm were several large
nosters. me of which was particularly
striking, a large bottle made up from
whiskey advertisements in one issue
of the Oregonian, the saloon's champ
ion. It was a temperance meeting, and
A. A. Heist, a bright young man from
Portland, did the speaking. Here are
some paragraphs:
inree years ago only mree states
were dry, now nine, and over half the
territory in the U. S. is dry. In
1906 eight counties went dry in Oregon,
m 1908 there were twenty one.
Lincoln said the saloon is a cancer,
Gladstone that the liquor traffic is
worse than war, famine and pestilence,
Roosevelt that we must either control
the liquor traffic or it will control us.
We must get rid of the saloon or it
will threaten the national lite itself.
The saloon is the enemy of religion,
morals and education.
In Chicago there are thirty-nine an
archist societies and the meeting place
of everyone is a saloon.
Shaniko, a saloon town, is the most
iniquitous place in the U. s. for its size.
How ever poorly enforced prohibi
tion is - a good thing, for it greatly
reduces drunkenness and crime. In
whiskey Medford last year there were
163 arrists for drunkenness to 7 in
Ashland, about the same size.
In Nevada there are five saloons to
every teacher, and in only one other
state, New Jersey, are there more
saloons than school teachers.
Kansas and Maine prohibition states.
pay three times as much per capita for
education as Illinois, a liquor state,
mi , " 1' ' ' I
iiic inn. wi.u vutco m .to .
partner in the business.
There have been more new Methodist
churches built in Maine in nine, years
than in all other New England states
combined. The church grows as the
saloon goes.
from Albany's Six Early
Quite a crowd left for Newport,
anTong those from Albany being Mrs!
A. Austin and daughter Vinnie, Miss
Laura Taylor, MrsTC.H. Burggraf and
son, Mrs. J. K. Haight and daughter
Zona, Mrs. E. D. CuSick.
, u. v.,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Nevins re
turned to Portland after a Sunday's
visit at the home of . T. G. Hopkins.
Mr. Nevins is now interested in a big
gac and lighting plant, with Mr. Tal
bot. Lou Dyer, now a railroad man, form
erly of this city, the man at the hy
drant in Albany's old-time hose races,
left after a short visit here.
Architect Chace went to Portland on
a short trip. He has done a splendid
job preparing the grounds for the depot
park, making a start that well develop
into the finest depot park along the
Jack Hammell and A. H. Sandstrom,
the brick masons, left for Portland to
see the metropolis and perhaps get a
contract or two.
J. B. Cougil returned from a Lebanan
trip accompanied by his son-in-law N.
M. Newport.
Judge Hewitt went out to Lebanon
on a short legal trip. '
Dr. Shinn returned from a trip to the
Mrs. Judge Blackburn came down
from Lebanon for an Albany visit.
F. P. DeVaney went to Philomoth to
visit his son Sam.
Miss Carrie Wright left on a Browns
ville visit.
Mr. and Mrs. George Washburn, of
Portland, left for home after a visit
over Sunday at the home of Mr. Ed.
Down From Toledo.
S V. Hall came down from Toledo
Saturday evening, from the midst of
the forest fire. About four hundred
acres were burned in all, considerable
of a loss. There were also two logging
outfits costing abouf. $4,000 each. Mr.
Hall reported another fire having
started Saturday morning. It was put
our, but started up acain and was get
ting headway when he left.
The Weather.
Range of temperature 77-47, making
Sunday about as fine a day as one could
Th-5 river is .9 of a foot.
Prediction: fair tonight and Tuesday.
Wcod and W,.od is the name of some
wood dealers in Lakeview
r. , . '
Eugene ha3 15.2 miles of street rail-
way, including the line to Springfield.
The building permits in Eugene dur-
ing July amounted to $30,260, a big,
Eagene nrople are now busy patting I
up $15.(00 in culd cash for tbe new I The camp meeting in progress here for
College Loop. ten days in Bryant's Park has closed.
John G. Carlisle, a man with a splen-' I' was we" managed and created con
did record, diea esterday. He served ' slderable interest. As a result Eldei
nis country well. 1 1. G. Knight, formerly of Hillsbore.
A Newport picture in the Oregonian
m' T" rt . "
shows Miss Flora Simons in summer
resort costume.
The Hotel Corvallis is to be conver
ted into a four story structure with
modern improvements and will be closed
until the work is finished.
W. E. Coman has been appointed
general freight and passenger agent of
the S. P. and A. & C. and F. W. Rob
idson general freight agent of the Har
riman lines out of Portland. H. w.
Adam3 becomes traffic manager of t!2
Wes'ern Pacific.
Th-i First National Bank of Lebanon
h chafed hands. S. P. Bach, J. C.
Mayvr u.;d 3. M. Garland of Lebanon,
and Alex Power, of Halsey, have
bought out P..M. S:r iin and Seymour
W.-ishourn, who will devote their time
:o :;,---ir saw mill and other interests.
In Which an
Albany Man Take
Corvallis Gazette-Times:
Two married women of this city were
fined $10 each this morning for being
out after 12 o'clock, a young man of
this city paid another $10, and an Al
bany man is now xut on $25 cash bail.
The parties were picked up on First
street last night after their return from
Albany and while the men were trying
to sober up the women sufficiently to
get them home in a fairly presentable
condition. Both of the women are the
mother of children and one is the wife
of a husband having a good reputation
in this cily. Tlw other woman is a
guest at this home. The young man
who put up $10 isn't noted for his Sun
day school disposition, and little is
known of the Albany sport who put up
the $25 bail. He will probably not re
turn to stand trial.
The women were quite "sassy," but
Judge Denman gave them a lecture
they may well remember. The husband
of one of thn women put up the fine for
both of them..
The Forest Rangers,
The program for Sunday and Mondav
at the Dreamland is even better than
the last one. The feature film "The
Wines of Lovo'Ms a thrilling love btorv
with a quaint back ground, and start
ling in its realism. "The Forest
Rangers" is an intensely dramatic
story or tne ways and wiles ot western
timber thieves. "The Champion of the
nace an American product.on by
HW-'W, Id Vllb u. WOW bWlUUICD VI
season. "L,e Luminaire" view
I slides, and Miss Edythe Neilson Sing
ing -rut on xour uid uray Bonnet
complete one of the strongest programs
seen at the Dreamland.
By His Home Paper,
Lakeview Herald: '.'
At the state republican assembly that
convened in Portland on the 21sc inst..
l"e atmcy 01 mompson ot our
I ffinHImn'fneAi!f nml83 '"in'in?
J??8? taXl 0Z$h??Zml I
lamat J p ok and Harney, as well a
i g"riber of the following comm ttees:
I Permanent organization and order of
I business, credentials and platform.
Dolitical gatherings and movements
makes him a valuable man for the office
for which he has been so wisely indorsed
Judge Eddy Objected,
The Douglas county republican as-
semoiy was neid on Saturday and a
J ticket named so the republican voters
of the county won't have anything to
do but follow suit. B. L. Eddy caused
a sensation by introducing a resolution
: providing - that no county ticket be
: named and made a hot speech denounc
. ing the assembly system as a relic of
the old caucus system and ring rule, de
claring that no faction has a right to
call a caucus and name a slate. The
ticket was named any way.
An Indian Tragedy.
Newport, July 30. At Siletz today
Bob Felix shot and killed John Spencer
and Martha Metcalf, and then blew off
the top of his own head. Felix accused
Spencer of giving liquor to the Metcalf
girl, whom Felix was soon to marry.
In the row which followed the accusa
tion, Felix drew his gun, firing with
terrible effect. He then went to the
tent which he occupied and killed him
self. ' All concerned were Indians.
Chautauqua Tonight.
The adjourned annual meeting of the
Albany Cnautauqua Association will be
held tonight, when the new subscribers
to the guaranty fund will organize and
elect officers for the coming year. It
is desired that n full attendance of
members be at the meeting.
Some Home Stone.
W. L. Cobb Saturday evening brought
some samples of stone to Albany that
deserve attention. Tbey were taKen
from his quarry across the river and
speak for its product. The stone cute
well and has the appearance of being
very durable. It will be given a
thorough test.
On Sunday July 31, to Mr. and
Mrs. Jac. F. Powell, a boyjtheir third
child and second Bon. He has been
5,amed a,fter b'a erand.f ?' ,ter' Ju.dKe J'
I C- Lowell, a prominent Albany attorney
i for mwv vears.
The y D. A.
' n a" T contf,e,nce ot. V"
S D A. to tflke chnrtrn nf fhownrU fni
I hat denomination in Albanv.
now located at 908 E 1st street-
Newport beat Corvallis on Sunday E
to 0.
Kansas is having its primaries today
with a tremcm ious fiijht on between the
regularR and insurgents.
The Corvallis and Alsea road will not
he pro.ecut"d at present. It is beinj
fixed up. Help it along.
Eugene's city council has passed an
ordinance providing for a fine of Slot
to $200 for an exhibition of prize fight
Thn Socialists hold a convention in
Salem yesterday and one rule was itlir,
there should not be a cigar or toi::o
in any form in the convention.
A meeting of new subscribers to the
Chautauqua guaranty, constituting the
membership, was held at the commer
cial club rooms .ast night with the fol
lowing present: Messrs. Ellis, Schmitt,
Hamilton. White. McCune, Stewart.
Johnson, Van Winkle, Tomlinson, East-
burn, French, btruble, Woodworth,
Crooks, HolDrook, Ralston and Nutting.
The auditintr committee reported a
deficit of $73 15, which will be met with
subscriptions to come in.
The new guaranty was reported to be
$4350, which will be increased consider
ably, a good many not bavins been seen
utticers were elected lor tne ensuing
year as follows:
resident M. tl. mas.
Vice president L. . Hamilton.
Secretary W. R. Struble. ,
Treasurer William Bain.
Trustees, W. A. EaBtburn, E.' H.
McCune, A. C. Schmitt.
These with the chairmen of the com
mittees constitute the executive board.
Following are the chairmen of the
Grounds and equipment J. b. van
Finance W. H. Marvin.
Publicity F. M. French. .
Transportation J. C. Holbrook.
Educational H. M. Crooks. '
Religious and devotional To be named
by the Ministrial Association.
Athletic Sports-D. O. Woodworth
The board will meet tomorrow night
to complete the committees.
Arrangements for next year were
discussed, and it was ordered that the
secretary correspond with the other
Chautauquas with a view of securing a
conterence for more effective work in
making up a program ot the best talent
to be secured in tne east.
Miss Gertrude Taylor went to the
Bay this afternoon. .-.)
Orville Monteith has returned from
Hillsboro, where he spent several weeks
on a visit.
' Bert Warford returned this noon
from an outing of two or three weeks
Mrs. G. F. Simpson and and daugh
ter Miss Eva' left this afternoon for,
Newport for their summer's outing.,
Bylesby & Co. have bought the elect
ric light plant at Junction. Wonder if
the Company isn't after the Lebanon
All the electric motors in the oity are
being connected witty meters, and here
after payment will be according to the
amount usea.
H. M. Grant, a former ..well known
insurance man, one of the owners ot
the Albanv woolen mill at one time,
was in the city this noon going south.
Hon. C. B. Mool'eS, assembly named
for representative from Multnomah
county, passed through the city this
noon for Newport.
Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Dickinson of Port
land passed through the city this noon
for Newport for their summer's outing
and vacation.
Miss bazil PfeifTer went to the Bay
this afternoon for a two week's visit
with her friend Miss Edna Burton, who
is spending the summer there.
The finest andirons in Albany have
just been received by T. G. Hopkins
for W. 1' . Pieitter s new residence,
said to be the best furnished and
equipped of any in Albany.
Steel cars are coming to the front
and soon will be the only thing used.
The cost is 25 per ctnt more than
wooden cars, but they are worth it, and
will be cheaper in the long run.
S. Shupp, who has been visiting in
Spokane, is reported to be on the way
to Albany in a new automobile, which
he has learned to run, accompanied by
his Wife and daughter and family,
Mrs. F. E. Roth, of Amity, was' in
the citv yesterday on her way home
from a Eugene visit. She is a former
resident of Aloany, with many friends
Fred L Wulker and fiit'ner, Rev. W.
early tnis morning tor tjascadia tor a
three days outing in the hills at one of
the prospective terminouses of the Ore
gon Electric.
A couple men were in town this after-
nooR in an auto, iabeied ' it Is All in,
.1 U..U r I r- ,11 a.. '
referred to a spring hub, in a wheel
with a hard tire, that had done 2400
miles and was good for more.
Police Judge Denman, of Corvallis,
who does things with violators of the
law. was in town to dav.- He is an as
sembly nominee for county judge, but
personally is innocent, having been
nominated though not present.
Jas. E. Godfrey announces that he
will be a candidate for state printer on
the democratic ticket, the most compe
tent man in urcgon tor tne position,
foreman of the office for fifteen or
twenty years. He ought to be at an as
sembly candidate,
In the advertisement of Chambors &
McUune yesterday $50,000 was left oui
by mistane. It should rend, and djes
today; ''$50,000 worth of new season
able merchandise on sale here at a
marvelous reduction in each depart
ment." Now read the ad. over again.
Dr. Lowe, the well-known
i',! optician and optometrist, will
'" be in Scio next Monday, Aug.
8. Stayton, Tuesday noon to Wednes
day 10 a. m. Aug. 9 and 10, Mill Cily
Wednesday afternoon and to noon
Thursday, Aug. 10 and 11. Don't fail
to consult him about your eyes and
glasses. Remember the days and dates.
Major C. B. Winn has gone to Ohio
to join his wife and son for a visit at
the home of her folks. They expect
to return to Albany about the first of
September. For the first time in sev
eral years Major Winn will miBS the
national encampment at American
Lake. He has had charge of the comis
sary department of this regiment for a
long time.
The firemen of Corvallis are to have
high jinks at that city tonight und have
invited over the Albany firemen,
crowd of whom will go, particularly
some of those beaten on the 4ih if
July, who want to know kin 1 i,f
grub they havo in Corv.illn anyway, i,
make men so fant. A fiatriiri; prora r,
has been provilcu and a hi! time
rreu u wuiKer anu muter, rcev. v.;ly
P. White and Murray Marshall left de
Prof. U. G. Smith has been elected
to the chair of science in the Alhnny
high school. He has a splendid ruuid
as an educator. He was superin
tendent of tbe schools of medford for
two years, and recently has been as
sisting in the summer school of the O.
a. u. several weeks ago frot. smitQ
bought the Cummincs Drooertv
adjoining the fair grounds, intending
to make it a specialty; but the board
learned about him and succeeded in
securing his service for at least a year.
ms removal to Albanv is a splendid
acquisition to the interests of the city.
Prof. Smith declares there are just as
good opportunities for fruit culture here
as around Medford, and will take a live
interest in such matters as well as in
helping to build un Albanv's rejuv
enated high school in one of the finest
buildings in Oregon.
News From Albany's Six Early
Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lehannn. Ar
rived on an Albany trip. Mr. Miller is
keeping a close watch of political mat
ters and is greatly interested just now
in the assembly turn of affuirs.
J. C. Devine. the man who made the
Hotel Lebanon one of the most Donular
eating pieces in the valley, came down
on a short trip, Mr. Devine, who sold
out awhile ago is taking things easy
luumiiK Hiiur numerous iiuureais lie
has accumulated.
Mr. Grove of near Taneent. returned .
from a trip to the North Yakima coun-'
try. He found North Yakama a nrettv
live place and the fruit interests iround
it splendly developed. The crop this
year is a good one, the trees bending
to tne ground.
W. B. Chance went down to Salem
on mill inspection business, , .
Miss r ranees t rum; ot 'nainview,
returned home ' accompanied by Miss
Eula Hand. - - j ....
Judge Denman, a leading republican
and assemblyman of Benton county,
returned home; '
Guy Power, nursery salesman, who
is making Albany nis headquarters
went up tne C. & E. ; ,;,
Manager Green and Superintendent
Lugger of the Northwestern Corpora
tion took four or five prominent men of
the C ompany from Portland, including
Messrs. Nickleson and McBane. of
Portland, out to Lebanon to inspect that
growing town.
At the Hotels,
. S. V. Barnhart, Salem.
Lillian Dennison Grnnis Pass.
Pi of. W. I,. Tucker & wf, Eugene. .
D, Vance & wf, Portland.
V. J. Hanna, Portland.
X!. F. Alderson. Portland.
C. A. Blanchard, Carl Bilyeu, M.
oonen, i. uievins, uenver.
A. G. Graham & wf, Mill City.
A, C, Uutherford, Salem,
C, A. Covell, Sherwood.
F. L. Taylor, Medford.
J M. England, Beaver Creek.
H. G. White & wf, Brownsville.
l. a. urnest, marcoia.
E. E, Dimmick, Tipton, Ok.
Mrs. Henry Kolber, Mrs. Hans Munn
Oregon EltUric Talk,
Geo. McDowell, right of way mall On
the Oregon Electric returned last night
from Portland., Mr. Stevms was to
return to Portland today, when he will
select the site for the freight depot on
Water street, in which Albany people
have been considerably interested. Ho
win come to AiDany latorand personal
ly make a selection for the passenger
depot on Lvon street, for which there
win De taken up. the uompany will need
only about one hun ired by one hundred
for the depot and W. F. office. The
depot will be a fine brick structure and
an ornament to the section it is located
No Money in the bank.
The De.nocrat vesterdav mentinnarl
the bail of frred Armstrong, amounting
to $15, forfeited to the citv bv his fail.
ure to appear before Recorder Redfield.
It transpires that in order to secure the
money for the bail he made out a check
for $15 on the bank, representing that
he had $20 in the bank, and s cu -pd the
money onitnt the Hotel Albany. When
the check was taken to the bank it was
learned that there was no monev there.
Armstrong is said to havo taken the
train at Jefferson for the north.
Bidders f:r the Schmitt Blcck.
Mr. Aoolewhite. of the firm nf Rnlntr
& Applewhite, of Eugene, was in tho
city today to figure on the new Schmitt
mock, with a bid before thelOth. The
firm built the big Frank block at
Eugene, and yesterday wero let the
contrpct for a new school house at
nrincneld. v til, r ev n Lirii'rm
field. It is s lid there will be soms
bidders from Cot vallis.
Gucd P. O. Showing.
The receipts of the Albanv P. rv
during July were 81495.33. during Ju'y
of list year 5121(1.39, an increso .,f
$278 94, which is 22 per cent with noth
ing particularly to make the difference,
speakine for Albany's co.-nmen-i:.
growth. The indications are the city
will pass the 520,000 mark the coming
fiscal year r-ntli ig June 30, 1911.
The Weather.
Range of temp?rnti:ro 79 49, grd
summer resort climate.
The river ii down to 8 fonf.
Prediction: fair tonight and WeJn.-a-day,