Democrat Albany (St VOL 3SLV ALBANY. OREGON FRIDAY JULY in 1910 0 1910 Indians1 BaltimoreGu &Bicycle Works have just received a new 1910 model Indian. : The new Cradle sprint; forK, mechanical oiler and Ridig stand makes the Indian the machine of the hour. I The Indian has held 90 per cent of all records (or the last nine years i Call and receive demontrat;on. MUST BE ABOVE SUSPICION. Kidney and bladder ailments are so serious in their consequences, and if unchecked so often fatal that any rem edy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley Kidney Pills contain no harmful drugs, and have successfully stood a long and thorough test. Woodworm Drue Co. I SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Over $3,000 Worth of 1 ' i Muslin Under For these two days we I, the "Home Made" Brand, which is styled, trimmed and finished as you would make its fat home. The prices offered materials alone; It Chambers & McCune Albany's Greatest Suit and Cloak House Francis Bros, Up-to-date-Sanitary Plumbers Tinning & Heating SUCCESSOR TO W. E. FRANCIS. Prices are Right. ALBANY SUPPLY CO. Wholesale Dealers In fruits, vegetables, sugar, nuts, confectionary, wrapping paper, twine and paper bags. Cash paid for all kinds of poultry. We also have the agency for Pyramid ' And Golden Gate cement, ulvnwic lime. Arden plaster. Get prices befjre buy-' ing. Cash paid for eggs. Foot Ferry Street, Albany. Phones. Main 5 Bell, 8 Home. 1 M. Senders & Co, (INCORPORATED.) j THE BEST. Lime, plaster, cement, '. roofing, paper, fire brick, pressed brick, garden and field seeds, hay, grain, flour. . M. SEND3RS & Co. Both Phones 48. 435 West First St. R B. Ittayberry, Drayman Heavy and light hanling. Piano moving :a specialty,. Piano and organs boxed for shipping Piano boxes for sale. Wood for sale, cord wood or 16 ' inch wood. Office with Linn & Benton Real Es- tate Co., 236 West let. i Reuidence 713 Montgomery St. Both Phones. ttAVb Y0UK iLUlllbS CLEANED .AND PRESSED THE CLEANER, CUMMING3 & GILBERT 41:0 W 1st St. Bell Phone black 273 Home phone 196 Palmer's THE GOLDf N Dairy RULE. Delivers milk find cream to any part of the city. Prices reatonahie. Jersey cows with bpet of nre. Roth Phones. D. B. ADAMS, VACUUM CARPET SWEEPER , Agent for the ONWARD SLIDING SHOE. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF 10c SOAP Elder Flower, Glycerine, Tar, Lettuce, Castile, Witch Hazel, Butter milk, Oatmeal, Turkish Bath and Complexion Soap. Your choice at 10c a Box of 3 Bars Meiser & Meiser At Greatly Reduced will put on special sale our entire line of Under Muslin,! for Friday and Saturday are D r eamlan "THE SHOW OF QUALITY" Direction People's Amuseme nt Company, Portland, Ore. Program changes Tuesday , Friday and Sunday. Prices Adults 10c, Children 5c. Matinees Daily 2:30 to Si Night shows 7:30 to 10:30. PROGRAM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. A CENTRAL AMERICAN ROMANCE EDISON Produced with the assistance of the officers and sailors of the U. S. Battle ship "South Carolina." . A melodrama that will quicken the pulse of every American. 'Mi THE WAY OF THE RED MAN A Great Indian Drama. THE ELDER SISTER A Strong Dramatic Story. CHINA PAINTING Showing the Art of China Painting. THE UNLIMITED TRAIN Screaming Comedy. MISS EDYTHE NEILSON Singing the latest New York Success, "Leaving." DOOLEY'S GKOCERY 9TH AND LYON STREETS. A FEW SHORT WEEKS. ! Mr. J. S. Bartell, Edwardsvilie, 111., writes: "A few months ago my kid neys become congested. I had severe backache and pain across the kidneys and hips. Foley Kidney Pills prompt ly cured my backache and corrected the action of my kidneys. This was brought about after my using them for only a few short weeks and I can cheerfully recommend them." Wood worth Drug Co. . HERE IT IS. The Goria Gas Lamps Cheaper than any other lijtht. iJuli the chain and it lights instantly. H"rne Phono. See S-'CHOEL BROS. S.",6 E. Fi-t St.. A lhnv. 'r.wn. ' SHOES REPAIRED while you at Burns' Shoe Store. Next the Post I umce. . at i we Prices. less than the cost of the d. ALBANY TBiBSFER CO, Office with J. A. Howard. Both phones. Residence phone black 225 Home. Heavy and light hauling. Moving pianos a specialty. JAS. F. POWELL, Real Estate. Forty years residence in Albany, Or. Financial agent. Collections made for non-residents. 130 Broadalbin street, Albany. Bell phone Red 14Gi. "FOLEY'S KIDNEY PILLS HAVE CURED ME." The above is a quotation from a let ter written by H. M. Winkler, Evans villc, Ind. "I contracted a severe case of kidney trouble. My back gave out and pained nic. I seemed to have lost all strength and ambition; was both ered with dizzy spells, my head would swim and specks tloat before my eyes. T took Foley Kidney Pills regularly nivl am now perfectly well and feel like a new mnn. Foley Kidney Pills have cured .inc." Woodwortli Drug Co. Shingles and shakes at the SAW MILL. OS. WEST FOR GOVERNOR. I I i j Oswald West yesterday filed his .y y Iy .CSfeA j declaration to become a canidste for (tovernoron the democratic ticket. The following will be Dlaced nnnnmte his name on the official ballot: No interests to serve but the public interest I favor the initiative and referendum, direct primary, corrupt practice act and the recall He Bays: "The people must rule the corporations ur the corporation will rule the state. I believe that if God intended that the corporations and not the people should rule he would have created the corporations, first." West has been railroad commissioner for four yearB, filling tho office with marked ability. He is one of the most Eopular men in Oregon, absolutely relia la and is splendidly equipped for the important office. Not only that, he is the kind of a man who can be elected, against the gang who is try to down the direct primary and statement num- Der one. Lebanon " , The E. A. V. H. Kent has located in Albany and hns ItPPfnitfrl the nnaitinn nf nf He was in Lebanon on business a couple of days this week. H. E. Turpin and wife of Bend have been visiting relatives in this county for several days. They came over in their Buick auto, making the run from Bend hero in a day. Mr. Turpin says a machine .has never climbed Sand mountain ntftitie, but by wrapping his back tire witH a half inch rope he Jie lieves he can make it. Mr. Turpin "iil in the merchandised business at Bend and reports a fine business Vernita ArehaVt. the little daughter I ui mr. ana mrs, vv . a. Arenart, is more I fortunate than most other little trirls in one respect she has three living greats grandmothers. Ihev are Mrs. M. E. Nicholls and.. Mrs. J. Winner of Leba- jnon and Mrs. Geo. Arehart ot Junction, j The three greatgrandmothers, each of whom is past YU years ot age, naa their pictures taken together in this city Wednesday.;, Brownsville. Times: J. D. Tower, proprietor of the Browns ville Creamery, has sold a half interest in that institution to Charles Barkman, of Corvallis, and the firm name will hereafter be Tower & Barkman. Dan Fisher, the contractor, returned from Albany Saturday morning, where he had been on business which will re quire his presence in the Hub city near ly all the time fur months to come. He will have charge of the construction work on the new Armory building. Seth Raiscrick, purchasing agent for the Brownsville Woolen Mills is home from a wool buying trip through East ern Oregon that took him to Shaniko. iHeppner, Arlington and other wool I markets. During the trip he purchased ' 70,000 pounds of the best wool i astern Oregon produces. I Tht Ticket Completed. 1 The republican assembly completed . its work yesterday by naming F. A. Moore anu iieo. n. uurneu ior ine bix year term of the supreme court, and Wal.ace McCnmant and Thos. A. Mc Kride for tho four year term; F. J. Miller for railroad commissioner, at large; John H. Lewis, of Portland, for state engineer.; and O. P. Huff, of Port land, for labor co" missioner. W. Lair Thompson, of Lakeview, formerly of Albany was named for joint representative o'f Lake and Crook counties. L. E;Hean, o' Eugene, for joint senator of Lane and Linn counties. John Ri Lalo'urette, famous in foo: ball, was naintd ior joint representa-, tive of MultnurDah and Clackamus counties. GORDEN VIBKATORS We hav just received a shipment of Gorden Vibrators. This vibrator look tirs.t prize over all vibrators at flic Seattle Fair. Guaranteed for one year. Call ! at our store and get a booklet. Price. 1 $15.00. i!UI KHART & LEE. The bct fence fosts in Albany at 111. SAW .M ILL. ! MACHINE-. ! ry l.uint houfp , should hnvp a run ! crir.g machine. 1 hi v- s x wlifi' machines that will rnnli'-nt" cm''."iU'ivf' : nd n'ppnt fi r , S"5 SO each, while I hey last. We i'o printer. Railings, 123 Hioadi'Itiin, St.. AT THE COURT HOUSE. Deeds recorded: : Jas. Wood to Willoughby Church, ill 120 acres. Date Oct. 28, 1857. It was recorded in 1858 but erroneously $ 400 mary narrate to Mary Hamil ton 10 acres 400 Final hearing set in estate of S. Z. Taylor for Sept. 6. Mnrvintrn linanca. PliV...l T ........ Hanchect, aged 21, and Edith Anna uowitz, i, ot aweet Home. 1 . Albany and West Albanv have tho same number of registrations, 64, the most ot any precincts. At the Hotels. C. E, Hawkins, Toledo. C. B. Crosno, Toledo. Rev. HenryPeIletan, Scio. ' . H. G. White & wife, Detroit. . W. A. Hoover, Hoovet. W. E. Burdett, McMinnville. G. L. Guild, Independence. E. L. Taylor Medford. A. G. Hesse, Oakland. Agnes M. Bishop, Denver, Colo. W. E. Smith, Corvallis. J. A. Smith, Grams Pas?. .1 J. C. Griffith, Salem.. Constantino Sisters on their way Creel C. Hammond, Eugene. Geo. J. Currm, Htppner. : i :' At the Empire. A vitagraDh nicture of merit in tho Little Mother at the Empire, one with a pretty story and as well some good scenry. It is worth seeing. Another specially good one is the iwoving Pic ture Show, one showing how Moving pictures are taken, with a story inter woven and plenty of fun along with it. THE OREGONIANL In case of bad delivery or missing of paper tele phone Eagle's Cigar Store, week days before 8, Sundays before 10 o'clock. F G. WILL, ior Watches Entire change of program today. A Bachelor's Love, an immense imp umM,a, miQ-winter. spoils in tho Alps, showing some beautiful scenery; a Watchmaker's Hat. a roaring comedy, ' are the pictures. You shonld not miss ' feeing them. - MlHS Mifhavann uilll XT..U.. J.... .......... ..v.. Dlug AlUUUUJf a Little Girl. Change of program Satur day. ., r . L E"C T R I fl E:., THEATRE U REMOVAL SALE August 1st we will move to 337 First St., next door to Flood's Store, and in order not to move so much cookery and chinawarc, and to avoid breakage wc will for the next two weeks sell everything at a big discount. Both Phones Main 53 WM. BAIN. President. ivy m v j H. N. BOULEY, Cashier. ALBANY STATE BANK Wc issue drafts available in any part of the United States or ' "J Europe. We also issue Travelers' Checks, which can be used in i this country or abroad, and furnish "the best means of carrying funds while traveling. We shall be glad to explain their safety and '' convenience to you at any time. ' Safety deposit boxes for rent. v COPELAND AND MARSHALL LUMBER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED , LUMBER. House and Barn Bills a Specialty. Mill situated two miles east of Knox ' . Butte, near Santiam River. Stetter's Got': the Blue: '. For 10c .'and Mc, Sec i!r: Ea.-t VVi'idcw. , DOINGS OF THE WORLD. The Are bavond Detroit ia renorted to be well under contral. Jas. Calloway, of Brownsville, re cently reported to be in a critical con dition, is now much imnroved and is I able to sit up. ij. L. Stratton, of Millers, returned from Sandiego, Calif., where he has been several months, and where Mrs. Stratton died several days ago. More camnera than ever are renorted at Waterloo this year. The spring there is a very popular one, and many go there to get the benefit of it. Be sides the surroundings are very pleasant and the scenery cannot be beaten. in the Pacific Monthly: Diversified Baker county. Baker city population 10,000, surrounded by mines of gold, etc. Oregon is the place for me.shouts the Portiaud Commercial Club. Albany is the hub of the most fertile valley in the entire northwest, says the Linn and Benton Real Estate Co. Thirty pass enger trains daily. !..;... No Quarter From the Col. Editor E. Hofer annnounces that no quarter will be given to machine rule and assembly methods of dictating a state ticket to the people that, stands for all the organized predatory , inter ests of the state, and, that if put in power, will repeal the direct primary 'aw and restore the auction block spstem of selling the U, S. senator to the highest bidder. That's good, and this is all about the n-sembly that is trying to make people believe it has reunited the republican party and rejuvenated it. Grab your nose; y y Fishermen's Excursion. ! On Sunday, July 81st, the Newport excursion train will be operated from Hoover- The train will leave Albany Saturday at 2 o'clock, and return Sun day morning to Albany,;thence to New port, and return Sunday evening to Hooven, and back to Albany early Monday morning, arriving at Albany about 5 a. m. i This will enable nimrods to enjoy one day and two nights along the bauks of the Santiam. ., . r ' -, j Round trip tickets will be sold for ! this train as follows: To Detroit $2:20, To Hoover $2:30. THE EMPIRE TONIGHT. ."'' ' . . ' ' ' ,.-.;.!-! V Entire Change of Pictures and Songs. Admission 10 cents. m 223 West. ; Ablany, Or' P. D. GILBERT. V. P