Albany Democrat. Entered at the pout office, Albany, Or, second class mail matter. E. P. Nutting. . Our Wants. FOR "RENT. Four nice; furnished rooms, only $15. Inquire at Daven port's Music Store. 2t TEAM FOR'sALE A' good driving team with buggy and harness for sale cheap. Oregon Title and Trust Co., cor. 2nd & Broadalbin. t9 WANTED. To buy two Bmall pigs, for cash. ' See ErneBt Hornbach, Albany, Ore. LUMBER FOR SALE 10,000 feet, as COiHOFI FOR GOVERNOR. Col. 'Hofer publishes a picture of himself, and gives the kind of man the people of Oregon should select for governor of Oregon, declaring such a man to be "a republican who will curb the extravagances of the legislature, even if composed of a majority of his own party,' by use of the veto power, and who will not ratify the jobs of a log-rolling majority a governor of Very cheap. See C. B. Baker depot. , K i . y v mem . , . . ' i ber of the state legislature. After the HOP PICKERS WANTED. Register sess:on the Saienf Statesman oub- now for yard on A. F. Luther place, ljshe(1 the standjng 0f the members lJ5,leMf'.,.b'l!:i? P.'STlwith the appropriations they voted PERSONAL good as new, mostly I by 12, dressed. FOR SALE. Two full blood Spitz: puppies. Phone 1233. t30 ' FOR SALE. A span of four-year old horses. See F. VI. Perfect, R D. i i Hnma nhnnn Mil 2lt WANTED. Washine and ironine.l "lu0- "coieuan c aoiuemier. i o, and, 0,he name of Col. Hofer Fine work a specialty. Prices reas- WANTED. Bookeeper, one who has led all the rest, standing at the top, onable. Mrs. M. Swarthout, Geary knowledge of stenography prefersed. j with the highest figures of all after street, 2nd house from R. B. tl Light work. Address Box 406 Al- it, the record showing that he had bany out voted for everything presented, many ! LOST. July 22. between Corvallis ' graft measures turned down by the ' and Albany, a black wallet marked average legislator. This is a matter S. S. Metzear. containing two 10- of fact else the Statesman orevaricat- bi lis, a railrord ticket, Portland to , cd, and it was not denied at the time. Chicago, and other papers. $10 re- The Col. boldly appeals for the FOR RENT. -30 acre form near Alb any. Call at Democrat office. tlO CATTLE FOR SALE.-Rcgistered Aberdeen Angus. John Wills, Al- j bany, Or. WASHING. Done ot 128 W. Water; street. . Home phone 432. Work ' called for and delivered, j ward for return of same, with con-! whiskev vote and that of anti-Chris- tents, to this office. tians, declaring against prohibition and FOR SALE UR TRADE. Two good Sunday legislation ponieB or will trade in for one large horse. Inquire f armers r eed biieas. He declares in favor of the grang ers and legislation for them, but will he fool many grangers; he declares for free locks, but he will not fool the merchants of the valley. He stands right on the assembly and statement FOR SALE. Some good oat hay, loose in field, within one mile from Aiuany. 1 T V Pino 909 Wont 9nri St FOR SALE. Farm of 20 'B4MS? and a half miles from Albauy. new 7 , for '"mediate delivery. Owen Beam, room house and barn, runninir water i all year, give immediate possession 1 DILL for dill pickles for Bale by E. -number one, on free locks and in favor with crop. Terms: half down and B. Davidson, 729 K f irst bt. of the development of Oregon; but oaiance in easy paymeniK. inquire p0R SALE: One good 3J. heavy mat is easy. Bain wagon with good wood and hay remaps this is none ot the business rack. One good hack. One set of a democratic paper, but it is a part heavy work harness, mare and colt, of the political doings of the day. E. Hartsock. Home phone 3836. t6 I , r FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded or Twhole iSott. are the onlv THE PEOPLE WILL RULE, NOT kind to plant. That's the kind wej mn. nubbin. nail Poll i nt-h nhnnpfl ni nriHrAHB M . . A. Ledbetter, Balesman, Albany Nur-! W. S. Dunniway as state printer has at 330 S. Main. tl FOR SALE. Gasoline woodsawing out fit, at a bargain if taken now. Guar anteed to do the work. Geo. Brown. Home phone 862 ' FOR RENT. Office looms, splendid: location, in the new Stark building. I See Dr. A. Stark about it AARRAflR. RYmI RninaratAr. Innlrn 1 alter garbage, rnone Home zaus. wib, muauy, vr. rwn QALiU. ny me owner, one s:x tvnon.-' r. I 1 a I . t a anvinrra 1 Ihr.o ntffri rinilhlA ricr ruum nuuoQ biiu ihu iulo, vuiiber ul i "i ' - 1 -------7 - - - town, 822 East 4th St; also one good rnnf dMva nnri aAVArnl hAnfinv ntnvM I H. Barnes.! son, 1 mile from Albany, UBi't' nnnn it tu. iih.nn ,' county. mill. Get some. i WuOL-Carded and batted at Suntiara GARBAGE. If residence is west of. 9"rdi1? S K?,Up" Mi"B' Stayton Lyon street will pick up garbage for Ca ProP- 60c month. S. U Penny the garbage BUICK. Will answer all calls prompt man. Home phone 2303. t4 ' . 'y- Terms are reasonable. Murray raarsnau. ootn yiiuuro. saved the people of Oregon about $40, 000, and as an official has done good He is the logical candidate of springs! covered, both in good repair! ,lis P?rtv for renomination, and as he. at a reasonable price, r. a. nugn- "..v in ui. u,. uuuca win iiu uuuui kci 11 .1 111c Benton 6t ?4tD ODGtHTA I MOT IWCinV flW Call R Eastburn at &bS l00'r't.? lo " store. Both phones 58. FOR SALE. Two four room cot tages, at Nye Creek. See Chas. Burggraf. 19t FOR SALE. Fifty acres, bottom land, 3 miles from Albany. E. Yagelski, R. D. 8. 3326 Home phone. tl7 FOR SALE. Farm of 46 acres, in quire of E. E. Parrish, R. D. 1. NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed on by Chas. Procnow's new machine. Saves stockingB and socks. It FOR SALE- Farm ot lbU acres, also city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc- Ilwain. i FIRE INSURANCE - Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ol McMinnville, Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. on good city property, to procure a loan, or to mane a loan, can upon o. 0. ChriBty, Atty., at law. Rooms 12 and 13 over the First National Bank, 230 W. 1st. street, Albany Ore. 6t GLASS. All sizes and kinds, for sale hands of his party, materially assisted by the fight the Oregonian will make tor the assembly nominee, Mr. Dark, a good fellow, but in the wrong com pany to get votes. All over the state there will be such an emphatic expres sion against the assembly as to be heard. This will particularly be true in the country districts, where the farmers are united against the as sembly. They want no dictation by Harvey Scott and the other political bosses of Oregon, nor will they brook it. The law provides a different meth od for making nominations, and those at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper wrin in ciihviofr1 tf wilt huni n than aywhere else in Albany. Skill- ioltd voice when the primaries come "FOLEY'S KIDNEY PILLS HAVE CURED ME." The above is a quotation from a let ter written by H. M. Winkler, Evans ville, Ind. "I contracted a severe case of kidney trouble. My back gave out and pained me. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition; was both ered with dizzy spells, my head would swim and specks float before my eyes. I took Foley Kidney Pills regularly and am now perfectly well and feci like a new man. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me." Woodworth Drug A FEW SHORT WEEKS. Mr. J. S. Bartell, Edwardsville, 111., writes: "A few months ago my kid neys become congested. I had severe backache and pain across the kidneys and hips. Foley Kidney Pills prompt ly cured my backache and corrected the action of my kidneys. This was brought about after my using them for only a few short weeks and I can cheerfully recommend them." Wood worth Drug Co. , Mrs. B. H. Boles and children have returned from the Bay. Miss Belle Thompson has returned from Salem, where she has been visit ing a friend. Mrs McCart, of Ranier, arrived this noon on a visit with ber sister, Mrs. Clarence Nickerson. Mrs P. A. Young and children and and Misi Emma Sox went the Bay this afternoon for an ou ing. . Misses Letha McCuilough,' Lettie Pratt and Edna Knott left today for Detroit for an outiog at the Pratt- Montgomery-Knott camp. S. S. Mstzgar the O. A. C. coach last year and a good one, was in the city yesterday on his way to Grants Pass, j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schriner and chil-' : bren left this afternoon for State Cen-. ' ter, Iowa, on a three months visit with 1 relatives. i Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Hill, of Hills ( boro, passed through the city this noon for the Bellknap Springs for n outing i Mr. Hill is a brother of Dr. Hill. I W. R. Hoover, of Portland, one of ! the proprietors of the Hoover saw mill j spent If-st night in Albany and this morning left for hoover t look afttr i affairs. Dr. and Mrs. Stuart, of the electric, light company, left, this afternoon for ; Chehalis to reside, Dr. Stewart having been transferred to that city by the , Byllesby Co. , W. R. Ewbank and family of Med-' ford, have been in the city on a visit ; with Mr. Ewbank's former partner. J. ', H. Culp, while on a trip through the valley. I Rev. and Mrs. Geselbracht left on the early train this morning for Chicago. where they will visit for several weeks, j They will be gone a mouth. 1 Misses Philemon Barnes and Lucille Heilman, of Portland, returned last evening from the Bay and spent the night witn miss Margaret monteitn. Carl Power of Pendleton, a former Al bany boy, was in the city on a visit, the guest of Roy Nuttting. He came down from Halsey in the auto of bis uncle, Mr. Alex Power. Mrs. J. D. Ellis and part of family are at Cascadia, for an outing, ac companied by Mrs. Ellis' sister, Mrs. Wm. Peace of Ottoway. III., and daugh ter, who are here on a visit. MARRIED. ' Mr. Clifford LeRoy Hanchett and Miss Edith Cowitz were mnrried at the home of the bride's parents in Sweet Home on Sunday, Julv 31. The wedding march was played by Miss Golda Bur ' nett. The bride wore a dress of light blue silk. They stood in a large arch made of evergreens Miss Gussie Evans waa the bridesmaid and Charley Cowitz, brother of the bride, was best 'man. The ceremony was performed ! by Mr. A. Horner. After the cere- money a wedding dinner was served, of I which 97 partook. There were many beautiful presents, ' all of which will be very useful in their housekeeping. Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., poatoffice uncalled for Aug. 3. 1910. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: Hugh Brashear, C. V. Bowman, Mrs. C. E. Davis. Lizzie Glenn, C. E. Ham lin, Mrs. W. E. Kindorf, R, L Lamar, O. Latiam, Georgia Neal, J. M. Par sons, M. A. Pewther, Clara Reise, J. C. Rhodes, E. A. Watson. . J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. FOR : SflMMEB SPRAY MATERIAL Sole Distributor for the Hygeno A, the great Disinfectant Germi cide, Insecticide. also Gold (Join and ttandari Lice and Ply Killer !4KTTirriTT!7?.y if! U !Y A Jl X 235 East 2nd Street. GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE FOR SALE. We will be prepared to take oats on storage. Barley, wheat and oats bought. M. SENDERS & CO. ESTABLISHED IN 1892 Conducted Upon Conservative Lines, and with Capital and Surplus of $90,000.00, this Bank Invites Your Business Same Management lor Eighteen Years, Through Two Panics. J. W. Cusick & Co., Bankers. ALBANY, OREGON. FOR RENT. Two suits of housekeen-.- rii n.QE il o l -l .in lug ruuuiB. van aiuu " . am Bt, -v HOP PICKERS. Anyone wishing to pick in the Leeper and Hodges hop yards please register at Gilbert Bros, store. M. A. Winn, Manager. tl9 WANTED. Boarding place for man and t o children, ages 7 and 10. Where children can have mother's care. Will pay reasonable price. Address W. Kibler 265 W. First St. Room 12. t6 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, budding, etc., by D. B. Speer, R. D. 3. Hazel wood addition. - t03 WOOD SAWING.-Call up C. Wi vvestbrook.Home phone 7001. New 5 H. P. saw. t3 WANTED. Girl to do housework and SFsist in store, Steady position tor right person. Call at the Crest. 30t Electric Toasters Make Perfect Toast Ralston Electric Supply Co., 30 West Second Street. r, TUT? HAMILTON STORE'S Worthy and Timely Offerings New Shipment ot Rugs Several shipments of new rugs have recently arrived and this department is now unusually attractive with some new and choice patterns of Axminster, Body Brus sels and Wilton Velvets. We have never seen prettier colors or designs in rugs than those that are shown this season nor have' we ever shown a higher quality article at the price than we are at the present time. Several grades have been improved in the wearing, arc made heavier and arc in every way more desirable. In fact Rugs have never been more desirable than they are at the present time. We arc anxious to show you this handsome assortment ;md we invite you to come and permit us to point out their superior points, not the least of which is the low price for the high quality. Should you intend buying later it will be well to look now as you have an extraordinary choice of patterns. Come m at any time. JRemar kable Saving on Ponge Suits . The remainder of these stylish suits we offdr at prices regardless of cost. Only a few remain and at this low price they will move quickly. The styles are most attractive, coming in pretty tailored effects, some with pleasing trimmings of silk in black, brown or persian and nobby button effects. Others come in the more severely plain ef fects that are very desirable. These garments are regular $19 to $30 suits, but now to clear them all we offer them at just HALF PRICE. WASH SUITS $2.98 AND $5.75. Remember these excellent values and take advantage of their low prices. White, blue and natural pink, made of Rep or plain imitation linen. Most excellent values. NEW RUSSIAN TURBANS. A new and very attractive turban are these Russian effects that have become so very popular. Our showing is very complete, showing some new color effects that are wonderfully pretty ai most becoming. These we are now showing in our windows. and the shapes are " -' - " & They are made largely, of silks and velvets and sell at $3.00, $5.00, and $6.00. Then remember that all Summer Millinery is now . HALF PRICE. L. E.&H.J. Hamilton 3 17 First St. THE HAMILTON STORE Albany Oregon if