ft lift SPECIAL! LADIES GUN-METAL PUMPS. $3.50 value for $2.65. Very dainty, well made and certainly a splendid val ue at the price. Every Oxford in the Shoe Dept. has a July Clearing price. Supply your needs now. We Try to Please Our Custo iers. THAT is why we sell strictly high g. de unadulterated drugs. THAT is why our prices are so reasonable, and THAT is why we are careful and accurate in filling prescriptions. BURKHAFX& LEE. F. G. WILL has the latest in Jewelry, Cut Glass and hand Walter Parker Grocer and Baker 16 WEST FIRST 8T KUET,. AB AN Y OREGON, First class goods in their season. i Phone Main 56 - " WE DONT WANT TO SHOUT but some of the finest buildings in town are equipped with our plumbing work. We make a specialty of high class sanitary plumbing and will be glad to have you examine samples of our work. We have moved and are now at 118 West Second street. MEDIN & STUART. "IS LIFE WORTH SAVING?" Mrs. Mollie McRaney. Prentiss, Miss., writes that she had a severe case )f kidney and bladder trouble, ' and that four bottles of Foley's Kid ney Remedy cured her sound and well, j She closes her letter by saying: "I j heartily recommend Foley's Kidney , Remedy to any sufferer of kidney dis-1 ease. It saved my life-" Woodworth Drug Co. j HAY FEVER AND ASTHMA Bring discomfort and misery to many people, but Foley's Honey and Tar gives ease and comfort to the suf fering ones. It relieves the congestion in the head and throat and is 'soothing and healing. Xone genuine but Foley's Honey ami T-r in the yellow package. Woodworth Drug Co, i..'i.,iSiu.iaaJ July Clearing Prices on Rugs and Art. Squares Beautiful Patterns and Co brings in Wiltons, Brussels, Axrriinster and Ingrain Art Squares. Flowered and Ori ental designs. Several sizes, but most of these are 9x12 ft. Values to $45.00. One-f ourt h off . Small Rugs, 27x54 inches, $2.00 values. Special, $1.50. ' OUR JULY CLEARING SALE is proving a splendid success Bargains in every depart ment. White canvas Oxfords for Women, Misses and Chil dren at 25c pair. Ladies Suits and Silk Dresses, one-half price. Millinery, one-half price, Save money by buying! now. A Safe Store to Pin Faith to. painted goods. NOTICE. Application for the purchase of the road land in Linn County now owned by the Oregon and Western Coloniza tion Co. will now be received. Application blanks can be obtained at this office. Terms:-One fifth down, and the bal ance in five years. All lands sold in legal subdivisions, from forty acres to 320 acres or more, uwein beam Room 4 Stark Building. BRICK, A fine lot at our yard at this city, just burned. Phone Home 431. ALBANY BRICK CO THE BROADALBIN Boarding House First Class Board. Meals 25c Familv dinners a specialty. 229 Curl Block. J. G. Crawford's Photograph Gallery Is n the New Albany State Bank Build ng, second floor, with a complete quipment for picture taking ot all irds. SINGER SEWING MACHINES for rent Allkinds of machines repaired at Burns' Shoe Store. 9t MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. If you are going to the Coast or the Mountains, your outfit is not complete without a Sweater. You 11 enjoy them. A large variety of qualities and colors. Bathing Suits One and two-piece styles for men and boys. J. L. IRVIN DEALER IN Automobiles and Automobile Supplies 324 South Brosdalbin, Albany. Ore. , Bircks, Chalmers and Hudsons. Bell Phone Red 2531. S.C.RUNYAN, Carpenter and Builder. Makes a specialty of repairing and job work. Shop 1020 Elm street. Home phome 426. Electric Appliance Co. 422 W. First . Phones-Bell Black 2661, Home 411. Electrical Supplies and Fixtures. House and other wiring attended to promptly. Contracts, made. ALB IN? . SEAL ESTATE CO., W. M. Dresser, Proprietor. Room 14 Albany State Bank Building. Property lists wanted, property for sale. A Bpeciaity of the new' ALBANY HtlGHIS. See the plat. jersey dairy G. W. KUTHE, Prop. Fresh milk and cream. Our wagons cover the city twice daily. Phones: Bell Black 2371; Home Main 144 DR. VIRGINIA V LEWEAUX Osteopathic Physician 1-8 Brenner Block. Albany. Phones: Office Home 359, Bell black Z751,Residence394Home.black863 Bell Shingles. Made in Albany my No. 1 Edg Grain the BEST in the market. Various grades and prices from S1.25 upwards. Ejvery iiuncn urnnaea wun my name. Look tor it. Examine these shingles before buying elsewhere. E. A. THOMPSON. We use no dry kiln. FOR SALE. 45 aces on Santiam, 9 miles east of Albany, fine garden land, 3 acres in fruit. Call at Dem ocrat office. lbt J. W. BENTLEY. boot and shoemaker and repairer, does first class work at reasonable prices. Next door to GRAVEL FOR SALE.--Finest grade oi gravei irom me oar juBt over int steel bridge. Parties wishing to haul same, please call r-"d fret permit at once. OWEN REAM, Agent. 3t Room 4 Stark Bldg. WOOD. blao. easi ol ferr 2,; west of Kerry $2.25, cash on delivery. Pay the driver. A. W Docksteder Home phone black 17G, or Bell blaci 321. sot THIS MORNING! News from Albany's Six Trains. Early Dean Crowell went out to Linnhaven to take the place of a young man, re cently injured by an accident. The Company expects to plant three to five hundred acres to apples this fall. E. H. Rhoades went down to Jeffer son to look after his prune orchard. With prospects of prunes being about S cents the prune man this year will watch every corner for a good crop. Miss Lena M. Parrish and niece, of Portland, returned home after a visit with her sister, Mrs. Claud Vunk. Miss Parrish has the distinction of having been number two in the Oregon beauty contest several years ago, and is ako one of the best lady wing shots in Ore gon. C. G. Cowles went out to Lebanon. President Crooks returned from Brownsville. Geo. P. Brown, of North Albany, left on a Portland trip. sawyer . m. Newport, ot. Lieoanon, went to Salem. Ed. Horncran. a Corvallis lawver. ar rived. Miss Ida Stellmacher left on a Port land trip. Rev. Esson left for Salem. Rev. McDougal. returned from Leb anon and left for Portland. George Martin, left for Portland by way of the Oregon Electric from Salem. Yesterday he was up the Springfield roaa seeing tmngs. Seasonable Things. Some fine oil and gasoline stoves at the Albany Hardware Co's store. Some thing convenient, a Btrawberry huller. Get one. Theloiedu. A new steel r- with a cooking plate on top, a model modern . stove no blacking. Keeps clean. Just take a look at it. A Albany Ha (Jo a. Fresh salmon and other fish at Holt's Market. FOUND. An Elks storage card, with five punches Call upon E. B. David on, 739 E. First street. BALED HAY. Twenty tons, ready I for immediate delivery. Owen Beam. 26t Watermellons on ice served at our tables or delivered to any part of the city. Any Time. ELITE CHOCOLATE SHOP GRAIN SACKS AND TWINE FOR SALE. We will be prepared to take oats c storage. Barley, wheat and oats bought. - i M. SENDERS & CO. ALL TOGETHER After the regular meDting of the Commercial Club lust night there was a Get to-Gether meeting, asocial affau, with a large numher urosent. Ic was opened with a confab in charge of the committee, Mr. Van Winkle presiding. W.H. Marvin told why Ihey were there, Mr. Van Winkle what was coin to happen and then some more, VicePres ident Cusick spoke about the exhibit to be sent eaet with the Great Northern and a motion was carried that it was tne sense of the meeting that the county assist in getting it up. Judge Duncan told a storv and left the matter for the court itself, J. E. Hulburt reoresented the tender- feet and gave some boosts. Dr. Hill talked good naturedly and wittily about pickle factories and medicinal plants with some other suggestions, announc ing his intention of some day driving an arteBien well in Albany. Jas. H. Curran, of the tannery, represented the Irish but denied being an orator. D. U. Green, the new manager of the water and light plant, a very pleasant and capable gentleman Bpoke for the company along adjustment lines. Law yer p, Cj. Van Taasell, a resident 01 iihanJ ; ; IE. to be a good talker. He warned our people against too high prices for rents and property; but, bless you, that is something that every where takes care of itself, under the law of supply and demand, and no clubs or anything else can regulate it. G. W. McDowell, of tha 'Oregon Electric was present and told of the eaBtem exhibit. D.ck Churchill, the , caterer, set ,rnn.ihu .mi .nH the cigars, everybody circulated and Mr. Marvin gathered in the quarters. It was a good thing and no mistake. and next month there will be another. Letter List. -r rne following letters remain in tne Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for July 2i. 1910. Persons desiring any of letters, giving the date kiiuoo ron.uiB ouuuiu vuu aw auvvi ifinau Wm, Elder, Mra. Mary Jacob Gordon, Golda Lamar, W. G. McCully, F. M. Mecum, Earle Roberta, Frank Rowland, E.S.Snyder. J. S. Van Winklr, P. M. The Weather. Range of temperature 83-48. The river is 1 foof. Prediction: Fair tonight and Thurs day. r FOUND. A worn hand bag, with 18c, handkerchief and ribbon. No costs. FOR RENT. Furnished house at Nye flrnfik. finf.lv NitilRtarl. A Hl-ilpnrlirl opportunity for party who wiBhes a one week outing. $8.00 for the first week in AugUBt. Phone Home 287. t29 The', lateBt styles in eye glass mount ings. E. C. MEADE, Optometrist. 329 Second St. WAIT MEAD, WATCHES and FINE REPAIRING 329 Street, Between Perry & Broadalbin, When You See It in Our Ad vertisement You Know It Is True. It is not our policy to conduct a sale every month in the year, and quote prices that we can't deliver. The pub lic don't expect it. It is a well known fact that for 40 years this store has always sold at a modest profit, first class goods that we can guarantee, and at the smallest possible price. However, during this Semi-Annual Clearance Sale, the above guaranteed merchandise is yours, and our mod est profit thrown in. Remember the house of quality, and ihc store that never disappoints. THEBLAIN CLOTHING CO. MADEJ20,000. Big Profits in a Land Ceil. Ahout ten years ago Chas. Pfeiffer bought the old Luiher Elkins ranch and one hundred acres adjoining, making 742 acres in all, located 8 miles east of Lebanon on the Sweet Home road, for $5,500. Yesterday Mr. Pfeiffer sold the ranch to a gentleman from Minne sota for 130,000. Mr. Pfeiffer has made some good improvements on the farm, but figures them all in the place did not cost him 10.000. Thus netting over $20,000 The ranch is one of the finest for stock and grain raising in Linn county. ALBANY Holt again at the Holt corner. Get your strawberries at Holt's. A neat place, Holt's Meat Market. Hot tamalies at the Vienna Bakery Choice lunches at the Vienna Bakery. See the new lot of glass ware at the Variety Store, 313 W7 First. Don't forget to go to J. W. Bentley your Bhoe repairing, 829 west 2nd -c ' Dr. W. R. Shinn. physician and sur- geon. Calls answered day and night, Office, Klinn Block, Residence 119 E 7th ' street. Both phones. Prof. E. L. Wilson for violin, Mrs. p. M, Wilson for piano instructions. .Tnm nhnnoRrAin to !2- 2 tn 4 o'clock- lBt st rmet French's- For typewriting, short hand and no- tarial work, call upon R. 1'. Yates, FirBt National Bank BuilrMng, Albany. Home Phone 379. Big crowds at the Electric have been mystified by the mind reading of Effie, one of the best yet. At the Commercial Club laBt night some one exchanged hats witn J . A. Howard. Please report Threshers have begun running all OV6f the COUnlV intv in wheat, oats, barley and vetch. The cropB are large ones. A case up before Judge Duncan, as jtavenile judge is that of a boy and girl, step-children of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, of Second street; who are charged with having whipped them too severely. Argument was made yesterday in the I C. A. Smith timber case wherein the government seeks to have cancelled title to fifty claims in Linn and. Lane counties, now held by the Linn and Lane Timber Co., recently transferred as Bhown by the records published in the Democrat. FOR mm SPRAY MATERIAL Sole Distributor for the Hygeno A, the great Disinfectant Germi cide, Insecticide. also Gold Coin and Mandan Lice and Flv Killer MURPHY'S 235 East 2nd Street.