Albany Democrat Xf T VOL XLVI ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY AUGUSTS :viO -J- 1910 Indians Baltimore Gun & Bicycle Works have just received a new 1910 model Indian. The new Cradle spring fork, mechanical oiler and Ridlg stand makes the Indian the machine of the hour. The Indian has held 90 per cent of all records for the last nine years Call and receive' demontration. MUST BE ABOVE" SUSPICION. ' Kidney and bladder ailments are so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any rem edy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and thorough test. Woodworm Drue L-o. SPECIAL 99c SPECIAL - For a set of Mrs. Pott's Cold Handle Sad Irons with stand at Meiser & Meiser TO D A Y is the SHOE DAY at the MAGE SALE PAIR A PAMPHLET ON TAXATION. The Democrat has received a copy of a pamphlet published by W. G. Eggles ton, and A. i. Cridge and W. S. U Ren, on the subject of taxation, be ing an advocacy ot the land tax values instead of the present system It cov ers 117 pages, and is headed by the the American flag and ends with a pic ture of a red dagger reeking with blood, entitled "The Oregonian, Lest We For" get." A table is given showing how much would be saved under the land tax system. For instance, the assess ment in Linn county would be $4,758,618 on farmers land, $7,619,395 on specula- a miius, o(, lau on improvea city lots, the same on speculator's city lots ! and $2,077,263 on franchise corporations, a total of $15,710,857, against $25,315, 880 under the present system, under the proposed system buildings, stock, im plements, improvements, and all per : sonal things being exempt. The spec- ulatrs and corporations would thus pay ! $218,460 taxes and the farmers and owners of improved city lots $114,083. $332,755. Merchants would pay nothing on their goods, and money loan- j ers nothing on their monev, and per haps they don't anyway. In short it is Q cinrvla , . ." viiigic iua UlUlIieilL in luvur Ul u couple numbers to be voted on at the coming election. - DOINGS OF THE WORLD. . The deer season will open next Mon day, when only bucks may be shot The cities of the U. S. owe $1,718. 000,000, of which New York City owes 40 per cent. It is terrific. I The Review says work is to be begun within sixty days on an electric line from Roseburg to Coos Bav. O. P. Coshow, of Roseourg, has been urged to become a candidate for Gov ernor on the democratic ticket. John F. Stevens is to be the big man in the Hill system. He is now slated for the presidency of the North Bank. Wall Vnmr. r ,f H, t . . u'&v vv. linn, vita lam lu, in ... 1 .:i r i TROUBLE OF THE C. & A: Attorney General Crawford, R. U Commissioner Campbell and Engineer Earl yesterday went to Corvallis to inspect the Corvallis and Alsea ra Iroad, i.i respose to a complaint made to the commiaainnAra It- ia .un . IS not in flhnna fn,. taffi nf I j So far it has been used simply as a loci ging road, with a car for passengers running almost any old time, never retTUlarlv. Thn nonnla man- l.:J . ' . , - r-"!"" ".. owihc nuiu of a time-card service and the road bed iimue utile. It is a Samnl of Pnilfnarta liufH small capital, with more grit than money. President Carver haa certainly been a stayer to do as much as he has. Roseburg's laying. For Women's $3.50 and $4.00 Oxfords and Pumps, in Patent Kid, Patent Colt Vici ana uun Metal. ' Every pair new this season. All sizes and all widths. See big- Window Disolav .98c Pair for choice of over 300 pairs of Misses, Boys and Children's Oxfords, Pumps and Sandals worth up to $2.25, in Patent Kid, Tan, Vici and Gun Metal. All sizes tips io. xl very pair new tms season. 89c Pair-Bare Foot Sandals, the best' there is made. All sizes at 89c pair. 48c Pair for Babies and Chil dren's one-strap Sandals, siz es 2 to 6. umu! jna Kummage wiin the crowd, livery counter and tahle filler! wit-h: odd lots and broken assortments with the price marked in plain figures I ouus, jais, u.i esses arm nais are selling quick ana last. I Chambers & McGune Albany's Greatest Suit ard Cloak House A Little Hire Buj. Lebiinon E. A. ' As Jos. Smith oni) r. were going into Albany this forenoon, I aner aoing some worK on the Albany canal, they found smoke issuing from a InrfTA niln nf vail-nail tins the city, and upon investigating found mat Bomeor.e nad kindled a hro under the pile just a few moments before All the kindling had not yet burned, and if they had happened ulong just a little sooner they might have caught the "firebug." Maybe it was the work of some tramp who had been put off a train. Over on Nye Creek. Albany people having property at tne cay, at lease some 01 tnem, are getting it in the neck, pehaps more correctly, in the pocketbook, at Nye Creek; Newport. One man's outhouse was cleaned up and a bill of $33 pre sented and paid. All property owners are required to connect with the new water system and pay for water six months a year, though only there a month or two. Summer resort property comes high. vicKuii siaveo on unni sept. i. in i uen a stayer to do as much as he has stead it should have begun several years . and it is to be hoped the matter is fixed "SO. I upj for the road leads into a sni-Unn T.G.Carlisle, former secretary of Wortny of settlement. tl.O tanni.H.. .,J.- .1 I - uiroauij, uiiuaH cuuuiuuce IOr 106 1 presidency, ii lying on his death bed in I New York. . , , I ! Jasper Ernest Babbington and Ada The Loader: When the Citv Z&Ztf&X mfofeSbS zPo ald o license ana were married. I prescribed mutually agreed to 13 or borne races have been in progress at more blocks on their own account Oorvailis this week, nearly all running many wise men in their own estimation. matches. The Gazette-Times says kicked. ' there has been a good deal of beefing All the same the-work is being done and that two hundred present have en- Those who have been hay-makers and joyed the jowering, wnich is what they sending their hay abroad are now sell pay their money to hear, ingat home; those who have beef, veal, Charley Nickel, former editor of the iff3i chickens or eggs for sale, only Jacksonville Times, has completed his nave to come to Roseburg to find a sentence of imprisonment at McNeill's ready market. ... ' ibiuiiu ana is now at nome again. His '"f lvo mings prove tnese tacts: sentence was reduced several niontes by Rof eburg is becoming . a greater city, good behavior. . . and is treating her farmers with an A young woman taken to a certain open hand and lengthy purse. , $3.50 anj $4 00Oxford8 at' 1.98 pair Dreamland. "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" nd Golden uate cement, Olympic lime, THrr-tinn D,i-i. A .. . r " Arden piaster. Get prices before buyl , Section People s Amuseme nt Company, Portland, Ore. ys.aiii uwgw i ucMiay , rnaay and Sunday Prices Adults 10c, Children 5c. Matinees Daily 2:30 to 5. Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine .and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid me, Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones, Main 6 Bell, 3 Home, M. Senders & Co, ' (INCORPORATED,) , I THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, ' roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed DricK, garaen ana neia seeds, nay, grain, flour. M. Sendhrs & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Ti , SAVEDABY THE FLAG Thrilhng with interest. An exciting and absorbing story. R B. IVlayberry, Drayman Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving :a specialty. Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 inch wood. Office with Lion & Benton Real Es tate Co . 236 West 1st. Residence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phones. WILSON'S FIFE'S COUNTENANCE A novel comedy, bubbling with humor. tlAVL V0UK aiUttts CLEANED AND PRESSED THE CLEANER, CUMMING3 & GILBERT f.O W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 , , , THE RANCHMEN'S FEUD Another Western d r ma oyer fl o wi S witH heart interest, sparkling with Bright, clever situations. 1 wlln ' , THE HOUSE ON THE HILL 5naPPX story of atlnture:mmjreplete with mystery and ac . c . UNITED STATES LIFE SAVING DRILLS ' ...,a viguanL .uiu in-run; pan oimeii ot the Coast interesting series of drills. an exceedingly I TRAVELOGUES Marine Views MISS EDYTH E NEILSON Singing "All the I'r etty Girls in Town.' Palmer's l HE GilUiN Dairy RULE. Delivers m'lk and cream to any part oi the citv. Prices reasonable. Jersey cows with best of care. Both Phones. 536 E. First St., Albany, Oregon : HERE !T IS. i8N 5 he UonaGas Lamps v.ii,:apcr mm nny cttisr liht me criain and it lights instantly Home Phone. See Schoel I'uli Bros., Of'ice H"T V. h.uvy !,nd Paht hauling, pianuj a specialty. 0., LITTLE r money;;; . ';.;.; In your pockets is a good thing, but money in real estate is better. :. . ; You Are. Invited to Look Into These , Bargains. No Trouble to Show Property. 108. 100 acres, 50 acres in crop, 6 acre.? onion land, 10 acres pasture, and timber, orchard, apples, pears, berries, grapes, 9-room house, 3 barns, blacksmith outfit;- water power, feed mill, farm fully equipped with ma chinery. Price $5,250. Terms. 207. 54 acres 5 miles of Albany, all in crop except 7'acres timber and pas ture, 10 acres orchard, springs, also well at house, new barn, the finest building site in grove of trees, can see the heights in Albany and Corvallis. Price $5,400. Terms. 50. 87 acres 5 miles from Albany, all in crop and seeded, pasture, creek through place, windmill, water piped to house and barn, new buildings, family orchard. Garden, berries. $100 per acre. Terms. 61. 84 acres at R. R. station, 5 miles from Albany, all under cultiva tion, grain, garden, family orchard, windmill, good buildings. Price $9,000. I lerms. I I 83. 10 acres 2 miles from Albany, i new 7-room house and barn, 7 acres crop, 3-4 acre orchard, 3-4 acre bcr i ries, 3 acres pasture and timber. A fine home. $3,500. 97. 5 acres '2 mile from Albany, fair house of 5 rooms, loganberries, gooseberries, currants, not far from I the $50,000 high school building. Price ! $2,500. , Terms. j 44. 300 acre stock farm, 50 acres I grain, 50 acres saw timber, cruise. I 3,000,000 feet per acre, 2 good' orch ah -.. inn n ... springs on all parts of farm. Modern new 8-room house, water piped from spring, 2 good barns 36x40 and 35x45, 1 mile to school, 6 miles to good town. R. V. D., telephone anil milk route, 100 acres bottom land. 150 acres rolling, fine for orchard. Price $11, 000 Terms. 767 15 acres Vt miles from live town, fine river bottom land, good, barn and out buildings. 2ls acres in garden, balance pasture, eas ily cleared. Finest of soil for any thing. Price 2.600. Terms. 67. 94 ncrei. 7-room house. 40 acres nlow hind. 5 aere orchard. 20 :irr' i bcaverdam land, mile to school, 6 miles from live town. Price $40 per acre.' 115. 5 acres, all in bearing prunes, u-'v r,oi'..-e ;j;hi chicken house,- nil I -.villi rH-!-'.: t-iwI wire, 2 nhvaieinn in PnrllanH h ha. '1 I on the opemttag Tablelrom the anae ahe RSmmaSa0' thetie before the onerntinn ,. ?L,'"!Kurama8fl bale' f. j j .er r . . ... uuc auiiucu, auu huw mere is trouDie in the office of the physician, who tried to have the matter hushed up. A good many young girls in this world need chaperones all the time. Erwin vv ider, the man who robbed the New York bank,' of which he was cashier, of 600,000,.yesterday after a desperate hunt of about a week, -was captured in a restaurant, where he was quietly having a meal, only a short dis tance from the Dank hb robbed. , These ew lork detectives are imrneise fel lows on paper. Chambers & LECTRI THEATRE G THE EMPIR E TONIGHT. ; Pictures: 1. Macbeth (Pathe drama) 1. The Uttie Fiddler (Edison-drama) 8. The Family ..Feud Comedy) ' :AsH Effie (Vitagraph Illustrated Song: ",' : ' 4. Anywhere, by MissCrosno. Admission 10 cts. , ' , ' ' Children 6 cts. Complete change Sunday. Admission 10 cents. , The fighting Parson, a swell comedy. ' The Curse of (?nmhltntr. a vorv otrnnir i a, - j - - - 'drama.' i Song: When Love comes stealing into you Heart, sung by Miss Nickerson. , Change of program tomorrow.; REMOVAL SALE August 1st we will move to 337 First St., next door to Flood's Store and in order not to move so much cookery and chinawarc and tj avoid breakage we will for the next two weeks sell every"ntag't a bfe discount Both Phones Main 53 m 11 223 West.: 4 ALL... n numiiy, ur WM. BAIN. President. p. d, GILBERT. V. P H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK We issue drafts available in any part of the United States or : Europe. We also issue Travelers' Checks, which can be used in this country or abroad, and furnish the best means of carrying funds while traveling. We shall be glad to explain their safety and ' convenience to you at any time. 1 : Safety, deposit boxes for rent. C0PELAND AMD MARSHALL LIMBER C0V1PAMY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED House and Barn Eills a Specialty. Mill silllatcd tw0 miIcg of Butte, near Santiam hiver. A. tinward. Both nvU fr.:m Alirmy. Mc-I chick. phone black 225 ' pn - r -lion. Prir" Sim T.Tin. I ALl? ANY REAL ESTATE CO. Moving ( Si.uc li.m'i lusildi:.;,-, tj.stairs. Setter's Go the 1 5 lues. For 10- and I5c. t V:n.;o7