Albany Democrat. " Entered at the post office, Albany, Or, t second .tlaBB mail matter. F. P. Nutting. ii ii STOP KICKIN'. THE PEOPLE. A subscriber thinks this is worthy A correspondent in an Eastern pa place in the choice columns ot the per says: PERSONAL AT THE , Record final settlement in estate 'Or. J A. Lamberson, with patent. of Our Wants. FOR SALE. Two full blood Spitz puppies. Phone 1283. . .. t30 FOUND. A lodgo pin.'' Bee W. M. Dresser. ' ' FOR RENT. Front room. Inquire of ' F. E. Stevens, 635 E. 2nd. FOR SALE. Some good oat hay, loose in field, within one mile from A uany. J. V. Pipe, 203 West 2nd St. WANTED. Lady help for kitchen. Call at Home restaurant, zUz 2nd st. t20 .,, . . Democrat: Stop ycr kickin' 'bout the times, Get a hustle on you; Skirmish 'round and grab the dime? - Ef the dolars shun you. Croakin' never bought a dress, Growlin' isn't in it; Fix yer peepers on success, Then go in and win it. Times is gettin' good agin Try to help them all you kin. Tl.r. r,r.r,r,lr. In rut Tim rr-f what they want. They trade at a'. William Ritchie returned yesterday store because the proprietor tells them Irom tne Bay. , - he is selling to them cheaper than to I Father Seryais, of in the Theill contest is the S. J. Irwin i other less favored customers. They city, estate, has been in progress all day. j go to the church that gives them the Mrs. F E. Rotb. of Amity, went to This is a Sodaville, not a Scio, case, as greatest social recognition, irrcsnec- Eugene this afternoon. the Democrat gave it yesterday. The iTl! TDT HAITCC Notice by H. W. Miller attorney, of VAUKI llUUoCt' the tender of $400 each for 21 people for Southern Pacific land in 10, 11 121 and 2 East. and NOTICE TO FARMERS. tive of the virtues of Christ and other I N. D. Pratt and Geo. Boom went to wil1 left B" tne property, valued at Don't sit 'round with hangin lip, That is sure to floor you; Try to get a better grip On the work before you. Put some ginger in your words When you greet a neighbor, Throw your troubles to the birds, Git right down and labor, An' you'll notice everv dar Things is comin' right your way. ' that they work for. And they get 'em the fi&i -' ' all. It will be necessary for the peo ple themselves to reform before they members of the congregation.- They Portland today on the early train. vote lor the judge tnat will favor, Mrs. Melvln Baltimore left this after- tliiam n c nrfiinct r ri 1 1 1 1 r tnir nul Visn i. . lr i . .. ... j -a--; , "" noun ior lamnui county on a visit witn Labor Commissioner Huff has been in est litigants. commissioner whom they think can be 1 innuenceu to worn ineir ena oi me road. They vote for a school director that will appoint teachers favorable to their children. J. hey vote lor a police judge that allows them to disregard the law. They vote for representa tives that other employers tell them are most useful to the corporations FOR SALE. Part or all of garden tract of F. H. Hughson.Nfirth Stoy yer kickin', get a hold A banv. Well broke horse, sintrle cv . nf n,. hil nnrl t.,r ; double, suitable for women. ' t29. $,, ym nevcr handle gold FOR SALE.Farm of 20 acres, one Less-iyer try to earn it. and a half miles from Albauy. new 7 Brush the cobwebs from ycr eyes, room house and barn, running water Stop your durn rcpinin'. all year, give immediate possession An' you'll notice that yer skies with crop. Terms: half down and balance in easy payments. Inquire at 330 a. Main. tl FOR SALE. Gasoline woodsawing out fit, at a bargain if taken now. Guar anteed to do the work. Geo. F. Brown. Home phone 862 FOR SALE. A Champion relf-rake mower and a Deering binder. All in good shape, for Bale cheap. C. R. Widmer, R.D. 4. 2801 Home. 22t FOR RENT. -Office loomB, location, in the new Stark building, See Dr. A. star bdouc it. 8 ARB AGE.-Fred Rainwater, looks after garbage. Phone Home 2303. 4t FOR SALE. By the owner, one six room honse ana two lots, center of town, 322 East 4th St; also one good cook stove and several heating stoves. H. Barnes.; FREE WOOD. At the Albany saw mill. Get some. GARBAGE. If residence is west of Lyon street will pick up garbage for. 50c month. S. B Penny the garbage man. Home phone 2303. t4 FOR SPECIAL DELIVERY BOY. Call Roy Eastburn, at Eastburn's store. Both phones 58. FOR SALE. Two four room cot tages, at Nye Creek. See Chas. Burggraf. 19t FOR SALE. Fifty acres, bottom land, 3 miles from Albany. E. Yagelski, R. D. 3. 3326 Home phone. tl7 . FOR SALE. Farm of 45 acres, in quire of E. E. Parrish, R. D. 1. NO NAILS. Have your souls sewed on by Chas. Procnow's new machine. Saves stockings and socks. It FOR SALE Farm ot Ibo acres, also city property. Inquire of H. F. Mc Ilwain. FIRE INSURANCE - Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire at Opera House Bldg. FIRE INSURANCE.-O. F. R. A. ot M cMinnville. Oregon's greatest mu tual company. C. C. Bryant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. Alliis'll be shinin'. If you haint the nerve to try, Sneak away somcwhercs an' die. WANTED. Washing and ironing. Fine work a specialty. Prices reas onable. Mrs. M. Swarthout, Geary street, 2nd house from R. B. tl FOR RENT. -30 acre form near Alb any. Call at Democrat office. tlO splendid CATTLE FOR SALE. -Registered can reform the politicians. The prin cipal foundation back of the present Christian civilization is the idea ex- j pressed by commonly accepted adage, I "Honesty is the best policy." So long as our civic conscience is satis jfied with this, we are not much better ' than barbaric and semi-barbaric peo ple with whom our foreign mission aries find the argument of future pun ishment and reward so effective. the city today, one of Oregon's most competent officials. Mrs. N. H. vv heeler and Mrs. Georgia Hobbs went to Cottage Grove this af ternoon for a visit. The Misses Robinson, of Chicago., ar rived this noon on a viBit at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Geo. Taylor. Dr. Mary Marshall left last evening to attend the Osteopathic Convention at San Francisco and will return in about two weeks. $40.10, to Mrs. i. N. Morris, who had taken care of her father, and the con test is by Mrs. Hood, another daughter, of Philomath. J. F. Yates of Corvallis and J. K. Weatherford of ihis city, are attorneys for Mrs. Hood and h. H. Hewitt and S. M. Garland for Mrs, i Morris. The caBe was adjourned to the 29th for mure witnesses. Circuit Court: , Applications filed by Gale S. Hill attorney for registration of title. Judge Galloway today ordered title register in application of Cowitz. et al. Tomorrow morning decision will be ren Wynn Percy, of the grocery firm of dered in the Kroeschel near-beer case Graham, McClain and Percy, Portland, and Sullivan agt. King will be tried. was in the city for hiB firm, going south . this afternoon. Probate:- trV!LZ&l In estate of Otis Maxwell R. W. nf fl m?.. WfniW ? ?,ti J? e,l Jtm"" R- C Burkhart were ap- sl & III rn h! Panted administrators. Estimatedval- Salem, for immoral purposes. He was e 0f property $600. uequuieu Bl unco. , In - , , p,er ,, rfi The Sterling Bros, having retired from the management of our Ware houses at Tangent and Tallman we will operate the houses ourselves, as formerly, storing wheat, oats, etc. and purchasing the same when offered for sale. In closing up past years busi ness we find it has been very satis factory to us, and also, we think very satisfactory to every one who has done business with us. I We are now prepared to furnish I grain bags for storage purposes and ; we solicit your patronage, both stor age and exchange. We will continue to give you the same square deal in the future as we have in the past. J. E. Jenks will have charge of the Tangent house and Lester Jenks of the Tallman house, both of whom are well and favorably known to every ! farmer in the valley. Yours truly, ! ALBANY MILL & ELEVATOR Co., ; Albany, Ore. Water Work Aberdeen Angus. John Wills. Al bany, Or. . WASHING. Done at 128 W. street. Home phone 432. called for and delivered. FOR SALE: One good Bain wagon with good wood rack. One good hack. One set heavy work harness, mare and colt, a. HartsocK. Home pnone 38S6. to FRUIT TREES TRUE TO NAME. Budded on whole roots, are the only kind to plant. That's thp kind we sell. Call i otn phones or address vV. A . Ledbetter, salesman, Albany Nur series, Albany, Or. FOR SALE. 1 two seated single rig, springs. 1 three seated double rig. springs, covered, both in good repair, at a reasonable price. F. H. Hugh son, 1 mile from Albany, Benton county. 6t WOOL Carded and batted at Santiam Carding & Knitting Mills, Stayton. A. J. Caldwell, Prop. BUICK. Will answer all calls prompt ly. Terms are reasonable. Murray Marshall. Both phones. FOR RENT. Furnished housekeeping I rooms, aise room ana Doara. duo Water street. 17t I $100,000. To loan on f arm-lands, or on good city property, to procure a loan, or to make a loan, call upon J. U. Christy, Atty., at law. Rooms 12 and 13 over the First National Bank, zau w isc. street, AiDany ore. et GLASS. All hizcb and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than aywhere itlse in Albany. Skill Iv snt, if desired. GORDEN VIBRATORS We have just received a shiDment of Gorden - ... ... ' iu cbuho ui rewjr ruweil will HU- . ... ' 7 W. F. Garrett has bought the cement mitroHrr.nrr.hoto lofr Vibrators, ihis vibrator took first block machinery of the Willamette C. Powell and John W. Powell; 66 acres Prlze over a" vibrators at the Seattle Cement Co. and will herereafter attend to Rachel A. Peterson; $200 to S. E. Fa'r- Guaranteed for one year. Call to the manufacture of blocks. He has Buchner; 18 acres to Stephen Powell- at our store and get a booklet Price, some on hand for sale. , 86 acres to children of Tom Powell; ?5 $15.00. BURKHART & LEE. r raucis uai owav. Bon oi juare liaii- acres to ueo. roweii: & acres and sivh record as being unalterably opposed oway and Messrs. Parke. Rafferty and to Wm. P. C. South: all the rest to to the democratic party being made Ogden, of Portland, passed through this executors in trust, the tail-end of a brewers' procession, noon on a long hike from Roseburg to! a worthy stand on the part of any uo,u DBacn Da UP lne C08al- j Deeds recorded: man, whether he be democrat or reJ . The fuueral of Mrs. Neta Davis Will-, D. C. Ballineer to Numan Hislop publican. Mr. Bryan knows far bet- lamson, wno aiea in rortiana, was neld 1 158 acres 10 NOT THE TAIL END OF A BREWER'S PROCESSION. The Nebraska City Press: "Wil-" liam J. Bryan has placed himself on Get one of those hand tied hammoc ks $1.25 at the Variety Store, 313 W. 1st St. Use Johnson s Best. I Made in Albany. It is the Best ho Uer than his most bitter enemies that this afternoon at the home of L. Vierek, j Lebanon Realty Co. to Numan 5 .?hiy the stand he has taken is one of the Rev. Geselbracht preaching the sermon, Hislop4iots One set ' most unpopular moves a man in public wneu tue remains were laid to rest in H. Bryant to M. Stehlik 6 acres. . life ever made. It will soon be time for Mr. Bryan to laugh, even as at this present moment he has a perfect right to smile. The democratic party, in order to be saved from the rocks of party disruption, must cut loose from the domination of the liquor in terests. The big leaders know it, the press is talking it, and there are plen ty of signs in the air that eventually the city cemetery, in the family lot. C. H. Burggraf to J. Miss Elizabeth Carothers, a mission- 40 by 84 feet ary in Corea for six years, is on her way to uregon to spena ner vacation, after which she will return to Corea. Ai iss Carothers is a former Albany teacher, and will be here during her American trip. This evening the ladies of the First rresbytenan church are tendering a F. Traver 60 600 10 Wood Yard. w ood delivered to all parts of city on Bhort notice, uffice at residence 90S East 4th street. Both phones. J. D. Ellis. Bryan will have been proven correct reception to Dr. and Mrs. Geselbracht, in his statements. The da v has nassed 1 ri' home of Senator F. J. Miller. in his statements. The day has passed when any intelligent body of men can be herded like sheep and be marched to the polls and vote for a continua tion of a policy which has done so much to put politics in bad repute. Mr. Bryan has not lost any of his cunning; we do not know that he has espoused the temperance cause through any designing purpose we do know that he is right, and in this in stance, as In many others, right will finally prevail. WANTED. A man and woman to work on a small place. 'Call upon B.S. Ware, at the Elkins Place, Albany, or phone Home 7204. I HAVE cash buyers for close in city property. List your houses and lots with me, for quick sales. JA3. F. POWELL, 130 BroadalDin St. The occasion is in honor of the comple- tion or ur iieseioracnt s second year in Albany. The members of the con gregation and friends art cordially invited. Cn account of the absence of three members of the city council there will be session tonight. Mr. Marshall is up the Columbia, Mr. Shell at Cascadia and Mr. Curl in the east. The best fence posts in Albany at thi SAW MILL. . FOR SALE, Frash short horn cow, 3 years old, with calf. W. F. Craw ford, Shedd. Bell 8XX2. t2 FOB SALE. Some cement blocks. W. F. Garrett, foot of Broadalbin ssreet. ts FOUND, A watch fob, with the Bet ting out. At the Democrat office. Qlieiiu- Go Awar Tram Homo where you are not known, you may have m supplying yourself with funds, tiniest y TRAY&CRS'CHCQUCS ofiie AMERICAN BANKCRS' ASSOCIATION These cheques are equally useful for travel Amenca or Abroad. Unlike checks and they do not require personal identifies. bon, but identify the holder wherever he travels. Accepted at par everywhere. Not available to finder or thief, if lost or stolen. I rt n eynlf'T tt pvftem. J. W. Cusick & Co. rouble LT lei AaULLJ) The Hamilton Store Out Go AH Summer Goods to Make Room tor Fall Goods Which Are Beginning to Arrive Fine Linen Suit Clearance Regardless of Cost. The balance of the very finest display of New York wash dresses ever made by us is being offered at such re duced prices as will insure their entire clearance. The hundred and one smart touches and unique trimmings, as well as the snappy "tailored" look of the severely plain ones, gives an opportunity of the satisfying of every taste. The early date of the offer makes it worthy of consideration by prospective buyers. They are divided into two selling groups as follows: Lot. 1. Popular length coats and stylishly made skirt of Rip and plain imitation linen with notched and shawl collars plainly finished and with braid trimmings and smart button ideas. The colors, natural pink, light blue and white. Your choice from 75 at the special price each .' $2.95 Lot 2. This lot consists of many show prices. Single styles and models of a most exclusive character, includ ing some extreme novelties and some very smart applications of trimmings and finishing touches. There are 20 to choose from at the special price of each $5.75 Great variety of pretty Jabots , : 10c The lot consists of fine lawn in dainty pleated, plain and double Jabots, trimmed with Valenciennes and gui pure lace insertions and medallions. Price each 10c Women's Linen Handkerchiefs, 5c each. Pure linen handkerchiefs, price each 5c Torchon Laces and Insertions, 5c yard. Pretty and serviceable for the trimming of undergarments, etc a fact which greatly increases the value of this offer at such a low price. In widths from two to four inches, being broken lines from regular stock, worth many times this special price. Per yard ; 5c L. E.&H. J. Hamilton 317 First St. THE HAMILTON STORE AIban.v Oregon